January 17, 2022
At this point, only loyal vaxx zealots are buying into the COVID-19 narrative. Granted the aforementioned group is the majority of Americans. But with each passing week, another layer is peeled away, revealing more of what’s at the core of this entire charade.
The California Department of Public Health issued a new directive (“All Facilities Letter”) for healthcare workers on January 8. It allows COVID-positive, asymptomatic healthcare workers to “return to work immediately without isolation and without testing.”
The directive, in effect through February 1, was issued to address critical shortages of healthcare workers across the state. Said shortages were caused by California healthcare facilities firing thousands of non-vaccinated staff. Now hospitals are putting patients at direct risk of contracting so-called COVID-19. In other words a COVID-19 positive nurse may enter a hospital full of sick patients, but a COVID-19 positive husband and wife cannot eat at a Los Angeles restaurant.
Meanwhile Nike began firing non-vaccinated employees on Saturday. Columbia Sportswear will do the same on February 1. But their mandate only applies to corporate employees, not warehouse and retail workers. That is a blatant violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. But someone will have to take the claims to court to hold anyone accountable.
RELATED: U.S. Supreme Court stays enforcement of Biden vaccine mandate for employers with 100-plus workers, but allows vaccine mandate for healthcare workers (January 13, 2022)
Citigroup fired non-vaccinated workers on January 14. Fired workers were required to sign agreements not to file lawsuits if they wanted to receive their year-end bonuses. Apple now has a booster mandate for all employees by February 15. And Washington D.C. implemented vaccine passports on January 15. You must “show your papers” to enter pretty much any and all indoor venues in the city.
The COVID agenda is working in a very important way for the powers-that-be. Small businesses accounted for 64% of all new jobs annually, and were 99.7% of U.S. employer firms prior to COVID-19. Now Americans must work at corporations since millions of small business shuttered permanently since March 2020. Most corporations require the lethal injections even without Biden’s mandate.
Klaus and company, however, are getting desperate to keep the fear and obedience going strong. And their latest propaganda narratives display just how desperate they are.
Wearing masks makes men more attractive to women
That is the conclusion from a study by Cardiff University (Wales) researchers. It was published in the open-access journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications last week. Dr. Michael Lewis, the lead researcher, said that men’s faces covered with the blue disposable masks were rated “significantly more attractive” than men without masks at all.
The study asked 43 Cardiff University female students to rank a series of male faces on a scale on 1 to 7. All of the men took photos in the following poses.
The blue masked men were ranked the highest in attractiveness, followed by the cloth masks, the book and then the full face. Dr. Lewis said the results are due to “evolutionary psychology.” The study also said that women are attracted to doctors in white coats. Thus the masks may play a similar role.
Mainstream media had a field day with the study. SkyNews wrote that men who previously rejected wearing masks may change their minds after this study. The Guardian wrote that people being more attractive in masks is the one positive to come out of the so-called pandemic. No mainstream media outlet mentioned that the study involved only 43 college-aged women. Cardiff said it will do a follow-up study with men rating women’s masked faces.
Increased autoimmune disorders caused by Western diets
All one must do is search Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), Shawn Skelton Syndrome, or just the word autoimmune on this website to see this phenomenon. Further, dozens of young Canadians in New Brunswick are suffering from a mysterious neurological disorder causing “hallucinations, difficulty thinking, and limited mobility.”
RELATED: Jasmine Comeau: 17-year-old Canadian girl loses use of her left leg and foot four days after second Pfizer mRNA injection (October 23, 2021)
The mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are causing the global increase in autoimmune disorders. But that truth is at odds with the “safe and effective” slogan by big pharma. So they’re blaming McDonald’s instead.
Professor Carola Vinuesa is a former immunology professor at Australian National University. She and Dr. James Lee commenced an initiative at Francis Crick Institute (London) to figure out why autoimmune disorders have risen by upwards of 9% globally in 2021 alone. The duo, whom The Guardian referred to as experts, came up with this reason for all the autoimmune disorders last year.
“Fast-food diets lack certain important ingredients, such as fiber, and evidence suggests this alteration affects a person’s microbiome. These changes in our microbiomes are then triggering autoimmune diseases. If you don’t have a certain genetic susceptibility, you won’t necessarily get an autoimmune disease, no matter how many Big Macs you eat. There is not a lot we can do to halt the global spread of fast-food franchises. So instead, we are trying to understand the fundamental genetic mechanisms that underpin autoimmune diseases and make some people susceptible but others not.”
Dr. Lee said there are no cures for autoimmune disorders. That means patients will need “regular injections for the rest of their lives” or surgery for any relief whatsoever, he said.
Increased cardiac issues, heart attacks caused by “post-pandemic stress disorder”
Mainstream media are still doing an adequate job deflecting and hiding all the post-injection myocarditis, heart attacks and other cardiac issues happening every hour, every day across the globe. But it’s getting increasingly more difficult.
The November 16 abstract by the American Heart Association found that cardiac issues dramatically increase after mRNA injections. Said study was censored by big tech and dismissed by mainstream media. Now research by British scientists is saying the same thing. A December 25 study found that myocarditis risks continually double after each mRNA injection. In other words, the more shots you get, the more likely you’re going to have heart problems.
We covered several stories of young, healthy soccer (“football”) players collapsing and dying on the pitch through 2021. The website Good Sciencing now estimates the number to be 449 cases of cardiac issues, with 263 deaths among young athletes globally since “vaccines” became available. Not to mention all the children dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” in 2021.
RELATED: Jacob Clynick: 13-year-old Michigan boy develops myocarditis, dead three days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot (June 21, 2021)
Mainstream media were forced to quickly create a new word, a new disease to deflect from the truth and take back control of the narrative.
Two British doctors told The Evening Standard that 300,000 Brits are suffering from cardiac issues due to “post-pandemic stress disorder,” or PPSD. Mark Rayner, a psychological therapist and CEO of EASE Wellbeing CIC, said PPSD is “a very real problem” that affects heart health. Dr. Tahir Hussin, of Northwick Park Hospital, told the paper that the increase in thrombotic-related vascular issues he’s seeing in young patients is due to PPSD.
Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City doesn’t use the term PPSD. But it also blames post-injection heart issues on depression and anxiety caused by the so-called pandemic. Of course Reuters published a “fact check” article, saying that PPSD is not caused by the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.
Truth among the propaganda
Anthony Fauci turned 81 on Christmas Eve. He’s held his cushy government job in relative anonymity for nearly 40 years. That is until 2020. Since then, he’s been a celebrity heartthrob for liberals, young and old. An interesting and somewhat funny study by Hungarian scientists explains Fauci idolatry.
The November study, published in the journal BMC Psychology, concluded that “there is a direct association between celebrity worship and poorer performance on cognitive tests that cannot be accounted for by demographic and socioeconomic factors.” But researchers cautioned that the poor cognitive performance could either be the cause or the effect of the idolatry. Thus further research is necessary. Read the full study here.
Anybody still buying into the COVID-19 agenda has either already received the injections, and is going down with the ship; or they are simply listening to what some politician, celebrity or Pfizer-owned doctor tells them. The propaganda is completely ridiculous at this point. That tells us a lot about the state of humanity, in that the propaganda is still working to a degree.
U.S. corporations, the left coast, and the New England states are really ramping up COVID dystopia policies since the New Year. Expect more news like this on a weekly basis. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
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The Branch Covidians and their employers, their states et al need to continue to take every vaccine and boosters that come their way. Make it quick and end it so the rest of us can go on with our lives. I am done with it. Got no more sympathy.
Whenever I see people in masks it looks like livestock with a feed bag strapped to their faces. But I suppose jackasses need feed bags
They are dumb jackasses at that.
Anyone who has seen “Cult of the Medics” knows that face masking originated to mark and humiliate slaves.
Some things never change except this time, the mask wearers are proud participants.
Go figure.
I would say more like a wimp A–.
The Cardiff researchers gave me a good laugh today! Thanks! You researchers are all alike, just alter the data to fit the narrative of those that pay you, spin it hard and long. I see men in masks as wimps and wussies. Then again, I’ve been a woman who has had to be the “man” of the house for years now and would’ve liked some men in my life to step up and fight for me — at least help me fight — but, uh, that’s not happening and this covid cr** has really separated the men from the boys, and the faithful from the faithless in the churches.
Cheap man in blue face diaper is better?–HILARIOUS!
“I see men in masks as wimps and wussies.”
And eunuchs.
I’m wondering if we all come from the same generation. I would love to know what younger women think. My 31 year old son never wears a mask and he has actually been told he’s selfish and narcissistic. I told him he doesn’t need that kind of negativity in his life.
The people who are narcissistic are the ones calling your son this label. Projection all over the place now – anyone trying to force their will on others and toxic shame them into submission to manipulate their actions is narcissistic – that’s the ones who called him (what they are)- “selfish and narcissistic.”
Wow. Guess I’m going to have to get used to being a 31-year-old virgin then! There’s definitely no shame in it being in the times we live in. Ah, Those “lucky masked devils”. Lol
Yeah, man, it’s not you, and you’re not alone.
You’re right there with 29 year old nephew. 6’4″, handsome, built like an athlete with a deep faith in his religion, saving himself for ‘The One Whom God Sends’, who asked me, ‘What am I doing wrong?’. I said, ‘Nothing, I think someone is protecting you from what’s out there. I told him that it wasn’t even a party when I was his age, that this degeneracy was already in high gear.
I mentioned that the only thing worse than no relationship, is a bad relationship – and most women these days seem more interested in BEING men, and COMPETING with me, than with being a woman. To compound the problem, 80% of the women out there feel that they DESERVE a Brad Pitt or Chris Hemsworth – mainly wanting the status and assets of a 1 in a billion guy.
. . . even the short fat ones with purple hair think that.
To compound the problem, with the hookup culture, is that most have been run through in the triple figures by the time they meet the wall, passed around by the same 10% of alpha guys – with the gals hoping to get lucky and get their hooks in. It’s a shitshow out there as you well know, and it wasn’t great when I was young, but somehow, it’s gotten even worse.
At the end of the day, remember the old adage, ‘Never stick your d##k in crazy’. There’s a lot of crazy out there these days, A LOT – pair bonding has been all but ruined . . . by design. But, hold on and stay strong, the ride’s not over yet.
Oh you think only women sleep around and they are “run through” and hit a wall. More sexist comments. So when men sleep around I guess it’s acceptable. Hypocrite.
That’s correct, society sees them as sluts.
You sound so bitter! “Women want Brad Pitt.” Lol! I think Brad Pitt is ugly. I married a native American. Do you think we are all shallow and stupid just for being born women???
Don’t take it seriously. This (“survey”) is not public opinion, just published opinion, to try to help to further the narrative.
Exactly. The propaganda is blatantly obvious and ‘in your face’- annoyingly so to red-pilled and based people like myself. They see us all as imbeciles.
Jeremy, my son is EXACTLY the same as you. 31 year old virgin and is sticking to the promise he made as a teen. Stay strong! Women don’t know it, but they want men like you and you guys are few and far between.
I suppose I have the same fears in reverse. My daughter is like an alien in society. Still underage and most of her friends are….not moral. She loves Jesus and wants to wait for the right person….but it really does seem impossible. That’s when I remember nothing is impossible with God. But God is never in a rush. It’s almost like He is very concerned with teaching us patience and endurance…and is there any reason He shouldn’t be this way? We live in an instant gratification society and as His children it’s important we don’t conform to that. I’ve found the longer the wait, the bigger the fireworks show when the wait is over.
I’m reminding of that statement…can’t remember exact wording, but the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. This very much applies to my life and very long healing journey involving a silent ware inside my own body – Yehwah’s Holy Temple-with hidden/but known while fighting as they invade my head daily-enemies within – infestation of live and many weaponized/bio-engineered/GMO parasites that do not die easy and require unrelenting endurance, faith/hope/trust in Yehwah/God that what I pray – for destruction and removal of all abominations in my body he did not plant/purification-and patience – the hardest part.
Very good to see that there are still many men and many women who are preserved, with principles and family, as well as me, the world is still not lost because of people with principles, but unfortunately with each passing day it is decreasing, but races to God we are firm!
SkyNews, LOL. Just take a gander at the Bitchute new videos feed for any length of time and you don’t even have to read the source to tell it’s a SkyNews piece. Just look at the titles – massive outliers. Even the National Enquirer or Tokyo Rose would come-off as more credible. Oh to have access to all the communication in/out of that place – if a fly could talk.
This about the masks is true. My roommate since 1978 thinks I now look more handsome in a mask. She prefer either the Jason mask or the one she made me that looks similar to a klan hood, with just holes for the eyes. I’m a player again!
“Wearing masks makes men more attractive to women”
Hey, after all there might be hope for me at the end of the tunnel. To be on the safe side, I am going to wear 2 masks, that way girls won’t hate me too much.
I predict that the results of “Dr. Michael Lewis'” next “research project” will show that the likelihood of getting laid goes up exponentially based on the amount of masks one wears, and that the injections currently being promoted increase arousal due to naturally occuring pheromones contained in the safe and effective mixture.
They’ve already used the “Covid causes erectile dysfunction” propaganda. No joke. They’re one step ahead of you.
I don’t believe this for a second. The second I see a guy masked up, he loses all appeal. Granted, I’m a 56 year old woman, and I prefer men to look, act, and even smell like real men but both of my daughters will tell you the same thing.
“I prefer men to look, act, and even smell like real men”
Then Al Bundy is your guy (he scored 4 touchdowns in 1 game at Polk High school). He doesn’t like french pastry, he doesn’t like the french.
No matter how physically beautiful a woman may be, as soon as I see her don the mask INSTANT turnoff and I have no interest in chatting / flirting.
And they’re pushing childhood heart attacks as normal now
“Men wearing masks are more attractive to women.” Good joke! Any decent woman who’s not a sheep will never find obedient unquestioning cowards to be attractive!
I tend to find girls who wear a mask to be a big turn off and very uninteresting up front. Chances are, engaging in a conversation with them, they will feel like if they are trying to emulate a character from their favorite TV show, while emptiness is springing from their eyes like a fountain from a pool.
I sound harsh, I know. Don’t hate me too much.
I’m a man, single, I’d rather be single than dating, a woman who was attracted to me because of a mask