Ellen Berends: Michigan woman who posted about her cousin dying after Johnson & Johnson injection in April, dead five months after Pfizer mRNA injections

September 29, 2021

Mrs. Ellen Berends.

BELLAIRE, MICHIGAN — This is the 250th article on The COVID Blog, which launched on January 7, 2021. Every article is very personal. Thus this blogger has every name of every victim etched in his memory. An anonymous source provided this news lead. The subject woman’s Facebook profile name instantly recalled a case we wrote about previously. Turns out the two victims are family.

Mrs. Ellen Berends, 49, received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on March 22, according to her Facebook page.

She expressed excitement and yearning for the injection one week prior. Several friends and others congratulated her and shared their “vaccination” status as well.

She immediately went on the defensive about her decision. The following day, Mrs. Berends posted a Banner Health propaganda chart, seemingly trying to reassure herself about her mRNA injection. She reported a sore arm that day, but continued justifying her decision with friends and family in the comments.

Mrs. Berends received her second Pfizer mRNA injection on April 12. She reported being “super body sore,” but also said it was “such a good feeling.”

Anne VanGeest and Mrs. Berends death

Mrs. Berends Facebook name is “Ellen Van Geest Berends.” It immediately reminded this blogger of Anne VanGeest, the 35-year-old who died 11 days after her Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection in April. Anne also happened to be from Michigan. The dots ultimately connected.

Mrs. Berends posted a GoFundMe link for Anne VanGeest on April 20, one day after Anne passed away. The caption reads, “my cousin was taken way too soon.”

She posted an MLive article on May 4 about Anne. The caption reads, “This is my cousin.” Mrs. Berends made clear that her whole family received mRNA injections and posited that only the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injections have the potential to cause severe adverse reactions.

Mrs. Berends reported “feeling sick” on September 7. She suffered a stuffy head, sneezing, shortness of breath, and fatigue. A “COVID-19 “test” came back negative.

She continued life as normal. Mrs. Berends reported on September 19 that she and her husband of 28 years were at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. She posted several photos with the update. That day or week was apparently their 28th wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Berends went for a hike at Grand Teton the next day, September 20. She suddenly collapsed while on the hiking trail. Some nurses and doctors happened to be hiking the same trail and administered CPR and other procedures to try and save her. National park emergency medical personnel showed up and also tried to revive her. But it was too late.

Mrs. Berends died two hours later. Her obituary says she “passed away suddenly.”

3 causes of near-term vaxx deaths

We first defined near-term vaxx deaths in April. Dr. Joshimar Henry was 27, fit and healthy when he died suddenly on April 3, three months after his second Pfizer mRNA injection. That’s also the article with the video of the good Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. She said everyone who receives the lethal injections will die within “42 days to a year” due to antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).

Our most recent definition of near-term death (since it is fluid) is any sudden, unexplained death up to six months after the injections. The “danger zone” commences around Week 9 or so, meaning the time frame vaxxed people should start worrying. That definition may expand further to one year or longer after the injections, particularly if the deaths are sudden, unexplained and in-line with the rest of them.

Mr. Jordan Hayes, 34, suddenly got sick and died on July 6, 14 weeks after his second Pfizer mRNA injection. We cited the good Dr. Charles Hoffe in the article. He believes all vaxxed people will die within two years due to blood clots forming in the capillaries, the tiniest blood vessels in the human body. He suggested all vaxxed people get D-Dimer tests and immediately get on protocols to mitigate blood clots if the results are unfavorable.

Cancer is the third way the mRNA injections kill. The good Dr. Judy Mikovits called the artificial spike proteins “cancer envelopes” waiting to be opened. There’s further evaluation of this phenomenon in the Willie Garson article.

RELATED: Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery (May 31, 2021)

Millions of Americans received their injections in March and April. Now we’re seeing many of those people get sick and die. Detroit ABC-affiliate WXYZ posted on Facebook on September 10. It asked people to report deaths of unvaccinated loved ones who died of COVID-19. Instead the station was flooded with accounts of post-injection deaths.

These injections destroy families in many ways. The VanGeest/Berends family knows first-hand. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Two in one family. This will be the norm. And these bastards are buying up funeral homes.

I don’t understand people thinking a shot should hurt afterwards. Most of us have had dental work or other minor things in which a shot was necessary but never had soreness from it afterwards.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vix

It’s a slippery slope. A sore arm with the first injection, “super sore body” with the second. But perfectly normal!

Then it’ll be like, “Just one seizure, no big deal.” Then they’ll graduate to “Well, it’s only a few blood clots and now I’m on subcu Lovenox. But it’s worth it, and I’d do it all over again!”

After that, they’ll move on to “Oh, it’s just a little tumor.” Or… “TWO strokes? I EAT strokes for breakfast!”

And hey, we’re already at the point where some of these weirdos say stupid junk like: “My double vaxxed mom died from covid, but just think how much she *would* have suffered had she not taken the vaccines!”

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

This comment… good grief, you NAILED it. This is exactly what we’ll see!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

True. Latest video of a woman with that attitude was pitiful. A runner, got myocarditis and leg clot that ended up in her lung. Could’ve killed her but she confidently refused to warn others of the dangers. I had a feeling she doesn’t realize her body is now permanently damaged.

Potty mouth
Potty mouth
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Already seeing this line of thinking personally in my own life. It is very worrisome.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Most people have a difficult time condemning their own decision-making, especially if there is a patriotic component involved.

2 years ago

I’m struck by the cheerleading rah-rah vax-adoration chatter in the posts amongst these shot believers…and the lack of any knowledge other than propagandic posters and clichés. Sad. So brainwashed not even a prior death can make them think twice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I thought that initially too, but you have to consider the timeline. On April 12th when Ellen was vaccinated, there was no death as yet. The cousin died one week later on April 19th. So, it may have been possible that the family and friends could have reconsidered after that point, but who knows?

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

First death I read about was February, a doctor died in January, but there were others in VAERS already. I recall Dr. Tenpenny mentioning around 150? How quickly that count had increased.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I meant for the family personally, the first person had not died from the vax yet. And really, if you did not read about #whereisTiffanyDover in December 2020, then you were late to the party. Rather spectacular and creepy aspects to the story, it should have set off major alarms immediately for anyone who looked into it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I did read about Tiffany. Some of us didn’t need for a friend to die. From the get-go the rush on these shots set off alarms in many smart people, particularly when the jabs were promoted as “safe & effective” with so little study. A little bit of research and any thinker worth their skeptical nature found out quickly the nature of the jabs, that they were EXPERIMENTAL or investigational as stated in the FDA’s EUA letters. Seems people thought of them as just another flu shot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

People’s eagerness on decline. Pfizer today asking for approval antiviral oral medication pills.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I’m just an escort, but it doesn’t mean I’m not intelligent. Childhood trauma has severely affected my mental health, but I’m not dumb! Anyway, I could tell early on that the pandemic was being overblown. I was also wary of the vaccine and now there’s evidence of the risks. I will not get vaccinated. COVID has reduced business travel, therefore reducing my business. I’ve joined the logistics industry. They will allow for testing and some warehouses will even provide the testing in lieu of vaccines. They cannot afford to lose workers especially with the shipment nightmare going on right now. Wages and sign on bonuses are high too. I also have a feeling that the severe worker shortage is partly due to people falling dead from the vaccine. It’s hard to really know how many have died.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

There were already few deaths during the trials in 2020 (circleofmamas did a nice summary of the FDA data) Causes : cardiac arrests, myocarditis, organ failures, or just found dead. They were all older folks (> 55) & was considered statistical insignificant. Since some in the same age group in the placebo group also died of some of the same causes.
Just like how they hid 3 cases of Bell’s palsy (control group) vs. 1 in the placebo group. But i find it quite disingenuous that they only followed the trial for like 3 months & argued that 3 cases is not above “naturally occurrng” (~2 or 3 per YEAR).

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

The study was such a sham – Karen Kingston’s whistleblower reveal, no more control group, etc. So many are so ignorant.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

And not a single hour’s worth of voluntary research on dangers…Big Daddy government and the Witch Doctors paid off by Big Pharma do all the thinking for them…

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Yep, thinking is too much work! I spent so many hours since last year researching, learning, keeping an open mind, resisting peer pressure, etc. I haven’t kept count, but I like to think I’ve saved at least a handful. Sadly, you just can’t help some people. Some seem to understand, and then get the juice because their MD told them to.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

And most pathetic ones even on death bed saying ” get vaccinated “

2 years ago

“There is no evidence the vaccine causes infertility.

The testing cycle of six months excluded the possibility of gathering such evidence so I suppose they can say they didn’t lie.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

the vaccine is a NWO de-population shot, nothing more. It is why it really isn’t working as a vaccine.

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

Latest from Israel suggests no vaccination function whatsoever.

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

It is not a Vaccine by definition…What these Lemming Kool Aide drinking Covidiot Cultists don’t understand is that previous Vaccines have taken 5-10 years of human trials and Peer Review…this Con Vid Jab has none of that…A Life Insurance policy will not pay out on this because it is an Experimental Jab…But the Covid Cult doesn’t want to hear about that…they are too busy calling us Conspiracy Theorists and Loving all of the Lies…all while a Conspiracy Theory is becoming a Conspiracy Fact…

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

It is so weird how these vaxxers celebrate and congratulate each other for getting the vaccine. It is also standard that they join in attacking with vile hatred those that do not want the vaccine. Sad she was brainwashed so much and now gone, too late to know Jesus, her decision has been made.

Last edited 2 years ago by john wilson
2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

What people need to understand is that this is all a Salvation Issue…the First Dose alone, changes the DNA, and makes them unrecognizable to the Creator…that is why the very First Dose is the Mark of the Beast…many Pastors taking their 30 pieces of Silver, in addition to others, are delivering Souls to Lucifer, and not to Yahshua…Why else would the government be giving away Free Donuts and Beer? They are using everything in the book to get as many jabbed as quickly as possible…Satan’s timelines have been disrupted, and they know they have a very narrow brief window of time to deliver the 666 Kill Jab, before enough people wake up to the agenda, and before the Messiah’s return to put an end to this Abomination…We are very close to that time…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Dude (or dudette),
You’re free to post whatever you want, but you really need to stop giving the enemies of the cross another occasion to blaspheme. There is NO injection under the sun, nor ever will be, that will make a person “unrecognizable to the Creator” as many people on various platforms are saying.

You are also wrong that this injection is the “mark of the beast.” I could explain why I know for sure it is NOT the mark, but space is limited here, but I’ll just say that you will not find a more anti-covid-injection than I am, but this idea that taking this injection will, itself, exclude people from the kingdom of God, is ludicrous. It is NOT a salvation issue, in and of itself.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Every comment board has people come in and post long analyses of their religious beliefs. I tend to scroll past the longer ones. Also, it is a waste of time to debate religious beliefs mixed with purportions like “salvation”.

While I can suspend judgement about something like “salvation” indefinitely and leave the topic open in my own mind, many people have to have an answer now–or else make their own answer up, which is unfortunate.

But obviously, the Creator will recognize everyone, whereas it would likely be more accurate to posit that the vax zombies may not recognize the Creator.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Ron. I’ve known 2 people now, one family and one friend. Both men changed pretty drastically. The one family member went from being ambivalent to telling me I want nothing to do with you. He’s completely devoid of empathy, like a sociopath.

The friend was always a good guy and still is. He’s very different. Not as nice or kind.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

I’ve read about many who exhibit severe mood changes, and we have personally experienced cognitive changes in some people we know. Just to be clear, we’re talking about people post-jab. These S-antigens and whatever else is in there, seems to be able to get everywhere in body, thanks to the all-benevolent nanotech.

Troy T
Troy T
2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

Yes it is very mind blowing, I can’t believe what I’m seeing

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

I find this very strange also.Never being involved with social media, is this normal? Do people celebrate such trivial parts of their lives with others? Can you imagine the applause when one gets a colonoscopy.

Anita Lenaii
Anita Lenaii
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Yes, it is very strange, I think it is the problem that those sorts of humans are very afraid to get to be left out, they want to belong to the masses. This is because they are very cruel themselves and therefore expect that cruelty from others even if they do NOT belong to the large group, hence these – in our eyes – strange posts on social media. They are sweet and nice to the outside and like to be popular but under their lamb mask is a snake

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Anita Lenaii

I find them to be more sheeplike than snakelike, wanting to be part of the herd, along with the sense of security they crave that supposedly comes with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Bombadillo

The two are not mutually exclusive, I’m learning. Anita’s explanation, that they are very cruel themselves and expect it from others, clears a few things up for me! They are sheep belonging to a herd that is mean in driving out dissent. They are MEAN in “shaming” a person for not wearing a mask, etc., and I really never realized until now that the meanness was there all along. But up until now, those sheep didn’t feel threatened by me. Now they do! Eye opener.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

The phonomenon you describe is actually quite common. It even has a name: Hypomania.

These banal social media creatures are people who tend to define themselves by others. They are largely just empty vessels, but by defining themselves by others, it gives them form.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

It may be the nanoparticles or propylene glycol( antifreeze)stainless steal or dead parasites in vaccines. Japanese scientists analyzed vials.
These are possibly ingredients to make these vaxxers transhumans.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Now this is clever. Could be a great way to point out the absurdity, to reply with our own medical procedures!

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

The ABC affiliate asked for stories on unvaxxed and got 39,000 responses of the exact opposite. I just want to know whether that was just in Michigan or did it include other areas. That number is staggering.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

Such a number brings to mind Jewish citizens disappearing in WW2 Germany. This time it’s citizens disappearing and most of the news media not investigating it and indeed covering it up massively.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred at the same time as the Spanish flu. Same thing as now. The Bolsheviks are Jews. The vaccine makers are Jews. The banksters are Jews, the media is run by Jews, the doctors are largely Jews, the judges are largely Jews. Why are no Jews screaming Nuremberg and filing lawsuits of the same?

The lies you have been told about covid are just like the rest of the lies you have been told your whole life.

My comments above would have me arrested in dozens of countries. The ONLY event you can’t question is the biggest Jewish LIE.

If the Germans were the bad guys and defeated why are we having the same problem?
Why have the Jews been expelled from over 100 countries? Why? – the present is why.

Know your enemy

renee wild
renee wild
2 years ago
Reply to  Vix

Great post….The silence is deafening though

2 years ago
Reply to  Vix

13 likes. Seems we know.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  george

Is anyone hearing a lot more sirens this year? Where I am it is about 5x normal since summer began.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Bombadillo

YES, and I am glad to see that I am not the only one, in all the reading I do of 100s of comments yours is the FIRST mention I’ve come across!! I live in a low-density high-rural and very scenic area, general population of combined metro area MAYBE 70,000.

I am hearing sirens MORE often now than I did when I lived in a population density where that same area would represent easily 700,000 people. I heard FEWER sirens in the city five years ago than I’m hearing here, now. In the old days, here when there was local news, you could usually find a little blurb about whatever it was that kicked off sirens you’d heard. But now there is NEVER any explanation in the “local” news, which is all owned by media giants.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

The same thing happened just a few days ago in NZ when Jacinda Ardern got on FB and invited people to post about loved ones who died from COVID. And just like the ABC affiliate, she got tens of thousands of replies describing nothing but vax damage. At last count there were over 32,000 replies to her post!

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

I believe the vaccine is exceptionally effective given that the gaol is to reduce the global population, according to Bill Gates, one of the planners.

2 years ago

I feel sorry for her cats….

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

I do too but I have had many cats and 4 now (adopted) and if any creature was made resourceful, adaptable and resilient, it’s crazy cats.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Yep. I like cats because I’ve never heard one say something stupid. Pigeons track me across town walking with a purple bag of cat food for a few feral cat friends. They know exactly what that purple bag means, and exactly where I am going.

renee wild
renee wild
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

what about the dogs ?

2 years ago
Reply to  renee wild

Well if the family loves a loved one they will take care of their dogs. The killshots have ripped away many a pet parent…another thing that didn’t need to happen if the untested jabs had never been pressured upon

the population.

2 years ago
Reply to  renee wild

They can get manipulated, just like vaxxers. You own dog, but cat owns you.

2 years ago

Questions that SHOULD be asked:

  1. What makes one think one jab is less deadlier than the others?
  2. If there are reported severe side effect from one of the jabs offered AND the government gave the green light for all jabs to be given to the public, wouldn’t it be logically to assert all the jabs are compromised?
  3. If one family member died from the jab, wouldn’t it be prudent to hold off on getting one myself?
  4. Fauci is a criminal who was responsible for the purposeful contamination of the Hep B vaccines in the 80’s to spread HIV to the gay community, maybe I should hold off?
  5. Biden is a decrepit old corrupt fool who is being controlled, maybe he can’t be trusted and I should do a little research on my own?

Nope, I’ll just go on SM, twitter, watch Netflix all day, virtue signal on my account, ignore my cousins death and do absolutely NO research whatsoever. RIP you fool (sorry but this is a whole new level of DUMB).

John Galt
John Galt
2 years ago

I think even more sternly of this dumbfuck.
Her utter stupidity and unforgivable laziness in studying the subject, makes her a criminal and a murderous complice. Good riddance, we can cure stupid with stupid. I actually hope we get rid of this people, more space, higher IQ left.

renee wild
renee wild
2 years ago
Reply to  John Galt

Very true ! I hope anyone who wants the jab deserves
the consequences….good riddance

2 years ago

it almost made me cry when i read about her cats probably sensing how fucked up she was and staying near her, and her husband. These damn stupid sheep are making people sad. i hate them. They love their evil obedience ; how can someone trust and respect the MSM and governments? Only people who collaborate with them, passively or actively. persons like Assange have been on government’s killing lists, he gave everything, and these sheep are okay with that. They don’t care.

These people don’t care : They don’t use their heart. But they talk about tolerance, and respect, and love.

2 years ago

Brian, Thank you for the work that you are doing with this type of reporting. What is chilling to me is to see all the pro vax at all costs comments on these people’s FB pages and then the person is dead. It’s like her death stands in direct contrast to all the FB propaganda posts and yet people just keep marching forward with the same narrative. In this case, two people in one family died. Very sad. For the most part, the general public continues to believe these vaccines are safe and effective.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Yes, thank you, Brian. Christine, I think you said it perfectly when you said “people just keep marching forward with the same narrative.” I was just researching a recent obituary of a 55-year-old man in my area who “died of COVID.” When I went to his Facebook page I saw several discussions throughout the days since he first became ill. Turns out his wife took the poison shot but he didn’t. And although they each came down with COVID, apparently she wasn’t as sick as he was and he ended up in the hospital. One thing led to another and he soon declined and ended up passing away, like so many.

The interesting (and creepy) thing is reading the comments of the brainwashed on his page. Talking about how the vaccine isn’t meant to last a full year, and booster shots are necessary, and trust the science, and on and on…. Before the man died, he was sitting there with an oxygen mask on his face, begging people to “go get vaccinated…this is not funny.” How many of his brainwashed friends will go out and get the poison shot because they saw (and heard) his condition, while his wife had apparently pulled through without too many issues?

My neighbor, who is a nurse, told me the other day that her practice is filled with vaccinated people coming down with COVID vs. unvaccinated. So this poor guy who died is an exception, but he very possibly caught COVID from his wife, which tells us that the vaccinated ARE getting the unvaccinated sick.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

He may have recovered without hospitalization, but once there, they obviously put him on the COVID treatment protocol and flat out murdered him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Bombadillo

My suspicion is that it’s the ventilators that ultimately take them out. They are basically making a victim’s lungs explode.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Yes, they put it on the highest setting assuming force will fix the O2 issue when oxygen starvation on the molecular level is the problem. But why?

These new ventilators they rushed to supply are automatically sterilized with graphene oxide.

Evil is so well planned isn’t it? They think of everything.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Another part likely missing from Margo’s scenario is the late use of Remdesivir which causes kidney failure and fluid retention resulting in going on the ventilator. Creepy factoid: Hospitals get re-embursed an extra 20% on the entire bill if Remdesivir is used.

Christine Hughes
Christine Hughes
2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

Margo, Thanks for your comment. What’s sad is this person’s death could have probably been prevented with early treatment. The question is ask is not whether the person has been vaccinated, but whether the person received early treatment with repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin. Of course, no one ever asks these questions. They’ll just blame it on the fact that he was unvaccinated.

2 years ago

This is really sad. I emailed the link to this blog to everyone on my email list. The walking dead are all around me.

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
2 years ago

Epitaph should read “She debunked the myths”.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

Christoper, ouch!

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

“Corona is not new… corona vaccines have been researched for a long time.” This is a very annoying talking point for me. Just shows the lack of logical reasoning skills. Time in research may help, that’s all. It hits a nerve because my MIL touted this when we were having a family discussion regarding the overlords and our employment situation. She also loves to bring up polio and small pox. That is the extent of her arguments. She had no answers whatsoever when we debunked/disproved her stances, and just sat blankly when listening to our laundry list of concerns. This is common. This is “covid brain”.

Sheri Larson
Sheri Larson
1 year ago

This is complete nonsense. Ellen was my sister in law. Her heart gave out while hiking in Colorado. Per the autopsy, she had a previous undetected heart attack. She gained quite a bit of weight during covid after moving up to Belaire, Mi. The vaccine had Nothing to do with her death.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sheri Larson

“The vaccine had Nothing to do with her death.” That’s the mantra of those who worship the system. Besides, they all have an incentive to be in denial, since they themselves are vaxxed.

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