Technoblade: popular 23-year-old YouTuber announces he has cancer, tells 11 million fans to get vaccinated, dies 10 months later
July 1, 2022

Mr. Alexander Marshall Gray-Spight, aka Technoblade.

SAN FRANCISCO — A 23-year-old semi-anonymous YouTube star is dead, after what appears to be another case of cancer exacerbated by the injections.

The subject of this article is known as “Technoblade” on YouTube. It was officially revealed in the last 24 hours that his real first name is Alex. No surname has been officially revealed. But a Technoblade fan and self-identified friend wrote us and said Technoblade’s full name is Alexander Marshall Gray-Spight.

He went to Carlmont High School in Belmont, California, about 25 miles south of downtown San Francisco. He said in a September 2019 video that he dropped out of college to be a full-time YouTuber. Technoblade is a self-described atheist.

He created his YouTube account on October 28, 2013, at age 14. Instead of his face, he uses an animated pig as a profile photo and for all branding.

His channels are huge, with over 11 million YouTube subscribers and 3.7 million Twitter followers. Technoblade’s content is mostly livestreams of a video game called Minecraft.

RELATED: Selina Dagdag: 29-year-old Filipino sports reporter and newlywed has post-injection miscarriage, diagnosed with uterine cancer (May 3, 2022)


This blogger is not going to pretend to know anything about Minecraft. But it is wildly popular among young people. There are no goals or concrete objects of the game. You basically do whatever you want for hours, months and years at a time. Minecraft has been around in some form since 2009. Microsoft purchased the game for $2.5 billion in 2014. Despite having no measurable key performance indicators, Technoblade is frequently recognized as the best or at least top five Minecraft player in the world.

His 987 YouTube videos have been viewed 1.3 billion times as of publishing. He also sells merchandise on his eponymous website, and is said to have a net worth of over $3 million.

Vaccine promotion and cancer

It is unclear when exactly Technoblade received his injections. But another fan wrote us and said the first time they heard Technoblade talk about the mRNA injections (“vaccines”) was in May 2021. That makes sense because he posted a video on June 6, 2021, but then disappeared for nearly three months. His next video was entitled “where I’ve been,” published on August 27, 2021.

Technoblade said that his right arm started to hurt really bad in late July. “I noticed my right shoulder was starting to swell. So on August 2, I went to the doctor and was told I have cancer,” he said, paraphrased. There was a large tumor in his arm. Technoblade announced that he underwent chemotherapy, which he ironically called “poison injected into [my] veins.”

“I was a healthy 22-year-old that never went to the doctor” prior to the sudden cancer diagnosis, he said. But it was his announcement around the 8:30 mark of the video that caught our attention.

“The one favor I do want to ask. If you guys can do one small favor for Technoblade, you know that coronavirus thing that you’ve been hearing in the news for the last couple of years? I want you guys to get rid of it. I want it gone, a couple days should be sufficient for you guys to do that. No, but seriously. 

I’m kinda immuno-compromised right now, which means if a bacteria touches me, or like a virus touches me, I will explode. So yeah, get the vaccine is what I’m saying. I’m going to get cancelled by the anti-vaxxers for saying it. But it’s such a good vaccine, bro. Pfizer got full FDA approval this week for people age 16 and up. I think you can also get it if you’re 11-15. It got emergency approval or whatever.”

RELATED: Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug (April 11, 2022)


Of course the whole “Pfizer is fully approved by the FDA” narrative was/is a complete lie and charade. The Biologics License Application (BLA) was approved for Comirnaty, a brand name for the Pfizer mRNA injections that are still to this day, not available in the United States. In other words, the FDA approved something that the U.S. has no access to. But it sure made for good propaganda in 2021.

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A user in the Technoblade sub-Reddit, which has 215,000 followers, posted this on the same day.

Despite the ominous prognosis, which from all accounts was officially soft tissue sarcoma, Technoblade sounded in good spirits. And his millions of fans, who are mostly kids, immediately obeyed his orders to get the injections and encourage others to do so.

RELATED: Frank Harrington Jr: 44-year-old father of four diagnosed with aggressive post-injection brain cancer, dies three weeks later (May 3, 2022)


His condition progressively worsened. Technoblade reported in December 2021 that he almost had to get his right arm amputated. The chemotherapy and radiation caused the tumor to grow larger. Again, despite the situation, he announced it all while playing video games and joking about it. Ultimately several muscles were removed from his arm, which prevented amputation.

Death announcement by father

Late last night, a video was posted to Technoblade’s YouTube account. It was only his third video posted in 2022. Technoblade’s father, Mr. Marshall Spight, read a prepared message from Technoblade in a video entitled “so long nerds.”

“Hello everyone. Technoblade here. If you’re watching this, I’m dead,” the message said. He revealed that his real name is Alex, and not Dave, as he had told fans in 2016. Technoblade apologized for “selling out” in the last year. He thanked his fans for their support and said his time on YouTube was the happiest days of his life. A very emotional Mr. Spight spoke about Technoblade’s last days and how he contemplated doing a “face reveal” video. But he was ultimately too sick.

Technoblade wrote a few paragraphs that became the following video. He died eight hours after writing it, according to Mr. Spight. The video ends with a note from Technoblade’s mother. She revealed that he had “stage 4 cancer.”

RELATED: Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery (May 31, 2021)


Numerous mainstream media outlets wrote about his death in the last few hours. But Technoblade, aka Alexander Marshall Gray-Spight, actually died on June 10 at his home, according to a now-deleted obituary published by the Redwood City Pulse. The outlet tweeted that they received all the reported information directly from Crippen & Flynn Funeral Chapels. But they deleted it after the family request it. The obituary was published elsewhere as well.

Technoblade also had a profile on He went to the University of Iowa and majored in English and Creative Writing. Technoblade made the Dean’s List in both 2018 and 2019. He is survived by his parents and four siblings.

The post-injection cancer chapter

Most of you know that The COVID Blog™ book is being written as we speak. We’re taking pre-orders for shipments starting on December 15, 2022. This blogger has ghostwritten books for other people. But this will be his first book. An inside-out approach is taken, meaning the most important and complex chapters are written first. Order and flow are done at the end of the process.

RELATED: Dom Busby: 53-year-old BBC sports reporter develops brain tumor, dead 11 weeks after experimental AstraZeneca shot (June 12, 2021)


We are creating a post-injection cancer category on The COVID Blog™. And judging from how things are going right now, at least two chapters in the book will be dedicated to this subject as well.

Technoblade’s condition sounds very similar to another one that we never reported because we couldn’t get more information. But a man named Mike Kopica tweeted a gruesome photo of his mother’s arm after her first mRNA injection. She still received the second injection, had a “seizure from hell,” and died.

Mr. Kopica didn’t specifically say it was cancer. But it sounds like Technoblade’s cancer originated from his injection site, similar to above.

This blogger can’t understand how someone can amass 10 million subscribers without ever revealing their face to their audience. Granted that’s how radio worked pre-1999. But even then, broadcasters made live appearances at malls and what not. Apparently a vast majority of Technoblade’s fans are seeing his face for the first time today. It just shows how this anonymous, detached world of social media and internet have changed the way people, particularly Generation Z, bond and interact with others.

RELATED: Kristen Manwaring: 56-year-old Upstate New York cop gets double vaxxed after dad dies of so-called COVID, has biopsy months later, dies in hospital (April 19, 2022)


Credit must be given where it’s due. Technoblade was loved by millions, and turned a hobby into a career. Unfortunately thousands and perhaps millions of young people followed his lead and orders related to the lethal injections.

Technoblade faced “cancel culture” simply for calling the eight-minute video of George Floyd being killed “murder.” He said he’d stay apolitical thereafter. But that apparently did not include the injections, which are perhaps the most divisive political subject matter in history.

This young man said he enjoyed life and would do it all over again with the same ending. Good for him. But just like others celebrities and semi-celebrities, he chose to use his platform as an advertising arm (no pun intended) for Pfizer. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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2 years ago

I truly believe all big YouTubers are puppets for the agenda. Some might be unaware of pushing the agenda. Again, ignorance is evil because the blind lead the blind and end up falling in a ditch.

I noticed that the only channels that grow on YouTube, don’t really help people to break free from this “reality” spell. All the big channels are either meant to entertain (keep you asleep), educate (to make money), inform/news (brainwash) and more vanity. This includes all the “religious “ channels. If a channel is allowed to grow on YouTube, they are part of the spell.

2 years ago

Amazing how smart he was at making money and how foolish he was when it came to life choices. Some people are the exact opposite…very brilliant; but live as paupers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hmm...

Yep TechnoJabbed was really street smart and now one of the richest men in the cemetery, brought to his fans by Pfizer…

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago

Youtube is owned by (((the powers that be))) and is heavily censored.

2 years ago

Channels with more than 50k and those hundreds of thousands must comply with ytube no matter how much they disagree. The ones in the millions are definite mk-puppets. Ytube is a honey pot. No doubt about it. Even some that got booted off during the last two years and went to extreme lunney bin bitchute and have massed 50k + are speaking all kinds of garbage about Trump being the Savior etc. I have followed this very closely. There is endless misinformation and so called truthers who are manipulated by the enemy. Be careful.

J Far
J Far
2 years ago

There are posters complaining about their sore arms in the COVID19positive forum on reddit today, but they seem oblivious to the possible danger.

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

a coworker who got her two jabs some months ago called off Monday, and ended up being off from work the remainder of this week due to horrible pain in her arm…. and she’s been having ongoing stomach issues starting the week of the first injection.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa aug.

I have never heard of shots before resulting in sore arm on such a massive scale. Fauci claimed to have a sore arm but then was rubbing the wrong arm of where he supposedly got the injection.

Prof. Spudd
Prof. Spudd
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa aug.

Just got “boosted”?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa aug.

You know she will soon be hangin’ with Cook Cuck & TechnoJabbed…there is a zero chance of recovery from the mRNA death shots…

2 years ago

23 years old and a confirmed atheist. That’s why he lived in an alternate reality. Their real life doesn’t hold deeper meaning, a lack of spirituality. I wonder what he truly was thinking in his final moments before he died. Did he realize he encouraged his followers to take a poisonous shot and basically for his own benefit. His immune compromised system. Not much of a life as far as actual living and you can’t take the money with you.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

So am I, and millions of others. Just means we are not brainwashed sheep believing a lie. Maybe the biggest lie on the planet, and caused more harm than any other lie, even the present ones. All your cells die, but you keep on living because primitives from thousands of years ago said so – as does the ruling class of all capitalist societies. WAKE UP!

Frank S.
Frank S.
2 years ago

The End Times is the worst time to be a professed atheist. I have a son with that same idiot attitude. I know Alex knows the truth now that its too late. Hopefully, his “helping millions” reveals itself as turning the ‘lost’ towards The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

2 years ago

My dad got two Moderna shots, Jan & Feb 2021. He still can’t lift his arm up all the way. Had shooting pains down his arms and legs for months. Found an identical report in VAERs of a 79-year old man with the same symptom, also Moderna, but, (as he refused to listen to my countless warnings throughout 2020 on the plandemic), he refuses to believe me on causation today. He goes to physical therapy for the arm. He also got his first rx ever, for statins, shortly after shots. One of his lot #’s is associated with 26 serious adverse events in VAERs. I would consider no longer being able to fully extend your arm a pretty serious adverse event. But it’s not reported. I also know a college roommate’s mom who passed after her heart “just stopped suddenly”, and zero connection to shots acknowledged by the family. And two older women diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer out of no where, one of which is pulling out of it and the other has been given a 2 week-2 month prognosis.

VAERs is easily accounting for just 1% of total death/injury. Probably less.

2 years ago
Reply to  TD M

The position of the injection alone could do harm to mobility. I wonder if it could be SIRVA – shoulder injury from vaccine administration? The shot enters the shoulder, rather than the deltoid, causing injury. I believe I got it after one of my old flu shots (LOL, but I know better now), and it has made raising my arm difficult.

Maybe your dad would acknowledge this possibility and abstain from future shots. SIRVA is a known vaccine injury. Sadly I do not know how to fix it, but I’m glad your dad is still with us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sandra

Thanks Sandra, SIRVA sounds like at least part of his issue. And yes, he has said he’s not getting a booster. Hah. His partner did, she was quite sick after.

I forgot to include in my original post more unreported serious AE’s in my circle: my boss (former pro soccer player) has an enlarged heart from J&J, now on meds and one of our staff members was hospitalized w/spleen damage & clot in lung shortly after their shot, ultimately leaving work, partly b/c he couldn’t handle the physical strain approx 8 months after. An otherwise healthy 36 year old.

Don’t know if I’m an anomaly, but if all of us are connected to this many people with adverse events . . . . feels more like a 50% chance of some level of injury from these shots, with likely more sleeper issues/death to come.

2 years ago
Reply to  TD M

A young man (early 30s) from our church took the shot under coercion (feared for losing his job) and his arm was paralyzed. With physical therapy he has regained some motion but certainly not what he had. He is not sure he will ever be the same or what other side effects may be in his future. It’s all criminal. I do believe the truth will come out someday. I just hope it is sooner rather than later. I love what the blogger says at the end of every post “Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.”

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  TD M

People have suffered less permanent damage from snakebite than these shots.

Prof. Spudd
Prof. Spudd
2 years ago
Reply to  TD M

My elderly father has severe autoimmune disease and one would think would be a sitting duck for Covid. He hasn’t had much luck with pharmaceuticals over the years; he jokes “if there’s a side effect, I’ll get it”. He’s also a staunch Catholic and is one of the under 10% of the elderly population who has remained unvaxxed.

He had Omicron in January. It was very rough on him, but fought it off with the help of horse paste, but after he cleared the infection had a secondary side effect from not taking a different drug while he had Covid for which he needed to be hospitalized for a couple days. He was very tired for a couple months but appears to be more or less back to normal now. No apparent trace of “long Covid”, in other words.

2 years ago
Reply to  Prof. Spudd

That’s excellent news, good on him for not being frightened into having the jibby-jab. The “horse paste” comment made me laugh out loud 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  TD M

A friend of mine can not even hold a toothbrush in his injection arm now. That’s how weak it is. He is scheduled to get surgery on it but I doubt it will help considering the shot is the likely culprit.

2 years ago

Yeah, probably not. My dad had a whole shoulder replacement last Jan and after 6 months of phsyical therapy, the arm is still more or less the same.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

Well, just remember, it could have been worse if he hadn’t taken the vaxx.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

The culture that Technoblade belongs to is supposed to be against things like forced injections. They love movies like the Matrix and believe anarchy is the best form of government. Who would have guessed that the spiritually-minded people, not atheists, would have the greatest resilience of all when faced with Armageddon?

Kim karma
Kim karma
2 years ago
Reply to  Clown World

Apocalypse means the unveiling of ones eyes. The spiritually minded are given discernment that others reject..

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

I think it’s random because my old pastor was telling me about his fun times in Hawaii during the dinner party for my grandpa’s funeral . Including the part where he just had to show them his vaccine pass to get into places . No big deal

2 years ago

I met a nice American guy in Bangkok whose arm went gimpy after the vax injection, at least he didn’t get cancer.

He did regret getting the vaccine : interestingly one of the other peons present starting ranting about the Reset. She was a pissed off Greek teacher.

The world is an interesting place.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

My condolences to Mr. Technoblade and his family.
Hey all I can tell you for certain is that I was 42 years old when this unfortunate kid was born, and I’m still going strong (Pureblood). Healthy as a horse!
On the other hand, all these ridiculous people on YouTube and Reddit seem witless to me, no offense… but the young people seem to feel that ‘Celebrities’ are smart and important, and they must know things so you should listen to them.
I weep for the future. But in fact the future could be okay for (young) Purebloods. After, y’know, the dust settles a little bit…

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

As the American author Robert Heinlein stated many years ago:
“America lost it’s way a long time ago when people decided that entertainers and athletes were important people”.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago

Thank you, Brian, for your sterling investigative reporting. I honestly don’t know how you do this. It’s frightening that people are STILL so blinded and actively encourage others to their doom. It’s so strange how people accept words like ‘media influencer’ at face value – it really has always had a sinister connotation for me.
I’m also saddened at how many people proudly proclaim their anti-God beliefs. There is undeniably a link between unbelievers and their willingness to rush headlong into taking those shots. I accept that this may not be true for some unbelievers, but it is so for the majority. I keep praying for my family.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

G. K. Chesterton said something to the effect if you don’t believe in something you will believe in anything.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.

2 years ago

Neighbors daughter 40s and sister 70s both diagnosed with pancreatic cancer…daughter now has lung cancer 🙁 Both jabbed, non smokers. Seems to be a lot of post jab cancer cases.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

The only thing keeping cancer in check is a well functioning immune system. No one who took these gene-transfer injections will have that.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Hopefully alot of people got saline…including both of my parents 🙁

2 years ago

Now if he told his follows the truth about the jab and to avoid it, he would have gone out with respect.

dun y
dun y
2 years ago
Reply to  Brya

Channel would be deleted for “desinformation”.

The “so long nerds” video made his inheritors between 20k to 230k dollars. He did mention that all of his siblings can now go to college.

2 years ago
Reply to  dun y

So he maimed if not killed hundreds of his followers for few bucks. Pardon my French but he was a rotten kant long before he changed into rotten corpse.

2 years ago

i have no sympathies. why is anyone following a creative writing drop out for medical advice? These people are idiots. He got what he deserved. How many other idiots are going to follow him in death? all who took the suicide serum will be dead very soon. it’s not a joke. good riddance.

2 years ago
Reply to  tony

As Comedian George Carlin once said… ” There are really a lot of very stupid people out there…”

2 years ago

These YouTubers have profited immensely from spewing Government propaganda. As if their original means of making a living wasn’t illegitimate enough. I don’t know if I should celebrate his vaccine induced death, or rue it because he can no longer take more brain dead sheeple with him. For today, I will celebrate it.

A non-gamer
A non-gamer
2 years ago

I’ve said this before, but it’s very sad to see these young people pass. It’s sad to see anyone pass, but watching the young die … ouch. What a happy and smart kid he was. Reminds me of my grandson.

2 years ago

cancer is spiking. this is a messy process, watching the globalists’ die off

2 years ago

While many here know of friends or coworkers that have been injured or killed by the poison jabs, the numbers just aren’t adding up fast enough to convince the stupid.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

For the stupid it is more like what numbers? If you are not astute enough to recognize the vaccine damage in the first place what are you going to notice about numbers? Most believe that vax injury is a conspiracy theory. The media and govt, education system have taught everyone to self censor. You can’t be called a conspiracy theorist. Heaven forbid you be willing to take some abuse.

2 years ago

Of course the powers that be who worship satan, don’t need abortion anymore.
They have a new plan, kill all the babies with covid vaXXXine injections.
It’s all genocide now. The next thing will be another test, who are you with?
If you are with God, you will not believe the lies of the antichrist serpent people.
Whatever they tell you is good, God will tell you it is evil. Listen to your guardian angel, only they will give you the truth, God is the truth. Know that, whoever the satanic powers that be tell you to trust or worship are your future executioners. The implants in the hand, for the digital ID, will be even more soul destroying. When you are not one with God and the heavenly beings, who will protect you from all danger and from any fear of dangerous threats, then you become an open vessel to be possessed by demons that will make you destroy your body, the temple of the Holy spirit and destroy your soul. When you abandon God, you become a den of demons that will control your mind and make you obey the devil and believe his lies.

2 years ago

Another soycalist, atheist, pro killer vax, big pharma whore bites the dust. Note even in his final hours could this fool figure out that the clot shot was at fault.

If you were to tell this guy not to take the clot shot and explain the issues that would arise from taking it, he would have called you anti vax. And I’m not making assumptions. I have persuaded these same type of lefty soy boys not to take it and only gotten repaid with scorn (proving I have a heart of gold who wants to help people, despite what some people on this site think of me).

Stereotypes exist for a reason, and this fool was no exception.

2 years ago

I was reading all the tributes to him in the comment sections. (By the way, aren’t people getting tired of writing and reading tributes?) People were cursing his cancer, but couldn’t care less about the cause. Pretty shallow; pretty sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

You always find with people paying tribute to cancer victims that they never mention the cause, probably because they see it as bad taste. However I find it insulting that these people never mention the cause of it.

I always harken back to the 4th Harry Potter film where the headmaster decides to tell the students the real reason why a pupil died, and saying otherwise would be an insult to the their memory. This is how death should be dealt with. If there was cause then say what it was that caused the death.

To this guy’s sheepy fans, it’s more important to be “nice” and not ask what was the cause. It’s almost as if cancer is unavoidable these days, according to these clowns. Cell phone towers, junk food, vaccines are playing a part in the growing rise of cancer an it should be mentioned. Otherwise these deaths will continue to mount.

But after all, you and I are just anti-vaxxers who want to kill people.

2 years ago

You’re a lighthouse in this nightmare covid climatic dystopia. Thank you. From France.
Their new zealot weapons is that the vax injuries are in fact side effects of covid that you got, knowing it or not, to kidneys, liver, blood, lungs, braincells, heart etc..
Also that natural immunity isn’t good anymore due to the mutations, and even worse,if you had covid, well, next time it’s gonna be worse for your health, with new contamination. so I guess only the new jabs will do the job

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

Encouraging people to get the gene-transfer substance, without also giving them Informed Consent breaks Article 1 of The Nuremberg Code. He is a criminal whose sentence has now been carried out.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago

There’s more people pointing out him being an atheist while ignoring that most religious people have both taken and endorsed the jab as well.
This very website have pointed this out already.

You Christians aren’t helping us overcome this orchestrated nightmare because too many of you are either waiting for some magical sky wizard to come save us or worst… the rapture. Which means you guys rather give up.

Before anyone ask what I have done with only myself and zero support, I still to this day try to convince those who would listen to best prepare themselves. It pains me my own family couldn’t be saved. But I did save a few of my coworker’s life.

Now everyone should be preparing for the winter because those shelves will be bare.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Well said!

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

It is the irony that a self-proclaimed atheist who shouldn’t believe in “God” has allowed big pharma, mainstream media and government to be a “God” onto them. For all that big talk about how all forms of authority are corrupt and enslaving, these atheists should be the first ones to defy the Great Reset. I am not defending the Christians by any means, just pointing out the hypocrisy.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago
Reply to  Clown World

Yet most religious folks don’t seem to see the similarities of their own cult to that of the vaccine cult.

When it comes to its members, the followers, blindly follows to a belief they put faith in because of emotional manipulation. Niether one of cults requires proof of the idea they are pitching to the masses. Just have a spokesperson of perceived high authority as the face of the religion.

You have Jesus. They have Fauci. Both served the same purpose.

2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Jesus and Fauci could not be more different. Fauci doesn’t want to give you a choice. Christianity does give you a choice. What Fauci promotes harms you; what Christianity promotes helps you. There is no emotional manipulation. You decide whether to follow God or not; whether to believe or not.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago
Reply to  Christiangal54

We had the choice to not take the vaccine you know? Religion historically uses the same tactics this vax cult is using.

Fear: of a virus or enternal damnation.

Manipulation: we’re all in this together. Or I’m here to save your soul. Would you like to hear about our lord and savior?

Persuasion: Safe and effective. Jesus is the answer.

Obedience: Wear your mask. It protects others from you and yourself. Attend church to be a devoted Christian. Make sure you donate.

Bribery: Free doughnuts and lottery tickets for taking the jab. Follow the teachings, and one day your soul will go to heaven.

Censorship: Blue checkmark fact checkers, medical misinformation. Anything that goes against the narrative. Do not worship false idols. Yahweh is the only God while disregarding all the other religions of the world.

Coercion: Take the jab, or you will have no job. Get with the program, or else you’ll be ostracized from the church community and your soul will be damn.

I could go on but this post is becoming a bit off topic. When someone subscribes their life to a cult; they particularly would not… will not acknowledge the evils of the cult.

Christians will ignore the history of blood shed, the descrepency, hypocrisy, and contradictions of their religion.
The same way the vax cult will ignore the unusually high amounts of deaths amongst people in the young and working age bracket while spontaneously acquiring
new illnesses and chronic medical problems.

The only difference between these two examples; is one of them has a tangible effect. Both directly and indirectly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

You seem to be bunching everyone who might utter the name of Jesus into the same basket, which is frankly a ridiculous assumption to make. God did not create or endorse religion. Jesus simply said I am the way, the truth and the life – no one comes to the Father but by me. A true follower of Christ knows they are not the one who makes judgement, and should be aware of “judge not, lest ye be judged”. We are to stand against obvious evil, though the way to do that may not always be obvious.
One does not need to go to a “church”. The instruction is to not forsake the assembly with other believers. This could be a small group that meets at someone’s home.
Observing the teachings is important, but you are skipping the vital step: Believe in Jesus as the sacrifice for the sins you have committed, ask God to forgive your sins because of your belief and love of Jesus, and accept the free gift of salvation, that not a single person can earn on their own.

2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

The established churches have been infiltrated and compromised. I saw this well over a decade ago. There are many nominal Christians. They are as vapid and vacant as our society. As a Christian I knew this was a scam and evil. It tears at my heart. 😪 so many lost souls.

2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Please refrain from putting Christian’s in a box. Yes, I believe in the rapture, but I look forward to it in a hopeful way.
Giving up? Well, ask the unvaxxed Buddhist, the New Age person, the atheist, that I’ve met.
Have I learned anything? Yes, I have, and frankly, I’m still scratching my head as to the variety of people who are enlightened as to what’s going on.
So again, please refrain from generalizing, and from insulting my beliefs. You’re not helping, either, when you do.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

I been lurking this blog when the vax was first introduced for medical staff back in December of 2020.

You know what finally made me sign up and start posting? It’s the preachy christians shoving atheists or anyone else all in a box like it was some kind of common denominator of the likelyhood of a certain belief or demographic are prone to getting this leathal injections.

This blog has numerous of examples of showing the religious christians being a close second of the kind of people who do get the COVID shots. The LGBT+ arguably
is number one of the most vaccinated groups.

Somehow you guys like to keep ignoring the obvious and defend your beliefs just as hard as the vax zealots.

There are stories from the Philippines on this blog. Christianaity is huge over there. Many of the victims this blog cited had praised god for the vax.

We have a fine example of a Republican, Christian, Trump supporter who took the vax right here on this blog. One could argue if the elections weren’t stolen, there will be far less leftist taking the vax and more right leaning people just because of this tribal mindset of supporting their political party.

Yes there are overlapping and exceptions to what kind of person who would fall for this obvious scam. But we do know it isn’t a belief, political association, race, gender, or sexuality.

It’s mental.

I came for real factual answers to this madness that somehow… this time.. the globalist cabal was successful in nearly achieving their dystopian goals. This isn’t the first time they pull the deadly virus scam. The SARS or the swine flu had a vaccine rollout as well.

I don’t come to this site to be preached at hearing the same non action stance when it comes fixing things. No one is coming to save us.

Stop waiting for Jesus to take the wheel. The evil is done by humans made out of the same flesh a blood as you and I. We have the numbers to end this. Yet too many of us can’t put our differences aside and organize to take these guys out.

Nope. You’ll rather sit back and wait for God to handle things. I guess this out come is less messier than a planetary flood.

2 years ago

Another poor soul who failed the government IQ test. Condolences to the family.

2 years ago

TechnoJabbed pitching for Pfizer…I wonder how many of his followers are feeling a little buyer’s remorse? Trust in the Science, give out medical advise and you too can be a 23 year old in the Chemo Therapy Ward…

2 years ago

“Mindwaste” is a more appropriate name for this pointless game. Lego monsters moving in to Metaverse. Horrible graphics too.

2 years ago

Good riddance to all brainwashed guinea pigs

1 year ago
Reply to  Deplorius

How callous and cold of you. May all victims Rest In Peace.

2 years ago

Why / how does it affect some people so badly & not others. The others that didn’t have a reaction is what’s most confusing to me. I still haven’t gotten even 1 shot, stopped getting flu shots since I was in middle school – I just am so confused how some people get cancer, blood clots & POTS while others are A-Ok.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago
Reply to  fhm

It’s the batches. Each formula or recipe can be identify by its lot code. Few of them are very deadly. Others are basically placebos.

2 years ago
Reply to  fhm

howbadismybatch has info on batches if you’re interested—reasons for the variations in the effects of the shots. Including degradation over time or with heat; the mishandling of the vials–stuff like that. That would include the deliberate manufacture and distribution of placebos/lower-grade jabs for the purpose of experimentation on unwitting, innocent people.

1 year ago

I can’t feel anything but sorry for anyone who paid for their blind faith in “science” with their own life. These people are not evil, they are deceived, misinformed and misguided. Technoblade had everything going for him. I can’t imagine his thought process when he was writing his final letter knowing that was it…. May all victims of “science” Rest In Peace.

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