Brazilian study finds that masks are useless unless the goal is higher COVID-19 deaths and infections
May 25, 2022

Protesters burn masks in Idaho, March 2021. PHOTO CREDIT: AM 740 KTRH.

SÃO PAULO — The Truth About Masks page on The COVID Blog™ has been the subject of much controversy since the site launched in January 2021. Several readers have emailed us saying Facebook and/or Twitter suspended their accounts after posting a link to the page. Others said they were fired from their jobs for refusing to wear masks despite showing their employers said page. It’s affected us internally as well.

PayPal banned COVID Legal USA and The COVID Blog™ from their platform on August 9, 2021. We knew why they did it – because we well the truth. But PayPal didn’t admit that until last month in arbitration documents. PayPal lawyers wrote that The COVID Blog™ “spreads disinformation about masks.” Thus the websites were banned.

The Truth About Masks page contains seven peer-reviewed studies, some dating back decades before so-called COVID-19, concluding that masks are useless or provide negligible protection in hospital settings and elsewhere. Our litigation with PayPal is ongoing. But we’ll see if rules of evidence prevail in an arbitration setting (not court) versus emotional, tribal vaxx zealotry among the corporation and the arbitrator.

Masks are just as important as the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections as it relates to The Great Reset. Granted the concept of “one class of people” forwarded by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto sounds noble on the very shallow surface. But Marxism essentially has the exact same goals of The Great Reset, The World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab.

RELATED: India: bank security guard charged with attempted murder after shooting a customer for not wearing a mask (July 3, 2021)


Both aim to abolish the nuclear family and private property ownership. Most importantly, Schwab and Marx yearn[ed] the abolition of individuality. It’s much easier to control a bunch of non-player characters (NPCs) as the kids today refer to the sheep, then it is to control a bunch of critical thinkers.

The ubiquitous “NPC” meme.

Masks not only make everyone look identical, but also eliminate social queues and facial expressions that are so vital to human communication. And after two years of wearing those ridiculous things, a lot of people have become psychologically and even physically dependent on masks. An AP-NORC survey last month found that 56% of Americans favor mask mandates on planes and other public transportation despite a federal judge striking down the CDC mask mandate last month. Another 20% said they’re indifferent about mask mandates.

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There’s plenty of established science concluding that masks do not protect anyone from germ transmission, including surgeons and patients in hospital settings. But a Brazilian researcher added yet another arrow to the quiver that sends mask zealots into meme-like frenzies.

“Positive correlation” between masks and COVID-19 deaths

Dr. Beny Spira is an associate professor of microbiology at the University of São Paulo. He crunched data related to mask usage, COVID case and COVID deaths from 35 European countries. The aim was to discover any and all relationships between masks, morbidity and mortality from October 2020 to March 2021. The results were published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science on April 19th, 2022.

There were no observed negative correlations between masks, COVID-19 infections and COVID-19 deaths. Put another way, more masks did not equal less COVID cases and deaths. Conversely, Dr. Spira found that “the correlation between mask usage and deaths was positive and significant.” He also concluded the following:

“…the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences.”

In other words, masks provide zero benefits, while increasing the risk of so-called COVID-19 infections and deaths. It’s the exact same risk-reward scenario with the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections – no benefits with a lot of risks.

Cureus allows registered users to post comments. As of publishing, three mask zealots have commented, attempting to discredit Dr. Spira’s work. But he eloquently shut down detractors with clear, concise rebuttals.

Read the full study here.

Local governments doing dirty work for Fauci, CDC

The Biden Administration filed a Notice of Appeal on April 20, seeking reversal of the Florida judge’s decision that struck down the CDC mask mandate. In the meantime, numerous school districts, city and state governments are maintaining and/or re-issuing mask mandates of their own. The School District of Philadelphia reinstated its mask mandate on Monday for in-person learning and bus rides. The district just ended the previous mandate on March 9. Chicago transit officials announced on the same day as the CDC ruling that masks would still be required on trains and buses.

The Cleveland Clinic published an article in September 2021 advising people on how to cope when they are the sole person wearing a mask in a particular setting. Psychologist Dawn Potter is the primary source in the article. She literally makes unmasking by mask zealots sound like drug addicts weaning off of meth, crack and/or heroin.

“Experiment with or ease yourself into taking it off in places where there aren’t many people. Keep it in your pocket. You can practice taking it off if you feel safe and are socially distanced. But if there are people around, just put it back on.”

Just like the lethal injections, no amount of facts, truth and science will convince mask zealots to take those silly things off their faces. We actually sold masks with The COVID Blog™ logo and name on them from February 1, 2021 until the end of March 2021. There was a market for them at that time.

RELATED: Maggie Williams: Oregon public schools change mask policy after track runner collapses due to lack of oxygen (May 6, 2021)


Many readers who were forced to wear masks for work bought them. Unfortunately some of them were fired once co-workers and supervisors typed in the URL. Perhaps those masks will be collector’s items in a few decades since only a limited number were ever made.

Masks are now a permanent fixture in U.S. society. Criminals can use masks to their advantages. There is now nothing usual about walking into a 7-11 or Circle K with a bandana covering three-quarters of your face, and sunglasses covering the rest. Masks could also come in handy when dudes don’t feel like shaving and women don’t feel like putting on makeup that day. But the bottom line is that masks protect you from absolutely nothing, except for potential harassment from baristas, cashiers, bus drivers, cops, etc. in hyper-liberal cities.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

Oh, man, you don’t want to get me started on stupid masks! Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, in my recent memory has made me boil with rage as I boil with rage about stupid idiot sheep wearing “masks,” or, as I prefer to call them, communist face diapers. And even worse are the mask Nazi’s who enforce the stupidity!

I’ll admit that when the so-called covid BS happened in March/April 2020, I wore a communist face diaper but ONLY when not wearing one would have cost me my job or the ability to buy food.

But I quickly realized that the mask wearing thing was far more evil and insidious than I initially realized. I have racked my brain trying to understand WHY so many people continue to wear masks, now, over two years into this scamdemic. I have concluded that most of my fellow human beings are idiots. Simple as that.

I even moved from a state where mask and vax zealotry was high, to a more “normal” state! That’s how strongly I hate masks, I had to physically uproot my life and move to get away from it.

But even in my new area, everytime I go shopping, etc., I see mask wearing sheep. I have to physically stop myself from confrontations with mask wearers. Fortunately, they are no longer the majority.

I could write a couple more pages about why I hate masks so much and why they are harmful to human beings, physically and mentally.

But that’s enough.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

I agree. It’s hard to keep my mouth shut when I pass the face-diapered. I’m sure I’ve been heard mumbling, “Why are you wearing that dirty thing?” more than once. The local hospital out-patient dept has everyone still wearing them: info desk, check-in–doesn’t matter where. I hate those things with a passion. They’re hot, stink, itch, and I can’t help but know that I’m breathing in a virus, bacteria, mold, fungus or parasite!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I’ve been known to mutter “stupid lemming”, particularly when I see someone walking alone down the sidewalk with a fresh gale blowing, wearing their precious mask. I still have to wear one to ride public transit, but it literally gets ripped off my face the second I step off the bus. Fresh air is healthier!

2 years ago
Reply to  Emjay

Same here. It’s off my face ASAP and I take a big breath once I’m outside the totalitarian territory. Coughing near a face-diapered person in the grocery is fun just to see them turn round with their scared eyes. I never thought I’d see the day when diapers came off the majority of people in stores and restaurants here in CA.

Debbie Johnson
Debbie Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

I’m right there with you on the mask anger.

A manager from one of the big blue stores told us the reason the store stopped the mask mandate for it’s employees was because they were all getting sick.

He told me that the employees would come in and would be so short of breath after about 2-3 hours of working on the floor; they’d have to go into the breakroom, put their head on the desk and rest. Sometimes an hour. Then they’d work another 2 hours and clock out. They were too fatigued and weak to work. IMO some of them were probably fatigued from vaccine damage or other variables.

All of the older employees quit at the beginning of the pandemic. Some got so sick they couldn’t come back to work OR they refused to get the vaccine and retired early.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

The mask has several meanings:
Admiting and exibitioning that you are one that is stupid, gave away your free will by just following orders and that you are a slave. Masks are also to humiliate you by making jou look ridiculous with you complying with that. The important thing for them is that you fail to see it and support waering it. You and me are considered animals. Cattle. Read the protocols of Zion. Mask are also meant to prevent maximal intake of o2 and to prevent maximal exhaling of co2 which is not a good thing. Not wearing a mask means you are a freedomfighter.

2 years ago

I made the mistake of greeting and talking with for less than a minute, a woman from my mother’s church. This woman put my mother down at church once, for not being vaccinated. I saw this woman while grocery shopping, and said hello and chatted bit.
Then I got a sore throat and sick and still have not shed the cough. I’D BET MONEY THAT WOMAN HAD GOTTEN BOOSTERED not long before I saw her. No more will I visit with known vax idiots. And I will soon order a nebulizer air pump. Already have two nebulizers. I could have put an end to that infection with a few five minute treatments over a few hours. High dose C and garlicin stopped it from turning into pneumonia, which it sure appeared to be trying to do. And that was without any organized high dose C schedule.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

Oh the masks. Hate hate those stupid things. I had to wear one for work which I did but I never wore the thing right. I figured out from the beginning when when fauci couldn’t make up his mind. When they finally lifted the mandate at work. I ripped it off my face, tore it up, stomped on it and threw it away in front of my boss. If I could have wiped my ass with it I sure would have. I also encountered more than one of these mask holes I call them trying to tell me to mask up. I just tell them no and stop living in fear. They get so mad they just drive off. And what is with those people who are driving by themselves with a mask on?? Do they ever take them off?? Yeah I hate those stupid things…

2 years ago

Ah, yes. The Covidians who wear masks while driving or walking alone. I actually think that many of them have grown emotionally dependent on hiding behind masks when out in public. It’s a mental illness, like agoraphobia. With cameras everywhere these days, many are hiding from being identified electronically. I know this because, after driving through Oregon, I received a camera speeding ticket in the mail. They actually included a photo of my face while driving my car!

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

They are signaling their own mental illness. View the covidiots wearing a mask as a public service to the rest of us. masker = mental issues/avoid them. I have written them off. I just can’t waste time on them anymore.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Yeah never thought about that. It does make sense with crime going up. One thing always affects another. The domino effect

2 years ago

Masks were never good for long term use. Of course, they still have their temporarily uses for example cleaning your room with heavy dust, temporarily protect you from dust, pollen, and allergens. It also prevents you from inhaling toxic fumes and gas at times and for medical surgery from surgeons. When you’re recovering and partially sick, you might have to wear a mask while outside or working while healthy people don’t need to.

But, Masks are very damaging to the mind and body. What hurts my head is that my job at the time required employees to wear N95 masks or wear those annoying safety glasses in a bussing job!!! I already knew the world had gone insane and immense fear when this scamdemic started back in March 2020. While the Elites laugh at the sheeple in their hidden lairs when this all started.

I don’t like that some humans (sheeples) still wear masks out in public places as well as being indoors. But, even before the scamdemic, China and Japan have the public wear masks as a fashion and prevent minor sickness in public.

Disposable Masks are also hazardous to wildlife since they already became litter and trash all around the public places even in parks! Now, the oceans, rivers, and lakes are filled with discarded masks which is bad for the environment due to the materials they are made in.

This current state of the world is severely terrible and horrific. I tried my best to warn my family and friends when I was young even before this “Pandemic.” I did that so many times to the point I just gave up. All I can do is inform like-minded people and stay aware.

Btw, I hate wearing masks too! I hate when I’ve to wear them in public spaces, in stores, supermarkets, and theme parks! They’re very annoying and were never meant for all day wearing! It’s not recommended to wear one when you’re exercising, working, indoors, jogging, and playing video games at all! Especially it’s not good to wear them when it is in summer or when it is really hot and humid!

Obviously, masks reduces oxygen when you wear one and you’ll be breathing in your own exhausted air which is bad for your health and mental state!

Even animals will never wear them if they were given a choice! Which is why I love animals more than humans!

Last edited 2 years ago by Zandur
2 years ago

The only problem that I have with masks is that the government has forced people to wear them.
Other than that, i have an unique perspective. My daughter was an intensive care nurse when the Delta cases began. She’s seen the fright….of the doctors who sort of buffered themselves with the nursing staff. She also saw the deaths…and not only from the old and obese, but also from the young. Since it was the beginning and real intel didn’t universally exist, she observed and passed info on to us:

COVID was real. Deaths were happening!

During this time, her own colleagues mocked her, because she always insisted on wearing the expensive and scarce FFP3 masks Frankly, I’m still shocked that nobody forbade her, but she was pretty adamant.
While I really do want to agree with everything on this blog…my daughter NEVER got sick at the beginning, and never has been sick from COVID. She dealt with and cared for COVID patients face to face. And guess what! About 95% of her co-workers fell ill .
And before you start throwing things at me, while she’s pro mask, she was smart enough and blessed enough NOT to have anything to do with the clot shot!

Folks, take care of yourselves. Weigh your information. Definitely continue reading this blog!
Protect yourselves the way you see fit! Nobody totally cares about your health or your life except you, and those who love you!
The government couldn’t care less!
And tributes have become tiresome and worthless.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

Ridiculous. “COVID was real.” What is that statement based on? PCR tests? Statements by corporate and political figures in the controlled media? Dancing nurse videos?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

I work in heatlhcare and have never gotten sick either. COVID was likely the flu. The flu has the same symptoms as covid. yes it seems they may have released a bioweapon on us but as a microbiologist, I tend to think it was the flu and then the jab. I may have had what they are calling covid in January of 20, before it hit the fan. I had symptoms that sound like covid. I recovered on my own using doxycycline and my usual high dose vitamin d. I knew nothing of covid then. Since the scamdemic became a thing I have never had covid and have always done covid testing. The thing is, the flu disappeared immediately when covid blew up. We stopped testing for the flu. To me, since the cabal owns everything, they switched the flu with covid. They killed people with ventilators and Remdesevir which is very toxic and deadly. In New York, the put seniors with so called covid, likely the flu, into the freezer before they were dead, that killed them. I never wore a mask except when required. only a surgical mask, never an N95 even for covid testing. I have never been jabbed. If you have, you are more susceptible to the flu that they are calling omicron, and if you have symptoms or are around coughing people, you should wear a mask. We can debate, whether their bioweapon was released here, but it’s the flu now. They’ve fixed the tests, it will flag positive for other coronaviruses and the flu the CDC has admitted this. Masks suck and I only wear them when required. I have never stayed home during this whole scamdemic. I have always gone to work, shopped, socialized etc Most of my jabbed coworkers have had Omicron aka the flu.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carol

Thanks for your reply, and your insight. Your comments about the flu and Covid are very interesting!

My daughter lost whatever it was. The youngest was 28.

I have to re-think the timeline. I live in Europe, and things may have played out differently here. One thing, for sure, the government used the situation in Italy as their personal horror film to scare the populace into accepting lockdowns and eventually the jab.

The Lord spared all of my family from the jab.

Stay strong, healthy, and safe!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

Where I work, the young did not get sick or die until they started jabbing. Then they get sick. Before the jab, they just came in with flu symptoms aka covid symptoms and may test positive, since they fixed the tests, but be sent home. They were scared, that’s all. After the jab, way more young people needed to be admitted when they “tested positive”. Now, we see an occasional positive test result but we appear to be treating mostly fake vaccine injuries. Deadly disabling vaccine injuries that is gaslighted as normal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

We’re not dissing face diapers used in a proper setting around sickness, properly fitted for use by pros; not saying something wasn’t going around making people ill. Saying: cheap diapers in public worn all day, and mandated, is just stupid and spreads diseases. If someone shows symptoms of respiratory illness they should stay home, maybe diaper-up in doctor’s office.

Kudos to people brave enough to work with contagions like your daughter. Hope they pay her well. It’s a crime that some people like her were forced into jab or job.

2 years ago

Manager at our bank branch was home sick for over a week with covid. And yes – she is fully vaccinated and boostered too. I think her second covid infection in last 6 months. She’s back to work today with her mask on. Good grief! The vaxx and booster didn’t work so what makes her think the mask will help!?. Covidiots.🤯

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

She was sick with a “virus” that has still never been isolated?

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

No asisto a mis reuniones religiosas porque se nos obliga a todos a llevar mascarilla a pesar de que ya no es obligatoria a excepción del transporte público, hospitales y farmacias.
Es frustrante intentar hacerles entender que no me pueden obligar a llevarla pero están convencidos de que ese trapo nos protegerá de ponernos enfermos, aunque les intente explicar lo perjudicial que es no sirve de nada hacerles entrar en razón.

2 years ago

Saddest thing is that no matter the rational logic or evidence against wearing masks, Covidians identify with my mother who said “I don’t care, I am going to do what I feel comfortable with”. She’s proudly boosted and masked up. I’ve accepted that, as long as they accept that I will no longer submit to tyrannical behavior from ANYONE, including an employer. They actually feel more comfortable suffocating themselves. Wow. Some people you will not save from death by ignorance and fear. I am a free taxpaying adult, military veteran, property & business owner that has done my part for society, now respect the mandated Constitutional rights that I have earned. This still the home of the brave, let the cowards submit. 😤

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