Honesty Hour: U.S. Congressman Sean Casten recklessly placed his 17-year-old daughter Gwen in the line of fire, and now she’s dead

June 21, 2022

Gwen Casten.

UPDATE June 29, 2022 – The Casten Family scrubbed Gwen’s Twitter account of all tweets referencing the injections.

But as of today, you can still see some of them in the Google cache.



DOWNERS GROVE, ILLINOISThe COVID Blog™ made clear back on April 4 that the ignorance card is no longer a viable excuse for parents poisoning their children with experimental mRNA gene therapy injections. No more passes will be given to negligent parents.

The average American child born after the year 2000 receives upwards of 50 injections by the time they turn 18 years old. Autism rates among American children have more than tripled since that time. But this is all pure coincidence; and one has nothing to do with the other, according to mainstream media, the CDC, the FDA, etc. Now the mRNA injections are killing kids at disturbingly high rates because of reckless, government-orchestrated parenting.

RELATED: Maddie de Garay: Ohio 13-year-old cannot and did not “consent” to vaccine clinical trials (July 8, 2021)


This blogger remembers every single time his mom slammed on the brakes in the car. She always took one hand off the wheel and braced him in the passenger seat with her arm. This blogger remembers his dad sprinting down the stairs to his bedroom after hearing a loud scream during a nightmare. These are basic parental instincts – protect your children at all costs. It’s natural throughout the entire animal kingdom.

This stupid baby buffalo is making all kinds of noise, like a dinner bell for lions. Yet the mother comes to its rescue, knowing that she could be killed and eaten herself.

Western humans have lost most of their natural instincts, particularly in the last 20 years. Most Americans wouldn’t know where to get clean water or how to catch, clean and cook a fish if society broke down completely. But you’d think parental protection instincts are infallible. That is not the case, particularly in the face of the most powerful human psychological operation in history.

Who is Sean Casten?

Representative Sean Casten.

Mr. Sean Casten, D-Downers Grove, was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018. He represents the 6th Congressional District of Illinois, which covers the western suburbs of Chicago. Mr. Casten easy won re-election in 2020.

The 6th Congressional District was redrawn at the end of 2021, creating a messy situation between Mr. Casten and 3rd Congressional District incumbent Marie Newman, D-La Grange. The two will face off in a primary for one seat on June 28.

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Mr. Casten made a name for himself in Democrat politics with the usual homosexual, climate change and gun control pandering. But from 2021 forward, Democrats must also be die-hard vaxx zealots to get elected and re-elected. Mr. Casten has not disappointed in that regard.

He started his “safe and effective” regurgitations as early as April 2021.

Mr. Casten has long equated hugging your family members with being injected.

Mr. Casten bragged about 100% of Congressional Democrats being vaccinated on May 14, 2021.

Three days later, on May 17, 2021, he bragged about everyone in his family being vaccinated, including his then-14-year-old daughter Audrey and 16-year-old daughter Gwen.

We couldn’t find any actual vaccine photos with the band-aids and what not. But Mr. Casten verified again that he was fully vaccinated on September 23, 2021 because he “trusts the science.”

Mr. Casten is also in the habit of conflating Neo-Nazis and white supremacists with critical thinkers as it relates to the experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

He urged everyone on October 13, 2021, to blindly listen to doctors and get the injections.

RELATED: Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October (November 17, 2021)


Mr. Casten tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on January 8, 2022 despite being triple-vaxxed. And of course like all vaxx zealots, he repeated the slogan “it would have been much worse if I was unvaccinated.”

Gwen’s death

Gwen Casten went out with friends on Sunday night, June 12. She got home, said goodnight to her parents, and went to bed. Gwen never woke up. She died in her sleep that night. Her parents found her dead on the morning of June 13.

Mr. Casten confirmed on June 15 that Gwen died “peacefully” in her sleep.

Of course we’ve written story after story after story chronicling young people dying in this exact same way since 2021. But Mr. Casten’s only message is for others to “live your lives as Gwen lived hers.” In other words, obediently receive experimental injections, and all available boosters, and hope for the best.

The cult is too powerful

Canadian pop star Justin Bieber still has a golden opportunity to warn his millions of fans about the experimental mRNA injections. Both he and his wife have experienced adverse reactions to the injections. Yet both are completely oblivious and/or far too loyal to their masters to utilize their platforms for good. Granted there isn’t much you can do once you’re injected. But at least Bieber could admit his mistake and somehow soothe the inevitable fates of all the fans he coerced into receiving the shots.

We all make mistakes and commit Biblical or otherwise sin. Nobody is perfect. All we can do is admit our mistakes to those we love and do our best to rectify them. But death is irreversible, just like the injections themselves. And coercing your children into receiving the injections is indirect murder, based on all the facts and science we know about the shots.

The FDA officially authorized the mRNA injections for emergency use in kids ages 6 months to 5 years on Friday. Thus more sudden infant deaths will be blamed on climate change. There’s also more kids everyday trying to “detransition” after being talked into mutilating their bodies by radical liberals online. And their parents allow it to happen. It’s just a horrible time to be a child right now.

RELATED: Kamrynn Thomas: 16-year-old Wisconsin girl develops blood clots, dead 11 days after experimental Pfizer mRNA shot (May 5, 2021)


Once you pull the trigger, stab with the knife, or coerce someone into receiving the injections, it’s done. Parents have the ultimate natural obligation to sacrifice themselves for the betterment of their children. Today, unfortunately, millions of parents are walking their children right to the slaughterhouse instead of protecting them.

The Qur’an forgives all sin except shirk (idolatry and polytheism). Muslims may attempt repentance at death and pray for Allah’s forgiveness. Christianity forgives all sin, ironically, except for blasphemy. The cult of COVID has a similar code. Do not speak or act negatively toward the Holy Sacrament (“vaccines”), the scriptures (mainstream media, CDC narratives) and the gods (Fauci, Gates, etc.).

If you kill your kids in the process of devout COVID faith, so be it. You’re simply a faithful zealot. Sacrificing your life and your children’s lives are a primary tenets of the Church of COVID and its depopulation goals. Whatever it may be by definition, you’re going to hell. And apparently that’s the goal of every vaxx zealot, particularly the parents.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

This stupid baby buffalo is making all kinds of noise, like a dinner bell for lions. Yet the mother comes to its rescue, knowing that she could be killed and eaten herself.

Haha, love that intro. Here I would have thought Mr Casten was full of bull, but apparently that is not the case.
I guess I am though, as my daughter has exactly ZERO injections of any kind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Things mothers would do to protect their children. I read that a mother squirrel attacked a postman and shredded up his shirt. The unlucky postman was walking too close to the tree hole where the mom rodent had a litter of babies. This is called species preservation instinct, a trait common among
Normal, Warmblooded animals, who may or may not be a politician…

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Bob

There are example after example of animals treating and caring for their young better than humans.

2 years ago

Well, thank goodness for the vaccine, at least the poor girl did not have to suffer a week’s worth of sniffles, sneezing, headaches, body aches and–God forbid–a FEVER!!

I believe this tool bag knew the end results, and in my opinion, this was a masonic ritual sacrifice. There are no accidents, no coincidences, no mistakes, no placebos with is poison–only dosage/injection amount experiments.

As a parent, I took my children out of the corrupt school system, the moment they enforced masks, and colleges encouraged shots and apps to track and report any person on campus not abiding by the “rules.” In the course of two years, we all have gone down an abyss of information that snapped us out of the matrix.

Will people wake up when they see their children die? I think not. Cases like this are put out there to make the average Joe think young adults dying unexpectedly is normal; part of this war with the “virus.” It is a win for this guy, he gets to look good for the powers-that-be by pledging his unwavering loyalties to the NWO cause, by sacrificing his daughter and a sizable majority of the public as possible.

Touring the USA, I can honestly say there is not one state that “gets-it”. We are doomed, the only way out of this mess–is to PRAY to JESUS CHRIST. After reading/studying the BIBLE for the first time EVER, there is no other way. What I have learned is: HUMBLE yourself to our Lord JESUS CHRIST, CONFESS your sins, REPENT, ASK for FORGIVENESS, and do not turn back to your corrupt ways.

Other than that, stay strong, be discerning, get rid of the cellphones and help others when you can. If I haven’t said it in a while, Thank you Brian for this blog.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

I knew what this was the moment I saw the headline. What happened goes in the same direction as a co-worker whose daughter died under the same exact circumstances. Won’t admit that it’s the jab. Then another co-worker last week stated that he knew someone whose child died the same way. I try to open their eyes, but they are to far down the sheep path.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

For them to admit it was the jab they would also need to admit that their guidance and in some cases out right insistence that their child be vaxxed. The guilt has to be heavy for some of these parents and will likely be with them the remainder of their lives. I suppose that believing in sudden adult death, heart attack, blood clots and myocarditis in the young is normal may relieve some of this guilt. Congressman Casten, it should have been you.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

I wouldn’t wish the death of your child on any parent, but the lack of interest in what did it is deafening. How does somebody with hopes, dreams, wishes, their future and their whole life ahead of them “die peacefully” in their sleep? Are they a terminal hospice patient? Did a serial killer suffocate them with a pillow so the death itself was peaceful?

2 years ago

The jab-cult zealots are so furiously focused on the dogma that they can’t see that the “starting the vaccination process” does not then mean that you can hug everyone, but that the countdown to an untimely demise is possibly around the corner no matter what the age. Shame, such a young girl. Isn’t is horrifying they are pushing now to get your toddlers and babies jabbed on the news? Our local news is the worst for that—have their heads up their kazoos, dripping in Pharma ads.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Sorry but who the F – except for a complete and utter *coward* – allows the government to tell them who they can and can’t hug including their own family members? When we were told not to visit family for Thanksgiving and Christmas during the “pandemic” I almost threw my TV across the room.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I came up with this idea last week – I wonder what these people were like during AIDS. Were they the same people that refused to touch a plate of someone with AIDS? There was an excellent commentary in last weekend’s The Epoch Times from a college student in Chicago. He writes of his experience on campus. Highly recommend finding it and you will see how our young are more far gone than we want to really admit.

William Parker
2 years ago

Yep, he murdered his daughter just the same as if he put a revolver against her head with 1 bullet and pulled the trigger. He deserves it given the other deaths he has caused.

2 years ago

Him and his vaxx zealot wife can deflect and spew all the branch Covidian dogma/ lies they want. We know they know that the vaxx killed their daughter. It’s their fault. Karma is a bitch for pushing the clot shots on others. They should hug their other daughter as they don’t know if she will alive tomorrow. Sad all around.

2 years ago

“The FDA officially authorized the mRNA injections for emergency use in kids ages 6 months to 5 years on Friday. Thus more sudden infant deaths will be blamed on climate change.”

The laughs I get from reading this blog are still unexpected, which almost makes them funnier to me. Especially when the subject matter is so incredibly dark. Definitely losing my humanity/mind over here, but at least I’m chuckling thru the process.

2 years ago
Reply to  TD M

I don’t think you are losing it; we are all coping with a very rough subject. If you’ve worked in/with law enforcement, who work alongside and have to deal with the dark side of humanity everyday, you’ll have seen they have a dark sense of humor at times. It’s survival–your own. If you didn’t feel deeply and have a sense of right and wrong and a soul, a moral code, the work wouldn’t bother you but humor, including dark humor, deflects that constant onslaught of heavy emotional drain surrounding death, abuse, betrayal, violence, etc. We’re only human. I have to laugh at times but I care much about what is going on. This young lady I believe passed from the “vaccination process” and it’s as sad as all the others, yet it goes on the jab cult. Do not give up speaking out against the jabs. Shake gently and keep trying to wake people up.

A Trans-Black Reverse-Vaxx Supremacist
A Trans-Black Reverse-Vaxx Supremacist
2 years ago

Reading this article is like reading the events of a Bohemian Grove-style sacrifice to Moloch. I can only figure that being smart isn’t actually a prerequisite to being a Congressman.

2 years ago

Biden and his old hag, gun moll wife were out at a vax center in DC today pimping the vax to infants under age 5 this morning. They said that they are excited to get their infant grandson jabbed. These people are flat our soulless murders. They have sold out their nation to Ukraine, Communist China, the WEF and Big Pharma. In a few years, when millions of children will have died and been maimed by these injections, the Bidens and the Democrat party will be to blame.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

That is absolutely appalling. What if his grandson were to get jabbed and then had an immediate reaction and died? I can just hear the excuses and rationalizations for the Bidens part in it. California is already airing ads in their “vaccineall58” campaign. Just turns my stomach.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

If they really took those experimental vaccines, in a few years they will likely not be here where they can be confronted by any of us – 100% of the Dim’s congressional delegation? Good Lord! They may not “be long for this world” and then they will be participating in another “experiment” – the one we all get after the end of life, for as Jesus told Pilate “my kingdom is not of this world”.

Jo Smith
Jo Smith
2 years ago

As sad as this young girl’s death was, I must admit I feel no sympathy for her parents. I used to but no more; the more I read about these vaxx fanatics, the more I actually think “you had a choice, you took the 30 shekels instead of saving your grace and soul”.

Choices, all choices, have consequences. I do feel bad for the people, including some of my closest family members, who were forced to get the injection in order to keep their jobs, and be able to pay the bills and put food on the table. But I do not, and will not feel one iota of sympathy for all these Covidians who call us all sorts of names just because we keep resisting this cult. If they die, honestly, I think “one more idiot took himself/herself out of the gene pool”.

The politicians are the worst of the scum that pushes this medical genocide on the people. I live in Canada where, unfortunately, people became so damn woke, thanks to the Trudeau’s utterly incompetent and thoroughly corrupt government’s destruction of minds and very lives of many, many Canadians. There are probably about 20 percent of us “deplorables” – the unjabbed resistance. I am one of them. The Freedom Convoy – thousands of real freedom (not the Liberal “freedumb” kind) loving patriots showed the government just how determine we are to stand out ground and out God given rights. The media is all in on it, except for the alternative media like True North or Rebel News which are pretty much the only outlets reporting truthfully. Otherwise, the government sponsored media have been lying to us and pushing the propaganda/agenda from the beginning.

I truly worry about my family, my grandkids especially now that both US and Canadian federal government are fully supporting the FDA and Pharma’s deepening the genocide by “recommending” (for now, but just wait til this sh*t is added to the childhood vax schedule, then it’s mandatory) the Covid injections for the youngest segment of the population which was never at any major health risk from this so-called virus anyway. But the money’s too good to pass up on making a fresh batch of “customers for life”, however long that turns out to be, for the bunch of these Pharma mass murderers.

2 years ago

The description of the covid church cult and its practices is brilliant,

2 years ago

I lived in Rep. Casten’s District for years. It’s a nice place with very honest, decent, humble people. And he is essentially a good guy & a real-life scientist who had plans with Climate Change, land-use planning, & Pollution control that I truly appreciate! He also had a beautiful All-American family with adorable, pretty young girls. He’s not a bad guy by any means, nor did he smear people over these shots. But, they want to be Progressive, so often the trendy vaccination becomes a mantra. Unfortunately, that now includes mad-dash experimental covid vaccines on children, no less!!..
(He also is not active in a religion, which I believe plays a large role in some of these decisions.)
That said, it is a shame that she died so young, and I wish he would come forward with the presumptive cause of death. He owes that to his constituency & the Nation!!-
p.s. One of his late daughter’s last posts paid tribute to the Boosters.. So, I think that confirms what happened!!.. There’s no way a teenager can effectively make such a decision.. She did not have Informed Consent!!-

2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

Exactly. Most of the jabbed I know could never had got informed consent because they would not have understood the science behind mRNA without a course in it. You have to know enough to ask the right questions and understand the answers well, too. Sometimes trusting others is a bad thing. And trusting the government? Never.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Why would someone have to understand the science behind mrna? All I had to go on was their speeches with the words “experimental vaccine for emergency use only” and “this is the largest human experiment in world history”. Experiment meaning lab rat-no thank you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

Some are stubborn and require more than that the jab is experimental, unfortunately. I recall discussing the mechanisms of the mRNA and such with a friend but she took it anyway because “everyone in the office said they were fine.” Airhead.

2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

I respectfully disagree. A good guy doesn’t influence his constituents to take an untested experimental gene therapy. A good guy doesn’t equate critical thinkers to nazi’s and white supremacy. A good guy doesn’t spout off nonsensical COVID rhetoric. A good guy doesn’t take part in his own daughters death. This man and many like him are the reason we are where we are at today. He has the blood of many on his good hands.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Yeah, but you don’t know him or the culture there. I knew it well. He thought he was doing the right thing, but now he’s paying the price. But, he didn’t go overboard, publicly. Much of his district had no vaccine mandates, which he never took issue with. And I think the commenters here, completely outside of N. IL & the West Chicago suburbs, are tilting their opinions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

You are right, I don’t know the culture there and all I know about the man is what I read in this blog. But both parties hoisted this nightmare on all of us and are directly responsible for the deaths and injuries we are all now seeing. Most politicians in both parties at federal, state and local level pushed the covid hoax and the miracle cure and some people are willing to give them a pass because they are “good guys”. Well some can be fooled by that nonsense, but I’m not. You really need to learn who your true enemies are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

I think you mean he “comes off” or “comes across” as a good guy. Reading his accomplishments he is not however, a good guy. He was up to very bad things. He was a traitor to the constitution. I can only hope that in his case. “tested positive for covid” means he’s been arrested by the military. When these Deep Staters “test positive” it means they’ve been arrested. Some are given an ankle monitor, and make deals, etc and some are.. well. dealt with in other ways.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carol

Deep Stater??.. It was his first term in office in the USA–??!!..
And he’s only worked in the private sector.
Wow, have you been smoking whatever Q gives you???!..
(& as if the secretive Q is legitimate or legal!)…

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza


Me too. Downers Grove South 84′ grad here. Nice community built off the rail lines coming from Chicago back in the day. Home to Emo Phillips and Denise Richards. But good times brings out the social justice in people like Mr. C-asten.

2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

There’s the confirmation I was looking for that she was likely boosted. Thank you. I was thinking she must have recently had the booster, because his post bragging that his daughters were vaxxed was about a year ago. I suspected a recent booster killed his daughter. He should have an autopsy conducted — what parent wouldn’t want to know why their “healthy” child suddenly died in their sleep?

Last edited 2 years ago by Kelly
2 years ago

I think Bieber posting a picture of his face was his way of sending out a warning. I read something to the effect that he was not able to blame anything for it due to his contract. He had to know his picture and speculation about what caused it would go viral. We already knew about what happened to his wife. There are so many other celebrities that are hiding their injuries and have been for months. He could have hid his too.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustJenny

You make a very good point. I believe Justin Bieber did what he could do within the confines of whatever his contract stipulates. He didn’t want to destroy his career and his life so he didn’t outright say the cause of his facial paralysis.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustJenny

I watched a news vid some time ago that showed Bieber put out a cigarette on a man’s arm. I just can’t get that garbage out of my head. It fits the expression “Some things you just can’t unsee”.

I really don’t care what happens to that idiot.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, it’s just an updated twist on child sacrifice to Molech by the truly indoctrinated. Nothing new under the sun.

2 years ago

This is far worse than the mock ritual at the homo grove. Gwen was a real human.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bob

I fail to see what point you could possibly be trying to make with your statement. All other children killed in ritual sacrifices were real humans, too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bob

How can you be sure they are mock rituals?

2 years ago

A modern version of child sacrifice. That is what it is otherwise the parents would have demanded answers. He doesnt know it. But They do. He really thinks he is doing g a good thing but is being mislead to sacrifice his child by delivering her to be murdered. Refusal to use his brain and wanting to be good ended in child sacrifice. That is what he did with his free will. The law of cause and effect will take care of him as well. Leave him to his faith. We should only learn and move on. Once you Let evil in you will have to kick it out again yourself. We cannot do it for someone else. Free will is sacred for the veil and none veil ones. Good luck to him and let him and all others go following the path They have chosen. Never take Any vaccination or you will create enormous problems for yourself. Unimaginable ones. We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh. The vaccine misery carries on after death. They know that. They know exactly what They are doing.this is not an experiment. Do not take any vaccination. There is no objective proof that a virus exists. The tests are based on lies. Everything following the original lie must naturally be a life as well. Truth cannot have a lie as its foundation. The are lying to get you to use your free will to support the path of service to self. Then you opened the door to evil. Be warned. This is something spiritual. Of has spiritual consequenses. Take care an question Everything.

Last edited 2 years ago by Longrider
2 years ago

I had a co worker who ‘died in his sleep’, he was vaxxed. Only 39 years old. There’s also a new ‘covid’ outbreak where I work, mainly the vaxxed. They just aren’t connecting the dots, their immune systems are fried now so illness and death will be commonplace.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

They don’t want to connect the dots. But they know. The fact that only a third of vaxxers got the booster says a lot. That’s why they were pushing the mandates hard. They wanted all vaxxed so no control group. I am the only unvaccinated person in my work. I’m the healthiest. And no constant rounds of Covid. I always say “Thank God we didn’t have long smallpox or long polio after those vaccines.” It shuts them up.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I’m one of a very small group at work that is not vaccinated,(I’m in the front office of an elementary school). I’m going to start using your response next time I have to hear about “long COVID”. 😁

Prof. Spudd
Prof. Spudd
2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

A guy I knew from my hometown also “died in his sleep” aged 42. Never stated he took the vaxx, but he definitely voted Democrat. He also had more Facebook “friends” than just about everybody I’ve ever known, so it should have caused at least some shockwaves.

Then there’s the girl from my hometown with a ton of Facebook “friends”… left-winger, basically a hippie and even dabbles in the occult. Confirmed to have gotten the shots. Now sometimes I see her complain about a bunch of weird health problems that she suddenly came down with in the last year, whereas before she didn’t appear to have any.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Is your workplace short of staff now that people have died or are out sick a lot?

Just me.
Just me.
2 years ago

It’s part of their sick murder cult rituals to sacrifice their own children to the fake god of vaccine compliance. Soon enough, instead of hiding the fact thier children have been murdered, they will use it as badges of “honor” as it were. They will proclaim ” I’ve sacrificed two children to the cause” , and will ask you ” what have you sacrificed? Their depended sickness will not end until the Creator of the universe wipes out their memories from the earth forever.

Just me.
Just me.
2 years ago
Reply to  Just me.

Meant to say deprived instead of depended at the end there.

2 years ago

I have a couple of questions for the members here. My wife (age 55) received 2 injections, plus the booster, I think Pfizer. I told her not to but she doesn’t listen to me. How concerned should I be? And is it possible to somehow “detox” from the injections? That last question probably sounds dumb but I had to ask.

2 years ago

This is strange –  Former Purdue basketball star Caleb Swanigan has died at 25.
The Allen County Coroner’s office confirmed Tuesday that Swanigan died Monday of natural causes at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. – from AP News. How does a 25 year old die of ‘natural causes’?

2 years ago

Every one of these stories of a young person dying suddenly is so incredibly sad but also maddening. They were completely senseless. This young girl did not need this ineffective and unsafe injection for any reason. It was all virtue signaling and now she is dead. Pure evil.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

This young woman was probably a true believer. There was no way to talk her out of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry

My mother is a true believer, I can’t even stand to be around her anymore. Constantly telling me to get the jab so I can be responsible and get a job?! Mind you I have had a job since I was 16 until I got canned due to no jab-I’m 50?! I will not jab for a job, what’s next? Have to be chipped for a job, or have a brain insert to have a job, where does it end?! She is on her 2nd booster EG:4th jab, and she is just acting mean, and hateful. I don’t hate her but I feel bad for her, I BEGGED her not to take the 1st one, and she said ok, and then did it anyway, and the 3 more times!? Her personality has changed, I think she’s nuts.

2 years ago

This man may not wake up for many many years, if he does at all, as he is too weak to face reality. He is a follower and there are many more followers than leaders in this country…. they all roll with perceived consensus in lock step believing whatever they want/need to believe. If he understood the reality, he could not live with himself. Not only did his daughter suffer due to his lack of sense, but how many others?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

You make a very good point. Waking up means facing your part in all this. I think for most that can be overwhelming so they (subconsciously) choose to stay asleep.

2 years ago

The lack of curiosity and questions following these bizarre deaths is maddening. It is as if they are accepting this as normal when it is anything but. It is like the Matrix. These people are so deeply brainwashed, they protect the system fiercely, even if it means sacrificing their own children. Protecting the system (science, pharma companies, government officials and dogma, et al) is top priority. It really is a cult.

2 years ago

You read about people buying into the obvious propaganda and playing along — then they or their family members are injured or dead. And they’ll never admit their part in it.

What makes this story worse is that this man is a politician with significant power. He had significant sources of info available and he chose to ignore it ….. or to play along willingly.

Our halls of power appear to be filled with such ignorant, uninformed and questionably competent individuals.

2 years ago
Reply to  SteveP

All of my family and friends have taken the covid shots. I have lost several family members already. No one will admit the obvious truth concerning the cause of death. I have screamed at them ” Its poison you retards.”
For the love of Jesus pull your head out of your ass. Bunch of assholes. Take your 5th shot, and inject your 3 year with this poison. Lets see how long she lasts. Fuck these people. Sincerely.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry

Same here, luckily my husband, and my son are on my side. Thank you Jesus!

2 years ago
Reply to  SteveP

Lots of very influencial people sacrificed their first born in order to get more power into the Satanic cabal. Lots of them have a first born dead in various circumstances and it is not random. It is on purpose.
I believe it is a high chance he willingly sacrificed his daughter. Dunno if his wife is aware of this though…
Nothing is random in this world. Have you noticed that after Benjamin de Rothschild died, the family sold a Van Gogh paint that it was a flag (they gave the flag so the leadership) to Netherlands. A few months after the death of Benjamin, the heir and hope of the family, it is not because they needed that 150 $ million, after the flag was in their family for more than 170 years…

William Conn
2 years ago

Most of the R&D documents were either hidden or the court sealed them at the MFG’S request. Only through the FOIA have we gotten the truth!! Greed is a terrible crime.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago

“The only thing we know about her death is that it was peaceful”.

I don’t believe that. I think the family knows it was a blood clot / stroke / heart attack etc. and don’t want to mention it for fear of “conspiracy theorists” (i.e. people who think) blaming the vaccine.

2 years ago

I am surprised Casten did not use the phase fairly common from these libnuts lately ” Yes she died but without the vaccine it could have been worse”

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

I’m sorry his daughter lost her life to the stupidity of her ideologically driven father. I have no sympathy for any politician who got the jab and have/who will suffer or anyone for that matter including my brother who has had 4 💉 and supposedly had the virus. His last 💉 he had chills for a week and diarrhea for 4 days. I feel for the children who have suffered or died but not anyone else who fearfully and enthusiastically took the 💉. the world will be better without these ignorant sheep. No sympathy. Don’t @me with wishes of Karma , thank you.

2 years ago

Trust the science – it’s the scientists I don’t trust.

2 years ago

I´m stunned. Here in the Balkan is the public secret, that the politicians, doctors, elite,.. even some common people, have fake certificates, fake vaccination stunt for public , placebo vaccination, ect… Here in Slovenia we were having afair about “accidental” placebo vacination, which was obviously not ment for common people. My whole family except my father are not vaccinated. Father is a radical supporter of our ex prime minister, so he went for jab because of his political fanaticism. My 87 grandfather has beat the covid unvaccinated. I was helping some my friends and coworkers with emotional and practical support in dark times of foreced vaccination campain by former corrupt goverment. I was gassed by tear spray 3 times in our fight for freedom without fascist green pass, against our ex corrupt government and will do it again if necessary.

kieran osullivan
kieran osullivan
2 years ago

Reminds me of that Cold Chisel song ,Cheap wine and a three day growth ”i had a friend ,i heard she died ,on a needle she was crucified ”

2 years ago

I debated Casten a number of times on his Twitter site about being vaxxed. He was condescending and mocked me.

2 years ago

I suppose Rep. Casten isn’t sharing autopsy results. Science and such.

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