Bieber Fever: 28-year-old pop star cancels North America tour dates after being diagnosed with a known and documented Pfizer mRNA adverse reaction
June 11, 2022

Mrs. Hailey Baldwin Bieber is a model, and the wife of Canadian pop star Justin Bieber. Almost exactly three months ago, Mrs. Bieber, 25, was hospitalized in Palm Springs, California. She told People magazine that she started having “stroke-like symptoms” while eating breakfast on Thursday morning, March 10. Doctors found a blood clot in her brain and diagnosed her with a “mini-stroke.” Blood clots are of course inevitable adverse effects for virtually all mRNA and viral vector DNA injection recipients.

Mrs. Bieber posted a 12-minute YouTube video on April 27 explaining what happened to her. You may watch the entire video here if you wish. But the TL;DR version below is Mrs. Bieber sharing what her “doctors” said as to why she developed a blood clot in the first place. They blamed birth control pills, migraines, so-called COVID-19, and a very long international flight without wearing “compression socks.”

There’s no indisputable evidence showing that Mr. and Mrs. Bieber have received the injections. But rapper Nicki Minaj refused to attend the annual Met Gala, a popular New York fashion event, on September 13, 2021 because it required proof of vaccination. Both Justin and Hailey Bieber attended the event.

Several parents of Justin’s fans have voiced their displeasure with the pop star requiring all attendees of meet-and-greets and other VIP events during his shows to provide proof of vaccination.

Ironically just two days after the foregoing tweet, Mr. Bieber tested positive for so-called COVID-19. His Las Vegas show was cancelled as a result. All that said, especially his positive COVID-19 diagnosis, and her blood clots, is enough evidence to assume both have received the injections.

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Justin Bieber fans have anxiously awaited this current tour since the so-called pandemic commenced in 2020. Bieber’s “Changes World Tour” was cancelled in 2020 due to full execution of the global COVID-19 psy-op. The tour was rebranded to “The Justin Bieber World Tour” for 2021, but was postponed again until 2022 due to inconsistent COVID-19 restrictions across the U.S.

Bieber fans were finally set to see their man this summer. The Justice World Tour kicked off in February and was scheduled to end on March 25, 2023 in Krakau, Poland. Most or all of the venues require proof of vaccination for entry.

But American Bieber fans were thrown another curveball yesterday. Many are not going to see Mr. Bieber this summer; and there’s no guarantee the 28-year-old pop star will recommence this tour at all.

Cancelled tour dates and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

Mr. Bieber posted a three-minute video on Instagram yesterday. He told his 240 million fans that he was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS), aka herpes zoster oticus. Watch the full video below.

The entire right side of Mr. Bieber’s face is paralyzed because the varicella zoster virus infected the seventh cranial nerve near his right ear. RHS is a “late complication of varicella-zoster virus infection,” which itself is a complication of shingles. At least five of Bieber’s forthcoming shows have been cancelled as a result.

Many are likely comparing what Mr. Bieber is experiencing to the numerous cases of post-injection Bell’s Palsy covered on this blog. However, the primary connection between Bell’s Palsy and herpes zoster oticus (RHS), as far as this blogger is concerned, is that both are included on Pfizer’s April 30, 2021 9-page list of possible adverse reactions to the injections.

Bell’s Palsy is considered by most doctors to be idiopathic, meaning the facial nerve becomes inflamed spontaneously, for no apparent reason (except now with the mRNA injections). Bell’s Palsy is the diagnosis only when all other possibilities are ruled out.

RELATED: Victor Dominello: Australian MP diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after viewers notice “droopy eye” during presser; but he’ll still get second AstraZeneca injection (August 23, 2021)


Thus, Mr. Bieber, based to a 2013 case report by Canadian researchers, likely has a nasty rash (vesicles) inside his right ear, nose and/or mouth if he was diagnosed with RHS and not Bell’s Palsy. Indian researchers, in a 2017 case report, observed vesicles all over a man’s face, along with facial paralysis, that led to the RHS diagnosis versus Bell’s Palsy.

RELATED: Jennifer Gibson: Canadian woman develops Bell’s Palsy two weeks after AstraZeneca shot, encourages others to get vaccinated (May 29, 2021)


There is no real consensus as to the prognosis for RHS. A 2016 meta-analysis in the International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology concluded that 70.4% of RHS patients recovered completely from facial paralysis if treated early with anti-virals and steroids. An August 2001 paper in the BMJ Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry concluded that RHS patients are “less likely to recover completely” than Bell’s Palsy patients.

In other words, scientists across the globe are making educated guesses as to the prognosis for RHS. Steroids and anti-virals appear to be the go-to treatments. But there is no way of knowing right now whether or not Mr. Bieber will ever be 100% normal again.

Everything but the injections

Mrs. Julie Ann Nobles is the capstone case for post-injection Bell’s Palsy. She received her first Moderna mRNA injection on May 13, 2021. The adverse effects were immediate, including convulsions, strokes and facial paralysis.

One year later, she and her husband, Ben Nobles, posted a new Facebook video on May 13, 2022. Mrs. Nobles still fears she may die any day. She wears some sort of device a doctor in Illinois invented that helps stop the convulsions. Mrs. Nobles also still has very visible facial paralysis. It may be the norm for the rest of her life. But at least she acknowledges what caused all her perpetual medical issues.

RELATED: Adele: Las Vegas concert residency cancelled after half of her fully-vaccinated crew comes down with COVID-19 (January 21, 2022)


This article has the first mentions of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and herpes zoster oticus on this blog. Unfortunately Mr. and Mrs. Bieber refuse to connect the dots between her blood clots and stroke, and his potentially debilitating RHS. Both of them have also had so-called COVID at least once this year despite receiving at least two injections apiece. Mr. Bieber forced his fans to join the vaxx cult just for the privilege of paying $1,000+ to see him. You reap what you sow.

Celine Dion’s singing career is over because of the injections. She continues using the word “postpone” with her shows. But she’ll never perform again. Wendy Williams will never do another talk show again. Ray Liotta and Bob Saget are dead. Chelsea Handler and Heather McDonald are on the clock. It just shows that these celebrities have money, but no real power or ability to discern. They could easily afford fake vaccine cards and still live normal lives. But these people actually wanted the shots, yearned the shots, enjoy the shots.

Justin Bieber has the most expensive doctors in the world looking after him. But nobody really knows how RHS effects people individually in the long or short terms, particularly when caused by experimental gene therapy injections. We’ll check back in a few months.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Frank S.
Frank S.
2 years ago

Get well soon, Justin! God has blessed you with an amazing life and an amazing wife. Be HAPPY!

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

Fauci has marked them for Death! Along with 5 Billion others!

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

? Did you even read the article? I guess you’re one of those Pollyanna types.. but you do you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

In the end times they will call good evil, and evil good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

HAHA….he thinks he was SO LOoOoOoNELY before…

This is a big one…could actually bring some kind of mainstream attention to it.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes – the fact that it was a known ‘side effect’ (on the P$izer datasheets) back before these injections went into distribution!
Gonna red pill some folks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

really? then that “god” should not have let this happen. lol

Robert Craig
Robert Craig
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

If he had relied on God and not the jab, he’ed be fine

2 years ago

I felt bad for him and his wife with all their vaxx injuries. But now that I know they insist on others taking these clot shots as a price to see him, I am not so sympathetic anymore. They both reaped what they sowed and actively pushed others to the same end. As far as Bieber fans – find a new idol to worship. Get a better life and fill it with meaning. Nobody is worth the clot shot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Everyone always “feels bad” until you realize that these folks are your enemies and yes, enemies of God. And no, I don’t bless enemies of God. These are not just my enemies, they are God’s enemies. Whole different story now which is why we need to stop being soft.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
Anthony Tuminello
Anthony Tuminello
2 years ago

Luke 16:15 (KJV) And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

James 4:4 (KJV) Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. 

Galatians 6:7 (KJV) Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 

2 years ago

Ramsey hunt syndrome????? lololol The Beebs is toast

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

it can cause deafness and eye problems. not good when you’re a singer.

2 years ago

And….. another one bites the dust……

2 years ago

Just imagine how powerful it would be for these “celebrities” to PUBLICLY admit they were wrong about the clot shot, that they trusted in people, that they be-LIE-ve their TV, they were taught to idolize those in “white coats,” and now are paying the price with their lives. People (those in my life too who joined the experiment) won’t admit they were wrong which is the 1st step to healing or changing behavior. Brian, your work is masterful and it would be devastating to the TRUTH to have your site shutdown. I had some twists and turns in the last month but I am still determined to send a donation via snail mail. I am praying for you and your continued work. TMH GOD bless!

Rudolph Muggle
Rudolph Muggle
2 years ago
Reply to  Riv

Anybody daring to do that would be sacrificed. They can’t break the oath.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Celebrity degenerates like him deserve everything they get for all the evil things they push and their trash content, poisoning the minds of the youth, leading countless millions astray and being fundamental in creating a world no sane or decent person would want to live in. So, no sympathy for any of them. The days of Good music and other forms of entertainment are long gone, in fact as morality went downhill in society, so did all forms of entertainment, coincidence? I think not!

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

He looks like a girl and she has a massive male skull. Just sayin

2 years ago
Reply to  Suze

None of them get to that level of fame unless they are switch hitters…there are Zero exceptions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Suze

There are videos Youtube that say he is a she. They go into more the medical and physical traits of male vs female. It was very eye opening to say the least. Somethings you just can’t hide/fix/change easily like your skull shape, masculine jaws, hips and finger lengths……very distinct differences for males and females.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

The most incredible thing about this whole article is the link to the Pfizer document showing NINE PAGES OF SIDE EFFECTS of “special interest”. If you have to take some Rx like amoxicillin for an ear infection you will see the side effects listed on a sheet of paper and rationalize that you have taken it before with no problem and it is better than developing a brain abscess but anyone taking any Rx with 9 pages of possible side effects when your symptoms may be no worse than the flu is out of their ever-loving minds.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

I thought Hollywood gets the saline shots and the sheep get the suicide jabs?!?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I guess the WEF and the Bilderbergers reason that without a big herd of dumb sheep to control they don’t need so many false shepherds……

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Apparently not. The “stars” have to pay for saline on their own. Maybe the ONLY good thing about these new world order medical mafia predators is that they don’t care WHO you are and show no partiality to celebrity big-shots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Useful idiots and useless eaters idiots are in the same league from the ruling class perspective. Some useful idiots think that they are the the masters’ favorite idiots, not realizing that they are just as disposable as eveybody else.

professional student
professional student
2 years ago

There are very few in the ruling class (illuminati), only 13 bloodlines. All else in the media and entertainment are useful idiots. They are as disposable as the rest of us, if they did not pay for the fake shots they got the jabs. There are many that are either indoctrinated out of there minds or think that doing the bidding of the elites will give them special privileges, the definitions of useful idiot.

2 years ago

I tend to agree with your comment based on what I’m seeing. It does seem like NFL, NHL, NBA, and professional baseball players have been largely spared. Perhaps they are too expensive of an investment. I’m really surprised at the amount of vaccine injuries and deaths at the celebrity level.

Prof. Spudd
Prof. Spudd
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

It would appear that the elites are basically the same as us… many of them do believe the shots work and so they get them.

For example, I suspect Gavin Newsom got the genuine shots, considering his two-week period of being missing last year and persistent rumors that he had an attack of something like Bell’s Palsy.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
2 years ago

The Biebs are not exactly rocket scientists but I feel sorry that they like many others trusted Fauci, Gates, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna and all of the other liars and evildoers. These are the real enemies. The Biebers are victims just like friends and relatives we all have.

2 years ago

Not buying it. Did your friends and relatives force others to show proof of vaxxx to pay money to come see them? Stop making excuses because you’re star-struck.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

Funny how you know I’m starstruck when I can’t stand the man and feel he squandered his opportunity to be a role model. Yes, I have relatives who are doctors and recommended vaxes even having their 8th grade son get one. They were lied to by the government and big pharma just like Beiber and all the others who were duped. Yes, I do wish they were all more critical of the information put out by the cdc, etAL., I feel sorry for the victims.

2 years ago

At what point are complicit “victims” the main problem? At what point?

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
2 years ago

i see Greenngold’s point. We don’t have to be star struck to realize these vax zealot celebs were lied to as all of us were. Im praying for all of them to come to their spiritual senses and TRULY wake up, and im praying for the rest of us not to fall into a smug arrogance when we see them fall.

2 years ago

Victims? The self-proclaimed Christian who has Illuminati symbols all over his “art”. Remember when these celebrity types were acting so holy just a few years back with their conviction to fight hate crime and bullying. Turns out it was all for show. They just wanted to look good in front of other people when it was easy to do so.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
2 years ago
Reply to  Seben

Agreed. Terribly self- righteous, hypocritcal human beings. They, like many ceo’s, Dr’s, govt officials, all were lied to and weren’t bright enough to see it. Do u really throw them in with the likes of Fauci, fda, big pharma that KNEW the shots were deadly ? They may be useful idiots, but they are not knowing murderers.

2 years ago

Almost all of my friends and relatives got it. And, for awhile, they were pressuring us, always asking us when we were going to get the shots. They don’t say much anymore, I assume because mainstream media (which I avoid) is fearmongering about other things besides COVID now, and partly because I wonder if some of the side effects, and the lack of effectiveness, of the vaccines is finally getting out there a bit. I hope so anyway. But yes, I have many good friends and relatives, whom I care very deeply about, who were also duped in the beginning to believe the vax was the answer, and they didn’t wait for any real or substantive data to verify its safety or effectiveness.

I don’t know anything about this guy but I notice a lot of people are angry at you for giving him some grace in his error. Strange times we live in. 🙂

Robert Craig
Robert Craig
2 years ago

Victims? Hardly, they drank the Kool-aid and tried to get everyone else to as well. They are getting what they deserve

2 years ago

The questions are…if they recover/survive the next couple of months:
Are they going to be naive enough to take the next booster shots?

Are they going to continue to promote these jabs?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

You better believe it. All those taking them and not waking up on their first injury are incapable. They’ve invested too much in it and were already doomed by their Homosapiens Servus genetics.

What we’ve been seeing in modern times is the human race evolving into two species again. Homosapiens Sapiens and Homosapiens Servus. If anything the jabbery is further isolating the two and probably we will eventually be unable to interbreed. Already the two groups are withdrawing from sexual contact with each other. Eventually only a few randy individuals will even cross the line, the way some of our kind hopped the fence to get it on with Neanderthals, Denisovans or some other separate but related species.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Some probably know and will want to die after being maimed.

2 years ago

I have to ask are we close to the end? Cuz is not normal that the elite will murder or fook their mk ultra puppets. Maybe wr are close to the end of times soon

2 years ago
Reply to  Mexican

I’ve been wondering the same. And maybe that’s why it’s taken so long for anything to change! I’m sure the majority will be shocked when they realize that ‘their own people ‘ are turning on THEM and taking THEM out. It’s playing out like a nightmarish version of ‘Survivor’.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mexican

This is a great question and I was wondering the same thing. I’ve been surprised at how these shots have affected high income celebrities (and others in power). There is no loyalty.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

As if all celebrities and elites are in some unitary club. If anything it is a bunch of clubs and the highest one is a very closed circle.

Most celebrities are useless people. What do you think the self chosen elite planned to have along millions of singers and dancers to amuse them or something? Most politicians are worthless. They cannot do anything for their masters. Why do you think they would spare them? The ones you can be sure will avoid it are Billionaires and those closest to them. Everyone else whether or not they’re in on it, is out of luck. That’s one reason we’ve got the greatest crop of mindless idiots for world leaders almost everywhere. Dimwits capable of doing as they’re told, without scruples and people so stupid they’ll never see it coming.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rabbitnexus
Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

And notice not one European royal family. Hmmmmmm

professional student
professional student
2 years ago
Reply to  Mexican

I whole-hearted believe that these are the last days. That is why they do not care who falls victim. So may are indoctrinated that they are blind to what is going on. It doesn’t matter to the ones in power if they do not have a high approval rating, they are just pushing the agenda. How many people are already jabbed? What is the death count going to be? Can anyone say Georgia Guidestones? Population down to 500,000,000. Communism is being pushed everywhere. Turn to the Lord Jesus your only refuge.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mexican

I think your question is not only valid, it’s accurate. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
I look around and feel like I see these traits everywhere. They certainly describe our world leaders. The younger generation as a whole doesn’t have a chance because they don’t get right teaching in the first place. Yet God will have mercy on anyone who calls on Him. I hope at least some will be saved before it’s too late. I believe the end is near.

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
2 years ago
Reply to  Mexican

i would not be surprised if Jesus is returning sooner than many of us (including myself ) realize. There are just too many dramatic situations happenig at an ever increasing scale… probably starting around 9/11/2001 when the U.S had it’s first “terrorist attack” killing many… Prior to that, life was carefree more or less.
Its not just the man made chaos happening either., but cataclysmic hurricanes, tsunami’s, etc. seems the darkside is operating on overdrive

2 years ago

The diehard, pro-killer vaxxers in places such as a reddit and gender study classes would still label this as a conspiracy theory. Or if they had some form of a beating heart they would vomit rubbish such as “Oh but the benefits outweigh the risks”. Yeah sure, just wait until more people you know start getting sick. Maybe you might be able to feel some empathy and stop defending big pharma.

Is this not enough that a famous, YOUNG, couple both had sudden illnesses, which are rarely found in people their age group?

Is their any hope if bieber fans are starting to twig on?

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

No. The fans are like groupies. Just follow. No thought. Just like Bieber himself. Repeat after me -“Anything but the shot.”

2 years ago

My advise to him is to keep taking booster shots until the other side of his face short circuits as well… at least it will look more balanced!

2 years ago

Will be interesting to see if they can have kids, and if so, how they turn out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

People are having kids now from vax tainted blood and genes. Not sure how those are going.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

When I first saw this pop up in the news, there was no question in my mind it was the poison. What is incredible is they believe and any of the zombies that took it that it can’t be the poison. There is just no way in their minds. The poison has to affect their minds in a deep way, any rational thinking human being can see the obvious link. I’m sorry to say its only going to get worse so be prepared

2 years ago

Clotting with the Beaver!

2 years ago

Gonna have to reinvent himself as a mumble-rapper

2 years ago

It truly has morphed into a CULT, a new “religion.” The shots are the “holy communion” and the masks are the sacred garment, worn to signal devotion to others to the cult. All cults must have a leader, and this one has many “leaders” wearing white coats
who must be obeyed.
Within the “entertainment” industry, the pressure is overwhemingly intense to join the cult. And you must be willing to pay the highest price.
Jim Jones’ People’s Temple and
Scientology were child’s play, compared to this psy-op.
Human societies have devolved, regressed. Evil is in charge right now, but not for long.

2 years ago

Brian, Great reporting (as always). Thank you for covering this story. I was wondering if there was proof of Justin and Hailey Bieber’s vaccination status as I had assumed both were vax injured. I had no idea you had to be vaccinated to attend the Met Gala. Good for Nikki Minaj for abstaining.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Nicki Minaj attended the 2022 Met Gala so she probably succumbed. I was very disappointed in her as she knew something was amiss hence her initial hesitancy to take the shot. She has not confirmed that she had the jab but has been very quiet on the subject ever since last year’s controversy. Even to step on the red carpet, all attendees have to provide proof of “vaccination” and have a negative test and I’m sure the organisers stated there would be no exceptions so she couldn’t resist that Satanic event in the end. And thus went the way of many.

2 years ago

Thanks for your comment. Maybe she got a fake vaccine card. I’m sure there’s a lot of that going around as well.

2 years ago

I was hoping she hadn’t and would stand her ground.

Russell Merritt
Russell Merritt
2 years ago

Va☠️ much

2 years ago

This little punk was flashing some pretty heavy Freemasonic/Satanic signs before. I wonder if he was a pretender? He seemed pretty young to have the rank he was implying.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
2 years ago
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

I recall all the Illuminati signs as well which I always thought was odd for a proclaimed Christian.

2 years ago

He’s fortunate to only develop Bells Palsy, a treatable disease. I’ve lost four friends under the Globalist regime:

1. Fatal heart attack
2. Career ending stroke
3. Career ending POTS (tachycardia)
4. Glioblastoma (brain cancer), fatal

Some days, the two who survived wish they hadn’t. One was a nurse, the other an accountant. The two who died were a MD and an investment banker. All of them had important relationships in their lives and are missed dearly.
I hope this is a wake up call for Bieber and his followers.

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
2 years ago
Reply to  POTS

just lost a fellow church member to brain cancer this week that started last year. He was a coach and school teacher, so im pretty sure he had all his vaxes and boosters.. many in my church are pro vax, and many of them are dying, getting cancer, strokes,etc. These are good people who sadly dont take the time to research the cons of what their “good” doctors advise them. The sincerely believe they are helping others from getting covid.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

That thumbnail tho.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Justin together again…

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
2 years ago

There was a time, not long ago, (preCovid) when one of the first things a doctor would ask a patient who had unexplained symptoms was “Have you taken any new meds recently or had a vaccine?” That basic question stopped cold once the Covid jabs rolled out.

Brian, you do exemplary investigative reporting. When I first heard the Beiber story I tried to find out if he was jabbed, as my first suspicion was this is from that experimental medical procedure, but I found nothing. I hoped The Covid Blog would cover it!

2 years ago

Hailey is Justin’s beard

2 years ago

i give Chelsea Handler and Heather McDonald a little more credit. they at least admit their own vaxx injuries. Bieber & his wife can’t even see or acknowledge the elephant in their room! like Celine Dion, maybe they’re in both denial. shame, with such fame, they could make so much difference.

2 years ago

I don’t know about you all, but Nikki Magin and Justine Beaver are the only one I trust with my health.

2 years ago
Reply to  matt

Ha! you forgot the sarc tag.

2 years ago

Justin Bieber along with recently Springsteen & Satanist Celine Dion demanded Vaxx compliance to see their shows, thus delivering Souls to Lucifer in exchange for their temporary Earthly fame and riches…now Bieber reaps the consequences and rightfully so…looks like that severe case of wonkey eye is a common reaction from both the mRNA & Testosterone Injections…Justice for Justin soon to be hangin’ with Saget and Gottfried. Good riddance and don’t forget to send us a postcard from the Pit

Putrid Shittgenstein
2 years ago

Sorry Justin,

But Illuminati symbols tattooed onto your body? Doesn’t make you an Illuminati.

Get well soon,


Aka The Illuminati 🙂

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Justin is from Stratford, nice town not too far from here. He got so rich, he could even get away with face tattoos! And crashing Ferraris at 3AM etc.
But this…
Hey welcome (back) to the real world, bro. You were lied to.

2 years ago

Justin Bieber was on and off with Selena Gomez for a long time. They broke up for good around March 2018. Justin immediately started dating Hailey Baldwin (now Bieber) and proposed to her in July 2018. I believe this devastated Selena and she even wrote a song about Justin entitled “Lose You to Love Me”. Usually I don’t follow celebrity gossip, but I did feel really bad for Selena that Justin (seemingly) cared for her but moved on so quickly with Hailey and it seemed effortless for him with no consequences while Selena was left to pick up the pieces of her life.

Now, both Hailey and Justin are (seemingly) vaccine injured. Regardless if it’s a vaccine injury, they are definitely dealing with medical problems that no young people should have. Although there is no direct connection in how Justin treated Selena and his present health situation, I will say what goes around, comes around. In Justin’s younger years, he appeared to get off scot free for his behavior, but none of us escapes the consequences of our actions. I’m not saying this (possible) vaccine injury is karma, but it does seem like the chickens have come home to roost. I’m sure he has great medical care and perhaps he’ll make a full recovery. But maybe he’ll also reflect on his life and on the way he’s treated others and maybe he’ll revise some of his behavior going forward. (Yes, I realize this is unlikely but you never know.) He betrayed Selena and now he, himself, has been deceived with these injections. I think he now fully knows what these injections are but he’s not allowed to say anything publicly or it would ruin his career.

Mariano Salgado
Mariano Salgado
2 years ago

Imagine being this wealthy and dumb at the same time. Now Bieber is gonna age terribly…that’s Big Pharma for you.

2 years ago

Yes they are ageing badly. There was a woman that had 4 pictures the first was in 2020 and the other 3 to current day. She said she had been vaxed and boosted and was still getting sick. She looked like she aged 20 years in 2.

William Parker
2 years ago

I hate to be cruel but I love that all these pro vax idiots are fucking themselves up.

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