September 25, 2021
LVIV, UKRAINE — A 19-year-old philology student is dead after defying his family’s philosophical and religious objections.
Mr. Volodymyr Salo, also spelled “Vladimir” in some accounts, received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 13 at about 2:30 p.m. local time, according to the Ukrainian Humanities Institute. Mr. Salo was a student there. His day continued as normal thereafter. He ate dinner in the student cafeteria at 6:30 p.m., then played board games with other students in the commons area. The situation quickly deteriorated from there.
A high fever and general malaise kicked in around 8 p.m. Mr. Salo collapsed and had a seizure at 8:15 p.m. and went into violent convulsions. University medical staff performed CPR as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. When paramedics arrived at 8:45 p.m., they applied a portable ventilator for an hour in an attempt to save Mr. Salo’s life. But he had no pulse by 9 p.m.
Mr. Salo was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.
Mr. Salo was raised in a Christian household and was a member of a Seventh-Day Adventists church. That Protestant denomination recognizes Saturday as the Sabbath instead of Sunday. Mr. Salo’s entire family is staunchly against mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. His brother-in-law told Ukrainian online publication Obozrevatel the following:
“He did not tell anyone from his family about the decision to be vaccinated. Perhaps he knew that everyone would be against [it] and would discourage such a decision. And he was so risky by nature, he could make spontaneous decisions. He could be very limited in his desires. They say that those who were not vaccinated will not be able to travel freely, go to cafes, etc. We think that this is what prompted him.”
His death certificate says he died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary edema, and acute coronary insufficiency. In layman’s terms, his heart and lungs were completely destroyed, likely due to blood clots. An official cause of death won’t be known for months.
Mr. Salo was a third-year philology student at the Ukrainian Humanities Institute. Philology is similar, but different from etymology. He was a regular blood donor and tutored younger students online who were learning English.
He is survived by his mother and four siblings.
Same song in Ukraine as everywhere else
Ukraine had a 1.7% “fully vaccinated” rate on July 1. The country had a seven-day average of 936 new COVID-19 case on that day. That’s the lowest seven-day average in the country since late July 2020. Ukraine is 12% fully-vaccinated today, with a seven-day average of 5,921 new COVID cases. That’s a 532% increase since July.
Yet somehow all the “vaccine” propaganda is still effective with the masses. Ukraine is still on an “adaptive lockdown” until at least October 1. Regional authorities have the power to tighten or loosen mask mandates, social distancing and other COVID measures based on the local situation. But gyms, movie theaters and large gatherings are essentially shut down across the country. Government employees and teachers face injection mandates in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile Scandinavia continues being the voice of reason in Europe. Sweden has been the target of propaganda by mainstream media because it neither locked down, nor issued mask mandates throughout the so-called pandemic. It’s seven-day average for COVID deaths has been near zero since June. Sweden experienced no real COVID-19 spikes throughout 2020. Norway Prime Minister Erna Solberg is now referring to COVID-19 as a simple “respiratory illness.” The country is lifting virtually all COVID-19 restrictions starting today.
Italian actress Ludovica Bizzaglia said she was proud to coax young people into getting mRNA injections behind their parents back. Mr. Salo was a young adult. But his family tried protecting him from the propaganda. COVID continues destroying families in two ways – disagreement on “vaccines” and death/maiming by vaccine. We’ve reached the most critical stage yet in all this.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
Pfizer is Lucifer , as Bill Gates said ” The population of Earth should be reduced” by vaccination.Gates and Bezos got richer during pandemic.
I am a Bible Scholar. LUCIFER is Latin for MORNING STAR (Venus) and you need to read Isaiah 14:12… that is the ONLY place that LATIN word is and THAT Chapter is about a MAN—SAYS SO. Revelations 22:16 says: “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
You misinterpret it completely by omitting “BRIGHT”. Morning star only refers to beginning and angel, of which there were many. BRIGHT morning star signifies something quite different. Lucifer is RED, of which there are 7 of them – 7 satans. Red is not a BRIGHT light. Jesus light is BRIGHT WHITE like a thousand suns, and far beyond the Lucifer’s weak dull red light – An absurd JOKE by comparison. As is their slithering ascension into heaven, on their belly – compared to Michael’s spectacular, instant multi-mach ascension. Just as Genesis describes them in their spiraling SERPENTine movement, ascending into heaven. They were seen over the Temple Mount in the first hour of the 28th day of 2011, in their tetrahedron formation (4 corners in 3 dimensions). 4 of the 7 satans – the “4 angels standing at the 4 corners of the earth”, aka “the 4 sons of Horus” (also exalted atop the Vatican Baldacchino/ Shrine of Osiris). They appear just after Michael is seen in his spectacular brightness, wielding his bow of fantastic WHITE LIGHT, saturating the entire Temple Mount with his AWESOME POWER – the Leader of God’s armies – the rider of the white horse. The 1st and 2nd Seals were loosed – War in heaven began. NO DOUBT EXISTS.
War in heaven ends at the 6th Seal, when the “stars of heaven fall to the earth”. It is the SAME event described in Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. “He” embodies the 7 satans – all of them called the dragon/stars of heaven. They operate as ONE unit having separate parts. Their leader is Azazel, unto whom God ascribed ALL SIN for wronging mankind. You may know him as Osiris, who is also known as Apollyon, Abaddon, Shiva, Quetzlcoatl, etc.. God commanded, “Bind Azazel hand and foot in a pit of darkness, and cover his face that he should see no light, and at the Consummation he shall be led off to the ABYSS.” For wronging mankind. He is the angel/beast of the Bottomless Pit, who is freed at the 5th trumpet, rising from the Bottomless Pit in his OWN SKIN to assume the identity of the 2nd beast/false Prophet, after having possessed Horus#7 – the 7th king of Revelation 17 – the 1st beast of Revelation 13 – KILLED by the BRIGHTNESS of HIS (Jesus) coming and WORD of His mouth – sending Azazel’s soul back to his body bound in the Pit, until the 5th trumpet, which sounds shortly after. Most do not know this at all, and have no clue about it. Armageddon is 3-1/2 years AFTER Jesus arrives and kills the 7th king/1st beast/Horus#7. Jesus does not set foot on the earth until that time, at Armageddon – when Azazel and his boy are taken bodily and cast into the Lake of Fire, to be tormented forever and finally made an UTTER END OF – for wronging mankind – for oppressing God’s children.
When He arrives with the clouds of heaven Jesus does not set foot on the earth. He only kills the 1st beast and sends His angels to Gather His Elect from off the earth and God’s WRATH that follows, beginning with the 7th Seal. The dragon and his angels, 4 of the 7 satans, are cast out of heaven at the 6th Seal, and immediately the Elect are Gathered before God’s throne.
I will say no more. I have cast enough pearls before swine – FAKE, LYING Bible scholars, having no real knowledge or truth in them. Murderers from the beginning, like their father satan. WEAK, having no power but though LIES. When the BRIGHTNESS of Jesus’ light is revealed, no lie will stand, as ALL THINGS are revealed in that light – like turning the light on in a dark room – suddenly everything is seen. Something NEVER revealed unto the fallen Watchers, since He was hidden in God’s throne from the beginning. But His light is far beyond that, in that it is the weapon that destroys all evil.
“See how the Elect One judgeth Azazel and his Host”. Looks like your LYING morning star will be destroyed, regardless what you want to call him. God’s WORDS can never be changed. Too bad for you.
It does not matter how you or anyone interprets the “books”, what matters is your actions!
G-d is in any of us in certain moments in our lives! Be constructive, unite people .. find your innerself is the reward for caring for everything and everyone possible!
Your GOD has 2,476,633 kills NOT including the FLOOD or Sodom and Gomorrah. SATAN KILLED 10. THAT IS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS…..BYE BYE IDIOT.
You people thinking GOD will help are HILARIOUS….LOOK AT THE WORLD. 26000 children starve to death every single day. 800,000 kids go missing each year JUST in the USA. Lying MEDIA-POLITICIANS-PRESIDENT-PSAKI lies like a rug daily and the US has gone to Hell in only 8+ months…..GOD of the BIBLE has 2,476,633 recorded kills in the Bible NOT including the FLOOD, where that jerk CLAIMED to have killed everything that draws breathe BUT 8 HUMANS, OR Sodom AND Gomorrah…Satan only killed 10 at God’s request. .BTW…. I AM A BIBLE SCHOLAR. You dummies are NOT. Especially YOU !!! I am also an ordained minister but I quit worshipping a KILLER in 2009…..In John 8:44 Jesus was talking about YHVH….TRY READING THE WHOLE BOOK. Your God won’t do sh*t IF you are talking about the Old Testament god……No Offense to you or Yashua (Jesus). GOOD LUCK.
Although what you say about Lucifer is true, conflating him with Jesus is not. The first man Adam is the one who was disobedient, and said “I will be like the Most High”…the last man Adam (Jesus) was made a life-giving Spirit…and did not exalt Himself…God the Father exalted Him because He was obedient even unto death; because of that the Father has given Him a name above all names, that at the name of Jesus (Yeshua) every knee should bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord-to the Glory of El the Father (ElElyon)
(The names of God can be found in the Strongs’ Concordance)
Not sure about you being a self-appointed “Scholar” but you need to brush up on your hermaneutics. Both Jesus and Satan are called a “morning star” in various places, and so are both called a lion, a man, and so on. Just as Jesus is a “Lion” in one respect, so is satan in another respect. Satan is compared to a man, a fallen angel, a dragon, and so on.
And for the record, Pfizer is *not* “Lucifer” (as Faribarz Zak wrote) in the strict sense of the word. Lucifer is a fallen angel. His name comes from his lofty position as “light bearer.” But he is fallen. Has nothing to do with Pfizer except that Pfizer is a demonic entity, evil in itself, though I’m sure many good folks work there. People should really resist the urge to make every covid-related entity, organization, company, government, or even the “vaccine” the anti-Christ or the mark of the beast, or Lucifer.
Isaiah 14:12 in original does not have explicit the word star
The King James Bible has it translated as “son of the morning”.
Bible scholar LOL. I’m a student of the Occult Magic Science.
Satan is released from prison after 1,000 years. Temps Jesus for 40 days.
Emerald Tablets – Thoth a hundred times ten have I descended. 100×10 = 1,000
What’s Thoth counting up to on the tomb? 40
Lucifer is solar system 2 Trappist 1. Satan the beast with the 7 heads is the red dwarf sun if that solar system.
Do you know why Trappist 1 isn’t talked about anymore. Because it has gone back to the abyss.
Thoth, Moses, Eve, Satan, Alalu, David and many other characters are all playing the role of the red sun.
The number of the beast is the number of man. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons.
Every religion is the same stories about our universes hidden cycles repeated over and over.
I am glad I won’t be in your shoes on Judgement Day. You’re no bible scholer, but you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Your condemnation is assured.
Yeah but their Souls won’t be worth two Coppers on the other side…after they redeem their one way tickets into the Pit…Raw Deal…
100% agree.. The deagel will be true like ASAP
R.I.P. In the arms of angels…
So young and promising. Poor kid. I feel for his family. He believed the lies from Big Pharma. Many do. I have several friends and relatives who have taken the satan serum shot. I worry for them.
This pains me, as I see my own children in this young man. What the universities are doing is MURDER!! The amount of busy work thrown at these students can only be seen as a way to distract their minds from actually thinking about what really is important—health, religion, morality, family, etc..
I can see it so clearly now, with each passing year, students are inundated, overwhelmed, and consumed with more and more numbers, figures and useless information. We may see it as children being challenged, but that is not the case. The constant STRESS of success and future earnings keeps these young minds in a constant state of trauma (topped with the current “pandemic” propaganda) which makes them susceptible to brainwashing (Cathy O’Brien talks about this in depth). The DS/Gates/Cabal does not want to create smarter humans, but rather, mentally tired, obedient servants–incapable of critical thinking. Sadly this innocent soul is the result of a well calculated, social snowball effect that is playing out right before our eyes.
Please stay strong, protect your children, talk to your children, and NEVER consent to this jab for any reason, job, school, activity, travel, etc.. Thank you Brian for everything.
McDonalds in some places is giving out the 666 shot to kids, in exchange for a Soylent Green Big Mac…
So much to say.
Unfortunately, the Seventh Day Adventist church officially and as a whole, like many other denominations today, advocate doing whatever the government tells you to do, in “obedience to Romans 13,” which they twist in an effort to avoid the courage it takes to stand up against the world.
You are so right about the covid controversy destroying families. I have some in my own family who refer to me as “You people!” as they accuse those like me of spreading some world-ending plague.
I find that most people who’ve taken the gene therapy cocktail juice have bought into the corporate news narrative, lock, stock, and barrel, and there is no amount of breaking through the emotional brick wall they’ve built, no matter how linear, reasonable, rational, objective, and data-filled your arguments are. I can usually tell pretty quickly in those conversations when it’s time to walk away, letting “Ephraim” stay joined to his idols.
And finally, I try not to get all Schadenfreude over the fact that people like that Italian actress Ludovica Bizzaglia will one day reap what she sows in their being proud of coaxing young people to rebel against the good advice of the adults in their lives who try to advise against these kill shots. But hey, you reap what you sow.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses are also cheerleaders for the shot too.
En este enlace ve la posición de los testigos de Jehova respecto a las vacunas.
More the reason to never step foot in these churches. You can believe in God without a building and donations. The churches are now home to the devil.
Amen, so true, so sadly true. Wheat from chaff. The real churches often as not look like anything but, and He provides.
Once a person takes that irreversible shot, they have to defend that decision at all cost. Admitting a mistake, implies acknowleding having been fooled into suicide. As evidence mounts it was a fatal error, they panic and try to take as many as possible with them to the grave. Hence, the irrational resentment, even haterd, to the Pures.
One of the major things schooling has done is replace the parents as the authority in children’s lives. Children think less if their parents opinion than school authorities, celebrities, sports figures, and idiotic news “reporters”. Unfortunately for this young man he didn’t live long enough to see the errors of his ways in bucking his parents council.
There are plenty of parents, religious and otherwise, who can’t wait to get their children jabbed. Problem is Informed Consent – NO ONE can give this for another in the case of experimental medicines. The ‘consenting’ parents, as well as all others involved in the ‘vaccination’ of children are criminals.
Sounds like his family faithfully followed the original intended beliefs of the Adventist denomination. If you search the web, we read that Adventist leadership here in the US will not endorse religious exemptions for its member and encourages the shots. Foolish, ignorant denominational leaders (who of course, took the jabs).
It’s too easy to get these shots on a thought like grabbing a latte. RIP and condolences. It’s distressing to hear of a young man killed by other humans in this way while the other humans will never be arrested, tried in court, sentenced and punished. Least not yet.
You’re right, it’s a “critical stage” as they come for younger children. I’m already angry at all this but thinking about “them” jabbing the nice little kids I had in class the other day with this toxic shot is horrifying. The fight is on; I’m there.
Search 2700 Church Denominations endorse the Vaccine…they are delivering Souls to the one they serve, Lucifer…in exchange for their 30 pieces of Silver…
It’s not bad for not following the parents sometimes but this time its about life and no parents would risk their childs life for vaccine but sadly this young man who is stubborn and bullhead is getting vaxx and he didn’t even reach 24 hours, now what Vladimir? You just wasted your life on a wrong decision now face your death
My college age child has been alienated from me because of the “woke” culture which imitates the distopian 1984 novel-and her “therapist” likely added fuel to the fire. Throughout her childhood, she was extremely sensitive to environmental toxins, and I avoided vaccinations and drugs (except for an asthma inhaler aspirin and Benadryl.)
She recieved the Pfizer mRNA jab this last May, and says she has had no side effects. ..maybe she recieved a placebo? All I can do is pray…she’s vehemently opposed to hearing any information from me, as it’s all “conspiracy theories” . There is power in prayer tho, so I have hope. I shared a video of the UK funeral director who passionately and eloquently reports his experience of the “plandemic” before & after the MRNA rollout. I told her it was the last thing I’d share, pray with me that she hears it? So sad that our youth are being destroyed. I pray for this young man’s family.
I wish you good luck with your daughter. It’s impossible to get through if their mind is made up and they don’t want to hear it.
Heartbreaking for the poor family! GOD rest his soul and have mercy on him!
It’s not a vaccine, many more will die from it.