Selina Dagdag: 29-year-old Filipino sports reporter and newlywed has post-injection miscarriage, diagnosed with uterine cancer
May 3, 2022

Mrs. Selena Dagdag-Alas.

MAKATI CITY — A 29-year-old newlywed, sports reporter and product pitch woman has experienced the ultimate highs and debilitating lows in life all in a matter of 19 months.

Mrs. Selena DagDag-Alas is a courtside reporter for the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). She’s worked as a sports and news reporter since at least 2014 based on her Instagram history. Mrs. DagDag-Alas started working at CNN Philippines on May 2, 2016 where she covered elections and other news. She also started covering the PBA later that year. There are photos of her with ESPN 5 microphones as well. But perhaps the greatest moment in her young career came in the summer of 2017.

Mrs. Dagdag-Alas was a PBA sideline reporter for One Sports. She was doing a post-game interview with NLEX Road Warriors guard Kevin Alas. Mr. Alas’ teammates apparently knew that he had a crush on Mrs. Dagdag-Alas. They kept smiling at each other until Mr. Alas leaned in and kissed Mrs. Dagdag-Alas on the cheek.

The moment went viral, garnering millions of views in the Philippines. The couple started dating immediately thereafter.

RELATED: Philippines officials: 24 deaths after Sinovac and AstraZeneca shots are “unrelated” (May 6, 2021)


Two years later, on July 2, 2019, Mr. Alas proposed.

Both Selena and Kevin were at the heights of their careers. The Manila Bulletin reported in May 2020 that Mr. Alas was about to sign a maximum contract with NLEX, paying him P420,000 ($8,000) per month. Mrs. Dagdag-Alas established herself as an all-around, knowledgable sports reporter. She also began pitching numerous products on Instagram, including Lysol wipes when the so-called pandemic commenced in 2020.

Mr. and Mrs. Alas were married in a civil ceremony on September 9, 2020, which is a legal marriage in the Philippines. A little over a year later, in October 2021, the couple had a church wedding.

Unfortunately the fairy tale life quickly morphed into a nightmare because of experimental injections.

“Help me, God.”

It’s unclear when Mrs. Dagdag-Alas received her first injection, or which brand it was. But she received her second injection on June 22. “Praise God for the gift of medicine,” she wrote.

Note that the Philippines vaccine mandate for all workers went into effect on November 30. Mrs. Dagdag-Alas suffered no immediate adverse effects from the injections. Again the couple had their church marriage in October, and celebrated Christmas with their family. Then Mrs. Dagdag-Alas shared some sad news after the New Year.

The couple learned that they were five weeks pregnant sometime in December. But soon after the discovery, Mrs. Dagdag-Alas suffered a miscarriage. She underwent a dilation and curettage procedure on January 21. Said procedure is done when a fetus dies in utero but does not completely pass out of the body.

The couple received more grim news last week. The reason Mrs. Dagdag-Alas had the miscarriage was because of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). The rare condition causes tumors to grow in the uterus shortly after conception. Essentially tumors form instead of a healthy fetus and placenta forming when the sperm and egg meet, according to the National Cancer Institute. The disease happens in only about 1 in 1,000 pregnancies. Most of the time it is benign. But the malignant forms are typically treated with radiation, chemotherapy and/or hysterectomy.

Mr. Alas posted an Instagram update on May 1, suggesting that Mrs. Dagdag-Alas will undergo chemotherapy.

A 2021 meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer found that GTN patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy often develop permanent amenorrhea – cessation of menstrual cycles. Thus they can no longer have children.

We’ll follow up on this story in due course.

Carnage continues in the Philippines and Southeast Asia

We could literally write a story every week about the situation in the Philippines. It truly seems like that country is being hit harder by vaccine deaths and maimings than any other nation. But it’s also happening at accelerated rates in Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam, based on the emails we receive.

Mr. Zack Zaideen of Kota Bharu, received a booster injection on or around January 17. He reported four-straight days of high fever thereafter.

By March 6, he was diagnosed with so-called COVID-19.

That condition then was dismissed as “long COVID” by April 15.

Mr. Zaideen passed away on April 26, with God know what from the shots.

Mr. KC Apolto David of Tarlac received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on October 20, 2021.

He passed away on or around April 23. Some of the comments suggest he had a sudden heart attack.

RELATED: Manila Massacre: what’s happening in the Philippines is nothing short of open genocide thanks to Duterte vaccine policies (March 28, 2022)


It seems almost mandatory for Filipinos to post the “I got my vaccine” photos on social media. Again, several Filipinos have told us that the social media band-aid photos serve as a fast and acceptable vaccine passport to enter indoor establishments.

The next official Philippines census takes place in 2025. The last one was in 2020, and counted a population of over 109 million people. Every census since the first official one in 1877 has recorded population increases. That trend is guaranteed to end in 2025.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

*Correction – Mr. Zack Zaideen is from Malaysia, not the Philippines.


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2 years ago

Nothing to see here, coincidence – probably something in the wipes she used.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Man I thought virus supposedly weren’t living beings, who knew you could just kill em with a hanky

2 years ago

The couple seems like very good people. This one hit me harder because they come from a similar upbringing of Asian Christian. But there’s something very bizarre about the pro-vaccine Christian population. They obsessively use words like “God”, “Lord”, “we know God has a plan for us”, etc. Since when did God tell you to inject graphene oxide, chopped up dead babies, nanobots, and anti-freeze into your blood? Like it’s easier to quote bible verses than deal with the harsh reality of truth.

Granted, the Philippines has very strict mandates on vaccines, so they don’t really have a choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Seben

Aye. God this, Lord that and getting pregnant out of wedlock.
God says be innocent as the dove and wise as the serpent, these modern christians have none of the serpents wisdom…

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Not pregnant out of wedlock. Civil ceremony the year prior.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

“Aye. God this, Lord that and getting pregnant out of wedlock.”

Did your god appoint you as the spiritual police of everybody you come across ?. You will feel much lighter and relieved as you let God and His servants work it out between themselves while you mind your own path.

Maaaaannnn, these so-called religious people just don’t seem to get it !!!.

2 years ago

Haha. Wow bro…maybe look in a mirror! Or were you when you said the above? 😛
“so-called religious people”? Who called them that? They never said they were religious. There are many people who love and fear God that are not religious at all. God did not ordain religion, he just made The Way. Maybe you wanna take the log out of YOUR eye? (Matthew 7)
I don’t see them policing anyone, I see them praising God despite their circumstance. Now, we know that they could have made what we see as a better decision, but I don’t see them trying to convince anyone of anything, they are just reporting events.
And in case you did not see Hindsight2020’s post, they were LEGALLY married, so you falsely accused them on that count. Do you care? Most likely not, if you see them as infidels. Mark my words (from God, Romans 3:23), self-rightousness will be of no use to you when your life on Earth ends. Good luck on YOUR path, bro.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Your knowledge of scriptures that transpires through your quotations is very impressive …YYYAWWWNNN…you must be one of those holy ones lurking around…

2 years ago

I’ll call out obvious hypocrisy when I see it… while also not giving a single fuck about pricking your guilty conscience

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

My guilty conscience ?. lol.

I’ll leave that non-sense to those whose god is thirsty for blood and human sacrifice, to the point of torturing the shit out of his alleged own sun on a cross.

My God is the most forgiving, the most generous :

QURAN [039:53] :

قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ

SAY: “[Thus speaks God:] ‘O you servants of Mine who have transgressed against your own selves! Despair not of God’s mercy: behold, God forgives all sins – for, verily, He alone is much-forgiving, a dis­penser of grace!’” (as translated by ‘Mohammad Asad’)

When one does not understand Spirituality (Destiny, Repentance, timelessness…etc), a “guilty conscience” is just another satan’s tool. Ask the many US soldiers who killed themselves after having commited atrocities overseas.

2 years ago

Your knowledge of scriptures that transpires through your quotations is very impressive …YYYAWWWNNN…you must be one of those holy ones lurking around…😂

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Because 30 years ago when the church opened its’ doors (thanks, Rick Warren, Robert Schuller and Bill Hybels under the influence of Peter Drucker) to the world and told the church to be more welcoming, friendly, affirming and to not be offensive, churches dumbed down their worship services and stop teaching God’s Word. Look around at the results.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Yeah I don’t go to church anymore. It’s more a women’s social club these days

2 years ago
Reply to  Seben

I dare say that with what they have been through, the Bible verses would still have to come from the heart. Hopefully they can hold on to that love and faith no matter what happens.
I see zero evidence that this is something they WANTED to do, so they certainly get the benefit of the doubt.

2 years ago
Reply to  Seben

Yes, you nailed it. ANY Christian should know that bodily integrity is important and that these shots change DNA, as per the Nephilim

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

To me, it just seems like the Ultimate Disrespect of God’s Creation!!…
I can’t cite Scripture right & left, but I believe the Holy Ghost can guide us, whether we have the exact verse on hand or not!!.. One must listen!…

2 years ago
Reply to  Seben

there is always a choice, especially for a Christian. I live in NYC and work for a corporation. My gf is a nurse and jabbed. Everyone around me is jabbed. It’s very difficult to be unjabbed in this city but with God’s help so far i have not caved in. Any Christian who promotes the jab is not a Christian. Can’t call yourself a Christian and promote for satan at the same time.

2 years ago

What an adorable couple 💘 I would be proud to call either one my child. To have this happen, losing a baby and most likely your fertility – that’s so harsh. At such a young age with your entire life in front of you. Damn Duterte for bringing evil and this horror on the Philippines and their people. So, so sad. 😢😢

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

The Lake of Fire awaits the mass murderer Duterte…

2 years ago

Keep those masks on! Everything will be alright…….

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

She said: “praise God for the gift of medicine”.

This is NOT medicine, but a death toxin made by Satanic creatures.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

You are absolutely correct! From the outset these evil politicians went around saying that they engaged with faith leaders who agreed the toxic experimental MRNA shot was best for everyone, all the while smirking as they loudly proclaimed this. False teachers and faith leaders then preached that obedience to government is a biblical requirement. Anyone should know that obeying an unlawful and immoral order or law is not the right thing to do. Whatever happened to it’s better to trust and obey God than man? So many deceived and wilfully blind people. This is mass delusion of epic proportions. I thank God for His protection daily and pray for the unjabbed to remain strong and alert, and the jabbed to repent. Stay safe, everyone🙏

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” James 3:1

I believe these pastors who have encouraged their flock to get vaccinated will be greatly punished. And I can’t even imagine what will God do to those who allowed covid shot clinics onto church grounds.

2 years ago

Not the Philippines but a Malaysian cyclist is having heart surgery. Although he supposedly felt chest pain way back in 2019 tests showed nothing wrong and it wasn’t until November 2021 that a rare condition was found. Another athlete for the ever-growing roll call of damage?

2 years ago

When you claim to love God but you inject yourself with the Mark of the Beast

I despair.

2 years ago

“Praise God for the gift of medicine”

Did she seriously think that God approves of this “vaccine”? How does she know that God approves of it? All of these happy clappy Christains are the same. They are good at bible quoting (although quoting them online is easy since you can just copy them into a post online without having to remember it all) but suck when it comes to wisdom. I thought Christains were meant to be filled with wisdom, via the holy spirit. Wisdom is mentioned a lot in the OT of the bible. Do these people just forget about wisdom. To them it’s all praise the lord, no need for good works (James 2:16 i think) No wonder why so many happy clap Christians are offing it.

And talk about a thicko of a husband who said that God allowed this to happen. God didn’t allow this happen. She did it out of her OWN FREE WILL. God didn’t make her ill. The injection did.

God has been giving these idiots signs for the past 2 years and still nothing from them. Did not once did they not come into contact with someone who warned them about these shots or even came across some pearls of truth online? Did they not question the authortarian regimes destroying people’s lives? All of these signs and many people should have been a wake up call. Did they not question the low death rate? How this “virus” killed mostly older people and therefore the risk to take a rushed out “vaccine” with hardly any testing it was unnecessary. And you didn’t even need to go online to figure that one out. All you needed was to do some maths and have common sense. If the fake pandemic started round March 2020 and the vaccines came out late 2020/early 2021 then would that not be a red flag? Would these sheep not realize that these vaccines came out a little too soon?

We have a immune system THAT GOD GIVE US. Shows you once again wisdom have abandoned the happy clap. God didn’t give vaccines. And he especially didn’t give vaccines that have killed and injured people over the past two centuries.

I’ve had debates with many happy claps about the upcoming no so great reset and deadly mrna shots. They are completely asleep at the wheel. They’re false teachers at their churches wouldn’t help since these happy clap churches are all pushing the satance agenda. They were all okay with closing down churches (by forsaking the gathering of fellowship with their neighbour and think online zoom services are a better alternative).

And stop it with these stupid face mask selfies? People are so thick that they don’t need know the reason for taking a photograph. It’s to take a picture of YOUR FACE! YOUR FACE! How can you show YOUR FACE when it’s covered with a face diaper? Honestly!

2 years ago

Pretty face, hollow head. No thinking capacity present. Praise God for a medicine which is not a medicine. That is what 1 would think but the truth is truly sinister. Upside down people mean and are aiming for the opposite of their message. With God upside down people mean satan. The lady praised satan for being murdered without even knowing that. Everything a cult covid being is saying or suggesting you must turn around 180 degrees. Beware

Last edited 2 years ago by Longrider
Sc scwd
Sc scwd
2 years ago

Philippines will the greatest evidence you will ever see of population control. Philippines always has an fast increasing population trend never going down, Philippines has no significant reproductive health and population control program. So in few years if you see downward population trend, you can absolute see the variable that caused it – vaccine.

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