Move over cancer: mRNA injections are respawning HIV/AIDS around the globe, while numerous AIDS researchers are suddenly and mysteriously dying
February 28, 2022

The face of evil is ever-present.

Two people have been talked about many times on The COVID Blog™ – Dr. Kary Mullis and Dr. Luc Montagnier.

Dr. Mullis is the Nobel Prize-winning biochemist who invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. He is also known for his ongoing feud with Fauci in the 1980 and 1990s. Dr. Mullis made clear in the early 1990s that PCR is not a test and can essentially find anything in any living being if you run enough cycles.

RELATED: FDA, CDC halt PCR “test”emergency use authorization on December 31, 2021 after admitting it cannot distinguish between COVID and flu.


He would have gladly challenged Fauci to debates about COVID-19, and that his invention is not a COVID-19 test. But Dr. Mullis mysteriously died on August 7, 2019 at age 74, just a few months before the COVID-19 agenda commenced. Mainstream media barely recognized him or his death, despite his contributions to humanity. This will be an ongoing theme throughout this article.

Mainstream media coverage of Dr. Luc Montagnier’s February 8 death was different than Dr. Mullis, but with the same motives. The BBC, for instance, described Dr. Montagnier as a “French virologist credited as a co-discoverer of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).” That’s an interesting and disingenuous way of saying Dr. Montagnier created the HIV virus in a lab and patented it in 1989. In fact the very first sentence in the abstract of the patent refers to HIV as “the invention.”

There was some contention between Dr. Montagnier and Dr. Robert Gallo as to who is the actual inventor. But apparently Dr. Gallo allowed Dr. Montagnier to take credit for the invention.

RELATED: The COVID Blog™ reports on “smoking gun” evidence that Moderna invented, patented SARS-CoV-2, now mainstream media reporting on it a month later.


Dr. Montagnier won a Novel Prize in 2008 for inventing HIV and subsequently killing countless millions (particularly Africans and Western homosexuals) with the biological weapon. That made him a darling to the powers-that-be. But more recently, Montagnier is best-known for stating the obvious – that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause all the so-called variants of COVID-19.

That quickly changed him from darling to pariah in mainstream and big pharma circles.

The HIV/AIDS patent expired in 2005. Thus, Montagnier and the Pasteur Institut in France no longer had exclusive rights to manipulate and profit off the HIV invention. AIDS mostly disappeared from mainstream recognition thereafter. But now in 2022, HIV/AIDS has been resurrected and rebooted.

Remember, nobody “dies of/from AIDS.” They die because AIDS destroys their immune systems. So any little disease they catch, even a common cold, will potentially kill AIDS patients. That of course sounds very much like post-injection antibody-dependent enhancement in 2021-22.

The saying goes, “those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” So it’s important to know the history of AIDS to understand what’s happening now and the carnage to come.

The history of AIDS

When this blogger was a little kid in the early 1980s, he loved AYDS. His mom had AYDS and he wanted to eat the AYDS. That sounds horrible until you learn that “AYDS” were little caramel and chocolate appetite suppressants marketed as a diet plan.

The Carlay Company, which made AYDS, ultimately had to change the product’s name due to the negative publicity from the AIDS disease that came along around the same time period.

AIDS was introduced to the Western world around 1980. Anybody who was alive at the time knows that it was the greatest health scare of the 20th century. You catch AIDS, you die. That was how it was “marketed,” if you will. The public was made to believe that AIDS originated in an “African green monkey” and then spread around the world. It was the same song in April 2020 when mainstream media launched its “coronavirus is a Black disease” propaganda campaigns.

The green monkey premise was fallacious on its face because the disease introduced itself to the world in homosexual males in San Francisco and New York sometime around 1979-80. It didn’t appear on the African Continent until around 1983.

A familiar Fearmonger-in-Chief

*Note this synopsis is not comprehensive. It’s suggested that you read all links and watch the videos for the full picture*

Dr. Anthony Fauci had been working for the National Institutes of Health since he finished his medical residency in 1968. In other words he’s been a bureaucrat for his entire career, not a medical doctor with patients. Fauci was appointed chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Laboratory of Immunoregulation in 1980, just in time for AIDS. The fearmongering propaganda commenced almost immediately.

Fauci wrote, in a 1983 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA):

“[There is] the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread [AIDS]. If we add to this possibility that nonsexual, non-blood-borne transmission is possible, the scope of the syndrome may be enormous.”

This article sparked widespread fear and panic in the United States. Less than two months after the article was published, Fauci flip-flopped and said via The Baltimore Sun, “It is absolutely preposterous to suggest that AIDS can be contracted through normal social contact.” It’s the same routine he used with masks in 2020. But the damage was already done. Fauci had done the powers-that-be proud. He was promoted to director of the NIAID in 1984, a position he’s held ever since.

RELATED: Coronavirus: patent documents, vaccine race and countdown to war (March 20, 2020)


But just like the COVID-19 narratives and propaganda, critical thinkers and real doctors willing to put their careers on the line started punching holes in the entire AIDS agenda.

Dr. Robert Strecker and The Strecker Memorandum

Dr. Robert Strecker is considered the first and most important AIDS whistleblower in history. But his role in uncovering the truth about AIDS was an accident. Dr. Strecker and his brother, attorney Ted Strecker, wanted to start a health maintenance organization (HMO) in California in 1983. They needed to learn about the long-term financial implications of insuring AIDS patients. The doctor and lawyer duo started digging into the medical and scientific literature, and discovered what many skeptics had already concluded without evidence.

Long story short, the Streckers concluded that HIV was created in a lab and kills everyone who contracts it. They also found that HIV is rarely (if ever) transmitted via semen or saliva. Dr. Strecker didn’t say it directly. But he implied, based on his findings, that AIDS was spread by deliberate infection, whether from injections (e.g. Hepatitis B vaccines), pills, water or something else. The federal government and academic researchers laughed at Dr. Strecker because, in 1985, the general consensus was that only 10% of AIDS patients would die. Government was also fully onboard with the “green monkey” fallacy.

Ted Strecker compiled all the evidence and prepared a report called “The Bio-Attack Alert.” He sent a copy to every state governor, The White House, the FBI, the CIA and several members of Congress. But only three people responded. Only one, Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff, joined the crusade to expose AIDS and those behind it. More on him in a bit.

Scientific literature is hard to read. Dr. Strecker wanted every American to understand that AIDS was lab-created and a biological weapon. Virtually every American household had a VHS VCR by 1988. So instead of taking years to write a science-based book that would be very difficult for the average American to understand, Dr. Strecker compiled all his findings in a 96-minute VHS video called The Strecker Memorandum. It was released in 1988.

The video provided indisputable proof that AIDS did not come from nature and is a biological weapon meant to make malevolent people billions of dollars. Incredibly, the video is still allowed on Youtube.

Mysterious deaths and laying low

Big pharma will never allow anyone to interfere with their international rackets. The Strecker Memorandum posed a serious threat to their goals because it reached millions of people. Something had to be done to slow the video’s dissemination. And that’s what happened.

Ted Strecker was found dead in his Springfield, Missouri home on August 11, 1988, just a few weeks after The Strecker Memorandum was released. His death was ruled a suicide. Representative Huff, who spoke publicly several times on television and radio about “The Strecker Memorandum,” died of an alleged stroke on September 22, 1988, less than six weeks after Ted Strecker was found dead. Representative Huff had been sentenced to four years in prison for tax evasion two weeks prior. So media blamed his alleged stroke on cocaine abuse and the stress of forthcoming prison.

Dr. Strecker, knowing he was next, stepped carefully from there. He did a few more television interviews, including a 1991 appearance on KLAS TV – Las Vegas.

But he was pretty much silent about AIDS thereafter. Dr. Strecker died in a car accident April 15, 2018 at age 71. All of the obituaries and news reports failed to mention his great contributions as an AIDS whistleblower. Good luck locating information online about Dr. Strecker and Ted Strecker. They have essentially been erased from history.

AZT money grab and expired patent

Now that the Streckers and Representative Huff were silenced, it was time to accelerate AIDS profiteering. The disease was created and released on the public, and the “treatments” quickly followed. The drug Zidovudine, aka azidothymidine (AZT), is a highly-toxic chemotherapy drug that was originally developed in the 1960s. In the simplest of terms, AZT stops DNA synthesis in reproducing cells. There is a skull and crossbones right on the label of the Sigma version of AZT, indicating it is poisonous.

Several FDA directors did not want to approve the drug. Ellen Cooper, the FDA director of antiviral drug products, said that approving AZT would be “a significant and potentially dangerous departure from our normal toxicology requirements.” Dr. Itzhak Brook, another panel member, said the FDA had no idea what would happen to people a year from now who took the drug.

Despite all the evidence of the drug being poisonous and dangerous, the FDA approved AZT as an AIDS treatment on March 19, 1987, in a record-setting (at the time) 20 months. A year later, Fauci got on TV and used very familiar language in promoting the dangerous drug.

“AZT is the only drug shown to be safe and effective” for treating AIDS patients, Fauci said in 1988. He encouraged both symptomatic and asymptomatic AIDS patients to take the drug.

Numerous doctors and journalists tried bringing balance to the AZT debate, to no avail. Even homosexual rights activist and Harvard research analyst John Lauritsen, in his 1992 book Poison by Prescription: The AZT Story, tried warning his brethren about the flawed and fraudulent clinical trials that led to FDA approval of AZT. But homosexuals, then and now, worship Fauci like some sort of god, and cling to every word he says.

It took a few court battles. But Burroughs Wellcome (merged with GlaxoSmithKline [GSK] in 1995) won patents for AZT for AIDS treatment, and exclusive rights to sell the drug for a given period (typically 20 years from the application date). The brand name for the drug in the USA was Retrovir. GSK charged $8,000 for a year’s supply of the drug in the early 1990s. That’s about $17,000 today adjusted for inflation. It was the most expensive drug in U.S. history at the time.

AZT gradually got less expensive as GSK developed other AIDS “cocktail” drugs, Combivir and Trizivir, in 1997 and 2000, respectively. When the AZT patent expired in 2005, GSK couldn’t have cared less, since the other two drugs were highly profitable. There’s no way of knowing exactly how much GSK made from AZT from 1989 to 2005. We know GSK was fined $6 billion by the IRS for underpaying taxes during that time. That fine was settled for $3.4 billion.

We’ll also never know exactly how many people died from AZT. If you listen to “fact checkers,” that number is zero, just like they say zero have died from mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. But some homosexual activists put the number as high as 300,000 American deaths. Many of them were asymptomatic HIV patients, only to get deathly ill after taking the drug.

Fauci received a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008 for killing 300,000 people his efforts to advance and treat AIDS.

The AIDS money train had run its course. The disease and AZT barely existed in news cycles after 2005. That’s all changed recently.

AIDS, SARS-CoV-2, and COVID “vaccines” timelines 2020-current

As we know, vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. But you have to be extremely dense if all these headlines since 2020 do not cause alarm.

Let’s start from the beginning. Researchers from Kusuma School Of Biological Sciences (India) published a study on January 31, 2020. They found “Uncanny similarit[ies] of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1.” They also posited that the virus was man-made. Of course this information would have completely nipped the so-called “pandemic” in the bud before it got started.

The Kusuma researchers were forced to withdraw the study due to pressure from “vested interests.” But they continue to this day standing by their research. One of them, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, tweeted on May 29, 2021, that they were right the whole time about SARS-CoV-2 being man-made and containing HIV genome sequences.

An October 20, 2020 Forbes article is entitled, “Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection.” The article cited a 2014 paper by none other than Dr. Fauci. He warned that Adenovirus 5 (Ad5) as a vector for delivering genetic material in HIV vaccine candidates increased the risk of people actually developing the disease. Of course both the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca shots use Ad5 as a vector for delivering genetic instructions.

Less than two months later, on December 11, 2020, Australian government scrapped plans to buy 50 million doses of a University of Queensland homegrown COVID “vaccine.” The reason was because “several trial participants returned false positive HIV test results.” Mainstream media have done their best to bury anything that ties COVID-19, the “vaccines” and AIDS together ever since. But now there’s simply no ignoring it.

The British Duke of Sussex (Prince Harry) encouraged everyone to get tested for HIV on February 10. That same article in The Guardian links to a company that provides free HIV tests.

The official Twitter account for the Government of Saskatchewan (Canada) tweeted on February 16 that there are 23 locations across the province to pick up free HIV tests.

A February 3 article in the peer-reviewed academic journal Science talks about a “highly virulent variant of HIV-1” in the Netherlands. Coincidentally or otherwise, Moderna, which owns the patent for SARS-CoV-2, announced on January 27, 2022 that it is now testing a new HIV mRNA “vaccine” in human beings. There’s also the Business Insider story from February 15, claiming a woman was “cured of HIV using a groundbreaking umbilical cord blood transplant.”

Again, this blogger is not drawing any conclusions herein. The goal here is to present the foregoing information and you decide what you want to think of it.

And now all AIDS researchers are mysteriously dying?

We, again, want to make it crystal clear. Dr. Montagnier was 89 when he died earlier this month. That’s a long life and he likely died of natural causes. But whether you want to call it antibody-dependent enhancement or HIV, the COVID “vaccines” are destroying people’s immune systems. Dr. Montagnier was very vocal about this fact.

Dr. Montagnier’s death could be pure coincidence and/or nature taking its course. But there sure are a lot of coincidences in the last 24 months.

  • Dr. Francis Plummer, a “renowned Canadian HIV/AIDS researcher” died of an alleged heart attack on February 4, 2020.
  • Dr. Gita Ramjee, a prominent South African AIDS researchers, died of so-called COVID-19 on April 3, 2020.
  • Dr. Arthi Ramkissoon, a prominent South African AIDS researcher, died “suddenly” of so-called COVID-19 on January 18, 2021.
  • Dr. David Kattzenstein, a prominent American AIDS researcher, died from so-called COVID-19 on January 25, 2021.
  • Dr. John Lamont Peterson, A Bay Area AIDS researcher, “died unexpectedly” on May 23, 2021.
  • John C. Martin, who developed a once-a-day AIDS pill, “died unexpectedly” on March 30, 2021.
  • Stephen Karpiak, a “pathbreaking HIV researcher,” died in New York on October 16, 2021.

We could literally keep going, listing these deaths of AIDS researchers since the so-called pandemic started. Note that many of them were over age 60. It’s just strange to this blogger that the inventor of HIV and all of these researchers are dying as HIV/AIDS is making a comeback.

Literally Déjà vu

Dr. Robert Redfield was the CDC director in Year One of the so-called pandemic. He was also a player in the HIV/AIDS racket of the 1990s. Dr. Redfield tried pulling a fast one by creating an HIV vaccine with a company called MicroGeneSys. Congress appropriated $20 million for the research and development. All the research was flawed and, to some, outright false.

The government concluded that there was no misconduct. Redfield still tried to get his pet project to the market. But phase II clinical trial results were published in the Journal of Infectious Disease in 2000. The data concluded that the vaccine was ineffective against HIV/AIDS. The lead author of the trial results was none other than Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, while Dr. Redfield was CDC director.

It’s all the same players, the same game, and the same racket. The only thing different now is that the fear agent is called COVID-19 vs. AIDS. We know for a fact that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause all kinds of issues, from blood clots and heart inflammation, to autoimmune disorders and cancer. HIV has been tied to both SARS-CoV-2 and the injections from the very beginning. Pfizer-owned Reuters has already done its “fact-check,” concluding that the shots do not cause HIV/AIDS.

That means the shots do in fact cause HIV/AIDS.

This blogger has spoken of being a single man as of October 2021. He’s been on two dates since, with two incredibly attractive, intelligent, sweet women. But ultimately you learn that they have received at least two injections each, and communications end. Granted the data from Dr. Strecker show that HIV is spread in many different kinds of ways, not just sexual transmission. But this blogger will not be having sexual relations with vaxxed women. That sadly lowers the dating pool significantly. But just like the job or jab choice, we also have a choice to protect ourselves by any means necessary.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Very informative.

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

What about this then: All the Covid-19 “vaccine” patents mention gene deletion. All the patents except one, mention “complimentary DNA” (cDNA). cDNA is a chimeric mRNA cocktail that’s being coded into Human cells using artificial genetic sequences in cross-species genomics.
According to the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013, altering Humans with cDNA makes them patent eligible. The court documents show that cDNA is made using modified bacterium and Supreme Court judges ruled it patent eligible. This means that a plant, animal or Human, could be patented and owned if first genetically modified with cDNA.
Mark Steele summarized it perfectly by stating:
In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer “human” (without natural people), but “trans-human”, so a category that does not exist in Human Rights. The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost. This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

I know. I can’t keep up with all the plots and sub plots to this decades long scamdemic. I am leery of believing everything you read etc. But even I could not have imagined this evil. And so many involved. God bless everyone trying to resist this. 🙏

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Absolutely. Great article that presents history of corruption behind HIV Aids and the connections with covid vax created ADE. Astonishing list of deaths of prominent AIDS researchers, most in their (early) 60’s…..
The future of humanity faces a potentially terrifying scenario with ramifications on every aspect of human life.

2 years ago

Excellent article. Good to know these things. And that this world is a hellishly corrupt place. True hope is in Jesus and the Gospel.

It kind of reminds me of the scene in “Strange Brew”. Doug Mackenzie is driving the van, down a big long hill, which got going too fast. The brakes go out, and he folds his arms and says to his brother Bob, “No point in steering now.” No point in having any faith in this world or its corrupt governments and people. No point in steering much for any of the things of the world. The hope is in the Gospel and eternal life.

Regarding women, yeah, now hard now. Before, you could go to a singles website and find over 2,000 women were available in any zip code. Sorting for single, never married, non-smoking, and non-drinking, and conservative or very conservative would whittle that 2,000 down to maybe 10. Then if you sorted for Christian-Protestant and/or Christian-Other, the 10 becomes a few or none.

Now throw in the vaxxed. And you can just about forget about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

Yes, I tried dating recently on a few sites and even the christian men all had been vaxxed. they proudly displayed their vaxx status! I declined all dates, some became furious when I said why.

2 years ago
Reply to  honey

Yikes. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t consider a vaxxed man a “real” man anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

What’s wrong with women who were married before? If you set your standards to that degree it’s no wonder. Almost everyone has had at least once relationship. Some women and men were involved with an abusive spouse and maybe that’s why they were once married. Don’t judge until you know their backstory.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Sounds like you’ve been married before.. I think that if you yourself have never been married before then this is a perfectly rational position to have in wanting a partner with a similar background and no baggage from a previous marriage.

All truth
All truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Why are you offended by the comment? If you were married before it’s okay. The world doesn’t revolve around you or your past. You expect strangers to write comments that accommodate you. People have preferences and you should respect them.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago

You are so very good at writing stories, and mixing in a little humor (that “Ayds” commercial and commentary made me chuckle) with so much great information. Almost every sentence, I learned something new about all this. I’ll need to read this article a few more times to really get it. Thank you for your work.

2 years ago

To all the aids/ hiv researchers an scientist dying i want to add this one .

A commercial flight was shot down above the ukraine. On board where also hiv researchers on their way to an international hiv conference in Sydney australia where they where planning to make some of their findings public. The never there because their was shot down above the ukraine. The hiv researchers and all the tourists on board perished. And of course their findings where never made public. Coincedenses do not exist. Things are happening in plain side. 2 + 2 is always. Yup do not need a physical proof of that. These People are being murdered and governments are active or passive participant. That is what is going on.

Take Note
Take Note
2 years ago

Indeed! and ‘purebloods’ should NOT take anyone’s word on their “vaccination” poison status! many are now starting to lie. Also, since we don’t know who’s going to cave in and who’s not in the next yr or 2, It’s best to stay single if one is already single. We also don’t know how ppl will deal with the loss of their loved ones for committing ‘medical suicide.’ Pple’s loved ones moving on to a ‘different lifetime’ (death) literally changes some ppl for the worst. severe depression, lifelong trauma etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  Take Note

Your comment made me think more deeply on your points, it touched me profoundly. You are right of course. I’m thinking of several close family members whose girlfriends have taken the jab. One guy has been in a hitherto great relationship of 6 years, where he really invested his all. On the verge of their decision to have a baby, his girlfriend incomprehensibly took the P jab. Until “covid” their love was a stronger foundation than their philosophical differences, he being conservative & unjabbed, she’s left leaning). However, after reading your comment, I am thinking of what he might have to face at such a young age (31) and the possible trauma on him, resulting from potential health issues with his girlfriend in the future. Of course I hope & pray desperately that by a miracle, this will not be the case & she will stay healthy. Some days i cant sleep thinking about this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Take Note

I am a single woman and also prefer to stay single and stay away from dating altogether, for the reasons you mentioned. I don’t want to date a vaxxed man because I am concerned about transmission from the vaxxed partner.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

Precisely! Spikes are prions and prions are highly transmissible. Some people are not even aware there is an issue and are sleeping with vaxxed and unvaxxed alike. This is highly problematic for those of us who are trying to avoid the bio-spikes. I know people personally who got sick and have not regained their health. In out and out of hospital in the heat of summer just like the vaxxed. What happened? Their teenage daughter took the vax and did not tell anyone. Both parents fell seriously sick two days after her second dose.

2 years ago
Reply to  Take Note

The guilt they all just feel definitely goes into the subconscious. Mass internal chaos

2 years ago

So I think I disagree about HIV, but not V AIDS. The spike protein is the antigen that causes all the autoimmune and lowered immunity issues. And while Covid was very likely bioengineered with HIV segments, that has nothing to do with the HIV retrovirus. It seems to me they used the HIV portion as a way to defeat cellular defenses, for viral replication of the disease, nothing to do with the vax at all. Research has found the virus itself burns out with incredibly rapid replication in less than a week most cases, vastly different than a pure retroviral disease that actively persists in nervous and lymph tissue for decades. And with a vax, while autoimmune issues can persist beyond the presence of spike proteins (which are apparently found in the lymph up to 3 months+ post shot), there isnt any actively replicating virus. With an interesting semi-exception. The retroviral enzyme activity that can potentially insert mrna itself into healthy cells making spike factories – permanently until cell death(and many cells like heart cells never die unfortunately). Still, that cell would only pump out prionic spike proteins, not mrna or infectious material. Not good, but not the same either. My opinion is that the body can/will detox the spike from the vax, but a significant portion will have severe to mild health issues – most just short term, but again way too many mid-long term. Id say the jury is still out on whether ‘shedding’ of spike occurs, but again thats more an environmental contaminant than any kind of progressive infectious agent. And frankly, humanity semi-successfully lives in a soup of contamination so its just another straw on the pile. So while I think the vaxxed are potential liabilities due to possible shedding of antigenic spike proteins, and ‘vaxidents’ due to neural degeneration/disease from spike damage, Im personally not worried about HIV infection – but who knows? Time will tell I suspect. I also think the AIDS/HIV push is due to the fact the immune suppression from spike will make people far more susceptible to actual HIV, and Moderna etc are planning to release mrna hiv vaxxes. Business midel problem reaction solution. Covid vax (or even covid for that matter) make population far more susceptible, hence more transmission and variant creation potential, and new vax cashflow to address it. The one thing Im not clear on is how exactly, if it does at all, the vax could cause a positive reading – as the HIV insert isnt part of the spike protein, but rather the whole virus genetic sequence? Or is it? Again, very interesting and difficult questions.

2 years ago
Reply to  PlantDok

These are not the first jabs with herpes in them or its the delivery system I know for sure this was done in 2018 with flu shots. I also know a few who took the mRNA jabs and have gotten shingles so herpes in some form is used.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janet

I needed stiches in my elbow after a fall on Christmas Eve 2018. The doctor’s assistant that stitched my elbow up, said here is is your tenacious shot. Are you due? I say yes; as it has been years. Anyway after getting the jab, the nurse said, and your jab has whopping cough in it. I do not think that was “informed consent”.

Jack Jr
Jack Jr
1 year ago
Reply to  Janet

Shingles virus from a past chicken pox infection can lay dormant for decades, but some SCV2 / jabb ADE voodoo might impact the immune system in a way that the virus is reactivated and a shingles outbreak occurs. More likely scenario IMHO.

2 years ago
Reply to  PlantDok

If they use a PCR type test it is easy to manipulate the test to get a positive result. You stated the HIV itself is a genetic sequence not the spike protein. The PCR tests for genetic sequences only, just sequences of ATCG in certain patterns. It does not test for illness or spike, only genetic sequences. The developer of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, stated this fact numerous times. As I understand it, per Dr. Mullis, in order for the test to be valid, it should not be cycled over @ 17 cycles of amplification. Over that, Dr. Mullis said you could search for ANYTHING and get a positive result. Meaning whatever the genomic sequence is for HIV, it can be identified with a high enough cycling of the test. As it appears they spliced a portion of the HIV genomic sequence into both this Covid virus AND the vax for it, almost everyone has a potential to have it identified by a PCR test cycled high enough…. which they will do to insight more fear and drive people to their new drugs and vaxes for that— even those who are symptom free.
Most labs were cycling Covid PCR tests at 40 or more cycles — the reason so many people had positive tests but no symptoms. 🤯. To be clear— NO illness only a genome sequence found.
With this example, over half the earth will test positive for the HIV genomic sequence they spliced into it, but that does not necessarily mean they are sick.
I am not prepared to converse about whether they can transmit that genomic sequence to other people…. not sure about that yet. My initial thought is – no, not to other living humans but only potentially to their offspring as a part of their genome.
I think they would need a bacterial or viral host to transmit it to humans otherwise. Still researching all that.

All truth
All truth
2 years ago

This article is amazing. In my case, I am pretty much doomed. As a mid-twenties Christian single man, I tried courting a girl in my college last year. I was hoping to wake her up from taking the vaccine hoping that I’d protect and marry her eventually. She had morals and good character but it was impossible to even have a decent dialogue concerning the subject. Currently, I don’t know any unvaccinated girls or friends around me. I keep my mouth shut to avoid being the target. Is there hope of finding a good girl? I doubt it. I think I am doomed pretty much. It’s really sickening and makes me sad how brainwashed people are. Even the so-called believers of Jesus Christ (the truth). It’s really lonely out here man

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

There is a new market created for online dating! Pureblood Christian Mingle! 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

I hate to say this, but that looks like a place where psychopaths are going to be finding a lot of innocent prey.

2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

I’m beginning to think that the unvaccinated will be the ones to save the world, if it’s not already too late. We will have better health than the unvaccinated. Also, we have the discernment to see what is happening, and the strength to withstand the pressure to go along with the crowd. Those that refused the vaccines are a cross section of society – Democrats and Republicans, Christian and Atheist, Rich and Poor, etc. I’m a Christian, and I’m shocked at how many so-called believers fell for this. I’m still trying to figure out what this all means, and I’m searching the scriptures for answers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

Follow your heart first of all. Then follow the money second. The life insurance companies ( all they do is crunch numbers about how many people are dying this month and what they should charge to keep their salaries) are worried. Death rates are rising. Really, really rising. Kill Bill? Or wake up you all. I would not miss kill Bill.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

It is in the scriptures. This shot is the mark of the beast. Changes human DNA to satan’s DNA. Contains mostly graphene oxide, chemical structure 666, the number of the beast. Also contains luciferase. There is his name. Needed to buy and sell. Many people were fired for not taking it. Many stores banned the unvaxxed. This is not over. They have had an ebola vaccine ready for 2 years. When they turn up the 5G frequencies, people will start bleeding out of every orifice, plus dropping dead from the interaction of 5G with graphene oxide. Be ready. They are going to try to pull it off, and soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

Things are never as bleak as they would appear, and that is especially true for the Christian. Through the historic pendulum of good and bad, the Lord has still provided a remnant – and that mean fleshly as well as spiritually.

J Far
J Far
2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

Quite possibly five years from now it will be easier, because you will know that any person still walking and breathing didn’t get the shot (or else, got a saline shot). Well, hopefully it doesn’t come to that. But it might.

2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

Many who claim they believe in God and have a religion have shown that their true religion is the government and ‘the science’. I grew up around many religious types and over these last 2 years I’ve never seen a devotion stronger than that to government.

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

You are right. They attach Christ like some kind of accessory to their conservative patriot agenda. They look to trump or a conservative candidate to vote for in hopes of making things all better. Their true God is fake, an idol. The true sheep of Christ are like those pictures in Hebrews 11, we are sojourners here, on a journey to a better country. We see the corruption, we understand where it comes from and why it is. Our hope is in Christ alone, the promise of a new heaven and earth. That is what we pray for daily

Jack Jr
Jack Jr
1 year ago
Reply to  Lyn

“Satan has come down in great wrath, knowing his time is short.” Major evils inbound.

2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

You need immediately to start training as a warrior monk.

2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

Many of my nieces never got the vac. They’re out there. Good luck in the search!

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

I really wish more people read your articles and also that there was some award that wasn’t run by psychopaths for your investigative journalism articles, Brian. You are so very talented and I am always amazed at the things you are able to connect together in your pieces. The article you wrote about abortion and the destruction of the family was also brilliant. Always look forward to the days when new stories are published but am also depressed by them. Glad we at least (sort of) have each other here with like-minded people.

Linda N
2 years ago

Stellar Stellar Reporting as usual! Which is obviously why those of us who follow your blog religiously do so. Hard to read, however. Dr. Fauci makes Dr. Mengele look like a saint. A few comments on the unvaxxed dating scene. I think there are more unvaxxed singles out there than suspected but just so scattered around the country that finding each other makes it even more difficult. Definitely a problem for those looking for partners. Young relatives of mine (who shall remain nameless) lament of it all the time. Also, this stellar reporting, necessary as it is in such horrible times, makes me afraid for any and all who are putting out the truth. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Dr. Peter McCullough, etc. and even this fantastic reporter/blogger. Please be vigilant and take care of yourself!

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

I have 2 wonderful children, son is 23 and daughter almost 25. Nice looking, educated, physically fit, good morals, fun, and not vaxxed. I have been on the lookout for them. Not that they know. Lol. But if what is happening gets worse, then there’s no future with a vaxxed person. I’m outside of Philly. I think sites will be coming to address this issue. Or through connections like this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Make sure you get a blood test from anyone you are interested in. D-Dimer will show clotting from the vax, and graphene oxide shows up with the correct magnification.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

Now might be a time to explore the gift of saving a domestic shelter animal (cat or dog) to help fill-in those empty times while waiting to find your better half.

2 years ago

The one thing that was “great” about AIDS, were the mega concerts of the 80’s..LIVE AIDS…etc….not even that with con-vid. I feel cheated.


2 years ago

MAGA : Make AIDS Great Again !!!.

Gigolo Joe
Gigolo Joe
2 years ago

Lots of great information in this article. Thanks.

Montagnier is known for another very strange subject- “water memory.” It’s very interesting and seems legit, and you can see the experiment performed, but who knows what’s real. The synopsis is that a substance can come into contact with water, then be diluted to the point that statistically there’s nothing of the original substance left, and it will still test positive for that substance. The really weird part is that the energetic “imprint” left in the water can be transmitted electromagnetically (using a wav file and a voice coil) from any distance to another vial of water, and that vial will then test positive.

2 years ago

I am from South Africa, I remember a time when our former president Thabo Mbeki refused to get AZTs from the WHO, and they pushed a huge msm propaganda that said, Aids was out of control in SA because of our then president, which eventually made him get sacked by the ruling party. But I remember during that time people were not dying as the media made it seem, I started only noticing people in my street drop dead, straight after AZTs were introduced in our country.

2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan

Thank you for sharing first hand testimony. Nancy Turner Banks (MD) wrote a book about the subject (‘AIDS, Opium, Diamond and Empire’). She is my first video upload on Bitchute, when youtube gave me a strike for uploading it a while ago.

Whenever natural resources are discovered somewhere, all of a sudden they have “a pandemic” and they need to be “saved”.

In the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty.

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
2 years ago

Thanks for the Strecker Memorandum.

2 years ago

All I hear about are the mRNA shots like Pfizer and Moderna, what about the JJ shot? How bad is it? Does the difference of it using an adenovirus vector to bring in the code for the spike protein make any difference in health outcomes of the recipients?

I also read that in the USA at least, Johnson and Johnson have stopped production of their shot. So once the supply runs out, only the mRNA LNP shots will be available.

As far as I understand it, quite possibly the lipid nanoparticles being used could be the explanation for a lot of the immediate deaths. I also know that these lab created LNPs allow for the spike mRNA to not degrade as rapidly so they can bounce around until absorbed by a cell for production.

I have loved ones who have taken JJ because they were told if they were allergic to anything in the mRNA shots, that they couldn’t take them!

So far, they are not showing any of the same warning signs as those who took Pfizer. Mainly, excessive tiredness, difficulty catching their breath when walking long distances or going up stairs, headaches, etc.

2 years ago

I was never fooled by the claims that HIV came from monkeys, from Day One I said it had to be man made and after covid came out I said they better go back and revisit HIV’s origins. I guess I’m lucky to be alive…

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
2 years ago
Reply to  BKMart

BKMart, I was of the same mindset. I remember in the ’80’s when the news said HIV/AIDS came from monkeys, I laughed out loud. Sure it did! But from poor lab monkeys they first infected with HIV/AIDS. After millions of years of humans and monkeys interacting in the wild, suddenly the monkeys have HIV.

It was comical in it’s absurdity.

Jane Hawk
Jane Hawk
2 years ago

At the beginning of the covid shot development, an article was published in Lancet about using the Adeno5 vector and the development of AIDs in those getting products made with it..U
“se of adenovirus type-5 vectored vaccines: a cautionary tale”.

ARTICLE STATES: Roll-out of an effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine globally could be given to populations at risk of HIV infection, which could potentially increase their risk of HIV-1 acquisition. This important safety consideration should be thoroughly evaluated before further development of Ad5 vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, and informed consent documents of these potential risks should reflect the considerable literature on HIV-1 acquisition with Ad5 vectors.

but despite this research, Astra Zenica, Sputnik, Chinese shot CanSino Biologicals , Janssen also used this method.

Jane Hawk
Jane Hawk
2 years ago

“Draft Landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines-13 August 2020”
reveals 29 vaccine platforms and candidates ALREADY IN CLINICAL trials, and138 in pre-clinical evaluation……. projects using various methods with some very frightening concepts.- cytomegalovirus, plague, H1N1, you name it. ..

Cytomegalovirus was thought to be the cause of AIDS HIV at one time. There is research showing the CMV came from monkey research as did the RSV… respiratory syncytial virus.

Eric Jensen
Eric Jensen
2 years ago

When I saw Dr Fauci on White House Task Force in March 2020, I knew right away that the whole Covid-19 pandemic was hoax. I learnt of Dr Fauci’s insidious and murderous tactics in 1998 while I read Inventing the AIDS Virus by Dr Peter Duesberg (professor at University of California at Berkeley). A couple of chapters focussed primarily on Dr Fauci and his involvement in getting AZT approved for HIV treatment and pushed many HIV-positive mothers and children to be treated with AZT despite the obvious evidence that AZT was killing them.

Thankfully, I never consented to getting tested for HIV in the 1990s (due to my intuition that I should not get one regardless). The aforementioned book confirmed my suspicion about the whole AIDS hoax.

This book is still available for purchase. An ebook version is available as well through Z-Library.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric Jensen

Here’s a free PDF of Dr Duesberg’s 1996 book _Inventing the AIDS Virus_, with a forward by Nobel laureate Kary Mullis:

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