Jamie Walton: Texas realtor diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome after Johnson & Johnson injection says she’d get injected again

July 16, 2021

Mrs. Jamie Walton.

HOUSTON, TEXAS — A Houston realtor said she thought she was dying at one point. Uncertainty, frequent doctor visits and major adjustments are her new life in 2021 and beyond. And if booster shots are authorized, she’ll be the first in line.

Mrs. Jamie Walton received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection on or around April 14, according to ABC 13 Eyewitness News in Houston. It was around the same time the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admitted that the J&J injections cause “rare” blood clots. The FDA admitted this week an “observed increased risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following vaccination” with J&J.

Mrs. Walton told reporter Mycah Hatfield that she started feeling numbness throughout her body. She also felt the dreaded “tingling in her feet and hands.” She went to several doctors and got the same responses that everyone gets when they seek help from the medical establishment after experimental injections. One doctor said it was just dehydration. Another doctor followed CDC marching orders, and told her it was just anxiety.

Life changed overnight

The numbness and tingling continued as no doctor would help her. Mrs. Walton started falling down while walking and could barely get herself back up. By mid-June, she was paralyzed from the waist down. She went to the emergency room several times and still got the runaround. It is only because her brother-in-law is a doctor that she got any help at all. He determined, based on her symptoms, that she had GBS.

Mrs. Walton got a spinal tap to confirm the diagnosis at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) at Memorial Hermann Hospital. She was there for 22 days re-learning how to walk, sit and stand.

Screenshot from ABC 13 broadcast.

Doctors told her that the J&J shot triggered the GBS. Despite being armed with this knowledge, Mrs. Walton said she would “absolutely still get the vaccine [again].” She elaborated further:

“I think that what I went through was horrible. I hope no one else ever has to go through that, but I would definitely take the vaccine again.”

Mrs. Walton was discharged from the hospital earlier this week. But she still needs a walker and has no idea what her days will look like from here forward. ABC 13 used the word “rare” five times in their report when describing GBS.

Watch the full report below.

The Cult of COVID-19

We take no pleasure in writing these stories. But it’s important to report on these strange cultist-like behaviors by vaccine zealots. We’ve covered a woman who had 14 anaphylactic shocks after the Pfizer injections. She still encouraged others to get the mRNA shots themselves. Another woman developed Bell’s Palsy after the AstraZeneca injection, and still encouraged others to get injected.

Some of these stories are so out there, that it’s hard to believe that these people are genuine and real, versus being paid to read a script. The following person said he got two doses of Moderna AND the J&J shot because he had no side effects from Moderna. He didn’t think the injections worked because he expected adverse reactions. He also said he likes “spending time with his husband,” which is becoming a pattern among vaccine zealots.

And now, there’s Mrs. Walton.

Perhaps these people simply want others to share in their misery so they feel less duped. Maybe masochism and sadism are ingrained in the global population since pornography accounts for one out of every five searches on mobile devices. We’ve even posited the very real possibility of remote mind control.

Whatever the case may be, it’s best to avoid these types of people whenever possible. No sane, mentally-sound human being yearns this type of self-mutilation and de-facto suicide. Plus you don’t want their spike proteins transmitted to you via shedding. Be strong. Be smart.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

She wants to take the vaccine again. Jeez, I’m not surprised anymore. Let them continue to take it. Maybe she might not want to take another vaxx after the second doze.

Nothing more to say. Deserves it, call anti vaxx granny killers, want to segregate vax from anti vaxx, go along with big brother. Anybody says they feel empathy, should get the vax and then will start to really feel empathy. Why empathise with someone who CHOSE to take something?

The sooner the sheep all perish and we take down the elties and get our real freedom back then the better.

And You’re completely right about staying away from this freaks who promote the vaccine like hell. Don’t want their spike proteins. Crazy looney bins drugged up on porn.

Anti vaxx loud and proud!

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

The reason that some feel sympathy is because even people we love have had it. I’m shocked that people in my circle, people with PhDs in Math, Engg., Phsics even some MD friends have been vaccinated. You would think they would be able to understand the arguments. I don’t get it. But I feel sorrow. People who were vaccinated (2nd dose in April) are now starting to become sick. I don’t know the name of this moron who got 2 doses of Moderna and then compounded his problems with J&J, but I’d like to know what happens to him down the road. I’d like to see how he’s doing around Thanksgiving. We shall see.

3 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

I have family that have taken it and just waiting for the grim reaper to come for their soulless bodies. When it happens I will not cry. Only jump on their graves, piss on it and tell them I told you so. People have ostracized me because I tell them not to get the jab. So why should I feel anything towards them. They have shove their vaccines up their arse if they want.

You’re friends gave their soul to the devil and took the mark of the beast when they got injected. They don’t understand the arguments because they were either paid not to or were ignornant of the truth.

What confuses me is that people are complaning to the manufacturers about vaccine issues because they should have known that this was a clinical trail. Safe? Ha! My arse it is. People shouldn’t get compensation because it was a trail and that they caused self harm/suicide.

The only people we should be sorry for are those remaining who are standing up against the global elite and have to live through this hell. The sheep are sending themselves for slaughter while we have to fight for our rights.

Take care.

Anti vaxx loud and proud.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Upvoted because while the anger and contempt for them is a weakness that repels, the sentiment is absolutely understandable. They DID put those of us who remain, in some real pretty sh*t. To piss on the graves of those who leave us with this mess, who so cavalierly became guinea pigs for pharmaceuticals and persecuted us as “bad” for not doing the same, would be an appropriate release of waste.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I was trying to upvote your comment twice but I couldn’t. If I could I would upvote a hundred times!

The dumb sheep have no idea what kind of hell they have unleashed on us critical thinkers/actual human beings.

When the mass cull does take place there might not be enough graves (but if any of my close family members gets one then they will be in for a nice surprise, he he he).

One commentor on this site said that the unjabbed will have to be drafted in to dispose of the dead jabbed sheeple. I said as long as I;m paid then I’ll do it. Maybe kick those bodies and fling them off tall bulidings (or not since their spike protein riddled body might not make that possible)

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

There are soil survey recommendations for mass burial sites. The primary aim is for the burial of large numbers of livestock. But the same recs apply to dead people, too.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Janyuary, well put. I was very pissed off early on when we were dubbed “granny killers” as the OP wrote, especially when we are completely the opposite, and took great care not to get older adults sick prior to this farce. Currently, one of the things we struggle with, is that some like-minded individuals are all talk, no action. They don’t want to offend ‘friends’ that have been juiced, and they dismiss our risk-mitigation requests (be outside, open windows, spread out, etc) when we all get together. They don’t want to discuss reality and what we should be doing or saying when in the presence of those ‘juiced’. We now limit our time with them, but it has been hard to find those of similar mind-sets, for purposes of praying with and supporting each other during these times. Plenty of people are online, but it’s good to actually get together with people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Could it be that unsaved people are the ones getting the shots, and the saved have the wisdom not to?

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

What are you meaning when you say take down the elites.. Who is going to do that? Just curious.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Does anyone know the name of the guy in the video who got 2 shots of the Moderna and then got the Johnson&Johnson?

Also, I’m not tech savvy. Can anyone post a video (a YouTube link, pehaps?) to just that video, the 3 shot guy? I can’t find the URL.

Thanks, y’all.

3 years ago

Thank you so much for the work that you do. I just sent a few bucks your way and I intend to keep doing so as long as you keep this invaluable site up and running.
Thank you so much again. And as for the brainwashed sheep in the article, my compassion is starting to run very low for people like her. After all, she herself is saying that she’s not unhappy with what happened to her, so why should I be.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

I never had compassion for these dumb clowns anyway. Never understood why anyone would feel sorry for someone who wishes harm upon themselves and wants to relive it?

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Yes, this is a great site that I only recently found. I am very fond of the saying, “Don’t cast pearls before swine”, as Jesus said. Sounds cold, but once I have decided someone is truly brainwashed, close-minded, etc (swine), then it’s best to not waste any more of my limited, valuable time and energy. You can tell pretty quick who these people are.

Instead of using this experience to help others, she doubles down on her foolishness and wastes the opportunity. In a way, she is part of the problem and furthering the evil agenda.

3 years ago

Willfully ignorant. In DA NILE. Guess she didn’t get scared enough of dying, this time.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
3 years ago

An honest Doctor would never allow her to have a repeat injection. It’s basic ethics, or it was.

3 years ago

You cannot fix stupid or crazy; and more importantly YOU CANNOT ARGUE WITH IT.

Masochism is real; and so is insanity.

Everyone has a destiny appointed for them. Probably best not to impede it.

3 years ago

You can’t legislate for stupid.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bob

There’s a vax for it now though

3 years ago

Would the news have ran this story without her saying she would take the jab again? NO! That’s why they ran this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Dee…Insightful…. i am reading/suspecting of big bribes being given to family members to silence their voices, in cases of death/serious permanent injury/harm.

Jenny Werner
3 years ago

stupid woman.. will get the vaccine again…

3 years ago

“I think that what I went through was horrible. I hope no one else ever has to go through that, but I would definitely take the vaccine again.”

If she does she’ll probably die from ADE.

3 years ago

Thank you for this story and site. Your work is a God-send, thank you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
Chris C.
Chris C.
3 years ago

Stupid Sheep Syndrome.

It is said in the Bible, the Smart will inherit the earth after the Stupid are culled.

3 years ago

Is she really that brainwashed. This is crazy.

3 years ago

Did anyone catch how she said absolutely get the *vaccine*? With that valley girl intonation? That was a demonic spirit.

3 years ago

Dimethyl fumarate attenuates experimental autoimmune neuritis through the nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-related factor 2/hemoxygenase-1 pathway by altering the balance of M1/M2 macrophages https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4855950/

It increases the Nrf2 levels in all your cells.

Tom Sullivan
Tom Sullivan
2 years ago

If she is willing to go through all that again, she is certainly one or two sandwiches short of a picnic. Let her bear the consequences of this blatant stupidity.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago

I wonder how Jamie is doing and also whether she took a booster. If anyone has any idea, I’d sure like to know. I’d also like to know how the 2-Moderna-doses-and-then-the-J&J guy is doing, if anyone knows.

Thanks. Hope you’re all well. Happy Mother’s Day.

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