John Medved: 58-year-old Minnesota man develops blood clots, dead 21 days after Johnson & Johnson shot
May 4, 2021

Mr. John Patrick Medved. Photo credit: Facebook.

HIBBING, MINNESOTA — A 57-year-old trucker and avid fisherman is dead in one of the more heartbreaking stories we’ve covered on this blog.

Mr. John Medved received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on April 1, according to his daughter, Mrs. Rachel Weise. Twelve days later, Mr. Medved was in the emergency room due to extreme shortness of breath. Doctors diagnosed him with a pulmonary embolism, aka blood clots in his lungs.

He was placed on a ventilator and in a medically-induced coma the next day as his condition rapidly deteriorated. Doctors then discovered that Mr. Medved had a stroke that damaged the entire left side of his brain. The doctor told Rachel that it was the worst stroke he’d seen in his career. The family conceded that their beloved father, brother and friend was brain dead. He was taken off life support and passed away on April 22.

Mrs. Weise is, understandably, having a very difficult time dealing with her father’s death. She tried to convince him not to get the shot, to no avail. But at least Mrs. Weise is not going to let her father die in vain. She is warning everyone she knows about the dangers of these experimental shots and citing the laws that provide immunity to mRNA and viral vector manufacturers.

Several other family members are also using their platforms to attempt saving others from these experimental shots.

Mr. Medved is survived by his parents, four children, several grandchildren, and nine siblings. The funeral service is Monday, May 10 in Coleraine, Minnesota.

Please pray for this family

Mrs. Weise is not the typical family member we’ve covered on this blog. Many victims and families of victims still encourage others to get these shots after deaths and severe adverse reactions. Not Mrs. Weise and family. They are warning as many people as possible to stay away from these experimental shots. Their efforts won’t bring Mr. Medved back. But perhaps other “stubborn” men as Rachel called her father will see themselves in Mr. Medved and avoid these lethal injections.

People typically need to see someone that looks like them for these stories to resonate. If you’re trying to educate a 50-something white man, show them this story. Show black women in their 50s and 60s the stories of Drene Keyes and Karen Hudson-Samuels. College students and young people under-30 are best educated by the stories of John Francis Foley, Joshimar Henry, Sara Stickles or Desirée Penrod. These shots do not discriminate. They are equal opportunity killers. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Amy Sukwan
3 years ago

Prayers to this family. To quote Michael Jackson, All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us. It is your responsibility to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. I’m thankful I was able to.convince my mother to forego the shot. God Bless

3 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

You are right, Amy; they don’t care about us. They regard us as ‘useless eaters’ and ‘Goyim’. I find it highly suspicious that the likes of Bill Gates has a ‘personal interest’ in population and vaccines. Maybe it is just one of those Cohenincidences? Also, the fact that Faceberg, etc, are CENSORING posts critical of the covid vaccine speaks volumes. It is an affront to Free Speech. Surely, those who have had adverse reactions to these experimental mRNA vaccines need to be heard by all so that the wider populace can be informed on the very real risks of these harmful vaccines? You never know how you’d react to the vaccine. Of course, once you find out, it is already too late. Some become ill within hours. Some days later. Some weeks later. Some months later. And who knows what will happen to their health in the long-term (years down the road)? Predictably, the controlled MSM, Big Pharma and political puppets would say it is all a ‘coincidence’, and that the person must have had underlying health issues, and that their stroke/thrombosis/heart attack/infertility/miscarriage, etc, is ‘totally unrelated’ to the vaccine the person had a a few years ago. Yep, it is all just a big coincidence……..

3 years ago

Prior infection is now proven to provide the same claimed (likely false) protections as these “vaccines”. It’s baffling that people with a prior infection agree to get these shots. It’s extreme ignorance when the information is now published. The most frustrating thing about this plandemic is that people and authorities refuse to recognize new facts and data being learned about Covid. Sadly, Mr. Medved is a perfect example. Schools making kids wear masks is a perfect example. Obsession with testing and quarantining non-symptomatic people is a perfect example. The data is proving these measures are NOT NECESSARY yet we keep blindly following and not updating policies based on new information. Vaccinating little kids is the most egregious of them all. The population has lost its mind. Almost like they want this to go on forever – like they’re enjoying it. Sick! People need to educate themselves and their families and act accordingly.

3 years ago

Mask-wearing is absurd outside of clinical settings. But now, having come through all that and as it continues, requiring masks seems minor and harmless compared to what is going on with covid injections. Now we are talking about people’s lives, fatalities, severe injuries, suffering just as many doctors warned would happen with the mRNA delivery. And what do the authorities continue to do? Keep pushing the shots. Next, children. It’s madness.

3 years ago

I am extremely angry after reading this. My 76 year old stepfather passed Saturday night of a major heart attack. He had never had one before. I know it was the injection. His son said so also. My mother had been lying to me saying they would not get it, because she knows I am completely against it. 3 weeks ago he was ‘vaccinated’, now he’s gone. We are having service Monday also. Also in MN. Also a dearly loved, Servant of the Lord, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Baby Brother, Uncle, Friend to Everyone. Now I am terrified for my Mother. Will she be killed by these psychopaths like these men were?! Scared and angry!

3 years ago
Reply to  Cathy

I am very sorry for your loss! & the lying. It is truly heartbreaking, and I am angry also.
Thankfully, a few of my close family know better. I wish I could say the same about my friends.

The media is such a psy-op fear manipulation machine, I actually had a friend tell me she got the shots “to protect me” & -even more shocking, “the Lord told her to get it!” WHAT?

Lord of the flies maybe.

Not only an insult to me – she knows how I feel about these freaks, but she’s actually fully convinced “God” instructed it… Then told me later. I feel sick.
I have never seen this level of fear & self deception in my life and it is horrifying to me.

I saw her operating on fear daily, with the sanitizer, masks, constant “Covid death stat,” checks, isolation, the whole 9 yards, & it never let up. That’s how I KNOW it was not about “protecting ME” or “what God told her.”
That is a very bold claim:; I would never presume to know what God told anyone before I saw this happen. But after weeks of soul searching, going over the patterns, & watching PASTORS fall for this and die –
-I am absolutely, 100% positive these people are deceived.

We are at war.
It is life and death, and anyone who does not know that is not paying attention.

Time to get serious about our souls, folks, because if you look at the research, deep, you will see that is what’s at stake.
And no, your doctor is not going to warn you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

My heart aches for all those who have lost a loved one or friend to these experimental treatments. Please, however, do not call them vaccines as these treatments do not met the legal requirements for a vaccine. A vaccine must prevent – not simply mitigate -the disease. Fauci has made a point that the ‘vaccines’ reduce symptoms if you do contract covid-19 after vaccination, thus admitting these treatments are not vaccines at all.

Sadly, Franklin Graham has been on TV lately following the big Pharma line by claiming ‘the vaccine will save your life.’ Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, and I am very disgusted to hear Mr. Graham’s recent comments, as I suspect many people of faith will follow his advice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Flo

It is heartbreaking to see and hear influencial Christians deceived by this ad in turn passing on the deception.

This calls for spiritual discernment!

Wake up Patriots.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago

Look up videos by Prof Sucharit Bhakdi. He is a retired expert on vaccines and viruses. He warns that micro blood clots can occur from the gene based vaccines. This is probably what kills those die from the vaccines.

The vaccines injects billions of genetic instructions, enveloped in lipid capsules. They travel through the blood system and attach to the walls of the blood vessels (called the endothelium). There the genetic instructions creates the spike proteins plus some waste material.

The waste material is pushed to the external part of the cell wall where the immune system recognizes them as waste and destroys the cell. Meanwhile, the spike proteins have exited the cells, travelling in the blood and making contacts with platelets. These can form micro clots.

The vaccines (which are not true vaccines) can enter the brain, areas where they should not be going. Micro clots in the brain can be fatal.

Prof Bhakdi (German Thai) predicts that booster shots plus new infections by related coronaviruses or Covid-19 can trigger fatal consequences as the body is now primed for an aggressive response.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

It seems as I am watching this all unfold, that each “booster” increases the body’s immune sensitivity to corona viruses. Then at some point when the sensitized immune system is challenged by the virus (which appears endemic), the “vaccine induced hypersensitivity” causes the body’s immune system to over-react and this may be the cause of damage.

As a possible treatment for the vaxxed, perhaps gentle herbs that tone down the immune response would be helpful?

It would be interesting to see the data, but I don’t believe the government is trustworthy and honest.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago

Those with prior infections must never get the vaccines. The body is already primed for action and a major cytokine storm can arise. Everyone’s body reacts differently. For those who died, they probably had an over-reaction to the vaccine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

I agree. I am fairly certain I had a mild case of COVID-19 in March of last year. My doctor warned me to have an antibody test prior to receiving any jabs to confirm I wasn’t already immune.

3 years ago

I feel so sad reading all these stories about the vaccines causing deaths & severe side effects!
I just read about Mr. Medved and how he developed blood clots and a stroke and bleeding in his brain causing him to die! Well my Dad, Joe , died the SAME WAY!!
He had the 2 Moderna vaccines ( in January then February) and about a month later (March 21) he had a severe stroke in the morning and bleeding in the brain! He was unconscious and never woke up! The doctors took a CT scan and said he had bleeding in half of his brain. He was paralyzed on one side. It was so heartbreaking to see! He was 84 yrs old and used a walker but it was such a shock to us all that this happened! I know it had to be the vaccines! The doctors didn’t say anything. My mom doesn’t want to believe it was the vaccine ( she’s scared). My Dad died March 31 in hospice. It was so sad!
I wanted to let Mrs.Weose she’s not alone in what happened to her Dad!! My thoughts & prayers are with you!!

3 years ago

By far, I am more terrified of the immediate-term and long-term health and fertility impacts of these covid vaccines than I do the covid virus itself! No matter what, I will not be having any of these covid vaccines. I’d rather get all hot and sweaty in a full-body PVC total enclosure suit than take the covid vaccine. If not having the covid vaccine means that I’d be unable to enter an airport and travel abroad, then so be it. Can’t enter public places like pubs and bars? So be it. I will not be coerced. By the way, regarding vaccinating kids: I was absolutely sickened and enraged when I read the story of the 2 year old baby who tragically passed away after having the vaccine. What a terrible waste of human life! It is beyond criminal. As for the adults who have succumbed to the propaganda and peer pressure to have the covid vaccine: it would be interesting to see how the health and fertility of these people fares in the months and years ahead. PS: see the youtube channel ‘Primal Edge Health’. It discusses the widespread insanity, the government agenda, and the sheep-like nature of the populace who blindly follow the narrative and who so easily succumb to peer pressure. 

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