Australia update: flu comes back from the dead, two years in prison for non-vaccinated, while popular television personality, AFL trainer die “unexpectedly”
May 25, 2022 (updated 9:31 p.m. Pacific)

The good news about the Land Down Under is that Canada officially surpassed it earlier this year as the worst country for freedom and liberty since the so-called pandemic commenced. The bad news is that Aussies still face some of the most oppressive and punitive policies related to “COVID-19” in the world.

A new “quarantine camp” called the Port Augusta Regional COVID Accommodation Support Center opened in South Australia in February. It is essentially a 100-bed prison for Aboriginals who have been convinced that they must leave their homes if they test positive for so-called COVID-19.

The facility is for Aboriginals in the far north of the state, whereas the COVID Accommodation Support Centre in Ceduna will imprison Aboriginals on the southwest coast. Several Aboriginal leaders apparently support the facilities. But at least one from the Pika Wiya Aboriginal Health Corporation, told ABC News (Australia) that they were unaware of the new facility until a few days before it opened.

RELATED: Australia military forcibly injecting Aboriginals against their wills (November 24, 2021)


Meanwhile, South Australia Premiere (Governor) Peter Malinauskas is doing his best Gavin Newsom impression. Malinauskas, a die-hard vaxx zealot who just came into power on March 21, gave the impression that he did a good and noble thing on Monday when he rescinded the state’s Major Emergency Declaration. It had been in place since May 2020.

The move took power away from Police Commissioner Grant Stevens to impose lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates. Instead politicians, via the Public Health Act, will make the rules. The most egregious new rule calls for two years in prison and/or a $20,000 fine for any individual caught violating mask mandates, vaccine mandate and/or lockdown rules. Business faces up to a $75,000 fine for non-compliance.

RELATED: The greatest rebranding campaign of all-time is why the flu has all but disappeared in 2020-21 (April 13, 2021)


And in what can only be described as a miracle (el-oh-el), influenza has been resurrected from the dead after taking a two-year hiatus from Australia and the rest of the world. The Australia Department of Health reported 10,599 cases of the flu and “influenza-like illness” this year through May 8. That is compared to 240 cases of the flu at the same time last year. In response, Queensland is now offering free flu “vaccines” across the state. New South Wales will start offering free flu vaccines next week.

RELATED: Alyssa Kent: 40-year-old Australian woman has three brain surgeries, five seizures, stroke after first AstraZeneca shot, so will take Pfizer or Moderna for second shot (July 26, 2021)


All that said, it’s still better to be in Australia versus Canada. But Australia seems to lose celebrities and other “important” people at much higher rates than all other Western countries.

Television presenter Erin Jayne Plummer “dies suddenly” at 42

Mrs. Erin Jayne Plummer.

Mrs. Erin Jayne Plummer was the advertorial presenter on the Studio 10 morning show on Network 10. The position is what it sounds like. She essentially read and ad-libbed advertising copy for products the show pitched and promoted. Prior to that, Mrs. Plummer starred on the popular Network 10 morning show Aerobics Oz Style from 2000 until its final season in 2005. She was known simply as Erinjayne or Erin Jayne Gard back then.

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Studio 10 did a show in May 2016, reuniting seven of the eight regular Aerobics Oz Style cast members, including Erinjayne.

Judging from her Facebook page, she got married on or around July 12, 2011. Mrs. Plummer was also a gifted synchronized swimmer. She won 11 Australia national championships, and three world championships as a representative of Australia, according to Yahoo! News New Zealand. She was also a regular contributor on TVSN, an Australian version of the Home Shopping Network in the United States.

Studio 10 presenters Sarah Harris (on the left) and Angela Bishop announced on the Monday morning show that Mrs. Plummer “passed away suddenly” over the weekend in Sydney. Here is the segment.

RELATED: Georgia Clark: 27-year-old Australian reporter hospitalized with pericarditis 10 days after Pfizer injection, encourages others to still get the injections (August 12, 2021)


The Daily Mail insinuated that the cause of death was suicide. Of course that would make no sense to the general public. Mrs. Plummer is a seemly-happy, successful career woman with a husband and three daughters.

Family photo posted to Facebook in March 2018.

But when you read about Ms. Kailia Posey, all the NCAA athletes, and all the U.S. military personnel, it makes perfect sense. Researchers are continually identifying positive correlations between mRNA injections and personality changes/suicidal thoughts. There also appears to be victims who commit suicide once they notice something is irreversibly wrong with their post-injection bodies. Regardless, there is also speculation that Mrs. Plummer had a heart attack.

There is no definitive evidence showing Mrs. Plummer received the injections. But in Australia, it would have been damn-near impossible for her to work without being injected in 2021. There’s also a September 2021 report from The Australian. It found that 75% of Network 10 employees favored vaccine mandates. A GoFundMe campaign had already raised $24,000 in 48 hours for Mrs. Plummer’s husband and daughters.

Australia Football League (AFL) trainer Jason Januszke dead at 43 from heart attack

Mr. Jason Januszke was a gym owner in Adelaide. But he was best known as the personal trainer for some of the AFL’s biggest stars. Mr. Januszke was running on Mount Lofty, a daily activity for him, on Friday, May 20. He suffered a cardiac arrest and died on the trail.

Players from the Port Adelaide Football Club wore black armbands in their game to honor Mr. Januszke. Team captain Tom Jonas said Mr. Januszke was “more than a training partner, he was a great mate.” A GoFundMe campaign has already raised over $100,000 in four days.

There’s no definitive evidence showing Mr. Januszke received the injections. But the AFL issued a vaccine mandate for players and staff on October 21. Mr. Januszke is survived by his wife and two sons, ages 6 and 4.

Australia will never be the same

One thing this blogger used to love doing, before all this COVID crap, is travel the world in freighter boats. It’s an interesting way to see numerous countries. You cut deals with ship captains to tag along, after proving you can survive in solitude. They’d see this blogger’s #VanLife videos and instantly allow him aboard, unlike all the young kids who think freighter boats are cruise ships. Western Australia was a de-facto home for many months. Best seafood and sweetest women in the world. Unfortunately it’s unlikely this blogger will ever see Perth or travel by sea again.

If you believe the statistics, Australia is 84% double-vaxxed and 53% boosted. Australia’s land mass is only 27% smaller than the United States. And if you exclude Alaska, the two countries are about equal in size. But Australia had only 26 million people in 2020 (with 80% living in the southeast region of the country), compared to 329 million in the United States. If Australia loses half of its population by the end of 2024, the Continent will be practically deserted. Perhaps that is the goal of the powers-that-be.

The rebellious wing of Aussies did their best to fight lockdowns and mandates. But unlike Americans, they are not accustomed to police brutality, violence and malice like what was unleashed onto Aussies in 2021. That likely spooked many Aussies to the point of compliance. Just know that The COVID Blog™ is paying attention. We hope to be covering more anti-lockdown and anti-mandate protests in the near future.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Wow. Just sad to see the loss of young lives. Productive citizens and good family members. I used to want to visit and maybe live in Australia. But now – hell no. They make the USA almost seem normal and that’s saying something. I know I will never forgive or forget anyone who played a part in these horrible vaxxes and mandates. The crimes and evil committed. God help us all 🙏

J Far
J Far
2 years ago

Perhaps Australia will be a great place for young people to travel to again in the future, only this time to claim and work abandoned properties.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

the zio-nazi cabal intends for nothing to be like it was ever again. they’ve been planning all of this for generations while the masses were living to pay bills and getting distracted by everything the cabal put out to entrap our energies, from new inventions to make life easier, to sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, and food, entertainment, technology, etc, with each subsequent generation becoming more more dependent on the above, as well as disconnected to local and national politics- most just relied on the professionals in government to do right by us. the cabal aims to begin the one world government and transhumanism with klaus schwab’s great reset and 4th industrial revolution, which are currently upon us. if you haven’t seen it yet, the nuclear threat initiative did a tabletop exercise in march 2021 using monkey pox, just like event 201 for coronavirus in 2019. in their timeline monkey pox will be release in may 2022. it will have been bio-engineered by terrorists, and be resistant to vaccines. by december 2023, 270+million will be dead worldwide. their scenario envisions masks and lockdowns, with measures increasing with the threat, and governments making unified *no-regret* decisions- without the input of too many opinions from different entities (here in America, i’m ASSuming that means ignoring dissenting states and having a nationwide response). i wouldn’t be surprised if that involves camps and gun confiscation at some point, too. so once the who pandemic treaty goes through, that lunatic tedros would have the say to declare how the participating countries react. how many people realize what this means? or that it’s even a thing? will we have un *peacekeeping* troops coming out of our manholes at some point? not even kidding, since the military made a big deal out of underground and urban training the past few years. with transhumanism, it’s going to become “us and them”- with those who’ve had the shots and survive really turning against us. except for those who will never be conscious of reality this lifetime, most people will have no choice but to wake up at some point; so far things have been increasingly-absurd, but eventually it’s going to get so ugly they won’t be able to keep lying to themselves. this planet will look completely different within the next few years.

now more than ever, DO NOT CONSENT! DO NOT COMPLY!

2 years ago

spot on 100%

victor vanniel
2 years ago

Exactly my sentiments! Last night, 10 pm ABC news June1st 2022 : Mark mc Cowen, Premier of WA, announced no more mandates for Jabs. Will it be reinstated for the monkey virus? He definitely does not like anti vaxxers.

2 years ago

Australians have always been complacent. They’ve never had to fight hard (except against the flies) for anything. Thoroughly comfortable and unconditioned, the majority lacks the freedom instinct. To this day the ABC is running articles lamenting that we are no longer in lockdown….and the bedwetters that constitute the general public agree enthusiastically in the comments section. Those who resist are an extreme minority here.

Black Picard
2 years ago
Reply to  Darlene

Canadians, too, appear to put up with too much government shyt by looking at the Trudeau clown show. Totally SHOCKED that my beloved Canada is no more but a vassal slave state of US/British “meddling” over the past 5 decades or so. Hence I got the fcuk outta Dodge & headed East.

At least Americans have their 2nd Amendment escape hatch when they finally get the balls to say “No!!” to tyranny.

2 years ago

Qld state health minister did a press conference a few weeks ago where she stated ambulance callouts for heart attacks this year, was up 40% but she doesnt know why. We do

2 years ago

Everyone I know except for my immediate family took the jab(s). I know of 2 (Brother – in – Law & close friend) who were in cancer remission, now have serious life threatening cancer again – within 3 months of being jabbed. Others have heart issues and immunity related diseases. The hospitals in Victoria (where the jabs started first) are overflowing with ill people and ambulances cannot keep up. The Bullshitters maintain it’s COVID when in fact it’s the result of the vaccines – mainly cardiac and immune related dysfunctions. NSW is fast catching up.
Australia is facing a disaster of monumental proportions – once the immune systems are gone, opportunistic diseases will proliferate. I’m already seeing the start of this in some people I know.
The press completely ignore the issue and crow on endlessly about new COVID variants which is utter bullshit.
The people in this country – at least 90+% of them will never wake up. If they are told tomorrow to secure plastic bags over their heads, they will mostly all comply.
Looks like we are going to be a very empty Continent – I’d say by 2025, which is exactly the timetable the Powers that Be planned.

Average Joe
Average Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

I empathize with you mate. We Canadians are in a similar situation to our cousins down under.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see the Chinese wedge their way into our lands when our peoples and defences are most vulnerable.

The Times they are indeed a changin’.

Michael Sean
Michael Sean
2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Nearly everyone I know took the vaccine as well, except they all seem fine. I didn’t take it due to the fact that I didn’t understand why I would be vaccinated for something I would easily get over, even at 51 years of age. In December last year I finally caught Covid and was ill for around 4 hours , then felt completely fine. I’m baffled why so many healthy and young people went right ahead and got jabbed for something that was not a danger to them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Sean

Because the govrnment/media terrorized them with a non existent deadly
virus, everyone has to stop calling “it” covid its the same old flu

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Sean

I am a Pole and I live in Ireland. My friend who took two Pfizer jabs has huge problems with his blood pressure. He believes in this sick system and Gates is a hero for him. Sometimes he has problems with breathing. It’s a new thing for him.
I can’t tell him about the cause of his problem.
A few days ago he told me that a friend of his daughter woke up blind. His family is in shock.
My brother in Poland is also sick. It’s hard to talk to him on the phone. He coughs a lot, he is after his first booster. His wife will take it soon. Their son is double vaccinated.
They are sick people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Sean

That’s true Michael, there are people I know (not closely) who seem fine after taking the jab. It seems to leave some people relatively unaffected. I believe this is due to poor storage practices for the “vaccine” which is unstable. I have read that if it is not properly cooled and treated prior to injection, it becomes relatively benign. That probably explains why it is not causing as widespread problems as would be expected – in this country, rural doctors wouldn’t know whether their collective arses were on fire, so they have unwittingly saved quite a few lives it seems.
In this country, the lying grubs in the MSM only report “sudden and unexpected” deaths of celebrities, of which there are a growing number – so one wonders how many of us ordinary Jack and Jills are succumbing to this horror without a murmur from the gutter press.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Sean

With all do respect how do you know you had Covid? Did you take the ridiculously innnacurate PCR test?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Don’t mess with people’s covid-envy. Thanks. Just say “WAOW you survived the pandemic, you beat covid” and make sure not to YAAWWNNN…

2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

I find it quite hysterical per MSM that ivermectin is laughed at as horse de-wormer, yet they act like using the PCR test on chickens is perfectly fine. They try to baffle us w/ BS on the daily.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Sean

Import message is although that is great your people are ok that is not the overall experience. “I am ok” attitude is not science. How did you know it was covid in 4 hours?

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

I listen to a scanner online and mainly the ambulance. I’m hearing heaps of chest pain and shortness of breath cases, in people from young children to elderly. It’s not normal to be hearing of kids under 10 with “a racing heart”. Plenty of people just passed out and non-responsive too. This is real.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

There’s a theory that cancer is a part of your body’s detox process. Check out the book “Cancer is not a Disease” by Andreas Moritz.

2 years ago

Sadly, sometimes I wonder if it is Karma…

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Very likely.

2 years ago

A GoFundMe campaign had already raised $24,000 in 48 hours for Mrs. Plummer’s husband and daughters.

Don’t understand it. Was this tv personality a poor woman? Did she and her family live in poverty??? What’s the reason of this campaign?

2 years ago
Reply to  walirlan

Yeah. I don’t get it too. It seems like every Tom, Dick, and Harriet has a GFM page set up for funeral expenses these days, and people are more than willing to oblige.

2 years ago

Mistake number one… Australians gave up their firearms. Now they are at the mercy of a tyrannical government. They also have endless lock downs and covid concentration camps. All over a virus that is no worse than a cold.

2 years ago
Reply to  Expat

Exactly.. Americans will never give up their guns. This is the government our fore fathers warned us about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

It’s odd how you Americans are always big mouthing about Australians (and others) – but I don’t see the great gun owning American public doing anything to protect your rights which are being diminished at the same rapid rate as ours and everyone else’s. As the saying goes: Put up or shut up.

victor vanniel
2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

At what time does one start shooting? The military will always outgun civilians. Start with the cabal, that would save a lot of slaughter.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

I live in Tennessee, and my rights are not really being infringed. Doctors by law can prescribe ivermectin and ICQ. I can’t police the entire country, so if the whole west coast and Demonrat cities want to go crazy, not much I can or will do but avoid going there.

11 months ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I think that’s the benefit of the USA, the States still have a lot of independence, and individual pride. They will stand up for their rights and band together with other States if necessary.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

No cops coming to our doorsteps over a FB post, no cops throwing us or our kids to the ground over not wearing a mask, no cops stopping us at checkpoints for our papez…those are some of the distinctions that should be easy to notice. Let them keep wondering what we might do if these things occur….

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Timing is everything. Don’t worry, millions of Americans are ready. Many of them ex-military, with plenty of training. When the Second American Revolution happens, it will be a spontaneous event. Like the Irish Rebellion of the 1920’s, when every Black and Tan knew that he had a bullseye on his forehead, and every constabulary was in danger of burning to the ground. Better to have ten million armies of one, than one army of ten million.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

But… of the free, home of the brave sorta shit! By the time they get the courage they continually say they have, they will be far too late to do anything. They just whistle in the dark to scare away the monsters that are injecting people with junk.

2 years ago
Reply to  Expat

All over the cold, flu, and vacx injuries rebranded as a non-existent virus. Fixed it for you.

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