May 3, 2022
PULASKI, NEW YORK — A 44-year-old father, grandfather, and long-time worker for a heat transfer equipment manufacturer is dead, as post-injection cancer continues claiming lives across the globe.
Mr. Frank Harrington Jr. practically lived on social media. He posted at least 15 times per day on Facebook since April 2021. Thus it is difficult to scan his entire profile, as Facebook overloads and freezes. One thing is clear. Mr. Harrington never posted the band-aid “I’m vaccinated” photos to his profile. It’s also clear that Mr. Harrington was a mask zealot, vaxx zealot and very loyal to the overall COVID-19 faith.
The mask and COVID zealotry started very early in the so-called pandemic. Keep in mind that Mr. Harrington rarely posted original thoughts. Most of his Facebook posts were memes and images.
He mocked people who caught the flu at a Wisconsin protest against lockdowns in May 2020.
A few days later, he mockingly compared the American Revolution to wearing masks.
By August 31, 2021, Mr. Harrington mocked people who died from so-called COVID-19. It can be reasonably assumed that he had received his first two injections by this time.
Three weeks later, Mr. Harrington equated parents who opposed masks for their kids at school, to Casey Anthony.
He then referred to the non-vaccinated as “drama queens” on October 12, 2021, and compared experimental mRNA injections to the measles and tetanus shots from the 1970s.
Mr. Harrington also fallaciously equated 1950s polio vaccines to the experimental mRNA injections in late December 2021.
Liberal vaxx zealotry would not be complete without their misconceptions about Donald Trump. For whatever reason, these types want to believe so badly that Trump is an “anti-vaxxer” when in fact he is one of the top 20 vaxx zealots in the United States.
Sad irony and death
Mr. Harrington continued his attacks on the non-vaccinated after the New Year. He mockingly posted on January 11 that the non-vaccinated would rather drink urine than receive experimental mRNA injections.
Again, Mr. Harrington never posted his band-aid/needle photos. But he made clear on January 20, 2022, “I’ll get vaccinated again” in order to see Rage Against the Machine in concert.
The sad parts of this story unfolded from this point forward. Mr. Harrington apparently lost 70 pounds from January 2021 to January 2022.
He wrote on February 3 that friends and family were teasing him, and asking if he had cancer due to the major weight loss.
Almost exactly two months later, on April 2, 2022, Mr. Harrington was diagnosed with grade IV glioblastoma multiforme. It is one of the most aggressive brain cancers known to man. It is also the same brain cancer that Atlanta news anchor Jovita Moore developed less than two weeks after her second Pfizer mRNA injection in April 2021. Ms. Moore died six months later, on October 29, 2021, which is about the longest prognosis patients with this condition can expect.
Mr. Harrington had brain surgery on Friday, April 8 to remove as much of the malignant tumors as possible. Unfortunately some of the masses were inoperable.
Mr. Harrington underwent several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation to treat the inoperable tumor in the following weeks. But the cancer was far too aggressive. Mrs. Dawn Draper Harrington, Frank’s widow, announced that her husband passed away on Monday morning, April 25.
He was laid to rest on April 30.
Post-injection cancer is a near-100% killer
We just wrote about Mrs. Kristen Manwaring two weeks ago. Not only was she also from Upstate New York, but also died of post-injection cancer. There’s no question that the mRNA injections hasten cancer development. But there’s also now a consistent pattern with these cases. Nearly all of said victims die within six months. Actress Kathy Griffin is the only one still alive that we’ve covered. But she’s now received four mRNA injections. We continue following her case.
This blogger would love to see someone with aggressive cancer like Mr. Harrington try high-dose Ivermectin for several weeks after diagnosis. You have nothing to lose. Mr. Harrington was going to die no matter what. It makes no sense to give the hospital $100,000 or whatever for chemo and radiation that is only going to kill you faster and leave your family with the bill. Ivermectin is getting more accessible everyday in the United States, and, as linked herein, is observed as an effective cancer treatment.
Doctor’s offices and hospitals are dangerous places in 2022, especially in the United States. These people have fully exposed themselves for who and what they are. Even doctors are dying in large numbers from these injections. But they remain loyal pitchmen and women for Pfizer, Moderna, et al. It’s too late for you if you’re injected. Doctors won’t help you anyway, particularly if you tell them you’re vaxx-injured. But for those who have retained their natural human blood throughout this global psy-op, don’t slip up now and become one of “them.”
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram.
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Kathy Griffin, the clock is tickin’.
You are so right- avoid any medical establishment as much as you can. There are some positives from this dystopian nightmare:
1. I have found new friends who are critical thinkers
2. Thanks to this excellent blog, I have learnt more about medical terms and conditions than I ever thought possible
3. I’m looking after my health more than ever
4. More people are using cash to frustrate digital Identity and currency plans, and I’m doing the same
5. More people are cancelling anti-social media
6. More people are creating new networks to grow their own food and learn new skills, making them less reliant on the system
7. Finding a new church that doesn’t push the death jab cult.
Covid is the greatest and most accurate IQ test
Where I am EVERY church supports it. I have no respect for any “pastor” that submits to the beast system the very opposite of protestant. They are sell outs and are Judas goats.
Drove by a church where the sign said “triple vaccinated welcome”. Imagine, Jesus healed the lepers and these people don’t want HEALTHY unvaccinated in their “churches”. I believe that the churches have been infiltrated by all kinds of wolves anyway. Incredible the times we are living in.
The LAST place to look for a relationship with the Creator is in a church.
As the old saying goes “Closer to church, farther from God”. In most cases it’s true.
I noticed the cartoon this now-dead idiot used showing FDR in his wheelchair telling some little girl asking about Polio that he isn’t a libtard. First of all, FDR is the big granddaddy of libtards. Secondly, there’s some people out there who think FDR never had polio. What he had was syphllis most likely contracted by the Tamany Hall whores he fooled around with in his more youthful days. Well, can you blame him. He was married to UN-lover Eleanor, the ugliest First Lady ever…..perhaps one day, Hillary will have that honor, seeing how she liked to identify with FDRs wife. I saw her Ms. Roosevelt on an old “What’s My Line” show and if that set had mirrors, they would all have cracked. So now-dead idiot, the joke’s on you either way.
I really can’t garner any sympathy for him, a vaxx zealot and a nasty one at that. He should have posted the 4 Stages of Covid Vaxx Denial as he was suffering from that as well as Trump derangement syndrome too. Lots of living in a virtual world. And I will not be giving to any gofundme either. Sympathy to his family. I hope they have not been vaxxed.
“Hey everybody! Look at this. It’s that boy who laughs at everyone. Let’s laugh at him!”
Very Tall Man in a Volkswagen Beetle
Regarding previous vaxxes and attempting to equate them with C19 ones, a reminder for you, Franko…
In the testing of mRNA jabs, all the animals died.
Safe and effective, eh? Yes, I agree they are very effective, no doubt with that. Safe? Not so much…
Chalk and cheese have more in common than ordinary jabs and the mRNA abominations.
See ya Franko! I’d say “We’ll miss you” but I’d be lying.
Greetings to all Americans on The COVID Blog. I feel connected to you.
I could only freak out about the brazen lies and deceptions that kidney failure and other consequential damage from the “vaccination” are being blamed on Covid. Covid has long since mutated and no longer exists. The vaccine is a kind of operating system or gene therapy. Criminal enough , if they want to force it on us.. As with you, so similar with us. Here in Germany it was propagated: “”The “”vaccination” brings more advantages than disadvantages” and “”should prevent a severe course.” Severe consequential damage is also rigorously ignored here, pushed to other causes and all those who have been damaged by vaccination are left in the lurch. Hardly in the hospital, soon dead. It’s intentional! I especially feel sorry for the children. Due to their (vaccination mafia) caused illnesses, all victims have to pay for therapies, surgeries, medicines out of their own pockets and the pharmaceuticals and doctors make big profits with their vaccination victims, which I find simply criminal. I say too. I’d rather drink my own p*** than take that lethal injection.
I demand a “vaccination” for Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and all of their accomplices. All hell is breaking loose in China. The Chinese weren’t allowed to leave their homes for weeks, even though they had nothing left to eat at home.
To Mr. Harrington’s family if you’re reading this…I am proud that I have educated myself and am Strongly Anti-Vaxx…Franko refused to educate himself, despite alternative information being available…he choose to use his time and energy to mock people like me, and in the process like so many others, have probably broken down others thru Peer Pressure and shaming, into taking the Death Shots…This case touches me personally…I used to have a close friend, who is now age 40, who I thought was more awake to these Psyops and Psychological Warfare, I lost touch with him a few years ago…he started spending time with a group of people that praised the Pfizer as being a good product…and with no Mandate from any employer took the shots out of his own ” Free Will ” for nothing in return…he developed a large tumor on his forehead…another close friend who saw him said he looked like ” Elephant Man “…he recently lost his vision ( which was regained afterward) and had to be evacuated by plane, along with two nurses, to a major hospital for Chemo Therapy treatments…none of his freinds want to talk about the ” V ” word…he has had multiple Chemo sessions to remove the cancerous tumor ..that was a few weeks ago…but some of us know and understand that he is on borrowed time…We had lost contact because he thought I was becoming a ” Conspiracy Nut ” thru my Awakening on all these issues…Kind of Ironic…if he was spending time listening to myself, instead of like-minded people such as Franko, he would not have had those one-way trips to the ICU…I have no sympathy for Mr. Harrington…he would have also called me a Mentally I’ll Conspiracy Nut, for just doing my research and not putting my Trust in Government and Big Pharma…Mr. Harrington got exactly what he deserved and bargained for…R.I.P.
When people call me “mentally ill conspiracy nut”, I just reply “you have no idea”. Learn to not give a fook about what people call you.
People are lazy. It takes one second to whip out your personal phone and find websites like or videos on bitchute for alternative information.
Not really. I was anti covid vax as soon as I heard the word mandate. Finding sites like this take a lot of work. I use brave not Google.
It is not a sad story at all. He got what he asked for. People like this would support you and me being forcefully vaccinated or being isolated forever in camps. Who is he mocking now?
Well Franco was right about one thing, I’d much rather drink my piss than take any of these death jabs. I don’t have a bladder infection, so my urine is sterile. Might not taste great, but it sure in hell won’t make me sick and kill me.
Does his family have a GoFundMe like the ones that are supposed to be for the unjabbed?
Do NOT use GoFundMe (also known as GoSteal$$$) – use GiveSendGo instead
Doesn’t sound like ole Franko had much of a brain to begin with….. No loss.
Boy was this guy hateful and it suits him having a profile picture of what appears to be “Jack” from The Shining.
He was also very ignorant about quite a number of things.
He really did not find it odd at first that he was losing so much weight? Wow
Seems like he died of karma, not cancer.
I don’t feel an ounce of pity for him. Nope.
The Rockefellers all but called natural healing “quack” medicine, I’ve been taking something called B17 for almost a decade now since first diagnosed with benign colon cancer. I’ve NEVER had a bad reaction to taking B17 even though it has cyanide in it. I would highly recommend watching “World Without Cancer” by G. Edward Griffin. I just about caught hell for writing about this subject in my college composition class.
This is yet another sad story about a zealot who was blinded not because he believed the propaganda but because God gave him “over to a reprobate mind”, Romans 1:28.
With these mRNA “vaccines”, I doubt even B17 would help with these aggressive cancers. Stay pure blooded because our Lord and Savior requires us to be pure. Remember what happened in Genesis 6:1-4 as a reminder. We are seeing this all over again.
Franko: you smirked too soon.
Love the site. Don’t back down & keep up the good fight. Klaus, gates, fauci, rothschild and their evil cronies will not succeed
Grade IV astrocytoma (and glioblastoma multiforme) is the worst – people will last about 11 months at best. My half sister has had grade II oligodendroglioma – people last about 11 years (median age – half gone b4 then, half after then). It has recurred twice but she is still alive and can talk and walk 21 years after the 1st surgery (on 9/12/2001). She didn’t get radiation the 1st time and that was good as it usually causes an upgrade in the residual tumor. Radiation kills tumors and also causes them. Of the 4 grades of malignant brain tumors, I and II are the “best” and III and IV are the worst. They are all diffusely infiltrating like fingers projecting outward and it is impossible to “surgically resect” (cut out) all of them unlike the encapsulated benign brain tumors like the meningiomas. The only good thing about brain tumors is that they usually do not leave the confines of the skull. Anyway, these reports are all very concerning. That Mayo Clinic trained pathologist up in Idaho has been saying he and his colleagues have been seeing more cancers and more aggressive cancers following the roll out of these experimental vaccines and I think that is telling us something many people simply do not want to hear.
Factors associated with glioblastoma risk are prior therapeutic radiation, decreased susceptibility to allergy and impaired immune response.