Ian Matos: 32-year-old Olympic diver dead 19 weeks after COVID-19 “vaccine,” likely antibody dependent enhancement

December 25, 2021

Mr. Ian Carlos Gonçalves de Matos

RIO DE JANEIRO — A 32-year-old Brazilian competitive diver is dead, as near-term antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) deaths and maimings continue claiming lives across the globe.

Mr. Ian Matos, full name Ian Carlos Gonçalves de Matos, received one of the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” on August 4, according to his Instagram page. “Moment of pure joy” is the caption translation.

It’s unclear which injection he received or if it was the first or second (or third) injection. AstraZeneca and Sinovac are the two most common injections in Brazil as of July, according to The Brazilian Report. But the government suspended use of 12 million Sinovac injections in September due to the shots being manufactured in an unauthorized plant.

Mr. Matos typically posted something on Instagram once or twice a week through September 2021. But his last Instagram post came on September 30. He posted only three more times on Facebook after September 30, a platform which he also engaged once or twice a week prior to that.

Unfortunate truth and death

Mr. Matos checked into a hospital sometime in late October. He developed some sort of throat infection that eventually spread to his lungs and stomach. He’d been in the hospital ever since. Mr. Matos’ condition worsened on Wednesday, to the point that doctors could do nothing else for him. He passed away on December 22. No further details are available.

The 2016 Summer Olympics were the pinnacle of Mr. Matos’ athletic career. He and diving partner Luiz Outerelo finished eighth out of eight teams in the men’s synchronized three-meter springboard event. Mr. Matos also won three bronze medals at the 2010 South American Games in Medellin, Colombia. But Mr. Matos was mostly known for “coming out” as homosexual in 2014.

Nearly every news report about his death focuses on homosexuality. The SB Nation headline reads, “Gay Olympic Diving Star Ian Matos Is Dead at 32.” Half of the New York Post article announcing his death is about homosexuality. Thus it would be completely disingenuous for this blogger not to point out the obvious.

RELATED: Richard Rowe: 41-year-old former Florida congressional candidate tells anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a sh*t what happens to you,” dead seven weeks after second Pfizer mRNA injection (November 4, 2021)


We’ve referenced the survey by the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign (HRC) several times. It found that 92% of U.S. LGBT people have received at least one injection. It’s safe to surmise that this rate is consistent across the globe with this group. We’ve also documented the disturbing pattern of LGBT people being the worst (or best depending on your viewpoint) vaxx zealots and virtue signalers.

RELATED: Jason Maurer: 45-year-old Ohio bartender tells world “shut up and get your vaccine,” dead five weeks after second Moderna mRNA shot (June 22, 2021)


Mr. Matos wasn’t near as bad as the others covered herein. But he had his moments. Note in the second post, the translation should read 500,000 deaths, not 500.

There’s no word on funeral arrangements as of publishing.

ADE or multi-system inflammatory syndrome?

The death of Mr. Matos sounds like a combination of the way Mr. Michael Granata died and the current condition of Ms. Cheryl Hynes. Mr. Granata died ten weeks after the Moderna mRNA injection. He also spent the last eight weeks or so of his life in the hospital as all of his internal organs swelled until they failed. Several of  Ms. Hynes’ internal organs are displaced and not functioning due to severe inflammation of her liver.

What mainstream and homosexual media referred to as “infections” in Mr. Matios’ stomach, throat and lungs is in reality spike proteins destroying his organs. It’s near medical consensus among real doctors (e.g. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Judy Mikovits, et al.) that vaxxed people will die anywhere from 2-5 years after the injections if they survive the initial few months.

Dr. Shankara Chetty of Port Edward, South Africa, said artificial spike proteins are one of the most dangerous toxins man has ever made. “The aim of these toxins is to kill billions without anyone noticing,” he said. Watch his full analysis here.

It’s just incredible how so many millions and perhaps billions of people are completely de-sensitized to all the “sudden and unexpected” deaths, heart attacks, cardiac issues, etc. every day in 2021. Somehow they still believe “COVID-19 Omicron” is killing and maiming people, not the injections. As this year comes to a close, we are now in full Great Reset/New World Order. All this blogger can do is continue covering it. All you can do is stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” –Wm. Wilberforce

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Amen to that! Listening to Dr. Shankara Chetty, even when we that follow this blog already realize so much of this, is so heartbreaking. We are all watching mass murder!

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

How is it, that with a very high percent accuracy, it is possible to tell from a photo?!

Does the lifestyle somehow actually change a face?

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

EXACTLY what I was thinking. I’ve pondered this many times. I could immediately tell by his injection photo that he was gay and I looked hard to figure out why, and I don’t know why, I just instantly knew.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

Yes, it’s called Physiognomy ie. Face Reading which was taken seriously in the past but then suppressed by the same forces who have suppressed holistic medicine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

He has a feminine quality to his face and he has the “gay” body posture (too upright and measured) and the whole demeanor as well. It comes though in the pics.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

For me it was the flowery shirt he was wearing and maybe the photoshopping blur of his features to appear more feminine.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Oh he was one of the LGBT s**m, good riddance, all of you should be taken out and all those who support them for what you have done in this world. No punishment is good enough for them in this life or the next.

2 years ago

Dr Shankara Chetty also appears on the German Corona Investigative Committee with Dr Fuellmich and Vivianne Fischer.

He says the scamdemic propaganda has been akin to being told by the MSM and others that the stranger in one’s house is there to keep you company. However the car is missing from the parking garage and the TV is missing and there’s a broken window. Obviously one has to admit reluctantly one has been fooled and this stranger is a burglar who has broken in.

Like this video he uses the skydiving example, an individual risk comparable to taking the injection, that we are being told if we jump we protect the sky of others around us. No evidence has been given, please prove the evidence.

They have moved he says as the months progressed without giving this evidence, from ‘beer and donuts’ to being threatened to being pushed out of the plane.

Plus the parachute has holes in it and the dead bodies on the ground below we are told are of people sleeping.

So what is called ‘vaccine hesitancy’ is justified.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Make the Lie Big Enough…Repeat it Over & Over…and the Sheeple will Believe It…Works Every Time…The Baphomet Elite uses Proven Methods to sell the Hoax…in exchange for a Death Serum…

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

It used to be referred to as the “carrot and the stick approach”. First the carrot is a reward if the animal follows, followed by a stick to be whacked with if it refuses.

2 years ago

The current LGBTQ crowd as a whole are intolerant of any views contrary to theirs and will aggressively target anyone who expresses those views. Even other gay people. So when you virtue signal and embrace the woke narrative accept the consequences. The phrase “Go woke go broke” should also include for the vaxxers “and suffer from your choices”. Possibly life changing injury and death.

2 years ago

this has often been said before but it bears repeating that the bitter irony in this whole debacle is, we were all clearly told as teenagers in the ‘60s & ‘70s to stay right away from strangers pushing intravenous drugs, as it would destroy our health and cause deadly addiction…the strangers are now government officials and the boosters comprise the addiction

2 years ago
Reply to  circumscribed

Excellent observation.

2 years ago

Great video, the situation explained in detail. A rather frightening scenario he paints.

2 years ago

Dr. ‘Shankara Chetty’ is awesome : he does not mince his words. Thanks for sharing. I am going to re-upload it on my bitchute.

2 years ago

This decorated athlete said it himself…” You have to Trust in the Science “…Not a Wise move…He should have Trusted in the Natural Immunity that his Creator gave to him…bummer…hope not too many follow that advice in exchange for getting bagged and tagged For a Virus Hoax that they lacked the discernment to identify…R.I.P…

2 years ago

our daughter 44 now has heart trouble and can no longer take care of herself. my mother-in-law and father-in-law are preparing their wills. she’s lost 70lbs in 45 days. her food taste like a sewer… breathing problems… infections. ??

2 years ago
Reply to  Torahwalk

Sad to read that. Was she given the jab? So many people are walking off the cliff including my own family ?

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

RIP little brother…
Gotta watch those ‘infections’.

2 years ago

It is amazing the mass suicides that are taking place. The information is out there people, information PROVING that the genetic experiment they masqueraded as a vaccine is a deadly concoction that has killed and maimed millions, and STILL people line up and accept the injection. That is disturbing.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  BKMart

Very disturbing.
Hordes of the fearful, gullible and witless lining up to be inoculated – in the cold pre-dawn hours, over the Christmas holidays, in Canadian winter weather…
For the love of God TURN OFF your televisions, people!

Michael Moriarty
Michael Moriarty
2 years ago

Thanks Bill Gates of Hell!

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

It marvels me that his involvement with the vaccines from the very beginning never sent up red flags – especially since it is not a secret how he is very enthusiastic about population control/Eugenics

2 years ago

Their own president of Brazil, warned them that if they choose to take the death jab, and have adverse reactions as a result of the jab, you cant sue those companies. Yet they called him insane and still ridicule him till this day. We live in times were wise people are crazy and crazy murderous individuals are held in high regards.

2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan

The Brazilian president is polarizing over there like Trump, so many people don’t take him seriously even if he is speaking the truth. Also leaders below the presidents worldwide have sold out to big pharma anyway, which makes it tricky for world leaders that are against the Covid shot, so it makes them powerless on the issue, and there have been world leaders that have been taking out for their strong stance against the Covid vaccines.

2 years ago

My brother is gay and I am bisexual. (Ages 51 and 53 respectively) We are both disappointed at the complacency of the majority of the LGBTQ community. I should say neither one of us has been actively involved in any community. Being gay and being bisexual is part of who we are but it’s certainly not our whole lives and we don’t run around discussing it or shoving it in other peoples’ faces. Honestly, the majority of people don’t care. Both of us grew up in the 1970s & 1980s when being anything but heterosexual was on the fringe.

I worked in U.S. healthcare for 20 years and did a lot of research into these vaccines. I chose not to get vaccinated, but I do have Ivermectin and Fluvoxamine on my kitchen shelf so I can initiate early treatment in case I contract COVID-19. My brother was initially vaccinated with J&J so he could keep his job of 26 years. He knew about the dangers. A few hours after being vaccinated, his throat started to close up so he took a benadryl. The reaction subsided. The same thing happened the following day so he took another benadryl. The reaction subsided again. The city council in the California city where he lives & works is voting on whether city workers will have to take the booster to keep their jobs. If the booster is mandated, my brother will leave his job. He stated to me, “If I have a really bad reaction, no one is going to take care of me, not the drug companies, or my employer.”

My brother has a lot of gay friends and almost all of them have gotten their boosters, including one friend who contracted COVID after he was fully vaccinated. I know many people as well (both homo and heterosexual) who have marched lock step with this vaccine program. It is disappointing to see. There is a march against the mandates in Washington D.C. on Sunday, January 23, 2022. I have never marched for anything in my life but I will be in D.C. marching, not because I think the powers that be care Americans protest, but I have a strong desire to be around other people that “get it”. This is the defining moment of our times. I pray more Americans wake up.

2 years ago

It is amazing to think that the pharmaceutical companies have immunity for murder.

Carol Lynn Ruiz
Carol Lynn Ruiz
2 years ago

Have IVERMECTIN on hand..It works! ..and take your vitamins C, D3, zinc, Quercitin, NAC..and K-2..

Carol Lynn Ruiz
Carol Lynn Ruiz
2 years ago

I am in New York..I just lost my teaching job due to the refusal to take the jab..We await the SCOTUS ruling to at least stop the hemmorageing of our rights..freedom and livelihood..DO NOT COMPLY! RESIST THE JAB!

2 years ago

I’m proud that you have stood your ground. I have a brother who is not being smart in not taking the jab danger seriously. He said he might have to take the jab to keep his casino job (because of OSHA)—I told him not to give up, to start with religious exemptions no matter what the feds are saying, and/or testing, and to move on to a lawsuits, to not give in and let them fire him, in writing. Like many people here, we’re struggling with family and friends not putting up much of a fight. I’m on “religious exemption” right now—God knows if the tyrannical authoritarians will change their minds suddenly, however, and leave more of us w/o a job. I’d be ready to be fired and then start the legal process of hassling them as far as possible; it’s worth the fight not just for me but others that see this for what it is: a violation of our civil and human rights, discrimination.

I second you: DO NOT COMPLY! As for the SCOTUS, I admit, I’m not counting on them they have been pretty wishy-washy, some of those justices. Will they be wise or wussy?

God’s blessings to you in the new year and to everyone struggling with the emotions of dealing with the constant oppression from misleaders that should be helping humans live in peace and health, not tearing down lives, bit by bit. To those oppressors I wish a life of sleepless nights, guilt and heartburn, nightmares, and a trauma that knocks them out of their magic ivory towers because only in suffering will they begin to understand how stupid they’ve been.

2 years ago

Let’s not forget the ferrets in the animal trials all DIED after they were infected with the virus they were supposed to Be protected from

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