Hijama aka “cupping”: desperate workers, students forced into vaxx mandates turn to ancient treatment to remove the injections after administration

October 6, 2021

NOTE: The COVID Blog is neither endorsing, nor encouraging anyone to undergo medical treatments. Further, we make no claims as to any medicine or technique treating any sort of human disease or ailments.

Most people were introduced to the concept of hijama, aka “cupping” in 2016. Michael Phelps is a 23-time Olympic gold medal swimmer. His body was covered with circular bruises when he showed up for the 4×100 freestyle relay event in Rio De Janeiro that summer.

The bruises were the result of hijama, known in the United States as “cupping.” The ancient practice was first utilized in Northeast Africa, China and parts of the Middle East. Cupping is mentioned in the oldest medical textbook in the world – Ebers Papyrus – first published in 1,550 B.C.E. Cupping treats sore muscles, migraines, skin diseases, arthritis, menstrual pain, face wrinkles, and much more. It is also believed to improve immune function and lower cholesterol. Many athletes and celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow, swear by the practice.

Phelps receiving cupping treatment in 2015. Photo via Instagram.

The process and the science

Cupping practitioners place round cups made of glass, silicone or bamboo directly on your skin. The suction is created via a pump or through heating the cups to create a natural vacuum. It forces increased blood circulation to the cupped area and stimulates healing, Qi (energy/life force) and other physiological processes. For Muslims, hijama is accompanied by prayers. The process purports to return the body to its normal, natural state.

French professional soccer player Karim Benzema receiving cupping treatment.

Post-treatment bruises heal and disappear withing 10 days.

A 2015 study published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PLOS One found that cupping relieves neck and lower back pain. But the study concluded that further research is needed to draw definitive conclusions. Another 2015 study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine found that cupping is effective in treating herpes, acne, paralysis and pain. Those researchers determined that more concrete treatment protocols are necessary to draw definitive conclusions about cupping effectiveness.

Wet cupping and COVID-19 “vaccines”

All of the foregoing refers to dry cupping. But a variation of the technique is the primary subject of this article. Wet cupping uses all the same processes described herein. But the practitioner removes the cups after about three minutes and uses a scalpel to make tiny incisions in that area of the skin. The cups are then reattached and a second suction is done to draw a small amount of blood from the area.

The idea is to remove toxins directly from the body instead of waiting for them to pass via urine, sweat and/or stool. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies found that wet cupping significantly lowered heavy metal levels in the bodies of young men.

RELATED: Japan suspends use of Moderna injections after “metallic particles” found in vials; country continues using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 (September 1, 2021)


A woman we’ll call Lauren emailed The COVID Blog last week. She is an ER nurse in California. Lauren is also the mother of three children. Her husband received the Moderna mRNA injection in July to keep his municipal job. He developed myocarditis and has not been able to work since mid-August. Thus, Lauren is the sole breadwinner in the family right now.

Lauren obviously does not want her last name revealed because it would jeopardize her job. She saw a video on Telegram (and pointed it to us) demonstrating how a Russian cupping practitioner claimed to remove most or all of the so-called “vaccine” from the injection site within a 30-minute window after the injection. Note, the following video is graphic so don’t watch it if you have a weak stomach.

Lauren received the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection at a Walmart on September 30. She specifically received J&J because it’s advertised as “one and done.” Lauren prearranged an appointment with a cupping practitioner immediately afterwards. She made certain that the practitioner knew exactly why she was there and the purpose of the cupping treatment. Lauren received the treatment just 15 minutes after the injection.

“So far, I’ve experienced no adverse effects and I get to keep my job,” Lauren said. I asked her if she really thinks the wet cupping technique removed the viral vector DNA material from her arm. “Even if it didn’t, my mind believes it did. I need my job and I didn’t know what else to do. I guess if I die or get sick from the vaccine, at least I tried whatever was in my power to lessen the damage,” she said.

Lauren described her new vaccine card as a “license to work.”

Does wet cupping really remove the “vaccines”?

The most disturbing part of the Russian video is what was actually removed from the patient’s body. Look at how quickly the blood clots after the injection. Again that video was taken within 30 minutes after the shot. Lauren said her practitioner had to make a larger-than-normal incision at her injection site because her blood was not flowing as it should normally do.

What we know for certain is that wet cupping only has a chance to remove the injection if it’s done within 30 minutes thereafter. Otherwise it starts spreading throughout the body. But we’ve read accounts of other individuals doing full-body wet cupping to attempt detoxifying their bodies of the injection toxins.

It is incredibly sad and disturbing that people are forced to go to these types of extremes to preserve their livelihoods. Unfortunately this is the world we live in now. The survival instinct is powerful. We need food, water and shelter to live. The vast majority of humanity needs employment to access those necessities. Many are quitting their jobs to avoid being contaminated. But realistically, most cannot do that. And now, here we are.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

Unfortunately there will be folks that won’t have the time to do wet cupping to try an remove the Covid-19 vaccine from the injection site. That is because there are folks that die instantly or get adverse reactions immediately after they get the Covid-19 vaccine, so the best option for those folks is just to avoid the Covid-19 vaccine, and not risk it at all cost. I would also test for Covid antibodies before I consider making this decision too because getting the Covid-19 vaccine even though you have antibodies could be problematic. If you know how to survive Covid or treat it yourself, then you could just catch Covid on purpose, so you could build up immunity to it especially if states are expecting proof that you recovered from Covid. It would suck, but it would be much better than getting the vaccine especially if you know what to do to keep yourself safe, and not die from Covid once you start getting symptoms.

2 years ago
Reply to  osa

I dont know how it is where you live but in most countries of the world now natural immunity doesn’t count. Its not about the virus, spreading or immunity. Its just about the wax sin. They just want everybody wax sinnated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Sublimely fabulous Dexter — wax sin, outsmarting the machine as we humans will always be able to do, thanks to you know Who. Amen!

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

It is about both the jab (depopulation plus plus) and the jab identity card as stipulated in ID2020 (look it up).

2 years ago
Reply to  osa

Our family of four got sick in September. Everyone reacted differently myself and one daughter got sick on Wednesday we never went to the Dr because I don’t trust Dr’s, husband got sick on the next Tuesday, got tested and they said he had covid, who really knows since the tests are crap, but he was sick and was sick for about three or four days. Daughter that was sick with me was better in a week, last daughter got sick about a week later, but it really wasn’t that bad. It took me three weeks to feel somewhat back to normal. For most of us food didn’t lose flavor but was very intense. Any salt in food made it extremely salty. I didn’t want to eat much because I was nauseous. I bit of a sore throat for a few of us and for three not much coughing, but for me I had coughing but not in lungs. We took vitamin d, zinc, guercetin, and a bit of vit c. It was a cold or flu so we didn’t deal with any Dr though my husband did call the Dr no ask if he would prescribe ivermectin, but they said call after he got results of the test, but we never did. Everyone will deal with this man made bioweapon differently please, but you are right people who are healthy need to have a plan any get this virus to built natural immunity to get this virus under control because the vaxxed are not going to be able to do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

You’re describing normal sickness as we’ve all experienced our entire lives, so why do you think it’s worth mentioning? Since you know the tests don’t test for illness, you must also understand that there is also no proof of virus, right? I’m asking these things seriously, because I’m honestly not understanding thought processes like this. We’ve all gotten colds and flus our whole lives, nothing has changed. These symptoms are not new, so I’m asking seriously, is this something you would have explained in detail to anyone before 2020 other than maybe simply talking with friends about the flu you had?

2 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

The thought process has been shaped by the media, and the constant scaremongering. I’ve spoken to people who have recently had a cold or flu, and they act as if they survived Ebola. A relative of mine got the wax after suffering a bout of flu. Her reasoning? She couldn’t handle being sick again. People are getting increasingly weak minded.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

I agree with your post and find it strange, yet fascinating when I hear adverts for thermometers these days: “Fever is the leading indicator of Covid-19…”. Before this psycho-circus commenced it was the leading indicator of the flu, but the flu has all but disappeared. Funny how that works.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Dr Zev Zelenko insinuated in a recent post that , like Covid, Flu for past 20 years has also been man/lab created

George Zhaven
George Zhaven
2 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

There is something different going on. I was sick recently. It was like a flu. I would incline to believe that it was due spike protein shedding fr a newly vaxx person at my wife’s work. I rarely get sick and never go to the doctor. We were all sick about 3wks. 1 week we felt extremely tired accompanied by the flu symptoms. We took quercetin, zinc, Vit D, C and some antibiotics. Within 3 days of starting treatment I was better. Didnt go to the doc bec. nowadays it is a waste of time.
I was concerned bec after a week of mild symptoms I coughed up blood. It was then I bought quercetin and the other meds. I was having diff breathing as if I was developing bacterial Pneumonia. The next I kept on coughing but no more blood. My chest hurt and my back area where my lungs are. The 3rd day I was better. 4 more days went by. This was the strongest part of the most likely spike protein shedding/poisoning. The next week I was just weak and coughing. No more fever. Just recovering.

2 years ago

While we’re at it, let’s also stick on some of those detox pads to the bottom of our feet and suck out all the toxins while we sleep. No bruises!

Add a few leeches, a charcoal enema, and an acid bath and you’re good to go.

I’m all for moving away from big pharma drugs, but there comes a point where we have to draw the line at the use of possum fat from the Granny Clampett School of Medicine. And you are right. It’s this kind of desperation that will cause people to think up a crap load of ways to get the “poison” out of their bodies. Those extreme “alternative treatments” could be the source of an entire blog series, and my bet is that we’ll see more desperate methods as we go through time.

These injections are not merely loaded with “toxins.” These injections use information technology, which is what will probably cause the most and worst symptoms. Once your DNA begins manufacturing those spike proteins, there is no known substance on earth that can turn that process off without doing a lot of damage in its own way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

To your comment “Once your DNA begins manufacturing…”, I’d add “Once your DNA begins malfunctioning and manufacturing…”. ;-(

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Its not a totally ludicrous idea to make cuts and suck out the wax within 30min.
That’s the best thing to do with a snake or spider bite.

The depth of the jab needle is what may make the procedure ineffective. Spiders venom is shallow but I don’t know how deep a snakes fangs penetrate.

Still, cupping may pull from deep within the body….

Last edited 2 years ago by Festus
2 years ago

Had a patient years ago who was so afraid of feminine odors that she douched with straight-up Clorox. She tried to detox her vagina. Let’s just say she did kill all the yeast but what she ended up with was far worse.

Mark my words: As more vaxxed people become aware of the agenda behind these injections and the ingredients in them, you’ll see another level of fear and desperation and methods to reverse the effects of the vax that you would never think of.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Many of those will believe that the unvaxxed are to be blamed. And the level of hate will be unheard of since the Inquisition and Witch Hunt. Many will want to blame anybody but them. Also not the politicians that will tell them more lies.

Also will be a problem with pure blood ppl. Just imagine shuld they think the remedy will be the blood of the unvaxxed! Ppl really need to get together and protect especially in places where there are lots of vaxxed

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

I already have some in my family who refer to me as “you people,” as in “You people are the ones making the delta cases explode in the hospital!” If we have a bad winter from “covid” deaths, which I expect we will (mainly from vax reactions), we can expect a whole new level of blame directed at us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

True, for a time, but they will succumb to the boosters and will be taken out themselves. And they’ll want our untainted blood. Zombie apocalypse.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Just hope you don’t need a blood transfusion as the Red Cross is allowing the jabbed to donate blood and plasma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Oh My! Maria… What you just posted is alarming! I had not considered such scenarios. Scary stuff! God Help us! You are right, I think the people that worked in medical, fire, police, teachers, military who refused the vaxx and lost positions to avoid the shots need to form their own systems…seems it will come to that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

I don’t want to create panic. Is very possible to be a false alarm. But not impossible, many things happened that we thought as impossible!
I believe that at one point the vaxxed ppl will be quarantined. Or somehow isolated till a cure is found for their spike protein. Or maybe some will have problems with the Human version of Mad Cow disease or Dementia – WHO gave about two months ago a press release that till 2030 we will se a 40% Global increase od dementia. So…

I hav some recurring dreams like 8 years ago with ppl quarantined like the ones with leprosy back time. The think is I was out and all the dear ones I know that were vaxxed where in. One that si vaxxed was out and I had hopes I will be able to save her. She is the one that so far has no intentions to get the 3rd dose. Also I had hopes that will be possible to save the others too. Always my dream ended at this point, like I was not allowed to see more. At the second, third I was already aware I am dreaming. But coulnd’t stay in the dream to see further. When this madness started with the pandemic I freaked out also after I saw that the ones in my dream took the vaccine (Pfizer). And more freaked out as I see Dr Malone and others now say that the vaxxed should be quarantined.
Also based on my dream I do believe there is hope for vaxxed too but not for all of them and not if they take countless shots. But I believe is possible to save more, but of course not the ones that will get crazy.
Also till the separation will be made with quarantine is possible some ppl to cause lots of damage. So is important to know the not vaxxed in your community and in case something gets crazy tostay with your tribe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

I have dreams like this. But I think those who had no choice but take that vaccine, are going to try to detox themselves from it. I don’t think it’s too late for most of them! The ones who took three or four of those vaccines, yeah maybe… but I’m not sure.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

Sure is possible to detox! Is why they want to give ppl countless doses. Out body has an amazing ability to restore the DNA. We have it! But for the ones that the damage is already too big or lost their lifes… is kinda too late. Yet many will be alble to detox. Is a matter of detoxes of all kinds and cleansing and also at the spiritual level and belief. I have hope lots of it but we have to get out of this madness I pray to God to enlighten us all and allow us to see what is happening – all of us.
Sorry I made some spelling mistakes in my comment above is bc I am always in a hurry and don’t double check.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Thank you Maria.

Even though a lot of people are not believers and blame religions and believers for the bad things happening down on earth, i believe all of us believers or not can turn out to be a problem or a solution in our environment.
Humility is the missing value. Taught and widespread, believers or not, we would reconsider our ways to live amongst our fellow humans.

So, i just wanted to thank you, maria, for your kindness and your wishes for all of us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Frenchone
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

The majority of the populace are sheep. Baaah, baaaah!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Sorry to say this, but the numbers of imbecilic, moronic, ignorant and retarded people in our society never ceases to amaze me. Applying caustic (strongly alkaline) and strongly oxidising chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite solution) to sensitive and delicate vaginal mucosa. Talk about dumb! There are numerous other stories. For example, when the sensationalist and fearmongering msm propaganda machine went into overdrive during the beginning of the supposed covid outbreak, some guy thought that drinking 70% isopropyl alcohol, in the hope that it would prevent him from contracting covid, was a bright idea. He wound up hospitalized and now has some degree of kidney damage.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gary
2 years ago

So in other words they’re trying to suck it out like snake venom. Good luck – hope that works.

2 years ago
Reply to  LordKwll

I don’t know if you were trying to be funny, but lol! On two points, the fact that they are trying to suck it out like “snake venom”, and that there is an ingredient in the VAXX call Luciferase or something like that…makes me think of the snake in the garden of Eden mentioned in the bible… referred to as the serpent or Lucifer

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

That is irrelevant. Luciferase is an artificial component, completely unlike any snake venom. It has nothing in common. We don’t know even how it behaves.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

Just a bit of an etymological stretching. Some of us like to make connections in irrelevant fun. Play on words and the like. In many ways, this ability to made connections is very important to understanding something deeply as the two halves of the brain share their knowledge. It is said some of the smartest people in the world have this strong back-n-forth communication always flowing between the right and left brain. Fascinating.

2 years ago
Reply to  LordKwll

The Wax Sin contains ” Peptides ” which are actual trace amounts of Snake & Scorpion Venom…another ingredient not disclosed on Vaccine Inserts such as Graphene Oxide and who knows what else…Now the search engines are rigged to try and rationalize that Peptides are for health and safety… the total insane world we live in…

2 years ago

Thank you for this article, very informative!
I really appreciate your hard work in sharing these stories; your blog is amazing.
I share it with whomever I can. So glad I found it!
My heart is saddened for the people that did not know the possible risks; and succumbed to the propaganda.


intransitive verb

  1. To submit to an overpowering force or yield to an overwhelming desire; give up or give in. synonym: yield.
  2. To die, especially from a disease or injury.

I feel that includes anyone that is not doing a deep dive and circumventing the other sites that are censoring real stories and information. Some people have no idea that the information is even being censored at all. It’s all just so sad and sinister!

But what they are seeing is the mandates that are coming down and NO ONE, should be allowing that. Should have been mass walk offs, boycotts to allow people the freedom of choice. Lauren (the woman who sent the email to the blog); even after seeing what happened with her husband took the risk. What if it had went badly for her as well? I just don’t understand…

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

I understand, it’s a feeling of isolation and desperation. Abandonment too I think. Nowhere else to turn, deadlines, no way to survive and her husband is disabled now, no real help to her.

We really don’t have great support or survival systems in our communities.

It’s all very sad and the end time religionists don’t help much. They believe they’ll be magically whisked away to avoid suffering which is completely childish in my opinion. It’s a real slacker do-nothing mentality. These people are not invested in the here and now, nor the future. I call it the Schofield Psyop. Pathetic, really.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

That is such a good point. I guess most of us are under some sort of mind control in a different way.

2 years ago
Reply to  ChristineL

Yes, the enemy is real though, very clever and has tentacles in every aspect of our lives. It despises mankind. It is not like us at all, can never be like us. It has no truth or light in it. Only darkness and destruction. and it is never satisfied. It feeds off of fearful souls. It is alien, dark energy.

The rulers are inhabited by this energy and rule here through deception, fear and terror which is usually genocide. It is mind control. Religions rule in much the same way.

2 years ago
Reply to  ChristineL

You got it. The brainwashing has been happening to all of us. Some of us are just aware of it and have taken steps to shift our perspective. Others are totally oblivious that they are or have been brainwashed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

We need to seriously get rid of all religion. I think that they’ve been secretly encouraging these vaccines for the longest time, but pretend to be against it to give people a false sense of hope.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony

Swing and a miss…

2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony

I agree, especially the abrahamic ones and Yahweh the War God. He’s got to go.

Truth, light and love are another thing entirely. Those of us aware of it, yearn for it. Life lived in the light of truth and love.

Spec Ops
Spec Ops
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Most of the stuff that is promoted as organic and natural are less than a thousandth remnants of Pagan knowledge that were destroyed by the Abrahamic mind virus that the demon Jehovah took over the world.

The Coof religion runs on the same rails as Abrahamic cults. Rituals of washing hands/ social distancing and vestments of masks and gloves.

People of low intelligence welcome the mask rules as they had up to that point no purpose or direction in life.

Greg Grimer
Greg Grimer
2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony

You cannot get rid of religion. Merely replace it with another religion, usually far worse.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony

Religion is yet another “system” that falls under mind control. While it has its’ purpose and has been a part of some of our lives, it was created to divide. To take us further away from our divinity. And while were on this subject, I think it’s a good idea to point out that spirituality and the new age movement have also become religions. At some point we have to stop believing in everything all the time! Go within everyone. The way to truth, light, and love is through you. You are the key.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

“Schofield Psyop” I like it. At no time in the past have God’s people been whisked away from trials, yet most Christians think when the stuff really hits the fan, no worries, they’ll be gone anyway. Boy are they in for a rude awakening.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I’m not denying that the church of God will be going through some hard times. But, I have to make this clear because there are (SO) many people who do not understand the scriptures on this! There is a dispensation coming called (the time of Jacob’s Trouble)! There is a difference between (Israel) and (The church of God)! The church of God is not going through the time of (Jacob’s Trouble) because we are not appointed to wrath, 1Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ./ Hints (the catching away), read 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 on the catching away! The time of Jacob’s Trouble is prepared for Israel because they reject their Massiah though God will save them out of it! Blindness has happened, in part, to Israel till the fullness of the Gentiles be come in, read Romans 11:25! The time of Jacob’s trouble will be a time of signs and wonders, the body of Christ doesn’t seek after signs and wonders, that would be Israel! Most, if not all, of the book of Revelation, is written about the near future of Israel! The (woman) in Revelation 12 is (Jacob), which is (Israel). Jacob is the father of the 12 tribes of (Israel). The 12 stars represent (the 12 tribes of Israel), not the body of Christ! Now, a lot of what you are seeing happening today is God giving the world over to Satan for distruction because of the world’s wickedness! God gives us free will, and at the end of the day, we are responsible for the choices that we make, it’s fair! Unfortunately, our choices can affect others greatly! Proverbs 16:7 When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeremy
Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I’m a Christian and do not believe we will be spared or whisked away– if anything, we will probably have to endure to the bitter End, just as all of Jesus’s disciples did (and who were willing to pay that price). and just as the Early Christians did when they faced martyrdom. We modern Christians of the West have alot to learn from the early Christians and the newly converted Muslim or Chinese Christians in places like Afghanistan, China, North Korea, Iran, etc. We may soon face that reality in the West but will in no way be prepared for it spiritually. We allowed ourselves to be fed a false “prosperty” gospel that tickled our ears.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Augustine

Amen! Agree completely. More and more Christians are also coming to this conclusion as they read their Bibles and understand what it truly says, rather than what they want it to say, or listen to the false doctrines of men. As Jesus said, be awake and prepared.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Well said Wim… Thank you

Greg Grimer
Greg Grimer
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

They help in that they were not dumb enough to get vaccinated in the first place with a rushed vaccine using a totally new gene-therapy delivery mechanism.

Before they are whisked away they will be healthy and able to help the sick. If they are not whisked away they will still be healthy and able to help the sick albeit they will be a little grumpy that they were not whisked away.

Plus Millennialism is probably only 5% of practicing Christians worldwide. 95% don’t think they will be whisked away.

2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Grimer

I’m not so sure, my brother has bought in to this and my best friend also. Its escapism, but you’d be surprised how many do believe it. I’m in the USA Bible belt and it is prolific here. Eh, so are the mega churches. So far from Christ.

The way; live simply and humbly, detached from material possessions. Live free.

The truth; speak truth to power. Call out corruption. You may be silenced though, as risk we must take. Truth is love, even if it is painful.

The life: be humble, be kind, help others, heal, share what you have, seek God in others and his creation. Live in a small community of like minded people. Do not seek to control or dominate.

The commandment? Love the divine creator and one another. I have no idea of the proper name of the creator. The divine is revealed through his creation and we are part of it.

No matter the religion, the instructions are clear. No, we don’t really need elaborate religions and rituals at all. Unfortunately there are vipers here too and it all gets distorted.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

You will find Gods name at Psalms 83:18

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Many Christians never bought into the Scofield Bible psy-op…certainly no Christian with their critical thinking skills intact. The Scofield Bible has only been around since 1909, and before it, there was no Christian belief in a “Rapture”. Look into the genesis of that book, and it will explain much. Yes, we are in End Times…but no, there will be no “Rapture”. The same kind of minds that think: if we obey, life will return to normal; are the same kind of deluded minds that believe in a “Rapture”.

RJ Palmer
RJ Palmer
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

The end timers mentality bothers me, too. When one believes something outside them is going to fix everything, then they do nothing to help themselves. Faith is one thing, I think, but not standing up for oneself is a whole different ballgame.

2 years ago

The strategy of placating evil is destined to fail. The only thing to do with evil is to cast it out. Machines and medicine now wield the force of government in ordering our lives, from automobiles whose locations are constantly tracked and whose engines can be disabled at the flick of a remote switch, to government-enforced medicine that “treats” healthy people for FUTURE ailments — preventative medicine is fraudulent medicine.

If not for bad health, there would be no doctors, no nurses, no medicine. Bad health and its repair is medicine’s ONLY job. FALSE if well-meaning MEDICINE will pay a heavy price, but we must be careful to shield the born healers who put the repair of bad health AHEAD of the accumulation of future patients through “preventative” treatment.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

“The strategy of placating evil is destined to fail. The only thing to do with evil is to cast it out. ”


Thank you, very well said. You read my mind. Instead of doing the back flip to try to appease tyrants, one should be done with them once for all. They are just a burden and a curse on this planet. The more one appeases them, the more they will strive to continue turning our earthly experience into a nightmare.

Unfortunately, most people are addicted to their abusing “authorities”, like a junky is addicted to his daily fix. They pride themselves to be “law” abiding “citizens”. “They have their papers”.

That lady that finally succeeded in getting a “vaccination certificate”, might think that now she will be left alone. Far from it my dear. Whatever the case might be, best wishes to her and her loved ones,

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

You are correct, placating tyranny just makes it stronger. There will be more shots. It is a terrible decision we will all most likely face soon. I don’t think any of us will escape it. We will have to fight for our freedom.

2 years ago

The only way I think to tell for sure if this wet cupping works at removing the Covid-19 vaccine from the injection site is to do a blood test. There are doctors doing free blood samples and tests from Covid-19 vaccinated folks. Also you could do it yourself as long as you have a drop of blood and a 200x microscope. I have seen images of Covid blood online. If your blood looks normal when it is drawn or under a microscope, then you could confirm that this method works, but if your blood still looks like Covid blood, then it confirms that this method did not work, and that the Covid-19 vaccine spreads throughout the body quicker than we thought after it is put in the injection site.

2 years ago
Reply to  osa

Another site had mentioned that they would do a few cupping sessions in a row until the blood was no longer clotting. He said that would be a good indicator that most of it was removed. People take the jab to keep their job, end up disabled or worse and unable to do the job. Not worth it. No job in the world is worth it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

The next moral dilemma will come for that cupped employee to decide whether to therefore keep working and get the income, or to leave the workplace even though the employee had the wackyseen and is “legal.”

— Employee stays and continues to receive the income and provide the service or whatever the work entails. This rewards those who demand the wackyseen and those who willingly comply. On the job, however, those uncupped fully wackynated legal employees are going to become unreliable, incompetent, and unsafe through bad health.

— Employee quits, weakening the employer and all-around economy, and becoming without income from employment. This rewards zero, zip, nada.

Being able to discern the difference between placating this evil by taking the path of least resistance, and casting this evil out by refusing to participate and giving it the cold shoulder even if it means walking away from a life-long lifestyle of ease, is a REAL MORAL DILEMMA. I understand how it can be a tough question for anyone, especially those with family or a workplace they cherish, they want to keep it nourished as before.

You atheists out there, understand: religion will be your salvation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

100k medical workers in NY resigned because they didn’t want to take the jab, i bet they were eager to give it to others but when it came down for them to take it, they just ran, pathetic

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

Using a broad brush there? The majority of medical workers have nothing to do with administrating injections. Most are trying to hold on to their jobs like the rest of us. These that are being forced out of their livelihoods for refusing are in my opinion are the real hero’s. Anybody that’s losing their jobs for refusing this poison and standing up to this madness is a hero. We should be supporting all those in this same situation and not ridicule those in specific industries. I do not work in the healthcare industry and have actually become anti vaxx in the last year, just to clarify my bias. Those of us that have used logic and reason to refuse this whole genocidal nightmare, need to stick together.

2 years ago


2 years ago

So right now a person keeps their job for the price of the risky S-protein manufacturing jab. What happens if boosters become required? More “cupping” sessions? They don’t even know if this works. Saw this on Bitchute, very weird, but didn’t know people were doing it to try to suck out the clot shot. Reminds me of blood letting back in the 18th century, or the use of leeches. Next they’ll be trepanning their heads post jab.

2 years ago

Blood is in constant movement and I believe that as soon as you get stung, it already travels through your body. There are tiny vessels in the muscles. I dont think cupping can get it out even if done in the next 2 minutes not 30!

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Sadly I think it’s a false hope. Don’t these spike proteins reproduce? It may take longer but eventually it will build up and there will be side effects.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

I agree. This is giving people HOPE, that their life will be semi normal after the jab + cupping within 30 minutes. When you realized its not worth it and put your trust in God life is easier not harder to deal with.

2 years ago

People need to look up Hydra Vulgaris. It is the living organism in the Covid-19 vaccine that could end up in the vaccinated blood. I saw a video on Brighteon. It was seen under a microscope from a sample of a drop of Covid blood. Also good luck trying to get it out because the living creature is immortal, and could be eating away the vaccinated nervous system. It is another reason to completely avoid the Covid-19 vaccine at all cost. It is scary that a living creature is moving inside the body that is so tiny that folks cannot even see, notice or feel it, and is impossible to kill. It is the favorite creature of folks that are into Transhumanism.

2 years ago
Reply to  osa

It is truly amazing how many evil ingredients are in this Luciferase poison potion…and despite the warnings…the Corona Lemmings insist on Trusting the Sorcerers and Loving all of the Lies…they can’t be grounded in Scriptures, they have to be possessed in order to fall for all of this…and to Trust Kill Gates at the same time? Imagine giving up your Soul in exchange for becoming a literal Transhumanist Cyborg is mind-blowing…

2 years ago

Why does the blood removed in the Russian wet cupping video have a jelly-like semi-solid consistency to it? Is it because of abnormal clotting caused by the ‘vaccine’? Jesus Christ, that’s scary! That video is definitely not ‘fake’. That’s real, folks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gary
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

yes, due to graphene nanoparticle substance in the vaxx blood doesn’t flow properly hence blood clots

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

Yes, it’s already coagulated. This acts very quickly.

2 years ago

I agree with many others that this method is very unlikely to work. The charged nanoparticles in the injection start leaving the injection site and entering the bloodstream almost immediately.
Cupping might get a fraction of them out, but probably not enough to make any difference.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

exactly, that’s like mixing vodka with juice, your body still gonna receive the poison regardless

2 years ago

Wet Cupping post injection seems like a horrific idea. Cupping is one thing, then is Wet Cupping. I wouldn’t mess with circulation, pulling blood, draining lymphatic system post injection in this manner. Athletes traditionally worldwide do take part in cupping, by a trained person who understands the circulatory/lymphatic systems. You can buy Glass Wet cupping systems online, easy. Would I suggest it at home, No. I wouldn’t suggest a novice attempt wet cupping either without the poke.
Knowing the side effects (waxes) are blood clots, weeping, leaking blood vessels, heart inflammation god NO.. Instagram isn’t liable for these, ” Cheap Tricks” people are gullible.

Wet cupping, one of many actions, It taps into the lymphatic system. Remove common sense, make believe this would benefit ( sucking out the jab), it sounds like a reasonable treatment. The injections though are a never before, no information of the bombs it sets off in the human body.

I have seen the end result of Wet Cupping. I am a contractor that provides services for college age athletes. The athletes have huge swellings, bruises visible to see post cupping. They Love it. This though is used in a protocol. there are a chain of therapies in play. It’s not ” bam” go out and do it, especially post injection.

I love the student athletes. I worry daily when news goes viral one of them is permanently harmed or worse by the enforced mandated waxxines. The NBA players who have stepped up of recent, No means No, I thank God for them. The kids idolize NBA players especially. That they have the conviction to stand up for the rights of themselves, delivering the message, Choice is viable. If one or more athletes, families come forward that someone was injured or worse, the media will downplay it. The ricochet factor throughout the athletes themselves will not be silenced. I know this.

2 years ago

Cash is king, she would have been better off paying the Walmart dish bag some cash money to inject down a drain and give her the certificate instead, if he refused, try another Walmart

2 years ago

To me that is still compromise. And God knows anyway that you gave in to the will of Satan. If this is the mark of the beast nothing will erase that mark from your soul. The Bible says those who refuse the mark will not be allowed to buy or sell. Why resist the will of God? Just to keep your job? Christ said those who will save their lives will lose them and those who will lose their lives for his sake and the gospel will find them. We are there folks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sfitz

Because God gave us life. And we respect that life. Ad we won’t go down without a fight.
And is it just predictive programming to inspire you to do nothing? Do you think the Bible hasn’t been tampered with to mislead and misdirect? Evil is smarter than all us of and far more organized and calculating. It is important to understand that. By deception evil rules. What better way to deceive than through a holy book? Some of it is true and some of it is deception.

This all goes back further than the Bible, the Sumerians and the Vedic scriptures. It all goes very far back. It has been planned for ages so it can be predicted. Doesn’t mean we give in though.

The Bible is just one book. There are many thousands and thousands more hidden in the Vatican basement and great libraries underground. True knowledge of who and what we are has always been hidden. How many great libraries were raided and destroyed throughout history? Mankind fell a little more each time.

I agree this is an attempt to tamper with our DNA and turn us into something awful. Perhaps they’ve done this before, elsewhere? I don’t know. I have to believe we have a chance though.

2 years ago

That is why they have booster shots, so get ready to make several visits to your cupping practitioners, not gonna help though, as soon as vaxx poison is in your blood it travels pretty quickly, this is just trying to prevent the inevitable.
Either say no to it or get your will in order

Greg Grimer
Greg Grimer
2 years ago

Why not just bribe the doctor to squirt the vaccine in the sink instead of your arm. In Russia that HAS to be possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Grimer

Americans are not used to bribing as a way of life…most other places it’s how the world functions. Spanish speaking world calls “la mordita”, the little bite. We don’t haggle here either. Completely different mind set. They know how CORRUPT their officials are. Not so holy, but they survive.

2 years ago

Wet Cupping is a counterpart to playing Russian Roulette with your life…Yes, you can update your Vaccine Card and preserve what should be your Constitutional and Human Right to work…However one should not compromise when it comes to jeopardizing your Soul in addition to losing your Ability to work because it leads to Blood Clots, Paralyzing, and a one-way ticket to the Cemetary…Yes Indeed, we do live in the Age of Idiocracy…

2 years ago

Cupping to reduce the Wax Sin…Wax On & Wax Off…Welcome to the Cult of Con Vid 19-84

2 years ago

So glad you are running this article. I saw that video a while ago on Telegram, then lost it and could never find it. Its fascinating. I was going to be someone who’d need to be chased down in a field somewhere but maybe it’s better to plan the timing and to have an acupuncturist near by. No doubt the FDA will make this illegal. Not sure why the blood is clotting so rapidly.

2 years ago

Can we PLEASE stop saying people have no choice or are forced!! EVERY SINGLE person has chosen to do this, there’s has been no force. Force is someone pinning you down and putting needle in you, coercion is not force. Not one single step of this entire psyop has been forced. Nobody is forced to wear a muzzle or get a stick shoved up their nose or get an injection. There are many other choices every one of these people could have made, none of them impossible. Hard choices. Absolutely, but not impossible. Please, stop furthering this narrative. Weak minded people need excuses like this to placate themselves when they don’t have the courage or intelligence to do what’s right and difficult. All this does is continue the agenda, and that’s exactly what the controllers want.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iliketrees

BRAVO well said.

fan of flowers
fan of flowers
2 years ago
Reply to  Iliketrees

i agree!

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
2 years ago

So a posh form of using leaches ?!; OK; if I ever get jabbed, I will give it a go..

2 years ago

This doesn’t work. Here’s a thought— make no excuses, and just say NO to the vaccine, She is just lying to herself with this insane “practice”— and what will happen when she’s required to keep getting boosters? Cupping doesn’t work for venom removal and it certainly doesn’t work for vaccine removal.

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