Danielle Turner: 44-year-old Australian truck driver suffering uncontrollable convulsions, numerous seizures after first Pfizer mRNA injection

December 6, 2021 (updated 3:30 p.m. Pacific)

Ms. Danielle Turner.

GEELONG, VICTORIA— A 44-year-old truck driver and mother of one was forced to quit her job after receiving a mandatory injection to keep her job. Her story is also a sneak peak into more supply chain disruption forthcoming in Australia and beyond.

Ms. Danielle Turner “reluctantly” received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on October 9, according to her GoFundMe page. She reported general malaise that night. But she thought nothing of it and went to sleep in anticipation of driving her route the next day. The following morning, she felt “odd” but went to work anyway. Ms. Turner suffered several seizures before she could start her shift. What happened from there is modus operandi in Australia.

RELATED: Doctors continually discharge post-injection injured patients with diagnosis of “anxiety”.


She was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Just like nearly all post-injection injuries in Australia, doctors sent her home after two hours. They said nothing was physically wrong with her and it was simply “stress” causing the seizures and convulsions. Ms. Turner had seizures for “36 hours straight” thereafter. She believed she was going to die.

Seeking alternative medicine

Ms. Turner conceded that the state-run medical establishment would not help her. Her regular doctor refused to report her injuries as vaxx-related. Ms. Turner enlisted the help of Adam Canning. He is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and specializes in Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).

Mr. Canning examined Ms. Turner at his Geelong clinic on October 11.  He posted two videos on YouTube demonstrating what Ms. Turner endures on a day-to-day basis. Note, these videos will be censored by YouTube at some point. Leave a comment or email us if the videos are gone and we’ll re-upload them elsewhere.

The second video is at Ms. Turner’s home.

We reached out to Mr. Canning to get an update on Ms. Turner. “She’s had a really rough time and it is still ongoing,” he told The COVID Blog. “She now has other neurological issues including forgetting her name.” Mr. Canning, who is also acting as Ms. Turner’s advocate, said he is using acupuncture and other natural remedies to provide her some relief.

RELATED: Fred Pye: 39-year-old Canadian man suffering convulsions after Moderna injection, self-medicating with horse Ivermectin (July 21, 2021)


“I’ve been doing Auriculotherapy with a laser to treat her neurological and inflammatory problems,” he said. Auriculotherapy combines the ancient Chinese practice of Auricular acupuncture (in the ears) with modern laser technology. A 2013 study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that laser acupuncture has “high potential.” But the practice is still too new to draw definitive conclusions.

Ultimately Ms. Turner needs a dedicated neurologist if she’s ever going to get back to semi-normalcy. But there’s a six-month waiting list in the state-run health system. The seizures and convulsions are constant, in addition to a newly-developed stutter, permanent headaches and body pain. She obviously can no longer work after getting the injection that was supposed to save her job.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds to help pay for a private neurologists and help with household expenses.

Worse case we’ve seen thus far?

When this blogger first saw Ms. Shawn Skelton struggling with this adverse reaction in January, it was hard to believe. Most of the comments on Ms. Turner’s YouTube videos accuse her of acting and/or the whole story being fake. But now we’ve covered at least 15 stories just like this. There are three things we can say for certain about “Shawn Skelton Syndrome.”

RELATED: All cases we’ve covered of Shawn Skelton Syndrome.

One, women are BY FAR more susceptible to it than men, particularly women under age 30. The aforementioned Mr. Fred Pye is the only man we’ve covered who suffers from this condition. Of course women may simply be more willing to share their suffering on social media. Second, onset is always within a day or two. Thus if you survive the first week without coming down with this condition, you’re likely in the clear. Finally, treatment is hit and miss.

Angelia Gipson Deselle is another one of the first cases we covered on this blog back in January. She posted a Facebook update on November 13 saying that nothing has changed in her life 11 months later.

Ms. Madeline Johnson and Ms. Julie Ann Nobles provide some hope. The previous appears to be doing better after seeing Dr. Mark Ghalili in Los Angeles. Ms. Nobles improved after seeing Dr. Tim Morthland in Herrin, Illinois. But Ms. Turner’s condition looks more severe than all the others. She literally looks like she’s being electrocuted during her convulsions. All we can do is pray she gets the help she needs.

RELATED: Eve Dale: 20-year-old British woman went from “normal fun young girl” to having full-body convulsions, unable to walk 24 hours after second Pfizer mRNA injection (September 2, 2021)


Meanwhile, reporter Freddie Sayers of Unherd News, interviewed Hayley Hodgson last week. The 26-year-old was taken from her home and placed in Australia’s Howard Springs “quarantine camp” near Darwin, Northern Territory, for 14 days. She even filmed footage from inside the concentration quarantine camp. It is beyond creepy and one of the many reasons this blogger is well armed.

If this video doesn’t convince you that the pre-2020 world is gone forever, nothing will. We haven’t even mentioned the forthcoming and current supply chain issues, as truckers like Ms. Turner are voluntarily or otherwise dropping out of the labor pool. Joe Biden issued a vaxx mandate for truckers crossing the Canadian or Mexican border beginning on January 22, 2022. Make certain you have a few boxes of nonperishable food and anything that comes from China that you need/use on a day-to-day basis. If you think things are crazy now, wait until 2022.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

I’m seeing the same theme over and over again. People reluctantly give in to keep their job, then they become crippled, lose their job anyway, get saddled with medical bills to boot, nobody will help them, and their lives are left utterly destroyed.
The moral of the story: don’t let anybody bully you into a decision that is yours and yours alone to make.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Exactly! It’s lose your job because you don’t get vaccinated or get vaccinated and die or become unable to work for the rest of your life. Don’t give in!

2 years ago
Reply to  Urban.sunday

It is not just about dying or unable to work for the rest of your life. The Covid shots are reducing the quality of work, and forcing a lot of folks with experience to retire or quit their jobs. Companies are losing their best workers because of the vaccinations, and there are companies preparing for the future because they know their vaccinated workers won’t live long or be able to function in the future.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

No job is worth it. I think back to all my previous jobs and I would NEVER voluntarily be maimed or die for any of them. Why people would get a jab for a place that would think nothing of tossing you to the curb if you don’t do it? Its OK to say NO.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

It’s almost like there is a pattern going on…and joe normie is still none the wiser and will keep on taking their booster jabs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Excellent comment, that is exactly what is happening. What I am wondering is, why can’t more people see the problem with this ‘no jab, no job’ doctrine? It cancels itself out. Here is the truth of it: Get Jabbed = Get Sick (or worse) = Lose Job.

2 years ago

It is a shame.
I thought the truck drivers were going to a blockade to end the AU tyranny? What happened with that?

2 years ago

People act as if they don’t remember the term “for the duration.” They think of themselves as “sacrificing their educations” if they don’t get the jab, or of “losing their job” if they don’t get the jab. Wrong — they are POSTPONING their careers and their educations for the duration if they refuse the jab, because THIS TOO SHALL PASS. Jobs are temporary, college schedules are temporary; consequences of the jab once taken are permanent.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

It’s so sad.. When you see these cases, it’s terrifying. It truly looks like their bodies are fighting with all they have against these lethal levels of toxicity!!.. It’s like watching someone painfully going into rigor mortis before Death.

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago

It still seems we are far off from a Mass Awakening, when it comes to No Jab No Job which equals take the Jab and get paralyzed…the Adverse Effects are still a huge Unknown in the public consciousness…thanks to the Epic Sellout Doctors on the Take from Big Pharma to keep quiet…I’m sure in this case the Fascist Tyrannical Australian Government tells doctors to zip it or see their licences get pulled…and the Doctor responds…” Yes Master, i’ll do whatever you say “…Almost everyone is serving Mammon and the Money Printers…Do these Doctors even have a Soul? The Devils money in this case, is worth more than someone’s Life…These Doctors just don’t get it…Later on, they will be exterminated also…The JWO Loves No One…especially those that sell out their own neighbours…Dr. Mengeles Descendents are in charge of the Medical Apparatus all over…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Mass awakening implies the masses (people with brains jn the minority and the masses being joe normie). Only those with cognitive thinking abilities are awakened because they aren’t feed on a diet of fear, tv and msm news outlets.

And of course even if you did actually care enough about joe normie (i don’t) and told them about the dangers of these death shots they are somehow still none the wiser. yeah you might get a few who will not take a booster because they heard something but i doubt it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

at this point it’s like 30% kind of aware but not fully compliant, I’d say maybe 10% of the world are fully aware but what can they possibly do, take pitchforks and go against tanks? i see no solution out of this, sadly, everything comes to an end sooner or later, in this case it’s sooner and too soon for some

2 years ago

This is so unbelievably sad. Thank you for reporting on Ms. Turner.

2 years ago

My niece works for an Integrated Health System which helps patients recover from debilitating and long-term illnesses and injuries. They also have short and long term assisted living apartments there too. Its a huge employer in my area. WELL they were all suppose to be vaccinated by Dec.4th or be let go. They went around to everyone that wasn’t vaccinated and told them to just fill out this form for a religious exemption and they would get it. They know that over half the staff would have walked before getting it and they found a solution just like that.

H Alex
H Alex
2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

Thank you for sharing this uplifting story of an employer getting around this unconstitutional mandate.

2 years ago
Reply to  H Alex

Your welcome. I was actually surprised to hear it myself. I also asked if they were trying to push the booster on the already vaxxed and she said Nope not a word about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  H Alex

Brilliant & totally Legit!!.. You just have to have a sincere belief system, even if you don’t have a formal religious membership. That is how strong the Freedom of Religion actually is under the U.S. Constitution.
And that’s so smart to retain your well-trained, top employees!!.. This is great for their mental, physical, economic, & spiritual Health!!-

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago

There was a woman in the States, when the shots were first being rolled out, who suffered a similar reaction, and she was savaged mercilessly as “faking” her symptoms. Now that more and more cases of these are coming to light it doesn’t make it any less damning to those who mocked someone suffering.

2 years ago

I’ve been stocking up on stuff for awhile now. Every month I buy a few things extra and will continue until I pack my staircase closet. I wanted to put in a generator for the house but the price sky rocketed and the wait line is nearly four months long. Part of me wants to cash out of society and live in a isolated cabin hidden in some mountain until everything blows over. And I live in Texas where we never really locked down, never had enforced masks or anything. I’ve just lost trust in everything. Who knew doctors would turn out to be such cowards.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

She looks like someone you don’t want to piss off…..

2 years ago

They said it was 95% effective and it is. These monstrous injections are effective at creating havoc within the body and wrecking your native immune system.

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