Thomas Senzee: longtime LGBT journalist mocks the non-vaccinated with the regurgitated “faster download speeds” trope, dies unexpectedly
April 11, 2022

Mr. Thom Senzee.

PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA — A 54-year-old freelance journalist is dead, joining an ever-growing list of LGBT vaxx virtue signalers.

Mr. Thomas Senzee, aka Thom Senzee, worked as a journalist and freelance writer for over 20 years, according to his Huffington Post bio. Nearly all Senzee stories and online bios mention something about “LGBT.” Mr. Senzee announced in December 2020 that he would be rolling up his sleeves for the experimental injections as soon as possible. He reasoned that receiving the injections is “logic[al],” despite no long or even credible short-term studies about safety and effectiveness.

His first Pfizer mRNA injection came sometime in March 2021. Mr. Senzee was so excited about the second injection that he announced it twice before receiving the shot on April 23, 2021. He captioned the band-aid photo, saying he “can’t wait for faster download speeds.”

Vaxx zealotry continues

Mr. Senzee utilized a lot of word salads to appear enlightened and non-judgmental against the non-vaccinated. But the strategy was ineffective. He said in late October that wearing masks is “our responsibility” and then compared experimental mRNA gene therapy to measles and mumps vaccines from the 1970s.

British singer Eric Clapton had severe adverse reactions to an AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection last May. He starting warning others about the risks and what he experienced after the shot. Mr. Senzee referred to Mr. Clapton as “#coocooClapton” and an “anti-vaxxer nut” for telling the truth about his adverse reactions.

Mr. Senzee then denied thriving on schadenfreude, while saying the non-vaccinated need to “heal…mentally.”

He then insinuated that “my body, my choice” only refers to abortions, and not the experimental injections and masks.

Another pattern we’ve seen in nearly all of these LGBT virtue signaling cases is unabashed, universal Fauci worship and obedience.

Of course Fauci is responsible for upwards of 300,000 homosexual American deaths with his promotion of and profiteering off the poisonous HIV drug AZT in the 1990s.

Finally, right before the New Year, on December 27, Mr. Senzee blamed the non-vaccinated for his obsequiousness and obedience to government, mainstream media and big tech.

Sudden death

It’s unclear if or when Mr. Senzee received a booster shot. However, we’ve cited surveys by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation several times on this blog.

The HRC, known as the “largest LGBT rights organization in the United States,” found last August that 92% of American adults that identify as LGBT were fully-vaccinated. HRC updated its data and released a new report on March 24. It found that 96% of LGBT American adults have either already received a booster shot, had a booster appointment set, or planned to set an appointment in the very-near future. Thus it’s safe to surmise Mr. Senzee was triple-vaxxed.

The Blade reported that Mr. Senzee was found dead in Palm Springs on March 24. Another LGBT publication described his death as “tragic and unexpected.” Note that Mr. Senzee averaged about five tweets per day from January 2021-22. That dropped to about one per day in February. He tweeted only twice in March, with the last one coming on March 16.

The Riverside County Coroner said in a statement that the cause of death is undetermined, pending further investigation. There was a GoFundMe page created on March 30 with a goal of raising $6,700. The beneficiary was listed as Barbara Senzee, who appears to be Mr. Senzee’s sister. But the page, with only half of its goal met, now says it is no longer accepting donations.

There are no further updates as of publishing.

Strengthening a sad pattern

The LGBT virtue signaling, post-injection death phenomenon commenced with “Jason the Bartender.” Thereafter, the LGBT bodybuilder, the LGBT former Florida congressional candidate, the 70-year-old LGBT painter, the actor who played an LGBT character, etc. joined these ranks. All of them said vile, nasty things about the non-vaccinated and/or any so-called COVID-19 treatments that didn’t come from a syringe.

It’d be completely disingenuous and dishonest from a journalistic perspective to avoid the fact that 2022 homosexual culture includes vaxx zealotry and Fauci worship as prerequisites. We also must point out the fact that LGBT culture demands that its supporters and adherents live and accept fantasies, lies and degradation of women, with the latter glorified as virtuous. Those who say or do anything even slightly against the LGBT gospel are exiled from the church, if you will. Cynthia Nixon is the perfect example.

RELATED: Ian Matos: 32-year-old LGBT Olympic diver dead 19 weeks after COVID-19 “vaccine,” likely antibody dependent enhancement (December 25, 2021)


The former Sex In The City star said in 2012 that she is bisexual, and “for me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me.” She later backtracked after the cancel culture mob attacked because LGBT gospel is that you’re born that way. Ms. Nixon, an LGBT white woman who is married to another woman, ran for governor of ultra-liberal New York against Andrew Cuomo in 2018. But somehow she was thoroughly defeated in the primary. Some blamed her loss on not being lesbian enough.

Born gay, men are really women, “gay penguins” and now mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. This is LGBT gospel – the primary tenets of their religion, with Fauci playing the role as son of god Bill Gates, who is also loved by said community. It is what it is.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

You reap what you sow.

2 years ago

So cucked, you did it to yourself, bro.

Wonder how many LGBT “family” you influenced with your work?

As Brian likes to say, “it is what it is”.

If you see Jason Maurer, give him a message for me that I did not get to deliver in person, but do each time I occasionally review his story: No, YOU shut up, Jason!

2 years ago

Wow! Tragic – all life is important. But unexpected – NO. And I have mixed feelings to the virtue signalers. I bear witness and pray for them but they do make it hard. They should have lived their lives with the openess and tolerance they preached.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

You are right. I feel the same way as you. Good news is some of my vaxxed friends have ‘come around.’ They also are questioning WHY are governments worldwide trying so hard to force people to take the vaxx although pandemic is over. They feel vaxx is a personal choice and nobody should be coerced or shamed into taking it. Wished this Mr Senzee had remained open and tolerant of people’s vaxx choices (after it is their body, their choice. they might even have exemptions) but he was narrow minded and now he has paid the price for his ‘informed’ decision and condescending attitude towards others.

2 years ago

My fellow pfizerians. What a death cult. This guys download speeds are humming now. I must admit I read this with a smile on my face

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Yeah, the download speed energy is shown through those crazy eyes in the pic, just like Kimberley Kitching.

2 years ago

It appears the judgment of God comes in many forms, including death to sodomites who boast in their sorceries. The Lord is righteous in all that He does.

Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

The Lord is righteous in all that He does
and: He will NOT be mocked…..
do NOT do it….
IF you value yr life…

Michael Fisher
Michael Fisher
2 years ago

If you value your ETERNAL LIFE……there, fixed it for ya.

2 years ago

I guess I am in the 8%, as a lesbian who was never going to get these covid jabs. I am 63, take good care of my health, have treatments if needed. Please know that not all lesbian and gay people are brainwashed liberals!

2 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra

All homosexuals are sinning against God, a result of your own depravity and forbidden lust. Your sin of lesbianism is described in Romans 1:26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.’
Christ is the only hope for a world that drinks down iniquity like water. He has satisfied the wrath of God for all that the Father gives Him. His completed work is the only acceptable work to the Father, who demands sinless perfection which no one can attain. Christ redeems, or purchases His people with His blood, He cleanses from ALL sin. May God be gracious to you and give you a mind of understanding, may He grant you forgiveness of sins and eternal life in Christ.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Lol. Judgement much

2 years ago
Reply to  PhilH

“And he said unto him, thou hast rightly judged.” -Jesus Christ (Luke 7:43 KJV)

What’s your point?

Last edited 2 years ago by Anon
2 years ago
Reply to  PhilH

How did I ‘judge’? I gave her the truth, the word of God. I pointed her to what GOD SAY in Romans 1 about sodomy/homosexuality/lesbianism, then pointed her to Christ and His finished work that saves. Now, can YOU show me from the bible where what I presented is ‘judging’? If pointing sinners to their sins is ‘judging, so be it. Too bad if it’s offensive, I know sinners would much rather have their ‘ears tickled’ than their ‘conscience pricked’. God uses His law as a ‘schoolmaster’ to bring His people to Christ – see galatians 3….

Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
2 years ago
Reply to  lyn

If pointing sinners to their sins is ‘judging
its NOT;
yr just saying what The Bible says…..
IOW: ‘witnessing’ ;
if they have ‘a beef’….then: it must be with The Bible….
( good luck with that, BTW)
through the Word, the Holy Ghost convicts people of sin, of righteousness and of judgement….
an individual CANNOT do that…..
( Thy Word is like a fire and like a hammer that shattereth the rock )
( it pierceth to the dividing line of soul and of spirit )

June Cleaver
June Cleaver
2 years ago
Reply to  lyn

Chill out, Lyn. I surmise God thinks you are a busybody. “All homosexuals are sinning against God, a result of your own depravity and forbidden lust.” Yeah, that opening line is going to garner you a ton of respect and bring Cassandra straight to God! LOL Learn to be more forgiving in your wording. If you want to bring people to Christ, don’t pound them on their heads with His word like a hammer to a nail.

2 years ago
Reply to  June Cleaver

Giving God’s truth is never popular is it June? Sin is something no one likes to hear about, so they rail against the messenger when sin is brought to light for what it is. I am not trying to ‘earn respect’. I am giving God’s truth, which does not return to Him void. ‘Chilling out’ is why we see the rotting culture all around us as passivity and ear ticklers are the rule of thumb….

2 years ago
Reply to  June Cleaver

What are you doing, then, besides calling down anyone who attempts to present the Gospel?

2 years ago
Reply to  June Cleaver

America has become a joke and it is going to be destroyed…it has run its course and lost its way…the only question that remains is will you keep your Temple clean? Either you die with the Mark of the Beast or You die without the Mark of the Beast…Yahusha Messiah knew he had to lay down his life for the Truth…and nothing less is expected for his followers…

2 years ago
Reply to  June Cleaver

You would surmise wrong. What is there to forgive from an unrepentant sinner?

True Dat
True Dat
2 years ago
Reply to  June Cleaver

There was a young child, perhaps age 6, who wore a cape and was preparing to “fly” off the top of a three-floor building.

He doesn’t know about or understand gravity. If I tell him “No!,” am I being judgmental?

2 years ago
Reply to  PhilH

We need more judgement in our world. It has been manipulated out of us along with instinct and discipline. We have been told by every media outlet, if we say what we really feel about a person, event, or narrative we are fascist, communists, dictators.

We need our judgement because it leads to discernment to know what is right and wrong—HOMOSEXUALITY is WRONG—SODOM AND GOMORRAH is the ultimate testament that if you are gay, you will suffer more than others–you have an unspeakable evil within. This is why many actors engage in this behavior, it is satanic, ritualistic, inhuman and required if you want entrance in the club.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra

We know and clearly, there are others, but much of this cultish nonsense is emanating from California and New York. This is why I judge the individual and not the group. Braindead leftists do not believe in the individual which is why their societies are devolving into tyranny and barbarism

professional student
professional student
2 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra

Just know that God’s mercy is for all. Each has their own cross. Carry it and turn to the Lord for grace to overcome. Jesus loves you as he loves all.

2 years ago

Please don’t speak falsely concerning the love of Christ. God does not love ‘all’, “Jacob I loved, Esau I hated”. He loves those He saves. From John 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” God loves those who keep His commandments, who obey the Gospel. Not everyone, just His sheep. This is from Psalm 5:5 The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity.”

Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

“God does not love ‘all’”
God is angry with sinners EVERY day…..

Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago
Reply to  Lyn

God so loved the World… (John 3:16)

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3,4, meaning, God wants all to be saved.) 

2 years ago

No sexually immoral person will enter God’s eternal Kingdom, PERIOD.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra

According the “The Law of One”, material channeled to a Christian women in the early 80s from an extraterrestrial who previously had lived on earth but were way more advanced now, people who are gay in many cases were the opposite sex in recent previous lives, sometimes it takes a few lifetimes to be fully the different gender. In any case, any evil in the bible such as what is frequently attributed to the creator, but is really Jehovah, or Satan, we know evil is not from the one infinite creator, or the real spirit of life, God. It is a false God. God loves everyone, God’s spirit is in everyone. Do not listen to the haters. As Jesus said, “you will know them by their fruits.” If they are not spewing love, reevaluate the source. Is it really the one infinite creator? I think not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carol

Cassandra, the only way people have God’ spirit in them is if they get born again. Not everyone has the spirit of God in them.

Honey Bee
Honey Bee
2 years ago

I’m so sick and tired of the vaxx and lgbt lifestyle being crammed down our throats. They are very immoral. Sounds like a lot of them will be leaving us soon

2 years ago

Condolences to his loved ones. This poor man really did not connect enough dots. He complained the anti-vax zealotry was stealing his freedom to be rid of the “always-evolving” coronavirus and blamed the anti-vaxed for everything, but gave a pass on the overbearing authorities, it seems, for tying up his freedom. He also cheered on C19 jabs that ensure variants will keep evolving, making the current jabs even more useless (but no less dangerous).

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

His blaming anti-vax zealotry for stealing his freedom to be rid of the “always-evolving” coronavirus is the true anti-science stance. The jabs do not prevent the spread of the disease! Even the CDC has been admitting this for some time now. Yet the jabs are still pushed. Wonder why? (Rhetorical Question everyone as we here know why.. 😉

2 years ago

”Born this way” narrative. Some are born with an attraction to children, or to dead corpses, or to animals. They are indeed born this way, with an abnormal sexual desire. So the gay people. If you are abnormal you should try to get back on track not subdue to the wrong attraction. Also some people are born with a desire to kill others, murderers.
So, whats next? We should accept the pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles, murderers, because they were born this way?

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

The born this way argument is a lie in the vast majority of cases. Most homosexual men were sexually abused, did not have a father, were groomed, etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

26¶For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. Romans 1
To exchange, to swap out, to choose one over the other, To lay aside, quit or resign one thing, state or condition, and take another in the place of it. Homosexuality is a choice, no one is ‘born gay’.
The ‘natural use’- instinctive, produced by nature, inborn. God instills from birth the natural use in every person, all are heterosexual at birth. The word ‘use’ references to sexual relations. It is when the homosexual opts to go against, or opposite of nature, of what God instills, it is by their choice. Why would a homosexual reject the natural use in favor of that which is forbidden? Verse 27 tells us why, ‘ leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another’. Men ‘leave’, meaning ‘to forsake’. Again, it implies a choice, a decisive move. Lust is why sinners reject the natural use, men with women and women with men. Lust, meaning ‘excitement of the mind, i.e. longing after, covet, desire’. It is birthed in the mind. Homosexuality stems from a decisive choice to reject the opposite sex in favor of the same sex because the sinner ‘lusts’ after that sex. The blame falls squarely on the homosexual.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

They are not born that way. It is a learned behavior.

2 years ago

Haha, another blowhard bites the dust. Too bad Tom won’t get to enjoy the 4th and 5th shots.

2 years ago

It really is becoming increasingly hard for me to feel sorry for these people. The irony is, they fight against LGBT discrimination and name calling but apparently its perfectly ok for them to attack people who don’t want the jab. The hypocrisy is staggering.

2 years ago
Reply to  SamM

I do believe when someone is penetrated in the root chakra, it allows a lot of negative spirits and energy to enter the body. And if that person does not have a high vibration, they can easily become parasited. That’s why the LBGT community generally have a hive mindset. They put all this focus on feelings minus truth, and it ironically results in outcomes devoid of any kind of love at all.

A question to ponder: how can you be pro-Darwinist and homosexual at the same time? A homosexual lifestyle results in zero human offspring and is the antithesis of survival of the fittest. It is this same kind of delusion we see in their beliefs about vaccination.

2 years ago
Reply to  Septimus

No wonder the group inheritors of Aleister Crowley’s movement find such demonic power in sodomy and promote it as an affront to the most High. It actually changes the brain wiring. Further, there was a study which showed the vocal inflections were indicative of Narcissism. But it’s their time. The prince of the aire is up on deck.

Last edited 2 years ago by FNFAL
2 years ago

He did everybody a favor of testing out the poison just like a test monkey does normally, he just didn’t realize that until it was too late.

2 years ago
Reply to  PaulS

In the past, a vaccine had to undergo 5-10 years of human trials testing, and Peer Review…not, in this case, rushed to market and the Corona Cultists left skid marks to be at the front of the line when it is even called ” Experimental “…looks like they got the same results as the Lab Rats…

2 years ago

I don’t care how it sounds, I love it when these assholes drop dead. These are the people who first celebrated the deaths of anyone who was unvaxxed and made this ugliness mainstream. So fuck them. They got people fired and they have the nerve to cry about this overblown virus. Fuck them, I hope they burn in hell, and if his family is reading, fuck you for raising an absolute shit heel.

2 years ago

“I don’t care how it sounds, I love it when these assholes drop dead. These are the people who first celebrated the deaths of anyone who was unvaxxed and made this ugliness mainstream. So fuck them.”

You sound like those folks who when they are driving and see a car in front of them turning the blinker on to change lanes or turn, they step on the gas pedal to make the situation difficult and dangerous for all the cars around.

Tit for Tat only makes the world uglier than it already is.

2 years ago

I disagree with him but it’s definitely NOT tit for tat. That is a crooked judgement.

2 years ago

People like me who have been out of work since last year now.

2 years ago

I’ve been out of work since last year because of these people. I worked the entire plandemic and now because I won’t get the shot I can’t get a job and I have a graduate degree.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Being out of work can lead to serious and even life threatening situations. People like this dead homo POS would actually enjoy seeing you starve for not taking the jab. Which is why I agree with the original poster: I enjoy seeing them die.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

stay strong. There are millions like us. I almost lost my job, i was on a leave for over a week than my religious exemption finally got approved

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

ONLY MEN are married to women. LGBT are NOT “married” & never will be, no matter what anyone says or thinks, God is the one that Created the institution, it belongs to him and he gets the say to define it. Every single time someone refers to one of those abominable p*****its as “married” like Cynthia Nixon, you do an injustice to God almighty, you help normalize and legitimize this wickedness. She like the rest of her Ilk have NO RIGHT to be with a woman, do things with a woman, refer to a woman in any kind of Romantic or intimate way etc, it is the most INSULTING thing to a man, ever, an intrusion into our domain and usurping of our place, rights, and duty.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

And that is why every single bit of the marxist strategy is to try and erase God. God will never be defeated. They now are going for our children which has always been what they were after – to make pedophilia the norm and “accepted.” No different than Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, we know how that turned out.

Average Joe
Average Joe
2 years ago

Another arrogant POS cocksucker wipes itself off the face of the earth, good riddance. Buh Bye!

2 years ago

Were putting a few self-congratulatory and condescending Tweets worth it?

2 years ago

So why the Go Fund Me page for this person’s sister? Unless his sister refuses to shell out any money for funeral expenses for someone she knows firsthand to be an Uber prick. Can’t blame her for that.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Agreed. Plus I will never use gofundme since their Canadian trucker debacle. No matter how worthy the cause. Screw them. GiveSendGo would be better. Plus more goes to the recipient.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Pretty sure he would have figured it out in February.
And then March… March would have been bad.
Why not confess the truth at The End, Mr. Senzee? It was your big chance – a missed opportunity to be a positive influencer!
TPTB counted on people like you and unfortunately you did not disappoint, and you did cause harm.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

The Kiss singer did not disappoint either, and he is not gay. He’s a scared, old man, they all sound the same, and he has a tired, gimmicky, cheap act he’s still pumping from the seventies they call entertainment.

My husband got turned down from three jobs he could have had easily for not getting the vax, it’s their only criteria. One corporation was Mastercard, then Citadel, and I forget the other, a company from Boston. And it is people like Mr. Senzee who perpetuate it to their own demise and wind up on a Go Fund Me.

Stay strong everyone.

2 years ago

Good sleuthing on this!

John Daniel BOONE
John Daniel BOONE
2 years ago

Can they not read about the murderous Fauci & Gates in Africa and beyond? How does being LGBT&Q make one’s IQ drop precipitously?

2 years ago

They are not using their brain to think. Their life is based on how they feel. Only having like minded feelings based people around them. A big giant feelings, easily triggered feel-fest echo chamber. For example – masks don’t work based on science and facts. BUT, I feel more protected with my face diaper on + I can virtue signal to others who feel the same. It’s so ridiculous.😂

2 years ago

1. That logo of the California Department of Health has a simple representation of the occultic 666, each with a Rah or sun god symbol known as ‘The All-seeing Eye of Horah’. It’s all satanic. And all health departments are now the opposite of health departments. The local county health department is the number one cause of illness, disease, and death in any county, for being vaccine sales outposts and Covid death shot ‘health providers’. One of the counties around here, the phone tree when you call asks if you would like to talk with one of the officers, press such-and-such number. The CDC must have them all calling the personnel officers now, as if they are some sort of police officer. Nazi SS officers are more what they have become via the plandemic.

2. It’s probably wrong, but I take some comfort in the fact 96% of GBLTQPCF people are fully injected.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

How did that vaccine work out for you? Your gay friends are telling people if would have been worse if you hadn’t had the shot….

Last edited 2 years ago by john wilson
2 years ago

Cancel culture cancels itself, permanently. RIP poor foolish soul.

Greetings from Spain
Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Ha tenido lo que se merece.
¡ Cuántos fanáticos de las vacunas he tenido que soportar su odio hacia nosotros! No entiendo cómo ha podido insultar a un músico tan inteligente como Eric Clapton, él quiso advertir del daño que causa ese veneno así como Van Morrison, muchas veces he escuchado insultos hacia músicos inteligentes como ellos.
Así que no me da ninguna pena su muerte, como no me da ninguna pena los daños causados por ese veneno de todos aquellos que han sufrido daños o les ha causado la muerte y nos han deseado el mal a nosotros¡ Que se fastidien!¡Basta ya de su odio hacia nosotros!

2 years ago

After reading, I went to go look at the social media posts I know of a gay man who is a “writer”. He used to be very funny. In 2020 there were a few posts, all in a very unoriginal and not humorous way, hating trump. In 2021 he has just reposted a few hatred of anti-vaxxers posts. A writer who does not post. A writer who just retweets. I am now wondering if he not very ill.

2 years ago

So, they’re killing homosexuals, but the victims can’t see it.

2 years ago

For the most part, LGBT is just a subset of the Leftist religion. I know plenty of non-homosexual lefty vaccine jackboots who are just as rude, nasty, and condescending as this man was. I generally don’t fight with them unless they come after me personally, as my orchestra did, because I’ve already been to too many vaccine funerals and I know their days are numbered anyway. There is no point in fighting with the walking dead.

Last edited 2 years ago by SuzanneL
2 years ago
Reply to  SuzanneL

@SuzanneL: Good point. I started doing the same thing. No arguments with them, I even support them. They say: vaccines are good, I say: I am happy they are good for you. They say: I had covid but thanks to vaccines it wasn’t bad, I say: I am happy for you.
It helps me a lot. I am not emotionally involved in this madness, I am far off it. I feel better.
Anyway, I can’t do anything for these people. It was their choice and they had made it.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)

From someone else. Ok, it’s really quite simple. The third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose you’ll be protected. Once 80% of the population has received the fifth dose, the restrictions can be relaxed as the sixth dose stops the virus from spreading. I am confident that the seventh dose will solve our problems and we’ll have no reason to fear the eighth dose. The clinical phase of the ninth dose will confirm that the antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose. The eleventh dose will insure that no new mutations will develop, so there is no longer any reason to criticize the twelfth dose.

Milton Passon
Milton Passon
2 years ago

He will NOT be missed. What an ARROGANT person.

2 years ago

“Hello Darwin my old friend, I see you’ve come to remove the trash again …..,” (Sounds of silence, part 2)

Yet another propaganda shill for the death cult takes a dirt nap. I wonder how long it’ll take for these “geniuses” to go extinct?

2 years ago

My fellow Pfizerians? WOW – it’s a real cult. It’s a religion. Still so hard to believe there are idiots like that moron.
It’s so funny to read that these mentally sick people expect feeling like shit after getting the shot.
I am sure if there is no pain, no adverse effects, they will really be disappointed.
It’s so good that this sick guy is not in this world anymore.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x