BREAKING: The COVID Blog and COVID Legal USA banned from Paypal

by Brian A. Wilkins
August 9, 2021 (updated August 10, 2021)

UPDATE August 12, 2021 – We are preemptively discontinuing the use of Venmo as well, since it is owned by Paypal.


LAS VEGAS — I guess it was only a matter of time. Mailchimp kicked us off that platform in March. Now the powers-that-be are trying to squeeze us via their censorship campaigns.

Veracity Objectives, LLC., the umbrella company for COVID Legal USA and The COVID Blog, received the following message from Paypal just over an hour ago.

We know exactly what we do/did wrong; we tell the truth. Our website has grown exponentially in just eight months of existence. This is not going to stop us. It will slow us down for a day or two. But it won’t stop us.

Of course there are problems now that our funds are frozen inside Paypal for 180 days. The good news is that this was anticipated and expected, so the balance is/was relatively low. However, those funds were still part of our operating budget. The COVID Blog newsletter and new content scheduled for tomorrow will be delayed by a day or two.

I’m searching for a new merchant account/payment gateway. I’m also in the process of removing all references to Paypal from the websites, which will take time. Please be patient as all the issues are worked through so we can keep bringing truth to light.

In the meantime, please donate in other ways.

CashApp: $thecovidblog

Zelle email: [email protected]

Bitcoin QR Code:

You may also (and preferably) send checks or money orders payable to:

Veracity Objectives, LLC.
2800 University Avenue #420-296
West Des Moines, IA 50266

Thank you all again for your support and patience during these times of mass censorship.

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2 years ago

This PayPal organization has proven time and again it only wants to support entities that contribute to the general sleaze factor that is bringing this country down. You’ll be better off without them in the long run as long as the truth is told and no compromises are made. I’ve weaned myself away from them.After all, all they are is a lazy way to put things on your credit card without punching in all the numbers. They need us more than we need them. These people doing the censoring, like PayPal, Facebook. and YouTube only convince me even more that this entire COVID pandemic is one big scam, and I didn’t need much convincing to begin with.

2 years ago

i have just sent you a check, not much.
there’re many alternatives payments methods now. who needs paypal or gofundme!

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

they control the banks. They can even pressure you at this level saddly

2 years ago
Reply to  yvan

you’re right. Recently i heard WF just closed one activist’s account without advanced notice.

At least one of my banks is a state bank (non-Fed). it’s a little less political. But i want to open another account at a credit union.

None Yun
None Yun
2 years ago

They are turning up the heat for something big! They took down 153news temporarily and Dr Mercola is pulling down a plethora of health articles. It’s what they did just before the Covid shutdown March, Friday the 13th! I’m betting something big will be staged in the next couple weeks!

2 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

I agree…. Shit, Dr. Mercola said specifically the one person controlling this planet that’s Over the cabal threatened him…. I believe I know who that person is and it’s gonna shock people when the rest find out soon… but yeah I believe as you do something catastrophic is coming … I believe it will have something to do with the money system collapsing on purpose….

DK Fynn
2 years ago

I wondered about this, and would like to share a tip with others:

If other truth-telling sites allow you to make donations, and they have a variety of options (such as Paypal), I ideally wouldn’t use the Paypal option (though I haven’t always done this).

I say that because who’s to say that Paypal doesn’t freeze the accounts of donors?

DK Fynn
2 years ago
Reply to  John

Thanks for the heads’ up.

2 years ago

Try Dan bongino has been involved with this payment processor and developing an alternative economy.

2 years ago
Reply to  admin

Just take debit/credit cards!

2 years ago


2 years ago

A result of Schwab and his WEF mRNA-vaxxer-jihad mafia.Search for “Global Coalition for Digital Safety”. This intel/big tech censorship project aims to purge their crimes against humanity from the internet. However paypal was never a save haven for publishers of truth – example Julian Assange.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rufus

(((Klaus Schwab))) (((Bill Gates))) (((Fauci))) (((Albert Bourla))) (((Tal Zaks))) (((Rochelle Walensky)))
See the videos by Brother Nathanael. He speaks a great deal about the covid vaccine, its dangers, and the (((international clique))) who are behind it.

2 years ago

Please consider setting up a SubscribeStar account as well.

2 years ago

What will it take for the folks with blinders on to realize our own Government teamed up with big tech to censor like China does…… This is not R vs. D

2 years ago

Be careful, Venmo is owned by PP. So make sure to keep your balances low in that account as well…

2 years ago

Bunch of bellends.

Stay strong, brother. There are other ways to recieve donations (as you are already aware).

I say on behalf of the intelligent that we need this site.

2 years ago

Stay positive and keep up the good fight ladies and gentlemen. I will be donating via venmo soon. Before they take that away from us too, of course.

2 years ago

How about Subscribestar?

Tracy Kolenchuk
2 years ago

Viruses are the leading causes of anecdotal horror stories that make the news. Vaccines are the leading cause of anecdotal injuries that are not newsworthy..

2 years ago

all my heart is with you! sending you my energy from france. Also sent you a bit of cash 2 weeks ago hope you could withdrew it. If anything, you can still upload this blog on TOR network where censorship canno’t exist.
Stay strong

2 years ago

Wow. If only someone was able to freeze all of paypals accounts so they could see firsthand how awful it is to do that to people !

2 years ago

Not crazy about that bitcoin QR code….hopefully you’ll accept credit/debit cards. But I’ll send a check.

2 years ago

PayPal’s behavior towards this blog isn’t surprising to me one bit… For years PayPal has suppressed transactions that are anti cabal for sometime… For instance those of us who coordinate shroom/ ayahuasca ceremonies were unable to use PayPal in the past 3-4 years since they claim the funds were going to the use of illegal substances 🤔 yet each are used in clinical trials on record smh… Anyway the cabal has known that a lot of humanity has been awaking since the shift to Aquarius back in 2012…. They’ve desperately tried to cease anything showing people not only the truth of their nefarious deeds but also seeing past the veil spiritually of this nightmare planet…. I commend and pray you best Admin for hanging in the fight to share this truth on these injections…

Last edited 2 years ago by loveisallweneed
2 years ago

You should encourage people to use BillPay with your suggestion to donate via check.

It is very easy for most people to use their bank’s BillPay feature to have a physical check sent. You just have to add a recipient, enter the amount, and the bank/credit union sends the check automatically and for free. It’s really no more trouble than using something like PayPal. It can be set up as a one time payment, or recurring.

On a side note, because credit unions are distinctly regulated differently than banks, if everyone switched to a CU and ditched their bank account, we would literally have a revolution overnight. The big banks would be deprived of the enormous post-S&L-fraud influence they wield. The power would return to the people. Not hyperbole.

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
2 years ago

I had heard PayPal was banning the accounts of conservative voices and I made a mental note to cancel my PayPal account because I don’t agree with what they are doing, but I routinely put it off or just forgot about it — until, The Covid Blog was cancelled. That really angered me and moments ago, I cancelled my PayPal account, but not before I sent them a message to tell them exactly why I was cancelling.

The Covid Blog is one of the first websites that I followed early January 2021 where I learned important self-protections through the stories of others — to avoid the shot at all costs. I’ve sent The Covid Blog stories to friends throughout this year and also shared them with my husband. That PayPal thinks it’s a good idea to ban this website is absurd.

My next step is to donate to The Covid Blog. Thank you for all of your hard work in bringing information to us to help us make our own decisions in this surreal time.

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