Simon Walker: 42-year-old British soccer coach develops blood clots, permanent heart damage after first AstraZeneca injection
July 26, 2021

Mr. Simon Walker.

OSWESTRY, SHROPSHIRE — A 42-year-old husband, father and active soccer coach thought he was doing something for the greater good. He is now preparing for a completely different lifestyle, including unemployment.

Mr. Simon Walker received his first dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector DNA on May 2, according to the North Wales Pioneer. By May 9, he was in a local hospital with a resting heart rate of 188 beats per minute (bpm). A normal adult resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 bpm. Doctors found a “huge blood clot” in his heart that damaged normal functions.

Mr. Walker spent 17 days in the critical care unit of the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital. He was unable to move at all, as it could have increased his heart rate further and caused a stroke or cardiac arrest. Doctors cleared part of the blood clot, but were unable to remove it completely.

Mr. Walker’s heart now has an ejection fraction of 20%, or about one-third of a normal functioning heart. This condition, called systolic heart failure, means the heart cannot pump with enough force to properly push blood through the circulatory system. Doctors told Mr. Walker that the blood clot and subsequent heart damage was “most-likely” caused by the AstraZeneca shot.

“I’m not anti-vaccine”

Any semi-rigorous activity, including climbing stairs, could endanger Mr. Walker’s life. He told reporter Jack Butler that the 17 days away from his wife and three children took a major toll on the family. He had no history of heart problems prior to the AstraZeneca injection. The large blood clot should have killed him, according to doctors. Despite being home, life is unlikely to ever return to normal.

Mr. Walker worked as a carpet and flooring installer. He was also a soccer coach. But he’s no longer able to do either job; and it’s unlikely he ever will again. Mr. Walker and his wife, Sian, signed a petition calling on Parliament to reform the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979. It is the same petition that Mr. Anthony Shingler promoted after he developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome following the AstraZeneca injection.

Despite the family’s uncertain future, they still support the vaccination effort. Mr. Walker said the following:

I’m not anti-vaccine – I would 100 per cent encourage people to go for it because I think it’s the only way we can come out of the COVID situation. I’m just very unlucky to be one of the people who it has affected like this – it has probably changed my life forever now.

Dr. June Raine, Chief Executive of the U.K. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said in a statement that the benefits of experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA outweigh the risks. She also said it is “vitally important” for everyone to get their injections.

U.K. inching closer to mandatory vaccines

The United Kingdom is slowly inching towards perpetual COVID dystopia. Nadhim Zahawi, the Parliament Under-Secretary of State for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment, said that proof of full vaccination will be required as a condition of entry into all nightclubs beginning in September. Meanwhile the U.K. government estimates that upwards of 70,000 care home workers will leave the workforce due to mandatory injections in that industry.

Mr. Walker is yet another case that demonstrates the power of this global COVID psychological operation. His life is destroyed, but he still supports mass lethal injections. Unfortunately we’re learning that most people cannot think for themselves. They listen to “the TV” and take it as gospel.

S0-called world leaders and medical experts literally get on television and blatantly lie about the safety and efficacy of these injections. Joe Biden, in an incoherent, gaffe-filled, embarrassing CNN Town Hall last week, said you cannot get COVID-19, nor will you be hospitalized with COVID-19 if you are vaccinated. These people literally say whatever and get away with it.

Divest of mainstream media and big tech propaganda. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

“Mr. Walker said the following: “I’m not anti-vaccine – I would 100 per cent encourage people to go for it”

Then he can die and rot in hell for all I care. He’s pushing for the same thing that happened to him to happen to everybody else, and expects what? Sympathy?

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

It’s just shocking, isn’t it? I can’t wrap my mind around it. I get that being bitter doesn’t change anything, but it’s not necessary to act like a hostage and say how great the vaccine that caused such grievous injury is. And these are just the stories of extreme injury. Even in the cases where death has ensued, very often, survivors say that they want merely that governments acknowledge that the injury/death has occurred and advise people that the risks are grave and make available some funds to help the injured.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

People don’t go to hell because they are pro vaccine. Nor should we desire death for any. I have seen this in both camps…wishing people who disagree dead. Stop this hate and insanity. If someone refuses to hear the facts on the dangers of these injections, so be it. That is no reason to wish death on them. The fear of death is what drives them to the injections, just as the fear of death keeps others from getting them. In the end, it’s the same motive that drives both camps, anti vs pro vaxxers have more in common than meets the eye.
Christ has put away all the sins of His people, see matt.1:21. All the Father gives Him will come to Him and receive forgiveness of sins and life eternal. The true Gospel of Christ, which reveals the righteousness of God, is what all need to hear, regardless of vaccine status.

3 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

To clarify. I didn’t curse him because he took the poison. Or because he disagrees with me.
I curse him because even as he’s seen what the poison does, he’s still trying to get others to take it. That is diabolical.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

He is more than likely afraid, or totally unaware the vaccines caused his adverse reactions. There are lots of people out there who are totally unaware of the dangers, or in denial out of fear. This whole plandemic is a nightmare, yet it has been ordained by God and is serving His purposes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

The only warning all people need to hear is the fact that judgment looms for the ungodly. They mocked noah, a preacher of righteousness, in his day… only 8 were saved. The Gospel of Christ is the good news, for those God has called and elected. He alone has put away all the sins of His people, He has laid down His life for His sheep. He has satisfied God’s wrath for His sheep, there is no condemnation for those who believe. This world is destined for an end, it is “passing away”as Paul said. This world is covered in darkness, it is cursed because of sin. There is no hope here, the only hope is found in Christ and His finished work. Idolatry fills the globe, false gods, works based religion…all claim to lead to Jesus. None actually do, it’s mystery Babylon, and God will judge it all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

One thing I notice on this site, and other ‘conservative’ sites…proclaim the true Gospel that points to Christ alone dying for His people (matt. 1:21) for His sheep, and you will not get comment approved.

3 years ago
Reply to  admin

My last comment was based on the one previous to it. Normally I can see the ‘waiting moderation’ in red. The comment concerning the warning and Noah was nowhere to be seen for a day, then it was approved after my last comment. This is not the first time this has happened, a while back I used God’s word in correction and it never saw the light of day, for whatever reason. It doesn’t matter, the truth will always prevail and accomplish what God has sent it for. Have a good day👍

tonya carver
tonya carver
3 years ago

Yes the television, tel-a vision of deception to the whole world . a trap a snare that has come upon the whole world just as the Bible predicted.

3 years ago
Reply to  tonya carver

Some call it the Talmud-vision or ‘Idiot Box’. I have a TV, but only ever use it to watch films during the the Christmas period. That’s it.

Eric J. Brooks
Eric J. Brooks
3 years ago

Just Curious: Would Mr. Walker have called antivaxxers unscientific, uneducated or fear driven on the day before his vaccination?

3 years ago
Reply to  Eric J. Brooks

Predictably, yes: Mr Walker sounds like one of those really annoying virtue signalers. They feel so smug by acting all virtuous. They are so full of it. Only, us wise folks have the last laugh! I shake my head in disbelief at how gullible and cattle-like many people are. That they succumb so easily to propaganda and peer pressure. They are so fearful of going against the flow and appearing to be the ‘odd one out’. “Everyone else seems to be doing it, so I must, too”. That’s precisely what the controlled media and puppet governments are trying to dupe the the masses of ‘goyim’ (cattle/beasts in human form) into believing: that literally EVERYONE is getting the ‘vaccine’, so you too must conform, otherwise society will reject you and you’ll lose rights, opportunities and privileges. The controlled media and governments, who are puppets of the zionist globalists and Rothschild banking crooks, are trying to create divide between the un-vaxxed and the vaxxed. Those who have taken the vaccine may well drop dead in 1, 2, 3………5 year’s time, as the vaccine induces micro-clots to form anywhere in the body. Remember: a blood clot in, say, the leg or calves can be just as fatal as one occurring in the heart, lungs or brain. Over time, these clots get bigger and bigger, gradually impairing the flow of oxygenated blood. Pressure builds up (sort of like what happens when you squeeze on part of a garden hose). There’s pressure damage effects, but another consequence of a clot is that the vital supply of oxygenated blood to tissues and organs becomes compromised. Without enough oxygen supplied via a healthy blood flow, cells, organs and tissues lose their healthy function and, for all intents and purposes, begin to necrose (die). And so does the person, die.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gary
3 years ago

“It probably changed my life forever now”. Duh…

Tex Mex
Tex Mex
3 years ago

It is truly sad that people take this medical intervention without any research at all. I guess these people see it as another flu jab. They cannot comprehend that anyone would purposefully wish their demise. It is very hard to appreciate that there are individual psychopaths that actually smile when people die of this and of the many other ways because of the toxins in our air, water and prescription drugs.

It is however is the absolute truth that groups of people actually want us to die. They plan, dream and instigate this stuff and have done for thousands of years. They create floods, earth quakes and dump toxins but the tonne on top of us like we were a plague.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tex Mex

Them calling this a “vaccine” was the master stroke. So many people say to me, “I’ve had other vaccines before, what’s the big deal?”
That’s why I’m making a conscious effort not to call these things “vaccines” anymore.
In conversation I go out of my way to say “genetic experiments”, “blood clot shots”, “poison”, “lethal injections”, “bioweapon”, but not “vaccines”.

Words win minds, and minds win wars.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tex Mex

agreed… most getting the shots are blind to the fact nefarious people are behind this agenda that want most of humanity dead…. It’s entirely way too trusting to think a fellow human can’t be that bellicose and sinister…. I have compassion and sympathy of course but I’ll say this in balence … I gave a lot of fellow humanity to much credit “mentally” prior to “covid” ….I come to accept FAR too many rely on TV rather than their GOD given common sense to make critical thinking choices…. Blessings to the writer of this blog and all aware of what’s REALLY going on…. Glad I’m not alone in the flesh…..

3 years ago

Its been a rare chance at real education of what an illusion the entire man-made system is.

People have to get that the religion of government is the erroneous view that government brings order instead of chaos and enslavement. As we have seen with the last 2 years the real ugly face of our governments worldwide in harsh clarity.

If they don’t the fatal effect of the injection is to sort out those who don’t learn, because they have proven useless to spiritual growth and overall conscious evolution. As long as we keep believing in this institution of violence, this cycle will keep repeating as it has done for thousands of years.

RJ O'Guillory
3 years ago

….even after the shots maim and kill…the victims of The Diversity Genocide still endorse it. Amazing. All for an alleged virus that has never been isolated in a laboratory and is nothing more than a computer generated, alleged virus that 99.8% of people survive. The Cognitive Dissonance is deep in these people.

3 years ago

Mr. Walker does not have my sympathies. How dare he recommended this jab if it has the possibility of harming others. There truly is no humanity left in some people. He does not really believe this shot is “the only way to come out of this Covid situation.” He wants others to take the same risk and possibly suffer like him. This man was gone long before his physical illnesses. The mind control is off the charts–the evil entities that are running this Great Reset, were patient and really hooked people via the TV, cell phones, computers, and movies. Look around at all the mindless fools with ear pods, apple watch, cellphones on them 24/7. I can’t stand watching people walking out with their children with all that crap on them, interacting with the tech rather that their beautiful baby–no appreciation for the short time children are that young, or the beautiful sky, trees, grass, birds, etc..
I digress, if Mr. Walker really cared for humanity, he would warn people AGAINST this death jab.

3 years ago

Agreed… I reckon the misery loves company credo applies here perfectly for those who’ve been maimed by the covid shots yet recommend it for others smh…. Yeah it’s a sad pill to swallow seeing a large portion of humanity’s value on death and tech…. I use to dislike the fact I could never meet new people to befriend and exercise with etc… NOW.. I see it was a blessing in disguise …. I’m better off alone with my maker than dealing with the cognitive dissidence most abroad welcome into their lives daily… I’m perfect by no means but I see through this covid deception like a fat girl can see the little Debbie cakes through the box before opening them LMAO….

3 years ago

Absolutely unbelievable. He’s actually still encouraging people to get the shot and risk the same thing happening to them that happened to him.

3 years ago

Apparently he doesn’t realize he is not out of the woods. He will have heart issues from here on out, the damage from these injections is lifelong and may result in death. Dr. Ryan Cole has an excellent presentation on these injections at vaccine impact website.

3 years ago

One thing that pro vaxers have in common. Is that they are all in denial. These people are beyond help.

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