Mayim Bialik: 46-year-old Jeopardy! host reports being sick with COVID-19 despite being triple-vaxxed, and after trying to dispel rumors she is an “anti-vaxxer”
June 29, 2022

Ms. Mayim Bialik.

The 46-year-old Jeopardy! host, author, podcaster, self-proclaimed feminist and “staunch Zionist” is still recovering from illness despite succumbing to coercion and taking the Holy Serum.

It took a few minutes for this blogger to figure out why Ms. Mayim Bialik had such a familiar-looking face. She posted via Facebook a series of photos on March 12, 2021, including the following one.

Ms. Bialik played Blossom in the eponymous television sitcom that ran from 1991 to 1995. She apparently wasn’t stung by the child actor bug, and continued in the profession after the series ended. Ms. Bialik was a voice actress for the rest of the 1990s and early 2000s. She went back to UCLA in 2005 and earned a PhD in neuroscience two years later. Ms. Bialik started a recurring role on CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory in Season 3 (2010), before becoming a regular cast member the following year. She remained on the show until it ended in 2019.

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Ms. Bialik wrote and directed the 2022 film “As They Made Us,” starring Dustin Hoffman and Candice Bergen. She started a podcast with boyfriend Jonathan Cohen called Mayim Bialik Breakdown at the beginning of 2021. Ms. Bialik has also written four books. But it’s her first book from 2012, entitled Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way, that brings us to where we are today.

Bialik accused of being an “anti-vaxxer”

Ms. Bialik was named a permanent host on Jeopardy! in August 2021. But a few things she wrote in the aforementioned book and said in some previous interviews almost cost her the opportunity. Ms. Bialik told People magazine in 2009, “we are a non-vaccinating family…obviously there’s a lot of controversy about it.” Note that Ms. Bialik was married and had two sons, who were both under age 3 at the time. She divorced in 2013.

Ms. Bialik wrote an article on Jewish parenting website in May 2012. “Children today get about four times as many vaccines as the average 35-year-old did when we were kids,” she wrote. Ms. Bialik then implied that kids still get the diseases that the vaccines are supposed to prevent. Her 2012 book has many more tidbits.

“Now, do I think we give way too many vaccines in the country compared to when I was a child? Yes,” she wrote. Ms. Bialik continued, “I generally believe the flu is manageable.” She said her sons had never had flu shots up to that point (2012). It apparently dawned on Ms. Bialik sometime in 2015 that she works in Hollywood. It is an unspoken rule in Hollywood that all workers (actors) not only be “vaccinated,” but promote and encourage vaccines for all. Ms. Bialik knew her opportunities would be limited or eliminated completely unless she executed an aggressive damage control campaign.

RELATED: Cody Robinson: 36-year-old Atlanta-based television stunt man says “I really don’t want to do this” before Johnson & Johnson shot, develops three blood clots, strange nightmares days later (October 15, 2021)


Ms. Bialik announced in 2015 “I am not anti-vaccine.”

But that was not enough. She was obviously eyeing the Jeopardy! job as former host Alex Trebek had endured deadly chemotherapy to treat pancreatic cancer in 2019. Mr. Trebek passed away on November 8, 2020. Five weeks prior, on October 1, 2020, Ms. Bialik posted a nine-minute video on YouTube, explaining how she is not an anti-vaxxer.

She told her one million-plus followers that she will receive the mRNA injections as soon as they are available. Ms. Bialik also said that she and her two sons will get flu shots in late 2020. Still, she admitted that her sons didn’t receive every childhood vaccine recommended by the CDC. Watch the full video below.

Her groveling ultimately was enough to land the Jeopardy! job. But it still wasn’t and isn’t enough for vaxx zealots. Ms. Bialik told Yahoo! Entertainment on November 18 that she is still hurt by people calling her an anti-vaxxer online. She announced on November 27 that she is triple-vaxxed, hoping it would endear her to radical vaxx zealots.

“I have COVID”

Ms. Bialik tweeted a short video on June 19 announcing that she has so-called COVID-19.

The longer, 7-minute version of the video was posted on Instagram that day, with the hashtags #vaxxed and #boosted. She’s using numerous natural remedies to treat her sickness despite being “vaccinated.” Ms. Bialik also said she regrets “ever taking off my mask” in public and is “feeling a lot of fear.” Her only symptoms appeared to be fatigue, the sniffles and sneezing.

Ms. Bialik posted a 10-minute update video three days later. The TL;DR version – she reiterated that she’s vaccinated and boosted, but acknowledged that the shots don’t protect people from contracting so-called  COVID-19. Ms. Bialik said she was feeling better, with less exhaustion. At least one of her sons is also sick, and also vaxxed. She has a “new anxiety” about going out anywhere, is worried and scared for the world, and feels guilty about getting the sniffles and fatigue. Ms. Bialik encouraged everyone to wear masks.

She posted a Facebook update yesterday. Apparently all the sniffles are gone, so she’s now talking about Roe v. Wade being overturned. Ms. Bialik said that she’s a “second wave feminist” and promoted her podcast.

Wendy Williams 2.0?

We’ve been following the Wendy Williams story since November. The 57-year-old talk show host was adamantly against the injections. But she faced the jab vs. job decision, and succumbed to the coercion. She didn’t appear in one episode of her talk show in Season 13 (2021-22) due to alleged, so-called COVID-19.

Ms. Williams was reportedly paralyzed and suffering from dementia by November. Her handlers who forced her to receive the injections were trying to take advantage of the situation and clean out her bank accounts in March.  The last episode of the now-cancelled Wendy Williams Show aired on June 17. There are rumors of her starting a podcast. But that seems far-fetched considering her reported condition.

Ms. Bialik, luckily, appears to have only caught a cold. Yet she is freaking out like someone who is experiencing very real and very life-altering, post-injection illness. Give her credit for one thing – she never repeated the “at least I’m vaccinated or it would have been worse” official slogan. Perhaps her natural, critical thinking side she once had is telling her that blood clots, myocarditis, and worse are now inevitable thanks to the injections.

Ms Bialik, like Ms. Williams, didn’t want the shots. Her thought processes were clear and concise in her books and interviews prior to 2015. But Hollywood is an addiction for many performers. Her choice was simple – become a vaxx zealot or find some other line of work.

RELATED: Caroline Rothstein: 38-year-old triple-vaxxed New York poet blames lax masking, Pfizer’s Paxlovid for her new “COVID-19 symptoms with a vengeance” (May 10, 2022)


This blogger hasn’t owned a television since 2007-08, and hasn’t really watched much television since the turn of the millennium. Thus it’s hard seeing Ms. Bialik as anyone other than Blossom Russo, with her buddy Six LeMeure. The sad part is that Ms. Bialik knew the dangers of the injections and had a very solid understanding of vaccines in general. But at the end of the day, she chose Hollywood money over health.

The Times of Israel, writing about Ms. Bialik in 2015, interviewed a rabbi who essentially said Ashkenazi Jews have a responsibility to receive the mRNA and/or viral vector DNA injections.

“The Talmud says Jewish parents are obligated to teach their children three things: Torah, a trade, and how to swim. ‘Swimming’ is a metaphor. Parents need to teach their children how to avoid dangerous situations. Like, for example, infectious diseases.”

Well, shalom (שָׁלוֹם) and good luck. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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J Far
J Far
2 years ago

That is quite something. Even if she is really only experiencing a cold at the moment, surely it will eventually turn out that she would have better off giving up on Hollywood completely, and keeping her health – not to mention the health of her babies (yikes).

2 years ago

The neuroscientist believes in masks? No wonder she went ahead and got jabbed-up despite her previous opinions about there being too many “vaccines” given out for kids. Duh.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago

The above statement from the Talmud is pretty mild compared to the other shocking advice…such as all Jews should curse any church they pass…and extreme blasphemy against our Lord Jesus…and calling the Virgin Mary a prostitute.

I have not owned an idiot box since 1990, and watched very little of it before then. Those of us who have protected our minds from “their” mind-control were much harder to fool.

Gigolo Joe
Gigolo Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Jesus is spending eternity in boiling excrement. A rabbi debated with God and won. Cheating Jews is forbidden, but cheating gentiles is permitted. Sexually abusing a child under 3 is permitted. The Talmud is filled with lovely sentiments.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Gigolo Joe

And they “fool God” every single day everywhere with their so-called eruvs.

2 years ago

Thanks. Not many people know about eruvs. With these folks it’s all wordplay and trickery. They bend the rules to get away with anything, and technically stay within the law. No separate right and wrong…just whatever works to get control. Think of Bill Clinton’s words: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. He probably believes that he didn’t. Although these folks have been playing that way for 2000 years, sadly, it has filtered down to all levels of society now. From lying crisis actors stabbing their fellow Americans in the back, to everyday people who will do anything to keep their position in society.

I just can’t wrap my head around people who sell out. How could you ever enjoy what you have gained, when you know in your heart that you betrayed your fellow man to get what you got? I believe that in Matthew 7:23, Jesus was referring to Zionist Christians, when He said that when He returns, He will tell them to depart, because He never knew them.


interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
2 years ago
Reply to  Gigolo Joe

it’s disheartening to see how many people still defend them (hell- they’ve practically outlawed even questioning anything about them!), when they’re actually the parasitic zio-nazi cabal behind all the engineered despair in the the world for the last couple of millennia, and it’s all coming to a head now, as they they intend to finally openly rule the world. in America it’ll be under their noahide laws that daddy bush signed back in the 90s. beheading is the punishment for not submitting. for you christians who still haven’t woken up: please look into the talmud, one of their holiest books, and what all they say about Jesus, his mother, us gentiles, etc, etc, etc- the above posts are true! WAKE UP!!! we’ve been duped about EVERYTHING they’ve said, going back to the beginning of their version of history!!!

Gigolo Joe
Gigolo Joe
2 years ago

Ms. Balik. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer Zionist…

2 years ago


2 years ago

I’m not sure I believe that some of these people really received these injections.

They are actors after all, so they could be getting paid to promote these injections that are being falsely advertised and marketed as vaccines.

I don’t believe it any more than I believe that Tom Brady actually eats Subway.

“Blossom” spoke out against a narrative, so I’m sure her handlers had to reel her back in, and now she’s doing some major back tracking so she can keep her jobs in Hollywood. No doubt in my mind that she is “laying it on thick” to continue to promote fear porn about the plandemic.

Just like Matthew McConaughey, who questioned the necessity of the child Covid injections just a few months ago. I feel it’s no coincidence that his penance for that seems to be assigned as America’s leading gun control spokesman for an event that just “happened” to occur in his hometown. 🙄

All evil. All lies. All deceit. And not an ounce of integrity from any of them. I’d rather live in a shack than have to live with myself for deceiving people.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36

2 years ago

There are so many people that are very smart but very Ignorant when it comes to common sense. Here she gave those Kid’s the Posion Jab and now she has gotten her’s. I wonder how she is going to feel when something starts to happen to her Kid’s due to the Jab. Those Damn Mask’s doesn’t stop anything you can still catch a cold or anything else from wearing the Mask.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago

I highly recommend everyone watch The Other Israel by Ted Pike. It should be available on bitchute. It’s an excellent documentary which goes into detail about the Talmud and jewish attitudes toward non-jews. Once you have seen this you will understand why our “leaders” seem to think we are subhuman “goyim” deserving of nothing except slavery and death.

2 years ago

All that education just to wind up being on a game show? These ppl always take the easy way out. Wasted degree…. but hey I do not really care for celebrities so excuse me if I am too harsh.

Worst yet is hearing how much of a follower and sheep she is practically groveling and kneeling to the vax cult.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

That kind of degree usually but perhaps not always involves experimental brain surgery on animals including cats and monkeys after which they are “euthanized”. I am glad I did not go that way. I met someone in school who had a PhD in that field who said he did not like having to decapitate white lab mice. He came back for about two years of training without having to write another dissertation in order to become a clinical psychologist. I could see doing that had I been in his shoes but I took a radically different direction and started studying a completely new field.

2 years ago

The fact she was “hurt” by being called antivax and virtue signalled to her sheep fans about getting the clot shot just shows you are pathetic and spineless people are these days. It’s more important not to be anti vax than to question whether to take certain medicines. In fact why didn’t she get the shot and spare her kids from taking it? Was it more important for her kids not be anti vax than having to suffer from the side effects of the shot?

I know people, personally, who would rather not be antivax that admit the clot shots have problems. These people can’t even lower their pride and ego for one second and admit that these “vaccines” might just have one, tiny little flaw, and maybe the vaccine should be made safer and sent back to the drawing board. It doesn’t matter if anyone is seriously injured or dies from these shots, they either dismiss it as a coincidence or vomit out that it’s anti vax rhetoric. It’s okay to be wrong and learn from your mistakes. We all do it. The only difference is that I admit I’m wrong.

And I know people who have got the rona shots but don’t get the flu shots. I call them out on their hypocrisy (only when they call me out for not getting the rona shot) and of course get lambasted with idiocy in return. There is nothing more in this world than I hate is hypocrisy. I can’t stand it. The flu is just as deadly as this rona virus yet they don’t take it to save granny in the winter. Granny killers the lot of them.

Not only that but they are attacking people online who are reporting of their vaccine injuries and shaming them. These people have no heart. Again more important to side with big pharma and not be anti vax.

Plus these same people are fully jabbed but still getting the rona. Plus in Northern Ireland the MSM are advertising a new wave of covid coming our way. The big pharma whores are still getting covid, not wearing masks and attending large gathering events and not complaining about the lack of social distancing. Why aren’t they screaming for more lockdowns and not practicing social distancing and mask wearing? Bunch of pathetic hypocrites.

The pro big pharma whores are all unhealthy zombies who binge on junk food, no fruit or veggies, drink nothing but sodas and coffee, hardly exercise, spend too much time on their gadgets and netflixing. Not to mention they are all depressed; and all the funko pops and product consumption will never make them happy. And of course they are always tired and sick. Why would I want to get health advice from these losers?

“she reiterated that she’s vaccinated and boosted, but acknowledged that the shots don’t protect people from contracting so-called COVID-19.”

Did she make this claim before or after taking the shot? We could have told her that from day 1 of this scamdemic. The flu vaccine doesn’t stop people getting flu and no covid type vaccine has ever been made. What would make her think, before taking the jab, that this vaccine would do the trick? It is still in a clinical trail and not fully tested.

The number of vaccine injured and dead is going up. This is real. Maybe the big pharma whores might wake up. If not, their loss.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

Do you think that maybe Wendy Williams or Celine Dion are readers if this blog maybe?

2 years ago

She’s a sellout. And worse yet, she sold-out her children’s health. No excuse for her. With her advance degree she was much more able to discern the lies and red flags regarding these clot shots. I hope the extra money and fame were worth it. I suspect She’s realizing it was not.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Therein lies the rub. It seems there are hundreds of thousands with advanced degrees in medically related fields who are either dumb as shit, or scared shitless or just plain corrupt. But you would have to be extremely corrupt to turn a blind eye to mass maiming/murder.

2 years ago

Brian, I haven’t owned a television since 2006-2007!!👏👏 It doesn’t take long for a sick nauseating feeling to creep in when I am in proximity to one. 👍😊

2 years ago
Reply to  BlueRose

Same thing happens to me. If I’m at a home where the boob tube is on, I just want to run from the room. I think there is something bigger going on here. Msgr Rossetti has been the exorcist of the Diocese of Washington DC for 12 years. He takes a sensitive with him on house blessings, to give feedback, so he knows if the house has been cleared of the problem. The sensitive has told him that in all problem homes, there was a demon seated on or next to the tv. Does that mean all boob tubes come with a demon? Who knows?…but why take that chance. There are so many things to do for fun…but if one simply must be passively entertained, better a DVD player. You also would have to go back at least fifty years to find movies and tv shows that were not full of mind-control symbols and images.

2 years ago
Reply to  BlueRose

I own one, but haven’t turned it on since 2002.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

One must sell their soul if they want to make it big in Hollywood. Too bad for her, it’s a bit too late as Hollywood is on a downward trajectory. The universe often gives us exactly what we ask. She wanted to be the host of Jeopardy. Now she and her vaccinated kids’ lives are in jeopardy and that’s just one year into the gig.

2 years ago

Many who thought they were getting
A seat at the table
Are finding that Satan’s reward
Is always betrayal

2 years ago
Reply to  freefall

so true. In Jeopardy terms, what is Satan ?

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  POTS

What is a missile coming from Russia?

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago

Brian you sound like me. I think that is about the last time I had a television. I get offers all the time for cable. I don’t think I would get a tv if the cable company provided the TV, and paid me to get cable service. I absolutely loathe it that much. Whenever I need to see a game or something I plan to go somewhere and watch but saves me plenty of valuable time which I spend on the covidblog and other sites that tell it like it really is.

2 years ago

Notice how the common cold and pneumonia has magically disappeared, all sinus issues are now “covid!”
The FIRST week this hoax was promoted on TV, I knew it was a fraud.
By now, even Hellen Keller could see it, and for those so stupid who don’t, they should perish with these clot shots.

2 years ago

I think 2005 was the last time I had TV. I still watched movies now and then at home but it’s been forever since I watched any TV channel. At the time I dropped it because I was poor. But even when I wasn’t poor anymore and was raising kids I just kind of…didn’t miss it so never brought it back.

2 years ago

If you want to work in a SAG production, you pretty much have to be “vaccinated” or you wont be hired. If you are a big enough name that you are hired, you will be ostracized and outed on set. Its a cult.

2 years ago

I have got to get all these terms down, they are GREAT!!! “holy serum”?? They are SPOT ON! Can someone list them? I’ll try to gather them myself also.

2 years ago

It shouldn’t be anyone’s business but hers if she’s had the magic option. This modern hysterical outrage and screeching over an individual’s personal choice is ridiculous.

A non-Zionist
A non-Zionist
2 years ago

She’s a “stanch Zionest” .. lol. Oy-Vey Blossom!! You took the Jew-jab. I guess Jeopardy! is going to need yet another new host.

2 years ago

I heard one time that she wanted to be a dancer. In that first video, she’s doing a hell of a Jig.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago

“Staunch zionist” = staunch privilege borne of a hideous group of counterfeiting organized criminals.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

Ms. Bialik, luckily, appears to have only caught a cold. 
For the injected, any cold can be fatal. Their revved up, damaged, immune systems can easily finish them off.

2 years ago

If she really did take the serum, I guess this “staunch zionist” is nothing more than a schnorrer to those running the show.

Edward W Lynn
Edward W Lynn
2 years ago

What is . . a pretentious dupe, Alex!
I’ll take Your Embarassing Successor for $400, Alex!

2 years ago

Reading this story and watching her videos just makes me more astonished, perplexed regarding my fellow humans and more worried about this ridiculous global situation we are in. Honestly, as an un-injected person who had what I’m told is Covid 19 in May, much to the amazement of my fool-lly “vaccinated” relatives and friends here I am, healthy, fully alive, NOT hospitalized or gosh, DEAD…well, heck I just took an utterly divine outdoor swim watching the sunset. To anyone reading this I say: let’s all enjoy the summer, savor the moments as best you can, cuz this sh*t is about to get much worse. I hope I’m wrong, I truly do. I pray I am wrong (but fear I am right)

I’m having a glass of wine and laughing (through my tears) at the absurdity of where we are as a species in 2022. I’m enjoying this moment cuz frankly it’s all we’ve got. Cheers to all!

2 years ago

When PhDs exhibit such poor judgement, you know the brainwashing and coercion are strong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bob

For me, when PhDs, MDs, scientific experts, etc., make poor judgments, then we must question how and why we awarded them their status.

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