March 14, 2022
WASHINGTON, D.C. — This blogger, on another website, wrote about the patent application for Microsoft’s “cryptocurrency system using body activity data” on April 18, 2020.
Vaxx zealots often make jokes and mock the non-vaccinated regarding microchips being implanted into them. There is now indisputable proof that all of the injections contain the quasi-metal graphene oxide, known for its ability to transmit radio signals. Further, VeriChip implants were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2004. VeriChip manufacturer, Digital Angel Corp., has been partners with Microsoft since 2008.
The Microsoft body activity data system rewards people with cryptocurrency when they accomplish certain tasks. The system can also disable your ability to buy and sell goods if you disobey orders. It’s a slick system that aims to control all financial transactions for every human being on the planet. But first every human needs the software installed inside them for it to work. Those invasive nasal swabs and the injections took care of that step. Then the global banksters need a centralized cryptocurrency system that they have 100% control over. That process commenced last week.
President Joe Biden issued a vague, but very telling Executive Order (14067) on March 9. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who was also Federal Reserve Chairwoman from 2014 to 2018, said that the Executive Order “calls for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to digital asset policy.” But its primary goal is to create a digital currency administered by the Federal Reserve.
Web 3.0 and controlling humanity
For those unfamiliar, blockchain is a component of Web 3.0. The earliest internet, Web 1.0, was a read-only platform in the 1990s. There were few content creators, most of whom were companies. You could search and read content, but you could not interact with said content (e.g. comment, like, etc.). Web 2.0 came along at the turn of the millennium. Yahoo! and AOL chatrooms, along with the blogosphere, were the biggest changes early on. Social media is the primary component of Web 2.0 now. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, and a few other companies essentially own and control the entirety of Web 2.0.
Web 3.0 (circa 2014) allows individuals, via cryptocurrency, to, theoretically, own a piece of the underlying network. Thus the internet is “decentralized” and not controlled by a few companies. Digital tokens (“coins”) are the assets that represent ownership stakes in networks. These networks all have apps built on their respective technologies. All the Layer 1 tokens, like Ethereum, Solana and Elrond, are jostling for position to be the one that comes out on top. Those who buy the tokens directly are essentially investing in the network that they believe will ultimately win out.
RELATED: Google confesses propaganda agenda, bans all Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine information (April 26, 2021)
The main idea behind cryptocurrency is decentralization. Those who own the tokens and maintain the network control it, as opposed to Google and Facebook controlling Web 2.0. Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey obviously has conflicts of interest on the subject matter. But he pointed out how nearly all Web 3.0 companies are owned by venture capitalists and their investors. Thus the technology isn’t truly “decentralized.”
Further, there are drawbacks to a decentralized internet even if it is 100% possible. Cyber-crimes will be near-impossible to prosecute. Child pornography will flow more freely. And instead of Facebook and Google policing the internet, it will be Binance,, Coinbase and Ripple.
Facebook rebranded its company name to “Meta” in anticipation of Web 3.0 and the “metaverse” taking over soon. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has also been talking about the metaverse a lot lately. In other words, the old guard are positioning themselves to maintain a stake in information control when Web 3.0 becomes the norm. The fact remains, nobody can truly say who “owns” Web 3.0. So don’t expect the definition to get any clearer when the technology takes over.
What the Biden Executive Order says
The Biden Executive Order directs several U.S. government agencies, including the Department of Commerce, the Treasury Department, and Financial Stability Oversight Council, to develop policies for regulation and oversight of digital currencies. But it’s the last provision of the Executive Order that has drawn the most attention.
“Explore a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by placing urgency on research and development of a potential United States CBDC, should issuance be deemed in the national interest. The Order directs the U.S. Government to assess the technological infrastructure and capacity needs for a potential U.S. CBDC in a manner that protects Americans’ interests.”
The People’s Bank of China is already using a digital version of the yuan. TechCrunch reported in January that 260 million Chinese citizens (about 25% of the country’s population) have downloaded the e-CNY wallet for the digital yuan. The app had already facilitated 87.5 billion yuan (about $13.8 billion) in transactions through January. China banned all other cryptocurrencies in September, eliminating any potential competition. India imposed a 30% tax on all cryptocurrency gains in the country. The United States is under pressure to keep up with other countries adopting and regulating the technology.
Of course CBDC’s completely fly in the face of the decentralization concept that is supposed to be the backbone of digital currencies. Regardless, cryptocurrency enthusiasts are mostly excited about a potential government-owned digital currency. Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital currencies rose by 8% or more after the Executive Order was announced. It will take upwards of three years for the U.S. government to launch something like this. But if the government really expends the resources necessary, it could happen much quicker than that.
History of U.S. Presidents interfering with international banksters
Many Americans believe President Abraham Lincoln was an altruistic man who loved all people. The Civil War was fought to end the enslavement of Black people, according to many narratives. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact President Lincoln made clear that he was indifferent about chattel slavery in the South during his Inauguration Address on March 4, 1861:
“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
A news clip from The Daily Intelligencer, August 23, 1862, quoted President Lincoln saying, “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it.”
The Union instituted tariffs on European imports, making said goods more expensive and less attractive to the Confederacy. Europe stopped importing American cotton from the South in retaliation, which crushed the Confederate economy. The U.S. had been without a central bank, controlled by unelected, nefarious people, for decades. The country was becoming too independent, and was showing the rest of the world that it could thrive without the funny money of central banks as long as slavery existed. But war is expensive, and the banksters knew Lincoln would need them.
RELATED: Saddam Hussein was killed by the banksters for transacting his oil with euros, not dollars.
The banksters approved loans for the Union at upwards of 36% interest. Lincoln declined and instead printed interest-free money from the Treasury to pay soldiers. He was worried that people wouldn’t accept the new “greenbacks” as real money. But the Constitution, Lincoln believed, gave him the authority to do it. Lincoln printed $450 million in greenbacks by 1862. Lincoln had to be killed if the international banksters were to regain control of the entire global financial system. They also needed to end chattel slavery to divide and conquer the country, not out of good will.
Long story short, Lincoln was assassinated by bankster mercenary John Wilkes Booth, chattel slavery was abolished, and the U.S. was in massive debt to the banksters. President John F. Kennedy did something similar in 1963 with Executive Order 11110. It gave the U.S. Treasury the power to print debt-free currency in lieu of the Federal Reserve. He was assassinated just a few months later.
The point is that U.S. Presidents are not allowed to mess around with the bankster’s money system. That brings us back to Biden’s Executive Order. If a centralized digital currency benefits the general populace in any way, then Biden will be dead by the end of this summer for even proposing the idea. But it appears the international banksters are in full support of it. That means a centralized digital currency benefits the fraction of 1% richest people in the world, and nobody else.
RELATED: British Medical Journal: “Why have so many African leaders died of COVID-19?” (July 21, 2021)
Nothing good can possibly come from this Executive Order or a centralized U.S. digital currency. But now it’s inevitable. President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102 in 1933. It ordered all Americans to surrender their gold to the Federal Reserve right before the government suspended the gold standard. Granted forcing Americans to surrender cryptocurrency would be logistically tougher to enforce and execute. But if that step is necessary to continue a monopolized financial system, they will find a way.
We knew a government-sanctioned cryptocurrency was coming. Now it’s official. All we can do is wait-and-see how it impacts everyday life. The world has already changed dramatically since 2020. But government cryptocurrency is the final step in The Great Reset. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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Thank you for posting on this important development.
Refreshing to see your knowledge in the history of money and banking!
If only we had a real public education system and not indoctrination centers, more people would be aware of these truths.
In terms of the WO2020/060606, one thing came to my mind right away regarding giving people instructions before they could be paid for their service(s): what if your payment was dependent on taking out your neighbor or someone these lunatics didn’t like such as a dissenter? Would a person truly kill another to get such a payment? Given the current situation with the “vaccines”, this now becomes highly probable.
And, yes, I read and watched videos regarding the 1933 gold confiscation and JFK’s EO 11110. Anyone know why Gaddafi was killed? He wanted to unite all of the African continent under a gold standard to free itself from the confines of the fiat dollar.
Our history is being re-written to follow a narrative. Propaganda always works best when it is constantly being repeated until it becomes “truth.”
We are going into captivity. And it will be marked by bondage and perversion. Nobody will be able to make war against it – except for Him. Come out of confusion.
There was zero chance for non-reserve bank cryptos to compete with US dollar and other fiat currencies. It is only a matter of time to shut cryptos down. Now the loyal Bitcoin holders will say that’s impossible to do. They might be correct, but what these reserve banks around the world will do is to block currency conversion transactions from e.g. USD to cryptocurrency and back to USD.
Maybe cryptos will survive but doubtful they can be used as a means of payment. The world reserve banks will NOT allow it in the future. Maybe can be used as a digital non-payment asset.
Good point Frank, however the people who developed Stablecoins are years ahead of the Government when it comes to the usability and functionality of stablecoins! If the Governments CBDC is anything like ObamaCare and that infrastructure it will be a total disaster!!
Do you think web 3.0 will offer more freedom and opportunity to the individual? I am wondering how it could possibly be more censored than the current internet.
While under lockdown, they secretly upgraded to 5G, during the next lockdown it will be 6G. The old elctrical infrastucure, world wide will change, during the months long blackout. It will be a power grid designed to run humans on their chips, first in the hand, (they do everything in increments) then require one in the forehead and on and on, that will hook you up to their control and enslavement mechanism, AI. It is the most evil thing ever to happen, it marks the end of the Kali Yuga. The end of all life on earth, and a purification of the entire earth will come next. Thier technology is designed to take you from God permanently, to destroy your souls, the connection to God you are born with, forever. They want to make you their own evil and disgusting creations, but the devils can’t create, they can only destroy, they will not create anything, they will just destroy what you once were. Anyone who takes their Mark, will break out in stinking oozing sores and become monsters, totally insane and disoriented, they will die, and go straight to Hell for ertnity, which is the true end goal of the devil, to do to you what they did to themselves, when they tried to become better than God and then were cast out into Hell themselves, and became the lowest form of life in the universe, devils.
Amen! Absolutely 100%, you could have not said it any better!!
“THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND” by G. Edward Griffin…. forewarned of this of digital currency happening in detail once the bankers (cabal) decided it’d be time to rush for a one world gov’t…… Only other work that had it on point was the book of Revelation…. all is coming to an end on earth soon… at least for the wicked (cabal)….
Thank you for this. Those of us who have an interest in history know all about Lincoln and his greenbacks…although it is never mentioned in normieland, and rarely in alt-media. Yankee generals and their troops engaged in war crimes against civilians in the South. The destruction of the South during Reconstruction was a planned punishment to keep any future rebels in their place. If folks would read more history, rather than consuming filthy mind-control in front of a screen all day long (made exactly for that purpose by you-know-who) then perhaps they would not be blindsided by world events.
It is hard for me to imagine the utter stupidity of those who turned in their gold in 1933…except these were the same idiots who rushed out to join the war after the false flag that was Pearl Harbor. The government will only get my gold, if they pry it out of my cold, dead hands.
Here is the real plan.And the sheepies will love it. I also read that they plan on reducing your account by 2% per year and having negative interest rates. Resist this one and only use cash.
We all need to learn to get on the Barter System and cripple these Corrupt Demons!!
Yet another EO – ruling by fiat. There can be no question that our government has become a dictatorship with Congress fully out of the equation on creating law.
Hows this for an idea for real money when the paper money is destroyed in value completely? Take a truly all-copper penny, record its initial weight. Then electroplate gold onto it. Get its final weight measurement and mark it on the penny.
Now the amount of gold in milligrams will be known on the penny.
I don’t know how to do it, but it should be possible to also verify this weight in milligrams even without having any initial weight, using specific gravity measurements as is done with a gold-quartz nugget, to determine the amount of gold in it.
This would be a more accurate measure of the gold for use as money, than people have been using in parts of Venezuela.
The same should be doable with silver.
I don’t give a rip what laws are passed, the Constitution still says real money is gold and silver.
The only 2 things that are in the way of the Globalist Agenda when it comes to the United States is 1.) Christianity and believing in Jesus Christ and 2.) The 2nd Amendment it will be interesting to see if the Globalist can penetrate that veil!!
This Web 3.0 reminds me of an episode of The Outer Limits where everyone was connected via outer hardware (device at the temple forehead) to instant knowledge on the internet. The story follows the fish-out-of-water guy that isn’t connected because his brain is different (damaged). I believe the people couldn’t read but the young man could. Problem was a virus invaded the net and everyone’s brains so they showed symptoms of dementia. They were losing their minds. Seems like that’s where we are headed today.