Bill Branch: 70-year-old Tennessee painter tells the non-vaccinated “get the vaccine, not dewormer,” dead 10 weeks after Moderna mRNA booster injection
January 25, 2022

Mr. Bill Branch.

MEMPHIS — A 70-year-old watercolor painter and retired museum curator is dead, in yet another story of an unnecessarily-obnoxious LGBT vaxx zealot dying after months of virtue signaling.

Mr. William “Bill” Lee Branch received his first Moderna mRNA injection on February 26, according to his Facebook page. Several of his friends congratulated him, and said they were happy for him. One friend said that they still cannot socialize until after the second injection, per Fauci’s orders.

He immediately announced that his second dose was scheduled for March 31.

But Mr. Branch had a lot to share in the meantime. He described himself as an “avid Christian” who attended The Church of the Holy Communion Episcopal Church in Memphis. He also sang in the choir at St. Mary Episcopal Cathedral. He frequently posted images like the following.

Mr. Branch posted a photo on March 15 of he and his male spouse getting married at a church.

He was so excited about his second Moderna injection, he announced a preview the night before.

In announcing receipt of his second Moderna injection on March 31, Mr. Branch asked rhetorically, “when does the 5G start working and what is the password to get into the microchip?”

The next day, April 1, Mr. Branch reported no adverse effects except for a slightly sore arm.

Virtue signaling run amok

Some of the images Mr. Branch posted were disturbing. We’ll only be publishing this one from April 1 which is a microcosm of many others.

Mr. Branch celebrated “full immunity” on April 14, two weeks after his second injection.

Mr. Branch disliked Donald Trump. He also, like many of his brethren, believed the common fallacy that Trump is against the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

RELATED: 5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House (November 30, 2021)


He posted an image on April 28 promoting both masks and the injections.

But the vaxx virtue signaling really picked up in the summer. Mr. Branch is apparently a researcher for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

More mask and “social distancing” virtue signaling came on July 15.

An August 4 post insinuates that the non-vaccinated are stupid.

Mr. Branch then insulted Senator Rand Paul, R-Kentucky.

Mr. Branch promoted this obituary of a man who allegedly died of COVID-19 in 2020.

Then he wrote that “anti-vaxxers and Trumpanzees” should have the vaccine, not “dewormer” on August 23.

Mr. Branch implied on September 15 that kids today should get mRNA injections because kids got polio vaccines in 1954.

Booster, illness and death

Mr. Branch went to a Kroger pharmacy and asked about Moderna booster shots on October 21. They told him to come back in a week.

It was actually two weeks later when he received his Moderna mRNA booster injection on November 5.

Mr. Branch turned 70 years old on November 30. He expressed gratefulness for everything he’s seen and experienced in his time on Earth. “I hope there are many more years for me and you,” he said.

Mr. Branch wrote on December 12, “I have been sick for quite a while.” But he kept to himself until this day. Mr. Branch provided no further details, and simply asked for prayers.

Mr. Branch posted another update about his health on December 21. He’d “been sick for two months,” pretty much ever since he received the booster. He almost blamed COVID-19 before revealing he’s getting an ultrasound and colonoscopy in the coming days.

His next update came on January 4. Mr. Branch was getting “11 pounds of fluid drained from his abdomen” that had been there since December 8. He said the fluid came from his liver. Mr. Branch was also having an echocardiogram the same day. It is essentially a test for pericarditis, myocarditis and other heart issues.

The last Facebook post from Mr. Branch came on January 5 from Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis. He simply reported that the fluid removal was successful and not too painful. Several of his friends asked for updates on his health in the comments. But there was no further communication from Mr. Branch.

He passed away at his home on January 20. Funeral services are at Calgary Episcopal Church this Saturday, January 29.

Why are LGBT like this?

Mr. Richard Rowe is the LGBT man who told so-called anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a shit about you.” He died on October 29, seven weeks after his second Moderna injection. Mr. Jason Maurer is the infamous LGBT bartender who told the world “shut up and get your vaccines.” He died on June 5, five weeks after his second Moderna injection. Mr. Eric Turner is the LGBT bodybuilder who hoped Ivermectin “weed[ed] out idiots.” He suffered a coronary artery dissection six months after his second mRNA injection. And the list goes on.

The harsh truth is that LGBT is innately propaganda. Thus the adherents have the strongest receptors, if you will, for accepting and living by COVID-19 and “vaccine” propaganda. Mr. Branch and all of his friends literally view Fauci as some sort of god. Masks and fearmongering are considered patriotic for this bunch. It’s not like this blogger seeks out virtue signaling homosexuals to pick on them. There’s simply an established positive correlation with vaxx zealotry and homosexual culture. As we’ve pointed out numerous times, 92% of self-identified LGBT Americans are vaccinated.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)


Granted this blogger does not watch television and knows very little about pop culture since the mid-2000s. But the most visible LGBT people known to this blogger – Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Elton John, etc. – are all vaxx zealots. At some point, it just is what it is.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

I’m a conservative gay man. You probably won’t approve this comment.

I can tell you for sure that well over 90 percent of gay people are members of the Covidian cult. I am not a member, never will be.

The reason why so many gay people are pro masks and pro vax is because of what we went through with the AIDS “epidemic” and Fauci became a saint-like figure to the gay community.

I am more at home these days interacting with conservative straight people. The gay community has been totally taken over by political correctness, which I abhor.

If you’re gay and tell another gay person that you voted for Trump, you will be rejected and ostracized. Nine times out of ten. Trump is not anti-gay. But he’s pro-vax, so I no longer support him.

I regularly read this blog and agree with everything you say–except for your antipathy for homosexuality. I have written to you before about this, it’s not worth debating. We will never agree about it.

But I continue to enjoy your blog.


2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

Hi Thomas, Great comment. I am bisexual and my brother is gay and I’d say we both fit into the same general category as yourself. I wouldn’t classify myself as conservative but I’d definitely say that, overall, the LGBTQ community is complying with this agenda no questions asked. It’s sad and frustrating to see so many people relinquish their rights so easily.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

“I am bisexual and my brother is gay”

WTF. The family was that dysfunctional ?.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

The LGBTQ community needs to get out of the liberal hive-mind. So many in the LGBTQ are ready to censor and shut down those they don’t agree with. Don’t they get they have fought that fight, and are turning into what they’ve fought against? Close minded people who don’t allow anyone to think different than they do.

2 years ago
Reply to  jen

Yes. I agree with this. I don’t believe the LGBTQ community is seeing what you state.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

I agree. But Fauci does not merit any praise. He was awful for AIDS responses. He has always been on the side of big pharma. He is only consistent with injury and death with any project he’s part of. Any zealot of the branch Covidians deserves everything they get. No sympathy.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

He also tried to convince the public that you could catch AIDS by casual contact. The video interview is on the internet. The man is pure evil and IMHO, no better than Goebbels.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

I appreciate your comment, and your insights.

I’ve had a variety of gay friends in and after high school. Without fail, although I hate to stereotype, all were very bright, talented, rolling-in-the-aisles funny, snappy dressers, with an impeccable eye for interior decor – true story.

I read my first alt-book critique of the AIDS crisis in 1989, and even then, many physicians were already onto Fauci with how the AZT thingy was shaping-up.

Was a firefighter in the late 80’s, early 90’s, and occasionally heard stories of a brother that got exposed in the field, was prescribed ‘prophylactic’ AZT until testing could confirm a negative a month or so later.

The one thing I remember is that it made them sick as a dog.

All of the above in mind, I had trouble rationalizing why so many gay people I met were behind him Fauci 100% – still do to this day.

Given that the media surrounding AIDS back then was like Covid on steroids for a good 10 years, I can only wonder, was it Stockholm Syndrome?

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

I agree with you about Trump Thomas. I also no longer support him. He talks about these shots like they’re the greatest thing. He is after all, the founder of “Operation Warp Speed”. He lies when he says only the unvaxxed are in the hospital and the shot is safe. I know someone who was vaxxed, got covid and went to the hospital (and now he’s dead and his funeral is Friday).

2 years ago
Reply to  Sandy

Trump literally lied every single day…because that’s what Jesuit Talmudic Zionist Freemasonic Luciferians do. Those many Cult 45 MAGA Kool-Aide drinkers that have not woken up yet..were never meant to wake up…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

I agree. They are looking for a savior in all the wrong places……including government. At this point, all we will get is just one jerk after another. I’m letting my voter card expire.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sandy

My understanding is there’s not a single mention of what type of vaccine would be developed in the original text of Operation Warp Speed. This was simply a broadly stated initiative to bolster vaccination development. Definitely not a word about mRNA.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

Fauci killed 10’s of thousands of gay men with AZT. Why would they look at him as a saint? He exterminated them with a 1960’s chemotherapy drug that was shelved due to its toxicity. Remdesivir is straight out of the old 1980’s AZT Fauci playbook.

Lisa Denney
Lisa Denney
2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

He also killed many foster babies with AIDS testing AZT, mostly not symptomatic and mostly black babies. The man is Satan himself.

Michael P
Michael P
2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

It was Fauci who slaughtered gays with AZT

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

It surprises me that Fauci could be a “saint-like figure” to the gay community. When it was already an established fact that HIV was blood borne, Fauci was insisting that it was air borne. It was he who made it impossible for people (mostly homosexual men who were also IV-drug users) to try drugs that were being tried in other countries. Fauci was the villain in Dallas Buyers Club and he’s still a villain today. On This Week, in a chat with Martha Raddatz, he said, “We may need to boost again; that’s entirely conceivable, but before we make that decision about yet again another boost, we want to determine clearly what the durability of protection is of that regular boost, that 3rd shot that we’re talking about.”

Want to determine clearly what the durability of protection is of the 3rd shot?! Is he kidding? Can he not know that if the 1st and 2nd doses furnished not only waning antibodies but also waning immunity? Does he think that humoral immunity is the be all and end all?! How can he not know that cell mediated immunity is infinitely superior to humoral immunity? Could it be that he knows that T-cell immunity persists long after the antibodies have waned and chooses to withhold that information from the public? If the gay community can see such a troll as a “saint-like figure,” then they NEED to be spat upon as the dumbest freaks on the planet.

Don McCullen
Don McCullen
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Fauci is not just a icon in the LGBTQ, but the overall progressive cult…and Fauci declarered himself to be a Humanist. Humanism and the LGBTQ is just part of the Progressive mind set.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

“The reason why so many gay people are pro masks and pro vax is because of what we went through with the AIDS “epidemic” and Fauci became a saint-like figure…”

So you canonized your executioner? Your lifestyle is unholy and weird. You can still be viewed as a human being in my eyes. But adoring your killer, along with vaxx worship and sexual perversion…I cannot relate to you or anyone with this kind of mindset. The combination makes you not human, but a controlled robot.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

I think the gays likely detect Fauci is one of them, downlow, but same sex attracted nonetheless.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

I think there is a weird dynamic at play within the gay community that promotes a persecution complex. See all the many incidents of persecution like Jussie Smollett. There is something perverse how they seem to get off on the shots and also masking up. The whole macabre theatre of it. Not just the gay community but many others as well. The people who adhere to it definitely break down into specific groups. As a government employee we are well over 90%. Our number includes many gays and Catholic.
I believe many Catholics want to be martyrs. They want to believe in a greater good, that government exists for good. There us so much propaganda being used on thes different groups.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

Why “St. Fauci”? He killed many gays by AZT.

2 years ago
Reply to  PGK

 They want to believe in a greater good, that government exists for good. There us so much propaganda being used on thes different groups.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

Kudos to you for not being a member of the Covidian cult. You are definitely correct, most gays are getting the jab and most gays just love Anthony Fauci, the man that killed the gay community of the 1980s/90s with his AZT. How do you explain that? I do not approve of your lifestyle, but neither do I believe that a weasel like Fauci has the right to exterminate gays by using them as guinea pigs. I’d really do some soul searching if I were you, because those other gays will not believe you if you tell them the truth about Fauci the murderer.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

AIDS was man made, by none other than Fauci. Look at the complexity of it, nothing even close exists in nature.

2 years ago
Reply to  Truthbknown

Yep, Fauci is just another Gates. All about de-population (and like Hitler’s Josef Mengele–he loves to experiment on and torture other human beings). He’s getting old though, so hopefully soon he will join Mengele in the lower pits!!!

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Sandy

I think Fauci used the gay community as an experiment in genocide. There were diseases that were real that collectively became known as AIDS. The deadly drug AZT helped enforce the idea that there was a killer virus sexually transmitted. The exact scenario that is playing out now with the vax con.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sandy

More than 15 years ago people were saying George Soros was old and wouldn’t be a problem for much longer. Yet here he is currently worse than ever. For all we know Fauci could live to 90, 95, even longer.

Jim Davies
Jim Davies
2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

One would think the gay community would a bit more informed about who Fauci really is and his role in the AZT massacre, where aids was blamed for the death of healthy, asymptomatic people who were naive enough to take the drug.

Sound familiar?

Deanna Tullison
Deanna Tullison
2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

WOOOOO WEEEEEEEEE YOU DON’T SAY???? Very interesting to hear you say that…..glad you telling it!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

Unbelievable that faucci is a saint like figure in the gay community. They obviously don’t know the truth about how faucci shut down medications that saved the lives of those who were suffering from AIDS related pneumonia. He did the same with covid.

I don’t think Trump is perfect. He should have stuck with his gut about HCQ after it saved his life. At least he’s always been against mandates. If he ends up a canidate, and no other republican is running that can do better, we have to stand with him. The Democrats are absolutely destroying this country.

2 years ago
Reply to  jen

Most of the Republicans are going along with them – at least when really needed. The Republicans are two-faced – they say one thing to their constituents but then go along with the NWO/UN agenda. There’s only very few who are no traitorous to the people.

Don McCullen
Don McCullen
2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

Look at all the responses that have been made. This blog is about the faulty product called COVID Vaccines and not the LGBTQ par-say. The blogger is just pointing out the consistency with several different gay men who have all virtue signaled, and obeyed the State’s Decree to get vaccinated, and based those who did not go along or did but not part of the Democratic Party Progressive Leftist hive think.. Now all of them are now taking the dirt nap likely because of the vaxx.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

“I’m a conservative gay man”

Does that mean you have sex only with one guy at a time ?.

2 years ago

Maybe I should introduce myself as “hetro” every time I comment…just in case everyone is curious. Not!

At least he didn’t bore us with his pronouns.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

That really doesn’t explain why Fauci was worshipped way back then though. Honestly I’ve known only a couple gay men but man they looooved CNN. They watched CNN like they were watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Btw have you ever looked into immune-suppressing poppers causing AIDS? They were heavily used by gays at the time, marketed exclusively to gays, and sold by the same company that made AZT later on.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

I take everything with a grain of salt. I know Trump has been positive about this Covid vaccine stuff, and I can’t figure out why. We all experience things differently, maybe he is just doing it to avoid another conflict who knows. What I will say though makes all the difference to me, Trump is not the mandate guy. He realizes this is a personal choice, and I don’t see him ever forcing this experimental procedure on anyone. That is what makes the difference to me. Good to meet you, be well.

2 years ago

Karma. Seen this many times now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

All these people with virtue signaling and bashing unvaccinated .. I don’t feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for those that were forced or tricked into. But politicians, news anchors, others that push the vaccination agenda and wish all kind of things to the unvaccinated… ups vaya con your Master

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Agreed, I would be outraged on their behalf – but as they’ve spent the last two years blaming ME for the problems out there, my capacity for empathy has worn a little thin – same goes for family for that matter.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

One less homo pushing their perversion and flaunting their degradation before society.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Those “pregnancy pictures” were shockingly perverted. And total disconnect from the fact that it’s not a baby, never can be a baby, you are a guy etc. But it is a gut – fat and unhealthy. Gross and disturbing. No wonder they fell for the “vaxx”. 😝

2 years ago

Once again thanks so much for the work and research you put in. There are lots of people like Bill Branch who will continue to face the consequences of their ignorance and arrogance. My housemate is one of them who has developed heart issues this month after getting the booster last month. This housemate tried so hard to convince me to vaccinate but i stood my ground. Now they’re on anxiety medication, Aspirin and another chest pain medication. 3 in total so far. The consequences of Covid vaccination and boosters are inevitable. A Real health crisis awaits us in the future.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

Good on you, Yeezy, for standing your ground. You are clearly an intelligent person of sound mind, and that the fact that your housemate is on countless medications and medically screwed just confirms your actions. No vaxx for you.

Looks like no one can and ever will convince you to take the poison.

And you are right about he future consequences society will face with these vaccines. Some people think that because they haven’t got inquired from the vaccine that they will be fine and will keep on taking boosters. Even if they don’t take a booster many years down the line they will be screwed.

In fact I was reading an article online about a young woman who took the swine flu vaccine back in 2009 and 10 years down the line suffered from narcolepsy. She filed a case against the irish government and got it settled. So it shows you that 10 years down the line from now the amount of people suffering from these vaccines is going to be insane and we won’t be prepared for it. All us purebloods can do is say no and look after ourselves.

The meek shall indeed inherit the earth.

God bless you, friend.

2 years ago

What is it with these vax cultists???
They just can’t stop posting about death drugs……..take it if you want but leave everybody else alone.
Well, he won’t be bothering anybody now will he.

2 years ago
Reply to  turpin

I was just saying this to myself before I saw your post. It seems like many who boast about this so-called Vax are the ones who are ending up dying from it later on. Just shut up about taking it and leave the rest of us alone. This has become a Covid Vaccine Cult. You are in if you take it and follow their false teachings but Shunned if you depart from their wicked ways and use your God given brain to say “NO”.

Lisa Denney
Lisa Denney
2 years ago
Reply to  Donna

Oh my gosh, you are so right. After hundreds of hours of research I have observed the same thing. Every time I see somebody pushing the poison I fear for their lives. When I used to be on FB I would constantly see the poison shot post followed by the funeral. Very creepy but true.

Mrs One
Mrs One
2 years ago

It also has to do with whom communism appeals too.
The dregs of society. These are the Darwinian losers. The fat. The ugly. The mentally deranged. Now, for the first time in their lives, they, as a collective get to openly attack all that is natural, good and healthy. In other words, they were given a taste of POWER, and they like it!

Further proving the point that those who seek power are the least suited for it, and the left’s recent tactic (simmer down righty’s they ain’t no better) of winning power is to “come in peace.”

Meaning, you peacefully stay there while they step on your throat, or you’re a hater.
So it’s literally a collection of “garbage pail kids” getting to scream at “Barbie” and liking it.

Thus communism in a nut shell!

2 years ago

Medicine is an Art with a Sciency Veneer

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I wouldn’t even call this ‘art’, the practioners don’t get a say, just follow the pharma symptom=this drug guide.

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

Rite? Replace them with software.

2 years ago

Our trust in doctors, science, and pharmaceutical drugs has come back to destroy us. The Big PHARMA Dragon can be killed by not feeding it. There’s an Ancient Path few find it. Simply because they’re not looking for it. A Drive-Thru lifestyle is more convenient. Each of us need to roll up our sleeves get a little sweaty and reach into the dirt and find the Chai Life. It isn’t purchased with money. The adventure has just begun. A Renewed Era is upon us. If you love animals, your neighbors, growing food, natural remedies created by Abba Father’s design you’ll finally be at home. Tonight is a real Sabbath on the Moon Clock. We can plan and plant by her light cycles. If that sounds crazy to you… I don’t apologize I just wish for your eyes will be opened further.

2 years ago

I don’t know how this guy lasted 70 years with his lack of comprehension and discernment. Let me give just two examples:

Trump is walking, talking, breathing PSA for the vaccines.

And Mr Nagy certainly did not do everything he could do as his obit claims, or he would have shed some of those 300+ pounds it appears he was packing.

AUssie pub` brawler
AUssie pub` brawler
2 years ago

I have lived, experienced, witnessed and learned much
seems like he didn’t ‘learn’ the most important lesson[s], then:
do NOT trust the gov’mt or the ‘corporate’ media….
i think that The Good Book, pretty much, sums it up nicely:
he who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God ;

2 years ago

It’s like watching a modern-day Passover where the people die of their own curses. Pregnant men and his full belly from disease is a sort of perfection that I’m seeing everywhere these days.

It is the frightening force of this perfection that should humble us all.

2 years ago
Reply to  freefall

I’m so glad that you picked that up, this man mocked the natural order of Mother Nature, God… with those foul ‘pregnant’ man photos and he ends up ‘pregnant’ with waste from his growing liver the irony is fascinating.

2 years ago

Watch out for that Fauci Ouchi…you know what they say…3 Strikes and you are outta there…BTW we are not stupid because we do our own research…we don’t prefer to let the False Prophets do our thinking for us while regurgitating government propaganda…Didn’t you read about Eric Turner & Richard Rowe? Guess not…R.I.P.

2 years ago

Looks like ole Bill should have lived in San Francisco. But that’s old news now. hehe

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

“No recommendations. They get me upset.”
You mean like… I recommend you STOP injecting that stuff into yourself, brother! Seriously.
But, too late. RIP

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Typically, I could actually understand and respect the requests not to leave ‘…have you tried…’ advice, but he wasn’t so considerate when chastising and mockingthose who choose not to get injected.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

He should have gotten the de-wormer, not the suicide vax.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Good riddance to him. LGBT is an abomination, a plague upon the world and the two LGBT commenting on here, many of you thumb up in support, when they are not your ally. They are the ones who have poisoned everything good in society, destroyed your countries and 2 entire generations, all the while acting innocent. None of them should be tolerated, its why they are everywhere and in children’s schools. They are also the primary cause of the modern day censorship.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Exactly right. Look back 50 years and besides feminism, the homosexuals have sought to destroy families and the church. Look how they have succeeded. Now they want your children.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

I don’t have something against LGBT people in general as many are wonderful persons and homosexuality existed forever. I was supportive of them fuly (except Church marriage but civilian marriage I supported) till I saw where is going with children, discrimination against Christians and so on.
Homosexuality it is a sin, but we must condemn the sin not the sinners as we are all sinners, Anybody can repent till his/her last breath. Also the most important thing is ”do not harm”. As long as they don’t harm others the sins we have and have repercursions only on us there are ours to handle as we can. I think we all have a Cross to bear and homosexuals have their own, they are born this way and I don’t know why is this so, but it is also God’s will, as nothing can happen unless he allows.

The mistake our society is doing is that it transforms a SIN in a VIRTUE. And then put the SIN out there and parade it and encourage everybody to get into it and also the children which is so wrong.

We are doomed if we put the SIN out there as a VIRTUE.
Gay people are not the problem, many are extraordinary people. They can live as they want but the sin is to encourage, parade and make it look like a virtue. They should not be discriminated or punished for this, but also this is not something that should be out there as a virtue. Here we failed as society, to make this a virtue and this was done by the same Satanist globalists that do all the damage, they encouraged this and financed the ngos and so on and used LBGT as they used others to destroy us all, to destroy Faith, Family unit and so on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

That’s a wonderful post and I am amazed that it had two downvotes and zero upvotes by the time I read it. There are many very confused people here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

I agree with you in a certain way. No wonder you got negative thumbs. We have a lot of ‘holy pharisees’ running around, itchy to start another ‘catholic reformation’.

The way I see it : what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, is none of my business. But when they start defiantly and arrogantely waving their flag under everybody’s nose and under children’s nose, that’s when my indifference stops.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
2 years ago

Funny you should mention Elton John in the last paragraph. He’s had to cancel the North American leg of his 2022 farewell tour because, wait for it…he’s tested positive for the ‘Rona. Fully vaxxed and still contagious.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sin Nombre
2 years ago

The “shot” is starting to take-on the role like that island tribal virgin that the village witch doctor told her she needs to jump off the cliff to judge her character – if she lived she’s pure, if she dies she’s not. Wow, what’s in these things? Maybe they are “connected” to the other side?

Don McCullen
Don McCullen
2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Sadly you are right. Its just Science has become the new pagan religion.

2 years ago

Not a huge loss to society.


2 years ago

It’s startling to read the hubris of this man’s posts, belittling people who wish to exercise caution around accepting an experimental drug, which in many cases is being forced on them, and then to note the change in tone when his own life – the only life he ever had the right to make any pronouncements about – began to be threatened. I wish people would drop virtue signalling asap; it is extremely unbecoming.

2 years ago

Psalms 1:1
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” This now dead LGBT scoffer most definitely sat in the seat of the scornful. Bon Voyage, Mr Booster Man.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago

I find it ironic that he posted that pregnancy picture, and then shortly afterward had 11 lbs of fluid drained from his distended abdomen.

You would think that at such an old age, he would be much wiser.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

Excellent observation. So ironic

2 years ago

The photo he posted of the gay sheep leading Jesus is in-suiting the gay sheep knows better than Jesus???? wow

2 years ago
Reply to  Norman

Yes, I thought that little cartoon was particularly disgusting. That fake rainbow sheep leading Jesus by the hand is an insult to lambs and sheep everywhere.

2 years ago

He’s going to be the one that needs the dewormer now. Cause he’s going to be covered in them, while rotting in his coffin.


2 years ago
Reply to  Des

I should NOT have LOLed at that.

2 years ago

I am so sick of the vaxxed blaming the unvaxxed for their vaxs not working. That makes no sense. If I eat a whole bowl of sugar are you going into a diabetic coma? If I don’t drink any liquids do you get dehydrated? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

Why are you trying to use logic? Is not about logic or health, is a mass psychosis, similar with what Germans suffered in the WW2. When they woke up couldn’t understand what happened and what they allowed to happen or participated in. Is the same mechanism.
And now with Mass Media and all the screen time etc it was easier to send through waves the hidden messages, or to ”open” people’s mind so that they inject the propaganda, probably the hidden messages were something as: believe, this is the only truth, you will be safe with us etc etc… variations.
So no argument will prevail for these brainwashed people till the magic veil is lifted and they get out of the spell

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

My grandmother from Germany said that no one really knew what was happening during WWII. I believe her because she was a good Christian. This isn’t mass psychosis, it’s mass psychopathy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Look up monika schaefer

Don McCullen
Don McCullen
2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

They stand by the vaxx. Even if does not work, they can use for other purposes. God help us if they are using the vaccines as a population control tool. If so, then all roads lead to government approved murder.

2 years ago

Live by the Vax, die by the Vax it seems. You kbow at no point did he ever consider the vaccine had poisoned him. He’s in a cult and there no room questioning there.

Don McCullen
Don McCullen
2 years ago

It is not just the LGBTQ that loves Fauci. The whole Progressive Marxist left loves the guy. I hear the same crap from the Big A Atheist Marxist Humanists. They got vaxxed themselves and have a love affair with the Syringe themselves.

Last edited 2 years ago by Don McCullen
2 years ago
Reply to  Don McCullen

Yes. In my country all progressists and atheists praise the shots and parade their cards and make noise and bad jokes and call al,l sort of names for unvaxxed. They call us stupid, cave mens, stupid medieval believers – for the progressists in my country the Faithful people are stupid and brainwashed etc etc – and so on.
They were so happy when there were imposed restrictions to un vaxxed people and also when other countries did!
But here many intelectuals are totally against vax yet these vx cheerers keep saying that only stupid people dont get the vax they are such bullies.

Yet majority is against vax here, even many that took a dose because they were pushed and forced with restrictions. Yet these people will not take the boosters they are now done!

Booster was taken by the progressist and started bragging about and now many diea or have health issues. A Senator died last week at 46 years old a progressists that was pushing vax.

Also David Sassoli, President of European Parliament that came to my country in December 21 to tell politicians they must adopt in Parliament the Digital Certificate died of … a long illeness… yeah, he was cruisising around Europe and then died two weeks later and it was illeness, he was boosted and supported the vax fully. We were outraged he dared to come to us and tell us we must vaccinate children and so on, he got many curses from the people. Who was him to come tell us we must increase the vaccination rate? But now he died. And more bullies and opressors will.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maria
2 years ago

These sheep, perfectly adapted to this stupid society, always have nice, smiling pictures of themselves, yet they crave coercion, mocking those their TV points them to mock…

They are evil. Thus, they must hide their true face.

2 years ago
Reply to  thomas

people are neither good nor evil; and being sinners, neither do we get the luxury of judging others.

2 years ago
Reply to  anhouldt_gern

I don’t even judge them, i’m .. angry. But i could forgive them. That’s what i think, when i think about God, i simply say “yes i hate them, but yeah ok, i won’t seek revenge”
There are some who are really evil : Fauci and co.

Last edited 2 years ago by thomas
2 years ago

That lot number of the first jab, if I’m reading “how bad dot info” correctly, was one of the worse ones. They are all dangerous, but some seem planned with God knows what inside them by lot number – as an experiment.

2 years ago

Pray for me if you can because I am beginning to wish horrible outcomes on the vaxxed. I am so frustrated with all of them!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Let them die in peace

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Pray for them to wake up to the truth, otherwise do not think of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Any vax cultist who wishes death or harm to unvaxxed people deserves whatever happens to them. This isn’t a game, they are helping evil scum take our freedoms and destroy our health. The only “vaxxed” people I have sympathy for are those who believe in freedom of choice for others.

2 years ago

Another LGBTQ liberal lunatic dead from the vaxx. When will that community wake up, and realize they are being wiped out by these Covid jabs? They seem to be the biggest supporters of the Covid jab.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

Since most of the LGBT community are already deceived into believing they are not sexual deviants, degenerates, and perverts; you can easily see how they can be convinced that the “vaccine” will save them. While I would rather people live long enough to see the errors of their ways and to have that moment of contrition before Christ, not all will do that. This person is receiving the penalty he earned in both his words and deeds of his life, and for that I’m sorry, when it didn’t have to be so. His choice to chose the pleasures of the flesh and to walk in the iniquity of his own hearts’ desires is what has cost him an eternity of pain and sorrow. Wake up people, the “vaccine” will not save you, and if you embrace the abominations, those acts will condemn you.

David Riney
David Riney
2 years ago

Wow, Reading of the unfortunate end of these obnoxious LG people is hard to put into words. We start to see a pattern and of course we know the ending. It begins by the usual dancing on the grave of yet to die unvaxxed. It proceeds thru a series of admonitions like a sort of ceremony for the condemned. But then the tweets turn sour. And worries and trouble seem to appear. We, the targeted group, sense this problem person has a problem!!

2 years ago

LGBT – Let’s Go Brandon Time

2 years ago
Reply to  Vaxxinicide

G.L.A.M. !!!!

Gay lives also matter. It’s fabulous!

Capt. Larsen
Capt. Larsen
2 years ago

He participated in the LGBT mafia’s “We are coming for your children” music video.

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