Mainstream media, government propaganda fulfilling their purposes of normalizing, distracting from mass deaths of young people across the globe
March 4, 2022 (updated 6:30 p.m. PST)

This week’s news cycle was a microcosm of 2022 thus far, and for what is to come. The powers-that-be know that maximum effort must go into distracting and pacifying the masses. Post-injection carnage is now in full force, and in plain sight. Government and mainstream media must prevent global panic and anxiety from vaxxed people, who cannot deny what is happening, and are undeniably worried that they’re next. War and tribal politics are the two most effective tranquilizers in propaganda history. And we got a “great” mix of it all in the first week of March.

The State of the Union address on March 1 provided plenty of laughs and gaffes for critical thinkers. But the two political tribes provided their members a great show. One of the best moments was Joe Biden calling the Ukrainians “Iranians.” That moment was enhanced by Kamala Harris in the background mouthing the word “Ukrainian,” in an attempt to subtly correct her boss.

But Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., stole the show with her Parliament-like outburst. As Biden was talking about U.S. soldiers breathing toxic fumes and being put in flag-draped coffins, Boebert yelled, “You put them in. 13 of them.” She was referencing the 13 U.S. soldiers killed in Kabul last August.

Of course this is all modus operandi tribal politics since 2020 and “COVID-19.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a scene moments after Donald Trump concluded his 2020 State of the Union Address. She ripped up a transcript of the speech while still standing behind the President.

As we’ve mentioned previously, this entire world is a stage for actors and theater, literally.

RELATED: Mainstream media, government using Ukraine propaganda to distract from mass post-injection deaths, maimings (February 28, 2022)


It certainly cannot be a coincidence that the aforementioned Boebert, along with her right-wing provocateur “cute” cohorts, Candace Owens and Tomi Lahren, all have ties to a shady pay-for-play acting agency called Explore Talent. Note all of their profiles have been purged from the website.

Lauren Boebert profile and pics from

Candace Owens profile on

Tomi Lahren profile on

All of those women are literally failed Hollywood wannabe actresses who got into politics as a fall back. And don’t forget the Democrats. Their “cute,” young, female superstar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (“AOC”), won a talent contest arranged by an organization called Justice Democrats. The organization was founded in 2017 by, among others, Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks. AOC survived 10,000 other contestants in the American Idol-like contest. The prize was Justice Democrats funding her entire 2018 campaign.

Ukraine propaganda hit new lows (or highs depending on your view) this week. The latest B.S. story was being disseminated by several Asian mainstream media outlets and Indian politicians on Monday. A viral video purported to be a little Ukrainian girl yelling at and hitting a Russian soldier.


Turns out the girl truly is brave and a hero. But she’s not Ukrainian. Her name is Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian girl who stood up to Israeli soldiers in the West Bank back in 2012. Ironically, Zionist media referred to young Ahed as a “terrorist.” Now mainstream media are stealing her identity and calling her a hero.

That’s how desperate these people are to continually dumb down the masses. But the gullible and obedient are voluntarily eliminating themselves from society, making things a lot easier for the idols they worship so much.

Life expectancy dropping

This blogger writes mainly about vaccine-injuries. But there were also a lot of young people who died unexpectedly in 2020. Most of the so-called COVID-19 deaths from 2020 were obese people who died from four or more comorbidities. But those “swab” nasal tests are/were just as invasive as injections. In fact if you made it through 2020 without a swab up your nose, you are an elite critical thinker. Further, Johns Hopkins University designed nanotechnology called “theragrippers” that deliver drugs to the human body. The university specifically talks about using the technology on cotton swabs.

There’s also Dr. Jose Luis Sevillano (France) who said the PCR swabs contain both a carcinogenic substance called ethylene oxide and something called “DARPA hydrogel.”

That all said, a lot of Americans died young in 2020. Between 2018 and 2020, average life expectancy in the U.S. dropped by nearly two years, from 78.74 years to 76.97 years, according to a June 2021 study published in the British Medical Journal. That’s the lowest life expectancy at birth for the United States since 2003. The average decrease for the 16 peer countries in the study was only 0.22 years.

Of course the CDC and mainstream media blamed so-called COVID-19. But with the naked, objective eye, it’s easy to see that life expectancy numbers are going to drop even further when final statistics from 2021 and 2022 are released. The following stories are now commonplace, but buried and ignored by mainstream media.

Preston Settles – 15 years old

Preston Settles.

Guess this is just normal now. Preston Settles was a 15-year-old freshman at the Brooks School in North Andover, Massachusetts. He was also a basketball player. Brooks School was hosting Milton Academy in a basketball game on February 5. Preston had just left the game for a breather when he collapsed on the bench. His arms were flailing and his eyes flaring up, Preston’s father, Darryl Settles, told CBS 4 in Boston. The diagnosis – cardiac arrest.

Preston was rushed to Lawrence General Hospital where doctors were able to restart his heart. He was then airlifted to Tufts University Medical Center and remained on advanced life support. Here is the CBS 5 report.

The young man fought for three weeks. But he ultimately died on Sunday, February 27. He had planned to go to law school at Duke University, where his grandmother was the first Black American to receive a Ph.D. And his dreams were likely to come true. Preston is survived by his entrepreneur father, his medical doctor mother, and his brother.

The Brooks School has a vaccine mandate for all students that went into effect on August 20, 2021. The school reported that “between 98 and 99 percent” of students were fully-vaccinated by the deadline.

Katie Meyer – 22 years old

Ms. Katie Meyers had it all. The 22-year-old was a senior International Relations major at Stanford University. She made the Pac-12 Academic Honor Roll twice. But she was mostly known for being a great soccer player.

As a redshirt freshman goalkeeper for Stanford, Ms. Meyers allowed only four goals for the entire season, tying a school record. The following year, she was named team captain. Ms. Meyers also had 23,000 Instagram followers, and was monetizing her name, image and likeness under the new NCAA rule. Her very promising future was cut short this week.

Ms. Meyers passed away at her residence hall on March 1. No further details were released about her death. All the university said is that there was “no danger to other students at this time.” There are some outlets reporting that her death was by suicide. Stanford University not only has a vaccine mandate, but also a booster mandate that took effect on January 31, 2022.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in her memory.

Trinity Hunter Steverson – 21 years old

Ms. Trinity Hunter Steverson was an honors student majoring in finance at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. She was scheduled to graduate in May. But this is The Great Reset, when youth no longer equals near-guaranteed life the next day.

Ms. Steverson stepped out to her backyard with her dog on January 6. Family members grew concerned when she did not come back inside after several minutes. They discovered her collapsed on the ground. Ms. Steverson suffered from a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in her lungs) and subsequent cardiac arrest, according to her GoFundMe page. She has been in a coma ever since. One local news station reported that her eyes were open on March 2. She’s now at TIRR Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas.

Kennesaw State University “strongly encourages” all students and staff to receive the injections. The school also encourages booster shots. Ms. Steverson had several job interviews with major financial institutions prior to the incident. We’ll update this story in due course.

De-sensitized, denial or dumbed-down?

This obviously isn’t just a United States problem. Carla Steytler was a 24-year-old student at Central University of Technology in Bloemfontein, South Africa. We and a fellow student were simply walking on campus around noon, Tuesday, February 21. She collapsed during the walk and died later that night in the hospital. No matter what the CDC, vaxx zealots, and mainstream media say, there are obviously a lot of young people collapsing and dying around the world. And the common denominator is obvious.

But pray for Ukraine, MAGA and woke are the narratives in the U.S. This blogger admitted himself to being a bit de-sensitized to all the soccer players collapsing and dying around the world because it happens so much. But the vaxxed masses are simply in denial. They all see what is happening, and just hope they were lucky enough to receive placebos. As we’ve concluded, the world is a stage. But just like Ms. Halyna Hutchins, who Alec Baldwin shot and killed on a movie set, real people die even in these world propaganda productions.

World War III is the perfect scenario for the history books. The-powers-that-be can blame the mass carnage on global famine, nuclear poisoning, “COVID-19,” inflation and other war-related causes. Meanwhile tribal politics keep the masses dumbed-down and comfortable.

Stay tuned, stay vigilant, and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Take Note
Take Note
2 years ago

Many more to come!
Good work

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

These freshman republican women are an embarrassment. Given women a bad name

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago

Well, what about the ‘Squad’. They already gave women a bad name.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago

For the life of me, I don’t understand how a dr. could permit her own flesh and blood to be injected with a biologically active substance that would induce his cells to grow the toxic spikes. Who should now take her judgment seriously? She doesn’t have my trust, but she and her husband have my sincere condolences.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

They have been socially conditioned to blindly trust ‘modern medicine’.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Most doctors in the U.S. are employees of large healthcare systems. Their boss is the CEO, who will tell them how to treat patients to maximize revenue. If he tells you all your patients have COVID-19 and need remdesivir, guess what? All your patients are getting remdesivir until their kidneys fail and they decompensate, getting put on a ventilator to die. Sound familiar? Early treatment protocols? Not profitable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Most doctors are brain washed.
If you read the blogs of the now retired doctor Vernon Coleman in the UK he states quite openly that most doctors he has encountered in his career are sociopaths with a God complex, surgeons being the worst.
Those were his words.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

For far too long we have given Dr’s way too much power in our own minds. These are people who do not even live a healthy lifestyle 99% of the time. They eat like crap and never work out. They don’t even know what a healthy diet is, nor know anything about actually working out. Two major parts of a healthy lifestyle. That is bc they are not taught to know these things in school. And because teaching people how to be healthier would cut into profits for Big Pharma. They do not think for themselves. They are in a cult where they have been conditioned to believe the information they are given from the powers that be is the end all be all. And those of us who do not believe it are the “uneducated conspiracy theorists”.

2 years ago

I agree someone’s pulling diversion tactics, but are they working? Can’t tell from listening to the mainstream media- nothing but crickets on vax adverse effects… Red voice hosts on the other hand are perpetually angry and blaming the left for everything that goes wrong in the world.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

First off..the tests the gvmt is distributing come straight from China and my first thought was….I’m not putting that swab up my nose. The box makes them look local (tx) but the insert is in Chinese.

Secondly, my mind is reeling from the links to the talent agency and the reused video of the Palestinian girl.

Fun fact: most government funding for c19 end in June. C19 tests on Amz expire on 6/30 and it stated if you don’t use them by then they won’t get screened. Whenever has a pandemic had a shelf life? But like processed foods when you create it you know when it will expire.

2 years ago

You always have to watch out for these attractive women you see on TV. They are being used to fool the masses, and can be difficult to deal with.

2 years ago

World war 3 started the moment convid was announced.

2 years ago

It appears that Ms Walker died by suicide based on the GFM comments. Now, it is possible that she could have had complications from the jab that played into it, but that is a little too speculative for my taste.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Is GoFundMe still canceling fundraisers that mention vax injuries? If so, you’re not going to see it mentioned, conveniently. All adult vax-related deaths are suicides in my book.

2 years ago

Back in June of 2020 I got tested (only time). My step daughter tested positive for c19 and my job required I get tested. I knew when all this started 3/20 that it was a setup. And yet I didn’t think anything about getting tested. I am so mad at myself and now concerned that I am screwed. I pray for God’ forgiveness. I would NEVER get the clot shot!

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrissy

Not only did I dodge testing, no one even suggested I should get tested. I would have refused and taken a couple of weeks off to ‘recover’. I encouraged all my family & friends to ‘avoid feeding the beast’ and refuse all testing. Some listened, some didn’t.

Look on the bright side. You avoided the vax. You’re an untainted pure blood in my book!

2 years ago

Excellent work as always Brian. Many thanks.

Brian James
Brian James
2 years ago

Feb 23, 2022 Heart Problems, COVID Infection, Long COVID and COVID Vaccines: Micro Blood Clots Connect All
The medical establishment and mainstream media are ignoring micro clots

When The Washington Post does a front page story on myriad heart problems plaguing people who recovered from COVID infection it is big news. Cardiology practices across the country are being overwhelmed by post-COVID heart patients. “Long” COVID has been getting increased attention. Huge numbers of people are suffering long after getting through the initial infection.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

Pretty sure the Stanford soccer player was actually suicide because she apparently left a note and had “wounds” on her body. Suicides have definitely also gone up since the pandemic. Hard to figure out a girl this young, attractive and talented could be depressed to the point of suicide but apparently she was concerned over some stupid disciplinary trial after defending a friend. She had a future as a pro-player at the very least and yet she appears to have been worried about the overlords at that snobby school punishing her in some way. Maybe it’s bc I am Gen X but none of that would have phased me. Would’ve told those people to go F themselves.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

Thank you for FINALLY answering my questions about Candace Owens. For me, her story just began to not add up. I kept asking her about what happened to all that “I’m going to sue the Facebook fact-checkers!” lawsuit. Never would respond. Finally found where the judge dismissed it. How many millions were raked in by her for that ridiculous lawsuit.

Thanks for also addressing my other question of where in the world did AOC come and who provided her the funds to become a member of Congress. Now we know.

2 years ago

We are living the Truman Show. Watching these actors/actresses distract us while gov works behind the scenes on the NWO

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

We are living in a fog of lies.

Mr. Wiggins
Mr. Wiggins
1 year ago

I am of the opinion that the sacrosanct injection is the Mark of the Beast of REV 13.

10 months ago

Wow, my first thought when I read about the ‘brave young Ukrainian girl standing” up to the Russian soldier was it sounds and looks suspiciously like Ahed Tamimi. And turns out it is INDEED Ahed Tamimi…! Too bad the masses esp those in Baltic regions are too asleep to recognise the reality. Even if you showed them this and evidence, they will just insist you are stupid, don’t know how to read captions (below those photos), or just accuse you of being disinformant or Russian propagandist.

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