Truth is now in plain sight, with 10 more sudden death herein forcing mainstream media, big tech to triple, quadruple down on “safe and effective” narrative
June 13, 2022

Fauci/Gates mass graves are approaching those of Joseph Stalin.

Post-injection death tolls have reached levels that are making it very difficult for the powers-that-be to keep the lambs sleeping and the vaxx zealots enthused. Thus they are resorting to the oldest, tried-and-true tricks in the book, particularly the “if you tell a lie enough, it becomes the truth” method.

Politifact wrote the same, regurgitated article on April 6, 2022, declaring that mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are not the cause of countless sudden deaths in adults and kids. The Poynter Institute, Politifact’s parent organization, wrote nearly the exact same “fact check” article on September 24, 2021. The effort has been persistent, consistent and coordinated among the monolithic mainstream media since the spring of 2021.

Pfizer-owned Reuters wrote a “fact-check” on April 29, 2021 entitled, “No evidence COVID-19 vaccines will cause an ‘exponential rise’ in deaths.” The next day, on April 30, 2021, USA Today wrote a “fact-check” entitled, “COVID-19 vaccines don’t cause death, won’t decimate world’s population.” got into the mix on March 2, 2022, with an article entitled, “COVID-19 Vaccines Have Prevented Deaths, Contrary to Misleading Graphic on Social Media.” Those four (Poynter/Politifact, USA Today, Reuters, are charged with reinforcing the lies and propaganda, while soothing the fears and anxiety of vaxx zealots.

RELATED: Mainstream media, government propaganda fulfilling their purposes of normalizing, distracting from mass deaths of young people across the globe (March 4, 2022)


But emergency reinforcements are necessary since many Americans have already experienced at least one sudden death in their immediate family or extended friends networks. A paper entitled “The ethics of encouraging employees to get the COVID‑19 vaccination” was published in the Journal of Public Health Policy in March 2022. The paper concluded:

While some employers might understandably feel hesitant to pressure employees to get vaccinated, our analysis suggests that it is often ethically acceptable to inform, encourage, strongly encourage, incentivize, and subtly pressure unvaccinated people to benefit them, the organization, and other employees.

It is important to distinguish legal requirements from ethical considerations; given extensive employment regulations, vaccine encouragement might be an issue where law and ethics do not align. Particularly when legal precedents are not clear, companies may choose to focus on minimizing legal risks. While this is understandable, we believe employers should resist that instinct because ethically defensible vaccine encouragement strategies are available.”

Critical thinkers fully expect papers like this to be published, particularly since it was funded by the National Institutes of Health. But one of the authors listed at the top of this particular paper is Christine Grady. She is not only the head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, but she’s also Fauci’s wife. Yet the paper declares at the bottom that none of the authors have conflicts of interest. Read the full paper here.

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Then there’s Pfizer CEO and reining Zionist of the Year (yes, that is a real award) Albert Bourla. He and The Great Reset architect Klaus Schwab chopped it up at the World Economic Forum 2022 Annual Meeting late last month. They played their woe-is-me cards and whined about being “targets of the anti-vaccine movements and conspiracy people.”

But it was Bourla’s interview with CNN reporter Richard Quest in Davos that hasda bit of everything. First, Quest admitted to having received four Pfizer mRNA injections, but is still worried about catching COVID-19. Bourla said the Pfizer mRNA injections are the least profitable drug the company has ever made. Pfizer is expected to rake in $100 billion in revenues this year, which would set a company record.

Bourla, obliviously and arrogantly, declared that Pfizer will provide all of its poisons at cost to the world’s poorest countries, insinuating that this is some sort of altruistic gesture.

The foregoing propaganda campaigns keep vaxx zealots engaged, despite many of them now suffering from various adverse effects from the injections. Those are the unlucky ones. It’s becoming crystal clear that all vaxxed people will suddenly drop dead of a heart attack or cardiac arrest, or die in their sleep, at any moment. And it’s happening all over the world.

We literally just wrote a similar article three days ago highlighting 10 such deaths.

RELATED: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): Mainstream media conjure more excuses for young people, including 10 more herein, having heart attacks and/or dying in mass numbers (June 10, 2022)


Here are 10 more.

Enzo Ramos: 14-year-old Brazilian dies during soccer game

Enzo Diogo Ramos Morais was playing in a soccer game for Clube Campestre in Rio Verde, Goiás, Central Brazil on Saturday afternoon, May 28. He asked his coaches to take him out of the game because he felt sick, according to Brazilian news portal G1. Enzo suddenly collapsed to the ground and went into cardiac arrest. Medics performed CPR for at least 40 minutes. But Enzo died shortly thereafter.

Clube Campestre paid for his funeral.

Nikita Lomax: 26-year-old British woman never wakes up from a nap

Ms. Nikita Lomax, her boyfriend Jon Noble, and the couple’s 19-month-old daughter drove from Bacap (about 23 miles/37 km north of Manchester) to Wales on Friday, May 20. They were visiting Jon’s brother. The next day, Ms. Lomax wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home. So they cut the trip short and headed back north on Saturday, May 21.

When the family was about 15 miles south of Manchester, Nikita said she was tired and was going to sleep the rest of the way. But a few minutes later, Mr. Noble told The Manchester Evening News “I realized something was really wrong.” He quickly detoured to the Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Doctors worked on Ms. Lomax for 30 minutes. But she was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. She likely died from a blood clot, according to doctors.

Aidan Kaminska: 19-year-old UMass lacrosse player “dies suddenly”

Mr. Aidan Kaminska was a sophomore communications major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He was on the academic honor roll as a freshman. As a redshirt freshman lacrosse player, he was named Rookie of the Week once and made the Colonial Athletic Conference 2022 All-Rookie Team.

Mr. Kaminska “died suddenly” at his family’s home in Port Jefferson, New York on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30. His obituary says he “passed away unexpectedly” that day. No other details were provided. UMass Amherst has had a vaccine mandate in place for all on-campus students since July 28, 2021.

Harrison Wagner: 27-year-son of 80s soap opera star found dead in parking lot

Most people over age 40 know Jack Wagner from his various soap opera roles in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly General Hospital. This blogger remembers him as the one-hit wonder who performed the 1984 Billboard Hot 100 number-2 hit “All I Need.”

Jack married his General Hospital on-screen lover Kristina in 1993. They had two sons, Peter (b. 1990) and Harrison (b. 1994). That’s where the story picks up.

Harrison Wagner was found dead in a North Hollywood, California parking lot on June 6. A “died of addiction” narrative is being created for his death. It goes back to 2016 when Jack tweeted that Harrison had been missing for five days.

Less than 12 hours later, Jack confirmed that he was in contact with Harrison. “He’s 21 and in charge of his life,” Jack tweeted.

Regardless, Harrison had posted several photos of himself in the gym working out on Instagram since 2021. He was talking about being grateful for “doors of opportunity” opening on February 3.

All the entertainment websites were saying Harrison’s cause of death was “deferred” just a few days ago. But yesterday the narrative changed to Harrison “lost his battle with addiction.” It’s hard to ignore that Harrison died in the exact same way as almost all these “sudden adult death syndrome” victims die. It’s even harder to ignore that Harrison wrote that he was suffering from “post booster fatigue” on January 11.

But queue the “you don’t know addiction” vaxx zealots anyway.

Cooper Noriega: 19-year-old “TikTok star” found dead in a parking lot

Mr. Cooper Noriega had 1.7 million TikTok followers and 593,000 Instagram followers. The latter profile says he’s a fashion model. Mr. Noriega joined TikTok in 2019 and quickly built a following. He reportedly had some sort of website to discuss mental health issues, particularly addiction. He was in fact on social media virtually every hour, every day.

His last TikTok post came on June 9. The overlay says, “who else b thinking they gon d!€ young af.” Translation: “who else thinks they will die young?”

A few hours later, Mr. Noriega was found dead in a Los Angeles mall parking lot.

RELATED: College athlete suicide rate for 2022 already shatters previous years, as more data tie suicidal thoughts to mRNA injections (April 27, 2022)


Note that the foregoing Harrison Wagner also died in a Los Angeles-area parking lot on June 6. Cooper Noriega died in a Los Angeles-area parking lot of June 9. It appears addiction will also be the narrative around Noriega’s death. They also may call it suicide because of the TikTok post.

Mattea Sommerville: 12-year-old Canadian girl dies in her sleep

Mattea Sommerville is from Guelph, Ontario. She was known in her community for starting an online petition last year, asking the city to paint a homosexual flag for a crosswalk at the local Stone Road Mall. The city and mall obliged after the petition garnered 15,000 signatures. The flag crosswalk was unveiled on or around June 1.

Mattea “died suddenly in her sleep” on Sunday, June 5. The GoFundMe page says her passing was “very sudden & unexpected.”

Jay Goldberg: 53-year-old California doctor dies of heart attack while hiking

Dr. Jay Goldberg was a Beverly Hills OB/GYN at Cedar-Sinai. He had several famous and semi-famous clients including Real Housewives cast members and NFL players’ wives.

RELATED: Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October (November 17, 2021)


Dr. Goldberg was hiking at Will Rogers State Park in Pacific Palisades on Sunday, May 29. The Los Angeles Fire Department received a call that a man was down on the ground around 11:30 a.m. that day. Helicopters located him and lowered rescuers to his location. But Dr. Goldberg was immediately pronounced dead. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Like virtually all U.S. hospitals and medical establishments, Cedar-Sinai had a vaccine mandate in place since at least August 4, 2021.

Oliver Vaux: 20-year-old Scottish student dies in his sleep

Mr. Oliver Vaux was a third-year physics major at the University of Saint Andrews in Fife, Scotland. He was a straight-A student, captain of the school’s Canoe Club, and well on his way to fulfilling his goal of earning a PhD.

Mr. Vaux was on a university-sponsored canoeing adventure in the French Alps on May 25. He spent the entire day on the water before heading back to his sleeping quarters. Mr. Vaux never woke up from his night’s sleep, and was pronounced dead on May 26.

There was no vaccine mandate per se at St. Andrews. But the university “strongly encouraged” it and reported a 97% vaccination rate on September 13, 2021.

Brian Jonigan: 51-year-old IT specialist dies in his home

Mr. Brian Jonigan was a long-time information technology analyst for Ortho Clinical Diagnostics in Rochester, New York. The medical diagnostics firm was owned by Johnson & Johnson until 2014 when The Carlyle Group acquired it for $4.15 billion.

Mr. Jonigan “passed away unexpectedly” in his home on June 2. No further details were provided.

Sarah Hilpirt: 36-year-old Texas massage therapist dies unexpectedly

Ms. Sarah Hilpirt was a massage therapist at Medical Massage Rx in Flower Mound, Texas. She “died unexpectedly” on June 4. Local news reports said she died of a heart attack. A GoFundMe page is raising money for her teenage son.

Prepare for the worst

Alfie is a 10-year-old autistic boy from Wallsend, North Tyneside, England. He had two loving parents in mother Jill Skivington, 46, and father Gary Armstrong, 49. The couple had been together for 15 years, and each had older children from previous relationships. So Alfie was their special bond baby, if you will.

But now Alfie’s future is completely uncertain. Mr. Armstrong died suddenly while watching television on his couch on April 13. The cause of death was cardiac arrest. Ms. Skivington developed two blood clots in her brain, and had a stroke and a major heart attack. She died in the hospital on May 12, one month after Gary. A GoFundMe page is raising funds to help Alfie adjust to living with his grandmother and two sisters.

There’s no way of knowing how often these orphan-types of situations are happening around the globe. But it likely a lot more than anybody wants to think about. Anywhere from 55 to 65 million people died per year around the world from 2000 to 2020. Around 140 million babies were born each year in that time, despite declining birth rates in Western countries. Granted the history writers and mainstream media will never provide real numbers. But 200 millions deaths and only about 70 million global births are good over/under numbers for 2022.

Those guesstimates may be too optimistic. Depopulation is the goal and it’s in full effect. The death rates and manners of death halfway through 2022 are already scary. This could only be the beginning. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

We’re seeing in real time why the meek and children will inherit the earth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim Karma

Amen Kim Karma! That is so profound what you just posted! I see it too…

The key also being the “meek”. Those with hate in their heart, no empathy, and are so angry at those that took the vaxx…should think again. God says that vengeance is his,

There is “Righteous Anger”, but we are to put the anger away and lean towards prayers of protection for ourselves and families, and for the awakening of those that still slumber. And we should be looking for those that are put in our path by the God; like fruit for the picking that are ready to hear; with eyes to see. That is my humble understanding of scriptures.

Those that will be saved, are already written in the book of life. Those that will not, will not be.

As the word says:
2/3rds of the earth would be wiped out at end times…and if GOD did not intervene NONE would be saved.

What is that slang saying the kids use today?…something like “Haters gonna Hate!”
Then they substituted the words with so many other memes – some of them so hilarious!

For example: When your mom tells you to clean up your room or you’re grounded …”Moms gonna Mom!” etc… The meaning being that “They just gonna do what they do…”

Well the end times are just gonna – and the apocalypse is just gonna …It’s all gonna be what it is, so there is nothing to be upset and angry about if you are really walking with GOD.
Be Blessed!

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

I came to that realization after about 2 weeks of the first wave of fear when we were asked to stay home for 2 weeks to “stop the spread.” I will admit being fearful and wondering what was going on. I was also at a church where the “preacher” was giving sermons with the words “oh, church, I don’t know where we find hope today. (I’m not joking – I’m not there anymore.)

One day, I realized how foolish I was. I’m a Bible believing Christian. There are three options if I got sick from the virus (how sick I am with people freaking out with “So-and-So has COVID!!!” When I ask if it was a (supposedly) positive test or if they were sick and the person says they just test positive. I’m like MOVE ON ALREADY.) I get sick and get better. Okay. I get sick and I have to go to the hospital. Okay. I get sick, have to go to the hospital and die. Okay. I go home to be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Well, folks, that is a much better place than here. Until that day comes, I shouldn’t be fearful of tomorrow. That will take care of itself. We have to live as Christ-like examples in our thoughts, words and deed and leave the rest to God.

BTW – I did mention my realization to that “preacher” I wrote about ending with why be fearful if you have accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God. He just stared at me like the proverbial deer in headlights.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Wow, good story. Thank you so much for sharing with us all…

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

“why be fearful if you accept Christ…” Exactly. We were not given a Spirit of fear. But the vile should be very afraid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

There is a doctor, her name is Stella. I don’t remember her last name but she’s from Africa and a doctor. She was ridiculed by the mass media for promoting alternative treatments for the virus. Anyway, she once stated that she forgives her enemies, but not enemies of God. That’s the same idea I follow. I will forgive my personal enemies, but not enemies of God. A line has to be drawn somewhere, otherwise it’s the equivalent of stupid self-suicide. Take the example of the civil war. If Christians never did anything but sit back, what kind of world would this be? Take into account also, the story of Vlad Dracul. If it weren’t for him we women would all be wearing burkas right now. He basically saved Europe from the Muslims.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
J Far
J Far
2 years ago

I’ve been pondering how the world is going to deal with a sudden dramatic increase in orphans.

2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

They always find something to do with people. Remember that humans are just like cattle to them.

2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

I’ve been pondering the same thing. Looking on recent obituaries, a lot of young single parents have now left their kids to become orphans. This is a real thing the government and pro killer vaxxers don’t give a damn about. Now if Granny is dying then it becomes a big deal.

Recession? Nah that don’t matter.
Orphans? That’s a conspiracy theory.
Granny dead? Those anti-vaxxers!

2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

What they have always done. Orphan trains.

2 years ago

Four children orphaned in Co. Kerry, Ireland. Likely both parents vaxxed:

2 years ago

Actually, that Journal of Public Health Policy quote is such a piece of horrible gobbledegook that I don’t even know what to say.
It is important to distinguish legal requirements from ethical considerations; given extensive employment regulations, vaccine encouragement might be an issue where law and ethics do not align.

This seems to be saying that the authors know what basic ethics are, and from what I have observed, nothing could be further from reality.

And unfortunately they can spin Cooper Noriega a couple different ways, so even with his wide reach, nothing will be thought of it. Even if he had posted specific things happening to his body that we could recognize as jab related, the MSM is likely gonna say it was anxiety/mental health related, or as noted, addiction related.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

“Obviously, these unexpected [really?] deaths are just a statistical anomaly” they will likely say. Yeah, right. A 12 year old girl dying in her sleep? A 36 year old woman (pre-menopausal female), not obese, suddenly dying from a myocardial infarction (“heart attack”)? All of this is HIGHLY unlikely!

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I picked up on that quote as well, complete guff.

2 years ago

This is beyond a sick joke now!

Pro killer vax supporters and big pharma whores are responsible for this evil. From the CEO of Pzifer to some Joe Normie spreading misinformation that these clot shots are safe. Yes I’m calling out any Joe Soap that calls these things safe and tells anyone to get it. I don’t care if they didn’t know any better. That is a terrible excuse. Two damn years and if it still hasn’t taken someone to wake up then they are either so thick it’s a wonder they can live or so stubborn because they don’t want to admit those pesky anti-vax people maybe right for once and their once precious little worldview has been completely decimated. That’s right big pharma whore, vaccines are killing people.

Pro killer vaxxers are more worried about not being associated with anything anti vax that they would rather not admit these “vaccines” are dangerous and should never have been given. Unlike pro killer vaxxers, we don’t given a damn what other people think about us and don’t let the TV and corrupt scientists do the thinking for us.

I’m seeing more younger people dying suddenly my local death notices. It’s so bad that I’m doing some research (like Brian at the covid blog) into it. I just pray anyone I know closely got a fake shot. I’m lucky I don’t know anybody who has suffered yet. But it will be inevitable that the worse will come.

All we can do is pray and wait. Stay safe everyone!

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I can understand your frustration Aiden. Except for myself and my immediate family, everyone I know has taken the jab. Everyone of them has since had “covid” or been sick at least once. The norm now is for bouts of illness to recur increasingly frequently and with increasingly serious symptoms. It’s been dubbed by the medical establishment and sold by the pressitutes as “Long Covid”, a handy euphemism for dying immune systems.
Like you, I find it hard to believe that the idiots are not waking up to the cruel joke that’s been played on them. The answer is simply that they are addicted to MSM lies, have trust in the medical authorities and never view alternate news and viewpoints.
Given their fate, It’s probably better that they continue to live in fantasy land.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Yes David B. You are correct from my observations.
You wrote: “The answer is simply that they are addicted to MSM lies, have trust in the medical authorities and never view alternate news and viewpoints.”

I am always reading comments from people that call the vaxxed injured stupid etc.; and operate from a place of anger even though the scriptures tell us not to do that. “They know NOT what they do” were the words of the Messiah.

Most of these people do not know alternative websites exist. The ones I have mentioned alternative sites to, had already had the vaxx; so I don’t know/think they stayed with it and read the info. You sort of can’t blame them as they probably (for self preservation) want to keep out negative thoughts and info because they had already taken the jab.

But the ones that that I talked to that had not taken the vaxx, immediately looked into it and wanted the info.One guy I saved right on the spot at a CVS pharmacy. I saw him sitting there and asking the pharmacist about getting a jab. The Most High moved me to him…I told him “DON’T DO IT” he said “IT IS FOR MY JOB”,
I told him this website and one other. He looked it up on his phone right then and there. When I looked back to see if he was still sitting there waiting for his shot…HE WAS GONE! Praise God!

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

With the appropriate level of meekness (IMO), it was one guy GOD saved, accomplished through you. 😉

Well done in being aware and available!

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Thank you Indomitable for the correction. YOU ARE SO RIGHT!

I wish I could go back and edit my post now to say exactly what you said…”it was one guy GOD saved”

Be Blessed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

It just goes to show Rachel, that information is powerful. Unfortunately the information being spread to most people is a pack of lies. They actually advertise on mainstream TV here that the Vaxx is safe and effective. If there ever is a judgement, the foul press will have a great deal to answer for.
Good work saving that chap – I hope he has the fortitude to stay unvaxxed.
I tend not to tell anyone that I’m unvaxxed – it truly drives them insane.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Wow DavidB, I totally understand being reluctant to discuss vaxx status with people. Because, you are right; that people are getting bombarded with lies and misinformation and the actual truth is getting censored.

Yes, I hope and pray that he had the fortitude to stay unvaxxed as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

“I tend not to tell anyone that I’m unvaxxed – it truly drives them insane.”

How are you going to contribute to making the world a better place then, if you don’t do your best to rock the boat ?.

I have a custom printed hoodie that says it. A handful of strangers did let me know that they liked it.

“NO Mask”
“NO Vax”

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

This exchange brought to my mind “The Logical Song” by Supertramp. Awesome lyrics.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

I doubt there are many vaxxed people out there who were not warned by a friend or family member. I tried warning my sister and she got irate / emotional, insinuated that I was a conspiracy theorist, etc. The usual programmed reaction. She is triple jabbed and so is everyone in her family. My point is, most people STUBBORNLY REJECT the truth. For these people it cannot be said “they know not what they do”.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

Mark Twain: “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

2 years ago

You wrote: “I doubt there are many vaxxed people out there who were not warned by a friend or family member.”

Please be assured that there are many who were not.

I am sorry about what happened to your sister not listening to you. Please do not assume it is the case for everyone WORLD WIDE. You and many others, I think; are really just talking through the hurt and fear you have and are projecting it on others. It’s like, I see people posting to strangers that they warned them…and I am like that guy/gal does not know the person in this story or the video personally. It’s so strange…

We have no way of knowing in most cases, if a person had a friend or family member that told them anything at all, because they probably did not know all the information either.

All I could go on early was my intuition, (because I did not have as much data or facts like I do today). And at the time, (what my intuition was telling me) was at many times – NO MATCH against propaganda and constant media inundation, as well as threats to a persons career, school or income.

There are many who do not have ppl to bring opposing messages to them and they do not know that all the big tech companies (Facebook, twitter, google) are censoring. Some don’t even know about alternative websites.
Remember people are working, taking care of homes, children, elder parents…they may not be on the web as much as us.

You wrote: “My point is, most people STUBBORNLY REJECT the truth. For these people it cannot be said “they know not what they do”.

Yes, the bible tells us that there will be many who reject. THINK…if anyone was truly shown the end of their destruction/decisions; would they still do them? We have free will and have to seek and come out to a place of standing in faith. Makes me think of the SCROOGE movie or IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE.

From what I can understand, one side (faithful) has to seek and they will find; and the other (faithless) must reveal openly (while) cloaked to obtain their goals…

I think maybe alternative websites and our postings on them and other places have reached millions collectively…but we have not reached all…
No, not at all…

I hope that makes sense. Prayers up for you Sister. I have many in my family, but only one lost as of yet. As Brian tells us; love and protect family and friends; and I say give them (that didn’t know or wouldn’t listen) your love and their roses while they are alive.

Each person has their own individual walk; and they stand in judgement alone.

(This message is for Bible believers, no dissrespect to those of other faiths and beliefs).

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Sorry but even the media and government mentioned “anti-vaxxers” repeatedly. So that alone should have led any rational person to question what was actually going on, and to research the other side of the story (so to speak).
What we are seeing here is a culling of those who are weak minded. Those who are gullible, cowardly, and who would rather DIE than face social pressure or be ostracized.
Your attitude of “love everyone no matter what” is noble, but isn’t fit for the harsh reality of the world we are living in, which is getting more brutal by the day. You mean well, but you will need to toughen up or find a strong healthy man to shield you from what is coming if you don’t already have that.
Lastly, I am a Christian. I get the impression you have fallen for the lie that Christianity is “all love”. Jesus said he came to divide, and to “bring a sword”. We see that in my own family with my sister, is a staunch athiest / leftist / vaxtard. Christianity is about love for good, and hate for evil. Both are necessary for a healthy and moral society.

2 years ago

Thank you “Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred”.
I actually agree with everything in your reply post.

I am not a CHRISTIAN. I follow the words and teaching of the Bible. I trust in the word that is written and not any doctrines.

I do not believe that “all is love”. I do have a strong and healthy man as my covering; but I am also very aware of what the word says is to come. I want to make sure I have the oil ready for my lamp stands…(I think you’ll know what I mean by that comment.

You wrote:

What we are seeing here is a culling of those who are weak minded. Those who are gullible, cowardly, and who would rather DIE than face social pressure or be ostracized.

I agree with your statement above. All I am trying to say is that; we have a right to righteous anger towards the evil doers.

But the “weak minded”? I feel it is not good for a persons karma to wish them ill and say that they deserved what they got, hope they all die etc. (they are weak minded-victims of the evil doers).

The “gullible” people it seems to me should not be made fun of, or wished further harm upon…Many of us remember being young and gullible. Even in our later years, we want to trust because we are good in our hearts…and one of those snakes gets past us.

“Cowardly” no doubt! The doctors that did not come forward…they will have to live with their choices and except their karma, but people that live in the world for social acceptance…I just feel sad for them. The script says we live in the world but “be NOT of it”. Sadly they have not learned that yet. I remember my life before I learned…it could’ve been me or any of us…So my heart has some compassion. That is all I was trying to say. Be Blessed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

You trust only the bible and not doctrine?

Where did the new testament bible come from? Was it pre-packaged and sent to all the churches who ordered a copy from heaven?

You know for the first 300+ years in Christianity there was no such thing as a new testament bible? The early church was governed and led THROUGH DOCTRINE AND DIVINE LITURGY (examples of which are mentioned in Acts and the epistles). The new testament bible was eventually brought in to combat the gnostic gospels being brought in. After that doctrine didn’t go away. Bible and doctrine go hand in hand.

If the bible is the only thing we as Christians should focus on (Sola Scriptura) then why are their some many different Christian sects? Clearly doctrine is necessary to keep unity. Men can (and have) so easily twisted the written word and caused more division.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Hi Aidan,

I am intending to avoid spiritual talk or making bible references; but because you kindly asked a question of me – I would answer.

You wrote: “If the bible is the only thing we as Christians should focus on (Sola Scriptura) then why are their some many different Christian sects?”

I say you answered your own question above,
when you wrote: “Men can (and have) so easily twisted the written word and caused more division.”

You are exactly correct: It is the doctrines of man that have twisted the written word…this is why I personally have decided NOT to follow religions/doctrines of man.

You wrote: “You know for the first 300+ years in Christianity there was no such thing as a new testament bible?

Yes, and the NEW TESTAMENT is often referencing the original LAW and THE PROPHETS (old testament) where it says “for it is written”. The Bible says that there is NOTHING NEW under the SUN.

You wrote: The early church was governed and led THROUGH DOCTRINE AND DIVINE LITURGY (examples of which are mentioned in Acts and the epistles).”

I agree with you, that the early church did operate that way and does today. But I remind you that I am not a Christian/Catholic/Jehovah Witness/7th day Adventist/Baptist/Pentecostal/Muslim/New Age etc.
I practice NO Religion. I am simply a Bible believer. I believe in God and I believe the Bible as well as the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha.

I believe because they have been the only writings to explain things to a fuller understanding for me. Many questions I had; got answered. That is for my personal walk; It is different for everyone.

If Christianity works for you and so many millions of others I have no qualms with that. Seems to me …None of us, should be concerned if someone does or does not follow a religion or doctrine. It is their personal choice.

I think it’s called The theory of Ocam’s razor ? – I guess for me it made sense that the simplest answers are most likely the truth. I don’t think God intended for the Bible to be complicated and confusing for people. Or why else would he have had prophets/disciples etc., put it in writings. I just think the different doctrines are what is causing all the confusions…
JMHO and experience.

Be Blessed

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

I’m sorry but you might want to tone the self-righteousness down. Also using Jesus’ statement on the cross has deeper meaning. No one here hates vaxxed people but many of us can’t even work anymore because of them. Many children have died because their parents forced them to get a vaxx. Maybe practice some empathy yourself hmm?

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Hi Gwen,

My apologies. I did not mean to come off as
self-righteous. A lot of what you typed/posted I found to be true and reasonable.

Not sure what you meant about deeper meaning of the Messiahs words on the cross, but I absolutely have empathy. That I do have!!

I guess I am just equating the comments from the vaxx zealots; to those that some post in opposition, about how they want the vaxxed injured to keep taking shots and that they deserved what they got.

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

This philosophy is taught in many faiths, even spiritualism such as the “Secret” new age teachings…that what is said can manifest in life back to the person speaking those things.

I just fear that those who do that, will bring that same karma upon themselves.

I just feel so sorry for the single woman that was so scared about losing her job to support her children. Or the good father that wanted to support his family and took it for his job. Or the student who just wanted to better themselves with education and move up in life, and the dedicated military service members…etc…

In my heart, I just cant be angry or mad at them…but I am mad at the leaders who are perpetrating this madness…now babies???

You have taught me something or at least helped me realize. This is NOT a religious web site. I will refrain from referencing bible/scripture…religious or spiritual nature of things from this point forward.
Be Blessed.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Co-worker and his family of 3 all got sick even after boosters. Of course, he gave the excuse “well, it would have been worse with out the vaccine.” BS

2 years ago

You reap what you sow. Regardless of why or what transpired for you to get the clot shots. For the liars, vaxx idiots and all associated with this mass murder – nothing but the worse for you. For the others – I will bear witness and hope for a better future for you and your family. For the innocent children – I pray the Lord will bless you and embrace you with love. ❤️

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago

I am afraid here in Britain, people are still begging for the vaccine! If everyone in the UK had done their research away from the mainstream media, nobody would have taken the vaccine. What shocks me is that the British people still cannot connect the dots. The British mainstream media is reporting the high levels of death in the celebrity and sport world. Also it is reporting the huge amount of people in the general British population who are dying from cardiac events. Also, the hospitals in the UK can no longer cope with the vaccine injured. The average waiting time in any UK NHS is almost 12 hours. Paramedics are quitting (this too has been reported in mainstream media) because of the stress of attending to too many vaccine injured patients. Surely the average Brit should be asking questions now? But no! Most people I know have received their fourth booster! People who have already suffered a terrible side effect such as a brain bleed or heart attack. What on earth is wrong with these people? How many people do they want to see dead and injured from the vaccine before the penny drops?
Also the British who are generally very docile and friendly people have become almost incurable Covid-19 fanatics. A week ago I just asked a friend why he was still wearing a mask when he was triple vaccinated? He went mad! Right in the middle of the High Street he began to shout at me for being a sheep! I quickly ran into a shop. Another friend of mine who adored cycling everywhere, since having the booster, he has lost the use of his left hand and had to give up cycling. I told him it was the vaccine that did this to him, He too went mad!
Is just me or have the vaccinated become aggressive and even more stubborn with the Covid-19 narrative? I have noticed a complete personality change in most vaccinated people I know. Sometimes it feels like I am talking to a robot. It is as if the ‘humanness’ has been taken out of them. They are less engaged and seem less compassionate and concerned when one raises highly distressing topics such as vaccine injuries or death.
To be honest if people are this stupid and gullible, to put it brutally, they are better off dead. Someone asked me yesterday, who do I blame for this whole tragic and frightening Covid-19 theatre? I had a good think about it and realised it was the stupid sheeple who brought about their own destruction because of their stupidity. I realised these brain dead idiots delivered themselves to the slaughterhouse. Not even sheep do that.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Don’t forget the stupid/corrupt/spineless doctors. It was their job to warn the sheep – they did not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I couldn’t agree with you more. Typical the average brit is too thick to figure it out. I’ve given up on giving out pearls of truth to the proles. I’ve done my bit. I said from day 1 of lockdowns that this is going to cause a terrible recession. And I was right. I warned many Joe Normies about the ramifications of these lockdowns, and they couldn’t put 2 and 2 together.

I didn’t realise many paramedics were quitting in droves. No suprise. I’m from Northern Ireland and in the past two years (and especially the past few months) I’ve noticed more private ambulances on the roads than ever. Have you noticed something similar?

Our ambulance service in NI is bad from what I hear. A man in his 50s had chest pains (I know what you’re thinking) and his father had to drive him to hospital because he would have had to wait hours for one. Also a young woman had collapsed (again I know what you’re thinking) and died because the closest ambulance was too far away to save her. All of this I blame on our health minister who allowed healthy medical workers to isolate from faulty tests and pushed untested clots on now sick medical workers. And people still can’t figure it out.

I think the reason clot shot victims are denying the clot shot affected them is because if they did admit it then they would look the fool. They would rather remain stubborn and not want to look anti vax than admit their mistake.

And I was asked the same question in regards to who is to blame for this? I didn’t hesistate to say the sheep. They were informed from their neighbours and kind souls who went out of their way to save their lives and being risk of being ridiculled. And like you they are better off dead. Not that I wish death on people, but it’s a reality that you can’t deny. Their uselessness has paid off and are responsible for the deaths of millions of people due to lockdown and the never ending number of clot shot deaths.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Yes, Aidan I have noticed a lot of private ambulances on the streets of England. I don’t know why private ambulances have stepped in. Two reasons, firstly NHS paramedics are dropping dead too! A huge amount of NHS paramedics took the clot shot. The other reason is the workload for the average NHS paramedic is triple the burden now as many quit, die or become ill.
I am glad you brought up the subject of lockdowns. The whole objective of the lockdowns was to ruin the economy. What the British sheeple cannot get through their thick heads is the lockdowns have down more damage than the virus. The UK is bankrupt. There is no coming back. There will be no ‘green grass recovery’. Not one Brit I know will agree with me that the lockdown killed more people than the virus. Yet the Brits were writing to PM Boris Johnson begging him to prolong the initial lockdown! I give up!

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

The same Britis begging BoJo for a lockdown were the same brits that were booing him and wanted him to resign after he had a wee party. The same dumb brits didn’t realise that if BoJo and pals were not social distancing then it proved there was no pandemic. But the MSM made it seem as if BoJo didn’t care and had people saying they loved lost ones due to “covid” or couldn’t see them in hospital (and of course the MSM didn’t cover people who lost someone due to lockdown measures).

I agree with all your points on the ambulance issue. I would also add that it’s also to drive in more private companies into the NHS to speed up the NHS privatization process.

Now it’s just a waiting game in regards to the sheep offing themselves. We didn’t ask for sheeple to off themselves with clot shots, but we did at least warn them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Amen. Totally agree.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Rudolf Steiner predicted this around a hundred years ago. “I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Clown World

This agenda is EVIL beyond human comprehension!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Thanks for the update from the UK. Of all the countries in the world I have visited, the extreme politeness of the British was undeniable…until I got into my rental car…then I saw a deranged side of Brits. I have never seen such rude, crazy drivers in my life. I, (an extremely cautious driver) was involved in a minor smash, and I was also the sole witness to a fatal roll-over accident on a flat, rural road. It seems that this new, crazy Covid split-personality world was taylor-made to consume the British people. There seems to be an odd looney streak in them.

At the very beginning of this idiocy, when I began to see the masks, and people leaping off the sidewalks as I approached, I was thinking: if we don’t put a stop to this now, it’s going to get really ugly.

Prof. Spudd
Prof. Spudd
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

It sounds crazy in the UK. Here in the U.S., only 5% of the population has so far had the fourth shot / second booster.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I was at the beach in LA today. Gorgeous day, sunny with nice breeze. No chance Covid could survive in that outdoors environment. Yet there were still some Karens totally masked up and even some trying to exercise with masks on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

“No chance Covid could survive in that outdoors environment.”

Yes it can. If you plug the TV into a portable battery and turn it on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Here in the Balkans are thing a little better. Most of the balkan countries have less than 50% vaccination rate. Most of the elite and even lot of even common people have fake vaccination certificates, fake positive tests, fake Hag tests..itd. Here is disobaying a law, a national sport. We had mass protests and widespread public disregard for corona prevention laws. We were so many times deceived from politicians, so there is saying: ” You can t bullshitting a balkan peoples.”

Average Joe
Average Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

“… these brain dead idiots delivered themselves to the slaughterhouse. Not even sheep do that.”

Succinct, poignant and true!

2 years ago

Don’t believe your lying eyes or ears or mind just believe us. Even the terminally stupid don’t buy this crap anymore. Creditably, once you lose it, it is extremely difficult to gain it back. The so called experts should have been paying attention to media polls in the last year to see what happens when lack of credibility is involved. Even some of the most die hard covidians can only swallow just so much bulls##t. Next, masks for monkey pox and lock downs, for the children’s sake.

2 years ago

I had to visit the local area hospital in a major NSW country centre last Saturday for treatment for a minor ear ailment. While waiting I was shocked by the number of people coming in with no obvious physical injuries but who were in severe distress, many were clutching their hearts. The attending staff immediately checked their pulse rates and took BP measures – obviously heart issues. they were then wheeled away for “treatment”. Almost all of these were young 20 – 40 and equal male/female numbers.
In this city, it is said that 85%+ have been fully “vaccinated” , 60% being boostered. There is not a word of this issue in the Aussie press, who are a low-life collection of lying bastards. Oh – but there was a front page article describing SADS – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome which is an invented whitewash. The idiots will though no doubt believe it!!!
Another symptomatic give away are staff shortages literally everywhere. This has never happened before.
The apocalypse approaches.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Yes David the frightening part is this depopulation agenda isn’t even in full swing yet. Here in the UK the NHS hospitals can not longer cope with the vaccine-injured who are filling up walk-in centres and Accident & Emergency Departments. The staff shortages you mentioned are being more felt in the airport and airline industry here in the UK. The airports are in total shambles because of staff shortages. The mainstream media lies, blaming the chaotic scenes and huge delays on staff strikes or ‘pay dispute issues’. What twaddle! The truth is pilots and air stewards are dropping dead or being becoming ill with strokes or blood clots. Flying is the most dangerous thing any vaccinated person can do. It increases your chance of death by a huge percentage.
We must all prepare ourselves for the final horror of this depopulation agenda. There will be a time when there will be piles and piles of corpses in the streets. If the UK ruling elite intend to reduce the UK population to 15 million by 2025, who will incinerate the millions and millions of vaccine-killed victims? All essential workers have been vaccinated. They will be among the piles and piles of corpses. Even at Auschwitz huge man power was needed to cremate 10,000 bodies a day. How does the British Government intend to incinerate the millions of bodies when there will be no man power available? England doesn’t even have the huge amount of land needed, if the British government decides to bury the dead in mass pits. This nightmare is the nightmare of all nightmares.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Nightmare of all nightmares it is. Wellsaid

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I am hearing dire reports from the UK Omri. I hope you’re not in London or one of the larger cities in Britain – it would be wise if possible to relocate to a more isolated area.
Vaccinations were done in Britain before here in Australia. Here, the majority were “vaccinated” during the final 3 months of 2021. Six months has passed and we are right on time – seeing a ripple of illnesses and deaths that will grow into a tidal wave by 2023/24. Those who took the jab even earlier last year (mainly due to employment mandates in health and aged care) seem to be perpetually ill.
We are also hearing reports of “chaos” at Sydney Airport with flights being cancelled often. I have to correct you though: Flying is the most dangerous thing ANYONE can do as it’s probably only a matter of time before pilots (all of whom were jabbed) start having heart attacks/strokes in flight.
As far as burial of the dead goes, I sincerely hope that the British government is part of the burials, not directing it.
There is a Rome based catholic priest – Friar Bugnolo who predicted this in a video last year and raised the same concerns you did. Look him up on Bitchute.
Finally, I know I denigrate the Jabbed as idiots – perhaps a bit tough – BUT – I always said to people who were thinking of taking the jab: Why would you have an injection of an untested material, the long term effects of which are (or were then) completely unknown? Furthermore, I would try to patiently explain what mRNA is: Messenger RNA designed to reproduce a unknown (then) substance inside your body’s cells in the same way that your god given DNA does.
I rest my case.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Thank you David. The whole objective of these so-called vaccines is to depopulate the world. Did you know the vaccine was created long before the ‘virus’ was released? The whole charade about how this vaccine was created within a few months was a load of twaddle. It was just propaganda for the sheeple. This whole depopulation agenda is the brain child of the British Royal Family. Bill Gates, Claus Schwab, and all USA presidents past and present have British royal blood in their veins. They have been put there to serve the British Queen.
The British Royal Family and the English aristocracy have been obsessed with depopulation for decades. This depopulation agenda aka mass murder had to be done with great deception. The Johnson Family (Boris Johnson) are related to the Queen. Both Boris and Stan Johnson (Boris’ father) have written about depopulation for decades. This depopulation agenda was not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Boris Johnson was put in power as England’s new PM to finally bring about this worldwide mass murder. It will be the biggest mass murder of people in history. In the UK alone at least 45 million will be wiped out by these vaccines between now and 2030. The English ruling elite are hoping at least 85% of the UK population is wiped out by 2025 if the vaccines do a really good job. But all the vaccinated will be dead by 2030. Nobody who has taken the poison will live beyond five years if the vaccines are a really good bioweapon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

There were no crematoriums. That is the biggest lie. Do the math of how long it would take to cremate that many? It takes 3 hours in the current state of the art for one body. Eight per day. They were work camps and died from typhus. The fake gas chambers were for zyklon b delousing. Use some logic.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

“Even at Auschwitz huge man power was needed to cremate 10,000 bodies a day. ”

That never happened. Auschwitz was a labor camp that made synthetic rubber for the war effort. Nothing more. Think about what you wrote. Cremating 10,000 bodies a day. Typical cremation time using the ovens the Germans had was 4 hours. That’s 40,000 hours per day of non-stop burning, so how many ovens / fuel would be needed.

You have much to learn about the lies we’ve been told regarding not only Covid, but WW2 as well. Same people behind both lies. The Germans were actually the good guys, fighting against those who run the world now. Sadly the allies were conned into destroying them, thus enslaving themselves and their posterity to the people Germany were trying to free them from. It’s all so sick and twisted but here we are.

Greg Morris
Greg Morris
2 years ago

So I’m against the Covid Vaccine. Not even a free Krispy Kreme donut will convince me to give this to anyone in our family. But as we cite “ critical thinking “ why do all the American athletes seem to be Ok? NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL. They’re all fine. What is the explanation?


Read this for potential explanation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Morris

They must be taking saline and getting fake jab certificates. Tom Brady for example, would never put anything in his body that is not natural. He wont even drink a beer.

2 years ago

Another bang-up job by my favorite dystopian blogger. I sincerely mean it when I say I would support you financially if it was at all possible, but I do share your blog url wherever I can, over & over and have gotten several reshares by those with more followers than me on Twitter. When I call your blog the best (which I truly believe – in my experience) I mean it. Much respect and thanks ❤️

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
2 years ago

My son’s college roommate called him on Saturday. His mother was spotted in her car in a parking lot in Florida where she lived. She had been dead 48 hours. Perfectly healthy 48 yr old. These sudden death cases are happening all of the time now. Most people have seen it but still aren’t putting two-and-two together. Not sure when they will wake up ??

2 years ago

I hope she didn’t get a parking ticket.

2 years ago

Working as it was designed to work.

2 years ago

Some random thoughts… Dr. Goldstein was hiking in an area which I live close by. Its not a particularly strenuous hike, more like a walk. He was my age, and looked to be in good shape, but 100% he was jabbed. All doctors in LA who work in clinics or hospitals must be jabbed. Its one of the reasons why, as a Pure Blood if something happens to me, I will take care of the injury myself because they won’t treat me at local hospitals. Fortunately Im in great health, just did a 3 mile run last night, and a 10 mile bike ride and 5 mile walk today.
Aidan Kaminska was a dead ringer for a young Sylvester Stallone.

Wendy busch
Wendy busch
2 years ago

My community is headed to devastion! 1200 were vaxxed a year ago as were my relatives and friends! From a conversation I had recently with one prominent member. She still does not understand why I am so angry at being told I have to be vaxxed to be a VOLUNTEER at the Redcross! She has no problem with MANDATES! I just wished her well and hopefully she is one of the lucky ones !

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