Mainstream media, government using Ukraine propaganda to distract from mass post-injection deaths, maimings
February 28, 2022 (updated September 1, 2022)


The Diana Crouch story we published a couple weeks ago is a baseline article for mainstream media 2022 propaganda. We’re going to repeat a couple sentences from the last section of that article herein:

The entire world is a stage. That’s a scary thought to digest. But think about it. War is known as “theater” in the history books and dictionaries. Television shows are called “programs.” Most laws in the United States are called “acts.”

China, Europe and the United States are constantly re-colonizing the African continent with very little media coverage. That’s because Russia, China and Western powers have no respect whatsoever for sub-Saharan Africans and essentially use the Continent for oil, diamonds, slaves and apartheid colonies. Imperial control and manipulation of Africa is just considered “normal” over the last 500 years. But when wars happen between Russia, Europe/USA, and/or Asia, there are always deeper motives than what’s obvious on the surface.

RELATED: The greatest rebranding campaign of all-time is why the flu has all but disappeared in 2020-21 (April 13, 2021)


We now know that the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to U.S. troops being deployed in Vietnam was fake. Then there’s 9/11. Mainstream media propaganda platform, Wikipedia, even had to admit that 15 of the 19 September 11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. In fact, none of them were from Iraq or Afghanistan.

Hell, even President George W. Bush admitted Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

But the United States attacked Iraq and Afghanistan in retaliation for 9/11, not Saudi Arabia, which makes zero sense to critical thinkers. The truth is that Saddam Hussein stopped accepting U.S. dollars for oil in 1999. If that pattern held, the petrodollar would have crashed completely within five years. So the United States killed Saddam Hussein. Problem solved.

Then of course there is Syria. The “Assad gassed his own people” lie was disseminated across global mainstream media as justification for U.S. (“NATO”) military operations there. The BBC, among others, finally admitted it was lie years later, long after the damage was done to Syria.

Dissecting war propaganda in real-time is always a challenge. But there are already far too many holes in the Ukraine narrative, as young people across the globe continue dropping dead in mass numbers.

Attack on Snake Island propaganda

This blogger wants to be crystal clear. People are dying in Ukraine, just like people are dying everywhere from mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. In fact there is plenty of raw footage from the war zones showing that the war is real. Jump to the 0:30 second mark in the following video.

But a lot of what’s happening in Ukraine is propaganda, including the fake outrage by the Western world. First, there’s the “13 Ukraine soldiers martyred on Snake Island” headlines.

Snake Island (aka Zmiinyi Island).

It’s also being reported, and mostly confirmed, that one of the 13 guards is Vlad Zadorin, a 23-year-old with an Instagram account that suddenly has nearly 18,000 followers. He’s posted only 18 times on Instagram since 2016.

A search of “13 Ukraine soldiers martyred on Snake Island” in big pharma search engine Google, shows that every mainstream media outlet reported on their deaths.

Every story highlights the now-viral audio of the Ukrainians telling the Russians “go fuck yourselves” before allegedly being killed.

There’s already a Wikipedia page called “Attack on Snake Island.” There are even reports of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a World Economic Forum member, saying the 13 dead will be awarded with high military honors posthumously.

The problem here is that the 13 border guards (not soldiers) may actually be alive, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The agency posted a Facebook update on Saturday, noting in part:

“The SBGSU and the Armed Forces, like the whole of Ukraine, have received hope that all of Zmiiny’s defenders are alive. We understand that Russian propagandists know how to make the necessary information attacks and use them, noting that Ukrainian defenders have surrendered. We sincerely hope that the boys will return home as soon as possible, and the information received at the time of the attack on the death will not be confirmed.”

But global mainstream media took the story and ran with it, without verifying anything. Of course “The Heroes of Snake Island” sure sounds like a great movie title. Bottom line is that Ukrainian authorities have not confirmed the border guards’ deaths. There’s no need for mainstream media to embellish an unconfirmed story and create “heroes” unless there are ulterior motives.

“Ghost of Kyiv” and the sunflower seed lady

The story goes that a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter pilot shot down six Russian military planes in one day, on February 24. Mainstream media call the pilot “The Ghost of Kyiv.” The whole story is fake. It certainly doesn’t help that the official Twitter account for the Ukraine Ministry of Defense posted a video purporting to show actual footage of “The Ghost of Kyiv” in action.

Note, the caption reads, “What does this Ukrainian ace produce? MiG-29 of the Air Force of the Armed Forces destroys the ‘unparalleled’ Su-35 of the Russian occupiers.”

The story is so absurd that even mainstream media admitted that the video footage is from a video game and not real. The new narrative, after that one failed, is that Ukraine needs inspiration. So the story was created to boost morale. The newest “morale-boosting” fake hero is the “Ukrainian Reaper,” who is said to have killed 20 Russian ground troops on his own so far in the war.

Then there’s the sunflower seed lady. She is another “hero” who went viral on social media. The woman told a Russian soldier to put sunflower seeds in his pocket, so when he dies and is buried, sunflowers will grow.

Perhaps the video is genuine and not staged. But skepticism equals diligence when taking all the foregoing into consideration.

There’s also the viral photo of the “female Ukrainian soldier” who is one of 36,000 female Ukraine soldiers, according to mainstream media. The problems here are that the model’s gun is an Airsoft toy rifle; and the Ukrainian military uses AK-47s, not fake-looking M-16s/AR-15.

It’s also kind of difficult to take the Ukraine situation seriously when reports surface that the government trains civilians for battle with wooden cutouts of AK-47s.

There are also large contingents of people on social media saying they don’t care what happens in Ukraine after numerous videos of White Ukrainians preventing African students and families from getting on trains out of the country.

Phony sanctions, phony outrage

Oil and natural gas constitute about 40% of Russian exports. That’s down from 60% in 2019, but still very significant. Europe receives 40% of its natural gas from Russia. Thus if the Western world really wanted to punish Russia with sanctions, it would stop buying Russian oil and natural gas. That is not happening.

A statement from the U.S. State Department, as reported by Pfizer-owned Reuters, reads as follows:

“The sanctions that are being imposed today, as well that could be imposed in the near future, are not targeting and will not target oil and gas flows,” said the official, who spoke to reporters on the condition of anonymity. “We would like the market to take note that there’s no need for increasing the price at the moment.”

German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said the following according to ABC (U.S.) News:

“The complete West will turn away from Russia. [Germany] will diversify our energy system. We will not buy Russian coal and gas in such an amount in the future.”

In other words, Germany is still buying Russian oil and gas, but may stop in the future. The E.U., USA, U.K. and Canada are now “talking about” banning Russia from the Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system. It facilitates cross-border communications between banks. But Russia can still use phones, emails and other means of communications if that does happen. Further, Russia already developed an alternative – the System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) – after it invaded Crimea and faced sanctions in 2014.

If the United States cuts Russia off from its financial system all together, that would have a major impact. The Treasury announced this morning that it is blocking financial transactions between Russia’s central bank and The United States. But we’ll have to wait and see the impact of this move.

Meanwhile young people keep dying

These deaths, even the undeniable, proven post-injection ones, are barely registering on mainstream media news cycles, no matter how egregious. War is always the perfect distraction. Young people will continue dropping dead daily; and there’s no way to slow the carnage. All the powers-that-be can do is distract and deflect, and hope the masses remain dense and dumbed-down.

Christopher Floyd Mobley – age 8

The Northside Sun in Jackson, Mississippi reported that 8-year-old Christopher Floyd Mobley “died unexpectedly” after “a short illness” on February 11. All of the necessary key words and circumstances are present to know that this was a post-injection death without the need for proof. But we don’t even need to speculate with this one.

Christopher’s case was reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS ID: 2109625). Mrs. Madeline Mosby, Christopher’s mother, took Christopher and her 12-year-old son Sidney, to receive their first Pfizer mRNA injections on December 17, 2021. The second injections for both boys were delayed until February 3 because the mother got sick with so-called “COVID-19” in January.

Mrs. Mosby called a hospital on February 9 because Christopher was vomiting and was nauseated for several days. She was “completely unworried and normal” during the call, according to the VAERS report. But then the following night, February 10, Christopher was found “blue and lifeless in his bed.” He was pronounced dead on February 11.

Calvin Middleton – age 16

Calvin Middleton and his family were having a normal Sunday on February 13. They were attending an evening church service at Trinity Church in Cheadle, Stockport (U.K.). At around 7:30 p.m., Calvin turned to his father, Andrew Middleton, and complained of a headache and nausea.

He got up and went to the bathroom. Mr. Middleton got worried when several minutes passed and Calvin had not returned. He went to the bathroom to check on his son, only to find him face-down on the floor in the stall. Calvin was pronounced dead six hours later, according to the Manchester Evening News.

Calvin died of an intracranial hemorrhage, likely caused by a ruptured brain aneurysm. We’ve covered at least four stories of post-injection ruptured brain aneurysms. Ms. Sara Stickles was the first one last February. She was only 28 when she died five days after her second Pfizer injection. Ms. Darlene Blackwell, 61, died of a post-injection ruptured brain aneurysm 10 days after her Johnson & Johnson injection.

Of course zero so-called journalists who had access to the family asked the most-obvious question. Interestingly Andrew’s employer, Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, hosted an organization called “Cardiac Risk in the Young” the day before Calvin died.


Jamal Edwards – Age 31

This one received the most attention of the three because Mr. Jamal Edwards was a celebrity in the U.K. He was a pretty big deal since the Prince of Wales even paid tribute to him.

Mr. Edwards was an entrepreneur and DJ. He is best known for founding the online music platform SBTV when he was 16. SBTV is credited for launching the careers of artists such as Emeli Sandé,  Ed Sheeran, Jessie J, and Stormzy. Mr. Edwards was named as a Time magazine “Next Generation Leader” in 2014. He was also named in GQ’s “100 Most Connected Men” list in 2016. Mr. Edwards was also named a “Member of the British Empire (MBE)” in 2015.

He performed DJ duties at a club called Bubba Oasis in London on Saturday night, February 19. He finished the set around 11:30 p.m., and went home to a house he shares with his mom, Brenda Edwards. The latter is a panelist on a talk-show called Loose Women.

RELATED: New Lancet report shows Pfizer, Moderna et al. misled the public with deceptive efficacy statistics (May 31, 2021)


The London Ambulance Service was called to the house at 9:34 a.m. the next morning. Mr. Edwards died before he could be transported to the hospital. Ms. Edwards initially said her son died of “a short illness.” At least three other mainstream sources said he died of a sudden heart attack. The foregoing makes it pretty obvious why he had a heart attack.

Some people have referenced a 2011 tweet from Mr. Edwards being against swine flu vaccines as a reason to believe he did not receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections.

But there was no global psy-op for flu shots and swine flu vaccines. Further the foregoing tweet is 11 years old. If you look hard enough, you’ll find this blogger supporting and voting for Barack Obama in 2008. By May 2009, that honeymoon was long over and the truth starting flowing (and haven’t voted since).

War “theater” is nothing new

This blogger likes to believe he had a little something to do with a Washington, D.C. defense contractor changing its name and eventually disappearing. Remember when ISIS overtook al-Qaeda as the biggest, baddest boogeyman terrorist organization in the world? This blogger, on another website in his network, wrote a story entitled “Fake Beheadings: 4 Simple Pieces Of Evidence That Reveal Truth About ISIS” in 2014.

The article got a lot of attention because of the defense contractor called “ISIS” in Washington. The contractor changed its name to just “SIS” the following year. Now the company no longer uses the domain ISISHQ at all. In short, “ISIS” headquarters was in Washington, and were being paid by the federal government. Read the rest of the article for more details.

Mainstream media goons are not even taking the Ukraine/Russia situation seriously. Joy Behar of The View is more concerned about not being able to go on vacation in Western Europe than she is for the Ukrainian people.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is real. People young and old dying suddenly from mRNA and viral vector DNA injections is real. Mainstream media propaganda and manipulation are real. The latter’s objective is to normalize and bury these mass deaths due to the injections. Further, mainstream media are now starting to report on something we first wrote about last month – that Moderna owns the patent for SARS-CoV-2. War is the only way to fully deflect and distract from truth.

The Hill reported on Friday that a Harvard Center for American Political Studies (CAPS)-Harris Poll found that 62% of Americans believe Russia wouldn’t have attacked Ukraine if Donald Trump was President. And now Trump is praising the “genius” World Economic Forum member Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine.

Nothing like adding tribal politics to an already-effective propaganda campaign to further sedate and distract Americans from the real global issue.

RELATED: 5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House (November 30, 2021)


What’s happening in Ukraine is the old-fashioned way for the powers-that-be to kill and manipulate people en masse. Pfizer, Moderna, etc. are the new kids on the block, killing the masses slowly, quietly and voluntarily. What’s happening in Ukraine has been happening for 100 years with all the “Soviet Union” jousting. Prayers for everyone in the world with all that’s happening. But you might want to pray specifically for your vaxxed family, friends and neighbors as they could be next.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
2 years ago

I pledge to make a meaningful contribution to The COVID Blog because of this blog. I am truly impressed at its well-researched information about the Ukraine war. All your articles have very good information, well researched with pictures.

I am leading a major project in Tunisia. Money is coming very soon. I will be in contact.

J Far
J Far
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

I donated a couple of weeks ago.

2 years ago

Thank you for reporting about Jamal Edwards. I had a feeling the Covid vaxx had something to do with his death. Also FYI his mom Brenda Edwards was a former contestant on the singing show X Factor in the UK, and was popular on the show, so she probably opened doors for Jamal Edwards, and inspired him to get into the music business at a young age.

2 years ago

This has become another yawn-a-roo…watched this happen with Gulf War one, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria…same old lies…and the folks who argued with me 32 years ago about Gulf War one, are still falling for this crap. Of course I no-longer waste my time with such idiots…but It’s not hard to find out their opinions. This sure has gotten old…

AMLO has made it clear that Mexico does not get involved with the business of other counties…but he is already being pressured to send weapons to Ukraine. So far the NWO order has only used online and print propaganda against him…but at some point they will take the gloves off. I think the so-called “massacre” in Michoacan was faked…no bodies found so far…expect more until AMLO says “uncle”…which I don’t think he ever will.

I read the local obits daily, looking for key words. Last week one person dropped dead playing tennis, one driving, and one riding a bike. Lots of folks in their sixties and seventies dying at home. No time to call 911, I guess.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Whenever I want to know what the masses are thinking, I just turn the TV on for 30 seconds and I am good to go.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Something about this conflict feels very strange.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

What is strange is that they are in lockstep in making Russia public enemy number one worldwide, and doing everything they can to crush Russia. It is a similar tactic they used with Covid, and the stuff they did to crush Covid did not work. In fact it made the Covid pandemic worse. Something similar could happen to this conflict. They bated Russia into war, and may have opened a can of worms depending on what other Non-Nato countries do. China is watching, and waiting to make their move based on how this conflict turns out.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago

Just like the Covid-19 narrative, there is an agenda behind this Ukraine/Russia conflict. In short Russia bad, West good. As this article quite rightly points out the propaganda is once again getting in the way of the truth. I am writing this in the hope more people will spread the truth about this new war. Firstly, let’s get back to basics, this war has been started by the British and USA government. The British and the USA have been financing the civil war in the Ukraine for almost ten years. The Ukrainians have been harassing, bombing and shooting the Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the hope it will trigger off a Russian invasion. The Russian invasion has now happened.
I am writing this from the UK. Of course the propaganda here in the UK is in full swing. Yes, people are being killed in this war but it is being told in a wicked and misleading way. For instance, the UK mainstream media has conveniently forgotten to mention the already tragic civil war that has been raging in Ukraine for years. It has omitted the fact that the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine have been suffering causalities and ‘invasions’ by the Ukrainian-speaking soldiers for years. The mainstream media has also omitted the fact that Ukraine is NOT a democracy. It is like Russia a pseudo democracy. There has been huge civil unrest in Ukraine against the government. Ukraine has some of the harshest Covid19 restrictions in the world. The Ukrainians were forcibly vaccinated. A vaccine pass was needed to live a normal life in Ukraine. The violent riots against these Covid19 restrictions were the worse Ukraine has ever seen.
The UK and USA need this war. I do not know the agenda behind this war. Nor do I know how it is all going to end. All I can say is like the Covid19 ‘pandemic’, all is not what is seems in this new war. Please be aware.
Here in the UK the propaganda is quite sickening. For instance on the BBC News, a Ukrainian English-speaking reporter in the studio being interviewed for her reaction to the war began to wail when she realised it was her family’s house being bombed in the ‘live’ images being shown. What twaddle!
The problem with the British people is they cannot tell the difference between propaganda and actual factual news. As I have said a thousand times before, the British mainstream media has taken away critical thinking from the Brits. The Brits will believe anything their mainstream media tells them. The British people are the product of their mainstream media and not their culture. Most Brits don’t realise this.
Had the Brits learned the true lessons from the so-called pandemic, they would not have been fooled by the now false narrative of this new war. Once again the British government and mainstream media are making a fool out of the Brits. Do the Brits not realise that they now live in a dictatorship too? Do they not realise the crimes against humanity their government has committed when injecting practically the whole of the British population with these vaccines? Did they not realise right from the start that these so-called Covid19 vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code? Do they not realise these Covid19 vaccines are the greatest crimes ever committed by the British government against its own people?
Can the Brits not see that the British PM Boris Johnson is a dictator who has killed god only know how many Brits with these vaccines? Can they not see the British mainstream media is now more censored than Russia’s? Anyone who dares still question the Covid19 narrative in the UK on social media simply has his/her bank account frozen if they persist. Can the Brits not see their government is at war with them, and instead of annihilating its people with bombs and bullets, the British government is using bioweapons disguised as vaccines? I want the Brits to remember the UK is no better than Russia now. This war is being waged because the West wants to take the moral high ground and still give the stupid sheeple the impression that UK and USA are still the beacon of human rights. free press, liberalism, and democracy. The truth is freedom and human rights in the West have been taken from you. Please Brits, I beg you not to fall for the same bait twice.

2 years ago

Meanwhile, DeSantis just extended the legal shield for Florida hospitals for another year when they are following fedgov’s guidelines for covid treatment. That effectively means hospitals in Florida can continue to kill with Remdesivir and get paid a premium for it.

Our politicians and bureaucrats can usually fit into two classes: The incompetent and the complicit.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

I heard if you need medical treatment it is better to go to an urgent care rather than a hospital unless you have done research on the hospital, and know it is a good one because going to a random hospital is risky nowadays.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Super interesting comment. I have been wondering whether DeSantis was the hero he’s being made out to be . . or just another paid operative for the nwo.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

It almost seems like the red state governors “holding off” on certain things is just for show and eventually they show you who they really are. I believe things will get a lot worse than they are now; they are also using the war for distraction, and I have also read they’re working on a real vaxx passport under the wraps. There is a method to their madness.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

“Never let a crisis go to waste”

Definitely TPTB have more things in store for us to our detriment

Dhiego Verona
Dhiego Verona
2 years ago
Reply to  James

The same here, in which a right-wing deputy demonstrated and did good things, but diverted US$50,000 (in Brazil, it is R$250,000) to pay a private lawyer

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Time to switch the narrative to keep the sheep in fear.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Exactly. As the truth about covid increasingly comes out into the mainstream news, while they are dropping all the mask mandates, etc., it will be easy to distract with a threat of war. And more importantly, far easier to induce the sheep into accepting a digital ID passport (rebranded from “health/vaccine passport”) than they would otherwise.

olde reb
olde reb
2 years ago

Are we seeing Putin and China going head-to-head with Wall Street//Rothschild financiers//Great Reset — as we see GREAT RESET manifested in Canada and Australia ??? Is this the future of the USA ??


Graphene was discovered in COVID vaccines a year ago. It was initially denied by Pfizer but has been confirmed to be in all vaccines and sometimes claimed to be 90% of the injection. Governments have issued mandates to compel injections world-wide. Graphene has even been found in masks and to be conveyed by air. Effective controls of covid, without graphene, are suppressed by pharmaceutical companies, hospital chains, MSM, physician’s and teachers unions, all owned by BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street—[read USA financiers//globalists ].

Graphene has been experimented with vaccines for 20 years. Its use to build self-assembling layered micro computers after injection has included 50 patents by Dr. Lieber of MIT. His work includes neuronal control of prosthetic limbs and bio-weapon development. Funding has come from NIH, DOD, and CCP [with recent conviction].

Patent 9,252,214 facilitates nano-mesh lattices that interface with human neurology to both monitor and control human beings. Remote control of individuals by embedded addresses has been shown to be possible—to control dissidents.

Graphene is gradually dispelled from the body as a foreign object. Repeated replenishment by injection appear to be required to prevent destruction of the micro computer. Is this why mandates for injection are so adamantly imposed ? Or does the micro computer require more graphene ? Graphene has repeatedly been shown in labs to reduce natural immunity, to promote the growth of spike proteins and cause micro blood clots, and to be lethal.

If graphene control of individuals can be maintained, and digital control of finance can be imposed by government [read Rothschild globalists], all Constitutional Rights of citizens are an illusion. A world under globalist control would include the worst elements of Canada and Australia—for starters. The IMF covid relief loans accepted by 86 nations are destined to go into foreclosure as detailed by John Perkins [CONFESSION OF ECONOMIC HIT MAN] and allow Wall Street to dominate and impose poverty.

A laboratory report of 2015 relates to embedding graphene within DNA cells which would possibly make the change hereditary. Penetration was successful but the cell died. We can rest assured improvements are being sought. [sacm].


If Putin had procrastinated an assault on the Ukraine bio labs until NATO membership was announced, the terms of NATO would have held the assault as an attack on ALL NATO members.

2 years ago

I don’t buy the mainstream narrative that Russia is waging war on the general Ukrainian population. What I find more valid is the reality that most, if not all, of the missile strikes by Russia thus far have occurred at locations where there happen to be Wuhan-style biological warfare laboratories (these are dotted all around the Ukraine, and I have a screenshot of a map showing these labs). Interestingly, there’s evidence that these labs are all heavily funded by the U.S. Government. They have been trying to scrub this crucial info from the popular search engines in recent days.

So, in a nutshell, this so-called “invasion” is just Putin’s forces taking out U.S. biological laboratories.

Also, there was a meeting held at the U.N. back in 2014, under Ban-Ki Moon, the conclusion of which formally stated that there are regions of the Ukraine that still belong to the Russian Federation.

2 years ago

Dear The COVID Blog editor and commenters: I wanted to make note that within the recent two weeks or so, I have noticed a HUGE uptick in propaganda now being done “on the sly” on various social media of all types. I am a researcher and wrote a scholarly paper for graduate school on the psych effects of c0vid 19 so I am not just some random person thinking up crazy thoughts. I am vocal online and regularly have visited websites and given my opinions. I believe that I have been targeted over the past weeks by either one or two people online who have been writing messages to me about things that only I would know. As these evil days wax worse, I expect we will see more covert manipulation going on and internet con jobs, bait and switch types of schemes, etc. For example, I watched a video on EMF and the guy obviously was a troll with an agenda as his concerns with health issues attracted people like myself, but on his website he had an article he wrote against “anti-vaxxers.” It made me realise that we need to be careful about who we trust, even more so than ever. Everyone out there, stay strong. This really is a spiritual war and the devil is unleashed.

2 years ago

Thank you for all the great research and time you take to put together this blog. Very informative stuff you don’t read elsewhere. Mainstream media sucks.

2 years ago

At this point I, and many others with a working brain, are questioning EVERYTHING! And I mean EVERYTHING!

I gave up on fake news mainstream media when the totalitarian lockdowns in 2020 began. I was sick of the complete bias these outlets were blasting. No regards for journalistic integrity. Now I’m aware of many others being awake way before this. However I was 25 when this crap began. And I say that because I am seeing so many young people acting as complete buffoons when going along with this crap. And I have been trying to plant the seeds of doubt in many young people the past 2 years with little to no success. I find it so sad and pathetic how young people like to be controlled as robots and have no desire to think outside of coping mechanisms.

I don’t watch the news anymore. I try my utmost to stay away from any television, escape the sound of a radio and avert my eyes from a newspaper in a shop. And because of that I hadn’t a clue what was going on in ukraine or anyway (and I liked it, to escape the matrix for a while and feel human) I just don’t care, and if some punk says I’m being callous then he is a just a little virtue signalling twat who didn’t care that over 200 thousand children in south east asia died as a result of lockdowns in March 2021.

In fact I cared so little about Ukraine I was like many others thinking about the clot shots and the damage they are doing? They can’t fool us that easily. Should be warn people to not take any more boosters? Well we should but I ain’t (somebody else can waste their time and energy doing so). Sorry if I sound cold hearted but joe normie did this to me. His arrogance has made me cold hearted.

In fact any Joe normie that is hearing truth bombs from an awakened human should be lucky and grateful. I have told too many dumb twats the truth and while some have listened (if they really did listen I’m not so sure) most gave me that stupid fluoride stare. They information they receive from an unbiased and unfiltered news source from ANOTHER REAL LIFE HUMAN IN A ONE TO ONE, FACE TO FACE INTERACTION would save their backside.

Everything you said in this blog is spot on. It shouldn’t even be your job to do so but here we are. Thank you.

Thank goodness I’m a Christian. Otherwise my head would explode from going mad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I understand what you’re feeling and going through. Don’t let their willful blindness and lack of convictions bring you down. Live your life to the fullest, joyfully, and trust in God. Try where and when you can. Then move on. Know you are not alone. God bless you. 🙏☺️

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Thank you for your kind words. But it’s more easier said than done (not that I’m trying to take away anything you are saying) I am trying to cast all the madness aside but it’s not easier. I am praying more to God so I guess that helps.

But I will try. I need to remind myself I’m not the only one who is trying to keep sane. Thank God this blog.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Aidan, your post could be mine. 💩
There R about 8 people in my life that know little pieces of what’s laid out on this page alone, but not enough to have sn intelligent conversation…. -fu**!!
I’m starved for ANYONE WHO KNOWS WTF is going on & not just gonna say,
“Give it to God!!!…He’s got this!” or change the subject.

(Ironically 1 is vaxxed, considering a booster, & the other isn’t -due to 12 articles and warnings my sister & I sent!)
Sure, an hour chat of general friend/work/goals & challenges”..
makes me feel like my head just blew off.
Especially when the Biden Voter’s concerned about the cost of gas…REALLY?
And somehow the 1/2 empty grocery stores aren’t even worth a 2nd thought???

😩💔 “…Just nod if you can HEAR me…
is there ANYONE home?”…

SURE I believe the Lord can “help me sort this out…” but it’s friends that use “God” as an excuse to remain blind to the tsunami of trouble, who refuse to even educate themselves, ???? That make me wonder about the crutch scenario.

I Feel SO alone. I’m sorry for not being “POSITIVE” here. Sure, I can stand there & pretend the new hottie my friend found online is cool.

But what’s the point, when he’s too afraid of “Covid” to go meet her?
The loneliness is crushing me ti the bone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I fell your pain. It can be too much to bear. Hopefully things will get better for the both of us.

2 years ago

A New Disease Induced Ukranian Mania Syndrome!!
As the gullible sheeple masses switch from one Zionist Psyop to another…it is important to continue to question everything the Fake Stream Media Portray as Reality…the power of political propaganda has once again deceived…the non-critical thinkers & the Hypno Jabbed Useful Idiots…

Josh Scandlen
Josh Scandlen
2 years ago

Can’t lie, I fell for the Afghan crap AND the WMD in IRAQ crap. Hell I actually talked to a recruiter about Re-upping even though I’d be out for 10 yrs. Didn’t happen, thankfully. Now I know the whole damn thing was fake.

2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Scandlen

God was watching over you back then, be grateful you woke up before making the worst mistake of your life. I would encourage anyone who recalls arguing with a truther about Gulf War 1, or 9/11 or any of the psy-op wars that followed…make an effort to apologize to those you may have attacked and disrespected. We were only trying to wake you folks up. It’s never to late to say: “I’m sorry, I was wrong.” No matter how far gone, there is always hope for those who can admit to having been wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Scandlen

Even if Iraq had indeed WMDs, who says only usa france england russia and israel can have WMDs ?.

If one country has WMDs, then all the countries ought to have WMDs. That’s the only way to keep blood-thirsty cruel bullies at bay and protect one’s community.

2 years ago

Hi Brian, thanks for great reporting as always. That broken record Behar too ($7M/yr -to LIE & DIVIDE).
She & Whoopi call anyone who’s not a pronoun sprouting progressive “domestic terrorists.”

This is unacceptable! Brennan spread those civil war words, on national TV, & I don’t know if people (beside Tucker pointing it out) -realize how demoralizing that is for those of us who don’t buy Biden or Trump, but know better than electing the senile one.

Also, Trump did not admit that video you feature, has Trump saying,
“This war would ABSOLUTELY NOT be happening” if he were in office. I understand you can’t have him because of his suggesting clot shots.
I agree his bragging about those is not right. But he did NOT mandate them!
How can you slam research numbers one minute, & let that
“62% believe we’d be at war if Trump were in office?” just slide by?
No way!
The pipeline would be up, the ridiculous “Green Deal” would be in tatters on the floor, we would not have $7 a gal gas in LA;

So we’d have an obnoxious-but firm braggart in the white house, who’d stand up to Putin, as he did before.
Biden played imbicile, egging Putin on, then sent a failed “activist” to encouraging Ukraine to join NATO! The corrupt media KNOW the election was stolen. They helped Stacey Abrams flip Georgia & get Buttegig in, changing voter ID laws right before using false Covid fear to sail through mail in/dead people voting.

Time admits they helped steal it, then calls any1 who participated in ANY Jan 6th activity “seditionists.”
After months of burned & destroyed small businesses in Democrat lead states, we had to watched WEF whores/Soros bought election officials sweep the American middle class down tge drain!
Banks repo-ed that property for pennies on the dollar! Kamala organised bailouts for those destroyers, some out in SIX hours, burning sh** down again, & we have a 65 y/o grandma charged for trespassing on the Capitol, terrible human rights abuses, and even the LAWYERS for the Jan 6th accused despise them.

What happened to “A Jury of their peers?” “Swift & speedy trial?”
You know that was set up, with Feds, Antifa, BLM actors, and those of us who know WTF happened see total collapse of justice & NO power to help Jan 6th protesters. If we even post it on-line, we’re flagged!

You are running the Covid-shot narrative 110%, & I applaud you for that. But BRIAN, I think you know, we MON-VAXXED have bigger problems than whose dying of Pfizer next!
The WORLD is in a fkn takedown right now!!!

Biden getting “in office” was the icing on the Tyrannical cake. The Trillions blowing out the door mean hell for us the next 20 years. You & I may not have kids, but that’s who they expect to pay for their audacity. And as you rightfully point out, the one-world currency is on the way.

I don’t expect Trump, or any politician to ‘SAVE US.” Hell no, we’re in deep with A/i, IOT, IOB, and 80k more t-G satellites/towers scheduled for install, which are able to de-oxygenate the blood in hours.
The last thing we need is to quibble over what we know is being done, when we know ALL politicians are pawns. Why not choose the lesser of 2 evils?
We can ar least slow the freaking deluge, buy some prep time if Trump were in office! Please let me know your thoughts on this incoming Lead Zeplin.

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