Hank Green: 43-year-old social media influencer who inspired millions of fans to get the injections, diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma

May 26, 2023

UPDATE June 23, 2023 – Mr. Green is losing his hair due to chemotherapy.

This video was posted today. He’s also now talking a lot (rationalizing) about five and 10-year survival rates for Hodgkin lymphoma. We’ll keep updating.




MISSOULA, MONTANA — “Cancer mystery as cases rise among younger people around the world.” That is the headline of a March 29, 2023 article published at NewScientist.com. Every #ABV excuse in the book is posited as the reason for this phenomenon. Other mainstream media articles about the cancer spikes (no pun intended) cite statistics only from 2000 to 2019, in order to deflect, distract and create subterfuges around what’s really happening since 2021.

We’re all going to die someday. We could get shot, stabbed, in a car accident, etc. tomorrow. If you’re obese, diabetic, and eat McDonald’s everyday, there’s an increased chance for spontaneous heart disease that kills you sooner than normal. But the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause people to drop dead or die in their sleep “suddenly and unexpectedly.” There’s no denying this fact.

The other common cause of death among vaxxed people since 2021 is hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancer. Social media influencers seem particularly prone to this paradox, especially when they use their platforms as marketing tools for Pfizer and Moderna.

RELATED: Technoblade: popular 23-year-old YouTuber announces he has cancer, tells 11 million fans to get vaccinated, dies 10 months later (July 1, 2022)


Mr. William Henry Green II, aka Hank Green, was born in Alabama, but raised in Orlando, Florida. He has a master’s degree in environmental studies from the University of Montana. He, his wife and son live in Missoula (Montana) today. Mainstream media gave him press in the early 2000s for some of his early websites. He wrote for several mainstream publications thereafter, including National Geographic, The Weather Channel and the New York Times. He is also the author of two books.

Mr. Green, 43, and his older brother John Green, 45, launched the YouTube channel VlogBrothers on January 1, 2007. The channel has 3.6 million subscribers and 940 million total views as of publishing. This blogger will not pretend to know everything about Mr. Green’s content. But the two brothers “celebrate nerdiness, education, science, and imagining others complexly,” according to the Christian Today blog.

The most-watched video on the channel (16 million views) was published on January 3, 2009 – and it’s about giraffe mating.

In fact, four of the top 8 most-watched videos on the channel are about giraffe mating.

RELATED: Frank Harrington Jr: 44-year-old father of four diagnosed with aggressive post-injection brain cancer, dies three weeks later (May 3, 2022)


VlogBrothers spawned several other channels and millions more subscribers. Their fan base is called “Nerdfighters” and collectively “Nerdfighteria.” Mr. Green has a huge audience in addition to YouTube, with 1.3 million Instagram followers, 7.5 million TikTok followers, 1.5 million Twitter followers, and another 394,000 on Facebook.

Mr. Green’s vaxx zealotry and “trust the science” dispositions started before the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections were even available to the public. The following video, entitled “Would I Take a COVID Vaccine,” was published on November 20, 2020.

As you can imagine, things got Fauci-er from there.

Millions of “Nerdfighters” follow Green’s vaccine lead

Mr. Green is perhaps the most diehard vaxx zealot we’ve covered on The COVID Blog®. He was jonesing for the injections like a heroin addict’s first day of rehab in late 2020 and early 2021. He regurgitated all the common talking points related to the injections, and was/is essentially a marketing channel for Pfizer and Moderna.

Note that Orin is Mr. Green’s six-year-old son. There’s also some sad irony in the following tweets.

RELATED: Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery (May 31, 2021)


Mr. Green finally got his most cherished wish, and received his first two injections, with the second one coming on April 14, 2021.


Mr. Green facilitated a de-facto “pizza john vaccine challenge” with his millions of followers thereafter. Pizza john is a meme embraced by Nerdfighters. Mr. John Green, the brother, grew a mustache in 2009. The fans turned it into a meme; and the Green brothers turned it into a t-shirt marketing campaign and an annual fundraiser for a nonprofit called Partners in Health. The following is the original art done by one of Green’s fans.

The Nerdfighters, in droves, started posting their “I got vaccinated” photos wearing pizza john t-shirts around the same time Mr. Green got his first two injections. There are literally thousands of these across TikTok and Twitter.

RELATED: Dom Busby: 53-year-old BBC sports reporter develops brain tumor, dead 11 weeks after experimental AstraZeneca shot (June 12, 2021)


If Nerdfighters wanted to be in the good graces of Mr. Green, then they needed to be “vaccinated.” He called the non-vaccinated “fucking infuriating.”


We know that Mr. Green is at least triple-vaxxed.



He encouraged all immunocompromised people to receive the injections in November 2021.



Mr. Green has ulcerative colitis and a “family history of colon cancer.”


Despite the foregoing, he got the injections anyway.

RELATED: Krocks in the Kitchen: YouTuber Jessica Krock diagnosed with post-injection Stage III ovarian cancer (July 11, 2022)


The last time he mentioned the word “vaccine” on Twitter was in January, when he blamed #ABV for all the young people suddenly dying across the globe.

“I want to be goofy science guy, not struggling with cancer guy”

We mentioned how giraffe mating videos were four of the top-8 most-popular videos on the VlogBrothers YouTube channel. The average age of those videos is 13 years. But now the fifth-most watched video (as of publishing) on the channel is just one week old – May 19, 2023 publishing date to be exact.

Mr. Green, in the same nonchalant way YouTuber Technoblade announced his condition, told his fans that he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma (some call it Hodgkin’s lymphoma) – cancer of the white blood cells in laymen’s terms. White blood cells are the part of the immune system that fights off bacteria, viruses and other infections.

RELATED: DCIS “breast cancer,” depression drugs are the two biggest medical scams (after so-called COVID-19) in human history, but now exacerbated by the injections (October 27, 2022)


Mr. Green admitted (at the 3:56 mark) that he had several risk factors for Hodgkin lymphoma, including “medications that I have taken.” He did not elaborate further.

Mr. Green also said that he feels zero symptoms whatsoever after the diagnosis. But he then admitted (at the 6:10 mark) that he will get sick and feel a lot of symptoms once the mustard gas therapy (which the medical industrial complex calls “chemotherapy”) commences. He also admitted that he is in fact poisoning himself with mustard gas therapy (at the 6:46 mark). Mr. Green conceded that he’s unlikely to produce regular content for the foreseeable future.

Here is the full video.

RELATED: Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug (April 11, 2022)


He is now dealing with the mental gymnastics that come with somewhat admitting he’s poisoning himself with mustard gas therapy, but still trying to justify it.

The overall prognosis for Hodgkin lymphoma is relatively decent, with a 5-year survival rate around 90% and 80% for 10 years. But this is post-injection Hodgkin lymphoma. We’ll update in due course.

The phenomenon of parasocial relationships

The COVID Blog® often points out how the two tribes in the United States (that make up 80-plus percent of the population) are controlled by their masters.

All the liberal tribe needs is homosexual culture. Give them drag clowns, transgender stuff and Bud Light, and they will quietly and happily follow all orders from the powers-that-be (“TPTB”). The MAGA/right-wing crowd needs idols. Donald Trump is their god incarnate right now. Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk are vying for Jesus status. Ron DeSantis also wants his face on the Last Supper portrait.

Regardless, the right wingers have a parasocial relationship with Trump. They love him unconditionally. He hates them (except for their votes and money). It’s idolatry on steroids and makes no sense to critical thinkers. It’s also human nature at the rawest levels.

Dominique Khonde is called “The Prophet” by millions of [sheepish] people in the Democratic Republic of Congo and surrounding countries. He’s made millions of dollars off his “miracle juice” that he claims cures AIDS, cancer and even brings dead kids back to life. People making $1 per day save their money for weeks and pool their funds to buy and split a $35 bottle of “The Juice,” which is literally lemon juice and gasoline.

The whole situation is quite disturbing and sad.

RELATED: 5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House (November 30, 2021)


The Congolese, due to conditions in the country, can be given the benefit of the doubt. But Mr. Green is said to have a net worth of over $12 million. He also has a master’s degree and thus, is “educated.” Still, he was sheepish enough not only to get the mRNA injections, but promote them to his fan base. And millions of Nerdfighters, presumably most being “semi-educated,” followed this blind person to their own demises. But at least Mr. Green and most vaxx zealots lead their death marches by example. Trump and Khonde manipulate their sheep, and laugh at them from atop their ivory towers.

We could literally do these post-injection cancer stories daily. These people publicly chronicle everything like that’s a normal thing to do. Note that the following woman, Debbie Alford of Brownsville, Texas, has a Ph.D in education.

Whether they drop dead, die in their sleep, or contract hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancers, vaxxed people have significantly shortened their lives because they “trusted the science” and the “science guys.”

This blogger will never wish ill-will on others (except for maybe Bill Gates, his minions and the mainstream media “journalists” who protect them). But Mr. Green has a lot of blood on his hands. If he reads this, and hasn’t started the mustard gas therapy yet, it’d be wise to cut his losses now. He also needs to apologize to his fan base and admit the truth as to why he has cancer. The mRNA injections have already done their thing on him. Exacerbating the situation with mustard gas therapy is unwise.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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Greetings from Spain

Influencers aparentemente inteligentes pero estúpidos en el fondo.
Me gustaría que Brian dedicara un artículo al recientemente fallecido Rashid Buttar si es posible. Son personas como él a quienes debemos seguir como ejemplos y no a influencers que entrenan su cerebro para tener conocimiento pero no entrenan su cerebro para pensar por sí mismos

1 year ago

His tweets about long term effects of vaccines are completely off. Health authorities have no interest in properly tracking vaccine recipients after two months precisely because of what they may (and will) find, not because, to paraphrase Mr. Green, there’s no long term side effects and nothing to track. He believes that because…well it must be, since we don’t track people after two months! I hope he didn’t get too dizzy running around in that circle.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  ThornInSide

I believe there have been no longitudinal studies as the government and pharmaceutical industry have not funded them. However, some number of morticians have reported decedents (whose family said were vaccinated) have blood anomalies like those brown plastic looking clots they have been seeing. This is almost like “The Andromeda Strain” where the victims’ blood turns to powder. There have been almost no autopsies over here on the “sudden and unexpected” either and for the same reason. This is looking like “studied ignorance” to me as they are fearful of what will be found. Some autopsies have taken place in Germany and they do confirm our fears. Also, my theory on those who are passing out on TV (but not dying – yet, anyway) is that they are experiencing “transient ischemic attacks” due to interruption of the blood flow to the brain and this correlates with the “strokes” (CVAs) seen among many. One neurosurgeon seeing the mass of blood clots in the cerebral arteries of a young Italian girl said he had never seen anything like it before. Something is very wrong with this picture. The phrase “big die off” has appeared repeatedly in my dreams lately. This is all very worrisome, especially for those who went for the “safe and effective”. Safe for whom and effective to do just what?

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Safe for the Elites and effective for their depopulation agenda.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

I can’t stand people like him, everything about them is intolerable. He has a lot of blood on his hands and an awful lot to answer for. The fact such people get any kind of following or that anyone with a tiny amount of sense gives them the time of day and listens to them, speaks volumes about how far down the drain humanity is. Also, take notice of the screenshot of followers posting about their vaccines, mostly female, some lgbt pervs, thats what you get when you go by emotion, rather than logic, reason and have little to no discernment. As a kid, I played the game lemmings, in the past 3yrs I have witnessed the real thing playing out worldwide.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I always knew that so many people are dumb……… the convid hoax showed us all just how dumb people are but shocked me as to just how many people are clueless morons…….. all we saw for 3 years was virtue signalling clueless morons……..it was these morons that support fake science like climate change , like pandemics………. it is these morons that are dragging all of us off the cliff with them……… the more of them that expire the better……… they are all failed humans and are now paying the ultimate price for their stupidity………. convid was an IQ test

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Let’s not make this about “females.” Lots of men also got the shots and go crazy over them.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

I specifically referred to the 9 images in the screenshots, all tagging Hank Green, they are mostly female, so my statement is accurate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Look at ads for rooms to rent. Gays seem to always specify vaccinated only. Gays love the vax.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

True that, Gwen. He’s 43 for God’s sake, and a social media influencer, at his age? Isn’t this the realm of young fashionistas? And look at the kids in the photos he is influencing. Where are their parents?

My male boss, a Muslim, who are into respect in their culture and dignity, I was told to done a mask if I get this close to him giving him a telephone message. I was eleven feet away and he was sitting there with a mask on, solely, alone in his office. It was the most pathetic that I’ve seen a man. So ashamed of him I was, I could not even look at him in the eyes. A man, so fearful for his life, a Muslim, so proud, he ran to get his injection at the first available. So fearful for his life he ran out and committed suicide.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

I’m sure many or all of these Nerdfighters would happily support putting the pure blood unvaccinated in Covid Concentration Camps.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

And these people an vote. A perfect example of why democracy is deeply flawed: it’s easily manipulted by the very worst kinds of people through their controlled media, science and education system

1 year ago

Dr. Debster really aged in a short period of time. I notice that with a lot of vaxxed people. The vaxx will be culling the nerdsters big time. Wow! I still can’t believe the cult following of getting these clot shots. This psyops is still unbelievable. So many fell for it. It still blows my mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I noticed that, too. I had to double check that it was the same woman. Those bags under her eyes—wow!

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I met a woman friend a year after her 2nd Sinovac dose. She’d aged by 10 years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I looked like that when I was working around vaxxed people. It too more than a year to look normal.

1 year ago

To be fair, I think Hank Green is too stupid to connect his cancer with the Covid-19 vaccines. I watched his video ‘Would I take a Covid Vaccine?’, I thought either this man was being paid to read a script, or he is just plain stupid. To this day I cannot believe people repeated the claim that these vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ without doing any sort of research beyond the mainstream media. Or claimed these vaccines stopped transmission when there were no studies available to back up this claim. Of course, we now know Pfizer openly admitted there are no studies to back up this claim. The ‘it stops transmission’ claim was just a lie and propaganda for the sheeple. This man has no critical thinking. He cannot think for himself or connect the dots.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri

He is that stupid. And he thinks he is clever. These people are mentally ill and delusional. There’s no helping them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Oh Annie you have made me laugh out loud! ‘Mentally ill and delusional’ is what he is. I shall be using your exact words if a Brit tries to act ‘educated’ around me regarding the killer vaccines!

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri

He comes across as being incredibly immature and stupid. And his followers are the same. So much for being educated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sam

Especially given that the most watched videos we of mating giraffes. Who does that?

1 year ago

Dear Brian,


You at least need to provide a ‘Proof of Life’ check-in once a week.

Some of us get concerned.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I agree! I imagine he is pretty busy. But given the current climate of insanity, I worry that alt media personalities will be shut down or “disappeared” for speaking Truth at this time. The USA will have a Munich Kitchen moment.

We absolutely live in perilous times which reminds me of 1930s Nazi Germany. No one is safe. When these bastards decide to silence their opposition completely, all hell is going to break loose.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kielanders

What I think Kielanders was saying is that we really REALLY appreciate your truthful and diligent reporting, know that you put yourself on the line with TPTB with what you say and don’t want anything bad to happen to you!

So maybe an “I’m Ok” post when you have long publishing gaps might alleviate our concern. You and this site are something special!

1 year ago

Every single one of these infuriating stories has a silver lining; it usually is something like this:

“Mr. Green conceded that he’s unlikely to produce regular content for the forseeable future.”

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

Mr Green having no critical thinking skills and a volunteer representative for Murderna boards the Lucifer Express one way to Valhalla…so long sucker ???? that’s how he should be remembered ????

Linda N
1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

“Murderna boards”. 🙂 I will have to remember that one!

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago

So make videos about giraffes mating, and you get 16 million views?? Humanity really is finished.

1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

I know right,????????????????????????

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago

All their fans have the same eyes, same face, same spirit. Had to deal with these ***** in college, and their relentless perversion of truth. I’m glad karma eventually comes around and puts them in their place.

1 year ago

Here’s something that’s wild. I just saw a job listing at a company called Complexly. When I hit the ‘About Us’ section on the company’s website, Hank Green’s pic was the first one that popped up as he’s the co-founder. Thank you, next! Not gonna work with and for a bunch of injection zealots!

I owe you one, Brian!

1 year ago

Imagine being this stupid.

1 year ago

My girlfriend’s mom was diagnosed with Lymphoma in 2019. She went through chemo, and it went in to remission. However by 2021, the medical facilities in NY and Boston required her to take the “vaccine” in order to make her appointments. Reluctantly, she took it. Her cancer came roaring back and she also now has cancer in the upper arm at the injection site. Last week, she had a very bad case of shingles. The jab gave her turbo cancer. Ive talked to my girlfriend about that. She is also PureBlood thankfully, however she does not want to talk to her mom about it, now because it would upset her. The poor lady had no choice. Either continue your medical treatment and get jabbed (and get cancer back) or do no continue your medical treatment and get no jab. She probably chose wrong, but to people in their 70s, they do whatever they can to try to simply live. The medical establishment in America is pure Evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Thank you. Too many of the purebloods vocally disdain the vaxed, although many of them were forced to take the Big Pharma poison. Personally I was able to escape being jabbed since I’m in my 60’s, don’t work and live in a Purple State. My situation cannot be compared to someone like your gf’s Mom, a desperate parent trapped in a job they must have to house, feed and clothe their children, etc.

When we spar with shxtheads on line screaming that we’re going to kill others because we’re selfish, or ranting about how stupid we are because we don’t trust the science, we aren’t talking to regular citizens just trying to survive the onslaught of corrupt, evil pandemic instigators. We’re dealing with either BigPharma/Government/Media paid soulless hacks, or dangerously irrational victims of fear porn.

1 year ago

It seems to me that the chosen ones are sacrificing themselves for their Judeo Masonic cult and are trying to bring as many as they can get with them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Godom

Yep, another one in the media quietly posing as an American Christian.

1 year ago
Reply to  Godom

I have a theory that some do know the risks bit decide to take it for something else: to be able to inserat their mind into the Machine – AI – meta they create.
I think it would not be possible without matching something, wire the body in order to be able to enter the new matrix they create.
As they are also infatuated and think they are superior they think their body would do ot and are very shocked when they see they are weak beings. Is the reason they are treated like garbage after they succomb. They are usleas now for the Next faze.
That thing will crash they will not be able to make it as many that would be able to made it didn’t took the vax.
Also I advice each and every individual, doesn’t matter of they took the vax or not to refrain from wiring their brain to computers. If they do they will become what is said “people will wish to die but they will not be capabile in doing it”. It is better to go from this body when times come and educate as how to escape this Planet that is also a matrix. Tip: don’t go “into the light” – if there is something that is good for you, it wont come like: you being pushed and give a single choice as soon as you leave this body. Connect with tour higher self and G-od! Stop the reincarnation cicle as this world us coming here to suffer is not what it supposed to be or whatvthey claim it to be

1 year ago

A very useful idiot – there are plenty more just like him in America.

1 year ago

“Mr Green is said to have a net worth over 12 million”

Gee; I wonder how many lies he had to tell to acquire it?
I hope it was worth it…

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

yeah, I was wondering, given his following, if he took the government money allocated to push the jab.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

It’s not worth 2 coppers where he’s going soon…

1 year ago

Delighted he is gone – how many other dumb morons like himself did he convince to take the vaaaaaxxxx – every time i hear another one of these dumbed down soy-boys is dead from the vaaaxxx the world becomes a better place – fake people with fake personalities , pushing utterly pathetic ideas to other dumb fake morons ………… be gone you failed humans

1 year ago
Reply to  toto32

He’s still around, just got diagnosed. He should drop the ego and let his followers know the injections are likely what caused his blood cancer.

Anna T.
1 year ago

I think the Green genius needs another booster. That will help him!

1 year ago

What you put out there comes back to you 10 fold. Looks like the ‘vaccine’ zealots are reaping what they sowed.

1 year ago

Mr. Green et al never saw a bandwagon in their life they didn’t jump on. And now they are stunned to see that for once, they did not get their reward. What a bunch of no-balls weasels.

The Wolf
The Wolf
1 year ago

His trust in the system is unshakeable. He will go to the grave believing whatever he is told. Sad!

1 year ago

An education doesn’t necessarily equate to intelligence. Especially now when rabid indoctrination usurps the traditional educational itinerary that was once taught in American schools. Reading, writing and arithmetic are archaic subjects of the not-so-distant past. Feelings sans facts are now the levers of control brought about by whipping up of Everest-like mountains of fear and hysteria.

Of course, the Luciferians need their puppets (like Mr. Green) to play the pied piper and lead as many as are willing to their early demise.

1 year ago
Reply to  LoriQ

In my country we have a say: where there is much “book” (like “education”) there is also a lot of stupidness. As that education just grooms people into forget about their intuition, prevents most of the people from using their own critical thinking, judge things with their own mind amd puts lots of limits to keep us all controlled, obedient.
Also, the people that live in rural areas in my country rejected the vaccine. Most of them. Some called them “stupid” “not educated” “medieval” but they are actually very smart and wise. They are like: they never did anything good for us and now they wish us well? And force us for our own good? Comunists did this telling they take our lands and etc for “the good of all” and it wasn’t good for us. When they say “for the good of all” they want to opress us! I don’t trust them, I don’t want it. Reporteră asking them: but… what if you will die? Eeeiii, we all die, but I want to die of my own death not from this vaccine :))).
They are so wise and smart and actually if you speack with them they will ser everything no matter what is about very sinple and they figure it out, their mind is so pure as they work a lot and think about stuffs, using their own mind. Also they – most of them – are very religious.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Hi Maria – My husband and I both grew up in a rural area. We both left for “opportunities” in larger metro areas. However, I believe the rural mindset instilled in both of us kept us grounded amid the insanity of big city life. I agree with you – “they want to op(p)ress us!”. No doubt.

It’s all about control through the usage of the Hegelian Dialetic to bring about their agenda. They create the problem. They wait for our reaction. They have their solution. It seems it won’t benefit the plebian masses.

Take good care, Maria. God Bless…

1 year ago
Reply to  LoriQ

The more highly degreed they are the more likely are to fall for the JWO hoax…the more they learn the less they know…the brain gets smart but the head gets dumb…sorry Hank it’s too late for you..you failed the IQ test miserably…

1 year ago

I wish ILL WILL on all of these Branch Covidian DEMONS and hope they all die soon and in pain!
Meanwhile…Glad you are back.
You had us worried with ZERO NEWS for almost a month.
Take Care,

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

Repent Hank Green, you will meet your maker soon. There is a special place in hell for the likes of you. You are ignorant on a topic and convince others to vax up based of what you watch on TV. You pretend to be an expert be repeating the lies of others. All you you covidians will rot in hell if you influenced others to vax and they die. At least the world will be rid of you soon. My mother too the vax against my wishes because of people like you. No physical illness yes thank God, but there was a noticeable cognitive decline shortly after the vax.

1 year ago

The “highly educated” people are brainwashed. Totally brainwashed. Only those that are in some inner circles are getting another type of education and knowledge.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Education was supposed to train people to be critical thinkers. For the last 20 years it’s simply been to indoctrinate people into a train of thought that is totally devoid of critical thinking or even evidence. Colleges operate more like a cult farm. People go to college with a brain and walk out zombies. The working class people that couldn’t afford college are the ones who avoided the jab. The meek will inherit the earth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

My University recently repealed their vaccine mandate. They made the vaccines no longer required, but only reccomended. So you don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.
In my University’s Discord group, there was outrage from some of the people when the University Administration published the news. Two students and one professor voiced their opinions against repealing the vaccine mandate. They didn’t like it. I’m usually like, “you don’t like it, fine”. But then I thought about it, and I realized that they want the vaccine mandate to be in place. In other words, they want to forcibly inject people. They want to remove people the freedom to opt out of the injections. I thought that these were dangerous individuals. If you want to believe, that’s fine, but don’t force other people, or you become a tyrant.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago

He’s toast. The mRNA-induced cancers are rarely (never?) treatable, not that their slash/burn/poison therapies can be called treatment by any stretch of the imagination.

1 year ago

Don’t worry, for me Hank you’ll always be the ‘pimping out my audience to Big Pharma for bucks’ guy

1 year ago

When I was a kid I don’t recall people this excited to get the Measles jab. Most kids resisted it and cried that they didn’t want it. Seeing grown adults this desperate to get jabbed is seriously weird. These people have no life….and soon it will be literally.

1 year ago

Either you are open to discernment and did not take the pop cull injections or you have no discernment. Hank has no discernment because he does not value it.

1 year ago

I recently watched his latest YouTube interview…it was obvious at the end that he was shitting a brick about his diagnosis…sub consciously he realized that his masters he worshiped didn’t have his back. Hank Green is a low IQ statist moron who got what he deserved…and he knows it. Humanity is better off with lunatic psychopaths like this out of the way…

1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

Yeah. It is gratifying to see when they realize they are not important to tptb. They realize they ARE useful idiots who have served their purpose. And now must be thrown out on the trash heap of life to die. Reap what you sow.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Spot on..Hank Green must really be hating his life…and if he did his homework he would know that he will soon be joining Jeremy Mansfield, Techno Grazor, Physics Girl, and the other epic Sellout, Statist know nothing retard Representatives for Pfizer & Murderna on the Lucifer Express ????

1 year ago

influencers who use their celebrity influence to encourage others get injected, are the worst. Rick Steves on his FB page promised to share your pic if you were sitting there with a needle in your arm. His devotees gleefully shared pics & claims of being injected. I clicked on about 50 of them and discovered 3 had died already. He even pleaded with parents to get their kids injected. I wonder if he got boosters himself. If there is ever appropriate justice, people like him should be ordered by a judge to get full round shots & boosters. In the meantime the non-injected have to watch this unfold.

1 year ago

It’s always fun when one of these vax pushing social media influencers find out that in the future the only think they are likely to be influencing is daisies!

1 year ago

Hank Green is still posting on Facebook…he must know his nerd power won’t save him…but he still pretends that it will…live by the Needle and die by the Needle…

1 year ago

As of today Hank low IQ Green is still posting on Facebook about Cancer and Chemotherapy ward and his many loyal Cult followers are still practicing Stockholm Syndrome, no one makes the connection…just like in 1978 when the Reverend Jim Jones persuaded his followers to drink the Kool aide…Hank Green persuaded his followers to take the Jabaroo clotshot…they are all clueless…I posted this article repeatedly and they all told me no one is interested in the Covid Blog…I told them that the JWO is not interested in keeping them alive…

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