Jennifer Gibson: Canadian woman develops Bell’s Palsy two weeks after AstraZeneca shot, encourages others to get vaccinated
May 29, 2021 (updated 8:02 a.m. Pacific)

Mrs. Jennifer Gibson.

TORONTO, ONTARIO — A Toronto-based actress and acting teacher is seemingly content with her new look, and is encouraging others to follow suit.

Ms. Jennifer Gibson received the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on April 24, according to her Instagram page. She expressed gratefulness and apparent sympathy for those who “don’t have the opportunity” to receive experimental injections.

Two weeks later, she noticed her face looked different. She developed full-fledged Bell’s Palsy, a known adverse effect for all of the experimental injections, by May 18. She’s chronicling the ordeal on Instagram. Mrs. Gibson posted a photo of an acupuncture session on May 23.

Mainstream media and compromised doctors are deflected blame away from the AstraZeneca shot. But Mrs. Gibson admitted on Thursday that her condition is the result of a “bad reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine.” Most cases of Bell’s Palsy heal by themselves within six months. The condition is permanent in some cases.

Mrs. Gibson has appeared in the soap operas “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “Guiding Light.” But she apparently makes most of her living as an acting teacher and coach.

Despite the possibility of permanent disfigurement, Mrs. Gibson said she “does not want to discourage people from getting vaccines.” She said that “people don’t die from Bell’s Palsy,” thus “it’s sucks, but is dealable.” Mrs. Gibson said she got the shot because she “wanted to get back to real life.”

Watch a report from CityNews Toronto.

Remote mind-control?

This cannot be real without some sort of remote intervention. We wrote about Mrs. Ellen Whitney a few days ago. She suffered blood clots and a collapsed lung after the Johnson & Johnson shot. But she declared she’ll get more shots and is pro-vaccine.

Mrs. Sarah Beuckmann had perhaps the most gruesome AstraZeneca adverse reaction we’ve covered on this blog thus far. The Scotland woman developed a horrible-looking rash that almost required amputation of her legs. She believes “people should still get vaccinated” despite her ordeal.

There’s no way people can be this inert, this stupid (for lack of better term) without intervention. It’s established fact that something is in those shots that is not only metallic, but also mechanical. Perhaps you’ve seen the videos of people sticking magnets at the site of the injections.

It’s also no secret that Bill Gates and Microsoft filed that “body activity data” patent in 2019. The documents clearly show that humans can be remotely tracked and even have their thoughts read once some sort of antigen is placed in them via injection.

We won’t know definitive answers to any of this stuff for decades. It will take another Nuremberg-type tribunal to not only reveal all of the malevolent evil involved in this, but also hold all the criminals accountable.

We’ve saved those who want to be saved. Anyone who gets these shots will likely die within five years based on research from non-compromised doctors and scientists. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny said Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) will cause most of these deaths. Also listen to Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt, and Dr. Tenpenny’s fascinating discussion about all the latest “vaccine” happenings.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

Another liberal moron.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Well, on the bright side, she’s ready for Halloween!

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

She posted a video update on instagram yesterday saying that she’s now worse, and yet, she’s still encouraging people to get the ‘jab’. “But I have to say that I would do it again because it’s what we have to do to see people.” I’m starting to think that the very worst thing that these vaccines do is that they make people insane. If this were happening to me, I would feel so sorry for myself, but I would find my purpose in warning people AGAINST getting jabbed. So this is entirely beyond my comprehension.

3 years ago

Personally, I doubt that there is anything ‘magnetic’ or ‘mechanical’ in these nonetheless dangerous population-culling experimental shots. I would not call it ‘remote intervention’. Rather, a worrying number of people lack critical thinking. They are gullible and easily fall victim to peer pressure, an ‘expectation’ to be a conformist, social media, mainstream media, coercion, and vaccine propaganda. It will be interesting to see how the ‘vaxxed’ fare in the coming months and years. It will be interesting to see the fertility and birth rates over the coming years. The likes of Bill Gates, Tal Zaks, Klaus Schwab, etc, don’t ‘care’ about us. They view us as ‘Goyim’ and ‘useless eaters’ who are hogging the world’s resources and taking up space. Read up on Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Once the world’s population falls below a certain level, the remaining ‘Goyim’ will be easier to control under a tyrannical global communist hell. It is quite telling that Bill Gates, who himself has quite an interest in vaccines and population, is buying up vast swathes of farmland in the United States. It is reminiscent of Soviet-controlled Russia and Eastern Europe, during which the farmland belonging to European Christians was confiscated, and the Soviets taking total control over the food supply meant total control over the poor souls starving to death under the communist hell.

John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

I hope that you are right Gary. What is your definition of “Goyim”. I don’t think that this is necessarily a Jew v Gentile thing, as they are forcing the jab in Israel.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

I’ve heard that the ‘jab’ being given in Israel is something harmless like a vitamin B shot or saline. Whether that is true or not remains to be seen.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

It’s not true.
The Israeli People`s Committee Report of Adverse Events Related to the Corona Vaccine, April 2021: Never has a vaccine injured so many

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

There is an hour long video going around of people sticking magnets to their shot sites, are they all making it up Gary?

3 years ago

Dean Koontz imagined a group of insane power hungry globalists injecting people with nanotechnology and then being able to control them. I think the first novel in his Jane Hawk series was published in 2018. I find myself underlining passages in the novels. It’s fiction, but eerily parallel to much of what seems to be happening now in real life. I’m starting to wonder if Koontz is some sort of prophet or somehow has intelligence into some sort of global conspiracy.

Winston Raleigh
Winston Raleigh
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Imagine no longer:

Whether this protein is involved or not remains to be proven…not that I’d believe much that is reported now anyway…but it’s clear that the tech EXISTS.

3 years ago

These people are called “TRUE BELIEVERS” they cross all ethnic, racial, gender and political spectrums. I have been researching and studying all vaccines for 15 years and I have run across all types of people. The indoctrination is powerful and began decades ago with the myth that the world was saved by the Smallpox and Polio vaccines. This myth has been passed down through the generations because of a government and medical system that makes a profit from these shots. Vaccines, not just COVID, is a perfect example of Follow The Money. Medical Centers, hospitals, doctors, politicians, government employees and more profit from vaccines which is a powerful incentive to push them onto society. They have become useful idiots for pharma voluntarily because they benefit.

A huge player in this is the MSM who takes their marching orders from Pharma & the CDC. Jon Rapport exposed a little know dept at the CDC: The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS). They create disinformation on a scale that must make the CIA jealous. People in this arm of the CDC, as proudly stated by the CDC, have gone on to occupy key positions in the overall medical cartel: Surgeons Generals; CDC directors; medical school deans and professors; medical foundation executives; drug-company and insurance executives; state health officials; MEDICAL EDITORS AND REPORTERS IN MEDIA OUTLETS. —Power, at key junctures.
“It’s a loyal insider’s club. They collaborate to float prime-cut, A-number-one cover stories of extraordinary dimensions. They invent medical reality out of thin air.” (Jon Rapport).

Remember Ebola? Zink? They didn’t get much traction because they were not in the Western countries and even though it was used to scare people, the terror was somewhere else. The threat wasn’t imminent. They served their purpose of pharma and bio-tech companies getting obscene amounts of money from governments to research and develop a vaccine. Well, where are these vaccines? Has the MSM even mentioned these terrors lately that were going to eradicate humanity? No.

COVID is the lottery for pharma. It’s here in your neighborhood, not a foreign country where only black people or dark-skinned people were being infected. Most people know someone who has been affected or died. The propaganda machine is on crack. Neurolinguistic programing is 24/7. Almost every article you read has titles or the pejorative “antivax” embedded in it, even if the main intent of the article is something else. The new spin is posting articles about people who didn’t get the shot and died from the virus-or so they say. Every few days there is going to be such & such didn’t believe in the shot, didn’t get it and died. Now, because the shot uptake is down the states, which get money from the government for COVID, schools which no doubt are getting money from the CDC’s lobbying groups NACCHO they have embedded in each state and other unnamed source are offering incentives of lotteries, 4 year scholarships, cash etc. which is unethical. Hospitals are getting money for vaccinating which is why a hospital in Texas is being sued by over 100 employees who are told to get the jab or lose their jobs. The most powerful grift the government/pharma has pulled off is UNPAID useful idiots like the people who suffer devastating side effects or lose a family member yet they continue to tell people to get the jab. Or, these people themselves are grateful for getting the jab despite the fact they are having severe side effects. That’s the TRUE BELIEVER. This is what Edward Bernays taught to Wall Street decades ago. Fear is a powerful motivator. Scare the shite out of the masses and they will believe whatever. Remember WOMD’s and how the government used the daily color code system to sell it. Brilliant! They even had neighbors ratting out each other. True Believers are the gov/pharma most powerful weapons against humanity.

3 years ago
Reply to  codetalker11

Scientistism has taken over the minds of the masses. It’s crazy to think that all these people trust so blindly. Think about it….. the so-called vaccine is free and now the establishment will pay you to take it. Win a million dollars, have your tuition paid for, win a doughnut, the list goes on and on. That should trigger red flags for the masses, but no it seems to encourage more to line up for injections.

I hope this blog stays up, because I fear life for those of us who think critically will change profoundly. I feel alone that that so many people around me, that I thought would get it, simply don’t.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tymid

I think you have hit the very nut of this. Science and medicine are beliefs, the same as religion, and like the world’s religions, there are a lot of great things in science and medicine. But what was common knowledge in science and medicine a century ago, would be dangerous if believed and applied today. OUR GOVERNMENT in the U.S. already has an unwritten but deliberate “separation of church and state” in that no church, no religion, has formal appointed authority of government. For liberty in the 21st Century, world citizens who would live in liberty must focus on attaining separation of church AND science AND medicine, from state. The state must be limited, kept out of the hands of belief systems such as science, religion, medicine, that would make us so much livestock to be inoculated. Free societies must remain focused on the job of advancing and securing the right self ownership, and stopping any who would attempt to override it, whether a robber with a gun, a kidnapper, or a tyrannical group of doctors who have marketed an entire generation into fearful hypnosis.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tymid

The latest in the state of Washington, is “Joints for Jabs”. 🙄

3 years ago

This is a sad display of mind control, brainwashing. It’s like God has sent them delusion because they trust in ‘science’ of corrupt men and women. There is something odd and strange going on with all this ‘pro vaccine’ nutjobs, even when they are maimed or when a loved one dies after receiving the injection. The bible warns in several places not to trust in man….

3 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

Absolutely true

3 years ago

Long before these vaccines; the nation was full of idiots.
All the policies enacted and advanced by government the last 50 years reflect this unbelievable stupidity; with so many policies that are in direct opposition to the best interests of the people and the nation.

“We will know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American people believe is false”
___William Casey / CIA Director under Reagan

To quote Barry Manilow; “Look like we made it!”

I do not know enough about what is in those shots to say of there is a “mind control” element; but from my vantage; one would probably not even be needed for a good percentage of the population.

No More Virtues
No More Virtues
3 years ago

She can go F herself with her virtues. What kind of virtue is this? Look at what happened to me but you too should go and get the shot so you too suffer? So I’m not the only one who suffers??? She deserves what she’s got. I’m sorry to be so cruel but I am sick and tired of seeing all these people crippled by the vaccine and then quickly encouraging others to get the shot anyway. Why would anyone be so friendly and tolerant of PRIVATE CORPORATION who just crippled you? Would you drink Coca Cola remain paralyzed after a glass but say ohhh hey no worries you too should drink Coca Cola? This is not even virtue signaling, this is pure evil.

3 years ago

The masks and social distancing were overt, clear evil. I think you have an interesting, and frightening point. I am glad to see folks discuss it here, as it is a taboo subject among almost everyone in “polite society” for one reason or another no matter where they stand, and I understand it. I find it wisest for myself to just steer clear of nut cases, stay home, order out, stay sane. Anyone who takes his family for a walk on the pier, mama and little children, in blazing fresh wind and sunny day … all wearing full face masks … has lost his mind, so has mama. Best just to steer clear, step aside. I guess that’s the best way to handle it — I know way too many people who are willing to placate these various forms of evil, and they really tick me off, how does one talk to them? Placating evil is a bad idea. So one just withdraws.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
Frank julian
Frank julian
3 years ago

She’s an actress, IE a professional liar.

1 year ago

Nature will have the last word with people like this. It’s called Natural Law. There are the physical laws of the universe and then there are the laws that govern the consequences of the choices of intelligent beings. When you trust known criminals to put something directly into your bloodstream without you doing your due diligence in researching it, nature, not us, tells you that you deserved what you got. BTW the ancient Egyptian word for nature was NTR, they did not use vowels and this word also meant God.

3 years ago

Science and facts have become irrelevant these days. Opinions are mostly tribal and not fact-based

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
3 years ago

I am not opposed to test vaccines, as they appear to work in the longer term, however, what else they might do to the body is an unknown factor and that, to me, is a much scarier issue and what their long term impact will be on those who have been “test” vaccinated.
Coronavirus Achilles Heel: A Coronavirus is a virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. It can lead to pneumonia (4)(5). Most Coronaviruses are not dangerous. Some types of them are serious, such as MERS and SARS (6). The name comes from the crown-like appearance the virus displays. Mercola
1 heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water, (can be cold) cup a hand and sniff or snort the whole lot up, spitting anything which comes down into your mouth – no reaction fine, blow out your nose, flush away, washing your hands afterwards, you don’t have a virus .
A reaction, you have a virus – retain the salt water in your head for as long as the soreness lasts (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose, flush away, washing hands afterwards and do this treatment 3 times a day, morning, noon, night, or more often, until the soreness goes away, when you have killed off the virus in your head and you won’t get the disease it will become, as I have done these past 26.5 years and to this, I add those virus related diseases which remain unknown to us, but are delivered by a virus, as in (unspecified) air pollution. Simple.
Try it, if you are satisfied with the results, pass the cure along, if results are not excellent, there are still the untested, trial vaccines to fall back on.
I never have Flu shots, or this vaccine either. No point doing the above salt water cure and then having vaccine shots too – like Duh!!
About 26 years ago, I read the report from a posh Research Center in America, where the author suggested, in his research paper, that his experiments with Salt Water cured flu type colds and he in turn referred to the Swedish or Norwegian Army (I think), who had barrels filled with Salt Water, attached to a hose, out of the bottom, which soldiers used to flush out their heads, when they thought they were getting a cold – and their troops never got colds.
I have been doing it ever since and neither do I, from any virus related “thing”.
There are weak salt water spray preparations you can buy from your local chemist, to clear your head. To my way of thinking, (as above) you need a stronger salt water solution to wash out your inner head and no spray is ever going to be enough to do that, which is proof of safety concerns, regarding salt, as above.
If you are allergic to salt – don’t do as I suggest!!
Virologists are not interested in the head, they are only interested in Covid, once it is in the body (10 to 14 days of self isolation later), but I say, kill off the Coronavirus in the head, before it ever gets to become Covid in the head and body, which makes total sense to me, because never getting Covid or whichever new variant it has become like Duh!! and “my” salt water cure is free and easy to do and 26.5 years never ill, against test vaccines.
It comes down to choice. Yes or No, as simple as that. Your life, your choice!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Noakes

LOVE the salt water cure. I was a swimmer with so chronic a nasal swamp that it was making me seriously plugged up for at least 10 months, no matter what I tried. I didn’t want to see a doc (I avoid them as much as possible) so I took a wise friend’s advice, bolstered some courage, and “snorted” warm, salty water up my nose and expelled it out my mouth, several times a day. Within a week, the horrific nasal infection was GONE GONE GONE … after plaguing me and making my life miserable for almost a year. I think salt therapies are wonderful … it is thrilling and awesome that God has these cures all around us, I believe in God and I’ll go to a doctor only if He tells me to! But …… watch for our smarter overlords in medicine to try to use government to make salt a controlled substance that must be regulated. Can’t have us medicating ourselves now, can we? We must leave it to the professionals. Tyrannical doctors are evil incarnate.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
Frank julian
Frank julian
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Noakes

No “vaccine” has ever worked, for anything. You have been fooled.

2 years ago

Thanks for the warning… I didn’t know I can get infected from vaccinated people. I agree vaccinating people is to depopulate the human species. But, I am worried people are dividing very deeply… the opinion of vaccination is varied regardless of race, age, educational level. The friends, colleagues, family choose to get vaccinated, I am not. But I feel the division is penetrated so deeply. The people in power who are forcing the vaccine on us, want human divides… breaking the structure of connection between people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sungmi

Invite vaccinees to join the fight for their own freedoms which are also in jeopardy. Because if they haven’t been subject to personal subjugation yet (the kind that costs you your job, e.g.), they will be subject to it eventually. The slippery slope. And it all started (this time) with those asinine face diapers and a shutdown for “3 weeks” (Yeah, right).

1 year ago

No thanks. I’ll take the sniffles for a week, thank you VERY much!!!

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