July 21, 2021
UPDATE May 13, 2022 – Mrs. Julie Ann Nobles is now wearing some sort of medical device invented by an Illinois doctor.
It helps mitigate the convulsions. She still cannot swallow well and has vertigo symptoms. Her Bell’s Palsy is still very visible. Mr. and Mrs. Nobles said that only their faith is getting them through, since their life will never be like it was before the Moderna injection.
We’ll follow up again in due course.
DENVER, COLORADO — A wife and mother of three faces an uncertain future, but has at least found temporary relief in the near-term.
Mrs. Julie Ann Nobles received her first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on May 14, according to her Facebook page. She “happily” received the injection because she was excited about mask mandates being lifted. Mrs. Nobles also “[heard] on the news how it is safe.”
She ended up in the emergency room 45 minutes after the injection because she was unable to swallow anything. Doctors gave her steroids and Benadryl, and sent her home. But three days later, she experienced excruciating neck pain, followed by facial numbness. By May 19, she was paralyzed on the right side of her body. Doctors performed a battery of tests and ruled out a stroke. Mrs. Nobles praised God that the diagnosis was “only Bell’s Palsy.”
Unfortunately her condition worsened from there. Mr. Ben Nobles, Julie’s husband, said on May 26 that his wife was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). The COVID Blog calls the condition “Shawn Skelton Syndrome,” named after the first person we covered who display these symptoms. Julie started having uncontrollable convulsions and extreme difficulty walking.
Mr. Nobles posted another update on May 28. Julie experienced a cerebrospinal fluid leak, along with severe migraine headaches.
Mrs. Nobles posted the following video update on June 27.
Glimmer of hope
Mrs. Nobles posted another update on July 7. She appeared much better in the video, without the convulsions and Bell’s Palsy symptoms.
The couple mentioned seeing a doctor in Kentucky. It is likely the same doctor that Ms. Kristi Simmonds saw for her condition back in February. Ms. Simmonds felt immediate relief after the Inflammation Reflexology Treatment (IRT) as well. But judging from her recent Facebook posts, it didn’t cure her completely. Ms. Simmonds posted as recently as July 4 about her severe convulsions returning.
Judging from their photos, the Nobles’ are a happy, apple pie-type family. They are Christians. Mr. Nobles is part of the ministry staff at Denver United Methodist Church. The road ahead of the family won’t be easy to navigate. There have been no further public updates from either spouse since the July 7 video.
Convulsions (Shawn Skelton Syndrome) no longer “rare”
When we first saw these convulsion symptoms in January, it was even hard for us to believe. Now it seems we are covering another one of these every week. Shawn Skelton is essentially patient zero with these symptoms. It seems everyone who comes down with this condition contacts her, Ms. Simmonds and Ms. Angelia Gipson Desselle. Give all three women props for at least giving other hope in very dire situations.
These mRNA and viral vector DNA injections destroy your blood. That’s why almost everyone who receives the shots report fatigue and general malaise. New natural remedy suggestions are coming out daily. But the best thing to do is avoid these lethal injections altogether. If you have already received one, do not get the second one, and hope for the best. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
Distressing to watch this video. So the Nobles are seeing a doc in KY. And didn’t I read just today that Senator Mitch McConnell is browbeating his constituents to get the shots?
McConnell, Schiff, Pelosi, et. al are pretty much a poster child for what is wrong with America today.
Note: The Spanish doctors that discovered the deadly graphene oxide in several brands of covid injections have made a video that said that Glutathione can help break down and eliminate the graphine oxide from the body.
Some other bloggers call this “dystonia” (which seems very generic) nice looking couple & they seem upbeat. 🙏
Honestly, I don’t understand what they think is funny about this.
Nice couple. Resilient, just trying to deal with their ordeal on a day to day basis and considering it a blessing that they have been screwed up only to certain point. The perfect flock for the demons posing as the father-figures of mankind : licking their wounds while making sure to be unthreatening, still oblivious to the war being waged on humanity and prefacing their reports by a near-apology (“just reporting the side effects”).
No wonder the parasites plaguing mankind, blatantly advertise themselve fearlessly,, such as Fauci doing a freemasonic handgesture for everybody to see in April 2020
Oh yeah I’ve seen this couple on a video on brandnewtube.
Now here comes the critical thinking part that sheeple and some users who disagree with me have forgotten to mention:
She took the death jab in May. MAY?! This scamdemic started in March 2020. This fool had over a year until she took the jab. That means she must have heard some people talk the dangers of the vaccine. And she took her jab a few months after the vaccines were given out. She would have at least knew about someone who suffered from it.
And typical people are feeling sorry for these people. The only people you should feel sorry for are their children who have a moron of a mother and antivaxxers like me who are worrying that mandatory covid passports and spike protein shedding are a threat to us.
Millions of helpless babies are being murdered in their mother’s wombs and we do nothing but sit on our arses and watch dog videos on youtube. All the while we feel sorry for morons who willingly took a vaccine and suffered rightly.
Either the sheep all die and we protest (because I’m not protesting alongside spike protein shedding, traitor scum) then have fun not owning anything. Maybe you will be given enough social credit score points to go the countryside with the rest of your comrades (all while chained up together) because you have served big brother so well. Well that is not my future, I will go the countryside by myself and find my free spirited woman that will take me into the woods and tell me about freedom and stuff (1984 reference in case you were wondering)
If we do get out of this and we have to live with protein spike shedders then they should become outcasts. Then I can sleep at night.
Anti vaxx loud and proud.
yes they made poor decisions in getting the vaccine, yes, many refuse to listen and blindly follow what the establishment tells them, but you, my friend, need to ask God for a little mercy for the ones who chose the wrong path and are now paying a heavy price for it. Thank God you have the common sense to think straight, but you can be truthful without despising those who are learning the hard way.
but it was Jesus who warned us all Do Not Be Deceived yet all those who willingly accepted this mark of the beast injection have, in fact, been deceived into thinking it was an immunity providing injection when all it did was alter their DNA. Human DNA is the attenae to your divine creator. Altering this, would raise the question – are those who accepted the shots really still human or trans-human?
At least she can entertain her children with funny faces and noises. Ohh too much. Hey at she isn’t dead and should count herself lucky.
Actually if I was one of her children I would be worried if mommy started slapping me for no apparent reason.
But srsly, how do they think their children are going to cope with this?
Oh wait I forgot it’s the braindead mother we have to feel sorry for. My bad.
By the way a woman in Ireland is being imprisoned for three months because she refused to wear a mask. Oh no I forgot the woman in this article is more important than innocent people being wrongfully arrested.
I understand your reaction and – if I may say so – anger. The pressure gets worse the more people accept the jab — and among those are even people who are in no way asked by their employers to do so.
I understand your anger, but …
There is a story I would like to tell in this context:
Many years ago when Tschernobyl happened, there was a farmer in this area. He did not have to evacuate, he was way outside of the evacuation zone, but he lived close enough for a contamination of his products.
However, he believed in Gods promise. For Jesus says (Mark 16):”He that believes and is baptised shall be saved, and he that disbelieves shall be condemned. And these signs shall follow those that have believed: in my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they should drink any deadly thing it shall not injure them;”
And he adapted and applied this promise to the deadly radioactive poison that was closing in through the air. So he walked all around his fields and meadows and stables etc. and prayed that God’s promise may be fulfilled over his farm. And God kept His promise. Whereas all neighboring farmers could not sell their products due to contamination levels, the farmer who believed that God can not lie, had not one contaminated product.
I believe we can apply this trust to the present situation as well.
Which does not mean that I do not drink pine needle tree, have Zinc and Quercetin at hand etc. As I wrote above, I understand your anger, for I am also angry and sad about those that blindly follow their doctors and medias advice and are thus increasing the pressure on the others.
Leonore, thank you for the farmer’s story, it is instructive. Yet Aidan points out something of profound importance: A woman in Ireland has been imprisoned for three months for not wearing a mask.
SHE deserves our sympathy and good things will result from fighting for HER life and rights, whereas the woman who makes her loved ones suffer grief because she cavalierly became a guinea pig, deserves to be put at the back of the line for sympathy and may even be a target for contempt, justified.
Aidan is SO right on this and I am glad that he has helped me see the light, so that our energy goes in the right direction that is constructive and can do some good — ALL sympathy and concern for the Irish woman languishing in jail while she should be free, and not even a glance at the other woman who put herself in a jail of pain because she took the jab. This is profound to embrace and difficult to embrace, and I am grateful for all the good voices here that help for clearer vision.
I’m glad I have changed your persepective and that you see the difference between someone causing themselves (and others harm) and someone being imprisoned for not wanting to cause harm to themselves.
Anybody who doesn’t see the difference deserves all the misery from the vaccines they get.
Well God has not been with this silly woman. If God was with her then she would not need to be in suffering. This woman has sold her soul to the devil and has given up on God.
And you clearly haven’t taking into account someone being imprisoned for not wearing a mask. Someone is being punished for not wanting to cause harm to themselves, unlike this silly woman who has put her husband and young children in a dire situation. It was selfish on her part to take the vaccine and is now being punished.
People need to start worrying about those who aren’t vaxxed as they are at risk of spike protein shedders and authortarian regimes that seek to destroy us.
This woman did not sell her soul to the devil. She was a victim of a very slick Psy-op operation that was preplanned and executed exceedingly well.
Psychopaths are very good at what they do. I think maybe one of the reasons a lot of us saw through this was being previously harmed by the Medical Cartel. I know that is the reason for me. I had been following the vaccine Agenda 2020 proposal for decades. Most people are just trying to live their lives. They do not have time to do hours and hours of research.
If people have had good experiences with physicians all their lives (even, and maybe especially, if they don’t realize the long term side effects of the drugs and procedures performed upon them), they don’t have any reason to disbelieve that what is being touted as necessary and for their own good is anything else, so they willingly comply. And that is exactly what these psychopaths counted on.
The spike protean has to be stopped at ACE 2 point. Ask your MD about Ivernectin, HCQ.. The spike protean has to be stopped from replicating. There is a CRISPR lab in San Francisco that is developing a gene therapy to turn off the spike protein, about two years away. This is a chelation process. Good luck….
To fight this type of neurological disease that appears to be involved with serious inflammation, increase your NRF2 level. One way to do it through PB125. Google it.
Why, THE HECK, are so many people from liberal mainline denominations the ones going out and getting vaccinated?
They are subverted sheep. 501c3 churches are of the devil. Fake happy delusional droids inhabit them.
Poor, poor woman. And she still has her sense of humour. In 2010 I received the one and only flu jab here in the UK. It triggered an autoimmune response which landed me on a walking stick. Eleven years later I’m still on it. I was gifted a book entitled “The Medical Medium” which explains fully the neurological and immune system and how a mental, emotional or physical trauma can trigger an autoimmune/neurological response. A vaccine IS considered a physical trauma. As is, of course, COVID itself. However, there is more chance of preventing the latter. No guarantee whatsoever with the former. As I said to my neurologist who scolded me for not taking the vaccine (as I’m now considered “vulnerable”) and telling me I could regret it. My reply: “I’ll take my chances”.
I wish this young lady all the best and good recovery.
Julie. I cried when I heard your story. Thank you for sharing your painful story. I sent prayers your way and I hope you a speedy recovery.