Victoria Brownworth: 63-year-old Philadelphia journalist declares that all vaxx-injured people are faking, now perpetually sick after her “wife” dies from hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancer
May 30, 2023

PHILADELPHIA — This blogger came close to skipping this story despite several readers providing the lead and asking for a deeper dive.

All vaxx zealots are unintelligent and lack critical thinking skills. It’s hard not to feel sorry for some of them because they have no freewill whatsoever. But some of these people are so vile and evil towards the non-vaccinated that their vitriol needs to be documented. The instant subject crossed all lines of human decency by insulting, belittling and dismissing millions of people across the globe suffering from debilitating adverse reactions as a result of the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

Ms. Victoria Brownworth is a longtime “journalist” and author. Her first writing job was at Philadelphia Gay News while she was a freshman at Temple University in the late 1970s. Her entire existence revolves around homosexual culture. But she is considered a “TERF,” a liberal acronym for “Tran-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.” Apparently that means she’s “transphobic.” But we don’t pretend to understand homosexual culture and their pseudo-language here.

Ms. Brownworth has written for several mainstream media newspapers, including the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times. She won the 2020 Newspaper Feature for a Non-Daily Publication Award, via the Society of Professional Journalists, for a series of articles about “COVID and the LGBTQ community.” Ms. Brownworth married her “wife,” Madelaine Gold, in 2014.

Vaxx zealotry plus preexisting conditions equals Brownworth

It’s indisputable fact that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections exacerbate any and all preexisting conditions. Ms. Brownworth had many of them. She’d been diagnosed with, among other things, multiple sclerosis (MS), breast cancer, and has “a spot on her lungs,” all prior to the injections. Pfizer specifically lists MS as a potential adverse reaction (or exacerbation) on its April 30, 2021 “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest.” Ms. Brownworth sometimes uses a wheelchair to get around.

Despite all the foregoing, Ms. Brownworth and Ms. Gold are/were at least triple-vaxxed each, and likely quadruple-vaxxed plus flu and pneumonia shots. We know for certain that Gold received her first injection in March 2021. All other injection date for both are unclear.

Ms. Brownworth’s vaxx zealotry, mask zealotry and vitriol towards the non-vaccinated have been relentless since late 2020. She insulted all American men who chose not to wear masks.

She constantly spread lies and propaganda. Ms. Brownworth referred to spike protein shedding, which Pfizer admitted early in its own documents was a real phenomenon, as “conspiracy theory.”


She compared the non-vaccinated to terrorists.



Ms. Brownworth constantly regurgitates the “Trump is an anti-vaxxer” fallacy like all of her liberal brethren.


RELATED: 5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House (November 30, 2021)


She constantly attacks people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Naomi Wolf, and labels all non-vaccinated people “Qanon,” “lunatics,” and “MAGA.”

Ms. Brownworth has repeatedly belittled, mocked, and insulted all vaxx-injured people experiencing uncontrollable convulsions (Shawn Skelton Syndrome).

Thus, this Brownworth character has concluded that Dominique De Silva, Channelle Wilkinson, Danielle Turner, Casey Hodgkinson, Felicity Jackson, Fred Pye, Julie Ann Nobles, Eve Dale, etc. are/were all just “Qanon, lunatic, bad actors.” Note that nearly all of these cases were the result of AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections or before the slow-kill mRNA formulas were released to the public and replaced the first experimental super-deadly formulas after August 2021.

Ms. Brownworth said she has “zero patience” for anti-vaxxers.

Critical thinkers and karma have zero patience for vile vaxx zealots.

Post-injection, hyper-aggressive cancer kills “wife,” Brownsworth constantly sick, blames “Long COVID,” #ABV

You’d think someone with so many life-altering preexisting conditions would have some level of discernment and avoid experimental gene therapies. But vaxx zealots simply cannot help themselves.

Ms. Gold, the “wife,” out of nowhere, was diagnosed with “rare and extremely aggressive stage 4 metastatic cancer” on May 9, 2022. It would have been more humane to just let the woman die, instead of giving the medical industrial complex hundreds of thousands of dollars for “22 surgeries and procedures and months of debilitating chemotherapy and radiation.” Ms. Gold passed away a little over six months later, on November 12, 2022. She was the same age as Ms. Brownworth, around 63.

RELATED: CATEGORY – Post-injection cancer.


Meanwhile, Ms. Brownworth gets sick constantly ever since receiving the injections. She often brags about winning an award for writing about “long COVID,” which is really post-injection POTS and/or other chronic adverse reactions. And now she often blames her chronic post-injection illnesses on so-called long COVID and #ABV.



She was just in the emergency room again three weeks ago, on May 12.



Now she’s blaming “broken heart syndrome” for her post-injection ailments.


Granted broken heart syndrome is a real condition. But to use the words of Ms. Brownworth, it’s “infuriating” for vile vaxx zealots to “fake real illness” like broken heart syndrome with their “shameless, bad acting” instead of admitting the truth. Don’t expect any mea culpas from her anytime soon.

Apologies and prayers to all the vaxx-injured worldwide (except for Brownworth)

This woman had the dirty nerve to tweet the following just a few days ago.

This blogger is in constant contact with vaxx-injured individuals around the globe, many of whom are suffering from Shawn Skelton Syndrome. They know doctors cannot and will not help them. They know vile vaxx zealots like Brownworth will attack and belittle them online for speaking about their conditions. All they want to do is cry, pray and just hear a voice who will listen to them and see a smile from someone who cares. They know their lives are forever altered and they know why.

The COVID Blog® book will be self-published. Brownworth belittles and insults anyone who self-publishes their own books as well. We’re going to have to end this article here, like we did the Jackson Ball article in February. There are too many things this blogger wants to say that may be regretful later.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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1 year ago

Ms. Brownworth is a hateful b*tch. She is reaping what she has sown. From Philadelphia. Not surprised. This area is crawling with zealous covidiots. The women are especially nasty. No sympathy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

The worst ones are the narcissists. Like my mother. They are the ones who get off belittling others, present themselves as exemplary heros, crave validation from authority figures and celebrities. They are also so self absorbed that they cannot put themselves in the shoes of other, nor accept any blame for poor outcomes of decisions they made. They keep blaming others for their poor decisions, and get angry at others pointing out their follies, when they are totally ok pointing out the so called follies of others.

This woman strikes me as a narcissist. You cannot get upset with them because they were born with a personality disorder from when they were in the womb. Apparently pregnant women subject to extreme emotional stress tend to produce narcissistic children (Swedish study). You can never change narcissistic people, but can manage them in such a way that they don’t negatively impact you too much

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

No one is born with a personality disorder. We are all born sinners, that’s the root cause

1 year ago
Reply to  Lyn

So what sin has an innocent Preborn or Newborn Child committed?

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

Yikes! I think we may have the same mother! It is frightening growing up with a narcissistic parent, I stay far, far away from that craziness. The few times I have engaged with them, I live to regret it and always feel like my world was turned upside down!

It’s interesting, the Swedish study you mentioned. Tis true with my mother, yet I also think it may be genetic. Her mother was a full blown narcissist as well as my sister.

You cannot fix a narcissist. Best to give them a wide berth. They have black belts in Chaos and Destruction.

1 year ago
Reply to  LoriQ

It can definitely be genetic. Narcissism runs in families.

1 year ago
Reply to  LoriQ

Yep, my mother was narcissistic too and I was very relieved when she past away.

However, I did learn a lot from her. I got first hand experience at seeing how the deception and lies were curated and played out. I think that is the main reason I can read folks and spot deception a mile away.

For that training, I will be forever grateful cause that training and other experiences along the way gave me strength and courage. I refused shots, masks, etc and wasn’t rocked by the flying monkeys, gaslighting, lying, coercion, etc that took place to get the shots. I had already stood my ground against evil, so this evil was no match for me…So, there cqn be a silver lining in having had a narcissistic parent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

1 year ago
Reply to  dval

Jesus – NOT saul/paul the never was a DISCIPLE [Acts 1] JESUSWORDSONLY dot github dot io Rev. 18.4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, MY people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

1 year ago
Reply to  laws

Concerning Paul – Acts 9:15 – But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

The fact the she frequently suffers post vax illness (vax damage) warms my heart. She, and people like her manipulated people to vax, and now shame them from seeking help for vax damage. I am a non-vaxed 56 year old man, got covid took HCQ and vitamin D with Zinc, 36 hours later, I forgot I had covid was up and about. Everything she speaks is a lie, everything she believes is a lie.

Anna T.
1 year ago

The dumb blonde needs another booster to cure her long COVID. What else can I say?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anna T.

Agreed. I reread this story and didn’t see where she took the shingles shot. Perhaps that will cure her “imagined” illnesses. Yeah. It’s judgemental of me but she gets it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anna T.

Another booster would put this dumb blonde well and truly out of our misery.

1 year ago

People who live in this hyper-state of lunacy lose, in my humble opinion, their ability to show compassion, kindness, care or empathy to anyone that does not believe as they do. They truly look at us (anti-vaxxers) as their mortal enemy, and we must be located, neutralized and removed like a malignant cancerous tumor. Reason and critical thinking are no longer available to these true-believer acolytes of the Covid Cult. Rabid cultists are dangerous – they will never admit they were wrong, even when facts are presented to the contrary – Jim Jones and his cyanide-drinking followers come to mind (and we know what happened in Guyana 40+ years ago).

I loathe wishing people death or destruction – I believe in Karma so would like to avoid having death and destruction knock on my door. With that in mind, I would like to say the Covid Cult is truly their own worst enemy. That which they think heals them (the vaccine) is actually harming and even killing them. Since they won’t listen to reason and continue to act with smug superiority over those of us who chose not to be vaccinated, well, they will continue to reap what they’ve sown. As harsh as that sounds, it truly is self-inflicted.

1 year ago
Reply to  LoriQ

The idiot never needs to be destroyed – being an idiot; they are on self-destruct and end up destroying themselves.

1 year ago

By her own measuring stick, I declare she must be just faking the illnesses that she claims. This person is one of the most narcissistic you have featured on this blog, and that is saying something.

May she last much longer than her wife did, she deserves every precious moment of the life she chose and continues to choose. I will relish every anguished post she makes, just as I am sure her hero Fauci would if he saw them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Brilliant reply.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

“Only the good die young.”

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

Its amazing and always puts me in awe how these people will never blame the vax. They have no idea what it is, the doctors have no idea how it happened but one thing is sure to them its not the vax. Never the vax. I’m starting to think they know it is they just don’t want to admit it because that would be saying we ( their mortal enemy) were right. And they can’t have that…

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

Her type would rather die than be admit she was wrong

Neighbor Bob
Neighbor Bob
1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

By her type, you mean stupid right?

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

They are paid not to know things and denial is an ego defense mechanism, as they themselves were “inoculated” and “that couldn’t have been bad – could it ?? The pharmaceutical industry couldn’t have lied to us – could it??”

1 year ago

Wife? That tell us all. It seems to me that all the homosexuals have some type of fantasy in taking risks and playing with death. They do the same thing with AIDS. Like a game for them. Very sick and twisted mentality. Now imagine those people being teachers and influencing kids to take this jab. Kingdom of Khazar!

1 year ago
Reply to  Godom

I’m 100% sure if I allowed my two toddler boys to go to public school they would be groomed to be homosexual, transgender or some other unholy combination. Never.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago
Reply to  Tara

Thank you for protecting your children. They will have to be the ones to rebuild this world.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

Not only is cancer threat increased by taking the injections but masking and denying your body oxygen give the cancer another boost. I believe that this is also why masking was pushed so vigorously.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

Yes, I read that, too. The harms from the masks are simply staggering; pneumonia, cavities, neurological impairment, brain and lung cells die, migraines, etc. They’re even linked to stillbirths. The harms from a mask begin within three minutes. How many days, weeks, months, years did some people wear them? No wonder they have lost their ability to reason rationally – if they ever had that ability in the first place!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

After the Covid Vaxx T-cells are reduced. The P53 gene that checks for errant codes (cancer) when cell replicates gets turned off. We now have a significant increase in cancer and these so-called “turbo” cancers arising throughout all age groups.

1 year ago

What I find most interesting in all of this is the picture of her standing in front of a mirror with a pink cross on the upper left. True believer indeed.

1 year ago

Mocking the vaccine injured is disgusting! These are the same people who believed in the propaganda and were just as scared and concerned as Mrs. Brownworth.

I admit I have belittled the vaccine injured, but it was because I was feeling anger and contempt for these people, whom I saw as traitors. But you have to forgive me as myself and many others were going through a rough patch of challenging the narrative and holding off against totalitarian mandates (which the now newly vaccinated injured did not come to our aid). Don’t forget the German farmer who shot his family and himself because he feared he and his family would be arrested over their fake vaccine passports. They didn’t want to take the vaccine (as was their choice) and were in a position, like many of us, where they couldn’t live a normal life all because they refused to be jabbed with a vaccine that has now clearly proven to cause severe harm and death.

How do these vaxx-zealots sleep at night knowing they actions have caused harm and suffering to so many?

However, because I am in great health, dodged all the covid and globo-homo nonsense during the past three years, and have attained enough knowledge about the future I am in a great position and have no need to hate these poor sods. In fact, if these vaccine injured people realise the error of their ways and finally wake up then it’s a good thing – more allies.

My mockery of the vaccine injured did not to soothe my soul. I see no need for it.

However, as Brian as pointed out, it is a horrible thing to claim that these people are faking it; and it is right to call out people who make these awful claims.

Brian, your a good man. Don’t let anyone tell your otherwise

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

I totally agree with you. I was the same way for a while. These are the same people that wanted the unvaxxed to be rounded up and isolated for the good of society. To be forbidden to obtain goods and services for everyday survival. To not have access to healthcare services unless vaxxed. The majority of these folks don’t need to be mocked, they were played by the system. Now, this lady does need to be mock, embarrassed, ridiculed and any other word that can be used. She’s up there in a league of her own and many others. I hate to use the word karma again, but that’s what it is. Pride, arrogance and ignorance and this lady is the result. I don’t care anything for these type of people

1 year ago

All her health decisions revolve around the political. I didn’t know that you could politicize a virus and a “cure” for it. Leave it to humans. Calling out anti-vaxxers? Keep tweeting babe, it doesn’t legitimize you, and calls out your ignorance.

Broken Hearted Ms. Brownworth
Broken Hearted Ms. Brownworth
1 year ago

This one takes the cake, wifey is dead and she still doesn’t get it

1 year ago

It is not about getting it or not. She has many incentives to be in denial. One, is that she herself is vaxxed.

Just like the many who insisted to look the other way when 9/11 happened. They prefered to safeguard the illusions that they surrounded themselves with rather than admit they live under the rule of deranged liars and psychopaths, who go around the planet spreading pain fear destruction and death.

Just like the wives of mafiosis. They go about enjoying a comfortable life, pretending not to know anything about the nefarious activities of their cruel and bully husbands.

1 year ago

Very measured piece, thanks. You do an amazing service

Regarding the subject: the words ‘don’t back down, double down’ springs to mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  adrian

The mind boggles.

I decided it was a hoax in March 2020 (first week of first lockdown in NZ) after watching the interviews in the Perspectives on the Pandemic series, by Journeyman Pictures (still worth a look if you can find them, some episodes are more suppressed than others). They said the virus was like the Flu and they couldn’t figure out what the fuss was about.

By they I mean the epidemiologists that were interviewed.

I was ahead of the curve and in Nov 2019 I ordered filter masks and hazmat suits because I heard about a lab leaked virus. After I realised it was a big scam I stopped caring, and to this day I’ve never even noticed covid.

Now vaxed people are sick all the time, and I still don’t notice anything – except the smell. Freshly vaxed or boosted people stink sometimes especially if they are fat or diabetic. I wonder if that’s why they made us wear masks – so we couldn’t tell?

1 year ago

Thank you so much for the excellent articles. I’m very grateful for your time and care for people of the world.

I really feel like all this lgbtqxyz mess going on, such as the bud light deal that seemed to swing the door wide open for heated debate between civilians, is purposeful distraction from the covid jab adverse side effects and deaths. I hardly see anyone on YouTube talking about it at all, only this trans mess. I don’t get on any other social platform so I don’t know, but you are the only one I do know of still talking about it. I suppose YT could be censoring it if it is on there.

As for this person in the article here…just simply amazes me there are still people this day who have full trust in TPTB and associates such as gates, fauci and hollyweird celebrities. Just really boggles my mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

Covid Vaccine Injury Month, anyone? If they are too sick or injured, perhaps their relatives or good friends could propagate it, after all, what has not been propagated on us? People could make this a “thing”, too.

You can only gaslight people for so long on any BS. Doesn’t matter Covid BS or Tranny or any other crap. And gaslighters know this. It’s just as long as you let them.

1 year ago

Interesting.. thanks greatly for your blog

1 year ago

All these vaxxers & attention hounds you write about are under severe mind control. That does not absolve them, but it explains a lot.

1 year ago

Wow, pretty ironic she talks about hating less. What a piece of work.

1 year ago

I’m glad you didn’t skip over this story. This lady is a real gem. Spent her whole adult life in a bubble with other similar thinking dipshits. Oh well.

kevin king
kevin king
1 year ago

Wow. These people are beyond deranged. I wouldn’t normally wish anyone ill but this complete cnt deserves to die in agony.

1 year ago

Karma couldn’t happen to a more hateful and nasty lesbian. Not one tear shed for her, she brought it all on herself.

1 year ago

I notice this “journalist” employs medical abbreviations like dxd for diagnosed, etc. but I would like her to dxd herself and tell us all what weird kind of Münchausen syndrome she suffers from. My guess is her mommy rushed her to a doctor at the first sign of sniffles and a cold when she was young. Good example of how not to raise children. It seems she is miffed that she, with her pre-existing conditions, is not happy to have to share the spotlight with those that now share her symptoms after getting the Fauci-ouchy, as if only her own illness is legitimate. She, unfortunately, is the owner of a reprobate mind and will most likely not be around too much longer herself.

actions have consequneces
actions have consequneces
1 year ago

This horrible woman is a narcissist. She thinks by going along with the group think that it makes her a better person then everyone else. It’s all about ego. It’s about showing how “morally” superior, intellectually superior and politically superior she is to those low life blue collar people who have the critical thinking skills to question authority. She will pay for it with her life just like her equally stupid “wife”. I don’t care. Good riddance.

1 year ago

She’s s disgusting monster and will burn in hell.

James Egidio
1 year ago

Sad, Sad, Sad state of affairs; it sounds like this woman has anger issues and needs prayer!

1 year ago

Just stunning level of indoctrination. I have to assume she, in spite of the enormous cognitive dissonance, believes what she is saying. These people are making the great reset so much easier for them to implement. Pray for some type of experience (maybe an NDE) that wakes her up before she kills herself with all these injections.

1 year ago

First, this hozebag has a “wife.” That makes anything she says completely useless. I can only hope the same death for her. She is a useless misrepresentation of life on earth. Go and get your boosters.. all six. We’ll watch as you wither and die from the vaxx induced “long covid.”

1 year ago

I find it quite amusing how these “vaxx zealots” are plagued with this so-called “long covid,” but people like me have NEVER taken on of these death jabs have ZERO problems with the so-called “long covid.” The so-called “long covid” isn’t covid at all… its the reaction to the poison called the “vaxx” that these idiots have taken. I’m laughing because they will be deceased and I will still be alive. Go get that 6th booster…. less idiots to worry about.

1 year ago

Thanks for covering this, Brian. It must be really difficult to write about someone like Brownworth without gagging and vomiting. God Bless You, Sir.

1 year ago

I checked Ms Brownworth’s Twitter account and it looks like another Twitter user posted this excellent article about her.

What do you think Brownworth? I know you stopped by for a read.

Can you handle the truth? Have you seen the VAERS database yet?

1 year ago
Reply to  JimmyT

For a “Journalist” (Propagandist), she sure lacks objectivity and an even handed, balanced approach to controversial issues.

If this is how she sells her viewpoint, I can’t imagine how she engages in personal disputes. Maybe her “wife” was worn down from living with her.

1 year ago

I keep going back to Brownworth’s twitter. Her tweets don’t ring true with me… it’s as if they are AI-generated.

The article that Brownworth wrote about her wife was hard to believe. She says she & her wife were present at the 1st Philly Pride in 1972. That puts her at 13 years old? Let’s assume she’s lying about her age, that she actually was 18 in 1972, which would put her at age 69 today. Certainly possible, but she knew this girlfriend for 50 years? Yeah ok *sarc. I’m not sure these are real people: Maybe they are like Tiffany Dover, loosely based on reality.

10 months ago
Reply to  anybody

This is a real possibility. It promotes the vax and hatred of anti vaxxers. And it’s so hateful and stupid as to be unreal. Unless she truly is a monster.

1 year ago

I join the widow you wrote about who refuses to get angry. Now is a time to be compassionate and fill the air with kindness and understanding. Ms Brownsworth is a victim of an evil satanic force that’s sadly affected so many people of every place race creed or faith. I’m just glad that I didn’t fall for the traps which pull at our heartstrings with lies, fears and other forms of manipulation. But there is a great awakening going on that will wash this world clean. All in God’s hands if if just surrender to His will.

1 year ago

“All vax zealots are unintelligent and lack critical thinking skills.”

I have two brothers who are actually very intelligent but are, unfortunately, vax zealots. For them it appears to be more of a matter of political allegiance to the Democratic Party (as if the GOP isn’t filled with vax zealots as well). Nothing will ever convince them they’ve been had. They’re fully vaxxed and boosted and, if quarterly boosters had become a thing, they would have gotten them. Additionally, if there had been legislation requiring every living person in the country to get vaxxed, I have no doubt they would have endorsed it, even to the point of telling enforcers where to find me so that I could be imprisoned for resisting. Recall how popular it was among vax zealots to arrest, fine and lock up vax hold-outs, as well as anyone who even spoke up against vaxxing or even expressed doubt in the miraculous qualities of vaxxes.

Somewhere I read this quote: “If you wonder what you would have done in Germany in 1933, in 2021 you got your answer.” People wonder what was going through the minds of people in Germany as the Nazis came to power. Well, wonder no more. Plenty of people in the USA and elsewhere fully endorsed vax tyranny, and it took them no time at all to adopt that point of view.

1 year ago

She will basically commit suicide as well as she is clearly too brainwashed and stupid to know any better.

10 months ago

Ms. Brownsh*t is a pig, and I have no sympathy for her at all. And it’s disturbing to witness her contradictions and insanity. The worst of humanity

Went on her Twitter / X account. She is a Biden, Hillary lover and hard core democrat. She doesn’t appear to be sick. Too bad. I want to hear her whine about her suffering

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