Milo Edberg: 6-year-old special needs Minnesota boy receives Pfizer mRNA injection with mother’s permission, hospitalized ever since, cannot walk
February 9, 2022

Milo Edberg.

ZIMMERMAN, MINNESOTA — A six-year-old boy who was already born with chronic lung disease and other health issues may have never have a chance to live a semi-normal life now, in perhaps the most gut-wrenching story to date on this blog.

Ms. Carrie Edberg, 45, is a licensed foster parent. She has five sons. The three oldest are her biological children, two of which are special needs kids. The two youngest, Milo (6) and Leo (7), are adopted.

Leo is second from the left.

Leo is blind and deaf. He was born healthy. But he was the victim of severe physical abuse by his biological parents when he was three months old, resulting in a damaged vagus nerve, according to a fundraising page for Leo’s terminal diagnosis.

Doctors told Ms. Edberg in 2019 that Leo was going to die and to prepare for his end of life. But he’s still alive today. A 2016 Star Tribune article, republished by the Network of Care, suggests that Ms. Edberg, a single mother, has been the foster parent of both Leo and Milo since at least that year. She legally adopted Milo in 2018.

Ms. Edberg is obviously a kind-hearted, well-meaning human being who cares about kids, regardless of their challenges. But now she regrets a decision that may forever alter the outlook of her youngest son.

Damaging decision for Milo

Milo was born at 23 weeks, and defied the odds. Only 38% of babies born at 23 weeks survive, according to a 2019 study published in the British Medical Journal. But even if they survive, most of these children will likely have disabilities such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy and/or autism. Milo was born with several disabilities, particularly being unable to walk at a normal age. But he ultimately did learn to walk and was doing as well as possible considering the circumstances. Here was Milo prior to December 2021.

Milo was at M Health Fairview’s Masonic Children’s Hospital on December 10 for a port placement to monitor blood sugar levels, according to Alpha News. We assume they’re talking about the port placement of a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device.

An M Health Fairview doctor told Ms. Edberg that Milo also needed a Pfizer mRNA injection because he was a “special risk of having a severe case” of so-called COVID-19. Only 213 kids ages 5 to 11 have died from so-called COVID-19 across the United States since 2020. Alpha News pointed that only three of those 213 deaths (under age 10) were in Minnesota.

“I went against my gut and said OK,” Ms. Edberg said. Milo received the Pfizer injection that day, and was discharged from the hospital. The next day, December 11, he was “gasping for air.” Milo was transported back to the same hospital he was injected. Doctors diagnosed him with myocarditis; and he was intubated. Milo remained intubated for six weeks.

Ms. Edberg is now questioning her decision and wondering if she caused all the problems with Milo.

RELATED: Jacob Clynick: 13-year-old Michigan boy develops myocarditis, dead three days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot (June 21, 2021)


Meanwhile, doctors are playing their normal, scripted roles in 2022. They refuse to even talk about the mRNA injection as the cause of Milo’s issues, which Ms. Edberg said was “weird.” Milo is now unable to walk. Doctors said they don’t know if or when he’ll regain any quality of life. Ms. Edberg posted a video of Milo hooked up to a mechanical bike that moves his legs for him.

Ms. Edberg learned what readers of this blog already knew – doctors cannot and will not admit wrongdoing in these situations. She’s also learning about censorship. Apparently Milo’s story is being deleted everywhere it’s posted.

No free passes for parents

Maddie De Garay has become the poster child for vaxx-injured kids. The latest is that she’s still bound to a wheelchair, in constant pain, and eats through a feeding tube. But the biggest problem with this story and the narrative at-large is the “poster parent,” Stephanie De Garay, Maddie’s mother. This woman continues forwarding the fallacious premise that Maddie, at age 12, “volunteered” to receive experimental mRNA injections.

Stephanie De Garay maimed her own child by allowing this to happen. Ms. Edberg did the same thing. There’s a fine line between sympathy and responsibility here. Adults may receive their injections, post their Instagram band-aid pics, virtue signal, and enjoy their adverse effects as they please. But the only thing that stands between kids and these lethal injections are their parents.

All protections must be executed by parents, even if they must pull their kids out of public schools in California and New York where they give kids these shots without parental permission. The entire COVID cookie is crumbling. The powers-that-be are clinging to their New World Order/Great Reset dreams, as the narrative only works now with die-hard vaxx zealots.

Ms. Edberg is a good human being. No question about it. But she’s not a good parent. There’s no sugar-coating that. Granted this global psychological operation is powerful and difficult for the average person to navigate. But mama bear and papa bear are all baby bear have in this war. And they’re failing miserably, considering 28% of American kids under age 11 are now poisoned for life. Please don’t join this sinister fraternity.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

I still think it’s evil that the child is forced to wear a facemask while riding a bike…

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

I saw that and completely agree… poor baby.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Monstrous. Simply monstrous. I’m surprised they didn’t put an N95 on to make breathing even harder. It is sad what has been happening to “health” care.

2 years ago

To be or Not to be, that is the question.

2 years ago

Poor Milo. 😞 He’s overcome so much but couldn’t overcome the doctors. Mom will have to live with this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

He couldn’t overcome the stupid female who adopted him, not the doctors. There was a young commentator once on youtube who stated that his mother forced him to get vaxxed, now he feels constantly like sh*t.

2 years ago

Agreed. But who suggested the clot shot first? As a financial professional I have to stand by my financial advice given. Based on facts, prospectuses, knowing my client and knowing the investments I recommend to them. I have to give the client those disclosures.

I Wonder what the doctors based their professional decision on? What disclosures did they give her? None. Just do it.

I would feel horrible if I did that to a client. Losing their hard earned money and the dreams that go along with it. I know that is no comparison to losing your health or life. Poor Milo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

True. These so-called doctors cannot be let off the hook for their crimes. Yes, parents have a responsibility to protect their own children, but doctors know what they’re doing every time imo. They’re deranged for letting pressure from above or money cause them to abandon responsibility for their patients and pretend these shots do anything but harm.

2 years ago

Very sad and unfortunate for the child. To have this decision made for him, in the region of the world that he is living in. Because Minnesotans, particularly those living in and near the Twin Cities area, are some of the most gullible Stepfordian lemmings on the face of the earth. I speak from decades of observation.

2 years ago

This is a heartbreaking story, but the moral of the story is to always trust your own motherly or parental instincts, and not a doctor. His mother wishes she would have gone with her gut decision, and not allow a doctor to convince her to change her original decision, which was not to get him vaxxed, but she fell for the Covid lies. Doctors have realized they can convince a lot of parents to get their children vaxxed by using the same old Covid talking points like the Covid vaxx is safe, and effective or your child is at high risk for Covid with this comorbidity as an example.

2 years ago

Part of the reason I am “vaccine risk aware” is because of my own experiences as a parent who was coerced into giving my children childhood vaccines. I have repented and asked God to forgive me for listening to the medical establishment about vaccines (though in retrospect I don’t know how I would have stood against the thinly veiled threats of CPS involvement had I “disobeyed” while I was on Medicaid). I have also mentioned this to my children. I was just thinking today, that I had an “inkling” the shots were bad, but I had no idea HOW bad they were. I am talking about ALL vaccines, in case that is not clear.

Since I had educated myself about childhood vaccines, I warned my children against the COVID gene therapy jabs. I’m sorry to say that those of them who were determined to be vaccinated (all but one are adults) did not listen to me at all.

I hope the understandable critique of parents will be tempered by the knowledge that this is part of the war on the family. A mother who realizes (as I did) that I was a participant in hurting my own children is a destroyed person absent a work of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

2 years ago

I also went against my gut instinct be getting 1st Pfizer shot. It was rather a rational decision, detached from my true feelings.
Well, that taught me a lesson I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Katya

“It was rather a rational decision”

What was this “rational decision” (to get vaxxed), aside from the propaganda blaring from the TV altar sitting in the living room ?. What you are saying now indirectly, is that “irrational decisions” (not to get vaxxed), would have been the correct ones.

This is upside down logic. people have gotten used to have their thinking done for them.

2 years ago

She seems a very caring woman. but mama bear should’ve listened to her instinct, not the doc. At least she acknowledge her error.

2 years ago

Poor little man is a pincushion for man’s wickedness and stupidity. single mothers have no buisness adopting more kids

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Qué historia tan triste y su final tambien!!!
Los padres y madres que permiten que les pongan esas inyecciones a sus hijos son los principales responsables de lo que después les ocurra a sus hijos.
Su deber es informarse bien sobre el riesgo beneficio de tales inyecciones ya que los niños apenas se infectan de Covid y no contagian a los demás.
NUNCA hay que confiar en un médico que recomienda esas inyecciones a los niños.
¡ Cuántas historias tristes como estas veremos cuando en todo el mundo se está empezando a inyectar a todos los niños!
Es imperdonable lo que están haciendo con el futuro de la humanidad

2 years ago

First of all the hospital was a Masonic Hospital! That should have been the first clue, NOT to take the child there!
Also let’s face it, a single mom, with three biological sons, where’s the father? Was she ever married? Then she is a “licensed foster Parent”, we are aware that she makes money from the Corrupted foster system, that is well known for it’s involvement for child trafficking and sexual abuse, and ritual offerings for the Masonic cults?
I do not fall for her story, she is not so innocent…….she is accountable before the Lord. She is not a Christian, but that does not change anything.
It’s all very sad and sickening that so-called parents do not have a clue……
May the Lord help them……

2 years ago
Reply to  Cal

Absolutely! Also very noticeable is that two of her three biological sons are children of “special needs”. I think we may assume they all got all sorts of possible “recommended” injections. Where was her gut instinct on that? These vaccinations cause all kinds of disabilities, as any informed mother/or parents should know. It is absolutely criminal to let such a woman adopt even more and already pre-harmed children (or if done knowingly, belongs to theire agenda). What happened to Leo was only a logical consequence.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cal

You’re judging her too much. It’s really hard to raise kids with special needs and she has several of them. We don’t know her story but she didn’t abort them like many do, didn’t place for adoption but is taking care in a way that she can.

I’m not strong and sometimes I ignore my gut instinct, through my life I’m learning to follow it more, so when I read how she didn’t listen to hers…I kind of understand her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Katya

Yep, it’s hard bringing up special needs kids (my middle son is autistic), this lady already had two of her own, so why did she take on more?
£££, that’s why!
‘Normal’ foster children bring in healthy funds, the disabled bring in at least double (certainly here in the UK)
I lost two of my children to SS, due to them not liking my views (anti-jab, homeschool etc – although I had only homeschooled my eldest from 11 as they had no clue how to teach him in school)
Once in the system they don’t give a fig about the kids – my middle son ballooned to over 20st, in their ‘care’ he has early-stage fatty liver disease
At 20 he’s decided to come home, they are fighting tooth and nail to get him back under their control and it’s looking highly likely that over 30k of his benefit money has been ‘misappropriated’ by the LA or his ex ‘carer’ – and the police don’t want to know!

It’s a horrible money-making racket and it sickens me

This woman was supposed to be caring for this child, yet she ‘went against her gut’ – why??? Scared of losing that sweet money???

If this poor boy passes away she’ll lose it anyway

I don’t believe she’s been judged too harshly, maybe not harshly enough

Today I saw a social media post, a selfie of a ‘mother’ with her sick looking daughter, and the words of the post were;

“Up all night with my baby. She has intense reactions to vaccines, and still she keeps taking them because she’s brave and knows it’s not just for her, but to keep us all safe. So proud to be her mama. #GetVaccinated Now”

Should she not be judged harshly either? Virtue-signalling POS sacrificing their children for social media likes… it’s sickening!

2 years ago

I once thought there were “good people”. But, there is no one good but God. I am convinced by scripture that all man is under sin. And sin requires death. Sin leads to death. All that follow after it will eventually face the consequences of it. God is the only way out, but we are living in a world where God is ignored and sin is accepted. How did the world get like this today? Years of rejecting God. It seems like everything man touches is eventually destroyed. A result of being conceived into sin. God has given the world over to Satan because of their sins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Jeremy, it has always been like this. Just not so visibly for our generation. We are in a world war. The weapons are different this time.

2 years ago

The real problem with this world is that there are no MAMA BEARS anymore. Look at a true MAMA BEAR….she will rip your head off, then walk over and gather the kids up. She doesn’t even look back, she is focused on her little bears. We need MAMA AND PAPA BEARS to fight for your kids, because everyone else is trying to kill them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

I’m a mama bear. My husband and I flat out told our adult children to not get this shot. Explained the lack of liability of the vax companies. That if it was a pandemic, where are the body bags? They saw the reason and the light. No one in my family including siblings and their children are vaxxed. We trust in ourselves and God. Always get facts before acting.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I don’t trust in myself because I know I am prone to mistakes. I’m still learning not to trust myself but God. Even my feelings are misleading! Praying before I act, even when I feel I’m right, it’s still a struggle. I like what it says in 1KINGS 19:12 about “a still small voice”, And how many times do I ignore the voice of God? I know it was said to “listen to your heart”, but Jeremiah 17:9 says, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?/ God’s ways are firm, But my ways are shaky. All the more to trust in the Lord.

2 years ago

Stephanie De Garay another POS trying to blame someone else for her daughters condition.

Linda N
2 years ago

Good God in Heaven! This post was extremely difficult to read! This poor child! Parents don’t realize that the “line” doctors use to get those with disabilities vaccinated, is to tell the parents that the kids are at increased risk for Covid due to those disabilities. This is not necessarily true but it sure does appear to be a repeat of the Nazi eugenics program, where the goal is to get rid of all the disabled, crippled, and other so-called “undesirables”. And this is in addition to the general depopulation agenda of these jabs. May God help this poor child! I will definitely keep him in my prayers.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

I have lost all faith in any form of intelligence being left in the vast majority of people. I know of multiple parents (mothers specifically) who have said they got their kids vaxxed bc “they’re just trying to do what’s best for them”. It’s asinine. I feel sorry for the kids. And the thing is, these aren’t under privileged or uneducated people. I taught my youngest to not be afraid of this cold from the beginning. She got it and had a headache. She was more pumped just to be able to stay home from school. Thankfully she’s in private school where the vast majority of teachers aren’t vaxxed either bc they have the same belief systems. So when her teacher got it and almost every kid in class did as well, we were pumped to get it over with. Just like the old school chicken pox parties.

2 years ago

I’m wondering if part of her decision was fear of the gov/med backlash if she said no. Would she lose her foster care license? Would she lose custody of Milo? What about her biological children? Maybe bio dad is a vaxx zealot. Leo could easily be yanked out of her care and sent to his grave. None of this would be irrational fear on her part, it’s happening everywhere.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

I had my son exempted from around 30 school aged jabs due to my research on vaccines years ago. He had already had 36 vaccines so I said enough. A parent will definitely get some cross eyed looks from some but from my experience, it’s not that bad and totally worth it.

A parent just has to keep in mind that they’re doing it for their children and say, screw anyone that has a problem with it. I would do the exact same with these experimental jabs if my son was still a minor.

Btw, luckily my state allowed the religious exemptions (USA) and even at that time around 15 years ago, some states didn’t allow them. In that case I would have just said no and homeschooled if it boiled down to that.

Just wanted to share this message for any parent out there afraid to say no. A foster parent may face more scrutiny but it is what it is…gotta be tough in this crazy world.

General Pinochet
General Pinochet
2 years ago

People who give this poison to children will go to the lowest level of Hell.

2 years ago

Please Mom of Milo E. pray to God for his total recovery with total faith ….Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mother of each of us can whisper your prayers to God ..AND He can’t refuse Her ..!This may have happened to test your faith …!

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