Booster Blues: Brazilian reporter has heart attack on live TV, Olympian develops myocarditis, Arizona man dead six days after booster
January 10, 2021

Merriam-Webster says the term “third time is a charm” means, “that two efforts at something have already failed but perhaps the third will be successful.” Those who accept the obvious purpose and intent of these injections concur that the third time will likely be a charm for vaxx zealots.

It’s clear that so-called Omicron is an illness of the vaxxed, or, more specifically, the propaganda narrative to cover vaxx adverse effects. Even mainstream media are conceding that people receiving booster shots are still coming down with so-called COVID.

It’s no secret that vaxx zealots are easily influenced and persuaded by mainstream narratives. But some booster recipients aren’t necessarily zealots. They are simply doing as they’re told due to the inability to think critically in the face of the most powerful global psy-op in human history. Further, at this point, third, fourth, fifth, etc. injections are simply fulfilling addictions to both whatever ingredients are the shots, and to the temporary social media clout that comes with being an obedient zealot.

Booster mRNA and viral vector DNA adverse reaction stories will dominate 2022. Of course we can’t cover them all. But here is a sampling of booster shot deaths and maimings in the last seven days.

Rafael Silva – Brazilian TV reporter

Rafael Silva is a television presenter for Jornal das 7/TV Alterosa in Brazil. He is also the consummate vaxx and mask zealot, almost to the point of insanity. Mr. Silva received his first injection on July 30. It’s unclear which brand he received. However it is clear that it doesn’t matter what brand it is. The caption says everything you need to know about his loyalty to big pharma.

“I don’t really know how to explain what I felt. I cried, I cried a lot of joy for having the possibility of being vaccinated. At the same time a feeling of sadness for more than 550 thousand people who didn’t have that chance. Take care, keep wearing a mask. Long live the Vaccine.”

Mr. Silva, 36, received his second injection on August 28. He thanked God “for the opportunity.”

He received his booster shot on December 28. The caption translation is as follows:

“Long live the third dose. I’m sorry for the people who didn’t have that opportunity. Vaccines save lives.”

Mr. Silva was in mid-sentence during a live broadcast on January 3, when he suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed to the floor. The station cut the footage right before the very-loud thud when Mr. Silva struck the floor. It was reported that he was in stable condition later that day.

Brazilian online newspaper Metrópoles reported that Mr. Silva was taken to Humanitas Hospital. But he suffered five more cardiac arrests in the ambulance. Mr. Silva has since locked his Twitter account so only verified followers can see his Tweets. There are no further updates.

Fabienne Schlumpf – Swiss professional athlete

Ms. Fabienne Schlumpf is a marathon runner who finished 12th in the 2020 (2021) Women’s Marathon at the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games. She is also a track-and-field star who specializes in the 3000-meter steeplechase, an obstacle race that include water jumps and hurdles. Ms. Schlumpf won the Silver Medal in the event at the 2018 European Championships in Berlin.

Unfortunately her career maybe over at the age of 31.

Ms. Schlumpf reported via Instagram that she is suffering from myocarditis and will miss training time as a result.

Of course myocarditis is a very common adverse effect from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. A viral screenshot of a German newspaper says that Ms. Schlumpf is triple-vaxxed. We cannot verify the legitimacy of the screenshot, thus won’t published it here. But we also cannot find any cases of healthy, young athletes coming down with myocarditis prior to 2021; and this blogger is a former sports reporter.

Pete J. Giacalone – Apache Junction, Arizona

Sadly, this is one of those cases where we took a screenshot of the booster announcement, checked back a few days later, only to discover the worst. Mr. Peter John Giacalone isn’t a vaxx zealot by any stretch. He’s just a guy who apparently loves the outdoors and his woman, based on his Facebook history. But for whatever reason, he posted an update on December 29. It says he received a booster shot the day before, and felt like “dog shit” the following day.

Mr. Giacalone, 46, passed away just seven days after the booster shot.

His funeral is this Sunday, January 16 in Mesa.

Mainstream media denies mass formation psychosis

Last week we wrote about the phenomenon called mass formation psychosis. It is the work of Dr. Mattias Desmet, a clinical psychologist who studies how mainstream media orchestrate propaganda, from Nazi Germany to COVID-19. But mainstream media are giving Dr. Robert Malone credit for coining the phenomenon because he mentioned it on an episode of the Joe Rogan podcast. In other words, MSM doesn’t even know the origin of this psychological theory.

Pfizer-controlled Reuters “fact-checked” mass formation psychosis this past Thursday. This is the functional equivalent of U.S. police investigating themselves and finding no wrongdoing after killing unarmed Americans. Of course the Reuters propaganda piece concluded that, “there is no evidence to suggest a ‘mass formation psychosis’ has occurred during the pandemic, experts told Reuters.” The Associated Press propaganda piece (“fact check”) at least mentioned Dr. Desmet and how Dr. Malone was simply citing his work. But the AP still concluded that mass formation psychosis is “an unfounded theory.”

This blogger supposes that’s it possible, even in today’s world of social media, for people to live in their MSM fish bowls. These millions of individuals could also be living in sheer denial. But these third and soon-to-be fourth boosters are Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Granted vaxx zealots will in fact eventually see different results when the kill shots finally do what they were created to do. But at this point, these people either have death wishes or are simply addicted like heroin to whatever is in those shots.

Don’t get one. Don’t get three. The evidence is concrete. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Regarding the origin of mass formation psychosis, let me get this straight…you are expecting knowledge and accuracy from the mainstream media? What an interesting notion!

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

I understand that the deaths will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Those who have taken the Jab may have to take more shots, ostensibly to stay alive, and within five years all those presently inoculated will be dead. In the West it will hit particularly hard and the Western economies will enter an historically deep depression. This will result in more deaths by starvation as the supply chains are already freezing up. Unless the LORD had shortened these days no one would survive.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

The “pro” and “anti” conflicts are greatly desired by Apollo, one of the gods as offered within the Hippocratic Oath . The 3rd seal which could happen first, seems economic. he has been waiting thousands of years for his time, and I don’t think the flesh will get in his way. Thankfully He has prepared a wilderness for His people – touch not the oil and the wine.

2 years ago

No, I live in a blue land with 86% jabbed – majority stopped at two

Add another 10% at three

They injured too many people too fast.

It is going to be rough but they only got less than half the population double jabbed and a lot of first jabbed were placebos

The plan is falling apart – they are LOSING power by the second not gaining it

Hang in

2 years ago

(Luk 17:33) Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

Time to define the problem, reaction & solution to these events and test every “source”.

Last edited 2 years ago by FNFAL
Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago

While I have no doubt that mass formation psychosis exists, I think the problem is first and foremost a spiritual one. People have lost the ability to discern good vs evil – they are spiritually blinded. I’m a Christian and my father-in-law, also a Christian, said it most succinctly: ‘this is an antichrist problem not a medical problem’. In my country where mandates exist in almost every workplace, so many people are looking extremely sick. I hate to say it, but I think this situation is going to get a lot worse – the Western cultural ship is sinking fast because of spiritual blindness and rampant evil which is now on steroids. People need to repent and pray. For those who haven’t succumbed: avoid the gene modification therapy jabs at all costs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

agreed..few people are getting out, have much energy, or any color in their faces now?!..
What I find astonishing is that the friends whom I regret were leaving Christianity behind, becoming promiscuous, committing adultery, becoming obsessed with materialism & money– they All keep getting Boosters, no matter how many times you offer information or concern-?!!.. It seems like “something else” is motivating them to go down this path, and it is NOT because of a lack of intellect, education, or resources on their part– far to the contrary!!.. Some of the most empirically “Smart” people I know just can’t get the message here, whatsoever!!.. They now seem dense, as they follow Maximum vaccination options, even when they personally have very serious risk factors & reactions. They keep taking it, without reason, as if they have been possessed by it?.. I’m stunned to see this happening to them. They even tell me they strongly “Believe” in the vaccines & “Believe” in “the Science”!?…
It must be a Spiritual phenomenon!!-

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

2 Thessalonians 2 – The great delusion sent by God to those who reject Him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Esperanza

Revelation 18:23 …for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

As it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of Lot.

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

One of the most frustrating issues stemming from all of the hype by the media enticing people to – ‘take the JAB – take the JAB – take the JAB’ ((not to mention that for some reason or another that the ‘flu’ and ‘the common cold’ seem to have been eradicated somehow)), that for the most part a majority of the people that are – taking the JAB – are NOT doing or making any attempt to do their OWN objective and critical thinking.
It’s like watching (live) this avalanche of people willingly and without hesitation nonchalantly walking right over ‘the Cliff’ to their own deaths and so far for some reason there is nothing being made or attempted to stop it from happening.
I feel that all I can do is look and wonder to myself, “How many more deaths are going to occur before – ‘the Public;’- FINALLY WAKES UP AND REALIZES – ‘That they have been ‘DUPED’ in the worst way possible and have been coerced with sweet kind words by the media to – “Take the JAB, it will save lives”- when in actuality – IT’S BEEN A DEATH SENTENCE FROM ‘GET GO’.

2 years ago

I like to call myself a VAX VIRGIN and I plan on keeping it that way… and I am also somebody who benefited from 3 month treatment of life-saving Medicine that was developed by our Healthcare System over a 20-year.

2 years ago

Never ever believe a presstitute.

The covaid$ intelligence test is just evolution doing its sneaky business.

Remaining in a sheepish state of consciousness guarantees that you don’t make it through the globo slaughterhouse.

All jacked up on the emperor’s new clothes, heading to the graveyard.

You are the disease, their covaid$ death squirt the cure.

2 years ago

My work sent an email out in response to the OSHA mandate ruling. They are not going to require testing for anyone regardless of vax status and everyone has to mask up regardless of vax status. Good. No break for the vaxxers. 😂

As far as my response, I intend to live my life joyfully, without fear and mask (except as required by my job), and go about with life thanking God for all my blessings. The maskers can live in fear. They are not my concern anymore. Find like minded people. Have an awesome 2022! 😀

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Creo que si hay una psicosis de formación de masas.
Hoy una amiga no vacunada me ha dicho que dos personas con las que ha hablado y que están vacunadas se han contagiado de Covid después de las dos dosis, después le han dicho que se han contagiado por culpa de los no vacunados y que todos los no vacunados deberían morir.
Después le han dicho que se pondrán 2 3 4 y todas las dosis que hagan falta.
Están psicológicamente abducidos por mensajes en los medios de comunicación… Algunos de estos mensajes son…. La vacuna salva vidas… Los no vacunados son egoístas un problema para la sociedad…. Ponte la siguiente dosis o si no no tendrás tu certificado covid….y muchos otros mensajes que se repiten una y otra vez. Aunque vean gente morir, aunque vean gente enfermar , aunque ellos mismos enfermen quieren vacuna, vacuna y más vacuna.


2 years ago

Interesting comments. Recent video of Alberta government data found in the Way Back Machine surfacing showing a spike of covid diagnosis at 14 days after first shot and 200 days after second shot. Clearly showing causation with correlation to the jab and new cases.

2 years ago

Agreed! Stay strong – there are many of us across the world. (De acuerdo! – Mantate fuerte – hay muchos como tú!)

2 years ago

It’s the same here in California. Constant deluge of get your vax, go to the “myturn” website and sign up for an appointment, etc., find a place to get it. The gov just threw more money at this creepy death project, in fact. Some days I’d like to go around and rip off every “Covid Vaccines Here” sign I see at the pharmacies and wherever else the STATE and sickness departments (again, they are NOT about your HEALTH) put up their propaganda. Stay the course! As you say, do not take any of the shots and save your life!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I really wish people would start ripping up the signs. Where is the vandalism and rebellion when it is truly after authority and controlling figures? Where were the “wild” and destructive youths and criminals to throw a wrench into the lock downs? Everyone has been just so passive.

2 years ago

Such people like reporter and olympian their family should get some fund from govt and other people.

nasreen johnson
2 years ago

i thought the PM of Brazil doesnotgo for the vax.not sure if he mandated it but i doknow he does not believe it isgood

nasreen johnson
2 years ago

those thinking of getting the ja for work wait the corona investigative Commitee is having a big international courts started 2 days ago.we going to be the and see what we can do.just hold it.Reiner Fuellmich ahas also asked us to share bcs the media willnot take it on.People need to see it to wake up.

2 years ago

And now they have a name to cover up all the jab adverse events and deaths……Its called ‘Long-covid’
honestly these people will stop at nothing, they know exactly what these vaccines are doing! This is genocide, and will go down in history as the worst crimes against all humanity.

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