C.J. Hatter: 66-year-old fully-vaccinated LGBTV Florida man calls the non-vaccinated “political a*sholes,” diagnosed with POTS, which is likely the real “long COVID”

December 20, 2022 (updated 8:09 a.m. Pacific)

Mr. C.J. Hatter.

VENICE, FLORIDA — A 66-year-old Florida man will live the rest of his life with sporadic, non-specific medical episodes due to the injections. His case also provides a real name for the medical fallacy known as “long COVID.”

This article is prefaced with the disclaimer that The COVID Blog® does not go out of its way to locate and write about LGBTV (for vaccine) religious zealots. The fact is that 96% of U.S. LGBTV adherents have received at least three injections, and are typically flamboyant, virtue signaling, exhibitionist types. LGBTV organizations actually encouraged this behavior from the very start of the so-called pandemic.

This group has a lot of very public by choice “vaccine” adverse reactions; and they provide the best case studies for documenting all aspects of the vaccine genocide.

That all said, Mr. C.J. Hatter is a semi-retired clerk at a Publix supermarket in Venice, Florida, according to his Facebook page. Said page is quite disturbing. The 66-year-old frequently promotes those clown shows with men in dresses and exaggerated makeup reading books to children.

Like nearly all liberals and homosexuals, he loves everything Ukraine, for whatever reason.


At least one-quarter of his Facebook posts from 2022 have something to do with degeneracy.

The degeneracy is/was consistent from the start of his Facebook page. But the COVID cult zealotry commenced after the injections. Mr. Hatter mentioned twice that he had “coronavirus” in 2020. He also had preexisting herpes zoster (shingles).

Researchers concluded as far back as 1986 that shingles is often a precursor to AIDS in homosexual males. But most Americans did zero research before accepting these shots that exacerbate virtually all preexisting conditions.

“I thought I was impervious”

Mr. Hatter received a Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection on March 22, 2021.

The hardcore vaxx zealotry started that summer. He repeated the liberal “my body, my choice only applies to abortion” trope on August 3, 2021.

Mr. Hatter said he had no sympathy for non-vaccinated people who die for whatever reason.

Mr. Hatter called the non-vaccinated “political assholes” for receiving MMR vaccines as children, but refuse to accept experimental gene therapies today.

He called receiving vaccines and wearing masks “patriotic” the next day.

Mr. Hatter received a Moderna mRNA booster shot on November 3. His health took a turn for the worse in January, when he reported headaches and body aches.

The next day, he called non-vaccinated Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic an “ignorant asshole.”

Mr. Hatter has complained of persistent exhaustion and shortness of breath since that time. He ended up in the emergency room on June 8 after suddenly passing out at home.

Three weeks later, on June 29, he blamed so-called COVID from June 2020, for the chronic health issues he first mentioned after the booster shot in November 2021.

Mr. Hatter wore a heart monitor for a week, but did not post anything about the results. He started taking long walks to try and counteract the lingering symptoms. But then for reasons unknown, he received four more injections in September and October – a shingles shot, flu shot, pneumonia shot, and another mRNA injection.

In the meantime, Ms. Tammy Sollazzo, Mr. Hatter’s cousin, got very sick, very fast. She literally posted something everyday on Facebook since at least September. She suddenly disappeared after November 14. Ms. Sollazzo passed away on November 23, which was her 65th birthday.

Doctors diagnosed Mr. Hatter with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) on December 13.

POTS is listed on Pfizer’s April 30, 2021 List of Adverse Events of Special Interest. In other words, Pfizer knew all along that the mRNA injections can and will lead to POTS in some recipients. We’ll follow up on this story in due course.

Finally a real name for “long COVID?”

Ms. Margarete Stokowski is at least triple-vaxxed. The German journalist tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on January 25, and has felt sick ever since. Ms. Stokowski describes lingering symptoms such as dizzy spells, chronic fatigue, brain fog, headaches, and elevated heart rates. She’s been unable to work since April. All of said symptoms persist today.

Ms. Stokowski reported being on Day 309 of “long COVID” on November 27. She takes botox injections in her head and neck to help control the headaches. This is a common treatment protocol for people with POTS and the debilitating headaches thereof.

Ms. Stokowski tries remaining upbeat and positive. But she’s now wondering if her life will ever be like it was before the injections, which she still calls “long COVID.”

Ms. Tracey Spicer is the triple-vaxxed Australian television personality who blames “long COVID” for her lingering, post-injection health issues. She suffers from debilitating fatigue that left her bedridden for two months. She also suffers from post-injection pericarditis and bladder inflammation. Ms. Spicer also now needs a wheelchair to get around.

POTS is a form of dysautonomia, or dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which controls breathing, digestion, heartbeat and other “automatic” bodily functions. POTS is typically diagnosed via tilt table tests or by doctors observing significant heart rate increases just from the patient standing up for less than 10 minutes. But the syndrome is difficult to pinpoint and diagnose due to the wide range of symptoms.

Every “long COVID” case herein, however has all the exact same symptoms, all of which are indicative of POTS – fainting, dizziness, extreme fatigue, brain fog, heart issues, etc. Nobody knows what causes POTS; and there is no cure for it. All you can do is mitigate the symptoms.

Researchers have also acknowledged that “long COVID” is post-injection POTS. A 2021 case study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science, concluded that “there was a temporal association between the onset of [POTS] symptoms and the first dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination” with the subject patient. A May 2022 pre-printed study also found “a variety of neuropathic symptoms [that] may manifest after SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations.”

And it’s not just the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. A 2014 study published in the European Journal of Neurology observed post-injection POTS in patients after human papillomavirus (HPV) “vaccines.”

RELATED: Debate Over: all vaccines, including the new JYNNEOS monkeypox concoction, harm human physiological functions (July 25, 2022)


Mr. Hatter, to his credit, never used the phrase “long COVID.” But his friends often did to describe his ongoing medical issues. For those claiming to have long COVID, it’s best to follow protocols that doctors provide to POTS patients: increase sodium intake, wear compression tights, and get regular exercise. Doctors may also prescribe beta blockers and fludrocortisone. The latter helps the kidneys retain sodium.

Again, Mr. Hatter was on the right track by walking regularly. POTS never goes away. But now his symptoms are only going to worsen, as he continues receiving injections of all varieties. Further, this is gene therapy-induced POTS, something that is brand new as of 2021. Just like post-injection cancers and blood clots are far worse than the normal varieties, it’s safe to conclude that post-injection POTS will only worsen as times goes on, especially for those who continue receiving booster shots.

We understand that the injections are the holy sacrament of the LGBTV religion. But if said group takes anything away from this blog, simply stop receiving further injections. LGBTV men are already at high risk of death and debilitating illness because of their reckless lifestyles. But this goes for all vaxx zealots and COVID cultists claiming to have “long COVID.”

Cut your loses, stop getting booster shots, add hot sauce or, probably more preferable for you, soy sauce, to your diets to increase salt intake, and wear compression garments. At the very least, you’ll prolong your lives and hopefully relieve symptoms.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

What an interesting profile piece. No sympathy for this degenerate, though.

“Like nearly all liberals and homosexuals, he loves everything Ukraine, for whatever reason.” Easy. Because the face of Ukraine which the media saturates their propaganda with is that of a flamboyant homosexual Jewish actor.

1 year ago

Because they are of the same spirit and it’s all fake behind the glitter ✨️

Michael McNulty
Michael McNulty
1 year ago

Perhaps the biggest eye-opener for me over the big Covid lie was how easily pro-vaxxers became very authoritarian and ugly about it. It can’t simply be because of Covid that this attitude appeared, but it is a warning to us about the authoritarian nature of people acting en mass when a government supports them after the right circumstances come about.

1 year ago

The alphabet organization is communism with a rainbow flag. Covid gave them an excuse to reveal it.

1 year ago

Liberalism is the worst form of tyranny. Because neither Communism nor Nazism pretended to care about your health, or pretended to care about your freedoms and human rights. If they wanted to shoot you, they made it clear. They looked like dictatorships, they didn’t pretend to be something that they are not. It’s at least a little bit honest.

1 year ago

You reap what you sow, Mr. Mad a–hatter! And he looks 86 not 66. Ding ding ding! He wins the Darwin Award.

1 year ago

Another moron bites the dust. His parents would be ashamed of him.

dementia joe
dementia joe
1 year ago
Reply to  maatt

NO, They are probably the source of the stupid.

1 year ago

The original “long Covid” is also known as “malingering” (the act or practice of pretending illness, esp. to get out of work). Now every vaxxer has some chronic illness — induced by the multiple shots — that also can be called “long Covid.”

And the beat goes on for the medical mafia.

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

Long covid, dehydration, stiff person syndrome, whatever. If a person is dumb enough to believe this crap, the only helpful advice you can give them is to get all boosters and every shot out there. Make their period of suffering shorter. I only feel bad for the children as they are innocent.

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

Yep, I had a coworker in 2020, before the shots came on the scene, who “got sick” 3 times in 4 months and even though she supposedly tested negative, company policy said she had to stay home until 5 days after her symptoms resolved, WITH pay! How convenient for her. A paid holiday. While I stayed healthy and had to pick up all her slack KNOWING that she was no sicker than I was. But of course, no one could say anything because that would be judging, but I knew she was just plain lazy. And smarter than me, I suppose, as she knew how to work the system, but my work ethic simply wouldn’t allow me to fake sick and collect pay. My parents raised me to be honest and work hard.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

When I see people like this, I think that there is no punishment good enough for LGBTQ perverts, especially the females. They have destroyed my generation, my country, robbed me of my future, destroyed everything I ever loved, enjoyed or grew up with, created a toxic, intolerable society were dating and social gatherings have become so perverted and problematic (that I cant even hang around women my own age b/c of who they are friends with, what they support and how brainwashed and perverted so many are), plus LGBT have turned everything good/special/romantic into an Abomination, every expression/gesture, scenario/moment, event/occasion (Marriage) etc. They have Defiled countless attractive women which can’t  ever be undone, + much more. Not even God can fix/change/undo it, the damage is done.

I detest the females mostly,
– For having/experiencing what they have NO RIGHT to & shouldn’t know what 1 sec of it is like.
– That any woman (let alone millions) knows what it’s like to kiss, undress etc (+ do countless other things with) another woman, when there shouldn’t even be one, all things only Men should know or experience. I hate it, It’s INSULTING, an intrusion into men’s domain, usurping of our place, rights & duty, insult to our nature/biology & a hijacking of our very dreams & fantasies, all things NO woman should have in common with men. I won’t ever forgive them for it, never!!! Thanks to them and feminist ****, We men have been robbed of everything, so let them all suffer.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

But would you even want a woman so weak in mind that she jumps on every bandwagon that passes, be it political or ugly tattoos and purple hair? The scamdemic didn’t change anyone, it just revelled that at least 90 percent of the population is degenerate, self-centered and quick to rollover…and beg for the government boot on their face.

The only safe choice these days is celebacy…and that goes for married couples where one was stupid enough to take the vax.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Celibacy is definitely not a safe place at all. The only safe place is under the protective blanket of love, tenderness and genuine caring. Good luck finding that.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Feeling better after venting like that ?.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Is not YOUR wickedness great,
And YOUR iniquity without end? – Job 22:5
Let’s be careful in pointing fingers at others

What brings about the downward spiral of immoral, perverse behavior? “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

Therefore God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise!f Amen.

For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. Romans 1

America is FILLED with false gods, works based religion, all of which leads to idolatry. The true Gospel that speaks ONLY of Christ is added to, or taken from by ‘organized religion’. Works of the flesh are added, then sinners boast of how they ‘got saved’. Grace is kicked to the curb in favor of traditions and methods of men.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Society will have to totally collapse before we can rebuild and fix this mess. It will take a generation or two. In the meantime the best chance we have is to find a Christian woman… but even that is tough.

1 year ago

Yes, poor baby, he’s always on his rant! He’ll find a good girl that is suitable. He can, but God sees otherwise until he let’s go of anger. All it takes is to change what he is thinking. This does not mean to change himself, but his attitude towards the opposite sex. There are possibilities he has not even yet comprehended.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

You know nothing about me, you don’t know how I see things, so keep your assumptions and ignorant condecending comments to yourself as you don’t have a clue.

1 year ago

Have to be honest …….. from all the abuse i received from brainwashed morons like this guy during the lockdown , i just smile when i hear stories like this……… the planets population of dumbed down , virtue signalling , pc leftists have all killed themselves from their virtue signalling stupidity …….. reading their virtue signalling posts , as they are slowly dying , still trying to insist they are right is just hysterical………… the world will be a better place when all these useful idiots are gone

dementia joe
dementia joe
1 year ago
Reply to  tomahalk

Yeah these morons deserve every thing they get.

1 year ago
Reply to  dementia joe

I still feel sad and wishing bad things on them is no better than how they have treated us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kim

I feel you Kim. I’ve usually been a “tough love, tough luck” kind of person and not at all religious but one Bible verse has been echoing through my head since this tragedy began; Luke 23:34; “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Even though they made a free will choice and will reap what they sow, I can’t help but pity them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sean

I can’t cackle with glee at the thought of my young adult children, who got the vax, succumbing to it. Despite my begging them not to get it. I would be a grieving mother all the same.

dementia joe
dementia joe
1 year ago

It is quite obvious that this clown did not even have the smarts to make the right decision about his own life and screwed it up because he was stupid and now he wants to tell you how to live yours? REALLY? HEY! If he was stupid enough to take the vax then WHY would anyone with half a braincell really care about this morons opinion? I SURE DON’T.

1 year ago

I’m 66 in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA.
We are from the Thalidomide generation which I remember well since my buddy Jimmy with half an arm in grade 2 ,1962-3 when Jimmy didn’t show up in the sand box one day.
We were sand box gurus. Lol.
Jimmy had the best toys and we ran box.
Then Jimmy was gone and being 6 or 7 years old I found out years later he died from his poisoning and injuries which we didn’t even notice he had half an arm.
We just played.
This asshole is an example of many in my generation walking in to the CATTLE CARS willingly.
How does one stay this IGNORANT and UNINFORMED and make it to 66??.
I’ve fought these clowns all my life.
Stupid BOOMERS giving the NATZI GLOBALIST WHORE GUB’MENT exactly what they want.
Not to pay out your retirement

1 year ago
Reply to  Nicholas

“This asshole is an example of many in my generation walking in to the CATTLE CARS willingly.”
And berate those who resist.

1 year ago

So because he is a dumbass, we all have to be dumbasses. Typical liberal.

1 year ago

These freaking morons, they think everything they get is Covid and run out for another booster.

And they seem to have a penchant for “Covid” being a never-ending thing requiring more tests and booster shots, forever.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  mike

It has become a cult. Thought he was impervious? Welcome to the human race, guy!

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

The multi-lettered folk seem to have an affinity for needles which may stem in part from its phallic symbolism. Or maybe they just like getting repeatedly poked, who knows?

We should ask an expert, such as their own beloved Dr. Elton John:


I loved his voice and music until a certain point where it became intolerable to bear because of his rapid aging and very unhealthy lifestyle. Now I’m sadly watching for his obituary. For all his obvious musical genius, he appears ultimately to be a man of sadly limited intellect.

1 year ago

I would encourage him and the rest to get as many boosters for which they are eligible!

R. Williams
1 year ago

My prayers go out to ALL the blind.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  R. Williams

While I am not a religious fundamentalist in the ordinary sense of that term, there IS something rather curious about a Biblical prophecy of the “end times” where sores or blisters appear on the skin of some of the populace. There have already been warnings against UV exposure for some of these folks. Interesting, very interesting really.

1 year ago

Well… he got this wrong. For him, we will not miss a bitter hater. Actually I would sign up to segregate.
The sooner the better. To create one society for us unvaxxed amd another one for vaxxed individuals.
I saw this before pandemic, this WILL happen but maybe in a few years when just a few vaxxed will left. But will be nicer if we can do this faster.

1 year ago

You keep dipping your wick where it doesn’t belong and you will get far more than a nasty case of the shingles and POTS. And you better be glad Christians don’t show up to drag queen (pathetic man/girls) shows with an automatic weapon. But, hey, LGBTQRS folks… no one needs to do such a thing. We’ll just sit back and let the vaccines do their work.

1 year ago

Mad as a Hatter…

1 year ago
Reply to  Sig

I *almost* made this comment. But I said, nah, I bet somebody else (probably lots of somebodies) will think of it also. So, I’ve heard the “mad hatter” phrase all my life, but I STILL don’t know what it means. Maybe I should look it up…

OK, so I looked it up. “Crazy,” “demented,” “insane.” Sounds about right. Appropriate last name. Thanks!

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Yep, it refers to a time when hat manufactures used mercury in the processing of animal fur to create felt for their hats. The mercury poisoning that ensued caused physical and mental health problems for the workers. Hence the saying, “Mad as a hatter”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

The reason for the saying, is that some of the substances used in the making of hats emitted some toxic substances… and led to some bizarre symptoms. In the days when most people wore hats, these symptoms were observed most often in people who worked in the hat making industry.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

Maybe one day the expression will be mad as a vaxxer?

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago
Reply to  Sig

It is kind of appropriate you say that because the expression comes from hat makers working with mercury which made them twitch or something that sounds like POTS.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sig

In this case, Rear Admiral Hatter.

1 year ago

Sorry (not) but I actually feel pretty good about this.

These virtue-signaling, flamboyant “gentlepeople” are making their choices and meeting Darwin. When we push the data forward into the future, these LGBTQRSTUV (whatever) types are gonna go extinct.

Dartwin for the win!

1 year ago
Reply to  AceVentura

Still it’s annoying and bothersome to see their bodies wither away, and all the time they are still screaming and blaming those who saw through the scam. Better if they had died quickly after their first shots.

DC Miami
DC Miami
1 year ago

The best part is that we simply have to be a little patient while the death row inmates are wiped out by the smart bombs they injected into themselves. Still, even as they draw their final breath, assuming they know their death is imminent, they will profess their faith and thank their executioners for their assisted suicide. On the negative side, the human race is irreparably polluted and it will be impossible for it to repurify itself due to shedding and other means by the elite to spread illness, fear, and death. But those who have avoided it to the greatest extent possible will be the last ones standing.

1 year ago
Reply to  DC Miami

The body is in most cases quite able to rid itself of spike protein from shedding or a case of covid. It’s a whole other story when you got RNA perpetually hijacking your bodies machinery to constantly output pollutants that your body has to fight against.

1 year ago

So 96% of the alphabet gang could be six feet under by the end of 2024

1 year ago

People who virtue signal and post all of their personal information on social media for the world to see, are sociopath narcissists. This guy is particularly full of hatred towards those who he disagrees with. These hate filled Leftists call everyone else “insurrectionists” and “fascists” while those Far Left Politicians who he pledges his support to exercise authoritarian rule, medical tyranny and mandates while destroying the country every day. CJ is getting what the deserves for his foolish brainwashed, delusional, indoctrinated thinking.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

“CJ is getting what the deserves for his foolish brainwashed, delusional, indoctrinated thinking.”

Deserving death for being an AH according to your perspective ?.

A reminder that many unvaxxed are just like a different version of the vaxxed, a different side of the same coin…with their hate, their virtue-signaling, their feeling of superiority, their wish of harm upon those of a different mindset…etc.

A herd of baboons might have more wisdom and harmony within it, than stupid humans.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

As if more proof is needed that we were right to avoid the shot, there is now a hedge fund raising money to profit on the industries that will benefit and be harmed by all the vaccine injuries and death.

1 year ago

get cha BOOSTA!

know bull savage
know bull savage
1 year ago

Dear Mad M Hatter ;
Maybe you can get UN-vaxxxinated ?
Cos you sure can’t get unassholated from your starting position

1 year ago

You go there Wile E. Coyote, super genius. Went with the acme meds!

1 year ago

Kinda lookin like he got what he deserved. People like him are classic communists. And I must say I feel no sorrow for him.

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

I’m not sure the true scale of this can be quantified. I was talking to a friend today whose 8 yo daughter came home begging for a flu vaccine. The child recently had to go to the hospital for intestinal blockage (after taking tamiflu for flu symptoms), is constantly complaining of leg pain and is now actively seeking a flu vaccine at 8 years old. In what world prior to the pandemic were children seeking out medical intervention involving shots/needles. The vacxed’s logic center of the brain has been manipulated and corrupted in a way that can only be described in terms of of a matrix.

1 year ago

Sounds like it won’t be long before he replaces LGBTV with RIP

1 year ago

Someone need to tell this idiot that killing a baby is not an act of “reproduction”. In fact it’s the opposite (destruction); therefore it is not a “reproductive” choice.

Reproduction means to reproduce; which means to create.

But then again, flawed logic like that can lend itself to other stupid and destructive behaviors.

In fact, where was this guy when women were being forced/bullied into taking a jab that wasn’t even tested on pregnant woman? Pfizer even admitted that they didn’t test it on pregnant woman. Where were their reproductive rights there? Typical double-think nonsense.

And why is okay to choose to kill a defenseless and innocent baby who didn’t nothing wrong (aside from being born without any choice in the matter), but it’s not okay to refuse to take these shots that have already been proven to cause harm and death? This is why I can’t trust the world.

As St. Cyprian said: “Why should you love the world when the world hates you?”

Keep up the good work, Brian. Keep safe everyone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

I’ve often asked Gays on social media why they have no feeling for the defenseless Preborn, Partially Born or now Newborn Human Child set for brutal destruction seeing they claim themselves to suffer non-stop oppression?

Funny but none have ever really responded. They instead try to change the subject.

For such a sensitive group, they sure can be heartless.

Milton Passon
Milton Passon
1 year ago

I believe God is punishing this person for turning against God. Let’s pray for him.

1 year ago

What a herpes/shingles-ridden, walking Big Pharma Cesspool loser.

1 year ago

Sexual degeneracy leads to death for both female & male – not simply the death of the individual, but the death of society.

We’re reaping those fruits at this very moment.

Most men never experience unlimited sex without consequences; they merely work, and hope for an opportunity to pair bond & settle-down, all to give their life meaning.

90%+ of females f##king the same ‘alpha’ males, hoping to get lucky to bag him [so he can use his status to rape & rob others of their resources to give to her].

The world is a shitshow, mainly because ‘nature’ programmed selfish women to fuck both blue & white collar thugs to get resources [to provide for ‘their’ children’ . . . lol].

90%+ of men would just like a committed relationship of peaceful co-existence that goes the distance – adding children to that is both a challenge and a gift.

. . . women want stuff, and children are usually merely assets in their ‘retirement’ planning.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

“Nature” didn’t programed women for this kind of life. This is called “Western society”. It is anti-traditional. The so-called “Western society” programmed women to be like this, and many men by the way also, as exemplified by the individual featured in the article above.

In traditional Asian societies, we can observe how women were like for thousands of years. In a single sentence: they were good wives and mothers. This is still the case today in many Islamic, Buddhist, Tengrist, and Russian Orthodox societies. Although Asian countries, especially East Asia, Southeast Asia, and India are being westernized in rapid strides. Central Asia, West Asia (Iran, Pakistan, and other Middle Eastern countries), and North Asia (Russia) are somewhat less westernized.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

“. . . women want stuff, and children are usually merely assets in their ‘retirement’ planning.”

Stuff and…the other thing.

Having driven a taxi in the real nyc – night shift – for many years, I’ve had many males of all ages complain to me how a female wrecked their lives. I vividly remember one who told me that at 60 yo, he had to start all over again because his wife divorced him, took everything he had and left with a younger guy (the other “thing”).

When a woman wrecks a man’s life or hurts his feelings, it feeds her ego and wears it as a badge of honor. I remember the young females coming out of a saturday night out and laughing about how they seduced then rejected the young men.

1 year ago

I wonder if C J Hatter knows that Adolf Hitler was Time magazine’s Man of The Year in 1938?

1 year ago

Here’s something that’s is really unfair: Our taxes pay for their disability. The pharma companies don’t pay anything.

1 year ago

I definitely prefer being a healthy unvaccinated political asshole to being a very sick vaccinated every day asshole like this fool.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
1 year ago

The meme that the Sodomites show about the only danger of children being at a drag show is if a CHRISTIAN shows up with an automatic weapon shows the completeness of their cognitive dissonance. It is TRUE that Christians oppose, at a moral level, the sin of homosexuality, and will be vocal in their opposition to it; it is ALSO TRUE, that Christians oppose MURDER of people or “repaying Evil for Evil”, both of which are FORBIDDEN by the Bible and by Christ. So if they are REAL Christians they will NOT commit the SIN of MURDER. Now there are people who will claim they are Christians, but their actions will ALWAYS give way the truth of that claim. The Sodomites hate God/Christ because He opposes their corrupt hearts’ desires and condemns those acts. This is true with all those who want to relish their wicked lifestyles, whether it be homosexuality, fornication, adultery, drug/alcohol abuse, or any other evils that feeds their corrupt hearts; they HATE God because the KNOW God exists and will judge them for their iniquities. If they were REAL atheist they why would that hate a God they don’t believes exists, and those who follow Him? No, their HATRED of God is proof they KNOW He exists and has every right to judge their acts, but they still want their sins and instead call God hateful because of His RIGHTEOUS judgement against their acts (remember, God hates the sin, not the sinner, He sent His only begotten Son as a sacrifice so that the sinner may be saved). As a Christian, we must pray for those who live in sin, that they find the light of our Lord, Jesus Christ, so that HE may lift them out of their sins and into repentance, it should never be forgotten, the purpose of the Church of God is to the soul, what the purpose of a hospital is to the body, a place of HEALING from the wounds of sin.

1 year ago

The wider they open their mouths for their own brand of arrogance, the less I care when the buzzard comes to nest in it.

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