John Ryan: 59-year-old banking regulator dies unexpectedly, while his “husband” launched near-daily social media attacks on the non-vaccinated
May 25, 2022

Mr. John Ryan.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A 59-year-old banking CEO is dead, and likely would have never been a story on this blog. But this obnoxious, vaxx-zealot LGBTV (for vaccine) “husband” may cause readers to re-think the hierarchy on The COVID Blog™ wall of shame.

Mr. John W. Ryan was President and CEO of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) since 2011. The organization is a quasi-government entity created in 1902, 11 years prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve. Its stated mission says the CSBS is:

“…uniquely positioned as the only national organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the nation’s dual-banking system.”

Note that the term “dual-banking system” is a fallacious concept because all U.S. banks, whether state, national or credit unions, are part of the Federal Reserve System. The U.S. dollar is a Federal Reserve product that only the Fed has the power to print, inflate and deflate. Thus it’s unclear what CSBS actually does, other than echo Federal Reserve propaganda.

That all said, Mr. Ryan had been with the organization in some capacity since 1997. He does not appear to have any social media accounts. But a man named Thomas Hogglestock says Mr. Ryan was his “husband” and frequently spoke of said “husband” on Twitter. Mr. Hogglestock set a new bar for repugnant, vaxx zealot pieces of work that make people like Ms. Karen Croake Heisler and Mr. Louis Knuxx look like…Brian A. Wilkins.

“You’re an asshole” if you’re not vaccinated and boosted

The vaxx zealotry of Mr. Hogglestock started in December 2020 when he equated the injections to “the light at the end of the tunnel.”

By February 26, 2021, Mr. Hogglestock said he was “beating the door down” to get his injections.

He received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on March 29, 2021.

Mr. Hogglestock confirmed that Mr. Ryan received his second Pfizer mRNA injection on April 22, 2021.

Once again, another LGBTV liberal believes vaxx zealot Donald Trump is an “anti-vaxxer.” Mr. Hogglestock, on June 26, said “miserable unvaccinated Trump fuckers” are “scared and fucking miserable.”

Despite being a die-hard vaxx zealot, Mr. Hogglestock cancelled he and Mr. Ryan’s trip to Asia on July 26 because he had no faith in the holy serum protecting him in countries with “very low vaccination rates.”

Mr. Hogglestock called the non-vaccinated “damn fucking idiots” on August 6.

He bashed “fuckwit southern governors” on August 11 for not adopting New York/California/Washington D.C.-type vaccine and mask mandates.

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Mr. Hogglestock was so anxious to receive his Pfizer booster on October 20, 2021 while in the waiting room, that he thought the doctor had “the raw ingredients and he has to mix up each dose.”

Mr. Hogglestock said on January 16 that he would force Mr. Ryan to “show me his vaccine card” to enter their kitchen.

He called the non-vaccinated and non-boosted “assholes” on January 20.

Mr. Hogglestock confirmed that he was quadruple-vaxxed, while Mr. Ryan was triple-vaxxed by April 11. He also seemed confused as to why and how Mr. Ryan “comes home with COVID” after three injections; and how he himself tested positive for so-called COVID-19 despite four injections. He blamed people not wearing masks.

Mr. Hogglestock confirmed again on April 15 that Mr. Ryan was triple-vaxxed, while he and the third person in their “bubble of 3” (whatever that means) were quadruple-vaxxed.

Sudden death

Mr. Hogglestock kept his vaxx zealotry and faith in the Church of COVID going strong until the final hours. He tweeted on May 16 at 5:15 p.m. about being depressed because the New York Times told him that Omicron would appear three times every year. Sometime in the next eight hours, Mr. Ryan passed away. Mr. Hogglestock tweeted a photo saying that Mr. Ryan’s death was “sudden and unexpected.”

Mr. Hogglestock tweeted on May 18 that he never said Mr. Ryan’s name on Twitter up to that point to “keep his public profile as neutral as possible.”

The CSBS cancelled its annual State-Federal Supervisory Forum that was scheduled to take place yesterday and today. No funeral arrangements have been announced as of publishing.

Mainstream growing tired of LGBTV?

Comedian Dave Chappelle is one of the few big-time celebrities who speaks truth no matter what when it comes to this whole LGBTV psy-op that commenced in the late 1990s. This blogger admires and respects Mr. Chappelle because he’s the ultimate “it’s funny because it’s true” comedian. But HBO talk show host Bill Maher earned some respect last week too.

Mr. Maher ripped into the persistent, perpetual propaganda related to homosexual culture we’ve all been forced to endure since the turn of the millennium. Not only is the 9-minute monologue brilliant and worth a listen, but the comments on YouTube are also very refreshing.

Mr. Maher makes a great point about how no homosexual, biological men are grand marshals at the forthcoming New York City “Pride March.” This blogger remembers the acronym as “GLBT” when first exposed to it in 1997-98. They changed it to “LGBT” by the turn of the millennium. The entire LGBTV agenda is simply radical feminism. Thus they petulantly wanted the “L” for lesbian (women) to be moved ahead of gay (men). We now live in a society where a Wisconsin junior high kid may be shunned by all colleges because he called a girl “she” in class. That’s why Maher deserves respect and Chappelle commands respect.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)


Mr. Richard Rowe, Mr. Jason Maurer, Mr. Thomas Senzee, Mr. Eric Turner…and the list goes on. Vaxxed homosexual males, including the ones dressing up as women, are the most objectionable, intolerable people on the planet in The Great Reset. Sure, most readers of this blog do not agree with that lifestyle. That’s not the issue. These types, and their mainstream media puppet masters, go out of their ways to spew vitriol and wish harm on the non-vaccinated, simply for refusing experimental and proven-dangerous injections. It’s like a childish taunt calling someone “scaredy-cat” in junior high for not drinking alcohol.

The LGBTV crowd is by far the most loyal of all demographics to the vaccine agenda. They will continue pumping themselves full of mRNA, at the behest of Fauci and company, until they die. It’s their destiny. It’s basically suicide. And there’s nothing anyone can say or do to stop it.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

What i don’t understand about this man is that his partner died after getting the vaccines but to him, those who refused the jab are the problem. In what universe does this make sense?
Does he want all the non jabbed to do what his partner did with the possibility that they would have the same outcome…no-one could think that surely.
As for his offensive remarks about those not wanting the depopulation vax, i wonder if he’s thinking that now.
I am so sorry for his loss but God gave us all free will and we should take responsibility for our own actions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

God ordains all things…the myth of free will is simply that, a myth. This man died because it was his appointed time. How God determines to take someone out is His doing.
Yes, this sinner was deluded by fear of death from a make believe virus, so he lined up for the sorcery from big pharma. His fear of death became reality.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

Ziva, I assure you he is thinking the same as much as always. He doesn’t even understand that he was likely the one who infected him after getting the second booster/4th jab.
I wish we had the name of the third person in this bubble, we could watch to see how long the remaining two last. We will have to settle for the Hogglestock story. Sounds like something out of a JK Rowling novel to me.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

Like many other vax zealots, he appears to have got exponentially nastier after his first shot. It could be that the microvascular clotting from his first shot hit some capillaries in his brain. Highly likely, since out of the nearly 100,000 km long human capillary system, around 600 km are in the brain.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Severe head injuries can cause a person’s personality to become angry natured and short tempered. Head injuries can be caused by adverse reactions to vaccines (brain swelling). Evidence you are right. Vaccines can also cause sociopathy in children, and it’s probably brain damage from adverse reaction (or outright poisoning).

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

“What i don’t understand about this man is…”

I don’t try to understand. I just read and move on. I don’t allow them room in my brain. My primary concern is : am I a better person today than I was yesterday.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

Some people have issues like mast cell disorder which makes it deadly for them to get this shot. Most people with this disorder cannot get the shot and their doctors have also indicated this. People with neurological issues should also not get this shot. No one should be getting it of course, but for some it would mean instant death or long term damage. Also, I just don’t feel sorry for anyone who wants to harm me with these shots. I was involved in an abusive “relationship” once so I know all about Stockholm Syndrome. Don’t fall prey to it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago

Condolences to Mr. Ryan’s family on his sudden passing. Unfortunately Mr. Ryan chose badly his pfully pledged Pfizer pfuck of “husband” who I am sure is still blaming everyone else for his husband’s demise. He need not worry – he will be joining him soon. Some alphabet people are tiresome. The clot shots are doing what they supposed to do. So I think there will be a lot less alphabet people around soon.

Alex Petrenko
Alex Petrenko
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

So true. In some ways, stories like this remind me that this is a self-correcting problem.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Petrenko

AND 96% of GLBTQPCF are Covid-vaxxed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Nope cus the “alphabet ppl” are being produced in record numbers so the pop% will just keep going up and up

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I occasionally check all the alphabet people I know on FB to see if they have sudden and unexpected yet.

2 years ago

Thank you,Brian. These are the feel good stories I like. Brings a song to my heart and dance to my feet. Mr. Mr.Hogglestock and Mrs. Hogglestock are half way on their quest to suicide themselves. Congratulations to the lovely couple. I wish the Mr. can keep up his hateful rhetoric and maybe find another wife to soothe and comfort him in his death wish.
I do pray for the soul of his partner as he seemed weak and easily influenced by his obnoxious mate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Wasn’t he his “husband”? Sorry, I never know who in these “relations” is a wife and who is husband. It always confuses me.

2 years ago
Reply to  walirlan

I probably got it wrong. It’s difficult for me to stay on top of other peoples delusions while trying to construct my own. Strange world we have now and I’m just trying to compete with the loons.

2 years ago

Man, I made myself a cup of coffee to enjoy this story. Made my day. Karma is such a bitch! Mr. Hogglestock, you are next!

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
2 years ago

He thinks those that aren’t Covid jabbed are miserable and scared?? Oh come on! I don’t know one single unvaccinated person like that. In fact I see the opposite because some of those who took the jabbed are discovering problems with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Grant

So right. We are on round two of the covid infections at work. And yep. Surprise! All the vaxxed and boostered are sick again. They are in shock. I’m unvaccinated and in good health. They are scared and miserable. Not me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Grant

Agreed. Which comes first: Buyer remorse or death?

2 years ago

Of course he tested positive right before, so no dots will be connected. The supposed disease will be blamed, and the lack of injections blamed for the supposed disease. So they will cry for more injections, leading to more unnecessary deaths, more positive tests, more enhanced supposed disease, cycle is repeated.

Criminals cover their tracks. Will the subjects of this article and the rest ever figure it out, despite it being in the open the entire time

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

Oh, no! We took a bunch of toxic liquids into our blood so we could vacation in Thailand and Vietnam where we would take even more questionable fluids up our wee-woos. But it’s closed because it’s full of disease. The alphabet lifestyle is so devoid of any dignity or reason.

2 years ago

There is a daily mail article up right now regarding a woman who lost her ability to walk and blames long Covid, although the docs tell her the condition has nothing to do with covid. Hidden in the article is the fact she was triple vaxxed. Smh.

2 years ago

I know it’s not very christian of me, but the sooner Mr.Hogglestock joins his husband, the world will be a better place.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

These pro-vaccine folks are ushering in systematized murder on a scale not seen since WW2. And add children on top of that. Christian morals is all about protecting life, so long as people don’t go start killing others. Only then under those circumstances can the law “thou shalt not kill” be temporarily suspended to protect the original clause.

2 years ago

This man is simply one of the many people around the world who refuses to face the fact that he’s been lied to by the powers that be. It’s definitely true that it’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they’ve been fooled.

Edward W Lynn
Edward W Lynn
2 years ago
Reply to  Cpascal

It’s quite possible that he’s one of those terrible, empty people who derive the entirety of their self-esteem from a belief that they’re so much more sophisticated than some amorphous group of other people. Team blue is littered with these pretentious dullards.

2 years ago

I begged everyone in my family to not inject themselves with poison but most did not listen. Since taking the vax, my father has full-blown dementia. My mother has suffered a series of strokes. My sister – cancer. Her husband – myocarditis. My daughter – Lupus.

It wasn’t like my warning was subtle but, instead, was in-your-face-here-are-the-facts aggressive. Of course, I’m the only family member that lives among the Amish and I could see with my own eyes a control group that doesn’t vaccinate doesn’t social distance and NEVER wore masks and, guess what???, they did fine.

2 years ago

KARMA, is not a dish served best, cold.

Average Joe
Average Joe
2 years ago

It appears to me that those believing in the merits of “vaccination” show vitriolic disdain for others who choose, based on self-education, to refuse the experimental concoction. Whatever happened to live and let live?

2 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

The virtuous vaccinated were led to believe through relentless propaganda that the “unvaccinated” posed a dire threat to those who underwent the experimental injections. The amazing thing is that they all believed this lie – hook, line and sinker!

2 years ago

“he himself tested positive for so-called COVID-19 despite four injections. He blamed people not wearing masks” – is there any possible way to comment it? No.
This society of the “wicked idiots” must die soon. And it happens. Let God be with all good and normal people, looks like not too many of them!

2 years ago

This disgusts me. There are so many Christians looking for a husband or wife and meanwhile gay men are rewarded with partners or multiple partners. Sorry if this sounds like a strange comment, but it’s unfair, especially for those who “saved” themselves for a partner and may be waiting for one. I am older than most people here and I am sorry for those who may never get to meet anyone or marry. I’ve observed many comments from young people being upset they can’t find anyone, and even worse now with this “jab” as they’re going to have to comb through a sea of vaxxed people in the already polluted dating pool.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I am a single unvaxxed Christian woman in my 30s and three of my single female Christian friends are also unvaxxed. Even many Christians we know have taken the jab, so our options are narrowed down even further.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

I am a single unvaxxed Christian male. Are you in Texas?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

Hi there, sorry for my late reply. No I am in Australia.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

I keep hearing how everyone is thankful and grateful for the death jab. Are they really?????

2 years ago

Wondering if Thomas Hogglestock is now “awakening”? There’s nothing quite like death to shock people out of a trance.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago
Reply to  anybody

I very much doubt it. I think this jab interferes with normal cognitive brain function, as well as destroying the soul.

2 years ago
Reply to  anybody

No, he’ll just double down on what he believes and look for a way to somehow blame it on the unvaxxed.
And he’ll be diligently scanning for any news of a 3rd booster of Pfizer that he can have ‘coursing through (his) veins’

2 years ago

Well, I’m “gay” (or, these days, I prefer the scientifically correct term “homosexual”) and I will never take the poison jab and I hate masks. That makes me an outcast in the “gay community.” Libtardism and Covidianism are both deeply entrenched in the “gay community” (notice that I do not use the politically correct “LGBTQ…”). Early on in the so-called pandemic, I noticed that it was becoming mandatory to believe everything covid if you’re homosexual. Well, I DON’T believe in Covidianism, and that has eliminated many people from my life. And I’m actually happier, now that masks have made it instantly easy to identify like minded people. Wearing a mask? I don’t like you. Easy peasy!

2 years ago

Well, that was satisfying. To be called so many names by this protected member of society just to have his “spouse” do the sudden-and-unexpected thing.

Unvaxxed and my immune system is still functioning great.

Top Gun
Top Gun
2 years ago

The greatest vaccine failure of all time is going to take many Thomas Hogglestocks out of this world…on a stretcher. Stupid is as stupid does.

2 years ago

I literally am about to lose my Facebook and Instagram accounts because I speak against the depopulation/baphomet (tranny) agenda. You know who runs the show by who you can’t talk about. I’m sick of this shit. Colored hair, unattractive, mask wearing, virtue signaling freaks. Let them take the vax. I don’t care.

2 years ago

Until last week, I was on a small sales team of 6 people, for a large Fortune 150 company which required the jab (I was the only one who refused and as a result, I was let go). Since submitting to the jab….ALL 5 of the others got Covid (I did not). One guy in his early 50s was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer which is incurable. Another guy in his 40s had a heart attack. The manager in his late 50s had to have a stent put in his heart. That was all Post Jab. I am by far the healthiest and am the only Pure Blood for Life. I am now seeking new employment with a company which does not require the “vaccine” but its hard to find such a company.

One of our technical advisors on the software team, is a gay man with a husband who lives in Orange County. You could consider him to be a “bear”, a very beefy muscular gay man who looks more like a biker. His husband is probably the female in the relationship. He told me that he was going to “take every vaccine available as soon as they come out.” He also told me that he and his partner are “Big fans of Joe Biden”. Idiots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_j

Sorry you had to lose your job for such ridiculousness It is truly absurd in light of all 5 of your obediently injected colleagues getting Covid. I am 61 and just recovered from the latest “variant”, I’m sans injections and doing fine. It was like a bad cold or mild flu with a temp for a few days. The fully vaccinated folks in my life are shocked that I was not worse, hospitalized and/or dead as they have been completely brainwashed.

Working in healthcare for 38 years I would certainly be forced to get the shots in order to keep a job in the clinical setting but I left the hospital scene many years ago. My new employer is in a red state while I reside in the bluest of blue. As they work under a fed’l contract they asked about my “status” last fall via email. I chose the box “I decline to answer”. None of your freaking business! They then asked if I needed a medical or religious exemption form. I said yes to the medical one. I spent about 8 hours preparing my case with copious literature references as to how – in my personal situation – the experimental shots were not safe. My new, young PCP declined my request as I “do not meet the CDC guidelines”. Wow. This was my first real life exposure to “one size fits all” medicine in all my years working in healthcare. My employer asked again in January 2022, I replied that I was still working on it. Mind you, I make phone calls and write reports remotely and don’t meet with people although ostensibly I may be expected to meet with patients in rare instances. They’ve stopped asking, what a relief. Yet, who knows what danger lurks in the coming fall/winter? I fear the vaccinators will be back, inquiring about my status.

If I have to retire early and hide in the woods to avoid the vaccinators, so be it.

2 years ago
Reply to  SusanB

Always check religious exemption, which is more respected and supersedes or it should. The onus in on you to prove medical exemption and that is why you had to have all the back-up information. Your eight hours were wasted on these people.

Ideology is much more subjective, medical is objective. Oh, you can’t get the vax? Prove it medically, show us your assessment which is ultimately rejected. Religion is another matter entirely.

I sorry Susan B, stay strong, you are a good person.

2 years ago

You don’t even see heroin addicts get this excited about a shot. Also, they’re ultimately aware it’s bad for them. This vax cult hysteria is mental illness

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

You bring up a very good point. At least drug addicts know that what they are doing is bad for them. The worst part about this is that these people DON’T know that the vaxxene is going to destroy their health for life.

Every single day, I think to myself – WTF is going on with everyone. They literally have a wall in front of them which is stopping them from seeing the truth.

Only probable explanation is the “mass formation psychosis” theory or just induced mental illness.

2 years ago

When u born a ‘donkey’
You always be one
These people ignore the truth thus they are all IGNORANT
And deserve their faith.

2 years ago

The LGBT agenda is just as sinister as the covid-19 agenda because it turns people into reprobates according to Romans 1:18-32 and both are about depopulation.

2 years ago

It appears that someone is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but not for the reasons stated.

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