Camilla Canepa: 18-year-old Italian woman develops blood clots, dead two weeks after experimental AstraZeneca shot
June 13, 2021

Ms. Camilla Canepa.

SESTRI LEVANTE, LIGURIA — An 18-year-old woman is dead, prompting many young people in her area to cancel their previous plans for injections.

Ms. Camilla Canepa received the first dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector DNA on May 25, according to several Italian media sources. It was an “open day” for anyone over the age of 18 to receive experimental injections, particularly AstraZeneca.

She checked into the emergency room at Lavagna Hospital on June 3, complaining of severe headaches and extreme light sensitivity. A CT scan and neurological tests found nothing, so doctors discharged her with an order to return in 15 days for further tests. But Ms. Canepa returned to the ER at San Martino Hospital in Genoa just two days later. She now suffered from paralysis in at least one part of her body.

Ms. Canepa was diagnosed with cavernous sinus thrombosis, meaning a blood clot in the space between the eye sockets and brain. It blocked the primary vein between the head and heart. Doctors also discovered that she was bleeding inside her brain. Ms. Canepa underwent two surgeries, one to remove the blood clot and the second to relieve pressure in her head caused by the bleeding. But the damage was too great to overcome.

Ms. Canepa passed away on June 10.

Aftermath and “prosecution”

Francesco Cozzi, chief prosecutor of Genoa, announced that his office opened a manslaughter investigation. However, he did not name any individuals subject to the investigation. Further, we’ve heard this manslaughter talk before from Italian prosecutors. Syracuse, Sicily prosecutors said they opened a manslaughter investigation after Navy officer Stefano Paternò died hours after the AstraZeneca shot. But nothing has come of it, nor the other announced manslaughter investigations throughout Italy related to the experimental shots.

Italian government officials announced a very strange policy after the death of Ms. Canepa. AstraZeneca shots will now only be administered to people over age 60. In other words, they are fine with older people developing blood clots and dying from experimental viral vector DNA shots, but are protecting younger people. The policy didn’t matter in the grand scheme. Hundreds of young Liguria residents cancelled their forthcoming AstraZeneca appointments as news of Ms. Canepa spread.

Liguria Governor Giovanni Toti told Ansa News that Canepa’s case is “not for point scoring” and that AstraZeneca recipients volunteer for the shots. Meanwhile the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) authorized the experimental Pfizer mRNA shots for people aged 12 to 15 on June 1. It is yet another strange policy that is apparently supposed to be altruistic, but is dangerous and detrimental to future and current generations of Italians.

Did 12-year-old die from Pfizer?

We received word that 12-year-old promising tennis player Cloe Giani Giavazzi died on Thursday after a “sudden illness.” Her mother discovered the young girl’s body in their Milan home. It could be pure coincidence as mainstream media want all of these stories to be. Again, Italian officials authorized Pfizer shots for 12-year-olds on June 1. There’s no definitive word whether or not Ms. Giavazzi received the shot. But it sure is bad timing if nothing else.

We’ve written at least eight Italy-specific stories on this blog since January. The government seems to be fine with older people dying after the shots, while putting on a fake-concern show about the younger population. Italy is an aging country. Only Japan has a higher percentage of age 65+ citizens than Italy. Yet they are willingly killing off seniors, while sterilizing the next generation. It’s quite scary what is happening there.

Those of us who survive the COVID agenda with our genes intact will be a unique breed of human, particularly those under-40 and still desiring to have children. Think about it – we’ve seen nothing but population control agendas since the turn of the 21st century, whether it’s promotion and normalization of gender deception and homosexual culture, GMO foods, or the myriad “vaccines” babies get right out of the womb.

It’s going to be so surreal watching and reporting on this human transformation in the next year or two. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Victoria Andersen
Victoria Andersen
3 years ago

I grew up in Italy,it was such a happy country. Old people where awesome they always watching out for us when we were young. It makes me sad,😥 Those responsible for this deception will face tribunals, we know that ultimately God wins❤️

3 years ago

Yes, after sacrificing so many souls… unsure, they should all be forced with 10 of the same jab

3 years ago

Irrespective of age, any death or life-changing injury caused by these dangerous experimental mRNA jabs is a tragedy. You only live once. Life is precious. Why play Russian roulette with your health? The ruling ‘elites’ are psychopaths who lack empathy and compassion. They look down on us and regard us to be cattle in human form. Label me a ‘schizophrenic’ if you will, but I reckon that there is a sinister agenda at play: population control. I hope I am wrong, but the rates of successful births over the next few years will tell.

This covid mularkey, along with the climate change saga, is being used as a pretext to usher in something sinister. Global communism, perhaps? As Klaus Schwab said: “you’ll own nothing, but you will be happy”. Be rest assured, though, that the ruling ‘elites’ will still be feasting on luxurious foods, such as lobster, vintage wine and salmon. As they always have done, and indeed, most likely did so at this year’s G7 summit, which was hosted in Cornwall, England. They are hypocrites: consider the amount of air pollutants belched out of the aircraft (Airforce One, private business jets and heavyweight military transport planes) and Biden’s 17-car motorcade during the G7 summit!

Doug Smith
Doug Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

I bet Bill Gates is never getting the mRNA shot or any of the other ones and has plenty of Hydroxychloroquine as a preventive. That’s how the elites roll. Kill off all of us with experimental ‘vaccine’ and they get to inherit a new Earth. That was the plan all along.

3 years ago
Reply to  Doug Smith

“You’ll own nothing, but you will be happy”- Klaus Schwab

3 years ago
Reply to  Doug Smith

Why did you get the vaccine?? I refuse to get that damn thing and I work at Mayo Clinic!

3 years ago

What?!? Young people in italy are now rejecting the covid jab because of this death?!? But it’s only a conspiracy theory that the vax killed her. Dumb anti vaxxers.

In all seriousness, anybody who even thought about getting the vaccine is an idiot. I don’t care if they are now going to reject it because of what they are hearing or are not getting the second jab, they are still idiots and would be better off dead.

If the human race is to succeed all sheep must be annihilated and if the vaccine is the way to do it then so be it. Humanity is sick and is getting what it deserves. I am tired of society screwing up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

In reply to Aidan, You don’t seem very compassionate, in fact you sound like a very condisending person. Alot of those getting these “FAKE VACCINES” are either doing so out of fear, which the MSM and so called Dr. Anthony Fauci expert on nothing have caused, or they’re being advised by their Healthcare Practitioner (practicing) Medical treatment. Either way these mRNA injections are maming and killing people, some who’ve recovered from COVID who don’t need them because their bodies should have Antibodies to the China Virus.
My advice is for no one to get “JABBED” with any of these so called Vaccines.
“I’m not anti Vaccine, I’m anti Stupidity.”
You should Pray for those who have taken the Jab, it may be some one in your family.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tim
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Why should someone be compassionate for someone who had a choice.

I couldn’t care less what you call me. In the end of the day people are morons for not using their brains to think. It’s time to throw compassion out of the window because the people getting the shots had none when they allowed the scamdemic and lockdowns to continue. These people allowed millions to die as a result of lockdowns. People unable to recieve healthcare because they weren’t covid patients. They have destroyed the economy and will plunge us into a recession that rivals the great depression of 1929. The sheep are responsible for these deaths. They could have joined us in protest but they didn’t. They signed up for the stupid tract and trace system and the covid passport. They are the enablers allowing the NWO to come to fruition. If we are to succeed in defeating the elties then the sheep will have to die so they can’t stop us from winning this war.

These same people would have antivaxxers like me pinned down on the ground and stick the jab on me. They would have antivaxxers like me not to be allowed to have their basic freedoms back unless we comply in getting the death shot. I have tried to persuade people not to take the vax (including my two brothers) but no one wanted to listen. I was blasted as a antivaxxer. I couldn’t care less knowing they are the idiots for offing themselves.

There is no way on earth I’m praying for anybody who has taken the jab. My brothers have taken it and if they die then so be it. They had a choice. Why should I pray for people who are already dead and destined for hell? You should start praying for the living. We are the ones suffering and need all the help we can get.

We are in a spiritual war. It’s us vs them.

By the way, covid doesn’t exist. It was never identied and purfied by the cdc. Those recovering from so called covid have had a false postive pcr test result that wasn’t designed to diagnoise infectious diseases. From your statement about covid you sound like you believe covid was a real virus. You do know this is all a ploy for the elties implement total totaliarism on us with the aid of the techocrats to use technology to track and control are every movement and freedoms. All from making us believe a fake virus was here.

The reason the people who had covid are taking the vaccine is because they believe the lie that your body only has covid antibodies for 90 days. This is a lie and the sheep swallowed it up. Your body gives you life long antibodies from a virus once you catch it. Jeez if we didn’t have antibodies when we first caught the common cold or flu then we would be sick all the time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

There is truth in that people need to quit being enablers of this on-going death jab. They piss me off, too. They just keep looking the other way. To thee and to thee but not to me, they say to themselves.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Antibodies are not so useful for preventing respiratory viruses. It is the *innate* immune system that does the job – clearing the virus immediately (why children don’t get sick). The innate immune system is activated by virus in the mucosa – therefore the vaccine bypasses the innate immune system.

3 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

That is the prevailing theory for now, yes. But it is science. In science, MANY established “knowns” become outdated beliefs. Science and medicine are very much like religion, useful, valuable, human. But at all times it is certain that their belief of what is exactly correct today, may change into something different tomorrow. Arithmetic, on the other hand …

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Aidan attempts to join the conversation by name calling. Such a clear give away to the motive of wanting to disrupt intelligent conversation about an important subject. How much are you getting paid to be a jerk?

3 years ago
Reply to  SuzyAZ

You do realize I’m not the only person on this site mocking those who have taken the jab? If you think I’m bad then you should check the comments on InfoWars and Bitchute about this subject.

Me paid? Are you a moron? The only people being paid are those so called fact checkers discreting valid sources of information that could save lives (including the lives of those with took the vaccine).

Me disrupt intelligent conversation on an important subject? Well I am getting a lot of likes and replies about my points. A lot of people seem to agree with me. They usually bypass the name calling bit and read my comments (something you seem not be doing). I am contributing a lot of interesting and valid points. I do understand the seriousness of the situation. However you don’t since you’re so concerned that someone (or people) you don’t know are being mocked.

The points I make are valid and reasonable and if I do mock these idiots then so be it. You clearly have no idea the hell we are about to go through if the NWO comes into fruition (something that I already have mentioned in this article)

You either didn’t understand the sarcasm in my first comment or you’re worrying about something that isn’t even important. Name calling? Ha what a trivial thing to worry about.

Do you think people being persecuted by the nazis in the 1930’s cared about calling their enemies names in case it hurt someone’s fweelwings? Cry me a river.

Hey at least I’ve generated some conversation going on here.

3 years ago
Reply to  SuzyAZ

The words that Aidan uses to describe the folks who take the jab can be construed as name calling, although generally it is name-calling to change the subject to be about the other person being disputed, that marks a paid operative. It results in the need for lots of “skimming” reading wide-open comment boards of real rough-and-tumble. I have found the utter lack of name-calling on this board, including Aidan’s posts, refreshing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago

Safe and effective!
Safe and effective!
Safe and effective!

OK, full disclosure, maybe not so safe…

But effective! Can’t deny it’s effective!

(To do what it was designed to do…)

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  Sig

Moderna – 1.1% absolute risk reduction.
Pfizer – 0.7% absolute risk reduction.
(Brown, R. B. (2021) Outcome Reporting Bias in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trials.)

3 years ago

Has anyone found out that Dr Stefan Lanka did his own control experiment based on published Scientific Journals of Covid 19 been Isolated. When Dr Stefan did how these Journals explained how they Isolated Covid 19 Virus came to the same conclusion and this is the kicker with out using any Virus. Scientifically proven that Covid 19 is not a Virus. Do your own research the evidence is out there.

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