Shannon Olsen: 22-year-old Wisconsin newlywed healthcare worker says having only two seizures is a “good day” in the 10 months since second Pfizer mRNA injection
October 23, 2021

Mrs. Shannon Olsen.

NIAGARA, WISCONSIN — A 22-year-old respiratory therapist and newlywed did everything by the proverbial book to live her American dream. Now she’ll live with neurological disorders for the rest of her life.

Facebook for Generation Z and young Millennials is like watching child actors grow up in front of our eyes on long-running television shows in the 80s. Mrs. Shannon Olsen posted her first Facebook photo on January 21, 2012 when she was just 11 years old. Like many Wisconsin kids, she posted several photos at Green Bay Packers and University of Wisconsin football games over the years. She also posted many photos with friends and families during that 10-year stretch.

Mrs. Olsen graduated from the Respiratory Therapy program at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College in December of 2020. Meanwhile she got engaged to her boyfriend on Christmas Eve that year. Everything was perfect for this young couple.

Mrs. Olsen works in the healthcare industry. Thus she received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on December 21, 2020. She received the second injection on January 11, 2021. She reported a sore arm after the first shot, but said she “got sick” after the second. All of her co-workers were also getting sick after the second shot, thus she dismissed it as normal. Her entire existence was turned upside-down two months later.

Seizures and neurological dysfunction

Mrs. Olsen posted an updated on March 28. The photo appears to be from a hospital bed. But she was very vague as to what was actually happening.

Mrs. Olsen posted another update on May 16, saying she’s going to the Mayo Clinic “to find some answers and treatments.”

She and her boyfriend got married on August 3. Mrs. Olsen tried her best to keep smiling and putting on a positive face to the public. But on October 12, she finally told everyone what was happening. Mrs. Olsen had 25 seizures on March 27. She also confirmed what many of us already knew. Doctors were going to intubate her (place on a ventilator) due to non-stop seizures. “As a Respiratory Therapist, that is not a good thought for me,” she said. Ventilators are essentially death sentences for most people, particularly in 2020 for “COVID-19” patients. But tranquilizers temporarily stopped the seizures, and stopped the intubation.

Mrs. Olsen said since that day, she can no longer work, drive, shower herself or do anything most 22-year-olds take for granted. She also learned another reality in these times – doctors cannot and will not help you post-injection. “Everyone still giving me the same answers of unknown cause, unknown cause, and once again unknown cause,” she said. But one neurologist finally confirmed the obvious. Mrs. Olsen was suffering from brain inflammation caused by the Pfizer injections. Unfortunately said doctor also gave her a grim prognosis.

Some days are okay and I have two seizures and some days you can’t count the number I have because it is continuous all day. The last 7 months have been absolutely terrible to live through, my body hurts in ways I never knew it could. My Doctor says this is something I will probably live with the rest of my life.

Mrs. Olsen made clear that sharing her story is not meant to be political. She was never a virtue signaler on Facebook (at least publicly), nor did she play mask or vaxx zealot in any way. Mrs. Olsen was just a young woman, in love with her very supportive boyfriend/husband, living her life. Now her future is uncertain.

Mrs. Olsen wants to share her story to let people know that her situation is real, not rare.

Is there any hope for Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) victims?

It’s not even a secret anymore to critical thinkers. Fauci even admitted that these injections cause Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) in August.

All so-called “breakthrough COVID-19 cases” are ADE. These injections cause your own immune system to attack your own healthy tissue, nerves and whatever else. That leads to all sorts of neurological issues or death months after the injections. Mrs. Olsen was right on schedule with her ADE symptoms – about 14 weeks after the second shot. So is there any hope for ADE victims?

Chinese researchers have identified a drug that may potentially block the spike proteins from binding to healthy cells and tissue. But an August study by Chinese researchers suggests that the only solution is making vaccines with “spike protein formulations lacking structurally-conserved ADE-related epitopes.” In other words, there’s nothing that can be done to reverse the effects of post-injection ADE.

The only good news for Mrs. Olsen is that she is not alone. At one point, people her age were the least likely to receive the injections. But university mandates ensure that “educated” young people get their shots. It’s absolutely sad seeing stories of young people thinking they are doing the right thing, only to end up like this. Don’t be the next story on The COVID Blog. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Pity, and hard to fault the young lady. We have fallen into the hand of demons hailing from the darkest pits of hell. We can personally resist and collectively organized, but they yield every apparatus of power, leaving us to cling to the states. Pray it suffices.

2 years ago

When you see other people getting the bioweapon injection and looking like they’re OK… Keep in mind that you don’t know if they actually are OK, or just hiding their adverse symptoms from you and everybody else.

Last edited 2 years ago by Critical_Mass
2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Don’t forget there are adverse symptoms to the shot that are not noticeable or happen over time unless folks test, and take their health very seriously. The average person probably doesn’t even notice their blood has been messed up after the shot for example or their immune system has slightly decreased. Even folks may get cancer, and not link it to the shot. Another example Conservative pundit Dan Bongino was diagnosed with cancer, which was old news that shocked people. Well it turned out he was fully vaccinated. I have no idea exactly when he took the shots, but that old news would not be surprising knowing that fact because the Covid-19 shots are linked to cancer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

I believe he had already announced the diagnosis of lymphoma. The shots came later on the advice of one of his doctors.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I hope his lymphoma does not come back. His doctors advice may come back to haunt him. The Covid shots seem to exacerbate cancer. There are doctors that had patients with cancer remission, but it came back after they took the Covid shots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Researchers have found that these “vaccines” lower your innate immune response, particularly against Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 4 and 7/8 ligands, which is one of the main ways your immune system keeps pre-cancerous cells from spreading.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Dr Michael WIlliams summarised these immune problems very well in his article “Stabilising the Code” in which he cites many academic sources, not lest of all Kariko and Weissman, the two anti-heroes of the MRNA vaccine.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  XOXO

Thanks. That was a good read.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

I have 2 doctors I see that got the clot shots. One is now scatter brained and when I go in to see her once a month am nervous if I’m going to get decent treatment or will she again forget something. The other doctor is a surgeon and now visually looks terrible. I hope he can still do a great job in the OR but I would have concerns as a patient. He just doesn’t have that spark anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

My doctor of a year asked me why I was there who prescribes my medication and where’s my records

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

a friend of mine seems to get tired really easily after the jabs. i notice cause we used to hike weekly in some local forest park. Our weekly hike becomes a weekly walk around neighborhood cause she does not want any hills. she just got her 3rd jab. 🙁

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

PAH == death within years from heart failure. As Dr. Hoffe states – high blood pressure in the lungs will cause the heart to overwork.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Most hospital and health care workers are warned not to talk about any adverse effects from this shot. If they do, they may face termination. Not a good place to be where one cannot exercise the First Amendment which is the freedom of speech. What are “they” afraid of ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

my mother took 2 shots volunteerly, i warned her not to do it, got sick within 2 weeks, although she was hiding that from me i learned that from another relative, some people are just dumb and suffer from cognitive dissonance, no hope for them..

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

Sad case. She got the clot shot early and can be forgiven for her lack in knowledge, but after April 2021, the facts were out and the shot is deadly. Anyone getting it after that was and is just foolish and I find it hard to have sympathy for them, the studies and facts are out there folks!

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

I would not simply say just foolish. Those folks are most likely hardcore Democrats. Liberalism is a disease. Most of my friends, and family are liberals. The truth is it is hard to convince them even with facts that the shot is deadly. They view all the information you send them as conspiracy theory, and ignore it, so those folks have to learn the hard way. A lot of liberals believe the mainstream news narrative on Covid, hate Donald Trump, and likely watch CNN or MSNBC. They are not listening, and watching independent or conservative media to hear anything different about Covid. The USA, and the world are divided about this Covid-19 issue.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

MAGA Kool Aide drinkers ( in fewer numbers ) are also Statist and taking the 666 Poke and boarding the Lucifer Express with a One Way Ticket to Valhalla…the Mark of the Beast does not discriminate…it takes out Conservatives and Libtards alike…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Yes you are right that the Mark of the Beast does not discriminate, but the truth is true conservatives, and Independent voters are less likely to take the Covid shots than Liberals or fall for the Covid narrative the mainstream media is pushing. I would say Christians too, but there are Christian’s that believe their faith in God is too strong for this Covid shot to harm them, and God will save or protect them, but only time will tell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Osa
Steve Wester
Steve Wester
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Why do you spread lies, this is not the mark of the beast. Read your bible, and pray for wisdom.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Wester

When there is an ingredient called Luciferase in the Pfizer vaccine people are going to think it is the Mark of the beast. Whether it is or not these Covid vaccines are definitely Satanic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

A lot are people being threatened with being fired by their employer.

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

Facts don’t matter to Statist Corona Zombies…they Trust the Scientists and Witch Doctors at Big Pharma which is Dope & Murder Incorporated…I am getting increasingly frustrated with all the things I see and read about the Con Vid 19-84 Cult Worship…what I realize is that the War was the last generation before…with all the Statist Programming, Indoctrination, and Mind control… every time someone screams out ” But Vaccines are a Miricle of Modern Medicine ” I realize that the Zombie in them has been Zapped since the Kindergarten Classroom…they get Livid and Angry when you challenge the Government’s Motives…little or no room for reason or compromise…the corona Zealots are Fanatical Fundamentalists that deny all reality…what makes this whole thing so insidious is the long incubation period, as it has not fully exposed their delusions…they Worship Government as their God…so let them take the Mark of the Beast…Let them transform their DNA into Satan’s Image…they are Loving the Lies…May they all Reap what they have Sown…

2 years ago

While many may feel sorry for her. The truth is, nobody forced her to take this poison! Getting her shot on Dec 20 tells me she was nearly first in line, and wasn’t the least bit concerned.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Mellow out farmer. Most of these people are too stupid to understand what is being done to them. It’s their flaw not their fault.

Pyter Cozy
Pyter Cozy
2 years ago
Reply to  Phineas

I am very grateful for people like her step up in the front of the line and take the experiment JAB. Without these people we really don’t know how dangerous this poison can do harm to your body. Thank You and God Bless.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago
Reply to  Phineas

It’s her parents fault for not teaching her any critical thinking skills.

2 years ago

She is one of the early victims. I wonder how she was feeling between the second jab and when the seizures began in March. I understand the boosters are more of the same toxic junk.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

She probably had symptoms after her first jab, but ignored it, and it got worse after her second jab. There have been folks that have had side affects after their first jab, but were still silly enough to get their second jab. These folks that are extreme pro vax will take their jabs no matter what even the booster shot. That is how much they believe in this Covid vaccine, and are afraid of the Covid virus. They either accept the side affects from the vaccine or are in denial. A lot of folks just have to learn the hard way, and cannot be saved.

Last edited 2 years ago by Osa
2 years ago

I don’t trust (ANYBODY) on the News! It is warped reality. To get there in the first place, you would have to be involved with evil. The world is in for some serious deception. The true enemy lies behind the “puppet figures”, but at this point, there is no light to see, as the world is covered in darkness. Don’t run in the darkness! Only Jesus is the light.

Christine Hughes
Christine Hughes
2 years ago

Thank you so much for this blog. The amount of detail and research that goes into this is unbelievable. It is so, so sad to read stories like this. This young woman did everything “right” and now she will pay for it for the rest of her life. She seems like a motivated go-getter type of person who had everything going for her…until the severe adverse reaction to the “vaccine”. I honestly do not even know how these vaccines are still on the market…except of course I do know because it’s not about our health.

My 80 year Father has dementia and I took him to his doctor’s appointment this past week. He did get vaccinated with J & J back in May 2021 (before I had conducted extensive research on J & J – my mistake). His long time doctor told me that he’s now eligible for a booster. I told his doctor he won’t be getting it. His doctor told me he’s eligible for a J & J booster “after 2 months”. He also told me that the J & J is a “normal vaccine”. I had done extensive research on my own so I know this isn’t true. Also, does it make any sense to get a booster after two months? Doesn’t that say something about the lack of effectiveness about the vaccine?

My point in writing this comment is this…Unless you do extensive research on your own, you don’t really know and people like this young woman Shannon are paying a very high price. Once I found out that COVID could be easily treated through repurposed drugs, I literally couldn’t believe it. There is definitely a clear agenda here but unless you look below the surface, you won’t see it. And, sadly, most people prefer to stay on the surface of life. I pray this woman is able to get her health back and lead a peaceful, normal life.

Stephanie Salazar
Stephanie Salazar
2 years ago

My greatest concern about these shots it that they were tested short term on a healthy adult population. After a few short months, they were green lighted for our most vulnerable with fragile conditions and pregnant people; priorities given to healthcare, front lines, police, military, and elderly with no exceptions. This is not ethical or reasonable. We are being crippled on our most important defenses while watching our treasured seniors subjected to being research subjects without informed consent (according to the FDA emergency authorization guidelines, informed consent is not required).

2 years ago

Pregnant people? Women, women get pregnant. Words are important. Don’t succumb to stupidspeak okay? Wipe that phrase from your mind.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

Sorry, LNPs== lipid nanoparticles, *40 trillion* from 1 dose moderna, 12 trillion from pfizer. We have less than 40 trillion cells TOTAL in our bodies!!!

Rob Meldrum
Rob Meldrum
2 years ago

I talked with a friend of a friend the other evening. Her job is reviewing and approving manufacturers for drugs and vaccines. She is appalled that the vaxxes were approved for EUA without first testing on humans. She said it’s the first time a vaccine has gone straight from lab animal tests to human use.

Second, I was chatting with two couples this weekend (good friends). All four have been vaxxed. three of the four mentioned they are now suffering from vertigo, which they had never had before getting vaxxed. One of them has had to pull over to the side of the road while driving because the dashboard started “swimming” in front of him. This has happened to him several times.

None of them have reported to VAERS.

Jess Hansen
Jess Hansen
2 years ago

The guy that received his lethal dose of asbestos at work in the 1950’s went home like it was nothing. He ate his dinner, watched Ozzie and Harriet, played with his kids and screwed his wife; just like any other day. Little did he know that in 20 years his life would be over before he was 55, thanks to his contamination on that fateful day.

It is the same with these shots, I have zero confidence that these things are safe in the long run, even if these people “recover” their lives will be shortened, and those that don’t feel it now will probably feel something later.

I am happy to be in the control group for now.

2 years ago

I live under the 💉 p’port now. It’s disgusting, it’s revolting. Everyone I know, with a few exceptions, has given in to govt in order to travel and participate in society. During WWII my family was interned in a camp. That seems to be where we’re headed unless God intervenes.

Jeff Smathers
Jeff Smathers
2 years ago

We have and (had) medical standards for testing …. Politicians and governments have usurped those powers that have protected us for expedient reasons that benefit the drug companies.and investors. This is a flu virus … not a plague. we have given our personal rights up to protect ourselves and our families for an ideology of globalist control. I’m sorry for this young woman and her family. But, the worst is not over….

2 years ago

So basically what I seem to be researching/reading with healthcare these days. Doctors/hospitals will not treat vax related injuries, and doctors are not treating patients with unrelated injuries unless vax’d. We are living in a crazy world.

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