Michael Thompson: 49-year-old Texas college sports announcer suffers “cardiac event” at halftime of basketball game, falls down bleachers and dies

February 18, 2022

Mr. Michael Thompson.

SAN ANTONIO — The 49-year-old “Voice of the Saints” is dead, in yet another death that is only possible in these surreal times known as “The Great Reset” and “New World Order.”

Our Lady of the Lake University (“OLLU”) is a small Catholic school located in San Antonio, Texas. It has about 3,200 total students, with half of them being in graduate programs. The university’s athletic teams compete in the Red River Athletic Conference, in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). The NAIA combined its two basketball divisions into one in 2020.

Mr. Thompson joined the military after high school, but continued pursuing his dreams of sports broadcasting thereafter. Mr. Thompson did play-by-play announcing and other radio gigs starting in 2004. The OLLU Saints joined the Red River Conference in 2008. The following year, Mr. Michael Thompson became a one-man broadcasting machine for the university. He immediately revolutionized the small athletic department by introducing live-streaming for basketball games.

RELATED: Oscar Cabrera: Spain basketball player collapses on the court, while U.S. sports league suffer mass COVID-19 outbreaks among fully vaccinated players (December 25, 2021)


Mr. Thompson earned his bachelor’s degree in history from OLLU in 2011 at age 39. He left OLLU for a job at the University of St. Mary in Kansas after graduating, according to the OLLU athletics website. But Mr. Thompson returned to OLLU a year later and resumed that he started. He started live-streaming all other sporta on campus, including basketball, from that point forward.

One of his signature moments at the school was his play-by-play call on January 22, 2011. OLLU defeated #1 LSU-Shreveport that day.

Mr. Thompson was honored at halftime of the men’s basketball game against Langston University, for calling his 500th game for the school on January 4, 2018.

By February 12, 2022, Mr. Thompson had called more than 800 games for both men’s and women’s OLLU sports. Sadly, that day was his last broadcast.

Tragic death

Mr. Thompson was calling the OLLU women’s basketball game against LSU-Alexandria this past Saturday afternoon. But at halftime, the OLLU Athletics Twitter account tweeted that the game had been suspended due to “an accident on campus.” The tweet also announced that the men’s  game later that day was cancelled.

We contacted an OLLU student who asked not to be identified due to the sensitive nature of the subject. They said a “very loud thud” in the bleachers silenced Mabee Gymnasium at halftime. Mr. Thompson fell from his familiar broadcasting perch near the top of the bleachers, and tumbled all the way down until he hit the floor.

“He was just laying there, not moving at all,” they told The COVID Blog™. KSAT 12 in San Antonio told a similar, but less detailed account of the events. He passed away a short time later. MySanAntonio.com and the aforementioned KSAT reported that Mr. Thompson died of a “cardiac event.”

RELATED: 4 more utterly ridiculous mainstream media propaganda campaigns to continue normalizing post-injection heart attacks (February 16, 2022)


The vaccination status of Mr. Thompson is unclear. OLLU’s official policy states that the injections are not required. But the university, “strongly encourages all employees and students to receive the vaccination and voluntarily share your vaccine status with the university.” The school has an online database for people to upload their vaccination records. All incoming freshmen must receive meningitis vaccines.

Mr. Thompson also called games for other teams in the Red River Conference.

OLLU said it will continue live-streaming games, but will not have an announcer for the foreseeable future. Mr. Thompson is survived by his eight-year-old daughter, mother and five siblings.

Spontaneously dropping dead is now normal?

This story felt personal. This blogger was also a play-by-play announcer for two small schools in the late 1990s and early 2000s. University studies were also delayed until age 30.

Regardless, it’s safe to say that nothing remotely close to this has ever happened in U.S. sports history. Granted we’ve seen comediennes, television broadcasters and soccer players collapse, with some dying, on live television. The common denominator is that all of these incidents took place in 2021 or later, when experimental injections are being pushed on the global populace.

Just last month, long-time ESPN announcer Ron Franklin passed away. The cause of death was “COVID pneumonia.” We all know what that really means. The only consolation here is that Mr. Thompson died doing what he loves. Meanwhile, millions of Americans are lining up for lethal injections to keep jobs that they hate. Hope it’s worth it.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

Two things – he will be missed. Also, it is UNHEARD OF what is happening now. UNBELIEVABLE!

2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

Amen. May God rest his soul. 🙏

Frank Collette
Frank Collette
2 years ago

At least his death made him a martyr to show the whole school and the rest of the community whats really up.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Collette

That’s a good point, maybe even better than we realize. The details of what happened are not crystal clear, but how does one fall from a broadcast position all the way down to the floor of a gymnasium? I assume he was seated in a chair and not perched on a girder near the ceiling; might he have felt what was coming and wanted to make sure that his demise was not going to be easily censored?

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

It will be important to have a backup announcer on deck waiting as well as a backup to the backup ready to go in case there are more “unexpected” events during a game.

2 years ago

A search on “the covid blog” comes up in 1st place within Duck Duck Go. On Google, it comes up in 17th place. Perhaps if gents like this could have had better access to balanced info, he would still be alive. Mom and dad are both triple jabbed, so should I start to worry about getting in the car with them when they’re driving?

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

The younger ones in the tribe who inherited their tech conglomerates may appear to be friendly and progressive. But ultimately they are bound by the same Satanic blood oath as their parents.

“His blood is on us and on our children!”
Matthew 27:25

By intentionally obscuring truth, they break their own commandment of “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour”, especially since it involves murder.

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Are people starting to wake up? Even a little bit?

Between the DoD’s DMED and life insurance companies with “unheard of” claims coming in, is it really that hard to connect the dots?!??!? Add to that the embalmers now speaking out about weird, never before seen blood clots.

Is it that the masses don’t have the information? Or are they choosing to ignore it because they think if there really were a problem, NBC and CBS would expose it?

I can’t figure it out.

Statistics Jason
Statistics Jason
2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

I just tried this myself. On Duck Duck Go (which is my default search engine and browser) this site is the first one listed. On Google this blog actually came in 20th place! Terrible!…yet as much as Google censors I’m actually surprised they list it at all.

2 years ago

Google is only good for finding out how many calories are in an ounce of cantaloupe.

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

I’d be extremely cautious about riding in a car with them. Personally, i wouldn’t do it. Meet them where ever you’re going or maybe just don’t go.

The most unfortunate thing is for the other folks on the road who have no idea and no choice in the matter.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

I believe only 1 in 10 shots are lethal at the present time. The plan is to incrementally kill off the world population, starting with the Europeans and North Americans who are disproportionate;y taking the Jab.. As more Jabs are administered the proportion of lethal shots will increase.

It is all matter of how the public respond. If there is a great deal of resistance the restrictions will be loosened, as is now happening, and the propaganda of deadly diseases will increase to prepare for the next round of lockdowns and Jabs. This will be the pattern for the foreseeable future.

2 years ago

I live near this city and can tell you firsthand the propaganda is top shelf. The media, the government and university medical schools have been tooting the covid horn non stop for two years. Bexar county has the highest injection rate in the state at 75% one injection and 62 % both injections. Imagine being higher than Harris Co. (Houston), who has held the state record for the stupid citizens award for decades now. SA should stand proud on this pinnacle of success for the propaganda machine and their fanatical cheerleaders.
I pray for this mans daughter and pray that God has mercy for us all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

So too Eastern TN. There is a huge conglomerate medical establishment, Ballard Health. The TV ads are sponsored by them, the local paper features prominent corporate updates on their polices, and the local news’ daily “horror” case numbers all come from them. And you guessed it – it’s a one-way street of opinion. But, thankfully, when God is on your side, it makes a majority. I believe God will provide and protect his own – repent and ask for grace.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

The propaganda has been a juggernaut through the entire covid fear porn era. In the news today are emails uncovered between the CDC and Facebook that are disgusting in their collusive nature. Millions thrown at pushing the “vaccines,” to con people into accepting them. Pure corruption.

David does not back down
David does not back down
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I live near Houston. Everyone I know around me is vaccinated including my family. There is pressure everywhere and if you try to say anything you are too crazy. I recently challenged the mask rule at work. They are saying if you are vaccinated you don’t have to wear the mask and you can only take covid sick leave if you are vaccinated. I told them that doesn’t make sense because there are studies the masks don’t do a thing and anyone could spread it vaxxed or not. They just told me its company policy and I can get all covid info from HR. Its like they don’t listen to science and are intentionally wanting people sick and dying. Pure evil

2 years ago

Greetings fellow Texan. I have relatives in Katy and they have the same problems with their jobs. Hang in there.

David does not back down
David does not back down
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

You too Hal. We will make it through

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

So many companies are part of the globalists’ cabal and will walk in lockstep to the NWO.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I teach piano lessons and started a new cardiac surgery fellow a couple of weeks ago. I don’t require masks in my home. Never had and never will. SHe came wearing a mask the first week. Our local hospital (the blood suckers literally) require injections and masks so I didn’t even tell her she didn’t need to wear one which is what I normally do. Last week, she wanted to take hers off and I said that was fine with me. She asked me if I was “vaccinated” and I mumbled an answer and kept on teaching.

We are still waiting to hear why a co-workers 22 year old daughter went to sleep around Christmas and her brother found her dead the next morning. I know they had the injection and one booster (he received the second one week after her death.) Supposedly medical examiner still hasn’t come back with an “answer.” I just wonder what parents are thinking when no one is looking and they can’t sleep in the middle of the night. 22 year old young people just don’t wake up the next morning and there was no evidence of drug use, foul play or other medical condition. But then I’m still hearing of parents giving it to their children. Of course the government will deny everything. But they also denied Agent Orange, asbestos, saccharine and thalidomide.

2 years ago

Do you think besides not wanting to bring a skid mark on the jab, that if they reported on the deaths and serious injuries occurring from the jabs the hysteria from those who took the jabs on the safe and effective messaging will be a tsunami of fear the likes we have never seen before? Can you imagine the fear in players who have seen their colleague drop dead right in front of them? They are probably trying to psych themselves up so they actually believe the jabs didn’t have anything to do with their friends deaths, yet probably knowing it did. These lives of these jabbed people who have witnessed the deaths of healthy friends and loved one after they took the jabs must be a living nightmare.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I’ve seen a few videos of soccer games where play was stopped after a player/referee dropped on the field (in a few cases dead right then). You can see the haunted look in the players eyes: they’re not so much devastated by their team mates death as they are thinking about if they’re next. It’s like you’re watching a snuff film

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

It’s like you’re watching a snuff film

It is. That’s why I can’t share those vids on social media. I understand some do it to help raise awareness but at this point after so many months of it, I don’t think it’s necessary to upload every single new death. It really is porn for the death (pedo) cult (see Fiona Barnett’s story).

2 years ago
Reply to  J.D.

The videos are important. For many if they don’t see it with their own eyes, it didn’t happen. We should share the videos, imo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

Generally speaking, it won’t matter. Maybe with those who were coerced, but the left who rushed out to get the shots the minute they were available… they’ll probably never get it no matter what.

2 years ago
Reply to  911Truther

I disagree. Many are now saying they won’t get any boosters. Two that I know personally. This is our time to do all we can for those who ARE persuadable, before we cannot do anything at all anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I have heard that the stock is going down for these “shots” because people are beginning to hear reports from insurance companies and so forth. This is most likely why they’re making it appear they are backing down a bit for now. I also heard that the devil’s minion Gates said there will be another pandemic coming. We are living in the last days.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I work for an international financial firm and zero news about the pharma stocks going down or the astounding death increases/claims for the life insurance companies. It’s a cover up. They are in on it. Though the insurance companies may have to do something because they will go out of business. The actuarial calculations had to be blown out of the water by these claim increases. Unless they decide to not pay since they took an experimental vaccine/drug? It’s unbelievable the stuff that is hidden and the rank and file financial advisors don’t know.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

“Gates said there will be another pandemic coming”
I think those running this magick show have shot their bolt with using “pandemic!” trick for the time being, unless we’re talking about an upcoming pandemic of those injured by injection fad. The boosted, covidians, etc. will allow themselves to be deluded again and again, of course, but they’re as good as dead, anyway. The entire cobweb of deceit is held together by peoples’ self-regulation and willfully ignoring the obvious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Never underestimate the raw power of Stockholm Syndrome and denial of Reality…

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Again, this is what happens to people who believe that doctors can “cure” something before it happens. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. Every single one of these athletes who agrees with me and refused to let doctors “cure” them in advance, IS STILL ALIVE.

Josh Seyler
Josh Seyler
2 years ago

God help us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Josh Seyler
Justin Observation
Justin Observation
2 years ago

Random heart attacks are all the craze these days. And so many are quick to accept it is from some mysterious heart epidemic instead of the proven heart damaging drug everyone has been taking. Just an observation.

2 years ago

I don’t watch television news but heard an ad on the radio the other day talking about a news story they were going to cover that evening. It was about the need for defibrillators in schools – elementary and high schools. 😞
It’s been really, really fascinating to hear the mockingbird media try to normalize heart attacks. Sad. Just sad. And sadder that some people are embracing it as “the new normal.”

2 years ago

Ron Franklin was one of the best college football announcers ESPN ever had. He was excellent.

2 years ago

Soothsaying medicine kills people. Human beings silly enough to trust doctors to detect, treat, and cure an ailment BEFORE IT HAPPENS deserve what they get.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago

Circus Maximus…Give them Bread and Circuses…and they will never revolt…

2 years ago

This verse comes to mind a lot these days:
people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Luke 21:26

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

Sadly learned yesterday that an person needs a heart transplant within 2 weeks of getting booster. He had heart issues, but those had been dormant for years. While this posting may be met with comments such as “serves him right” or “he got what he deserved,” we must remember that when you become haters and spew evil towards someone, you have become no different that those vaccine rabids who spew hate and venom at us. Many people have had their jobs (their sole livelihood) threatened with losing their jobs or really wanted to believe their doctor was acting in their best interest and took the injection. They are human beings just like the rest of us. Go down in the sewer with the haters to spew hate and you become no different and down in the slime with them and lose your humanity.

2 years ago

Another example of a victim of the horrific vaxx mandate madness! END this tyranny..NOW!

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