July 20, 2021
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is extremely rare in teenagers and adolescents. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that about 1,500 people under age 25 die of cardiac arrest each year in the United States. Prevalence positively correlates with age (the younger you are, the more rare it is). The American Academy of Pediatrics cites various congenital heart defects as causes in most of these cases. Myocarditis (heart inflammation) is the primary unnatural cause of SCA in children.
The CDC admitted that teenagers are at-risk of developing myocarditis after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA injections. The for-profit, quasi-government organization downplayed myocarditis like it’s a paper cut that will heal in a few days. But we’ve covered numerous cases of post-injection myocarditis in teenagers across the globe. Many of them die, while others suffer perpetual debilitating symptoms.
There’s a major uptick in teenagers suddenly collapsing and dying in 2021 like nothing this blogger has seen in over 20 years working in media. Some are confirmed to have received the experimental mRNA injections. Others are not. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services admits that these pediatric deaths are normally “widely publicized” because they are rare and traumatic. But somehow mainstream media and big tech do not see any cause for alarm with this pattern.
You may judge these three cases for yourself.
Nathan Esparza, 16, California
The Castaic High School football player collapsed and died in his home on Tuesday, July 13. The Los Angeles County Fire Department arrived at his home at 5 p.m. and reported a “cardiac arrest.” There are unconfirmed reports on Twitter that Nathan had recently been injected with the experimental mRNA shots.
A GoFundMe page describes him as a “sweet, caring, goofy young soul.” In other words, he was a normal kid with no health issues at all, but just collapsed and died suddenly.
Ivan James Hicks, Jr., 16, Philadelphia
West Catholic Preparatory High School was in a 7-on-7 scrimmage at Coatesville Area Senior High School on Tuesday, July 13. Ivan Hicks was taking a water break after warming up just before the scrimmage was about to begin. He suddenly and, as local reporters said, “mysteriously” collapsed on the field before the scrimmage started.
Ivan was rushed to a local hospital, but pronounced dead shortly after arrival. The Chester County Coroner’s Office said they are investigating “cardiac causes.” No media reports mention experimental mRNA injections. Watch a report from 6 ABC in Philadelphia.
It’s relevant to note that, yes, young men do die on the football field. But they typically die from blunt force trauma and/or poor tackling technique, not from mysteriously collapsing. Further, in high school and college combined, about 12 players total die per year. It’s very rare.
Despite mainstream media blaming Ivan’s death on heat (it was an 88 degree day), only two players per year died from heat-related injuries from 2013 to 2018, according to the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research. Every player knows the risks and dangers associated with football before stepping onto the field. Unfortunately they are not told about the risks of experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.
Ivan was a 6’4, 300 pound tackle on both sides of the ball. His size alone would have led to offers from numerous colleges. A GoFundMe page said he dreamed of studying and playing football at Georgia State University.
Harriet Dixon, 15: Bury, Greater Manchester (U.K.)
Harriet woke up on Friday, June 25 complaining of a severe migraine headache. But since the Saint Gabriel’s Roman Catholic High School student had migraines in the past, it was brushed off as no big deal. She took a nap and woke up around 2 p.m. Eddie Dixon, her father, immediately suspected COVID-19. He performed two rapid antigen COVID-19 home tests. Both came up negative. Harriet complained of more pain throughout her body before suddenly collapsing.
Her parents performed CPR while waiting for paramedics. Harriet was rushed to North Manchester General Hospital. But she was pronounced death on arrival. Doctors told her she tested positive for COVID-19 after she passed away. No media reports mention Pfizer injections.
Eddie told LancsLive, “we know she suffered a cardiac arrest.” But the family said they don’t know what caused it.
Real numbers won’t be known for years
Mainstream media and big tech do not allow parents or anyone for that matter to tell their “vaccine” stories unless they pledge allegiance to the COVID cult. MSM willingly promote GoFundMe links only for those who say they’d do it again or deflect attention away from the injections in relation to their maimed or dead loved ones. MSM covered a few of these stories early on in 2021. But that is becoming more and more rare as they all get on code with big pharma mandates.
There’s really no telling how many kids are dying of cardiac arrest after these experimental injections. An unnamed Singapore teenager died on July 3, six days after the first Pfizer injection. He died from cardiac arrest that was likely triggered by myocarditis. It is not normal for children under age 18 to just collapse and die despite mainstream media and big tech conditioning the global population to believe teenage SCA is nothing out of the ordinary.
Teen deaths will unfortunately increase significantly as 2021 goes on. Mainstream media are facilitating it all too. Teen Vogue wrote a story in April that encouraged kids to defy their parents and get the experimental mRNA shots without permission. The Mama Bear and Papa Bear roles are crucial in 2021. The choice is yours as parents.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
Why are the sheep not drawing a connection between teenagers getting the jab and heart issues? Oh who am I kidding they don’t have any brains to figure that one out. Just enough space left for love island and tik tok videos of people dancing to some crap top 40 hit.
In Northern Ireland they are letting kids over 12 with health issues to get the jab. This will then soon become every kid getting the jab. I’m just waiting for the rise of kids dying from this soon and if it doesn’t cause outrage among the general public then I don’t know what will. We allowed our corrupt government to pass a law allow babies to be murdered so it may be no suprise we will not worry about a few kids dying. Just anti vaxxers talking tripe.
I used to work in a school but resigned over the horrifc treatment they were giving the pupils. Forcing them to wear masks and shaming them for breaking silly covid policies. It made me sick that they were destroying these children. Having to ask a kid to wear a mask is the most evil thing someone could do. I used to do they I felt bad about myself and would cry thinking about it. Then I didn’t tell them to put masks off. The schools and our society don’t care about our kids. We need to stand up for them.
I know I have very nasty things to say when it comes to dumb adults taking these jabs, but with kids, these bastards are playing a completely different game. They are sacrificing these children’s lives for their own gain. I don’t want to see anymore kids dying of it but I don’t know what to do. When an adult takes it, it’s their choice. I tried reasoning with people not to take it but they didn’t take heed my warning. How are we supposed to stop this massacare of innocent children who have nothing wrong but instead suffered during this hell?
No proper tests have been done on these so called vaccines on children. So why allow them to take it? Animals!
“The schools and our society don’t care about our kids. We need to stand up for them.”
I SO agree with you on that…. I have a relative who worked in the public school system and they sneakily went behind my back to get a COVID shot to work in the school system again this year when schools in Virginia reopened briefly… All she cared about was a paycheck and making money again SHE DIDN’T GIVE A DAMN FOR THEM KIDS …. She now works or is about to for a government service job…. I say all this to say in agreement that most like my relative don’t give a damn about these kids they teach in the school system it’s all about the money and selling out (soul wise) to put a shot over God to serve mammon (money)…. I feel so horrible for the youth today…. And the shitty example they have gotten from people like my relative in the public school system…. I’m slowly coming to terms that all will pass no matter how many innocent lives are taken in the process….
Yes, it is pure evil what they are doing to children. If the opportunity presents itself, I always speak up about this garbage when it involves children. When it just involves adults and their choices, I weigh the situation as to what may be gained by speaking; but for kids, it is another story.
The people who are blind are the same people I used to consider intelligent. How are intelligent people so blind and stupid. The only answer I can find is in Scripture. God chooses their delusions and blinds them. Now it makes sense!
And the beat goes on. Very bad music. Sorry for these kids. Wonder if anyone even cares to look into a connection to the shots. Crickets.
I think these are the desired outcomes. Perhaps the model doesn’t include teenagers dying, but if they do, (per the model) is it more than collateral damage? We’ve got straight up thuggery coming down the pike. Today’s installment, Mitch McConnell urging everyone to vaccinate or face more lockdowns.
In the sad case of Nathan Esparza #1466009-1 His advocate said, “My son died, while taking his math class on Zoom. We are waiting for the autopsy because the doctors did not find anything. He was a healthy boy, he had a good academic index, he wanted to be a civil engineer. He was the best thing in my life.”
I’m trying to put names and faces to the VAERS reports. When I use the lookup “magnifying glass” feature on this site, it doesn’t bring up cases by the keyword I Input. Is there any resolution to this?
Why is this happening? Why on earth would. These pharmaceutical companies use experimental drugs on people. I never got the vaccine and never will. Not even my flu shot. There is to much political pressure on a cure. Children should not be dropping like flies. I think all vaccines should be stopped asap. The truth is what the American people want to know the truth so this will stop this killing of our children. And every one else . This covid nightmare if there is a real treatment out there use it . But politics. don’t belong in this. All this cover up and lies have to stop. What if we’re your child or grandchild how would you feel? All these young kids dying for no reason stop it now, How do these people sleep at night? Just the Doctors scientist and other people in medical field should be the only one discussing this issue. People are trying to play GOD an that doesn’t work.Do something and help the American. People please thank you for listening