March 14, 2022
We wrote about 57-year-old Anthony Shingler in July. The Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire security manager received his first AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection on March 1, 2021. By March 22, he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralyzed, hospitalized and on a ventilator. Mrs. Shingler signed a petition aiming to reform procedures related to the U.K. Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) of 1979. Victims are entitled to a £120,000 payment if they prove their injuries were caused by the injections. The petition received 18,779 signatures, well short of its 100,000 signature goal. The Shinglers have received nothing from the U.K. government.
Mr. Simon Walker, of Oswestry, Shropshire, is the 42-year-old soccer coach we wrote about two weeks later. He received his first AstraZeneca injection on May 2. By May 9, he was diagnosed with a “huge blood clot” in his heart, along with systolic heart failure. He can no longer work, as any strenuous activity could trigger a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Walker signed the same petition that the Shinglers did. The Walkers have received nothing from the U.K. government, despite doctors admitting that Mr. Walker’s condition was “likely caused” by the AstraZeneca shot.
RELATED: Stephanie DuBois: 39-year-old British model dead 16 days after experimental AstraZeneca shot (May 25, 2021)
Mrs. Nicola Weideling, of Winchester, Hampshire, developed severe neck pain nine days after her first AstraZeneca shot. That morphed into excruciating headaches and random bruising on her body. She was hospitalized and diagnosed with vaccine-induced thrombosis (blood clots) and low blood platelets. Despite two surgeries, Mrs. Weideling died in May, just weeks after the shot. She worked for Oxford University, where the AstraZeneca shot was developed. Mr. Kurt Weideling, the widower, has received zero compensation from the U.K. government.
It’s not unprecedented for the U.K. government to pay out vaccine injury claims. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) paid out over £100 million to 60 victims who developed narcolepsy after receiving the swine flu vaccine, Pandemrix, in 2014. The U.K. Human Medicines Regulations shield “vaccine” manufacturers from any and all civil liability related to injuries. Lawyers negotiated higher payments than the statutory £120,000 maximum. GSK paid out the settlements, but received reimbursement from the government via indemnification policies. Several more post-GSK narcolepsy victims receive the statutory maximum £120,000 in compensation the following year.
Swine flu and its vaccines, however, were not part of a global psychological operation like so-called COVID-19. It’s unlikely any Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc. victims will receive any compensation anytime soon.
Impossible burden of proof
The U.K. government, in June of 2020, added new provisions to The Human Medicines Regulations of 2012. It expand immunity protections to essentially everyone involved in the mRNA and viral vector DNA racket. That includes “any person, not being a health care professional, who administers the product in accordance with a protocol” (e.g. the actual injectors).
The Sunday Times in the U.K. reported on February 27 that there were 920 pending VDPS claims related to COVID-19 shots. All of those claims would total £110 million minimum. Not one pence has been paid out to victims as of publishing. Some of the victims have been waiting for nine months for something to happen. But there are very strict official thresholds that must be met for a claim to be paid out. Big pharma-friendly lawyers representing the victims are part of the problem.
Sarah Moore, of the multi-national Hausfeld law firm, told The Sunday Times that her 95 clients are “not anti-vaccination.” They recognize that they were the unlucky ones and now need to be compensated because they “paid the highest price for the undoubted success of the government’s vaccination program.” It’s a classic fence-straddling case that lawyers use to preserve their relationships with multi-national corporations while pretending to advocate for John Q. Injured clients.
Just one payout to a COVID-19 vaccine-injured victim would open the floodgates. It would also draw more attention to the relatively-obscure vaccine injury compensation program in the U.K. Further, doctors would have to tell truth about the poisonous injection to meet the burden of proof. Good luck finding a U.K. doctor willing to put their career on the line by upholding their Hippocratic Oaths.
Same situation in the United States
Vaccine manufacturers and all related personnel have two layers of statutory immunity in the United States. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was enacted to limit vaccine manufacturers’ liability in lawsuits seeking damages for injuries. The law created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) program. It is essentially a government arbitration scheme for the vaxx-injured. The VICP has paid out nearly $4.3 billion to vaxx-injured victims since 1989. It paid out $210 million in 2021 alone, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). But none of those 2021 payouts were for COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005 is the second layer of immunity for vaxx manufacturers. The PREP Act created the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). Victims seeking compensation for COVID-19 vaccine injuries must do so under CICP, not VICP. But the program is just an endless charade of red tape.
RELATED: Emma Burkey Update: 18-year-old Las Vegas woman who caused the U.S. temporary Johnson & Johnson pause is moving with a walker, wheelchair (December 9, 2021)
HHS reported 1,357 claims for COVID-19 vaccine injuries filed by October 1, 2021. Not a single dollar has been paid for any of those claims. The most recent HHS report, from March 1, 2022, reports 4,097 total COVID-19 vaccine injury claims filed. None have paid out. Only one is eligible for compensation. That case is still pending review.
Like the U.K., the burden for proving COVID-19 vaccine injuries is virtually impossible. Very few U.S. doctors will testify that the victim’s injuries were in fact caused by the injections. U.S. doctors are well compensated in exchange for loyalty to big pharma. CICP is the only potential avenue to compensation for the vaxx-injured. That essentially means that there is no recourse at all.
First payouts will come in late 2023
These people are going to milk this COVID-19 thing to the bitter end. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CBS Face the Nation yesterday that a fourth dose of the mRNA injections will be necessary come late summer or fall.
Mainstream media will certainly disseminate this message far and wide. Pfizer owns mainstream media “fact-check” platform Reuters. The company also pretty much owns all cable and network news in the United States.
The U.S. and U.K. governments will delay any potential payouts for COVID-19 vaccine injuries until at least late 2023. By then, most vaxx-recipients and their families will be very sick or dead. Most Americans and Brits don’t even know these programs exist. And even if they did, it wouldn’t matter anyway.
The vaxx-injured must come to terms with the fact that nobody will be held accountable for their injuries, at least not anytime soon. All they can do is get right with God and live their remaining days repenting and warning others about their mistake.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
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“By then [late 2023], most vaxx-recipients and their families will be very sick or dead.” PRECISELY. And, if by some unexpected development, the anticipated deaths do not materialize fully by then, the timeframe/deadline can be pushed back indefinitely as many times as necessary.
I’m not sure how prepared I will be this next year or two. I’m not vaxxed and neither is my extended family. But all this injury, suffering, pain and death is hard to take. God help us all 🙏
Which is more difficult? Make pharma pay for vax injuries, or get blood out of a stone?
AZ only paid ~$600 to Brianne Dressen (the UT teacher)who volunteered in the AZ trial in Nov. 2020), despite the contract they had w/ all volunteers.
Also because her reactions were so severe, they had to “unblind” & drop her out from jab 2, i.e, her case was NOT included the final report of the “double blind” study of “fully vaxx (2 jabs)
Big Pharma has been playing the same tricks for decades.
“Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CBS Face the Nation yesterday that a fourth dose of the mRNA injections will be necessary come late summer or fall.”
Bring it on. The purge is long overdue. Any parents who jab their kids, should get a con-vid vax in each limb and be very generous with the graphene oxide please.
Some of us were not fooled and refused to have the lethal injection. I have never worn a face diaper either.
Those who wear masks – and they are the majority – are just advertizing their willingness to listen, to be servile, to obey and to betray their own soul if they had one. Every single act of compliance on their part, is a green light to the demons in charge to increase the abuse and enslavement of humanity.
“Oh, i wear it because of my job”. Fook your job.
I’ve read every single post on this blog. Some more than once. This is the best and most true thing written so far,
“All they can do is get right with God and live their remaining days repenting and warning others about their mistake.”
I would add Jesus instead of God because getting right with God can mean different things to different people leading some to go down the wrong path. Not all views of who or what God is amount to the same thing or outcome. Also almost all views of God contradict each other in some fundamental way, so they could all be false but they can’t all be true. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”
“For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.”
According to the very corrupt US government anywhere from 50% to 75% of the population has been injected with this crap injection. According to VAERs tens of thousands have died and millions have suffered multiple types of injuries that have left many bedridden and unable to function. If any of these numbers are correct, millions of people have been tragically impacted by this vaxx. Where are these peoples voices. Why are they not speaking out daily to let the world know what their government has done to them. They come together on various web sites to discuss their injuries and seek support for their common maladies. You would think they could use that platform to organize and let the state houses and DC hear their voice. Maybe even riot and burn buildings since this has become a lawful form of protestation in the US. What has silenced these poor folks? I certainly can’t believe they haven’t connected the dots by now. The pharmaceutical companies and the trusted government institutions are now letting some of the truth shine through, yet no great movement to demand credibility has formed by the very people who were injured or lost loved ones. I find this strange yet weirdly interesting. What has this injection done to the minds of those that have survived? This does not anger them or cause an overwhelming urge to seek justice? The whole thing is beyond bizarre and just leaves more questions. I feel for these poor people but that’s as far as I will go. If they won’t even fight for retribution for themselves,I’ll be damned if I’ll help them.
They believed the lie. They are easily led. And the censorship of mainstream media is very strong. If you are not the type of person to question data, research facts, use reason and deduction skills, think for yourself, and have strong convictions and morals/faith in God – you are not questioning the official narrative. I know people are starting to see the light but then you have to shine that light on yourself and your actions. It’s going to look ugly what they did to themselves and their children and family. A tough thing to handle and they are not tough. You can only pray for them. 🙏
The mainstream media is trying its absolute best to stifle news about the trucker convoys in the US. It’s also going “all in” by staging a war in Ukraine, copying and pasting footages from video games, movies, ancient footages of explosions from other places to conjure up a “war ambience”. When its blatant attempts at deception got uncovered, it can be so shameless as to shrug it off and move on to the post more fake war pics.
Like you said, the shots allegedly alter mental states and turn people into electronic devices, each with a MAC address. When you are connected to the internet of stuff, your thoughts and behaviors would likely be monitored and manipulated without you being conscious of the remote control. So if a voice in your head tells you to “suck it up” and be quiet, that’s what you’d do. Sad.
“the trucker convoys in the US”
Another emasculated dog & poney show. Slaves gathering under their master’s balcony to beg for a different set of rules that they will happily obey. Being slaves is all they know, that’s why they need the permission of their masters in every aspect of their pathetic lives.
I am on the road myself. Truckers are mostly concerned with not having their load flying all over the highway, concerned about avoiding the state troopers happily waiting to giving them tickets and racking up as many driven miles as they can (they get ~ .50c per mile !!), concerned about reaching the next bathroom stop. SO, who is financing that dog & poney show ??.
The other day, a woman at the store candidly told me : “it’s nice not to have to wear masks anymore”. In another words : “it is nice that our masters gave us permission not to have to breath in a petri dish of mucus and bacteria to advertise our addiction to being servile and obedient”.
That was the most BS point of our interaction. After dumping some raw truths over her beautiful head, she said : “thank you, you have inspired me to be more rebellious”. See, keep rocking the boat non-stop, it will awaken some out there.
Hal, out of many thought-provoking worthwhile posts that folks make on this great site, what a great one, and that’s saying something. Remember: Truth is SOUGHT. Truth is earned, truth is “revealed” to those who seek. Truth is also assured and constant, like tides and sunrise. The “truth will shine through” regardless. One truth that is pretty ancient: government is rarely the solution — it is almost always the problem. Excess government is the SOLE REASON for these vaxx deaths. Medicine has ZERO role in government, neither does charity or religion or science. Had medicine been DEPRIVED of government authority, we’d be fine. Had people SOUGHT TRUTH as opposed to thinking themselves entitled to “truth” delivered to them in their news media, as if they could purchase truth, then they’d get it. But one cannot buy truth any more than one can buy the ability to play a musical instrument. A CONSUMER CULTURE that thinks it is entitled to truth, will be deceived swiftly.
I’m concerned that life insurance companies may stop paying out due to vaccination for covid. It’s an experimental drug. A loophole to say that the claim and payout is nullified. This is a problem about to get worse. The actuarial calculations were not calculated with these rising deaths in mind.
Even if one were to receive financial compensation, it won’t make up for the loss of quality of life, nor will it bring someone back from the dead.