Anthony Shingler: 57-year-old British man diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralyzed after experimental AstraZeneca injection
July 16, 2021

Mr. Anthony Shingler.

STOKE-ON-TRENT, STAFFORDSHIRE — A 57-year-old father and grandfather is fighting for his life as AstraZeneca continues leading this global genocide.

Mr. Anthony Shingler received his first experimental AstraZeneca viral vector injection on or around March 1, according to StokeOnTrentLive. He worked as a security manager and, from all accounts, was healthy and fit. That all changed within days.

His wife, Mrs. Nicola Shingler, told reporter Fahad Tariq that Anthony immediately suffered mild adverse reactions, including muscle aches and “a muddy head.” The leg pain worsened by March 8 and, by March 12, his legs were completely numb. Mr. Shingler continued going to work despite all the issues. But by March 19, he started feeling “pins and needles” in his extremities. That is a definitive symptom of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).

He went to Haywood Walk-In Centre, and was immediately transferred to A&E (emergency room) at Royal Stoke University Hospital. But doctors sent him home, claiming it was only allergies. Mrs. Shingler, 48, dialed 999 (the British 911) on March 22 when her husband’s condition continually spiraled downward. He was taken back to Royal Stoke, diagnosed with GBS and placed on a ventilator.

Photo credit: StokeOnTrentLive.

He’s been in the hospital since that time, with no end in sight.

Government refuses to help

The National Health Service (NHS) administers the publicly-funded healthcare programs across the U.K. Callousness and arrogance are expected from all these government agencies that are essentially owned by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, et al. But the NHS is still sending Mr. Shingler text messages telling him to get the second AstraZeneca injection while he is clinging to life in the hospital.

Mrs. Shingler stated the obvious in that her husband was maimed by the AstraZeneca injection. Now she barely recognizes her husband. He has constant hallucinations and has not been able to breathe on his own for nearly four months. Mrs. Shingler conceded that it’s unlikely her husband will survive much longer. And even if he does leave the hospital alive, their lives are forever altered. The family is struggling as Mr. Shingler was the primary breadwinner.

Mrs. Shingler has a message for the U.K. government and anyone considering these experimental injections:

I want action and for the government to acknowledge what’s going on. They are trying to ignore it so people don’t fear going for the vaccine. The government can bury their heads in the sand – but they are wrecking the chances of the vaccine in the future. My daughters won’t forget this. His grandchildren won’t forget that their grandad was not supported. Trying to cover it up makes it look even more sinister.

The Shingler family hopes a petition to reform the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 receives 100,000 signatures by December 3. Parliament must consider it for debate if it reaches that threshold. But the petition has already garnered over 10,000 signature, which requires, at minimum, some sort of government response. The U.K. government has not responded as of publishing.

Plausible deniability and deliberate indifference

Let’s recap what happens once you receive these injections and experience severe adverse reactions. Mr. Shingler was initially sent home after a couple hours in the emergency room and told it was just allergies. Maddie de Garay is the paralyzed 13-year-old American who was told her problem is mental illness, not the Pfizer injections. Several Australian hospitals literally watched 74-year-old Clive Haddon die without helping him. They refused to even acknowledge the AstraZeneca injection that landed him there in the first place. We could continue. But you get the picture.

The only people willingly receiving these injections now are lost causes. These types believe that the injections prevent COVID-19, a disease with a 99.9%+ survival rate everyone under age 70. But we know for a fact that people not only contract COVID-19 post-injection, but also die from it. NBC 10 Boston reported this week that 79 “fully vaccinated” people have died from COVID-19 in Massachusetts. At least 100 fully-vaccinated crew members aboard a U.K. Navy aircraft carrier also contracted COVID-19 this week.

There are literally zero benefits (except social media clout) versus myriad risks with these lethal injections. Now that Joe Biden has announced his door-to-door vaccine campaign, it’s only a matter of time before someone is shot and killed. No critical thinker will ever allow this poison into their bodies. The U.S. government must heed these realities and save those dumb souls they hire for this campaign.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved one.


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3 years ago

My research has led me to conclude that there are two forms of Covid-19. A light one which is limited to the upper airways, and a severe one characterized by the virus entering the bloodstream.
Exposure to the wild virus is always via the airways.
The vast majority of people have an intact immune system that manages to fight off the infection while it is still in the airways. To them, the infection feels no different than a flu.
In the old and sick however, an impaired immune response sometimes fails to stop the infection from progressing deep into the lungs, where it destroys the alveoli and thus gains an entryway into the blood. Once in the blood, the virus (or, more specifically, its spike proteins) has been shown to cause blood clots, resulting in diffuse pulmonary embolisms and edema (the typical ground-glass opacities in the chest X-rays of severe covid cases). Autopsies performed in 2020 universally found pulmonary thrombosis in deceased patients.
Now, the so-called “vaccines”, by flaw or by design, despite being intramuscular injections do not stay in the injection site, but have been conclusively proven to enter the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier. Thus, they cause the release of trillions upon trillions of spike proteins, which, (even in their stabilized “2P” variant, see [4]) result in diffuse thrombosis.
Summing up, the so-called “vaccines” are equivalent to giving people the severe, deadly form of the disease. You could say that if you survive the injection, you would have most likely survived the infection anyway. The opposite is not true however, since the main reason that young healthy people have such good odds of surviving the disease is that they overwhelmingly tend to develop the light form. However, the severe form that the injections artificially give them is just as deadly to them as it is to the high-risk patients.

[1] A. Ogata et al: “Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients”
[2] European Medicines Agency (EMA): “Assessment report – COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna”, Procedure No. EMEA/H/C/005791/0000; page 47/169, last paragraph.
[3] Y. Watanabe et al: “Native-like SARS-CoV‑2 Spike Glycoprotein Expressed by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/AZD1222 Vaccine”.
[4] R. Kirchdoerfer et al: “Stabilized coronavirus spikes are resistant to conformational changes induced by receptor recognition or proteolysis”; page 8, lines 7- 14
[5] S. Theuerkauf et al: “Quantitative assays reveal cell fusion at minimal levels of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and fusion from without”.
[6] Y. Lei et al: “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2”.
[7] S. Zhang et al: “SARS-CoV-2 binds platelet ACE2 to enhance thrombosis in COVID-19”.
[8] E. Avolio et al: “The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein disrupts the cooperative function of human cardiac pericytes – endothelial cells through CD147 receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease”.
[9] D. Wichmann et al: “Autopsy Findings and Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With COVID-19 – A Prospective Cohort Study”
[10] C. Deshpande: “Thromboembolic Findings in COVID-19 Autopsies: Pulmonary Thrombosis or Embolism?”

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Don’t forget the vaccines with Saline Solution for the elite and few sheep so it doesn’t look like this is a depopulation plan and also the vaccines with the magnets so that people become 5G transmitters and eventually be fried to death by 5G signals.

However, this is still useful information that has improved my knowledge on these so called vaccines. So essentially, this vaccine is not a light form of the virus but a deadly form that makes it ways into the bloodstream and hence the blood clots. Make sense now.

Thank you for taking the time to tell us this. More people must know.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Have you found in your research if the viral natural covid can cross the blood-brain barrier? I have not been able to find that conclusively covered. I did hear one lecture said that natural covid19 virus can NOT cross the barrier. Good post.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I did. Citation [2] of my previous post, page 47, last paragraph: “levels of mRNA could be detected in all examined tissues except the kidney. This included heart, lung, testis and also brain tissues, indicating that the mRNA/LNP platform crossed the blood/brain barrier, although to very low levels (2-4% of the plasma level).”

Also, have a look at a paper from our friends at Murderna when they tested a vaccine candidate using the same technology on mice (it was 2017, animal studies were still a thing back then):

K. Bahl et al: “Preclinical and Clinical Demonstration of Immunogenicity by mRNA Vaccines against H10N8 and H7N9 Influenza Viruses”, page 1319, Table 1; and page 1325, “Biodistribution studies”.

They are fully aware of the harm they are doing, and in fact were from the very beginning.

Thank you for the compliments 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Sorry Kriss, I misread your question. You asked if the “viral natural covid” can cross the blood-brain barrier.
I have a hard time calling it “natural” since it is overwhelmingly likely that it is a failed bioweapon that was being developed at the Wuhan lab (my favorite speculation is that it could be an intermediate milestone that got out before it was ready); but semantics aside, no, I haven’t looked into the matter yet. Excellent suggestion though. I’m on it and I will report back if I manage to find something.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

I’m kinda new to the blog, albeit severely addicted. How could I *not* be as all this is unfolding before us? The very people who are injured are proclaiming that they’d make the vaccine choice all over again, so strong is the brainwashing. I’m seeing some of this happening in my own family. My heretofore healthy sister-in-law, age 66, had been taking the lowest therapeutic dose of losartan for the last couple of years and since her mother died last May, she’s been taking the lowest dose of Prozac. Last year, she became a grandmother again, and if she hadn’t already quit the Prozac by the end of the year, I’m sure she did by the end of spring this year. She got her 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine March 26 and the 2nd April 16. Last week, July 6, she started to have lots of gastrointestinal distress out of the blue. We’d all eaten the same things over the weekend. She had pain, nausea, fatigue. She’d have to lie in bed for 10mts. to recover from the effort of having gone upstairs, went to the ER July 10, got a blood draw that showed elevated d-dimer and liver enzymes. Was told to go to the hospital. She spent the night in the hospital, but her echo-cardiogram was normal as was the CT Scan and she was released the next day. A few hrs. later, she was back in the ER because her knee ‘blew up’. Fluid was drained, a steroid was injected, liver enzymes checked again. They were higher than they’d been Saturday. There’s some inflammatory process at work. She got home, anticipated feeling better, started to notice the other knee blowing up. She went back to the hospital, they gave her a diagnosis of ReA (Reactive Inflammatory Arthritis), a rx. for 5 weeks of a prednisone taper and some Percocet. Unable to manage, she went back, and asked that the knee be drained and a steroid injected as with the other knee.

I’m not a dr., but my mind is going to spike protein aggregation No one has told her what she is reacting to, although I think it’s reasonable to guess that it might be the vaccine.

Meantime, she’s still eating very little and very cautiously. I can’t believe she’s been beset with so much stuff out of the blue.

3 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Thank you very much for the article (too bad it’s behind a paywall but even the Abstract alone is very interesting).

I found another one which is freely available:
K. Terracina, F. Tan: “Flare of rheumatoid arthritis after COVID-19 vaccination”.
Best wishes for a good recovery to your sister-in-law!

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Thank you!

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

it’s the lies which cause the apparent differences.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Agree, BUT, the virus is done in 5 days either case. Its the body’s inability to get rid of the aftermath, eosinophils and so forth that linger and do damage and why ivermectin treats prophylactically, during and after. Having said that if one goes to the hospital the doctors will kill them with Remdesivir and so forth.

3 years ago

I want action and for the government to acknowledge what’s going on.

Expecting that would be akin to expecting an unsuspected mass murderer leading a rich easy life to suddenly cry out “I’m guilty; and please give me a life sentence”. Lol.
What kind of fool begs their torturer for mercy? For if their torturer were capable or willing to extend mercy; they would not be in the process of torturing them!

The government can bury their heads in the sand – but they are wrecking the chances of the vaccine in the future. 

One would hope! It is good that she is worried about the “vaccine”.

3 years ago

And fully lobotomized ‘vaccinated’ British tourists returning to Wales and England from France have to quarantine for 10 days after they said a week earlier they didn’t have to, on top of submitting a PCR test and treated like animals being tested.

Good luck to those who already booked their holidays and thought they were on the winning team by getting injected.

3 years ago

It’s so sad to hear about the side effects & deaths of more & more vaccinated people as time goes on.
Stay safe everyone! If the vaccine people come to your door, stay inside and don’t answer your door!!👍

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