Mary-Louise McLaws: Australia epidemiologist and WHO advisor who called the non-vaccinated “self-centered,” diagnosed with brain tumor
January 25, 2022

Ms. Mary-Louise McLaws.

UPDATED August 13, 2023 – Mary-Louise McLaws has passed away.




SYDNEY — A University of New South Wales epidemiologist and World Health Organization (WHO) advisor is either facing incredible karma or is the latest high-profile, post-injection cancer victim.

There is now more than enough evidence showing that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections hasten cancer. Dr. Azfal Niaz is the latest doctor upholding his Hippocratic Oath and warning people of these dangers. The New York medical doctor tweeted on November 22 that he’s seeing cancer rates that are 20 times higher since mRNA and viral vector DNA injections came to the market.

Less than 48 hours later, his Twitter account was permanently suspended. That means he’s telling the truth.

Dr. Ryan Cole has also tied the experimental injections to cancer. He cited a Dutch study that found mRNA manipulation suppresses the immune response of Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4). Said receptors fight off cancers in the human body. Researchers at the Sloan Kettering Institute also concluded that  “changes in an information-carrying molecule called messenger RNA can inactivate tumor-suppressing proteins and thereby promote cancer.”

Dr. Judy Mikovits called the artificial spike proteins in the injections “cancer envelopes.” Dr. Craig Wax, a New Jersey family physician, tweeted his concerns about the injections “turn[ing] on oncogenes and caus[ing] cancer in young people.” His Twitter account was promptly suspended as well.

RELATED: Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery (updated October 29, 2021)


The story of Professor Mary-Louise McLaws sounds almost identical to the above-linked Jovita Moore story. But Ms. McLaws is perhaps the most egregious vaxx zealot covered on this blog to date, and that’s saying something. This woman either believes her own B.S. or is pre-programmed to regurgitate Pfizer, Fauci and CDC propaganda in perpetuity.

Initial truth in early 2021

There’s no definitive proof that Ms. McLaws received one of the lethal injections. But she’d be a world champion hypocrite and liar if she’s non-vaccinated (“rules for thee, but not for me”). Ms. McLaws actually spoke some truth in early 2021. She admitted last January that these injections do not prevent the spread of so-called COVID-19.

She also admitted in January that there’s no research showing that it’s safe to mix different brands of the injections.

There’s still no official evidence thereof. But that doesn’t stop the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) from peddling arbitrary vaccine propaganda. First the CDC said in August that the same brand should be used for booster shots. A few months later, based on zero research, the CDC said mixing and matching is just fine. The COVID Blog has reported catastrophic results when people mixed the injections.

RELATED: Cheryl Hynes: Canadian woman gets Pfizer for first injection, Moderna for second injection, hospitalized with severe damage to several vital organs (November 26, 2021)


We’ve also observed many cases of people turning into hardcore vaxx zealots after receiving the injections. Thus it’s entirely plausible that Ms. McLaws received the injections in May when people over 50 in Australia first became eligible. That’s also when her vaxx zealotry really accelerated. She did, however, promote mass vaccination sites as early as April.

Post-injection vitriol and loyalty?

Vaxx zealots are typically also mask zealots. Ms. McLaws jovially promoted mask mandates throughout 2020 and 2021.

She first promoted “purpose-built” quarantine facilities in May, meaning COVID concentration camps like Howard Springs near Darwin, Northern Territory.

But her modus operandi throughout 2021 was pushing mRNA injections for children and young adults. She first pushed for 11 to 15-year-olds to receive Pfizer injections in June.

Ms. McLaws praised Pfizer for “targeting” 20 to 39-year-olds on August 14.

She again promoted injections for the “young” later that month.

Ms. McLaws appeared on the ABC News (Australia) Breakfast program on September 19, pushing for an 85% vaccination rate for the 20 to 39 demographic.

She graduated to pushing Pfizer injections for 5 to 11-year-olds by November.

The next day, November 9, Ms. McLaws appeared on Nine Network’s Today program. She said the non-vaccinated are “self-centered” for believing vaxxed people should have faith in their sacrament and not worry about what the non-vaccinated are doing.

She went on, in a very robotic manner, regurgitating fallacies and fearmongering propaganda. Presenter Karl Stefanovic facilitated the entire act and agreed with everything she said.

Brain tumor

Ms. McLaws took to Twitter on January 14 to report severe headaches. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Ms. McLaws said she’ll be on sick leave for a month and spending time with family.

Ms. McLaws, just like the aforementioned Jovita Moore, was careful not to say the word “cancer” when she announced her brain tumor. Three months after Ms. Moore announced brain tumors, she confirmed that it was brain cancer. Three months thereafter, she passed away.

Ms. McLaws, in addition to the aforementioned sick leaves, has also stepped down from her position as president of the non-profit Australian Friends of Rambam. Rambam Hospital is the “preeminent hospital providing medical services to northern Israel.”

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)


People get cancer everyday. The New South Wales government, however, requires all people who “work at a government or non-government school” to be fully vaccinated. We can say with 90% certainty Ms. McLaws is vaxxed and probably boosted.

This article is just a small taste of her vaxx zealotry. Nearly all of her tweets in 2021 promoted mRNA injections, masks and lockdowns. She exacerbated division between the vaxxed and non-vaxxed for a full year. Ms. McLaws called for rewarding the vaxxed and arbitrarily  punishing the non-vaxxed. She is a dangerous individual with a platform. And we’ll leave it at that.

Of course mainstream media failed to mention her vaccination status when reporting on the brain tumor last week. Further, Ms. McLaws and her fans will completely deny any connection between the two events. Perhaps she’ll emerge healthy and more humane after this. But it’s 2022, it’s vaccines and it’s dystopia. It’s anyone guess as to what happens next.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Scott S
Scott S
2 years ago

It is just mind boggling that so many of these tyrants vilify the unvaccinated, and then Karma comes back and they get ill or dead because of the death jabs they are promoting

2 years ago
Reply to  Scott S

And those are just the examples of vax zealots having a subsequent health event. Think of the thousands(?) we never hear about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Scott S

I know i’ve seen so many lately…it’s probably best to keep ones trap firmly shut. Karma really is a B with an itch. :*)

2 years ago

So why do they want to force it into others…didn’t God give us all free will?

Do they think, ‘if i’m going to die you’re coming with me’…what? Nothing makes sense, logic seems to have escaped them.
We’ve been lied to on a massive scale by the elite and this has been decades in the planning, but some people cannot face the fact that the whole thing has been one massive depopulation exercise.
To have known all this from the very start makes me angry because so many couldn’t see what i saw…and why, as an intuitive of many decades, couldn’t i get through to a lot of people – they just did not want to know and thought i’d lost the plot, but then i’ve had that all my life.
Some people just cannot see what you see and you have to accept that sadly, but arrests must be made otherwise there is no justice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

I hate to be the bearer of bad news and I am sorry that so many can’t see this, but most everyone at every level is going to get off on technicalities. Unless an injectee was physically overwhelmed, they took the jab of their own accord, whether they felt coerced or not. This is going to be the point that sets everyone free, trust me on this. I would not have wanted to be part of “Operation Homebound” in LA, because there may be a case there and with anything like that. However, the doublespeak that has pervaded every aspect of this nightmare is going to be the escape clause, just as it is in any contract you might sign to contract a lawyers services.
If you think otherwise, I am pretty sure you have not been in a courtroom or paying attention to the court cases recently. Even judges on the side of right and common sense in their decision are doing so almost apologetically. This is aside from Thomas and Alito, true scholars and pillars of integrity – no wonder the left hates them so much.
Pray for it to be different and I would be overjoyed to be proven wrong on this, but I don’t think I am.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Your scenario is set in a world that hasn’t collapsed because of the evil of the globalists. if a reset occurs it might not take the form they envisioned nor be like the world we know. Who in France in 1788 could have imagined The Reign of Terror just a few years later. Those responsible for this crime could yet face a new Robespierre.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The freedom of liability these perpetrators believe they possess only applies when there is no willful misconduct which there, most assuredly was. And poor judgement does not constitute suicide. Although many of the victims made bad decisions, they did not intend to harm themselves. Murder is murder and there will be justice one way or another.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

” This is aside from Thomas and Alito, true scholars and pillars of integrity – no wonder the left hates them so much.”

Even Alito groveled to the vaxxers with how he framed his questions – the whole thing is digusting.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

We live in the Age Of Idiocracy where discernment and critical thinking skills are in short supply…

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

Sadly people like Ms McLaws are God deniers.
When a person like her are convinced that “the unvaccinated are self centred” it shows they are devoid of discernment, compassion and the truth.
They speak from a position of arrogant superiority convinced that they know better., because after all they are the learned ones.
Pride does come before the fall.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago
Reply to  Erik

Conozco muchos creyentes en Dios que lamentablemente adoran las máscaras y las inyecciones.
Creo que ya no se trata de creyentes y no creyentes, Se trata de creer ciegamente, de creer lo que dicen los medios de comunicación oficiales y destruir la reputación de médicos y científicos a los que se censura y no les permiten expresarse.
Creyentes y no creyentes han aceptado esta narrativa única y la misma a nivel mundial, en todo el mundo la narrativa es única, incuestionable.
Yo misma apenas puedo expresarme libremente con amigos, familiares…Solo tengo 2 o tres amigos con quienes puedo hablar en total libertad.
Recordemos que prácticamente todas las religiones se han unido a esta narrativa única e incuestionable para que sus fieles seguidores acepten las inyecciones.
No olvidemos el artículo que escribió Brian sobre esto.
Triste e indignante lo que han hecho muchos creyentes

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

Yesterday I thought extensively about wax eyes, a small New Zealand bird about half the size of a sparrow. Today, one was trapped in my house against a window. I have never had one in the house before.
Intuition is a valuable gift.

Last edited 2 years ago by Festus
2 years ago

It is criminal to have evidence of their crimes deleted on Twitter. My mother in law was in remission with breast cancer for many years. After 2 Moderna she had metastatic disease all over her body. It was heartbreaking for our family. There should be significant warnings for all who take these jabs and no one should be forced or coerced to take them ever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen

I’m sorry for your mother in law’s suffering and your families heartbreak. The professor on the other hand is where she needs to be. Satan is recalling his disciples. This is battle between good and evil, darkness and light. I am starting to think I should celebrate the defeat of evil, but not sure if this right with God. I will pray for your MIL and your family.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen

I have to believe that justice will be served one day for your family and all others against these criminals.

2 years ago

Another amazingly well researched article that we wouldn’t find anywhere else on the web. I’m always happy whenever you drop a bunch at once. I just sit back, relax and read on about the craziness in our times.

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago

Interesting the way she used the word “targeted.” I use “targeted” rather than “eligible” to describe who can get the shots. The former accurately indicates the truth of what’s going on; the latter obscures it. That’s an interpretation that I’m sure she didn’t intend.

2 years ago

You reap what you sow. No sympathy for her and I doubt she will ever repent her hatred towards humanity.

Maria Luz
Maria Luz
2 years ago

Desgraciadamente esto se volverá cada vez más común y lo peor es que los cánceres que causan las vacunas son realmente fulminantes. Quizá haya esperanza para estas personas en el gcmaf.

2 years ago

I hate the sheeple, especially the cocky shits who mock those who know the truth. They are nothing but accomplices to the ones perpetrating the depopulation agenda. To hell with them all!

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

You reap what you sow.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

John, I had dinner with beautiful 30 yo unvaxxed single woman last night. There IS hope!
Bonus points, as I walked her to her car, she had a Lets Go Brandon bumper sticker! 😀

2 years ago

Karma bites. Her socials are a study in psychosis. Her own and the replies.

Thank you for researching this story.

Ned Baker
Ned Baker
2 years ago

The worst thing she did was slander cats. So everyone is scared they’ll catch “Covid” from their pet cat. It’s hard for me to wish these pompous know-it-alls well after they’ve done so much damage with their high-sounding pronouncements .

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

That part hit me pretty hard as a cat owner and animal lover of all kinds. Do these people consider any of the consequences of their actions? I am horrified by the environmental damage of the stupid masks. Of course these evil shots are born of cruelty to humans and animals alike. God will not be mocked.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

Funny you mentioned cats. Australians are now worried that their pets will catch Covid, and are willing to vaccinate their pets for Covid. The Covid insanity in Australia has moved from humans to animals now.

2 years ago

The fact that this woman was advising the WHO is scary. The WHO has become a joke just like the CDC. Both have lost credibility.

2 years ago

Enjoy the cancer, at least your brain is being used for something now.

2 years ago

They drew first blood, not me – John Rambo

To be or not to be “V”, that is the question – Shakespeare

2 years ago

Pride belongs to lions. A higher education linguistic study once on the vocal nuances suggested the cause was narcissism.

(Ecc 9:4) For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

Violetta Magnola
Violetta Magnola
2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Yes, I agree. Insolent Pride in the Bible I read is the same as “narcissism”-part. Malignant Narcissism (= to the Dark Triad type)- involving arrogance and ignorance (& haughtiness) – typical traits of the dysfunctional narcissistic type that makes up their own false reality and tries to force it on others as the true reality. Many times I read the word “haughty,” “pride,” “proud,” and arrogance in the Bible when passages are addressing evil/the wicked. Malignant narcissism I’ve realized is a spiritual (not psychological/that is only part of the spiritual) disorder and manifestation of evil.

2 years ago

“Post-injection vitriol and loyalty?”

She needs to save her energy, she’s going to need it.

Keep up the good work, Brian, I love these heartwarming stories.

2 years ago

I have lost track of how many of the Branch Covidians that have slammed the non poisonated later died from their injections. God is very real and He will not be mocked.

AUssie pub` brawler
AUssie pub` brawler
2 years ago
Reply to  AussieLover

God, basically, totally annihilated the entire ‘antediluvian’ world with a ‘universal’ Flood b’cs, back then, man had corrupted his God-given genetics by ‘inter-breeding’ with fallen angels….
( the world ppl’n, back then, may well have been several billion people )
apparently: this went on for hundreds of years;
(and: even: flora and fauna was corrupted;)
eventually, God’s patience was exhausted….
this is, pretty much, similar to what is occurring with this DNA-altering death-jab;
God does not like His perfect creation(s) being interfered with…

2 years ago

Vaccines do NOT provide herd immunity!!! Only having the real disease can give you herd immunity.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago

I have a friend who is pro vax and a mask zealot. He recently told me he has to have surgery on his nose for basal cell? I guess it could be caner possibly. I think he is triple Vaxed.
I read early on that the masks will cause cancer as well as the shot.
I avoid both equally.

Michael Fisher
Michael Fisher
2 years ago

A heavy and life shortening price to pay for being “misinformed”.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

A basic truth, people NEVER censor a lie, the counter it with the truth; people only censor the truth, because a lie can never counter it.

Lorenz Manner
Lorenz Manner
2 years ago

Karma or no Karma, that’s something I don’t know BUT to be stupid and ignorant and not being able to discern what is real is terrible. Now she has to suffer. So sad ? ?

2 years ago

She announced she take one month off January 15, is February 18th and no sign of her returned to work so far. Hmmmm
The most disturbing tweet was the one advising: we cannot get out of the lockdowns and sacrifice our YOUNG! We must stay longer till children have equity acces to the vaccine something like this, is because of her kindness she wants keeping people prisoners (and brainwashed) till childrens are poisoned as well.
On another note, lots of Aussies have Stotckholm sindrome, judjing by the support she had in the last tweets, some call her a national treasure, can’t believe this, those people totally lost the plot

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Still no sign of her

2 years ago

I just tell people…you know doctors used to lobotomize people for depression. It was all the rage not to long ago. So I don’t follow trends.

11 months ago

Well now she has reaped what she has sown. The grim reaper came for her. I hope she chanted her prayer ” Thank goodness I am vaccinated. It could have been worse.”

10 months ago
Reply to  Annie

How about she read all your comments and repented?

I truly hope she realised her errors, called her family together to recant and repent before HELL came to the door.


X marks the spot
X marks the spot
11 months ago

There is no way someone this dumb got a medical degree. I think these people are actors pretending to be doctors.

10 months ago

Evil woman, responsible for the maiming and death of so many others. Hope she rots in hell.

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