February 16, 2022
KINGWOOD, TEXAS — Ventilators, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), feeding tubes, etc. all fell under a medical umbrella known as “advanced life support” (ALS) prior to 2020. Americans had the option to leave written instruction called “do not resuscitate” if they refused to be put on life support under anycircunstances. ALS, before 2020, was used only in grave situations, when patients lives were in immiment danger. It was a last resort because of the potential damage to internal organs.
A 2015 study published in the academic journal Annals of Internal Medicine found “substantially higher mortality” in acute medical emergency patients who received ALS versus basic life support (BLS). A 2016 study published in the The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery found “no ALS were associated with increased odds of survival.” There’s also the 2011 meta-analysis in the monthly peer-reviewed journal Resuscitation. It found that ALS “is not associated with increased survival” in trauma patients. Some of the data in the meta-analysis found that pre-hospital ALS takes too long, thus increases mortality due to delayed hospital arrival.
RELATED: Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics (February 12, 2021)
ALS was a hail mary when all else failed in emergency rooms and intensive care units. Even WebMD conceded that upwards of 50% of ventilator patients end up dying. Of course influenza, a disease that’s plagued humans for perhaps centuries, miraculously went extinct in 2020 when so-called COVID-19 was created. Another lesser-known ailment, known as ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), also miraculously went extinct in 2020 (i.e. also rebranded to “COVID pneumonia”).
A 2006 study in the peer-reviewed academic journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews found that 86% of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) pneumonias were associated with mechanical ventilation, aka VAP. In other words, ventilators vastly increase the chance of an already-sick patients contracting pneumonia. A 2010 study in The Indian Journal of Anaesthesia found that the longer a patient stayed on a ventilator, the higher the incidence of VAP. Said study also found the mortality rate to be 54% in the VAP group versus 41% in the non-VAP group.
Keeping all the foregoing in mind, this story about Diana and Chris Crouch is nothing more than a propaganda piece that aims to take advantage of feeble-minded, gullible people.
The $50,000 hospital paydays and Pfizer propaganda campaign
Diana Crouch and husband Chris went to Las Vegas for their wedding anniversary in July 2021. Mrs. Crouch was 18-weeks pregnant. Upon their return to Texas, Mrs. Crouch, 28, said she suffered from headaches and fatigue. Fatigue is of course a completely normal part of pregnancy. Second trimester headaches are also normal, but could be associated with preeclamsia, according to the Cleveland Clinic. No preeclamsia protocols are mentioned in any of the mainstream media accounts of this story.
Mrs. Crouch’s OB-GYN sent her to the emergency room after she developed a “low-grade fever.” Mainstream media (MSM) highlighted that both Mr. And Mrs. Crouch were “unvaccinated.” MSM also focused on Mr. Crouch being a cop with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and having “conservative Texas values” that were against receiving mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. The foregoing Washington Post story even made certain to say they stayed at the Trump hotel in Vegas.
RELATED: If you still trust “mainstream” doctors after reading these four stories, then may God help you (February 3, 2022)
The Texas Tribune reported that Mrs. Crouch was diagnosed with “COVID pneumonia” by ER doctors on August 4. That diagnosis netted the unnamed ER hospital at least $13,000 from Medicare. Those doctors transferred Mrs. Crouch to Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women. The Today Show version of the story really highlights the money-grab mentality by U.S. doctors in the COVID era.
For the first three days [at Texas Children’s], she was on oxygen. But doctors wanted to put her on a ventilator.
“She said, ‘I’m not going on a ventilator,’ and I remember the nurse saying, ‘Well I’m trying to save your life,’” Chris Crouch recalled. “Then they put her on a BiPAP machine shortly after that, which is a little more stronger flow of oxygen.”
The mother-to-be’s condition continued worsening and doctors wanted to place her on the ventilator and her husband agreed.
Prior to 2020, Mrs. Crouch saying she didn’t want to be on a ventilator was all that was necessary to prevent it. Further, if she was able to talk, move and argue with doctors, she clearly was not in a life-threatening situation requiring advanced life support. Monoclonal antibodies and Ivermectin are also proven, effective early-stage “COVID-19” treatments. But Dr. Cameron Dezfulian of Texas Children’s, wasn’t interested in treatment and making a patient better. Mrs. Crouch was placed on a ventilator, and the hospital will receive their $39,000 bounty from Medicare. They also placed Mrs. Crouch on ECMO.
CDC, Fauci propaganda begins
This story, with a little manipulation, was far too juicy for big pharma and their mainstream media to pass up. This unvaccinated COVID-19 positive pregnant woman had three strokes, a heart attack and several seizures AFTER being placed on the ventilator. Mrs. Crouch also went into a coma. It all led to Mr. Crouch “seeing the light” and receiving mRNA injections himself. Doctors told Mrs. Crouch that all of this could have been avoided if she’d received the lethal injections before she got pregnant. Mr. Crouch went on Facebook and urged all his friends to “leave politics aside” and get the shots, according to the Washington Post.
RELATED: Amanda Makulec: 35-year-old Washington D.C. woman gloats of being vaccinated, pregnant, breastfeeding; newborn son dies at 2 1/2 months (October 2, 2021)
Mrs. Crouch ended up spending nearly five months in the hospital, with at least three of said months on a ventilator. The baby was delivered via C-section on November 10, at 31 weeks. Mrs. Crouch was discharged from the hospital on December 23. They named the baby Cameron, after the doctor that promotes mRNA injections for pregnant women. Mrs. Crouch is also now urging all pregnant women to receive the injections.
There’s no reason for this story to be international news, other than propaganda. And that’s exactly what happened in the last week or so.
RELATED: Ivy Avanessian Fua: Los Angeles-area pediatric dentist has stillborn baby 12 weeks after Pfizer “fully vaccinated” (August 12, 2021)
Big pharma and mainstream media simply have no shame in promoting this reckless, dangerous propaganda. Data from Pfizer’s own “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports” through February 2021 are really all you need for the truth. Table 6 shows 270 pregnant women who received the injections. Only 32 reported outcomes thereafter. Reading this data for what is, without the propaganda, 28 of the 32 babies died after the mother received the Pfizer injections.
Note, this same document that showed 1,223 deaths and 11,361 non-recovered adverse reactions out of 42,086 people.
Pfizer-owned Reuters “fact-checked” the document, and of course concluded that it is “misleading.” This document is only available to the public because of the freedom of information lawsuit filed by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The judge in that case ordered 320,000 more pages of documents to be made public by August 2022. Thus, expect thousands more Reuters fact-checks in the near future.
RELATED: Mary Voll: pediatric nurse has stillborn baby eight days after mRNA shot (March 14, 2021)
Further, U.S. hospitals make it very clear that they do not welcome non-vaccinated patients. We’ve already covered stories of patients being denied kidney transplants and heart transplants because they were non-vaccinated. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that doctors in Alabama, Florida, Washington D.C., and Toronto are openly and proudly denying care to non-vaccinated patients.
The American Medical Association straddles the fence on the issue. A September 2021 press release said it was unethical to deny care to the non-vaccinated. But the press release goes on to say that “determining whether, in a particular instance, a physician may ethically decline a patient requires careful reflection.” Yet mainstream media are making the former “anti-vaxx” Mrs. Crouch a likable victim to vaxx zealots, in exchange for her promoting the injections.
RELATED: Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman’s baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother’s second Pfizer mRNA injection (January 12, 2022)
Finally, take a look at Mrs. Crouch. Three strokes, a heart attack, several seizures, two-plus months on a ventilator…and she’s now on camera displaying very little damage from all that. A 2016 study published in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS One found that 45% of stroke patients had disabilities thereafter. Said Chinese researchers compared that to upwards of 71% of Western post-stroke patient who had disabilities.
Granted Mrs. Crouch was in the hospital, so they likely caught the strokes very quickly. And none of the mainstream media articles reported which type of strokes she had. But this woman had three strokes, and is able to talk clearly, hold her baby and promote mRNA injections as god-sent medicine.
Take all that for what you will.
Evolution of propaganda since World War II
Malcolm X once spoke about World War II propaganda. He said U.S. newspapers and radio broadcasts inundated the public with propaganda so they loved the Russians and the Chinese, but hated the Germans and the Japanese. When the war was over in 1945, they quickly switched it, and made the American public love the Japanese and the Germans, and hate the Chinese and the Russians. These were both highly-successful propaganda campaigns that still affect society today.
A more modern example is homosexuality. We chronicled how in the 1980s and before, homosexuality was the butt of every joke in movies and television. But by the end of the 1990s, with the help of Ellen DeGeneres, Will & Grace, rebranding homosexual to “GLBT” (which became “LGBT” by 2000), and the world wide web, homosexual culture was completely normalized in a matter of 10-15 years.
There are two kinds of people – those who believe ideas that are inline with their own, and those wishing to be part of group-think (mass formation psychosis). Information flows more freely in 2022 than at any point in world history. Thus it’s more difficult for the powers-that-be to control the masses. The goal today is to genetically-modify all of humanity via the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. But they must use slightly different techniques for different groups.
RELATED: Richard Rowe: 41-year-old former Florida congressional candidate tells anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a sh*t what happens to you,” dead seven weeks after second Pfizer mRNA injection (November 4, 2021)
Mr. and Mrs. Crouch are being used to convince Latinos, conservatives and Texans to receive the shots. It’s the same as Christian pastors being used to convince [non-immigrant] Black Americans, like Donald Trump is used to convince White conservatives, etc. The propaganda campaigns (e.g. Diana Crouch) can be sloppy and contradictory, yet still work because of the fear factor and uncertainty.
The entire world is a stage. That’s a scary thought to digest. But think about it. War is known as “theater” in the history books and dictionaries. Television shows are called “programs.” Most laws in the United States are called “acts.” The quote, “I freed 1,000 slaves,and could have freed 1,000 more, if only they knew they were slaves,” is often (erroneously) attributed to Harriett Tubman. But it rings true regardless of its origin.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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Hace mucho tiempo que decidí no escuchar ni una sola notícia ni ver programas de televisión como reality shows, tampoco veo la entrega de los Oscars y otros programas parecidos a esos.
Todo se hace para manipular nuestras mentes y las personas más inteligentes caen en la trampa y creen todo aquello que ven en televisión.
En cuanto a la homosexualidad ha habido un cambio de pensamiento a nivel mundial para que todo el mundo acepte la homosexualidad como algo que casi todo el mundo debería practicar, ser heterosexual o tener una familia tradicional se ven como anticuado y pasado de moda, a los niños desde muy pequeños se les quiere adoctrinar para que la homosexualidad se vea como la mejor opción sexual cuando aún no tienen edad para entender lo que es realmente la sexualidad.
Quiero dejar claro que no tengo nada en contra de los homosexuales pero son un colectivo manipulable para la agenda 2030.
No vean la televisión, no se dejen manipular por periodistas pagados por los gobiernos y que tbien tienen intereses con las grandes farmacéuticas.
Leer blogs como este e investigar periodistas independientes que hay en Internet son la mejor opción para informarse y saber la auténtica VERDAD
Well said. I avoid MSM in America, especially the main networks but radio also is filled with so-called vaccine commercials and other propaganda of many types. The CVS, Walgreens and California state clot shot ads are particularly annoying.
I’m curious if this woman received early treatment using repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin and Fluvoxamine. My guess is if early treatment had been initiated on Day 1 or Day 2 of her COVID diagnosis, hospitalization would not have been necessary. But as usual, the mainstream media continues promoting vaccination as the only solution.
Christ Jesus Yashuah is Coming in the Eastern sky 🌌 very Soon!
Crisis actors and/or they sold out their principles and beliefs for money. Just look at their eyes, which tell you everything about them. Puppy dog trying earnestly to feign innocence. Raised eyebrows which suggests duping delight: they can’t believe they are getting away with this lie.
Yes, looks like a hoax to me also.
I’m just not buying this story. Either the media is spinning it or they’re spinning it, but this was exactly the type of person they so desperately need for propaganda. My guess is all sides were incentivized.
My neighbors had covid, recovered at home but had the double vax several weeks before this. Then the husband fainted and cracked his back. Had to go to hospital. This is in Texas by the way. Anyway, he checked in and they tested him, said he was positive. His wife wasn’t allowed in to see him since they moved him to the covid ward. Days later he called to say they weren’t feeding him, nor giving him anything to drink. She tried to yell at the doctor who wanted to put him on remdesivir. She absolutely refused. Without her knowing they started him on a generic version anyway that night. He called the next day slurring his speech. Couldn’t understand him. They actually gave him three doses in 24 hrs, though she didn’t know it at the time. Tried to put him on ventilator but she refused. Put him on oxygen. The man kept trying to escape so they tied him to the bed. She finally broke through security with her daughter and forced her way to his locked room. Banged on the window to let him know she was there. She watched him breathe his last. The whole time surrounded by hospital staff recording her with their phones and threatening to arrest him. Turns out he was being burned alive with oxygen that wasn’t mixed with water. Stay away from hospitals!
I’m so sorry to read this poor man’s torture and your perceptive friend’s suffering. I work in a hospital (well, off-site, thank God) and I would avoid these slaughterhouses as much as possible. I have long questioned this business of not allowing loved ones on wards to visit relatives who are patients (a friend of mine was in the same predicament over Xmas) as I suspect that patients are being killed and keeping the loved ones away stop this diabolical practice being hindered as they can’t see what’s happening or put a stop to this. Thoroughly despicable.
She went in for a “low grade fever” than was put on oxygen???
I’ve heard this a few times:
patients are admitted to hospital with a condition, they are tested for Covid (of course, they test positive!), are put on a Covid ward (not the ward they were supposed to be admitted to) and fitted with an oxygen mask!
In some cases, patients will be on other medications and these will be withdrawn whilst stuck on a Covid ward.
Utterly Satanic, very sinister and truly inhumane.
Please, please, please stay away from hospitals if you can.