Oscar De La Hoya: former boxing champion latest “fully-vaccinated” athlete to miss events, blame COVID-19 for being hospitalized

September 8, 2021

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya.

LOS ANGELES — It’s been a while since we’ve updated everyone on all the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistical manipulation tctics to ensure their COVID and “vaccine” narratives resonate with the obsequious public. Here is a brief recap of the most important and powerful factors that keep the disinformation machines well-oiled.

The CDC has been using the PCR method like Play-Doh since March 2020 – they mold it and shape it to fit their agenda. In January, the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that the more PCR cycle thresholds used, the less reliable the test is. This article from January 26 talks of three important PCR points:

  • PCR is not a test for infections and was never meant to be a test, according to its inventor and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Kary Mullis.
  • The United States and United Kingdom used 40-45 amplification cycles for PCR tests in 2020.
  • Fauci admitted that after 36 cycles, all positive tests are just dead nucleotides, essentially admitting that nearly all COVID-19 diagnoses in 2020 were false positives.

But now “vaccines” are in the picture, so more statistical manipulation is necessary. The CDC released new guidance for COVID-19 testing in so-called “breakthrough cases” on April 17. The organization only uses COVID-19 positive specimens in breakthrough cases that were derived from PCR tests with 28 or less cycle thresholds. That means breakthrough cases will be virtually non-existent. Had the United States used a 28 cycle or less PCR threshold in 2020, there would be no “pandemic.” Of course it’s now clear that the injections cause the so-called variants.


RELATED: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest (March 23, 2021)


Then there’s the “vaccinated” versus “unvaccinated” status by the CDC.

“Persons were considered…unvaccinated <14 days after receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine.”

Thus about 50% of the vaccine deaths reported on this blog would be considered “unvaccinated” by the CDC because the victims died 1-14 days after their first mRNA or viral vector DNA injection. And in case you missed it, the CDC announced on July 21 that it will stop using PCR altogether in 2022. The reason the CDC is eliminating PCR from the equation – they finally admitted that PCR cannot differentiate between so-called COVID-19 and influenza.


RELATED: Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics (February 12, 2021)


Now that you’re all caught up on CDC manipulation and disinformation methods, you’ll understand why the following stories are able to take hold and be passed off as serious truth in mainstream media.

Oscar De La Hoya in hospital with COVID, fully vaccinated

Oscar De La Hoya was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2014. He won an Olympic Gold Medal and held world titles in six weight divisions. “The Golden Boy” won his first 31 professional fights. But his biggest wins in that stretch were against Julio Caesar Chavez and Hector “Macho” Camacho. Both fighters, though great in their own rights, were passed their primes when they fought De La Hoya. He beat Pernell Whittaker by unanimous decision. But most boxing fans and experts believe Whittaker was robbed in the fight. Even De La Hoya, deep down, seems to believe he lost too.

De La Hoya went 8-6 in the last 14 fights, losing every bout to big-name, talented boxers (Floyd Mayweather, Felix Trinidad, Sugar Shane Mosley, Manny Pacquiao, and Bernard Hopkins).

Mr. De La Hoya retired from boxing in 2009 and turned his focus to being a fight promoter. He’s doing fine today, with a net worth estimated over $200 million.


Related: Fully-vaccinated Hollywood celebrities wondering why they are suddenly getting COVID-19, cancer and worse (August 12, 2021)


But he’s a fighter with pride who knows his career wasn’t what he wanted it to be. He announced his comeback at age 48 late last year. The De La Hoya vs. mixed martial arts champion Vitor Belfort fight was scheduled to take place on September 11, 2021 in Los Angeles. Here is how Mr. De La Hoya described this fight in a September 1 interview:

“I think this is the most significant fight that I can be in today, for me, for my life. This is a fight that I can finally put closure on my career. Yeah, my bank account is large, larger. Yes, I sleep in silk pajamas. Yes, I don’t have to do this because my bed is so comfortable, cause it’s one of the most expensive beds ever. But I do this because I’m motivated.”

Now the fight is not going to happen. Mr. De La Hoya took to Twitter two days later. He posted a video of himself in the hospital. Mr. De La Hoya said that “despite being fully vaccinated” he was diagnosed with COVID-19.


There are two things at work here. First, it’s yet another high-profile case that proves these mRNA and viral vector DNA injections do not do what they’re advertised to do. Mr. De La Hoya is fully-vaccinated, still got COVID-19, and was still hospitalized.

It’s also yet another high profile example of blatant denial. Mr. De La Hoya does not have so-called “COVID-19.” He’s experiencing adverse effects from the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. He believes he’ll be back in the ring by the end of the year. But the reality is that he’ll never box again. We’ve seen it over and over again. Unfortunately this is the reality for the vaxxed.

Mom, media blame COVID-19 for 13-year-old’s death, but…

We’re long past the point of being nice and sugarcoating the truth. The headlines read, “Mom calls for changes to school policies after losing son to COVID.” A screenshot of one of the headlines has a picture of the mother and her 13-year-old son. It speaks a thousands words.

Jennifer Helm of Floyd County, Georgia, told several news outlets that she chose not to vaccinate her son, Porter Helm, because “there is not enough research on it.” But she said a mask mandate should be issued immediately in all Georgia schools as that may have saved her son. Georgia Democrats are calling for statewide complete closure of in-person learning because of Porter. Here are two more photos of Porter and Jennifer.

The CDC found in a March 12 study that nearly 80% of COVID-19 hospitalizations in 2020 were obese people. In other words, obesity kills, not COVID-19. There is plenty of research dating back decades showing that obesity is a guaranteed killer.

Georgia Democrats and Ms. Porter are not calling for more nutrition education or physical education. They want more masks and more mRNA injections.

Fully-vaccinated Florida man with leukemia dies of COVID-19

Mr. Danny Madry received his two mRNA injections in May and June, according to his Facebook page. His son, Mike Madry, told WFLA Channel 8 in Tampa that it was “a huge weight” off his dad’s shoulders once he got the injections. It is established fact that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections commonly cause blood clots. Thus it is unclear why someone with blood cancer would get a blood clot-inducing injection.

Danny was allegedly diagnosed with COVID-19 and hospitalized on August 15.

He continually updated people from his hospital bed, even expressing confusion about his leukemia and fluctuating white blood cell count.

One of his last posts is one of the most disturbing. Not only did his doctor recommend he get the mRNA injections knowing he had leukemia, but Madry also believed things would be worse if he wasn’t vaccinated.

He died on or around August 25. Mike, who also seems to be in denial about the injections, said this:

“He was never told once the vaccine wouldn’t work for him. My dad died a brutal death and this COVID situation is real and I would hate for someone to go through what my dad went through.”

Neither Mike, nor mainstream media, considered that the mRNA injections exacerbated his dad’s pre-existing conditions and killed him. A GoFundMe page is raising funds in Danny’s memory.

Mainstream media and big tech continue spoon-feeding the masses disinformation and subterfuges. Fear keeps most people listening to mainstream media. But there’s also pressure from employers, families and universities to not only tow the line, but preach the gospel in public, if you will. It’s your choice to take a stand or line up for slaughter. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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DK Fynn
2 years ago

As usual, these are unfortunate…just unfortunate.

Is it just me, or do these stories seem to be occurring with increasing regularity?

(I know that this site tends to drop a number of stories at once–and maybe the admin can chime in on this–but I don’t know…I wonder if the admin is finding these stories with greater frequency and ease.)

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

I notice the same thing, you can scroll these stories for hours now, its just stunning how damn naive people are. I always thought I was a pretty dumb guy. But as the dead pile up, I’m not looking so bad after all. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

More and more of these stories are coming out. I have a friend who had both “vaccines” if you want to call them vaccines, and she had the booster and came down with covid. WTF!!

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

The stories are just beginning to pile up. Wait till flu season (the real one) gets underway in full force this winter. Evidently, that is when the internal cytokine storms kick in. And having your organs liquefy will not be a gentle death.

2 years ago

40 to 50 years ago; not many people in this country were fat. Now you walk into a grocery store; and it is beyond belief how many you see not just fat; but morbidly obese…we are talking more than 150 pounds overweight easy.

So you cannot say it is entirely glandular.

No one needs to go to a gym five days a week. 15 to 20 minutes of light exercise each day; PLUS some walking around the neighborhood; and a healthy diet (avoid junk food and too many sweets!); and practically anyone save for the few glandular cases can have a good weight. People need to get off their duff and move about.

There is nothing wrong with being 10 or 20 pounds overweight. But once you exceed that threshold you are putting tremendous strain on your internal organs; particularly your heart; and you are knocking years off your potential life-span.

Fat is not beautiful…it is extremely unhealthy and not pleasant to look upon from an aesthetic perspective.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd
  1. Residues of growth hormones/stimulants in beef and pork.
  2. Rockefeller-supported dwarf/semidwarf wheat with toxic gluten.
  3. Vitamin, mineral, and trace element deficiencies in people, food, and soils.
  4. Fire-retardant chemical breakdown byproducts in mattresses.
  5. Drugs put in food to make people crave more and gain weight faster.
  6. The fraudulent USDA food pyramid designed to cause insulin resistance, diabetes, weight gain, and health problems.

These are just five of the many reasons for the engineered obesity epidemic.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

It could be that real food is expensive, takes forever to prepare and goes bad quickly. For many people in this country who are financially struggling and working 2 jobs just to pay rent for a crappy apartment and the essential utilities they simply don’t have the time to prepare real fresh food and don’t have the money to constantly buy food that needs to be thrown out sooner so they buy frozen crap and canned food that lasts.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

You are right, Growing up as a child, I noticed very few overweight children. You would see one here and there , but by now means not that many.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

No nothing wrong with 20 lbs but even 10 extra is a lot for me. I try to keep the extra around 5 lbs or less. Once you get used to a certain lower weight, you get used to even the slightest change in the numbers even w/o weighing. Something I didn’t know about when I was 80 lbs heavier. Try carrying around a 5, 10, or 20 lb hand weight for a while and you’ll see how much extra–and cumbersome—those amounts can be. Five pounds is substantial.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago

This is so so so sad. The reality is fauci and Satan gates is laughing their butt off that everyday many people died cause of the vaxxed. Hey people! Wakeeee uppp we aren’t going to sleep entire of the day everyday.!! Do some research and be vigilant, before doing any steps think before you do it cause life is too short for making a non sense decision. Never ever believe this social media and news they are totally good in brainwashing people mind this is the time to do a bunch of research don’t end up getting a vaxx

Last edited 2 years ago by Applepie
2 years ago

Another Statist believer in ” The Miricle of Modern Medicine ” brought to you by the Sorcerers and Witch Doctors paid off by Big Pharma…the use of any discernment or critical thinking is out of the question…he paid for his aggressive ignorance and loyalty to the Con Vid 1984 Cult…Albert Bourla the Pfizer CEO from the Small Hat Tribe, will not be taking the Shot but will be banking $30 Billion in 2021… R.I.P.

2 years ago

1. the boy is obese. his mom is probably an “enabler”
2. looks like ADE killed Mr. Madry.

2 years ago

Dying would have hurt more if I didn’t have the injections, lolol how stupid.

2 years ago

Interesting what Mr. Madry posted before he passed August 25th about ICU “overfilled” with the unvaccinated on ventilators. In a check of CDC Covid Data Tracker for Hillsborough County, FL where Tampa is (assuming he lived there??), I’m seeing recently (starting August 31) that 25% of hospital beds were reported used and 43% of ICU beds (not all “covid,” surely). About the same percentages as our county here in CA. New admissions ending 9-7-21 in Hillsborough are down about 6%. Not that I trust the CDC’s stats. They are probably lower for cases considering the testing.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Comedienne Mahal and Indian actor Siddharth Shukla might be other high profile individuals who succumbed to the shot.

Cal Scigalski
Cal Scigalski
2 years ago

I so feel for this poor boy Porter. He was so outrageously obese that his body looked malformed. He was practically neckless. His mother was no doubt a facilitator in his demise. Bad diet combined with no comprehension of exercise. His was a completely preventable death. Rest in peace young man.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cal Scigalski

In Israel, they are taking children away from parents who are not ‘vaccinated’. If the extremely bad parenting doesn’t get you, then the fascist authorities within the nascent biomedical police State will.

2 years ago

Now of course the goalpost have moved again. All this is of course per media propaganda. First it was the shots eliminate covid. Then it was the shots lessen covid. Then the shots stop you from being hospitalized. Now it is the shots stop you from dying. When they finally admit people are dying from covid DESPITE getting the shot, where else will they try to move the goalposts to?

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick0416

They already moved those posts too. If you had the vax but still happen to die of covid, it will be with less pain then you would have otherwise.

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick0416

Various variants I believe. They’ll never run out. They may also go for new viruses and pandemics. You can’t have a global biomedical police State without lots of viruses, pandemics and new and improved ‘vaccines’.

2 years ago

I have a relative who’s co-worker got a covid vaccine. Employer required it. She had a stroke 4 hours later.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paula

Same story by local radio host who refuses the jab: a family friend got the shot, shortly thereafter had a stroke and died despite immediate medical care—even transported by hospital to specialists. Makes me wonder how this is affecting the healthcare budget of American, especially Medicare.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Paula

Congrats. She gets to keep her job if she can make it out of the bed.


2 years ago

Is this mother for real? This is typical deflection/entitlement—don’t look at what a crappy job I did enabling my son to become this OBESE–let’s blame a fake virus and other children’s germs on his death. In addition, let’s make everyone else’s child suffer by wearing a mask. What a horrible human being. She deserves her sorrow, she is the cause of his death not an invisible threat.

BTW, people need to take a virology course–it is impossible to catch a virus through air or touch (which is why this whole pandemic is ridiculous)–it is either directly injected into the body or it develops as a result of a foreign containment within the body (e.g., contaminated injections, vaccine injury, medication poisoning, extreme stress, high acidity).

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

My wife talked to her sister last night, who lives on the Left Coast… she said her boyfriend got coovid last march/april at the zoo when a young boy licked his calf… Your comment on people needing a virology course reminded me of this. These are the people out there, “voting”… They are not voting for the recall, because Newsome is keeping everyone “safe” (while they try to never go out or do anything, and love their facial coverings).

Oh, and good comments about the mother and that situation.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

Don’t be too quick to pass a judgement on obese people. Morbid obesity, especially in children, is sometimes caused by hormonal issues. Maybe it is environmental too, the mother while pregnant might have exposed herself to some unhealthy amount of BS (courtesy of keemtrails, monsanto chemicals in the food…etc).

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago

I’ll admit I need a virology course. But for real, though, viruses are not air borne?

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago

“Covid” is a modern medical miracle, since it has apparently wiped out all the other diseases people used to die of. There’s no more heart disease, influenza, pneumonia, obesity, etc… only “Covid” kills people these days.

I am wondering if we live in the midst of the “great delusion” prophesied in the New Testament.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

I think we are witnessing that delusion also. Many bible-believing people think this also.

Dennis Turk
Dennis Turk
2 years ago

In my little town in Western Australia the local news paper has a story saying the State Health authorities are aghast at the low rate of vacc uptake here. My wife is a nurse in the local hospital and has been given till Oct 1st to get it or no job. It is called unfair dismissal. They want her to resign but she will not resign a job she loves. They will have to sack her. You can bet that our town will soon see mysterious PCR positive cases turn up so that the henchmen can begin forcing the Vac on us all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Turk

Denis – Yes tell her to never resign unless she gets the letter of official termination and their reason because they cannot terminate her for this reason but rather they try to intimidate workers in to resigning. Like you alluded to she should register it with fair work Australia as a case and get the case number and take them to the tribunal. Make the slime balls earn it.

In the USA this is happening and they have a massive shortage of nurses which has exponentially increased since these unrighteous mandates and the moron president showing his teeth like the coward he is.

Almost all people at my work just bowed the knee and got it without a question or any formal liability from the employer. I pray they will all be ok but know it will not be so for many in the coming months and years.

Last edited 2 years ago by Onk
Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Turk

Can she submit a medical or religious exemption?

2 years ago

How about a twinkees/donuts mandate over there mom! Holy smokes that kid is like 600 pounds!!!😖☹️

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