Maddie de Garay: Ohio 13-year-old cannot and did not “consent” to vaccine clinical trials
July 8, 2021

Maddie de Garay.

UPDATED June 16, 2022 – Unfortunately there is nothing new to report. Maddie is still paralyzed and can only eat via a feeding tube.

A LifeFunder campaign is raising money for ongoing medical expenses.




CINCINNATI, OHIO — We’ve been following the story of Maddie de Garay for over three months now. But most Americans just learned about young Maddie late last month. Her condition should have never gotten to this point. Unfortunately U.S. law and common sense no longer exist as they relate to these experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

Maddie de Garay background

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, held a press conference on June 28. He provided a platform for victims suffering from severe adverse reactions to the experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Stephanie de Garay, and her now 13-year-old daughter Maddie, were among those in attendance.

Maddie, then 12 years old, received the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA in late December 2020. The second dose came on January 20, 2021. She was a clinical trial participant for Pfizer experiments on 12 to 15-year-olds at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in a division aptly named the Gamble Vaccine Research Center. Stephanie’s bet on “science” cost young Maddie any semblance of a normal future.

Stephanie prefaced her entire account at the Johnson presser with “we are pro-vaccine and pro-science.” But before that, she stated a dangerous fallacy that is apparently quite prevalent among American parents. Maddie and her two brothers “volunteered for the trial,” according to Stephanie. More on that later.

Maddie’s 2021 perpetual nightmare

The healthy, jovial, normal, TikTok-using tween immediately knew her life was different after the second injection. She felt pain in her arm almost immediately. That was followed by severe heart and abdominal pain.

The laundry list of symptoms greatly and quickly expanded thereafter: heavy menstrual cycles, fainting, loss of bladder control, changes in vision, etc. Sometimes her bladder and bowels don’t release waste at all, prompting doctors to insert catheter tubes. She’s had nine emergency room visits since January and has spent over two months total in hospitals.

Maddie is now paralyzed from the waist down. She has great difficulty swallowing food and water. Even when she is able to swallow food, it typically comes right back up. Thus Maddie needs a wheelchair or walker to get around, and a feeding tube for nourishment. At one point, Maddie was having 20 or more blackout/fainting episodes per day.

Most of the foregoing symptoms persist today. But give Maddie credit. She still has that normal “little girl” personality as she cracked smiles and seemed awestruck by all the cameras and attention around her during the presser (or she could be hopped up on pain killers).

Watch the de Garay portion of the Rob Johnson press conference below.

Here is a longer interview with Mrs. De Garay and Maddie if you want further insight.

Ages of consent in the United States

Two ages, 21 and 18, are milestones for the vast majority of American youth. Both are enumerated in the U.S. Constitution and/or Supreme Court precedent.

Prior to 1971, you had to be 21 years of age or older to vote in the United States. But young men as young at 18 years old were being drafted by the thousands to fight in the Vietnam War. The political slogan “old enough to fight, old enough to vote” picked up steam and led to ratification of the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on July 1, 1971. It lowered the legal voting age from 21 to 18.

The same reasoning led to 29 states passing laws that lowered the minimum age to purchase alcohol from 21 to 18 shortly thereafter. But several states quickly reversed course and changed the minimum age back to 21 in the late 1970s due to increased drunken driving accidents in the under-21 age group. This led to inconsistency in the law across the country.

More consent legislation

The National Minimum Legal Drinking Age Act was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 to unify the states. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law as constitutional three years later in the case of South Dakota v. Dole, 483 U.S. 203 (1987). Congress updated the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act on December 20, 2019. It raised the minimum age to purchase all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to 21.

In other words, the United States decided that adults can vote for their own fate related to involuntary servitude in war. Meanwhile, young adults (those 18 to 21) are too irresponsible and wet-behind-the-ears to make decisions related to alcohol and tobacco.

Granted strange 21st century agendas allow kids 12 years of age and younger to elect for de-facto chemical castration, aka hormone therapy. Thus, it’s only fair, by U.S. government and many parents’ logic, that 12-year-olds can also choose gene therapy on their own volition.

Consent required for informed consent

The age of majority (meaning age when you are considered an adult) is at least 18 in all U.S. states. The United Nations also recognizes 18 as the age of majority. Age of consent for sex is 16 in the vast majority of U.S. states.

Some states, like Iowa, have “Romeo and Juliet” defenses in court. It is a legal doctrine that allows 18-year-old high school seniors to have sex with 15-year-old freshmen without criminal consequences. Of course California is a pedophile-friendly state. It exempts pedophiles from registering as sex offenders as long as the age gap is 10 years or less. Thus 24-years-olds can have “consensual sex” with 14-year-olds in California.

That all being said, consent is the key word for pretty much everything in the United States for it to be legal. The Nuremberg Military Tribunal after World War II specifically established the principle of informed consent when it comes to human medical experiments and trials. The principle reads, in part:

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment.

The American Medical Association and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recognize and enforce informed consent. Americans under age 18 do not have legal capacity to form contracts of any kind. They cannot even open a bank account without a parental co-signor. Many child actors get in disputes with their parents since the latter are the legal signors of the contracts.

Children cannot consent to experimental “vaccines”

Several states are creating loopholes so children can receive experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections without parental consent. The HHS even cites the National Research Act of 1974 and the resulting Belmont Report as authority therein. But based on all the foregoing, children cannot consent to these experimental shots.

Mrs. de Garay’s fallacious statement that her 12-year-old daughter “volunteered” for Pfizer clinical trials is dangerous. Patrick de Garay, Maddie’s father, also defended allowing this to happen. He said Maddie was “[trying] to help science and do the right thing.”

The Youtube personality who first made this blog aware of Maddie said she interviewed one of Maddie’s cousins back in April. The cousin said Maddie’s parents “signed her up for [the clinical trial].”

But none of this really matters at this point. The medical establishment cannot and will not provide Maddie the treatment she needs because they’d have to admit the Pfizer injection caused it. In fact, doctors told the de Garay’s that all of Maddie’s problems are in her head. They even tried to commit her to a mental hospital at one point, according to Stephanie. This is modus operandi for the U.S. medical establishment.

The Centers for Disease Control and mainstream media have said all adverse reactions to these experimental shots are caused by anxiety, not the injections. Once you are maimed and/or disfigured by these shots, you’re on your own. We covered the stories of Ms. Kristi Simmonds and Ms. Shawn Skelton. They have suffered uncontrollable convulsions for months since their experimental injections. They’ve since gotten nothing but the runaround from the medical establishment.

This phenomenon is not unique to the United States either. See, among others, the stories of Ms. Ellie Peacock and Mr. Clive Haddon, both of Australia.

Uninformed consent is not consent

This blogger is careful not to be too hard on the de Garay parents. They, like a vast majority of Americans, have no idea what is really going on thanks to well-coordinated propaganda by mainstream media and big tech. Senator Johnson has been attacked relentlessly since the presser and censored by Youtube. Maddie needed her parents at this most critical juncture of her young life. Now Maddie’s future is, at best, uncertain.

The de Garay’s are victims of the most powerful global psy-op in human history. But that still does not excuse them from allowing their 12-year-old daughter to be maimed by genocidal pharmaceutical companies. Same goes for, among others, the parents of 13-year-old Jacob Clynick and 16-year-old Kamrymm Thomas. Young people are dropping dead everywhere; and mainstream media are trying to normalize this incredibly-disturbing 2021 phenomenon. Pharmaceutical companies are protected by government. Children need their parents to protect them.

Adults, at this point, are choosing ignorance and obedience. This blog and many others like it get high traffic despite being banned from social media platforms. The information is out there if you want it. Perhaps the crowd phenomenon is more powerful than previous thought. Maybe deep down these types of people want to die and/or be maimed. Billions of people are simply lining up for their slaughter. And it’s creepy.

There’s no saving most of these types. All you can do is save yourselves. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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3 years ago

We can no longer give these criminals the benefit of the doubt. It is clear now that this can’t be a bona fide mistake, and neither a simple matter of greed. This has to be malevolent intent.
The biodistribution studies which conclusively prove that the so-called vaccines disseminate into the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier are known to everybody in the scientific community by now. The same goes for the cytotoxic properties of the spike protein.
The fact that they are not backing down, but keep pushing this poison harder and harder onto the whole population and especially children, proves that there is an intent to directly kill and harm people.

3 years ago

i’m so glad you cover Maddie. i think about her often since i learned about her ordeal. it strikes me odd that her mother blames the gov, CDC, hospital, doc’s, etc, except herself! & she is an engineer!
but medicine is NOT science. MDs are not trained as scientists.

3 years ago
Reply to  pam

Excellent point! Even if it was science, though, it has no business being authorized to operate under government authority.

Science is only a thing of men. Science and medicine are wonderful human endeavors that use common principles to arrive at a “truth” they can confirm by reproducing the phenomenon under controlled conditions. Doctors and scientists thus embrace the vanity that they deserve higher status than mere believers. And that’s bad for everybody.

Science, medicine, are actually more like religions, with regard to limited government. They should be held away from state authority or they will become tyrants.

Limited government concerns itself with the job of supporting the smallest minority of all, the individual. Beliefs of church, science, medicine, have zero to do with government’s function of upholding law that recognizes your God-given right to life, the world, and self determination, and securing independence from ANY forces that would use government to over-ride your right of self ownership in the name of the “greater” good.

Other than the belief that God Himself invested us with these rights that no mortal may override, beliefs have zero to do with the function of government.

Atheists don’t believe in God, they answer to no one, which is probably why communism requires that religion be harshly prohibited, and why atheists have engaged in genocide often …

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
Red Scotland
Red Scotland
2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Need to challenge you on a point. Communism has nothing to do with covid. Nothing. I am a communist. I also believe in God. The misinformation that seems to just come as standard is disturbing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Red Scotland

Communism and covid are synonymous. Covid is softening the ‘mob’, inch by inch. They don’t need everyone. Just most. Covid is a disease of the mind. A person that believes in covid, will believe anything. You can be a communist. You can believe in God. But to say communism has nothing to do with covid is misguided. IMO 😁

DK Fynn
3 years ago

I’m going to go on a bit of a limb here, because I know what I’m about to say isn’t necessarily true of all things, but as far as these “vaccines” are concerned:

If it’s not good for one person, it’s not good for anyone.

Like many readers of this blog, I’ve done my research, and that’s what I’m beginning to feel. I may not be correct in this, but I don’t know…I just have a feeling that, intuitively, what I’ve bolded above is an accurate statement.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

Yup, I think you are right. How many times do we hear the pretense “If it saves just one life …!” as justification for all kinds of dangerous intrusions on self-ownership? Why doesn’t it go the other way around, for pro vaxxers?

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

The principle you’ve stated has informed the testing protocols for vaccines for many recent decades. Biotech investors learned long ago that clinical trials for therapies were far less costly than for vaccines, simply because the safety profile had to be nearly perfect to risk innoculating a healthy population. They also learned the hard way that full Phase III results could dash all the hopes suggested by earlier testing.
Watching those (arguably TOO conservative) classical protocols be leapfrogged at ‘warp speed’ wrenched my gut and raised my ire.
So very sad to be seeing government corruption ruin so many lives.

John Calvin Jones
John Calvin Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  gjx

It is not government corruption that led moronic parents to submit their children to be injected with poison. It is stupidity.

3 years ago

The mother should jailed for child abuse.

James E Martiuk
James E Martiuk
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Music to my ears. Every single time I think about it I see red. Who in their right mind plays Russian roulette with their daughters life. The survival rate for younger people was like 98 percent. I hope her daughter resents her and never let’s her live this down. I’m sorry this is so angering.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I have upvoted your comment Aidan, because I agree, but it’s visible that she is already paying a heavy price, I doubt that being in jail will be any harsher than the pain she is going through. She will have to live with this for the rest of her life and that’s not going to be easy. The spike protein reducing over time won’t fix her daughter, because there is neurological/nerve damage done and such damage is mostly irreversible.

2 years ago
Reply to  AnnieR

Her mother is the one who volunteered Maddie. She says those exact words in her interview with stew peters. She also says that Maddie had an adverse reaction from the first shot, but decided to suck it up and get her the second shot. The mother herself is not vaccinated.

Marilyn Leach
Marilyn Leach
2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Her parents don’t seem very smart. Putting too much weight on these shots. God gave us an immune system. She definitely shouldn’t have gone for 2nd shot. Maybe fear was motivating her. Just a thought.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

The father too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Yes and no. Hindsight is 20/20. I would never put my child in that position, but I can see how many were misled. Child abuse is when you ‘knowingly’ put your child in harms way. That charge falls squarely on the architects of this culling. We know who they are, but for some reason they walk freely…🙃

2 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Rubbish. Why would they force their daughter in the early stage of a vaccine trial when the virus hardly kills kids. They weren’t misled. Nobody forced the parents to do this. They volunteered their own child as a scapegoat. They were fools who didn’t use common sense. Where was the evidence that a vaccine trail at this early stage was going to produce a safe outcome for their daughter? Where were the animal studies? Why didn’t the parents demand the safety data? That’s what a responsible parent would do.

A responsible parent would never put their kids at risk. They would ensure their child has a healthy immune system. Or would they misled on natural immunity and then dismissed it as a conspiracy theory?

If my parents put me in this situation and I suffered because of it I would never forgive them.

In any other situation if a parent harms a child, they would be locked up. But we have non offensive terms such as “they didn’t know better” to deflect fault away from the guilty party.

Watch out for more orphans and mourning parents down the line. All because “they didn’t know any better”.

Elizabeth Schneider
3 years ago

I can’t help but noticing Maddie’s smile while her mom is very emotional and crying as she describes the adverse reactions her daughter has, and had! me that’s a little creepy..and NO I’m NOT saying this isn’t true, just a little creepy!..

3 years ago

it looks to me that Maddie was trying very hard not to have an emotional breakdown by forcing a smile.

3 years ago
Reply to  pam

I thought that at first, but then realized she was trying not to breakdown herself.

Annie Fitz
Annie Fitz
3 years ago

I get what you’re saying but at her age I also smiled during times of extreme stress. It was nothing I could control.

Son Nguyen
Son Nguyen
2 years ago

My reasoning for doing that when my mom would talk on my behalf to strangers, was that I knew my mom was absolutely lying to people, and that nobody would listen to me or believe me. And I genuinely found it funny, how much of a liar my mom is and that other humans would listen to her. And BELIEVED her. I noticed that too, did you also notice that Maddie didn’t get to speak at all? And that HER tragic experience, suddenly is just her mom’s tragic experience? That’s why Maddie is trying not to crack up laughing. People already won’t believe her if she does that, even though what she’s laughing about is that her mom sucks. Probably anyway, who knows. I’d have to see like a vlog from Maddie herself explaining the situation. But that is what I went through, and I’m just feelin the parallels there. At the same time, the next video showed her totally able to talk with her mom to the camera like they have no problems.. Which I also did growing up, because the reason I found it funny was that I was trying NOT to laugh at my mom’s pain. But genuinely at this point, it’s acting, no matter how much real stuff could be in there. So it was totally ‘normal’ for me to also try having a relationship with my mom. I didn’t give up on it until she was still trying to make me sick even months ago. We all grew up with health issues and allergies and intolerances, and she would literally give them to us constantly. ???? yeah. 😐 lol it’s not good. But anyways, despite how crazy/evil/human of a mom you get, being children we just still love her and try to believe that she’s been traumatized to be the way she is. While it’s true, just wow my mom is a genuinely terrible person and I don’t think of her as a mom. I think there’s a good chance Maddie’s situation could be somewhat similar, with that she has a narcissistic mom who needs her children to need her, always. Now that Maddie can’t live a normal life, she can be taken care of by her mom for the foreseeable future. It is creepy. And people may think I’m villainizing the mom. I’m not trying to, it’s just pretty clearly there when you listen to her mom on the podium, see her like 12 year old daughter’s expressions, and have personal experiences of your own to back it up.

2 years ago
Reply to  Son Nguyen

Sorry to hear about your mom doing this. There was a part of the movie Sixth Sense, where a mother slowly poisoned her daughter to death. The daughter was secretly videotaping it, and it got exposed at the funeral reception. That was haunting enough in a movie, but to know it really goes on in life is horrifying. 🙁

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  Elias

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Very real, very horrifying.

Melinda Winn
Melinda Winn
2 years ago

Some people do smile or laugh when they are hurting. It’s very common.

3 years ago

Because the majority of the public is so willfully blind and brainwashed by satanic NWO MSM it is likely millions will have to die before the depopulation agenda is stopped.

3 years ago
Reply to  A.B.

Consider that the bible says in Matthew 25 that “And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” We always have been told this is a global nuclear war or the various judgments of God in Revelations, but is it possible that this is a biological depopulation culling event that goes very wrong? All we can do is get our lives right with Christ and get ready.

3 years ago
Reply to  A.B.

Yes! This is their motive! Depopulate! I just don’t understand why anyone would want an experimental vaccine! I just watched a video saying that in the next 2 years so many people will die or become seriously affected by this experimental drug. But to let your children receive it?????? Wow!

3 years ago
Reply to  Holly

My 16 year old daughter walked into Walgreens and got the shot without me , and without my consent. We disagree about the vaccine. Now I’m the only one in my family who isn’t vacinnated. Im so angry and I’ll be calling Walgreens today to ask why they feel they can administer this experimental drug without her parent there!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Aimee

My 23 year old son got Jansen vaccine despite me telling him about the dangers. He only wants the documentation so that he can travel and go to bars. Unfortunately our young just want their freedom back and cannot see the long term consequences. I do not blame the mother in Maddy’s case. She genuinely believed her children were doing good. And she is paying the price. And it is so hard for people to get the right information because the whole world is being fed with the same pro-vaccine misinformation. It is scary at the moment but I pray that ordinary people stick together and start to share stories and call a halt to the madness. To be unvaccinated now is frowned upon and you are treated like you are being unpatriotic. Time will tell the true story.

Patti Griep
Patti Griep
3 years ago

Totally sad and I’m sorry but her dad being a doctor is the creepy part. Does he/did he recommend this POISON to his patients WITHOUT knowing the ingredients? Maybe he’s not that kind of doctor (?). Glad my own intuition took me away from doctors about 4 years ago – what happened to the Hippocratic oath that many doctors seem to have kicked to the curb?

Glad there are still “REAL TRUTHFUL” doctors out there, many have been silenced and still many have not, BRAVO to you! Anyone pushing this BS JAB has a special place in HELL waiting! GOD HELP US!.

3 years ago
Reply to  Patti Griep

He is not a doctor. He has qualified as a nurse then worked as occupational health nurse. Then he became an employee at Procter and Gamble as an occupational health nurse.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago

When there is no more hope, then try Urine Therapy. There is nothing more to lose. I have been on UT for 23 years. Prevented untold numbers of diseases.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

Urine therapy. You do what? Roll around in your piss?

2 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Surprisingly I’ve heard your body excretes exactly what your body needs, ingesting urine while sick, etc. can actually help reverse/”cure” what problems you’re having. I’m not saying I’ll go out and do it today or tomorrow, but I know it’s real, and our bodies are amazing vessels and will heal itself if we just give it the RIGHT nutrients.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jes

Then why don’t you get off the internet and get busy eating your own shit and drinking your piss. You make all of us look like absolute morons.

You do realize that just as your body “excretes” urine, it does the same for feces, and yet if some fry-cook fails to properly and adequately wash their hands before plating your food, you are likely to get violently ill, due to the contamination, not long after eating said food? And you really think that the very substances that our bodies are made to expel, having been determined by select organs to be literal waste aka of no use, happens to be the very thing that will cure our ailments?

If you read such information on the internet, then congratulations, some loser who suggested that people should drink their own urine is likely fondling himself at the thought that you, or anyone else who actually believed him, are taking part in his fetish..piss drinking. Well done.

Keep your asinine comments to yourself.

Melissa Abel
3 years ago

Terrible that happened I will be praying for their family ❤️

3 years ago

The reality is that there is more going on than meets the eye. I have faith that her symptoms will dissipate within a year or so. I could be wrong…but it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

3 years ago
Reply to  Luza

Sadly they will dissipate when she dies in her early teens. These are deadly poisons and not to be trifled with.

3 years ago

Good men have to start organising now (saw a video on Telegram where some UK guys have started organising themselves under common law – they intend to arrest the bad actors) to take the fight to/against the bad actors. In my opinion, this state of things will not come to a peaceful end (as the judiciary is corrupted), and some good guys will have to sacrifice themselves/their lives. On another note, my neice (twenties, maybe thirty) is an Electrical Engineer married to a mechanical Engineer – both of them being mask fanatics and serious covid-19 believers. Both of their parents (one being my sister) are jabbed. My neice is pregnant with her first child, and she was seriously talking (along with her husband) about taking the jab (they were narrating the opinion of her doctor).

T danes
T danes
3 years ago

I suppose the fact that Madies father is s doctor goes by the by.

3 years ago

I guess lesson learned about vaccines, I mean experimental jabs and big pharma!

3 years ago

I don’t think Maddie was smiling, my teen daughter does the same thing right before she breaks down in tears. I think it’s a subconscious reaction of your mind trying to deal with the flood of emotions so you don’t break down. It didn’t look like a smile… it looked like a girl on the verge of tears, I even saw her quickly wipe her eyes a few times trying to hide her sadness. I wanted to hold her and give her a hug. She reacted like that whenever her poor mom got emotional. Maddie is a strong girl, she reminds me of my daughter.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sara

I agree, it looked like she was trying to be strong for her mother when she was struggling to speak without giving in to her emotions.

If the roles were reversed and Maddie was speaking, you would have seen the mother doing the same thing: forcing a smile to encourage her to keep talking, despite the intense emotions.

Very sad that pharma-influenced doctors are trying to pin this on a pre-existing mental health issue. Shame on them.

Jenny Werner
3 years ago

Praying for Maddie

Creole Gumbo
Creole Gumbo
3 years ago

Even if it is all in her head, it was still brought on by the “vaccine.” Mental illness is legitimate illness.

3 years ago

Parents should reconsider ‘volunteering’ their kids for medical experimentation…

James E Martiuk
James E Martiuk
3 years ago

Ugh this is so sad. I don’t feel sorry for the mother she shouldn’t have forced her young daughter that had the rest of her life ahead of her to get an experimental shot. Sorry no one’s putting anything in my kids arms. That poor little is now stuck is a wheelchair for a choice she didn’t make. Honestly makes me sick. Way to ruin your kids life lady.

Michelle Blake
Michelle Blake
3 years ago

U n u’rs are in America’s thoughts/heart’s n prayer’s Ms, Maddie especially my own -sweet 1, if there’s anything I can say 2 support u I’d reassure u that u’r courage has helped 2 awaken a sleeping GIANT – a yuge bunch of American n Global Patriot’s who are now standing up 4 the truth : )

Last edited 3 years ago by Michelle Blake
3 years ago

My brother, joined the madness and took the jj jab. Needless to say he has had heart bypass surgery before doing this stupid thing.

I sent him various “conspiracy” vids, but no he still went ahead.

Waiting for my sister to phone and say…> our brother passed on.

Petra G.
Petra G.
3 years ago

Pro or no pro for science you get the right information and you don’t put your children out there to be guinea pigs.
Personally I didn’t like for my children not even getting the shots which are required by the school’s.
I didn’t liked them when I went to school in Germany,where I grew up.
This parents put their children in harms way and destroying their children’s future in the name of science. I have no respect for such doings.

2 years ago
Reply to  Petra G.

I agree. Our job as parents is to protect our children. Our number one duty. I cannot fathom a parent who would agree to this. Putting them in a trial for an untested drug! What were these parents thinking? Child abuse. Absolute child abuse.

Lydia McGrew
Lydia McGrew
3 years ago

I didn’t have time to watch the full interview. I strongly suggest that they pursue a possible diagnosis of either “mild” (!) Guillain-Barre Syndrome or else CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Maddie would probably need a spinal tap and/or a nerve EMG in her legs as part of the diagnosis, which is no fun, but both conditions do have treatments associated with them in mainstream medicine. Particularly IV immunoglobulin and something called plasmapheresis. There are a number of medical schools, including in Ohio, that are considered “centers of excellence” for these conditions, and especially with Maddie not being able to walk I think that the diagnosis should be pretty straightforward. These treatments would be very worthwhile. It seems obvious that she is having an autoimmune attack on her nerves. I’ve been researching this lately because I have some of the same symptoms (thankfully I can still walk) that Maddie has after receiving 1 dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. I hope they can get this suggestion.

Nir Tsabar
Nir Tsabar
3 years ago

What a story to tell the Israelis, who never heard about it when coerced to vaccinate 12 year old kids against covid. מאדי דה גראי

2 years ago

dumbsh_t parent

Melinda Winn
Melinda Winn
2 years ago
Reply to  alaskachick

You are right. Her parents are real dumbsh_ts.

2 years ago

I feel sorry for the girl but not the parents. I hope everyday when they look in their daughter’s eyes, they realize how ignorant they were allowing this poison into their daughter. And these are educated parents? They better go back to Research 101!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann

I agree but doubt is, she is cashing in on it,. playing the victim, I hear stephanie is not vaxxed herself but its ok to use her daughter as a human guinea pig. She should go to jail for child abuse

2 years ago

Her mother volunteered her for the trials! She says that in the Stew Peters interview on Redvoice media. She also said that Maddie had an adverse reaction after the first shot, but still decided to get a second!!! The mother is not vaccinated, yet she volunteered her 13 year old for the trials. Disgusting!!!

Pat Claycomb
Pat Claycomb
2 years ago

I watched Senator Ron Johnson’s Press Conference on Adverse Reactions interviewing 13 families who would have had NO other opportunity to be heard to this day and it made me cry. Pfizer is a Corporate criminal. Unethical does not begin to describe them. It appears Fauci intentionally let ppl die and feels no remorse because they ban the actual remedies!

2 years ago
Reply to  Pat Claycomb

If you haven’t yet, read JFK, Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. The pile is deep and Fauci is smack-dab in the middle of it with his fancy-pants global pals.

2 years ago

Maddie’s parents deserve severe condemnation. What parent signs their children for any experimental medicine? Unless it’s the last hope to save your life which this was not. If you want to help, volunteer yourself. And they have the audacity to act like victims. Maddie’s the only victim. Your parents are supposed to protect you.

J. Russell
J. Russell
2 years ago

I am sorry. I cannot fathom signing my children up for an experimental injection. What kind of people would do that? Allow a child to take such a risk? Your main role as parent is to protect your child. They failed in the worst way, and the child is paying the price. Have they no shame?

2 years ago

stephanie, why are you crying, its your fault, you had a duty of care

2 years ago
Reply to  tess

Agree. The parents are at fault. What type of parent volunteers their children for testing like this? “Here. Give it a whirl on my kid and see what happens.” Sick.

2 years ago

First of all, there is no doubt at all that a 12 year-old child does not have the capacity to “consent” to a medical trial – and that no parent should have “volunteered” her body/being for such. Just as no parent should ever feel comfortable or in a position to volunteer their 12 year old child (let alone their 5 year old) for an experimental vaccine. But my feeling is that Stephanie De Garay gets that by now. Well and truly. And now has to live with the consequences. The ones utlimately responsible for this – and other such associated tragedies – are, of course, Big Pharma, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and the like… for pumping the world full of BS misinformation… And all of these appear to be rather nervous right now. Quite rightly so as well… the net is tightening and there is NO coming back from any of this for ANY of you.

John Calvin Jones
John Calvin Jones
2 years ago

I signed up my child to play in the Russian roulette tournament. The event organizers were planning on making a lot of money – if enough people would volunteer their children. So I was told that it would really help them make a lot of money if my daughter participated – and they explained that there was a very low risk of her ever being injured. After all, I had seen people get shot in the movies, on TV, and in video games, and there was never any real harm done.

I was asked to sign a waiver – which I did not read, because I could understand it any way. I just assumed that Russian roulette is safe and effective.

When my child got a bullet through the head, and her eye was shot out, and her brains were on the floor, the company told me that she only had a headache. The medical staff at the tournament would not diagnose her with “Russian Roulette injury”.

I am so upset at how I was tricked. But I still trust Russian Roulette. After all, it is a fun game, fun for the whole family. I only want someone to pay me money for my child’s injuries and then STUDY how bullets can harm anyone.

Marilyn Leach
Marilyn Leach
2 years ago

So sad Maddie is going thru this. Why would a parent give consent to have her child in a clinical trial. What was she thinking? I’m sure she regrets it everyday now. Can see the strain on her face. What’s worse is med establishment wants to blame it on ‘anxiety’. Saw another video from England where lady in good health had laundry list of symptoms and had trouble getting any doctor to help her. Just wrote her off. I pray Maddie gets better.

jd durham
jd durham
2 years ago

A simple question; has there been any studies (even non peer reviewed) of vaxed people like Maddie receiving a blood transfusion from non vaxed people that might offer them hope? If there are, and it could help I would volunteer to donate to this child.

1 year ago

I find it strange and repugnant that Maddy’s mother makes statements like ,…”WE are pro-vaccine and pro-‘science’”…She subjected all of her children to this experiment-apparently to make herself and her family “hero’s” . It shows either ignorance or mental illness.

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