May 25, 2022
The tentacles of the crazed, genocidal madman known as Bill Gates touch every nook and cranny of global health in 2022. He is essentially Satan incarnate. No amount of paid mainstream media reputation management campaigns change these facts. With those facts established, let’s recap a few things Gates discussed with U.K. “think tank” Policy Exchange on November 4, 2021.
At the 1:20 mark, Gates hopes in the next five years that he can write a book called, “We Are Ready for the Next Pandemic.”
His book How To Prevent The Next Pandemic was officially released on May 3, 2022. Gates’ second lieutenant and World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus promoted the book via Twitter on April 15, 2022.
Then at the 1:35 mark, with arms flailing everywhere as always, Gates said that $1 billion per year is needed to execute “germ games,” meaning practice pandemics, across the globe.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave at least $1.3 million between 2017 and 2020 to a Washington, D.C. based nonprofit called the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI). A paper by NTI entitled “Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats” was published in November 2021. It details NTI’s “tabletop exercise” that commenced in December 2020 in collaboration with the Munich Security Conference. Gates gave at least $800,000 to the latter organization in 2019.
RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)
The tabletop exercise “portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months.” You can read the entire paper here. Coincidentally or otherwise, page 10 of the paper says the first monkeypox cases will commence around May 15, 2022.
There will be 1,422 global cases of monkeypox by June 5, and 70 million by the beginning of 2023. By the end of 2023, there will be 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths globally from “vaccine-resistant monkeypox.”
The “experts” involved in this exercise are listed on page 27. Two of them are Dr. Bill Harange of Harvard, and Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo of Johns Hopkins University. Both of them have been tweeting a lot lately about this “coincidental” monkeypox outbreak.
Researchers from the infamous Wuhan Lab of Virology published a paper in the journal Virologica Sinica on February 28, 2022. The paper details how researchers created a monkeypox virus genome that PCR tests can identify. But the scientists used a process called transformation-associated recombination (TAR) to isolate the monkeypox virus fragments. Said process is known to create contagious viruses that could potentially escape and infect the world. The researcher said:
“However, this DNA assembly tool applied in virological research could also raise potential security concerns, especially when the assembled product contains a full set of genetic material that can be recovered into a contagious pathogen. Recently, a group of scientists was funded by a biotech company to synthesize a full-length horsepox virus genome and recover it into an infectious virus.”
Gates talks about smallpox as the bio-terrorist agent that will be released on the world in this tabletop exercise. More on that in a bit.
What is monkeypox and where did it come from?
Monkeypox is a gruesome, nasty, alleged virus that will scare most people into doing whatever government and media say to avoid it. It causes a full-body rash that takes upwards of four weeks to heal on its own, if it heals on its own. The original strains were spread through mucous membranes or cuts in skin. Mainstream media are also now saying monkeypox is sexually transmitted, particularly among homosexuals. The original strains had anywhere from a 3.6% to 10.6% mortality rate, according to the WHO. But it’s crystal clear that Monkeypox 2022 did not come from nature.
Monkeypox, like HIV/AIDS, Ebola, SARS-CoV-2, etc., is a lab-enhanced and/or lab-created virus. Lab monkeys were shipped from Singapore to Copenhagen, Denmark in 1958. About 30% of the monkeys developed a “poxlike skin eruption” 7-9 weeks after arrival, according to a March 1973 paper published in what is now the peer-reviewed journal Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. Researchers allegedly assumed that one of the monkeys were carrying the virus already upon arrival in Denmark. Lots of questions emerge from there.
H.K. Mulford Company was a pharmaceutical firm founded in Philadelphia in the 1880s. It was one of three companies licensed in 1903 to produce smallpox vaccines in the United States. But the H.K. Mulford smallpox vaccine took the Pfizer position if you will, like today’s COVID-19 “vaccines,” according to a 2020 paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine.
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Maryland-based pharmaceutical company Sharp & Dohme merged with H.K. Mulford in 1929, making it the largest biotech lab in the world. Merck & Co. merged with the H.K. Mulford/Sharp & Dohme company in 1953. The deal made Merck the largest U.S. based pharmaceutical manufacturer. It also now meant Merck owned all those anti-venom serums, rabies vaccines and, yes, smallpox vaccines.
One year after the Denmark monkeypox outbreak, around 200 lab monkeys in a Philadelphia Merck facility were infected with the same monkeypox disease. There were outbreaks among monkeys at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C., and at the Zoological Garden in Rotterdam, Netherlands in 1962 and 1964, respectively. The WHO, in 1967, reported four more “poxlike disease outbreaks” in U.S. lab monkeys from 1965-67.
Monkeypox did not affect human beings until 1970. Six people in the Congo, Sierra Leone and Liberia were diagnosed with the disease that year. Researchers made certain to highlight the fact that all six were not vaccinated against smallpox.
Thus monkeypox came from Singapore and was enhanced via (Merck) gain-of-function in the United States. But mainstream media and government, like they do with nearly all diseases, say monkeypox originated in Africa. They’ll say it was first discovered in 1958, but won’t say where or how. Mainstream media say there are two variants: the West African strain and the Central African strain. Further, U.S. and U.K. sources are already blaming Russia for monkeypox 2022.
More vaccines, more profits
There are currently (as of May 21) 92 confirmed cases of monkeypox in 12 countries. Nearly all of them are in Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States, despite the disease allegedly originating in Africa. The first U.S. case was reported in Massachusetts on May 18. We all know where this is going (since Bill Gates already told us).
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a “vaccine” called Jynneos on September 24, 2019. It apparently treats both smallpox and monkeypox. It unclear why the FDA approved said drug since the CDC conceded long ago that the old smallpox vaccines are 85% effective against monkeypox. Further, smallpox was declared eradicated in 1979. Jynneos is manufactured by Bavarian Nordic, a biotech company headquartered in Hellerup, Denmark. Of course Hellerup is a suburb of Copenhagen, where monkeypox was first invented/discovered in 1958.
RELATED: COVID-19 news update: “living organisms” in Moderna, J&J shots; graphene oxide and Merck’s new anti-viral pills (October 15, 2021)
The FDA originally approved an oral drug called TPOXX in 2018. It is yet another smallpox treatment, manufactured by SIGA Technologies. Last week, the FDA approved an intravenous version of the drug specifically to treat monkeypox. Note that SIGA and Pfizer have had an international advertising partnership in place since 2019.
Bavarian Nordic announced on May 18 a contract with the U.S. government worth upwards of $300 million. The deal calls for Bavarian to manufacture and deliver Jyennos monkeypox vaccines beginning in 2023. The foregoing Bill Gates schedule says there will be 70 million global monkeypox cases by January 10, 2023, right on time for Jyennos deliveries.
Activated mRNA causing monkeypox?
This blogger doesn’t necessarily like putting on his tin-foil kufi when writing these articles. But when all the evidence is pieced together, it seems that the mRNA injections have more uses than just blood clots, heart attacks, neurological disorders, death, etc.
We know that Microsoft applied for the “body activity data” patent in 2020. We know that in order for it to work, something needs to be inside or on the skin of human beings. It’s also indisputable that there are metallic particles (likely graphene oxide) in these injections. Perhaps these new diseases are already programmed into the Moderna mRNA “operating system” and can be activated at anytime by the central controllers. The new smallpox and monkeypox vaccines are just the latest OS upgrade to ensure seamless central control.
RELATED: Move over cancer: mRNA injections are respawning HIV/AIDS around the globe, while numerous AIDS researchers are suddenly and mysteriously dying (February 28, 2022)
Regardless, this deliberate monkeypox agenda is right out in the open for anyone with a grain of common sense to see for themselves. But once again, the powers that be are targeting their most prized demographic – homosexuals. They don’t need much persuasion, as 96% of American LGBT adults received boosters by late March. But we have no reason to doubt Bill Gates and his announced 3.2 billion infections and 271 million deaths via monkeypox by the end of 2023. That’s a lot more people than just homosexuals.
There will be more monkeypox stories on The COVID Blog™ in the very-near future. So far the rollout has adhered very closely to the schedule. Belgium appears to be the first country with an official 21-day quarantine policy for anyone diagnosed with monkeypox. Same oppression, different “disease.” Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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Pure evil by the globalists. I live for the day that these satanic people (Bill Gates) and organizations (FDA, CSC, WHO) are taken down. Thank you for keeping us informed.
Won’t happen unless God intervenes.
Fat chance us mere mortals have of stopping them. All we can do is resist any rubbish they throw at us.
You mean SLIM chance. FAT Chance means ample opportunity to stop them. 🙂
No. Fat chance means having no chance. Fat chance and Slim chance are the same thing.
But you know what. Maybe humanity can prove me wrong. Maybe we do have a SLIM/FAT chance. But the two past years have proved otherwise.
I was in a cafe yesterday in a small village and a prole was saying to her prole friends “You know what maybe we just have to live with covid”.
If it took a Joe Normie two years to figure that out, something that us awakened said from day 1, then it will be a FAT chance that they will rise up with us already defeated awakened. Instead what she should be saying is “We should stop this tyranny from ever happening again”.
The only thing we mortals can do is pray and hope God sorts this all out. Because he has the power to do it.
Well put, Aidan. I need to start saying “prole”, most likely only the ones who think will know what I’m talking about.
In my opinion, your last line needs tweaking though. We also need to do what we can, in our own capacities – God expects this of us. Also, He will sort it all out, for sure. However, it may not be what we want. God bless. If you are the same Aidan from Ireland, hope you are doing ok. What a beautiful country, glad I was able to go there, years ago… how different it was!
Prize demographics – homosexuals. This reminds me of Aids in late 70s early 80s. Risky behavior especially risky sexual behavior comes with a price. This is how aids spread. If I was a homosexual or just into risky sex, I would be worried. Your days are numbered because they are experimenting on you.
They don’t care. My sister had a gay male friend who purposefully got aids. It was trendy then to be what they called a “bug catcher” if I recall correctly. He died on the day he finally achieved something, the day of his university graduation. Gay men with the exception of a few are so hellbent on a course of self-destruction. They also do lots of drugs from what I’ve heard.
we live in a Satanic realm where everything dark and evil becomes a trend
Yes, because their immoral acts don’t fill the hole in their soul. They keep trying to fill that soul with something so they can continue in their sin.
If I remember correctly, there were blood storage facilities (blood banks) with their entire supply/stock infected with HIV/AIDS so transmission was also made thru transfusions at the hospitals in larger cities.
As for the immediate viruses we are dealing with my question is this… When are we going to prosecute the one man that CAN be linked to 2 viral outbreaks in the USA?!?! His initials are “AF”…
If they don’t fear prosecution or never get prosecuted they WILL do it again….
I believe people born before the 1980s had smallpox vaccines as kids. Even if it’s not totally effective, it probably helps some.
A Native American herb, purple pitcher plant (tinctures, extracts) successfully stops smallpox. It’s hard to find though.
Does anyone know of other treatments or preventions? I’d check doctors in Africa who know about this. They probably notice that folks who eat certain foods are less likely to get it.
I’m talking for the unvaccinated as I doubt much will help the vaccinated; and as Brian points out, that’s the plan.
I’m scared to get any procedure that knocks me out for fear of being injected with the death jab vaccine. Anyway to scare the mess out of medical staff so they don’t even try it?
Ps Oh, and Brian, “tin foil kufi”
Dead. *ordering tin foil head wrap right now*
The book Dissolving Illusions is available free to read, chapter by chapter, on the website of the same name. One of the last chapters in that book is about forgotten remedies. It talks about how apple cider vinegar prevented medical care staff from catching smallpox.
Live without fear
Brian, as always, thank you for reporting on this. Each day I shake my head at the true evil that is being unleashed globally. I am doing my best to find a way to stay legitimately positive. Most people stay optimistic by either being pleasantly oblivious or they turn a blind eye to the truth. I don’t want to do either. I wish everyone who read The Covid Blog lived in the same city. It would be nice to converse with others and plan strategies with those who truly see what’s going on. I am fortunate to be vaccinated against small pox and I do not engage in risky sexual behaviors. I don’t know how to get ahead of the curve with these globalists…I constantly feel like I’m dodging bullets.
After all this you say you are fortunate to be vaccinated? All vaccines are injurious. No information from the govt should be trusted. Read The Drug Story by Morris Bealle. This has been going on for over 100 years since the Rockefellers sold OIL as a panacea for all ills. Yes, they told people to ingest OIL.
I was vaccinated in 1969 from small pox (born in ’68). I researched the small pox vaccine and, yes, I do believe it offers some protection (unlike the COVID injections). Regardless, I had no control over being vaccinated. I was a toddler.
Interesting how all of sudden a “virus” that is mainly prevalent Africa is all of sudden is appearing all over the world. I’ve never heard of monkeypox being in the UK. It was just always the flu, until the flu disappeared for two years and became a conspiracy theory.
The liars over at the MSM will do there best to not mention the link between deadly untested mrna poison jabs, but they will mention the link between monkeypox and the homosexuals. Maybe instead of homosexuals rushing out to get more untested and deadly poison jabs to treat this so called monkeypox maybe they should just cut back on their risky behaviors (to fill in that empty hole in their debauched riddled lives).
Not buying this monkeypox nonsense. But then this crap is being targeted at the dumb sheep who will once again roll up their sleeves, wait in a queue for hours, get their crap shot, take a selfie and go to Nandos to celebrate with the rest of their prole mates. The elties know they have the sheep within their palm of their hands, the rest of us will have to wait.
Stay strong everyone. Remember to pray to God and do not take for granted your loved ones who are also not buying any of this crap.
Considering how the triple- and quadruple-vaxxed people most likely have VAIDS now, it’s not hard to imagine that they can spread various diseases like monkeypox where Purebloods won’t.
And as usual the MSM won’t point out that most people infected, with whatever the next virus comes into town, are vaxxed up, and forget to mention how anti-vaxxers are not sick in their droves. They won’t point out that most of these so called long covid sufferers are vaxxed, unhealthy fatties and should tell them to hit the treadmill, stop going to kfc and stop being such a bloody hypochondriac.
There is a real denial issue that the vaxxed proles are having. They just can’t admit to themselves that they have been duped. Some might be waking up but I’m too cynical at this point to trust them because they probably won’t believe the other truthbombs that you would have to inform them on and I have no time to waste on stupid people who won’t listen.
Purebloods rule!
I suspect its just shingles but that being said when you have no immune system you become a vector for disease and can catch exotic illnesses other people with healthy immune systems are protected from. Look at all the weird infections AIDS patients get.
We haven’t hit peak-dumb yet folks. Next up: Space aliens! I hear “the Omicrons” will be landing any day now.
I hate this sick guy who blames the poor animals for everything. I’d rather not see him, let alone hear him
THIS… is the stellar investigative reporting that keeps us coming! Those of us who follow this blog (and others like it,) already suspected, the minute this Monkey pox scenario popped up, that it was preplanned somehow. But, leave it to Brian to do the deep digging necessary to put it altogether. The rest of us would not even know where to start. When I go to the blog to see if anything new has been posted, and nothing new shows up for several days or more, I always know that that is because of the deep research and time it takes to put the pieces together before posting, and that when the stories do finally show up they will be bombshells yet again.
Sad and incredibly evil exposed bombshells to be sure. But I had rather know about them then be in the dark. Count me in on ordering that tin foil kufi.
Very odd that the condition is concentrated in the rich, white, “oppressor” nations. It’s almost as if it’s been seeded there.
I was just posting this observation on another story. Sadly, I often wonder to myself if it is a Karmic Happening.
The so called “oppressed” don’t have the means, money or desire to put together and execute “germ games,” meaning practice pandemics, across the globe; or give 1.3 million to any initiatives, like The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
But how did the “white” nations (especially in Western Europe) get to be so rich though? If carefully considered with facts, logic, and not emotion, you might then take quotes off the word “oppressor” as that was a historical reality and the very reason for Western wealth.
Aside from that your comment is spot on, if only the sheep would wake up and see that for the past century diseases are created in the West, they would not look at Africa with such fearsome loathing and association with pestilence, it would be the other way around.
I suspect it hits vaxxed people harder, so it’s going to be most concentrated in the most heavily-vaxxed countries. And the highest population density of vaxxed-up and boosted people in the world is in Western Europe.
Not following the mainstream rituals AT ALL, I just have a faint idea of this monkey business. That said, my next custom printed t-shirt will be that pic with the monkey, ASAP (front & back).
When we continue to accept the nut, Bill Gates, as top banana we get monkeypox.
Monkey see, Monkey doom. More fear and mind control coming this way, there is nothing I can do. All I can do is sit and watch helplessly. I tried informing my own family, but they will never listen.
The saddest thing of all is losing deluded family members. It truly shreds the heart. I am fighting for my own as hard as I can. Breaking the brainwashing must be possible. Never give up.
Thanks very much for connecting the dots. I shook my head when I heard of monkeypox and thought “they” were playing a game with the sheep again….it seems they will take it further than that.
I will do more research on the info you posted and read all of the links.
I’m in East Africa permanently as I decided it was not safe to remain in the USA for my family, it will be interesting to see how this monkeypox plays out here. The presidents of Rwanda and Malawi were both in attendance at Davos last week – both are shills – and moreso Kagame (I’ve always questioned what really happened in Rwanda back in the 90s – and the fact it’s a crime in that nation to question official narrative is even more suspicious). He is a willing and helping hand for the WEF and other elites.
It makes perfect sense to me why LGBT are the most vaxxed of any groups, as most of the lifestyle is narcissistic and hedonistic (especially for the men) and they don’t want any inconveniences to get in the way of “cruising” or their other activities. Covid lockdowns were especially torturous for them. I worked with one like that and he is also triple vaxxed and would get 10 more doses if that’s what it would take to return life back to normal…he is married but obviously has an open marriage from the way he talks….as the majority of them do.
I have to say I am surprised the elites plan to take them out so quickly – I thought they’d serve as proxy warriors for a much longer time than their Obama era wins.
You make an excellent point about homosexual lifestyle being completely hindered by the COVID lockdowns. Ultimately, TPTB want blood. They’ve played these convoluted games to lower the vibration of the people and also for sport. Purgery, murder, and sexual immorality are just symptoms of this blood lust. They satiate their deepest appetites because they know sodomy is the doorway to full-blown mind control which is an effective way to make foot soldiers. However, when time runs out for TPTB, they become desperate. And desperate beings will turn to the easiest lrey when hungry.
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…. Ya can’t fool me again.” – George Bush Jr.
Bill Gates va a todas partes con ese libro.
La semana pasada se entrevistó con el presidente español Pedro Sánchez y llevaba ese libro para presentarlo.
Es un auténtico psicópata satánico como todos los que se relacionan con él, me da verdadero asco verle y escucharle!!
It’s a computer virus. Disables the security system of the body then loads malware on it. As the malware is activated….you kick.