March 14, 2022
NCAA President Mark Emmert announced on March 12, 2020 that the NCAA Basketball Tournament (“March Madness”) was cancelled due to the “evolving COVID-19 public health threat.” The good ‘ol boys of the NCAA are not giving up $1 billion in revenues unless it’s part of a much bigger, more sinister plot to earn them even more money. It was clear that the fix was in from the very beginning.
The entire United States completely shut down that week. You could hear a pin drop on the Las Vegas Strip. The 405 freeway in Orange County, California was empty during rush hour. And good luck finding toilet paper and paper towels in stores (still don’t understand why that happened). Then came the most infamous announcement in modern times from the White House.
President Donald Trump, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, and a cast of other characters held a press conference on March 16, 2020. The prevailing theme: “15 days to slow the spread” of what was then called “coronavirus.”
Trump repeated the “15 days” slogan two days later via Twitter.
“Operation Warp Speed” commenced two months later, on May 15, 2020. This blogger knew the entire “coronavirus” charade stank to high heaven from the very beginning. Now two years after “15 days to flatten the curve,” virtually all truth about this coronavirus psychological operation is clear.
We know that Moderna invented and patented the SARS-CoV-2 genome. The only FDA-authorized treatment for hospitalized so-called COVID-19 patients is still Remdesivir. The World Health Organization recommended against its use since data show that the drug causes kidney and liver failure. U.S. “fact-checkers” said it’s COVID-19, not Remdesivir, causing the kidney and liver failures. Billionaires got $3 trillion richer from the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2022. And of course, there’s the “vaccines.”
RELATED: Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics (February 12, 2021)
Nine out of 10 COVID-19 deaths in England from January 24 to February 20, 2022 were fully vaccinated and/or boosted, according to a report by The Daily Expose. The daily COVID-19 death tolls in New South Wales, Australia consistently find that 75% or more of said deaths are fully vaccinated and/or boosted. We haven’t even touched on the Pfizer document dump on March 1. There were no real smoking guns in the latest 10,000 pages of documents. There are lot of redactions. But Pfizer obviously knew these injections were not “safe and effective.”
Everyone who received the injections (and not placebos) are developing micro and otherwise blood clots, heart issues, and a plethora of other ailments inching them closer to death everyday. Ukraine propaganda is the only weapon left for mainstream media to cover up the mass carnage we’re now seeing because of the injections. And said propaganda is getting sloppier and more intelligence-insulting everyday.
But first, more young deaths and adverse reactions
We must reiterate that vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. But the world is noticing that young people are dying at rates never seen before in modern history.
There were several high-profile cases in the last week likely tied to the injections. Hailey Bieber is 25 years old. She is an Instagram star, with nearly 42 million followers. Mrs. Bieber is the wife of pop performer Justin Bieber and the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin. Mrs. Bieber posted an Instagram story describing how she had “stroke-like symptoms” and “a very small blood clot to [my] brain” on March 10.
Mainstream media blamed COVID-19. Then there’s vaxx zealot Victoria (Australia) Senator Kimberley Kitching. Her entire Facebook profile is filled with posts like this.
Ms. Kitching was driving in her car on March 10. She pulled over because she wasn’t feeling well. Ms. Kitching “died suddenly” of a heart attack shortly thereafter. She was 52. Mainstream media blamed her death on being “publicly humiliated by faceless men” during a Senate hearing on March 9.
Welsh actor Taron Egerton is best known for playing Elton John in the 2019 musical Rocketman. He collapsed on stage while performing in a play called Cock on March 5.
RELATED: Actress Heather McDonald collapses on stage after telling vaccine joke (February 9, 2022)
A stand-in actor was forced to finish the last 15 minutes of the play. Mr. Egerton, 32, returned to the stage on March 7 to complete the full show.
The world’s number-2 ranked LPGA golfer, Nelly Korda, is 23 years old.
She already has seven wins on the LPGA tour, including a major at the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship. Ms. Korda is also an Olympic Gold Medalists. Now her promising young career may be in question.
Ms. Korda wrote on Instagram yesterday that she was diagnosed with a blood clot. She didn’t specify exactly where the clot was. But it’s troubling nonetheless for someone her age and of her athletic caliber to have blood clots anywhere.
Mainstream media blamed COVID-19.
There are many more of these cases that aren’t high-profile and get zero media attention.
Mrs. Michelle Thies, a real estate agent in Peoria, Illinois, “died suddenly of a brain aneurysm” on February 23. She was 44. Mr. Eric Robertson was a 28-year-old teacher, coach and former collegiate basketball player. He “died unexpectedly” on March 5 while playing basketball in Knoxville, Tennessee. Ms. Heather Rotz was a 23-year-old student at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. She “passed away suddenly” on February 25.
The jig is up regarding the “safe and effective” mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Ukraine propaganda is 24/7 news to distract from the foregoing post-injection carnage. We’ve covered a lot of it already. But in desperation, the propaganda campaigns are getting amateurish and even funny.
Biological weapons lie exposed
Reports from Russian media last week said that there are biological weapons labs in Ukraine funded by the United States. Several “fact-check” websites said the claims were false. Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby called the claims “absurd,” “laughable,” and “classic Russia propaganda.” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also denied the claims and called it Russia misinformation.
U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 8. Senator Marco Rubio, R-FL, asked her point-blank if Ukraine has chemical or biological weapons. Rubio was obviously expecting a canned, propagandized answer that supports all the foregoing “fact-checkers.” But for some reason, Nuland went completely off script and told partial truth.
“Uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities,” she answered nervously while fiddling around with a pen. “We are working with the Ukrainians to prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces.” Rubio then asked a follow-up, leading-the-witness-type question to redirect animosity and anger towards Russia.
Keep in mind that Nuland is a career warmonger who worked in the Bush II, Obama and Biden Administrations. She’s had her paws on Ukraine since at least the 2014 coup (“Maidan Revolution“). Further the Nunn-Lugar Act of 1991 specifically provides funding for biological weapons labs in Ukraine.
A leaked January 28, 2014 recording of a phone call between Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt not only revealed that Nuland helped orchestrate the coup, but also hand-picked the new government after President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from office. Nuland placed new Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on that perch, declaring “f*ck the EU” as she cut them out from providing any input on the Ukraine regime change.
It also needs to be noted that the Russian News Agency (TASS) that first reported on the biological weapons labs in Ukraine has a partnership with Pfizer-owned Reuters. Make of that what you will.
More Ukraine propaganda
Press Secretary Psaki essentially accused Russia of creating the biological weapons narrative in Ukraine so they have an excuse to invade the country. Of course that’s a move directly out of the U.S. warmongering playbook. Washington accused Saddam Hussein of having WMDs and Bashar al-Assad of “gassing his own people” as excuses to invade those countries. Now the “I know you are, but what am I” game is spreading to other arenas of the war theater.
U.S. mainstream media accused Russia of paying TikTok influencers to spread Kremlin propaganda. That same day, Psaki and National Security Council staff briefed 30 U.S. TikTok influencers via Zoom to ensure they are spreading White House propaganda about Ukraine. Facebook announced last week that it is relaxing its community standard, and allowing violent speech directed at Russia and Vladimir Putin. DuckDuckGo announced a day later that it will start censoring “Russian propaganda.” In other words, DuckDuckGo is turning into another Google.
RELATED: Mainstream media, government propaganda fulfilling their purposes of normalizing, distracting from mass deaths of young people across the globe (March 4, 2022)
The Brittney Griner story is also interesting. The WNBA star was arrested in late February for carrying hashish oil in her bags at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow. She was in Moscow playing professional basketball. Ms. Griner has been in a Russian jail ever since, and faces up to 10 years in prison.
Granted the WNBA is only popular within homosexual circles. But liberal U.S. media and the Democrat state department have been oddly quiet about an American, particularly an LGBT one, being held in a Russian jail. Russia amended its Constitution, banning homosexual marriage, in 2020. Moscow also banned all “gay pride parades” until the year 2112. Some speculate that Russia is using Ms. Griner as a bargaining chip. But at the moment, her allies in government don’t seem to care about her (like they did Jussie Smollett). Plus diplomatic relations between Moscow and Washington are severely damaged.
There’s also the “transgender” issue in Ukraine. All Ukrainian men, ages 18 to 60, are being forced to stay in the country and fight. All biological male Ukrainians must fight, even if they identify as women or something else. Their passports say they are male, so they cannot leave. “Stay and fight like the men your documents and chromosomes say you are” is the message from Ukrainian government.
But the COVID-19 fearmongering show must go on is a website that caters to millennials. It receives close to 20 million page views per month. A writer named Ian Kumamoto published an article on March 2 entitled, “A new study in lab monkeys found that COVID could go straight for our dicks.” Its main conclusion is that all men need to be vaccinated or they will develop prostate issues and erectile dysfunction. Not surprisingly, once you dig into who Mr. Kumamoto is, you find his bio that says the following:
“I was born in Mexico City to a Chinese mother and a Mexican father before I immigrated to Dallas, Texas, where I discovered I didn’t like girls or going to church but loved writing.”
Notice how Anthony Fauci has been AWOL for weeks. He re-emerged on a CNBC podcast last week, and talked about how the pandemic turned two years old. Fauci reiterated his hatred for the non-vaccinated, and of course couldn’t resist in saying the pandemic is not over. In fact many so-called experts were saying the pandemic is not over last week. They are not finished milking this thing yet. But in the meantime, they want the public’s attention on Ukraine, not mass post-injection carnage.
These deaths and maimings are going to start hitting everyone close to home. The 20-year-old daughter of a good friend of this blogger is currently on life support in Phoenix after a ruptured brain aneurysm last week. She received a booster shot in mid-February, and is highly unlikely to make it. Her mother refuses to even consider the injections as the cause. And that’s just the way it is.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
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I will pray for your friends daughter Brian. I do believe the jabs mess with peoples common sense and personality. No matter how hard you try, you can’t get through to them and it is very sad
They would have to admit they bought the lie and worse yet, allowed or encouraged their children to get the clot shots. Ignorance is bliss. Or willful blindness in many cases. I do feel sorry for that poor young girl. 🙏
I also heard Kevin Nash of wrestling fame had multiple heart attacks due to a blood clot. They are taking him off of life support
It’s Scott Hall, a good friend of Kevin Nash, who has just passed away.
Grew out of my obsession with pro wrestling by the age of 10 but “Razor Ramon” was a legend. RIP Scot Hall.
Yeah I just typed the wrong name. I was reading about what he said and his name was on my mind
This is one of the most brilliantly written blogs I’ve ever read.
Indeed. It is literally like some kind of cathartic relief to know there is at least someone who has a clear understanding of the true nature of the world and its psychopathic rulers. Finding a lot of people waking up over the last two years was encouraging, but when the subject moves to Ukraine, they feel compelled for whatever reason to comment, and in doing so expose their ignorance and hypocrisy. It’s like, you’ve spent the last two years exposing the dirty inner workings of the machine, and now you’re taking the bait and humming along to its rhythms? How are they qualified to have an opinion about Russia and Iran when they’ve never once paid attention to them? It’s maddening to see how narrowly myopic people are. Now we’re in agreement with the scum sucking liars in power? How do we decide when they’re up to their eyeballs in swamp water, and when they’re preaching unimpeachable gospel? Does it go according to our personal prejudices? Is it based on something we vaguely heard in the distant past? Is there just a switch we flip? It makes my head hurt.
I think it is shameful, that the government is not helping that young lady get out of russia.
I am a fan of Brittney Griner and what she has accomplished. I read her book, In My Skin (2014), and I read up a little on her arrest situation. My guess is this wasn’t the first time she flew with her vape equipment. It was probably a habit and she probably didn’t even think about it. But, unfortunately, with the changing climate in Russia, she should have thought about it because she broke Russian law. People are saying the vape equipment could have been planted on her, but I don’t think it was. In a personal life, she’s had somewhat of a dramatic past. When I read the book, it seemed to me that her coach at Baylor kept her in line but once she graduated, she got herself in trouble from time to time. There was drama with another WNBA star, a woman whom she married really quickly and had a baby with. So, unfortunately, this recent Russian arrest coincides with previous times where she has gotten into trouble. Since she was in her own country (the U.S.), it was handled more easily but she doesn’t have that level of control in Russia. She’s an amazing basketball player but she does have a history of getting into low level trouble, except this time it was in Russia, so the stakes are higher.
No, Griner did not “have a baby” with a WNBA star. LOL that’s ludicrous.
One other thought re: Brittney Griner. I just read that she will be in a Russian jail until at least May 19, 2022. If convicted, she faces 5-10 years in a Russian prison. For her sake, I pray she doesn’t get convicted and is able to return to playing basketball. I also pray that if she is released and permitted to return to the U.S., that she learns something from this situation (assuming the vape equipment was not planted on her, which I don’t think it was). Like I said in a previous comment, she has a history of getting into low level trouble. I think what happens is that once you get to a certain level, you get treated well and start taking things for granted. I see this a lot with people who earn very high incomes and/or have a high net worth. They begin to believe basic ethics and the law don’t apply to them. I don’t know Brittney Griner and I’m not saying she thinks like this. I’m just saying once you get to a certain point, you forget what it’s like to be an ordinary person.
Overall, I thought the East Europeans were AWESOME–so nice, warm, sincere, honest, friendly, & often devout Orthodox Christians. They have incredible food, art, architecture, history, scenery, & culture!!.. I am incredibly sorry & utterly heartbroken about the current war situation & what it is doing to Ukraine. I was only there in 3 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia (borders Ukraine) & Croatia) for about a month, but they treated me like Family!!.. I still have good bonds & priceless memories from that trip!!-
p.s. I did encounter one guy who seemed a bit ‘Nazi’-looking & autocratic at a pharmacy in Croatia? That was strange, but most people were above & beyond Wonderful!!-
There is no war in Ukraine, the only thing you are seeing is movie set footage and old recycled news photos and vids. It is a massive hoax to distract from the bioweapon warfare carnage.
It clearly states in the article above that she faces up to 10 years… Is that where you just read it??
Ms. Korda goes to instagram to publisize her ups and downs to millions of internet readers, then finishes her bla bla bla by “asking for privacy”.
Hypocrisy and attention-craving at their best.
Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon just passed. Reading his story and it was so obvious the vax got him. So sad
I am so sorry to hear of your friend’s daughter. I will keep her in my prayers. Sadly these endless Vax deaths are going to keep hitting closer and closer to home for all of us. As for you, you keep showing us over and over that you would never make it as a reporter in mainstream news media. You are just too damn good!
Psyop-19 has ruined us all. TPTB is still deep in it. Even knowing their juice is a big lie that’s harming millions, they just won’t willingly give it up.
They’d furiously send us to fema camps and destroy our lives, jobs and families for their vaxx fantasies. Or, the more hopeful scenario is that doomsday cults tend to suddenly go out in a burst of flames once the con is up. Let’s hope the ‘war’ does this.
Meanwhile, we have to watch our loved ones suffer from the jab while denying the obvious. The trust and unity is gone for generations to come.
I don’t deny the tragedy that is going on in Ukraine, but the Ukrainian propaganda ticks me off. It makes me question everything they report, which I didn’t do at first. Have you noticed all of the images of people removing what remains of their belongings from bombed out and burned-out buildings? The people and their belongings are spotlessly clean. There’s no way anything coming out of those buildings would be clean. No ash or soot on the people, shoes, clothing, or any of the belongings. The people look like they have been superimposed on the images and the perspective is wrong.
I noticed that too. Something definitely is off. Ive felt that way from the beginning
Well, what I wondered about are the young women made up with makeup and such while fleeing with or without family—at least in some footage filmed outdoors. Now the young teenagers in the underground hiding for safety did not look made-up at all. I just thought if I were leaving my home in a hurry I wouldn’t bother with any makeup, especially heavy eye makeup. Looking pretty would be the last thing on my mind.
I have a question that I would like anyone to answer:
I’m in a local library and there is a man on another computer making weird grunting noises. I’ve noticed this on other people the past few months. He has his mask under his nose so probably has three depop shots.
I’m I being judgmental or is it something to do with the shots?
P.S. Seriously weird grunting man is starting to get on my nerves. It’s a friggin library. No manners anymore.
Oh my goodness the grunting is too much.
Edit: I had to upload this again as i put in the wrong email. Plus grunting man coughed without mask fully on. Stupid sheep. His reckless actions are seriously going to affect his social credit score. I must inform China of this risk to public health and boost up my score so I can go from eating worms to crickets. Hmm yum yum.
I totally hear you!!.. Without a doubt, the Nuts are getting Nuttier!!!..
I’m up in the wee hours b/c I’m still frustrated due to my J&J “Enhanced” neighbor stomping around last night around midnight.. She’s already been Warned by my Property Mgt. 6 Times. She’s required to put down rugs, floor coverings.. And it’s gone to court!!.. There are real penalties when you repeatedly violate the Lease with impunity… Yet, she STILL does this like she can’t control herself??!!… Like she’s TRYING to be Spiteful??!!..
I’ve also been in the Library with people who look like they’re dying of covid or the shots, coughing, shriveling away– it’s bad. I must have the most amazing immune system. I’ve never caught even a Cold or anything since the “pandemic” started??..
I feel like people are acting weird… I have vacc’d. friends who are constantly describing new illnesses, diseases, cancers, neurological conditions to me each week… BUT, they CANNOT wait for their Booster. These were intelligent people who I really care about!!..
It’s like people are becoming “possessed” or something? They’re so happy they caught Covid AFTER their Booster shot-??? (never concluding that it’s a net sum Zero on “Efficacy”)….It’s Ultra-Bizarre. Thanks for stating your frustrations & bewilderment. I’m right there with ya!!
Everybody had the choice not to buy in this Scam of the Century!! The sheep will keep jumping off the cliff as longs as they have their television set blaring and their heads in their phones!
What is most perplexing about the Scamdemic is that statistics were being parroted for months that if you were to get COVID in most if not all age groups you had a 97% Chance to survive but yet when you jump into your car the odds of you getting into a fatal accident are much greater and people still put on face diapers and still ran down to the pharmacy to get jabbed with unapproved FDA gene therapy in fear!! What this world needs is a revival with Faith (in Jesus Christ) Not Fear!!