Tamagotchi Babies: World Economic Forum cronies declare that computer-generated “virtual babies” will replace real babies by 2070

June 15, 2022 (updated June 16, 2022)

We’ve written extensively about the global depopulation agenda by the powers-that-be (PTB). These people have been openly talking about depopulation of the planet for over 50 years, with the agenda really heating up in 2009. In boxing, the punches that you see coming hurt the most. That philosophy extends to everyday life in the Western world.

The Rockefeller-funded Population Council and Planned Parenthood coordinated on the 1969 “Jaffe Memo.” It specifically stated that their goal is to reduce fertility and the global population by, among other things, promoting homosexuality as the ideal lifestyle, altering the image of the nuclear family, and providing abortion on-demand. All of the foregoing is normal, accepted and even rewarded behavior today despite being unthinkable 50 and even 30 years ago.

This video clip from Washington D.C. last week shows how indecent exposure and sexual assault laws are now suspended to facilitate the homosexual agenda, even if it’s done right in front of cops.

Again, the PTB are very predictable in their actions. But some critical thinkers are prophetic in their observations. Mr. Pierre Gilbert is a Canadian traditional naturopath, chiropractor and acupuncturist. He operated seven clinics at one point, including one in the Bahamas and several in Florida. He’s given hundreds of lectures in his career. But one of them went viral last year.

The clip from a 1996 lecture shows Mr. Gilbert talking about how the PTB will force mandatory vaccination via laws and coercion. He goes on to say that the vaccines will contain “micro-receivers” that allow outside forces to control vaccinated people via remote radio frequencies. These vaccination will also cause various infections and illnesses, and turn people into zombies, according to Mr. Gilbert.

Here is the clip (French with subtitles).

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Here are links to the full 150-minute speech, which is well worth the watch.

So-called fact-checkers, including Agence France-Presse and a popular one in Croatia, “debunked” the viral clip, focusing on the incorrect year provided in the title. The clip says the speech was given in 1995. It took place in 1996. Mr. Gilbert said all the foregoing would happen by the year 2000, which the “fact-checkers” also pounced on. They also said Mr. Gilbert is not a real doctor and is instead a “conspiracy theorist.”

Regardless, 5.2 billion people around the world have received at least one experimental injection containing living organisms, metallic particles and god knows what else since 2020. The ones that are still alive are either very sick or worried sick (openly or otherwise) about their future health.

The PTB attempted the vaccine agenda in the 1970s and failed. But they learned from their mistakes, implemented new laws, and re-executed in 2021. The trial run for mass homosexuality also took place in the 1970s, but failed. They rebooted in the late 1990s with internet and new laws to centralize and monopolize the propaganda. Both agendas have contributed greatly to depopulation.

Virtual babies have not been attempted as of yet, at least not with adults. Babies being replaced with augmented and virtual reality versions is unfathomable in 2022. But the depopulation agenda is clear – kill now, discourage and punish procreation, and objectify children and babies to accomplish the goal.

Tamagotchi origins

Tamagotchi is basically a digital Pet Rock. It’s a toy with hunger, happy and training meters that fluctuate depending on your level of care and nurturing for it.

The original versions were only male or female; and surprisingly, that appears to still be the case still in 2022. If you neglect it in anyway for too long, your Tamagotchi gets sick and/or dies. You must start over at that point. A year equals 24 non-paused hours (note the original unit had no pause function). The Tamagotchi age counter only goes up to 99, according to a few different forums. Thus it can live longer than “99 years,” (which is 99 days in real time) but the counter won’t move further.

Japanese toy manufacturer Bandai first released Tamagotchi domestically in 1996. It arrived in the United States on May 1, 1997, and quickly became the biggest toy fad of the decade. The craze forced many schools to ban Tamagotchi because it caused far too many distractions in class (of course a majority of school kids today carry smartphones). The toy is now a franchise of its own. It’s sold over 82 million units as of 2021. There are at least three Tamagotchi  movies, several video games, and iOS and Android apps.

The original Tamagotchi relaunched in 2017, and introduced to a new generation. The latest version of the toy is called Tamagotchi On. It interconnects your unit with others. Tamagotchi On was released in 2019.

The company maintains a blog to apprise parents and kids of new editions of the toy and other news.

Tamagotchi for adults and population control


Many parents disliked Tamagotchi because it enthralled their children for hours and days on end. The toy also caused many kids to fall into deep depressions. The New York Times quoted a Dr. Andrew Cohen in 1997 about the emotional attachment kids experience with their Tamagotchi.

“The toy creates a real sense of loss and a mourning process. Kids want to nurture and take care of pets — it gives them a feeling of empowerment and self-importance — but here the consequences are too high. It’s out of control.”

But it’s a quote by Dr. Sylvia Rimm that likely provided the sinister blueprint for malicious individuals and entities.

“I can see the Tamagotchi as a teaching tool about pregnancy for young women and men. It could help them understand reality.”

The idea of unleashing this type of psychological conditioning on adults, particularly women, had Klaus Schwab and corporate America doing the Anthony Adams hand rub. They recruited the person to execute the plan; and now the process begins.

Catriona Campbell is the Client Technology & Innovation Officer at Ernst & Young (“EY”) U.K. and Ireland. She is considered by many to be a foremost authority in artificial intelligence in the U.K. Campbell is also a behavioral psychologist and a human-computer interaction (HCI) specialist. She co-founded East London-based digital consultancy firm Seren in 2001. Ernst & Young acquired Seren in 2015, and made Campbell a senior advisor for the company.

RELATED: World Health Organization recommends children should not be vaccinated, changes directive 48 hours later (June 23, 2021)


American business executive Carmine Di Sibio became CEO of Ernst & Young on July 1, 2019. He has attended every World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting since he became CEO. The Telegraph published an article on May 30, four days after the festivities ended in Davos. It promotes Campbell’s new book entitled AI by Design: A Plan For Living With Artificial Intelligence. The book was published on May 5.

The Telegraph, citing Campbell’s book, wrote that overpopulation and environmental concerns will prompt the Western world to accept digital babies in the next 50 years. These bit-kids, if you will, are in the metaverse and made to feel real with gloves that simulate human touch. She calls the people who will accept this concept the “Tamagotchi generation.” The article continues, quoting Campbell’s book:

“Virtual children may seem like a giant leap from where we are now. But within 50 years, technology will have advanced to such an extent that babies which exist in the metaverse are indistinct from those in the real world. As the metaverse evolves, I can see virtual children becoming an accepted and fully embraced part of society in much of the developed world.”

These metaverse Tamagotchi babies will be available via monthly subscription services. So if you ever get tired of the virtual kid, you may simply cancel the subscription. If this all sounds far-fetched, it’s not. A proof of concept already exists. Auckland University scientists introduced BabyX to the world in 2014.

Campbell acknowledged that fertility rates are declining in the book. But she failed to mention the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections as a major factor. Campbell told the New York Post that up to 20% of the population will choose augmented reality (“Tamagotchi”) babies over real babies by 2070. She also said “parental satisfaction” will be much higher with digital babies.

Depopulation by any means necessary

An FDA advisory committee today unanimously recommended that the Moderna mRNA injections be authorized for emergency use for kids ages 6 months to five years. That same panel also recommended Moderna for kids 6 to 17. Meanwhile there is yet another “controversy” around the PTB trying to normalize pedophilia. The United Nations published a study in 2021 suggesting that pornography isn’t necessarily bad for kids to watch.

The article apparently went unnoticed for months. Once people caught wind of it, the UN website earlier this month redirected the original link to a page that says “this article violated our terms of use.” This was not an isolated incident.

A 2018 TEDx talk by Mirjam Heine at the University of Würzburg, in Germany was entitled “Why our perception of pedophilia has to change.” Her overall theme was that humanity can overcome its negative feelings towards pedophiles.

The video remained on that platform for days until they finally removed it due to numerous complaints. But you can still see it on other YouTube channels because Google the company allows that type of stuff.

Then there is Old Dominion University professor Allyn Walker. He was forced to resign in November after defending pedophiles in his book entitled “Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity.” But the establishment threw Walker a lifeline. Johns Hopkins University hired him last month for a position at their Moore Center for Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse.

RELATED: NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny supports pedophiles, while NBC affiliate anchor Zack Wheeler fired for trying to sexually entice a minor (May 10, 2022)


Objectification and dehumanization of children is key to depopulation, at least in the Western world. Millions of American women already abort babies like the shoes they bought a month ago. Further, most women and girls these days received the injections. They are highly unlikely to conceive healthy babies in the future. The sperm pool is also contaminated for the same reason. Virtual babies may be the only babies possible for the next generation or two.

Humanity in 2030 will look nothing like humanity in 1999 and prior.  Pedophilia will be 100% legal, accepted and encouraged. The groundwork is being laid for that Human 2.0 transformation now. Most readers of The COVID Blog™ are non-vaxxed and (god willing) will live to see 2030. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

I really couldn’t read this article thoroughly. Not because it’s not well written or not true etc. This is just crazy. And I believe us pure bloods will not fall for this crazy crap. After all, the depopulation elites are eliminating through the vaxx the very people who might buy into this crap. That’s the one flaw in their agenda. Just my opinion.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Same with me. These people are sick. Pedophilia is never ok. I don’t know anyone in their right mind who would think it is.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

Remember 30-40 years ago you could never imagine homosexual marriage being the law of the US and our children targeted for the ultimate goal of accepted of pedophilia? Folks, time to wake up. This is very real.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

They are trying to normalize everything – and sadly many are falling for it! Strokes in babies and kids? Sure, happens all the time. 3rd trimester “miscarriages” – of course! Who hasn’t had one or know one who has?

2 years ago

Thank you to TheCovidblog for help keeping me sane during the “pandemic”. Most people around me fell hook-line-and-sinker for the lies and it was good to see people speaking out and documenting the never-ending nonsense. Keep the articles coming pleeeease.
Andre x

2 years ago

Well on the positive side this will never come to pass.

The Bible clearly states what the future of humanity holds and this isn’t in the cards. God controls humanity not humans who think they are gods. They can make all the plans they want doesn’t mean they are going to be successful. Which we can thank God for.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zoe
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Yea you’re right, the predictions in the man made bible will save us from humanities own creations. No need to take action as god will save humanity from itself. Your faith is blinding and should be balanced with some reality. God isn’t going to save anyone as even he knows that the best lessons are taught in the most brutal of ways. And humanity needs to be taught a serious lesson.

2 years ago
Reply to  Evan

Yes, I agree, Zoe’s faith is blinding, and that is a marvelous thing. She is wise in believing that the Bible is NOT man-made. Not only that, it is the ultimate reality. It reveals God’s plan for humanity before it happens because He wants us to turn away from trusting in the world and fallible people and trust in Him. He has promised to save those who do.
He does not desire to be a brutal God – that’s why He warns and warns throughout His Book. He tells us what is going to happen if we will simply listen. Look at current events and compare them to the Word and you will see reality.
You can read this and choose to be angry and attack me with snotty remarks, but the truth remains the truth. You can choose to side with it or against it. I pray you choose the former and be saved from the disaster to come.

2 years ago
Reply to  Evan

Humans again do not take responsibility for their existance. That is what brought us where we are now. God will not do it. We will have to do it. Take responsibility. To bring the law of cause and effect in motion. The upside down people are talking action to create an existance They want. We dont do anything substantial to stop it and move our existance in a direction we want it to be. They are actively using their free will to get where They want to be. We are not. God will not do it. We must take responsibility for our own lives. Not doing anything will being brutal lessons until we take real responsibility. We are also contributing to the state of this world by doping nothing in a substantial manner. They do. That is what all this is happening . They are willing to risk Everything. We are not. Thats difference. That is what we have all this now. We accept unacceptible things and keep on doping it and finally you will end up with nothing. Sometimes just saying it is unacceptible is not enough. That is existance. Negative comments on this message will not change truth. We are not taking full responsibility for our cause the others do. Some things are either unacceptible or not. There is no in between then. But we keep on doing just that. Stand for the society you want . Fully and totally and ACTIVELY. truth is on your side but you must bring it in motion and keep it in motion then the force will be with you. God will not do it. Look at history. You must do it to bring the force in motion. Take Care.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

But the last days will grow worse and worse and THAT is in the Bible. Just because a particular evil isn’t spelled out specifically doesn’t mean it won’t be a tool of satan. Is the COVID jab mentioned in the Bible? Nope. (and it isn’t the mark of the beast – we have no beast yet)

2 years ago

Not enough time. Time’s short. Tribulation soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

I agree. They got lots of plans but time is not on their side.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

Maybe not for Schwab (84) and Fauci (81) but they have many evil acolytes in the WEF, WHO amongst organisations who will continue to try to implement their inhumane plan to destroy mankind as we know it. Well done to all on here who have not been jabbed (or even those who been jabbed and have come to their senses) and see right through this evil plan but not everyone does. In fact, the majority have fallen for this crap hook, line and sinker. One of my friends said to me she had “Covid-tiredness” a few minutes ago, another had “Omicron” 2 days after getting her booster! She’s since had the flu and was off work for nearly two weeks. I warned both of them not to take these shots but they ignored me saying they’d done their research! I’m done, sick, tired and truly fed up with warning people and friends who just simply won’t listen!! Thankfully, there’s an international community online right here that sees this monstrous plot for what it truly is.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  George

The Bible doesn’t state how many years are between the Rapture, the rise of the Anti-Christ and the signing of the 7 year peace treaty with Israel. These are the days to turn to the Word of God and read to gain knowledge and true understanding.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

The Book of Revelation is not chronological.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

Schwab’s right hand demon is a man named Yuval Noah Harari who has spoken extensively on this demonic goal. Sadly I think we will hear more and more of him

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

You’re definitely right about that. Yuval Noah Harari is Schwab’s apprentice and an evil, wicked and truly despicable human being.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

I suspect that this world and its civilization turns on an enormous cycle, on a vast timescale difficult for humans to comprehend.
What goes around comes around and there’s nothing new under the sun, it has all happened before.
And it is written that a thousand years is like one day to the Lord…
What does it mean?
That sooner or later eventually the civilization and planet is always poisoned and destroyed.
Inevitably the intelligent species (us?) will invent plastic, split the atom, irradiate its own atmosphere and pollute all the water and air.
Never fails, always happens.
But this latest thing – genetic tampering with the human DNA !?
Although it never occurred to me before, clearly this must be a big factor on our list of end-time events, or ‘milestones’ if you prefer.
Sad but true. And this one is SERIOUS folks…
Fortunately with our short lifespans the majority of us will never get to witness the endgame.
These ridiculous babies (just like Bitcoin) cannot exist in a world with no computers and no electricity.
Which I believe WILL be seen in my lifetime.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

All the major religions look to the coming of a great religious teacher who one would suspect would defend natural law and usher in a day of judgment. This is true in Buddhism, Hinduism, and especially Islam and Christian faiths. Proponents of “bionic man” ideas have likely seen too much science fiction and think they can change fate. None of us can change our ultimate fate which is death – and the death of the Universe as we know it. It is easy for me to believe we may reaching a judgment point be it nuclear war or a life ending natural disaster like an asteroid, or even both happening. “When pride blossoms, it reaps a harvest rich in tears.” – the Greek poet Homer. The “human race” appears to be nearing that point – or is if just “Western man”? You know, there can be serious side effects such as liver tumors even to “birth control pills”. We have tried to interfere with “Nature” and so it may be that “Mother Nature” is about to interfere with us.

Gabi aus Germany
Gabi aus Germany
2 years ago

The unethical and sick world of the globalists. Anyone who defends pedophiles must certainly tick the same way. Anyone who celebrates homosexuals as the “new fashion” also wants to stop reproduction. They should live out their sick world on some other planet.

2 years ago

Don’t worry. They have all be clot shotted. Remember Jason the bartender?

2 years ago

Not a day goes by that I do not give thanks for discovering this blog and community of unvaxxed free thinkers like myself!

What I find most interesting about the WEF and Schwab’s quest to destroy civilization as we know it and usher in the New World Order is that America (Kissinger specifically but others were involved too) funded and founded the WEF and installed Schwab as their puppet to do their bidding globally in this great reset. I’ve read all of the evidence myself and it’s changed my entire perception of this country.
Here’s a quote from the research article laying it all out:

“ The World Economic Forum wasn’t simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn. This is the amazing story behind the real men who recruited Klaus Schwab, who helped him create the World Economic Forum, and who taught him to stop worrying and love the bomb”.

No one is calling America out for creating WEF or for how it appears to be ushering in the one world government system for the beast.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

I absolutely cannot stand LGBTQ or their supporters, they are a plague upon humanity, a poisonous influence in society and have destroyed my country, my generation, the upcoming generation and robbed me of my future. Along with destroying everything good and special that ever existed in this world.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

I agree. I just can’t help feel both sickened and saddened by them.

2 years ago

Don’t forget to find like minded individuals in the real world around you. At least now we can still easily find each other online even if we are sprinkled and spread out all over the place. But if censorship continues we will have to stand alone unless we have good neighbors so we can support each other. Outside my husband everyone we know bought into the shots though we were able to get through to a few so they stopped taking them past one or two jabs. Of course their injuries had a lot to do with that. But it wasn’t until I found this blog and telegram that I realized I wasn’t as alone as I thought I was and had the information I needed to wake up other family members. It also made me more secure in my decision. But we might not always have that.

2 years ago

This stuff is horrifying to me. I’ve always been of the mind-set, ‘live and let live’. But none of these crazy agenda driven people want to allow the same for me and my family. I wish we could go to another planet and leave these people to die off by themselves.

Lunatic asylum
Lunatic asylum
2 years ago

Lunatics should be taken to a mental health. A virtual baby? Antinatalism and hiking seem more logical to me. But sitting at a computer or a mobile phone and playing with something that is just program code … Idiots or lunatics … from Lunatic asylum

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