Clint Bearden: 55-year-old Louisiana oil worker diagnosed with dementia 10 days after second Pfizer mRNA injection
September 15, 2021

Mr. Clint Bearden.

OLLA, LOUISIANA — A 55-year-old oil worker and father-of-three is unlikely to ever return to work, leaving his family in a precarious situation.

Mr. Clint Bearden received his second Pfizer mRNA injection on June 12, according to his wife, Kari Bearden. There were no immediate, apparent adverse effects. But by June 16, Mr. Bearden starting experiencing “disorientation and confusion.” He checked into the emergency room on June 22. Kari said he was now in a state of “full-blown psychosis.” Mr. Bearden spent nearly three of the next six weeks in the hospital.

Doctors performed every neurological test to find answers. He was initially diagnosed with early onset dementia that doctors said was a result of a West Nile Virus infection from seven years ago. Obviously that explanation is ridiculous, so the family sought another opinion. The second team of neurologists said the dementia was “caused by the COVID vaccine.” And though his symptoms “might” improve over time, doctors said the damage is likely permanent.

Mr. Bearden worked at AJ&J Thornton Oil Company since October 2003. His medical insurance lapsed on July 31 since he is no longer able to work. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds to help the family with medical expenses.

Prion diseases are known adverse effects from COVID “vaccines”

Dr. John B. Classen is a Maryland-based immunologist and former contract doctor with the National Institutes of Health. He published a paper in the peer-reviewed journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases in February. The paper concluded:

“Analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans. The RNA sequence in the vaccine contains sequences believed to induce TDP-43 and FUS to aggregate in their prion based conformation leading to the development of common neurodegenerative diseases.”

It continued:

There is an old saying in medicine that “the cure may be worse than the disease.” The phrase can be applied to vaccines. In the current paper the concern is raised that the RNA based COVID vaccines have the potential to cause more disease than the epidemic of COVID-19.”

Note that prion diseases are a group of neurodegenerative disorders. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is the most common one in humans. Dr. Classen published a second paper in July, this time in the Journal of Medical-Clinical Research and Reviews. He analyzed data from the U.K. Yellow Card system, the British equivalent to VAERS in the United States. The paper specifically focused on the AtraZeneca and Pfizer injections. Here are some of the key finding:

  • 185 AstraZeneca-induced Parkinson’s disease cases vaccination and 20 caused by Pfizer (primarily identified through a specific symptom called “Freezing Phenomenon”)
  • 9,288 AstraZeneca and 937 Pfizer-induced cases of tremors, which is another symptom of Parkinson’s disease.
  • 62 reports of sleep disturbances that Dr. Classen called “a hallmark symptom of a prion disease called “fatal familial insomnia

We’ve covered a number of post-injection cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) as well.

These injections change people

Many of the comment sections in our stories have common themes. But one recurring question and subsequent discussion is ubiquitous. How can all these vaxx zealots be so controlled, so brainwashed, so obsequious despite all the evidence that these injections will kill and/or maim you?

The Alyssa Kent story is still one of the most-read because of how bizarre it is. This woman had post-injection strokes, seizures, brain surgeries, and more. Since AstraZeneca caused all that, she declared she’ll get Pfizer or Moderna for the second injection. Then there’s the Brent Henley story. He was quiet on social media after his injections. But he turned into a virtue-signaler extraordinaire in the last few weeks of his life.

The cult is conditioned into submission via big tech and mainstream media. But these injections obviously change the mental makeup of recipients. They’re all very evil and nasty, frequently wishing death upon the non-vaccinated. The latest celebrity vaxx goon is career pervert Howard Stern, who is now a Fauci-like darling tot he same women who used to call out his misogynistic content.

Zombie movies and books are popular genres because people see those scenarios unfolding in real-life to different degrees. But zombies don’t necessarily look like monsters. They are, however, walking dead with a complete inability to think critically. Bottom line is that you must be ready to defend yourselves at all times against them. This is war. There’s no other way to describe what is happening in 2021.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

This is similar to what happened to my spouse, symptoms starting 2 days after his second Pfizer shot. He has moderate dementia, cause “unknown”, and is unable to work.

2 years ago
Reply to  fuzzi

So sorry to hear that.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago
Reply to  fuzzi

May Lord Jesus heal and guide and direct you to help your husband in this time of need. There are natural supplements that help with mental clarity including: Bacopa, Gota Kola, Marigold, L Theanine and many more. Though not a supplement, chlorine dioxide is also worth researching. That can help with mental clarity for your husband as well as protect your from viral shedding from your husband’s injection.

2 years ago
Reply to  fuzzi

Search for some natural remedies. Check Mercola health website. I have heard oxygen therapy may work for prion diseases. I have read that there are supplements that can help with the symptoms. You have to try something non-traditional.
Best of luck and stay strong.

2 years ago
Reply to  fuzzi

My mom has a friend like that, got vaxxed and was unable to work.
She has another friend who’s about 86 years old, who got vaxxed and is an ‘evangelist’ for Covid vaccination and now has significantly diminished memory.

2 years ago

Indeed people are conditioned to believe. I had an opportunity to speak out at a meal table with relatives I had not seen for a long time. Three of them were massively convinced the shots are good and more people need to take them. I was even met with the stupid argument (this from a retired teacher & cousin who I always thought was quite bright and good at her job) that “It’s the only vaccine we have” to which I replied this is NOT your father’s vaccine, friend, it is dangerous. All vaccines are different. Stats don’t matter to them, or explanations about the s-protein. I challenged them to look at the UK and Israel. There is nothing to get through to them until something hits them on the head and knocks them on their arses with reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Unfortunately, for many only millions dying around them or serious disability for themselves personally will wake them up. You are doing what you can to warn of the ‘sword in the land’ ( the injections) per Ezekiel 33 in the Bible.
That is all you can do and are faithfully doing.

2 years ago

Thanks for your support. I had an aunt nodding her head and saying “yes” to what I said at that table—thank God for that. I would’ve spoken out alone but support is encouraging. Now is the real time for sticking together.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Personally i cut all ties with almost all of my relatives who took the jab, can’t be bothered convincing them otherwise or knowing when they start to drop, even my mother, if anything they are already gone for all i know the second they took it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

They have made themselves thru ” Free Will ” unrecognizable to the Creator…they worship False Prophets, they lack discernment, and they refuse to listen…They want to belong to a Cult…Let them all Reap what they have Sown…For them, there is no other way…

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

No amount of logic, reasoning, stats, or evidence will convince a brain washed mind. They will only start to doubt things when someone they truly love dies. Even then, the mind cannot handle the reality that it has succumbed to manipulation, many sadly will dig their graves deeper in the form of the booster shot. When I tried to highlight the low number of actual deaths in each age group, as stated directly from the (corrupt) CDC, my bother-in-law laughed and replied in a condescending tone, with his hands on his cheeks, “Ohhhh, the numbers!!!! What do they reveal?” Just saw him the other day, I swear it looks like his head is shrinking.

Stay strong, we are in a battle for our lives and the integrity of humanity. NEVER CONSENT to this jab and log on to this blog for some like-minded support.

2 years ago

I explain to people that the numbers.are fake and that they can see a number of videos with nurses saying we are being lied to. I explain that the test is a joke. Then they come back with “but there is a big outbreak of cases in Texas” ?
Everything said is falling on deaf ears. The mind control is amazing. I think some people also know that we are right to question it but are afraid to face the implications of what is being done. People cannot grasp the evil involved.
Soon this mRNA will be in the flu shot as well, and I do not trust the test.

2 years ago

What I hope is that when we speak out a teeny-tiny speck of doubt is planted in their brainwashed minds that torments them in the middle of the night.

1 year ago

It’s honestly hard to feel sympathy for people like your Brother-in-law when they go. The nastiness that comes from them when you are just trying to help them, with nothing to gain, and they still deem to treat you with condescension. What else can you do.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago

May Lord Jesus guide and direct Mr Bearden’s family in this time of great need.
May Lord Jesus pour his wrath unto those demonic entities that have coerced and cajoled innocent people like Mr Bearden into taking this dangerous injection. For all of us on this board, let us be watchmen and watchwomen to everyone we meet to warn them of the dangers of this injection by sharing this story and others.

2 years ago

How many more innocent people have to be coerced, cajoled, manipulated and die before your jesus pours out his wrath ? Warn people about the dangers and help where you can but there is no savior coming. We have to do this ourselves.

2 years ago
Reply to  kenc1101

Good luck with that.

2 years ago
Reply to  kenc1101

Something like 50 million or more died from injections and emf’s when they did this exact same thing in 1918 and hundreds of millions when they manufactured world wars, so…..

There’s no virus, same story different century, and people will never stop falling for it.

2 years ago


Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago

I got over my reservations and advised all my friends and family. I tried all through the fall and winter of 2019 to study all elements of the argument. In the winter of 2021, I wrote a paper and all my friends and family saw it on FB, and most went on to get the shot. After the 1st shot, I posted video testimonies, and they still went on to get the 2nd. I’m not a dr., I don’t play one on TV. I did what I could. Now, bad things are underway. I did poorly as a watchwoman. 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

No you did not do poorly…you did what you could…and that matters a great deal. I started warning people what was coming 31 years ago, and I only just got my first: “Thank you for never giving up on me, you were right, but I didn’t want to believe you because I was afraid” – this year. Sometimes it takes decades to reach a person. The problem is, we no-longer have decades…just weeks and months. By now I am inclined to think: you made your bed, now lay in it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

You did what you could. You spoke out and boldly but the final decision is their own. Stay vigilant. Stay informed and updated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

What more could you do? I’ve had about the same results as you, of all the people I pleaded with probably only a few didn’t get it.

2 years ago

Why should we be subjected to truly evil Nation-wreckers like Howard Stern. Let him go home to his precious Israel and bleat that crap there with what is happening to them under the vaxx regime delivered to them no less by their own in Pfizer (whose CEO last I knew had still not taken the shot himself).

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Stern and Albert Bourla the CEO of Pfizer are delivering Souls for the one they truly Love, and that is Lucifer…Being a member of the Synagogue of Satan, Bourla will be banking $30 Billion in 2021 but will not be contributing to the victim’s medical expenses…Sadly both Bourla and Sterns earthly riches for serving Lucifer will not see their Souls worth even two coppers on the other side…

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

“Kari said he was now in a state of “full-blown psychosis.”

He, and the millions like him, have been suffering from Mass Psychosis, the moment the con-vid propaganda started to be dumped on them. That would be March 2020, if I am not mistaken.

A very good presentation about ‘Mass Psychosis’ on YT, by ‘After Skool’.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Agreed.That’s a fantastic video.

chit chat
chit chat
2 years ago

There is a genocidal plan.

Last edited 2 years ago by chit chat
The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

I remember in the spring of 2020 when Dr. Chris Shaw (neuropathologist) was told these injections are able to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Then he said EVERYONE injected would develop what he called chronic neurodegenerative disease.
He said it could take maybe 2-3 years, but 5 years max…
Or quicker! Poor Mr. Bearden.

2 years ago

My 80 year old father in law was showing some signs of dementia before the vax, but shortly after he became completely incapacitated with dementia. He can no longer take care of himself, can’t drive, can’t work, can’t even remember how to turn on the tv.
The mother of one of my wife’s co-workers was vaxxed and immediately had several strokes and a heart attack and was in a vegetative state when three days later her son (my wife’s co-worker) also went out and got the vax. That boggled my mind.

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