Netherlands: 22 nursing home residents dead within two weeks of first mRNA shots
February 23, 2021

AMERSFOORT, NETHERLANDS — St. Elisabeth Nursing and Guest House residents received their first mRNA shots on January 30. What happened thereafter shocked staff and the families of residents.

At least 22 residents died in the last two weeks at the facility, according to RTV Ultrecht in the Netherlands. St. Elisabeth houses elderly people with dementia and other cognitive disorders. It’s unclear whether the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna shot was the culprit, as the country is utilizing both. Board member Evelien Bongers believed the shots would eradicate the threat of COVID-19 within the facility. But it had the exact opposite effect.

“It is very intense and very intensive. For the residents, for their families and loved ones and for our staff,” she told RTV. “It is not only intense because of last week, but also because the virus has been asking a lot of us for so long.” The carnage may not be over, as more deaths “cannot be ruled out.”

Similar incidents are happening across Europe. A Spain nursing home stopped administering Pfizer BioNTech shots after 46 residents died within days of the first jab. At least 10 senior citizens in Germany died within four days after Pfizer shots. Norway reported 23 deaths in early January, mostly elderly, after Pfizer shots.

Once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, three times…

The mRNA shots are causing myriad adverse effects and deaths, regardless of age. But it’s clear people over age 60 are highly vulnerable to adverse reactions. Make certain to educate your loved ones so they can make informed decisions when the time comes.

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Yousuf Minty
3 years ago

Seems like Covid vaccines have been released to relieve the pressure on overcrowded & underfunded nursing homes. To turn the elderly and the vulnerable into lab rats for an indisputably experimental gene rewiring vaccine is on par with Hitler’s gas chambers

3 years ago
Reply to  Yousuf Minty

Both Covid-19 and the vaccine are the handiwork of the Dr. Anthony Fauce-Billy “Bob” Gates partnership. They have now been more successful at killing people than the “Angel of Death” Josef Megele. Nazi eugenists all.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago
Reply to  Yousuf Minty

Ironic considering how many Jewish people are represented in Pfizer, CDC, FDA and the mainstream media.

3 years ago

The national gaurd was called last october for “emergency” relief of nursing homes. I can’t understand how people don’t realize something abnormal is seriously up with all of this. They were also making all the troops take the COVID “Test,” which involved the long swab being shoved against the cribriform plates right next to the brain, which is probably a form of vaccination itself. Any kind of nanoparticle or toxins will go completely unhindered by the body’s immune system directly into the exposed organ of the brain. This can happen by three ways, as it is a very delicate area of the body which drug addicts and doctors are well aware of.

What gets me is how people still believe the fundamental premise that covid is real. Even alledged “Covid deaths” of friends and relatives, the only reasonable thing left that could still be a convincing reason, are all explainable through other medical issues the victims experienced. There is no goddamn virus. The normal flu is down 93% apparently, even though the CDC is as trustworthy as wikipedia at this point. Despite the enormous wealth exchange blamed on the virus-induced quarantine as a useful cover, which was then used to rationalize normal mortaliy rate of 2020 due to “flattening the curve,” the virus never existed. The only thing holding people back from seeing this is not wanting to stand out from peer consensus, and of course fear of losing their jobs for not complying with this tyranny.

3 years ago

And also, all of the comments about Hitler just show how ignorant so many people are of WWII history. This would seem irrelevant except for the one small detail, which is that jews are behind all of this. All three of the covid vaccines were made by jews. Of course they do this sort of thing in every country. And for anyone who sincerelt cares about the truth, you should wonder why even now after 70 years since WWII they still put out vicious anti-german movies and propaganda, while never touching upon the holodomor and the key role jews played in bolshevism and communsim in general. 97 of the communist founders were jews. That sound “sympathy for the devil” aptly reflects the judeo-christian sentiments americans have for this race of predatory parasites. Look up renegade tribune or broadcasting, it’s a great source of information.

Jo Ann Davis
Jo Ann Davis
3 years ago

My elderly brother was in a nursing home .He was 74 and after taking the mrna shot he had a massive heart attack .Never had heart trouble before .

Jo Ann Davis
Jo Ann Davis
3 years ago
Reply to  Jo Ann Davis

This was in January 2021 !

Charliee Weber
Charliee Weber
3 years ago
Reply to  Jo Ann Davis

I’m so very sorry for your loss. All made worse by how he passed. You are in my prayers. May God hold a special place for your brother. 🙏💜🙏

Last edited 3 years ago by Charliee Weber

[…] Or why there is an alarming number of deaths from Norway to Spain to the Netherlands post-vaccination? Or even how thousands of Israelis could test positive for Covid-19 […]

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