Davide Bristot: 18-year-old Italian volleyball player dead 27 days after first Pfizer mRNA shot

July 20, 2021

Mr. Davide Bristot.

SEDICO, VENETO — An 18-year-old Italian volleyball player is dead and Italian prosecutors are, again, threatening manslaughter charges against doctors.

Mr. Davide Bristot (spelled “Bistrot” in some Italian media) received the first injection of experimental Pfizer mRNA on June 17, according to True News. He suffered no immediate adverse effects. But around July 10, he started experiencing debilitating headaches. The Corriere Del Veneto reported that Mr. Bristot was hanging out with friends at a pizzeria on Tuesday, July 13. Not only had the headaches persisted for several days, but he vomited at least twice that night.

Davide’s parents, Paolo and Barbara Bristot, took him to the Belluno Hospital at about 10:30 p.m. that evening. Doctors did a few clinical tests and placed an IV (“drip”) in his arm for an hour before discharging him. They said he was a healthy, 18-year-old athletic man so nothing more could possibly be wrong. Davide went to sleep immediately when he got home.

Barbara grew suspicious the next morning when Davide didn’t come out of his room at all. She opened his door and discovered her son’s lifeless body at the foot of his bed, Wednesday morning, July 14.

Same song from Italian prosecutors

Luca Zaia, the president of the Veneto region in Italy, sent a team of inspectors to the Belluno hospital late last week. They were tasked with investigating the methods and procedures used on Davide the night before his death. But they have already ruled out the experimental mRNA injection as the cause of death.

Belluno Deputy Prosecutor Alberto Primavera opened a potential manslaughter investigation. But we’ve seen this all bark, no bite mentality from Italian prosecutors throughout 2021. Syracuse prosecutors opened a manslaughter investigation against the doctor and nurse that administered the AstraZeneca shot to navy officer Stefano Paternò. He died 24 hours after the injection. Gela prosecutors said they were investigating the death of Mrs. Zelia Guzzo. She was brain dead 15 days after the AstraZeneca injection. But nobody has been held to account from any of these investigations.

Davide Bristot would have started his final year of high school in September. He and his family are steeped in Italian volleyball tradition. Paolo, Davide’s father, played for the Italian national volleyball team. Alessandro Bristot, Davide’s younger brother, plays for the Italian Under-17 national team. Davide was a striker in volleyball. The Italian Volleyball Federation sent condolences to the family.

Camilla Canepa update

It seems we’re always writing about Italy and how the government is facilitating genocide among the elderly with these shots. But the story of Camilla Canepa is now one of the top 10 read on The COVID Blog. She’s the 18-year-old Italian woman who died on June 10, two weeks after the AstraZeneca shot.

Dr. Gianluigi Zona is the doctor who performed the brain surgery in an attempt to save Camilla’s life. He told the Il Piccolo daily newspaper that what he saw inside her head was “something I’ve never seen before. It’s not normal.” All of her venous sinuses were blocked by blood clots.

Dr. Zona said he’d never seen that scenario in all his years as a surgeon.

Italy halted use of the AstraZeneca shots for people under age 60 after Camilla’s death. Thus they are ok with seniors dying this way, just not younger people. Davide Bristot almost certainly died from blood clots in the brain as well. It’s just a matter of time, likely less than a year, for everyone who receives these shots. Unfortunately there’s likely nothing you can do to stop it except get right with God.

Stay vigilant and protect your loved ones.


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3 years ago

Another one bites the dust. One less spike protein shedder to worry about.

And before anybody calls me callous or evil for these words just remember what is happening here:

Society is being pushed into accepting a system that discriminates those who choose not to get vaxxed. Think about that. If you choose not to get the killer jab then sorry no special privleges for you, peasent. You can got rot in the dirt, unless you take the killer jab that will kill you, so you can go to the ball game amongst the rest of your spike protein riddled slaves.

The elites are pushing a social credit system that that reeks of orwellian totalitarianism. Universal basic income, unable to own property or anything that matter, no freedom of speech or travel, complete surveillance 24/7.

Also, the spike protein shedding is a real threat that will affect the unvaxxed. Even if you don;t take the killer jab a wandering sheep will be within your vinicity and shedd those spike proteins and potentially kill you. They were all about socially isolating ourselves from others the unvaxxed, well we need to avoid these cretins like the plague. If you know someone who was jabbed stay away from them. It may save your life.

Sheeple like this man (and yes he was an adult and therefore no one forced him to take it ) got what he deserved. It’s not nice but that’s the facts (and facts don’t care about your feelings)

And don’t be saying things like:

“Oh but his job/family forced/pressurised him to take it”.

Only a sheep would say something like this.

Srsly, if we let societal and peer pressure get to us then we die. How screwed up is that? How can anybody defend that? No more excuses. This is a war and we shouldn’t be all muddle cuddle about it. Get a grip and start fighting back. And that starts by taking the jab. Look at what happened in France. Macron was going to enforce french people to take a jab to be allowed in malls. Well the french responded by protesting at Macron had to back down. We need to do this.

If anybody you know wants to stay alive, knows that this is all a scam and hates the elties with a passion, then get together and protest. It’s the only way.

They elites will only win if we all submit ourselves to this jab. Don’t be a stupid sheep. Have a backbone and stand up for yourselves. This is YOUR LIFE we are talking about. This isn’t some game.

Anti vaxx loud of proud.

Thank you once again for getting this life saving information our there. We need to be reminded of the dangers of this vax. Your work is saving lives. Keep up the good work.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aidan
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Wow, well said, Aidan. The lack of upvotes (last I looked it was at zero) makes it look like no one has responded, because the Yea votes cancel the Nay votes and vice versa. It might have been designed into social media software to manipulate opinion. On any highly controversial topic, it looks as it “most readers” didn’t even deign to respond.

The reality: There may have been an intense battle of upvotes versus downvotes, perhaps 500 people have thumbed up or down, and it is so evenly divided that it has only three upvotes (247 downvotes, 253 upvotes). Just a three sitting there, as if only three people cared.

Oh well, nothing that even the site owner can do about that, I suspect. I’m so grateful for this site. I am coming more and more to agree with you, Aidan.

Another pro jabber will urge others to take the shot “for the greater good” even while they lay maimed in a hospital bed from the jab. Like another person here wrote on a different story, if somebody drank some Coca Cola and it made him very sick, what kind of jerk would he be to encourage everybody else to drink it because it might not hurt them? An evil jerk, what’s what kind, I think!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

At this point I couldn’t care less about the number of upvotes compared to downvotes. I;m just hear to see that I’m not a idiot when it comes to people telling me I’m wrong that the vaccines kill and to express my opinion. People hate my opinion then that’s fine. They want to challenge me on it then fine. Freedom of speech works both ways. I’m glad that the site owner has a pair of balls, common sense, excellent research skills. He isn’t one of those stupid jews censoring comments and videos on bitchute and brandnewtube.

This is one of the few blogs that speaks the truth and isn’t afraid to let it’s viewers comment on it. I always tell people about this site.

I have always been a controversial person when it comes to expressing public opinion. I don’t do it to be different or to be a jerk but say what comes naturally based on my principles. My principles are never to stand down, say what you want and to challenge others. Such views include getting rid of mobile devices and cell towers, kids being builled on social media should just get off it are some examples.

We need to be real here.Too many sheep out there are not being challenged enough on the vaccine issue and should be put down for their reckless decision that will result in the destruction of our society (the spike protein sheeding, not protesting against tryanny, allowing lockdowns to reck economic devesation on society, the NWO, the 5G towers). These things the sheeple aren’t aware off and should be punished. If the sheep are taking the vaccine and we do end up out of this clown world situation then they should be ostracised from modern society and become outcasts. If we don’t we will either end up in 1984 or idiorcracy.

Simply being brainwashed or pressurized is a terrible reason to take a jab. And taking a vaccine without doing any basic research is just even worse. No logical reasoning involved. A stupid decision with terrible results. Why should I feel sorry for someone I don’t know who made a choice to take a vaccine that would kill them? Makes no sense.

The idea of a pro jabber urging others to take the kill shot while maimed in a hospital bed is something i still can’t figure out. Probably stupid sheep syndrome (a term I picked up from this website). It’s stupid thinking like that which makes you question if these people even deserve life. Just slaves working for their corporate masters that would put them on the street in a heartbeat.

I don’t know anything about this young fellow but I could imagine he would shame me for not taking the vaxx since it would kill his granny. Listen mate the lockdowns and forced isolation have done more to kill granny than you. The granny you so dearly love and is in a care home (because you love her enough not to take care of her) was put on a DNR. The killing granny argument was something most sheep wouldn’t shut up about when I would debate with them on the street.

Down with the sheep. The more die the better. I just wish the CDC and MHRA and other government agencies would start recording the correct number of vaccine deaths so I just keep justyfing my reason not to take the vax.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Aidan, in many ways your posts are music to my eyes, thank you! The point that you made on another story is appropriate anywhere — do we feel bad for the woman who is wobbling around with Bells Palsey, or do we feel bad for the woman in jail for six months because she didn’t wear a mask? Holy Cow you are RIGHT about the priorities! The woman in prison for six months, and children being prey to the jab, are to me the clearest most urgent priorities and sympathy deserving. The gal or guy who took the jab for any reason at all other than having it forcefully injected against their will, then my sympathy is only “Too bad, oh well,” and a sad shrug.

I refuse to derive enjoyment from the suffering of others, that is sick and I stand strong against it, it is a weakness. However, man Aidan you sure nail it one hundred percent when it comes to straight priorities. Thanks.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I am making my way through a few articles on this site, and I am noticing that you are a prolific writer here. You have made some great comments and greatly add to this already great website. Best to you.

We are searching for ways to find others, and I have resorted to posting on a few good websites, such as this one.

3 years ago

Aww shucks, you’re too kind.

It’s great looking through all of these articles and reading comments. You’ll never know what you might find.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

How do you suggest we avoid these deadly shedders? Do you think an N95 mask is enough? I can’t be hiding at home forever. Need to get food too.

2 years ago
Reply to  king

If we need to go out then so be it. We can’t stay out. The best idea would be to avoid places that are crowded. But not take the vaccine would be a good start. Hopefully the spike protein shedders will be dead and we won’t have to worry about them.

3 years ago

The hospitals around the world seem to be of little help with C19 shot damage as the damage is done and nearly irreparable–that is if the medicos admit that is it vaccine-induced at all. RIP another life gone that didn’t need to be.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I went to my local hospital a few weeks ago and in line before me was a young woman in her mid-twenties. I shouldn’t have, but I overheard her say to the nurse at the reception that she was having an adverse reaction to the bioweapon shot. She gave the brand name, not going to report it here for privacy reasons. It doesn’t matter anyway.
Point is, the nurse looked very annoyed and tried to tell her to just go home and sleep it off, but she kept insisting that it had been going on for days and she couldn’t bear it anymore, and demanded to be seen. They told her to have a seat and wait for a doctor. She was obviously in much pain and her boyfriend had to help her and comfort her.
She was still there when I was leaving after being seen. They were seeing everybody in the waiting room but her, despite her being visibly the sickest of all. No doctor or nurse would want to have anything to do with it or even offer a word of comfort.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

I trust very few medical professionals anymore. Many of them seem to be in on the evil agenda.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

By ignoring these vaxx victims or telling them the injuries are “all in the head”, or, due to mental illness, or “anxiety”, hey are traumatized & insulted again. i have lost all faith & confidence in medicine.

Miss KK
Miss KK
3 years ago

I’m in Italy (Venice) right now, it’s an old town with an old demographic and every single day I’ve been here I hear at least 10 ambulance sirens a day.

3 years ago
Reply to  Miss KK

I’m in Northern Ireland and I’m hearing more ambulance sirens too. I’m glad I’m not the only one who has pointed it out. Whether it’s for covid vaxx patients or others it’s up for debate but I think it’s the former.

Keep your ears open.

2 years ago

i am in no way supporting these vaccines but i have a hard time believing EVERYONE who took it is going to die within a year or two…. Makes no sense. If you are fine within the next 4 months you should be all right. The products get cleaned from the body.

2 years ago
Reply to  yvan

Four months? Really? You do know that vaccines as they were once classified (this new thing is not a vaccine by the old definition) took YEARS to reveal side-affects down the road? Four months? Try four years or more. I am sorry, but you are going to have to accept that fact that many if not all of your loved ones who’ve been injected, will be getting sick a lot now.

2 years ago

The death jab is a ticking time bomb. I can’t believe how stupid people are. People that I used to think were smart have turned out to be complete idiots. I just want to knock on their head and say hello is there a brain in there?

2 years ago
Reply to  Brenda

Brenda. That is the same observation I have made and it’s absolutely stunning. So many smart, bright people are jumping on the vaxtard band wagon it’s like a cult. Even when you show them a ton of evidence by some very smart doctors they just say its fake news. Most of my family took it after all the evidence I gave them. It’s unreal.

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