Brad Malagarie: 43-year-old Mississippi man has stroke, paralyzed hours after experimental Johnson & Johnson shot
April 17, 2021

Mr.Brad Malagarie.

D’IBERVILLE, MISSISSIPPI — A 43-year-old father of seven has a “long road to recovery” and may face a new normal for the rest of his life.

Mr. Brad Malagarie received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on Tuesday afternoon, April 6, according to family accounts on Facebook. He left work during lunch at his D’Iberville office to receive the shot. He returned to work to finish out the day.

Co-workers found him slumped over at his desk and unresponsive just three hours later. Mr. Malagarie was rushed to a nearby hospital. Doctors determined he had a stroke caused by a blood clot in the left middle cerebral artery in his brain. Cori Malagarie, Brad’s wife, told KPLC 7 in Lake Charles, Louisiana that her husband cannot talk and is paralyzed on the right side of his body. She said all he can do is look at his family and cry.

Mr. Malagarie is still in critical condition at Ochsner’s Medical Center in New Orleans. Doctors said that Mr. Malagarie will need at least a year of rehabilitation and physical therapy after he leaves the hospital. The family is raising money for his medical expenses.

Johnson & Johnson crimes against humanity

The CDC and FDA mea culpa regarding the J&J (Janssen) shot came too late for Mr. Malagarie and countless others. At least 6.8 million people have received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot before administration was halted. That includes 42,000 people in Mississippi. The J&J shot is essentially the same experimental drug as the AstraZeneca shot that is causing untold thousands of blood clots and deaths in Europe.

The Mississippi State Department of Health released a statement saying it is “saddened” to hear about Mr. Malagarie. The agency then regurgitated talking points given to them by the CDC and NIH.

The Agency is certainly investigating the situation. It is difficult, if not impossible, to assign a cause and effect at this time. It is important to note that strokes are not associated with this vaccine – instead a rare clotting syndrome has been identified.

Ms. Celeste Foster O’Keefe is Brad’s aunt and supervisor at work. She told local news stations that the J&J shot caused her nephew’s stroke. She also has a message for other people considering these experimental shots.

“If you can help one person, you’ve stopped a world of pain for that whole family. Cause maybe it’s only been a handful of people affected, but when it’s your family, it doesn’t feel like a handful,” she said.

Saving one soul at a time

Perhaps it was the CDC and FDA announcement that they recommend pulling the J&J shot. But we got an unusually high number of emails this week from people who changed their minds about experimental COVID-19 shots. Many discovered out websites for the first time, and said they had no idea all this was happening. Media, government and big tech are doing a creepily-fantastic job with their psychological manipulation campaigns.

Everyone has a choice. Unfortunately many must choose between experimental mRNA and viral vectors or their jobs and livelihoods. You must determine what is most important to you. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Brian, I know this one is several months old, but I know at least one of the 42,000 in Mississippi who got J&J during that time period did die.

The mother of a girl who worked in my tutoring program last year died on March 28, 2021. She had taken J&J about a week earlier. They found her in her bedroom in the middle of the day. Apparently, she had gone to retrieve something from her room and just never came out.

It was sad. No autopsy was done, of course, but my friend knew what had killed her mom. She had begged her mom not to get that shot.

It makes me wonder if it was the same batch as Mr. Malagarie’s. We only live about an hour and a half north of him.

I’m not the type to partake in anything from Big Pharma, and at that time, I had been reading on and off about how dangerous the shots were. I never intended to get injected with them, and this lady’s death certainly confirmed that the “conspiracy theories” I had been reading about were more than just theories.

I also forbade my own parents from taking them. I told them I would write my own self outta the will if they did. Thankfully, they very much trust my knowledge and judgement, so they won’t go near them.

Since then, I’ve known several, several who have suffered injection injuries, including my best friend’s husband, who now has myocarditis. All confirmed by a cardiologist who asked “So WHEN did you get your vaccines?”

Thank you for the work you do to shine a light on darkness. ♥️

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